return hyp
+ ## Defines "ViscousLayers2D" hypothesis to give parameters of layers of quadrilateral
+ # elements to build near mesh boundary. This hypothesis can be used by several 2D algorithms:
+ # NETGEN 2D, NETGEN 1D-2D, Quadrangle (mapping), MEFISTO, BLSURF
+ # @param thickness total thickness of layers of quadrilaterals
+ # @param numberOfLayers number of layers
+ # @param stretchFactor factor (>1.0) of growth of layer thickness towards inside of mesh
+ # @param ignoreEdges list of geometrical edge (or their ids) not to generate layers on
+ # @ingroup l3_hypos_additi
+ def ViscousLayers2D(self, thickness, numberOfLayers, stretchFactor, ignoreEdges=[]):
+ if not isinstance(self.algo, SMESH._objref_SMESH_2D_Algo):
+ raise TypeError, "ViscousLayers2D are supported by 2D algorithms only"
+ if not "ViscousLayers2D" in self.GetCompatibleHypothesis():
+ raise TypeError, "ViscousLayers2D are not supported by %s"%self.algo.GetName()
+ if ignoreEdges and isinstance( ignoreEdges[0], geompyDC.GEOM._objref_GEOM_Object ):
+ ignoreEdges = [ self.mesh.geompyD.GetSubShapeID(self.mesh.geom, f) for f in ignoreEdges ]
+ hyp = self.Hypothesis("ViscousLayers2D",
+ [thickness, numberOfLayers, stretchFactor, ignoreEdges])
+ hyp.SetTotalThickness(thickness)
+ hyp.SetNumberLayers(numberOfLayers)
+ hyp.SetStretchFactor(stretchFactor)
+ hyp.SetIgnoreEdges(ignoreEdges)
+ return hyp
## Transform a list of ether edges or tuples (edge, 1st_vertex_of_edge)
# into a list acceptable to SetReversedEdges() of some 1D hypotheses
# @ingroup l3_hypos_1dhyps