\image html extrusion2.png
+\n Finally, you can define the \b Extrusion by the <b>Base Shape</b>
+and the <b>DX, DY, DZ</b> Vector\n
+<b>Both Directions</b> checkbox allows extruding the
+source objects forward and backward also.
+\n <b>TUI Command:</b> <em>geompy.MakePrismDXDYDZ(Base, dx, dy, dz)</em>
+\n <b>Arguments:</b> Name + 1 shape (vertex, edge, planar wire, face or
+shell) serving as base object + 3 axis directions.
+\image html extrusion3.png
\image html prisms_basessn.png
GEOM_Object MakePrismTwoPnt2Ways (in GEOM_Object theBase,
in GEOM_Object thePoint1,
in GEOM_Object thePoint2);
+ /*!
+ * Create a shape by extrusion of the base shape along a vector, defined by DX DY DZ.
+ * \param theBase Base shape to be extruded.
+ * \param DX, DY, DZ end of extrusion vector.
+ * \return New GEOM_Object, containing the created prism.
+ */
+ GEOM_Object MakePrismDXDYDZ (in GEOM_Object theBase,
+ in double theDX, in double theDY, in double theDZ);
+ /* The same prism but in two directions forward&backward */
+ GEOM_Object MakePrismDXDYDZ2Ways (in GEOM_Object theBase,
+ in double theDX, in double theDY, in double theDZ);
* Create a shape by extrusion of the base shape along
polyline.png \
prism.png \
prism2.png \
+prism3.png \
revol.png \
rotate.png \
rotatepnt.png \
+// DlgRef_1Sel3Spin1Check
+DlgRef_1Sel3Spin1Check::DlgRef_1Sel3Spin1Check( QWidget* parent, Qt::WindowFlags f )
+: QWidget( parent, f )
+ setupUi( this );
// DlgRef_1Sel4Spin
+// DlgRef_1Sel3Spin1Check
+#include "ui_DlgRef_1Sel3Spin1Check_QTD.h"
+class DLGREF_EXPORT DlgRef_1Sel3Spin1Check : public QWidget,
+ public Ui::DlgRef_1Sel3Spin1Check_QTD
+ DlgRef_1Sel3Spin1Check( QWidget* = 0, Qt::WindowFlags = 0 );
+ ~DlgRef_1Sel3Spin1Check();
// DlgRef_1Sel4Spin
HEADERS += DlgRef_2Sel2Spin_QTD.h
HEADERS += DlgRef_2Sel3Spin_QTD.h
HEADERS += DlgRef_1Sel1Spin1Check_QTD.h
+HEADERS += DlgRef_1Sel3Spin1Check_QTD.h
HEADERS += DlgRef_2Sel1Spin2Check_QTD.h
HEADERS += DlgRef_2Sel2Spin1Check_QTD.h
HEADERS += DlgRef_2Sel4Spin1Check_QTD.h
HEADERS += DlgRef_2Sel2Spin.h
HEADERS += DlgRef_2Sel3Spin.h
HEADERS += DlgRef_1Sel1Spin1Check.h
+HEADERS += DlgRef_1Sel3Spin1Check.h
HEADERS += DlgRef_2Sel1Spin2Check.h
HEADERS += DlgRef_2Sel2Spin1Check.h
HEADERS += DlgRef_2Sel4Spin1Check.h
SOURCES += DlgRef_2Sel2Spin.cxx
SOURCES += DlgRef_2Sel3Spin.cxx
SOURCES += DlgRef_1Sel1Spin1Check.cxx
+SOURCES += DlgRef_1Sel3Spin1Check.cxx
SOURCES += DlgRef_2Sel1Spin2Check.cxx
SOURCES += DlgRef_2Sel2Spin1Check.cxx
SOURCES += DlgRef_2Sel4Spin1Check.cxx
--- /dev/null
+<ui version="4.0" >
+ <class>DlgRef_1Sel3Spin1Check_QTD</class>
+ <widget class="QWidget" name="DlgRef_1Sel3Spin1Check_QTD" >
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+ <height>120</height>
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+ <number>0</number>
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+ <number>0</number>
+ </property>
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+ <number>0</number>
+ </property>
+ <property name="horizontalSpacing" >
+ <number>6</number>
+ </property>
+ <property name="verticalSpacing" >
+ <number>6</number>
+ </property>
+ <item row="0" column="0" >
+ <widget class="QGroupBox" name="GroupBox1" >
+ <property name="title" >
+ <string/>
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+ <layout class="QGridLayout" >
+ <property name="leftMargin" >
+ <number>9</number>
+ </property>
+ <property name="topMargin" >
+ <number>9</number>
+ </property>
+ <property name="rightMargin" >
+ <number>9</number>
+ </property>
+ <property name="bottomMargin" >
+ <number>9</number>
+ </property>
+ <property name="horizontalSpacing" >
+ <number>6</number>
+ </property>
+ <property name="verticalSpacing" >
+ <number>6</number>
+ </property>
+ <item row="2" column="1" colspan="2" >
+ <widget class="QtxDoubleSpinBox" name="SpinBox_DY" />
+ </item>
+ <item row="3" column="1" colspan="2" >
+ <widget class="QtxDoubleSpinBox" name="SpinBox_DZ" />
+ </item>
+ <item row="1" column="1" colspan="2" >
+ <widget class="QtxDoubleSpinBox" name="SpinBox_DX" />
+ </item>
+ <item row="4" column="0" colspan="2" >
+ <widget class="QCheckBox" name="CheckButton1" >
+ <property name="text" >
+ <string/>
+ </property>
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+ <string>TL2</string>
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+ <bool>false</bool>
+ </property>
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+ <item row="3" column="0" >
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+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
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+ </property>
+ <property name="text" >
+ <string>TL4</string>
+ </property>
+ <property name="wordWrap" >
+ <bool>false</bool>
+ </property>
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+ <item row="2" column="0" >
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+ </property>
+ <property name="text" >
+ <string>TL3</string>
+ </property>
+ <property name="wordWrap" >
+ <bool>false</bool>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
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+ </item>
+ <item row="0" column="0" >
+ <widget class="QLabel" name="TextLabel1" >
+ <property name="sizePolicy" >
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+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
+ </property>
+ <property name="text" >
+ <string>TL1</string>
+ </property>
+ <property name="wordWrap" >
+ <bool>false</bool>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item row="0" column="1" >
+ <widget class="QPushButton" name="PushButton1" >
+ <property name="sizePolicy" >
+ <sizepolicy vsizetype="Fixed" hsizetype="Fixed" >
+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
+ </property>
+ <property name="text" >
+ <string/>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ </layout>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ </layout>
+ </widget>
+ <layoutdefault spacing="6" margin="11" />
+ <pixmapfunction>qPixmapFromMimeSource</pixmapfunction>
+ <customwidgets>
+ <customwidget>
+ <class>QtxDoubleSpinBox</class>
+ <extends>QDoubleSpinBox</extends>
+ <header location="global" >QtxDoubleSpinBox.h</header>
+ </customwidget>
+ </customwidgets>
+ <tabstops>
+ <tabstop>PushButton1</tabstop>
+ <tabstop>LineEdit1</tabstop>
+ <tabstop>SpinBox_DX</tabstop>
+ <tabstop>SpinBox_DY</tabstop>
+ <tabstop>SpinBox_DZ</tabstop>
+ </tabstops>
+ <resources/>
+ <connections/>
ui_DlgRef_1Sel2Spin_QTD.h \
ui_DlgRef_1Sel3Check_QTD.h \
ui_DlgRef_1Sel3Spin_QTD.h \
+ ui_DlgRef_1Sel3Spin1Check_QTD.h \
ui_DlgRef_1Sel4Spin_QTD.h \
ui_DlgRef_1Sel5Spin1Check_QTD.h \
ui_DlgRef_1Sel5Spin_QTD.h \
+ <message>
+ <source>ICON_DLG_PRISM_DXDYDZ</source>
+ <translation>prism3.png</translation>
+ </message>
<translation>Base Shape + 2 Points</translation>
+ <message>
+ <source>GEOM_EXTRUSION_DXDYDZ</source>
+ <translation>Base Shape + DX DY DZ Vector</translation>
+ </message>
<translation>Construction by Extrusion</translation>
return aPrism;
+ * MakePrismDXDYDZ
+ */
+Handle(GEOM_Object) GEOMImpl_I3DPrimOperations::MakePrismDXDYDZ
+ (Handle(GEOM_Object) theBase, double theDX, double theDY, double theDZ)
+ SetErrorCode(KO);
+ if (theBase.IsNull()) return NULL;
+ //Add a new Prism object
+ Handle(GEOM_Object) aPrism = GetEngine()->AddObject(GetDocID(), GEOM_PRISM);
+ //Add a new Prism function for creation a Prism by DXDYDZ
+ Handle(GEOM_Function) aFunction =
+ aPrism->AddFunction(GEOMImpl_PrismDriver::GetID(), PRISM_BASE_DXDYDZ);
+ if (aFunction.IsNull()) return NULL;
+ //Check if the function is set correctly
+ if (aFunction->GetDriverGUID() != GEOMImpl_PrismDriver::GetID()) return NULL;
+ GEOMImpl_IPrism aCI (aFunction);
+ Handle(GEOM_Function) aRefBase = theBase->GetLastFunction();
+ if (aRefBase.IsNull()) return NULL;
+ aCI.SetBase(aRefBase);
+ aCI.SetDX(theDX);
+ aCI.SetDY(theDY);
+ aCI.SetDZ(theDZ);
+ //Compute the Prism value
+ try {
+ if (!GetSolver()->ComputeFunction(aFunction)) {
+ SetErrorCode("Extrusion can not be created, check input data");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ catch (Standard_Failure) {
+ Handle(Standard_Failure) aFail = Standard_Failure::Caught();
+ SetErrorCode(aFail->GetMessageString());
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ //Make a Python command
+ GEOM::TPythonDump(aFunction) << aPrism << " = geompy.MakePrismDXDYDZ("
+ << theBase << ", " << theDX << ", " << theDY << ", " << theDZ << ")";
+ SetErrorCode(OK);
+ return aPrism;
+ * MakePrismDXDYDZ_2WAYS
+ */
+Handle(GEOM_Object) GEOMImpl_I3DPrimOperations::MakePrismDXDYDZ2Ways
+ (Handle(GEOM_Object) theBase, double theDX, double theDY, double theDZ)
+ SetErrorCode(KO);
+ if (theBase.IsNull()) return NULL;
+ //Add a new Prism object
+ Handle(GEOM_Object) aPrism = GetEngine()->AddObject(GetDocID(), GEOM_PRISM);
+ //Add a new Prism function for creation a Prism by DXDYDZ
+ Handle(GEOM_Function) aFunction =
+ aPrism->AddFunction(GEOMImpl_PrismDriver::GetID(), PRISM_BASE_DXDYDZ_2WAYS);
+ if (aFunction.IsNull()) return NULL;
+ //Check if the function is set correctly
+ if (aFunction->GetDriverGUID() != GEOMImpl_PrismDriver::GetID()) return NULL;
+ GEOMImpl_IPrism aCI (aFunction);
+ Handle(GEOM_Function) aRefBase = theBase->GetLastFunction();
+ if (aRefBase.IsNull()) return NULL;
+ aCI.SetBase(aRefBase);
+ aCI.SetDX(theDX);
+ aCI.SetDY(theDY);
+ aCI.SetDZ(theDZ);
+ //Compute the Prism value
+ try {
+ if (!GetSolver()->ComputeFunction(aFunction)) {
+ SetErrorCode("Extrusion can not be created, check input data");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ catch (Standard_Failure) {
+ Handle(Standard_Failure) aFail = Standard_Failure::Caught();
+ SetErrorCode(aFail->GetMessageString());
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ //Make a Python command
+ GEOM::TPythonDump(aFunction) << aPrism << " = geompy.MakePrismDXDYDZ2Ways("
+ << theBase << ", " << theDX << ", " << theDY << ", " << theDZ << ")";
+ SetErrorCode(OK);
+ return aPrism;
Handle(GEOM_Object) thePoint1,
Handle(GEOM_Object) thePoint2);
+ Standard_EXPORT Handle(GEOM_Object) MakePrismDXDYDZ (Handle(GEOM_Object) theBase,
+ double theDX, double theDY, double theDZ);
+ Standard_EXPORT Handle(GEOM_Object) MakePrismDXDYDZ2Ways (Handle(GEOM_Object) theBase,
+ double theDX, double theDY, double theDZ);
Standard_EXPORT Handle(GEOM_Object) MakePipe (Handle(GEOM_Object) theBase,
Handle(GEOM_Object) thePath);
#define PRISM_ARG_BASE 3
#define PRISM_ARG_PNT_F 4
#define PRISM_ARG_PNT_L 5
+#define PRISM_ARG_DX 6
+#define PRISM_ARG_DY 7
+#define PRISM_ARG_DZ 8
class GEOMImpl_IPrism
void SetFirstPoint(Handle(GEOM_Function) thePoint) { _func->SetReference(PRISM_ARG_PNT_F, thePoint); }
void SetLastPoint (Handle(GEOM_Function) thePoint) { _func->SetReference(PRISM_ARG_PNT_L, thePoint); }
+ void SetDX(double theDX) { _func->SetReal(PRISM_ARG_DX, theDX); }
+ void SetDY(double theDY) { _func->SetReal(PRISM_ARG_DY, theDY); }
+ void SetDZ(double theDZ) { _func->SetReal(PRISM_ARG_DZ, theDZ); }
+ double GetDX() { return _func->GetReal(PRISM_ARG_DX); }
+ double GetDY() { return _func->GetReal(PRISM_ARG_DY); }
+ double GetDZ() { return _func->GetReal(PRISM_ARG_DZ); }
Handle(GEOM_Function) GetBase () { return _func->GetReference(PRISM_ARG_BASE); }
Handle(GEOM_Function) GetVector() { return _func->GetReference(PRISM_ARG_VEC ); }
Handle(GEOM_Function) GetFirstPoint() { return _func->GetReference(PRISM_ARG_PNT_F ); }
- } else {
+ } else if (aType == PRISM_BASE_DXDYDZ || aType == PRISM_BASE_DXDYDZ_2WAYS) {
+ Handle(GEOM_Function) aRefBase = aCI.GetBase();
+ TopoDS_Shape aShapeBase = aRefBase->GetValue();
+ gp_Vec aV (aCI.GetDX(), aCI.GetDY(), aCI.GetDZ());
+ if (aV.Magnitude() > gp::Resolution()) {
+ {
+ gp_Trsf aTrsf;
+ aTrsf.SetTranslation(-aV);
+ BRepBuilderAPI_Transform aTransformation(aShapeBase, aTrsf, Standard_False);
+ aShapeBase = aTransformation.Shape();
+ aV = aV * 2;
+ }
+ aShape = BRepPrimAPI_MakePrism(aShapeBase, aV, Standard_False).Shape();
+ }
if (aShape.IsNull()) return 0;
GEOM::ListOfGO_var list = geomObj->GetDependency();
- if( list->length() <= 1 )
- continue; // ??? why 1?
+ if( list->length() == 0 )
+ continue;
for( int i = 0; i < list->length(); i++ ) {
bool depends = false;
return GetObject(anObject);
+ * MakePrismDXDYDZ
+ */
+GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr GEOM_I3DPrimOperations_i::MakePrismDXDYDZ
+ (GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theBase, CORBA::Double theDX,
+ CORBA::Double theDY, CORBA::Double theDZ)
+ GEOM::GEOM_Object_var aGEOMObject;
+ //Set a not done flag
+ GetOperations()->SetNotDone();
+ if (theBase == NULL) return aGEOMObject._retn();
+ //Get the reference objects
+ Handle(GEOM_Object) aBase = GetOperations()->GetEngine()->GetObject
+ (theBase->GetStudyID(), theBase->GetEntry());
+ if (aBase.IsNull()) return aGEOMObject._retn();
+ //Create the Prism
+ Handle(GEOM_Object) anObject =
+ GetOperations()->MakePrismDXDYDZ(aBase, theDX, theDY, theDZ);
+ if (!GetOperations()->IsDone() || anObject.IsNull())
+ return aGEOMObject._retn();
+ return GetObject(anObject);
+ * MakePrismDXDYDZ2Ways
+ */
+GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr GEOM_I3DPrimOperations_i::MakePrismDXDYDZ2Ways
+ (GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theBase, CORBA::Double theDX,
+ CORBA::Double theDY, CORBA::Double theDZ)
+ GEOM::GEOM_Object_var aGEOMObject;
+ //Set a not done flag
+ GetOperations()->SetNotDone();
+ if (theBase == NULL) return aGEOMObject._retn();
+ //Get the reference objects
+ Handle(GEOM_Object) aBase = GetOperations()->GetEngine()->GetObject
+ (theBase->GetStudyID(), theBase->GetEntry());
+ if (aBase.IsNull()) return aGEOMObject._retn();
+ //Create the Prism
+ Handle(GEOM_Object) anObject =
+ GetOperations()->MakePrismDXDYDZ2Ways(aBase, theDX, theDY, theDZ);
+ if (!GetOperations()->IsDone() || anObject.IsNull())
+ return aGEOMObject._retn();
+ return GetObject(anObject);
* MakePipe
GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr thePoint1,
GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr thePoint2);
+ GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr MakePrismDXDYDZ (GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theBase,
+ CORBA::Double theDX,
+ CORBA::Double theDY,
+ CORBA::Double theDZ);
+ GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr MakePrismDXDYDZ2Ways (GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theBase,
+ CORBA::Double theDX,
+ CORBA::Double theDY,
+ CORBA::Double theDZ);
GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr MakePipe (GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theBase,
GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr thePath);
return anObj;
+// MakePrismDXDYDZ:
+GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr GEOM_Superv_i::MakePrismDXDYDZ (GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theBase,
+ CORBA::Double theDX, CORBA::Double theDY, CORBA::Double theDZ)
+ beginService( " GEOM_Superv_i::MakePrismDXDYDZ" );
+ MESSAGE("GEOM_Superv_i::MakePrismDXDYDZ");
+ get3DPrimOp();
+ GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr anObj = my3DPrimOp->MakePrismDXDYDZ(theBase, theDX, theDY, theDZ);
+ endService( " GEOM_Superv_i::MakePrismDXDYDZ" );
+ return anObj;
+// MakePrismDXDYDZ:
+GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr GEOM_Superv_i::MakePrismDXDYDZ2Ways (GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theBase,
+ CORBA::Double theDX, CORBA::Double theDY, CORBA::Double theDZ)
+ beginService( " GEOM_Superv_i::MakePrismDXDYDZ2Ways" );
+ MESSAGE("GEOM_Superv_i::MakePrismDXDYDZ2Ways");
+ get3DPrimOp();
+ GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr anObj = my3DPrimOp->MakePrismDXDYDZ2Ways(theBase, theDX, theDY, theDZ);
+ endService( " GEOM_Superv_i::MakePrismDXDYDZ2Ways" );
+ return anObj;
// MakePipe:
GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr MakePrismTwoPnt2Ways (GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theBase,
GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr thePoint1,
GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr thePoint2);
+ GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr MakePrismDXDYDZ (GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theBase,
+ CORBA::Double theDX,
+ CORBA::Double theDY,
+ CORBA::Double theDZ);
+ GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr MakePrismDXDYDZ2Ways (GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theBase,
+ CORBA::Double theDX,
+ CORBA::Double theDY,
+ CORBA::Double theDZ);
GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr MakePipe (GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theBase,
GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr thePath);
GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr MakeRevolutionAxisAngle (GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theBase,
Copy = geompy.MakeCopy(Box) #(GEOM_Object_ptr)->GEOM_Object_ptr
Prism = geompy.MakePrismVecH(Face, vz, 100.0) #(2 GEOM_Object_ptr, Double)->GEOM_Object_ptr
Prism2Ways = geompy.MakePrismVecH2Ways(Face, vz, 10.0) #(2 GEOM_Object_ptr, Double)->GEOM_Object_ptr
+ PrismDXDYDZ= geompy.MakePrismDXDYDZ(Face2, 10, 20, 100)#(2 GEOM_Object_ptr, Double)->GEOM_Object_ptr
+ PrismDXDYDZ2Ways= geompy.MakePrismDXDYDZ2Ways(Face, 30, -20, 200)#(2 GEOM_Object_ptr, Double)->GEOM_Object_ptr
Revolution = geompy.MakeRevolution(Face, vz, angle2) #
Revolution2Ways = geompy.MakeRevolution(Face, vz, angle1) #
Filling = geompy.MakeFilling(Compound, mindeg, maxdeg,
id_Copy = geompy.addToStudy(Copy, "Copy")
id_Prism = geompy.addToStudy(Prism, "Prism")
id_Prism2Ways = geompy.addToStudy(Prism2Ways, "Prism2Ways")
+ id_PrismDXDYDZ= geompy.addToStudy(PrismDXDYDZ,"PrismDXDYDZ")
+ id_PrismDXDYDZ2Ways= geompy.addToStudy(PrismDXDYDZ2Ways,"PrismDXDYDZ2Ways")
id_Revolution = geompy.addToStudy(Revolution, "Revolution")
id_Revolution2Ways = geompy.addToStudy(Revolution2Ways, "Revolution2Ways")
id_Filling = geompy.addToStudy(Filling, "Filling")
anObj = self.PrimOp.MakePrismVecH2Ways(theBase, theVec, theH)
RaiseIfFailed("MakePrismVecH2Ways", self.PrimOp)
return anObj
+ ## Create a shape by extrusion of the base shape along the dx, dy, dz direction
+ # @param theBase Base shape to be extruded.
+ # @param theDX, theDY, theDZ Directions of extrusion.
+ # @return New GEOM_Object, containing the created prism.
+ #
+ # @ref tui_creation_prism "Example"
+ def MakePrismDXDYDZ(self, theBase, theDX, theDY, theDZ):
+ # Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py
+ anObj = self.PrimOp.MakePrismDXDYDZ(theBase, theDX, theDY, theDZ)
+ RaiseIfFailed("MakePrismDXDYDZ", self.PrimOp)
+ return anObj
+ ## Create a shape by extrusion of the base shape along the dx, dy, dz direction
+ # i.e. all the space, transfixed by the base shape during its translation
+ # along the vector on the given distance in 2 Ways (forward/backward) .
+ # @param theBase Base shape to be extruded.
+ # @param theDX, theDY, theDZ Directions of extrusion.
+ # @return New GEOM_Object, containing the created prism.
+ #
+ # @ref tui_creation_prism "Example"
+ def MakePrismDXDYDZ2Ways(self, theBase, theDX, theDY, theDZ):
+ # Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py
+ anObj = self.PrimOp.MakePrismDXDYDZ2Ways(theBase, theDX, theDY, theDZ)
+ RaiseIfFailed("MakePrismDXDYDZ2Ways", self.PrimOp)
+ return anObj
## Create a shape by revolution of the base shape around the axis
# on the given angle, i.e. all the space, transfixed by the base
QPixmap image0( aResMgr->loadPixmap( "GEOM", tr( "ICON_DLG_PRISM" ) ) );
QPixmap image1( aResMgr->loadPixmap( "GEOM", tr( "ICON_SELECT" ) ) );
QPixmap image2( aResMgr->loadPixmap( "GEOM", tr( "ICON_DLG_PRISM_2P" ) ) );
+ QPixmap image3( aResMgr->loadPixmap( "GEOM", tr( "ICON_DLG_PRISM_DXDYDZ" ) ) );
setWindowTitle( tr( "GEOM_EXTRUSION_TITLE" ) );
mainFrame()->GroupConstructors->setTitle( tr( "GEOM_EXTRUSION" ) );
mainFrame()->RadioButton1->setIcon( image0 );
mainFrame()->RadioButton2->setIcon( image2 );
- mainFrame()->RadioButton3->setAttribute( Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose );
- mainFrame()->RadioButton3->close();
+ mainFrame()->RadioButton3->setIcon( image3 );
mainFrame()->RadioButton1->setChecked( true );
- myBothway = myBothway2 = false;
+ myBothway = myBothway2 = myBothway3 = false;
GroupPoints = new DlgRef_2Sel1Spin2Check( centralWidget() );
GroupPoints->GroupBox1->setTitle( tr( "GEOM_EXTRUSION_BSV" ) );
GroupPoints->CheckButton2->setText( tr( "GEOM_REVERSE" ) );
GroupPoints2 = new DlgRef_3Sel1Check( centralWidget() );
GroupPoints2->GroupBox1->setTitle( tr( "GEOM_EXTRUSION_BSV_2P" ) );
GroupPoints2->TextLabel1->setText( tr( "GEOM_BASE" ) );
GroupPoints2->TextLabel2->setText( tr( "GEOM_POINT_I" ).arg( 1 ) );
GroupPoints2->CheckButton1->setText( tr( "GEOM_BOTHWAY" ) );
GroupPoints2->CheckButton1->setChecked( myBothway2 );
+ GroupPoints3 = new DlgRef_1Sel3Spin1Check( centralWidget() );
+ GroupPoints3->GroupBox1->setTitle(tr("GEOM_EXTRUSION_DXDYDZ"));
+ GroupPoints3->TextLabel1->setText(tr("GEOM_BASE"));
+ GroupPoints3->PushButton1->setIcon(image1);
+ GroupPoints3->TextLabel2->setText(tr("GEOM_DX"));
+ GroupPoints3->TextLabel3->setText(tr("GEOM_DY"));
+ GroupPoints3->TextLabel4->setText(tr("GEOM_DZ"));
+ GroupPoints3->CheckButton1->setText( tr( "GEOM_BOTHWAY" ) );
+ GroupPoints3->CheckButton1->setChecked( myBothway3 );
QVBoxLayout* layout = new QVBoxLayout( centralWidget() );
layout->setMargin( 0 ); layout->setSpacing( 6 );
layout->addWidget( GroupPoints );
layout->addWidget( GroupPoints2 );
+ layout->addWidget( GroupPoints3);
setHelpFileName( "create_extrusion_page.html" );
GroupPoints2->LineEdit2->setReadOnly( true );
GroupPoints2->LineEdit3->setReadOnly( true );
+ GroupPoints3->LineEdit1->setReadOnly( true );
myPoint1 = myPoint2 = myBase = myVec = GEOM::GEOM_Object::_nil();
myOkBase = myOkVec = myOkPnt1 = myOkPnt2 = false;
double step = resMgr->doubleValue( "Geometry", "SettingsGeomStep", 100 );
/* min, max, step and decimals for spin boxes & initial values */
+ initSpinBox( GroupPoints3->SpinBox_DX, COORD_MIN, COORD_MAX, step, 3 ); // VSR:TODO : DBL_DIGITS_DISPLAY
+ initSpinBox( GroupPoints3->SpinBox_DY, COORD_MIN, COORD_MAX, step, 3 ); // VSR:TODO : DBL_DIGITS_DISPLAY
+ initSpinBox( GroupPoints3->SpinBox_DZ, COORD_MIN, COORD_MAX, step, 3 ); // VSR:TODO : DBL_DIGITS_DISPLAY
+ GroupPoints3->SpinBox_DX->setValue( 0.0 );
+ GroupPoints3->SpinBox_DY->setValue( 0.0 );
+ GroupPoints3->SpinBox_DZ->setValue( 0.0 );
initSpinBox( GroupPoints->SpinBox_DX, COORD_MIN, COORD_MAX, step, 3 ); // VSR: TODO: DBL_DIGITS_DISPLAY
GroupPoints->SpinBox_DX->setValue( 100.0 );
connect( GroupPoints2->PushButton1, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( SetEditCurrentArgument() ) );
connect( GroupPoints2->PushButton2, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( SetEditCurrentArgument() ) );
connect( GroupPoints2->PushButton3, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( SetEditCurrentArgument() ) );
- connect( GroupPoints2->CheckButton1, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), this, SLOT( onBothway2() ) );
+ connect( GroupPoints2->CheckButton1, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), this, SLOT( onBothway() ) );
connect( GroupPoints2->LineEdit1, SIGNAL( returnPressed() ), this, SLOT( LineEditReturnPressed() ) );
connect( GroupPoints2->LineEdit2, SIGNAL( returnPressed() ), this, SLOT( LineEditReturnPressed() ) );
connect( GroupPoints2->LineEdit3, SIGNAL( returnPressed() ), this, SLOT( LineEditReturnPressed() ) );
+ connect( GroupPoints3->PushButton1, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( SetEditCurrentArgument() ) );
+ connect( GroupPoints3->LineEdit1, SIGNAL( returnPressed() ), this, SLOT( LineEditReturnPressed() ) );
+ connect( GroupPoints3->SpinBox_DX, SIGNAL( valueChanged( double ) ), this, SLOT( ValueChangedInSpinBox() ) );
+ connect( GroupPoints3->SpinBox_DY, SIGNAL( valueChanged( double ) ), this, SLOT( ValueChangedInSpinBox() ) );
+ connect( GroupPoints3->SpinBox_DZ, SIGNAL( valueChanged ( double ) ), this, SLOT( ValueChangedInSpinBox() ) );
+ connect( GroupPoints3->CheckButton1, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), this, SLOT( onBothway() ) );
connect( myGeomGUI->getApp()->selectionMgr(),
SIGNAL( currentSelectionChanged() ), this, SLOT( SelectionIntoArgument() ) );
void GenerationGUI_PrismDlg::SetDoubleSpinBoxStep( double step )
+ GroupPoints3->SpinBox_DX->setSingleStep(step);
+ GroupPoints3->SpinBox_DY->setSingleStep(step);
+ GroupPoints3->SpinBox_DZ->setSingleStep(step);
globalSelection( GEOM_ALLSHAPES );
+ GroupPoints3->hide();
myEditCurrentArgument = GroupPoints->LineEdit1;
+ GroupPoints3->hide();
myEditCurrentArgument = GroupPoints2->LineEdit1;
GroupPoints2->LineEdit1->setText( GroupPoints->LineEdit1->text() ); // keep base
+ case 2:
+ {
+ globalSelection( GEOM_ALLSHAPES );
+ GroupPoints->hide();
+ GroupPoints2->hide();
+ GroupPoints3->show();
+ myEditCurrentArgument = GroupPoints3->LineEdit1;
+ GroupPoints3->LineEdit1->setText( GroupPoints->LineEdit1->text() ); // keep base
+ }
myEditCurrentArgument->setText( aName );
- else { // getConstructorId()==1 - extrusion using 2 points
+ else if ( getConstructorId() == 1 ) { // getConstructorId()==1 - extrusion using 2 points
if ( IObjectCount() != 1 ) {
if ( myEditCurrentArgument == GroupPoints2->LineEdit1 )
myOkBase = false;
myPoint2 = aSelectedObject;
+ else if ( getConstructorId() == 2 ) { // extrusion using dx dy dz
+ Standard_Boolean testResult = Standard_False;
+ GEOM::GEOM_Object_var aSelectedObject =
+ GEOMBase::ConvertIOinGEOMObject( firstIObject(), testResult );
+ if ( !testResult || CORBA::is_nil( aSelectedObject ) )
+ return;
+ QString aName = GEOMBase::GetName( aSelectedObject );
+ myBase = aSelectedObject;
+ myEditCurrentArgument->setText( aName );
+ }
myEditCurrentArgument = GroupPoints2->LineEdit3;
localSelection( GEOM::GEOM_Object::_nil(), TopAbs_VERTEX );
+ else if ( send == GroupPoints3->PushButton1 ) {
+ GroupPoints3->LineEdit1->setFocus();
+ myEditCurrentArgument = GroupPoints3->LineEdit1;
+ }
send == GroupPoints->LineEdit2 ||
send == GroupPoints2->LineEdit1 ||
send == GroupPoints2->LineEdit2 ||
- send == GroupPoints2->LineEdit3 ) {
+ send == GroupPoints2->LineEdit3 ||
+ send == GroupPoints3->LineEdit1) {
myEditCurrentArgument = send;
if ( getConstructorId() == 0 )
return ( myOkBase && myOkVec ); // by vector and height
- else
+ else if ( getConstructorId() == 1 )
return ( myOkBase && myOkPnt1 && myOkPnt2 ); // by two points
+ else if ( getConstructorId() == 2 )
+ return true;
MakePrismTwoPnt2Ways( myBase, myPoint1, myPoint2 );
+ case 2 :
+ double dx = GroupPoints3->SpinBox_DX->value();
+ double dy = GroupPoints3->SpinBox_DY->value();
+ double dz = GroupPoints3->SpinBox_DZ->value();
+ if ( !myBothway3 ) {
+ anObj = GEOM::GEOM_I3DPrimOperations::_narrow( getOperation() )->
+ MakePrismDXDYDZ( myBase, dx, dy, dz );
+ }
+ else {
+ anObj = GEOM::GEOM_I3DPrimOperations::_narrow( getOperation() )->
+ MakePrismDXDYDZ2Ways( myBase, dx, dy, dz );
+ }
+ break;
if ( !anObj->_is_nil() )
objects.push_back( anObj._retn() );
void GenerationGUI_PrismDlg::onBothway()
- bool anOldValue = myBothway;
- myBothway = !anOldValue;
- GroupPoints->CheckButton2->setEnabled( !myBothway );
- displayPreview();
-void GenerationGUI_PrismDlg::onBothway2()
- bool anOldValue = myBothway2;
- myBothway2 = !anOldValue;
- displayPreview();
+ bool anOldValue;
+ switch ( getConstructorId() ) {
+ case 0:
+ anOldValue = myBothway;
+ myBothway = !anOldValue;
+ GroupPoints->CheckButton2->setEnabled( !myBothway );
+ displayPreview();
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ anOldValue = myBothway2;
+ myBothway2 = !anOldValue;
+ displayPreview();
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ anOldValue = myBothway3;
+ myBothway3 = !anOldValue;
+ displayPreview();
+ break;
+ }
class DlgRef_2Sel1Spin2Check;
class DlgRef_3Sel1Check;
+class DlgRef_1Sel3Spin1Check;
// class : GenerationGUI_PrismDlg
bool myOkPnt2;
bool myBothway;
bool myBothway2;
+ bool myBothway3;
DlgRef_2Sel1Spin2Check* GroupPoints;
DlgRef_3Sel1Check* GroupPoints2; // for second layout for extrusion using 2 points
+ DlgRef_1Sel3Spin1Check* GroupPoints3;
private slots:
void ClickOnOk();
void SetDoubleSpinBoxStep( double );
void onReverse();
void onBothway();
- void onBothway2();