mgr->insert( separator(), -1, -1 ); // -----------
dispmodeId = mgr->insert( tr( "MEN_DISPLAY_MODE" ), -1, -1 ); // display mode menu
mgr->insert( action( 80311 ), dispmodeId, -1 ); // wireframe
- mgr->setRule( action( 80311 ), "$client in {'OCCViewer' 'VTKViewer'} and selcount>0", true );
- mgr->setRule( action( 80311 ), "$client in {'OCCViewer' 'VTKViewer'} and $displaymode in {'Wireframe'}", false );
+ mgr->setRule( action( 80311 ), "(client='OCCViewer' or client='VTKViewer') and selcount>0", true );
+ mgr->setRule( action( 80311 ), "(client='OCCViewer' or client='VTKViewer') and displaymode='Wireframe'", false );
mgr->insert( action( 80312 ), dispmodeId, -1 ); // shading
- mgr->setRule( action( 80312 ), "$client in {'OCCViewer' 'VTKViewer'} and selcount>0", true );
- mgr->setRule( action( 80312 ), "$client in {'OCCViewer' 'VTKViewer'} and $displaymode in {'Shading'}", false );
+ mgr->setRule( action( 80312 ), "(client='OCCViewer' or client='VTKViewer') and selcount>0", true );
+ mgr->setRule( action( 80312 ), "(client='OCCViewer' or client='VTKViewer') and displaymode='Shading'", false );
mgr->insert( separator(), -1, -1 ); // -----------
mgr->insert( action( 8032 ), -1, -1 ); // color
- mgr->setRule( action( 8032 ), "$client in {'OCCViewer' 'VTKViewer'} and selcount>0", true );
+ mgr->setRule( action( 8032 ), "(client='OCCViewer' or client='VTKViewer') and selcount>0", true );
mgr->insert( action( 8033 ), -1, -1 ); // transparency
- mgr->setRule( action( 8033 ), "$client in {'OCCViewer' 'VTKViewer'} and selcount>0", true );
+ mgr->setRule( action( 8033 ), "(client='OCCViewer' or client='VTKViewer') and selcount>0", true );
mgr->insert( action( 8034 ), -1, -1 ); // isos
mgr->setRule( action( 8034 ), "client='OCCViewer' and selcount>0", true );
mgr->insert( separator(), -1, -1 ); // -----------
mgr->insert( action( 216 ), -1, -1 ); // display
- mgr->setRule( action( 216 ), "isActiveViewer=true and selcount>0 and (($type in {'Shape' 'Group'} and ($isVisible in {false})) or $type in {'Component'})", true );
+ mgr->setRule( action( 216 ), "isActiveViewer=true and selcount>0 and (($type in {'Shape' 'Group'} and isVisible=false) or type='Component')", true );
mgr->insert( action( 215 ), -1, -1 ); // erase
- mgr->setRule( action( 215 ), "isActiveViewer=true and selcount>0 and (($type in {'Shape' 'Group'} and $isVisible in {true}) or ($type in {'Component'} and selcount=1))", true );
+ mgr->setRule( action( 215 ), "isActiveViewer=true and selcount>0 and (($type in {'Shape' 'Group'} and isVisible=true) or (type='Component' and selcount=1))", true );
mgr->insert( action( 214 ), -1, -1 ); // erase All
- mgr->setRule( action( 214 ), "isActiveViewer=true and $client in {'OCCViewer' 'VTKViewer'}", true );
+ mgr->setRule( action( 214 ), "client='OCCViewer' or client='VTKViewer'", true );
mgr->insert( action( 213 ), -1, -1 ); // display only
- mgr->setRule( action( 213 ), "isActiveViewer=true and selcount>0 and ($type in {'Shape' 'Group'} or ($type in {'Component'} and selcount=1))", true );
+ mgr->setRule( action( 213 ), "isActiveViewer=true and selcount>0 and ($type in {'Shape' 'Group'} or (type='Component' and selcount=1))", true );
mgr->insert( separator(), -1, -1 );