+// Keep only the shapes with minimal shape type
+static void keepTopLevelShapes(ListOfShape& theShapes)
+ GeomAPI_Shape::ShapeType aKeepShapeType = GeomAPI_Shape::SHAPE;
+ ListOfShape::iterator anIt = theShapes.begin();
+ while (anIt != theShapes.end()) {
+ GeomAPI_Shape::ShapeType aType = (*anIt)->shapeType();
+ if (aType < aKeepShapeType) {
+ // found a shape with lesser shape type => remove all previous shapes
+ aKeepShapeType = aType;
+ theShapes.erase(theShapes.begin(), anIt);
+ ++anIt;
+ } else if (aType > aKeepShapeType) {
+ // shapes with greater shape type should be removed from the list
+ ListOfShape::iterator aRemoveIt = anIt++;
+ theShapes.erase(aRemoveIt);
+ } else
+ ++anIt;
+ }
void Model_BodyBuilder::loadAndOrientGeneratedShapes (
GeomAlgoAPI_MakeShape* theMS,
std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> theShapeIn,
std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> aRShape(new GeomAPI_Shape());
aRShape->setImpl((new TopoDS_Shape(aRoot)));
theMS->generated(aRShape, aList);
+ keepTopLevelShapes(aList);
std::list<std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> >::const_iterator
anIt = aList.begin(), aLast = aList.end();
for (; anIt != aLast; anIt++) {