#include <SMESH_Gen.hxx>
#include <SMESH_Mesh.hxx>
+#include <SMESH_ParallelMesh.hxx>
#include <SMESH_MesherHelper.hxx>
#include <SMESH_DriverShape.hxx>
#include <SMESH_DriverMesh.hxx>
#include <QString>
#include <QProcess>
-#ifdef WIN32
-#include <filesystem>
-namespace fs = std::filesystem;
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
namespace fs = boost::filesystem;
Netgen include files
SMESH_Hypothesis::Hypothesis_Status hypStatus;
NETGENPlugin_NETGEN_3D::CheckHypothesis(aMesh, aShape, hypStatus);
+ SMESH_ParallelMesh& aParMesh = dynamic_cast<SMESH_ParallelMesh&>(aMesh);
// Temporary folder for run
#ifdef WIN32
- // On windows mesh does not have GetTmpFolder
- fs::path tmp_folder = fs::path("Volume-%%%%-%%%%");
+ fs::path tmp_folder = aParMesh.GetTmpFolder() / fs::path("Volume-%%%%-%%%%");
- fs::path tmp_folder = aMesh.GetTmpFolder() / fs::unique_path(fs::path("Volume-%%%%-%%%%"));
+ fs::path tmp_folder = aParMesh.GetTmpFolder() / fs::unique_path(fs::path("Volume-%%%%-%%%%"));
// Using MESH2D generated after all triangles where created.
-#ifdef WIN32
- fs::path mesh_file=fs::path("Mesh2D.med");
- fs::path mesh_file=aMesh.GetTmpFolder() / fs::path("Mesh2D.med");
+ fs::path mesh_file=aParMesh.GetTmpFolder() / fs::path("Mesh2D.med");
fs::path element_orientation_file=tmp_folder / fs::path("element_orientation.dat");
fs::path new_element_file=tmp_folder / fs::path("new_elements.dat");
fs::path tmp_mesh_file=tmp_folder / fs::path("tmp_mesh.med");
fs::path shape_file=tmp_folder / fs::path("shape.brep");
fs::path param_file=tmp_folder / fs::path("netgen3d_param.txt");
fs::path log_file=tmp_folder / fs::path("run.log");
- fs::path cmd_file=tmp_folder / fs::path("cmd.log");
+ fs::path cmd_file=tmp_folder / fs::path("cmd.txt");
+ // TODO: See if we can retreived name from aMesh ?
std::string mesh_name = "MESH";
// Calling run_mesher
- std::string cmd;
- fs::path run_mesher_exe =
- fs::path(std::getenv("NETGENPLUGIN_ROOT_DIR"))/
- fs::path("bin")/
- fs::path("salome")/
-#ifdef WIN32
- fs::path("NETGENPlugin_Runner.exe");
- fs::path("NETGENPlugin_Runner");
- cmd = run_mesher_exe.string() +
- " NETGEN3D " + mesh_file.string() + " "
- + shape_file.string() + " "
- + param_file.string() + " "
- + element_orientation_file.string() + " "
- + new_element_file.string() + " "
- + "NONE";
- // Writing command in log
+ // Path to mesher script
+ fs::path mesher_launcher = fs::path(std::getenv("SMESH_ROOT_DIR"))/
+ fs::path("bin")/
+ fs::path("salome")/
+ fs::path("mesher_launcher.py");
+ std::string s_program="python3";
+ std::list<std::string> params;
+ params.push_back(mesher_launcher.string());
+ params.push_back("NETGEN3D");
+ params.push_back(mesh_file.string());
+ params.push_back(shape_file.string());
+ params.push_back(param_file.string());
+ params.push_back("--elem-orient-file=" + element_orientation_file.string());
+ params.push_back("--new-element-file=" + new_element_file.string());
+ // Parallelism method parameters
+ int method = aParMesh.GetParallelismMethod();
+ if(method == ParallelismMethod::MultiThread){
+ params.push_back("--method=local");
+ } else if (method == ParallelismMethod::MultiNode){
+ params.push_back("--method=cluster");
+ params.push_back("--resource="+aParMesh.GetResource());
+ params.push_back("--wc-key="+aParMesh.GetWcKey());
+ params.push_back("--nb-proc=1");
+ params.push_back("--nb-proc-per-node="+to_string(aParMesh.GetNbProcPerNode()));
+ params.push_back("--nb-node="+to_string(aParMesh.GetNbNode()));
+ params.push_back("--walltime="+aParMesh.GetWalltime());
+ } else {
+ throw SALOME_Exception("Unknown parallelism method "+method);
+ }
+ std::string cmd = "";
+ cmd += s_program;
+ for(auto arg: params){
+ cmd += " " + arg;
+ }
+ MESSAGE("Running command: ");
+ MESSAGE(cmd);
+ // Writing command in cmd.log
std::ofstream flog(cmd_file.string());
flog << cmd << endl;
- flog << endl;
- MESSAGE("Running command: ");
- MESSAGE(cmd);
// Building arguments for QProcess
- QString program = run_mesher_exe.string().c_str();
+ QString program = QString::fromStdString(s_program);
QStringList arguments;
- arguments << "NETGEN3D";
- arguments << mesh_file.string().c_str();
- arguments << shape_file.string().c_str();
- arguments << param_file.string().c_str();
- arguments << element_orientation_file.string().c_str();
- arguments << new_element_file.string().c_str();
- arguments << "NONE";
+ for(auto arg : params){
+ arguments << arg.c_str();
+ }
QString out_file = log_file.string().c_str();
QProcess myProcess;
+ myProcess.setProcessChannelMode(QProcess::MergedChannels);
myProcess.start(program, arguments);
// Waiting for process to finish (argument -1 make it wait until the end of
// the process otherwise it just waits 30 seconds)
- myProcess.waitForFinished(-1);
- int ret = myProcess.exitStatus();
+ bool finished = myProcess.waitForFinished(-1);
+ int ret = myProcess.exitCode();
- if(ret != 0){
+ if(ret != 0 || !finished){
// Run crahed
- std::string msg = "Issue with command: \n";
+ std::string msg = "Issue with mesh_launcher: \n";
msg += "See log for more details: " + log_file.string() + "\n";
msg += cmd + "\n";
throw SALOME_Exception(msg);