#include <GeomAlgoAPI_XAOExport.h>
#include <GeomAPI_Shape.h>
+#include <GeomAPI_ShapeExplorer.h>
#include <ModelAPI_AttributeSelectionList.h>
#include <ModelAPI_AttributeString.h>
return false;
+/// Returns all sub-shapes of the given shape in theResult
+static void allSubShapes(const GeomShapePtr theShape, GeomAPI_Shape::ShapeType theType,
+ std::list<GeomShapePtr>& theResult)
+ if (theShape->shapeType() == theType) {
+ theResult.push_back(theShape);
+ } else {
+ GeomAPI_DataMapOfShapeShape aUnique; // to keep only unique shapes
+ for(GeomAPI_ShapeExplorer anExp(theShape, theType); anExp.more(); anExp.next()) {
+ if (aUnique.bind(anExp.current(), anExp.current()))
+ theResult.push_back(anExp.current());
+ }
+ }
void ExchangePlugin_ExportFeature::exportXAO(const std::string& theFileName)
try {
// conversion of dimension
std::string aSelectionType = aSelectionList->selectionType();
+ GeomAPI_Shape::ShapeType aSelType = GeomAPI_Shape::shapeTypeByStr(aSelectionType);
std::string aDimensionString =
XAO::Dimension aGroupDimension = XAO::XaoUtils::stringToDimension(aDimensionString);
try {
for (int aSelectionIndex = 0; aSelectionIndex < aSelectionList->size(); ++aSelectionIndex){
AttributeSelectionPtr aSelection = aSelectionList->value(aSelectionIndex);
+ GeomShapePtr aSelShape = aSelection->value();
+ if (!aSelShape.get() && aSelection->context().get()) {
+ aSelShape = aSelection->context()->shape();
+ }
- // complex conversion of reference id to element index
- // gives bad id in case the selection is done from python script
- // => using GeomAlgoAPI_CompoundBuilder::id instead
- // int aReferenceID_old = aSelection->Id();
- int aReferenceID = GeomAlgoAPI_CompoundBuilder::id(aShape, aSelection->value());
- if (aReferenceID == 0) // selected value does not found in the exported shape
- continue;
- std::string aReferenceString = XAO::XaoUtils::intToString(aReferenceID);
- int anElementID =
- aXao.getGeometry()->getElementIndexByReference(aGroupDimension, aReferenceString);
- aXaoGroup->add(anElementID);
+ std::list<GeomShapePtr> allSubs;
+ allSubShapes(aSelShape, aSelType, allSubs);
+ std::list<GeomShapePtr>::iterator anIter = allSubs.begin();
+ for(; anIter != allSubs.end(); anIter++) {
+ int aReferenceID = GeomAlgoAPI_CompoundBuilder::id(aShape, *anIter);
+ if (aReferenceID == 0) // selected value does not found in the exported shape
+ continue;
+ std::string aReferenceString = XAO::XaoUtils::intToString(aReferenceID);
+ int anElementID =
+ aXao.getGeometry()->getElementIndexByReference(aGroupDimension, aReferenceString);
+ aXaoGroup->add(anElementID);
+ }
} catch (XAO::XAO_Exception& e) {