+class _AssemblyDKLibFile(ASSD):
+ """Manage informations about a fuel assembly DKLib file."""
+class _ReflectorDKLibFile(ASSD):
+ """Manage informations about a reflector DKLib file."""
+AssemblyDKLibFile = OPER(
+ nom="AssemblyDKLibFile",
+ sd_prod=_AssemblyDKLibFile,
+ fr="Description d'un fichier DKLib assemblage combustible",
+ ang="Description of a fuel assembly DKLib file",
+ filename=SIMP(
+ fr="Nom du fichier DKLib",
+ ang="DKLib filename",
+ statut="o",
+ typ="TXM"),
+ pattern=SIMP(
+ fr="Nom du pattern à utiliser dans le fichier DKLib",
+ ang="Name of the pattern to use in the DKLib file",
+ statut="o",
+ typ="TXM"),
+ rod_bank_names=SIMP(
+ fr=("Nom de la configuration de grappe dans la DKLib pour chaque type "
+ "de matériaux absorbants disponibles dans le modèle sous la forme "
+ "({{{}}}, nom dans la DKLib)").format(", ".join(ROD_COMPOSITIONS)),
+ ang=("Name of the rod cluster configuration in the DKLib file for any "
+ "type of absorbing materials available in the model under the form "
+ "({{{}}}, name in the DKLib)").format(", ".join(ROD_COMPOSITIONS)),
+ statut="o",
+ typ=Tuple(2),
+ # TODO: Check if the first string is ROD_COMPOSITIONS
+ validators=VerifTypeTuple(("TXM", "TXM")),
+ max="**"))
+ReflectorDKLibFile = OPER(
+ nom="ReflectorDKLibFile",
+ sd_prod=_ReflectorDKLibFile,
+ fr="Description d'un fichier DKLib réflecteur",
+ ang="Description of a reflector DKLib file",
+ filename=SIMP(
+ fr="Nom du fichier DKLib",
+ ang="DKLib filename",
+ statut="o",
+ typ="TXM"),
+ radial_pattern=SIMP(
+ fr="Nom du pattern contenant les données du réflecteur radial",
+ ang="Name of the pattern containing the radial reflector data",
+ statut="o",
+ typ="TXM"),
+ lower_pattern=SIMP(
+ fr="Nom du pattern contenant les données du réflecteur axial bas",
+ ang="Name of the pattern containing the lower reflector data",
+ statut="o",
+ typ="TXM"),
+ upper_pattern=SIMP(
+ fr="Nom du pattern contenant les données du réflecteur axial haut",
+ ang="Name of the pattern containing the upper reflector data",
+ statut="o",
+ typ="TXM"))
# TODO: Split this class in two: neutronic and thermalhydraulic)
# TODO: Or split this class in N classes (one for each code)
Model_data = OPER(
+ pattern='PALU_AF3R_17_4.00_0P_0P_100_100__535_306.5_0.7127__500____________________________P13',
+ rod_bank_names=(('Black','black_rods'),('Grey','grey_rods'),('B4C','b4c_rods')),);
+ pattern=\
+ 'PALU_AF3R_17_4.0012G12G_100_100__535_306.5_0.7127__500___________GD__8_U_0.71_____P13',
+ rod_bank_names=(('Black','black_rods'),('Grey','grey_rods'),('B4C','b4c_rods')),);
+ radial_pattern='R',
+ lower_pattern='lower',
+ upper_pattern='upper',);
post_processing=(('Fuel temperature@Thermalhydraulics','MAX'),('Neutronic power@Neutronics','SUM'),('Fuel temperature@Thermalhydraulics','MED'),('Neutronic power@Neutronics','MED')),);
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