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+\page using_notebook_mesh_page Using SALOME NoteBook in the MESH module
+It is possible to use variables defined through <b>SALOME NoteBook</b> for
+creation and modification of objects in the MESH module with the following
+<li> \ref radial_prism_algo_page "Distribution of Layers" hypothesis -
+ parametrical values are correctly applied, but they are not restored
+ after "Update study" operation.
+<li> \ref a1d_meshing_hypo_page "Number of Segments" hypothesis, Distribution
+ with Table Density and Distribution with Analytic Density - parametrical
+ values are not applicable.
+<li> \ref translation_page "Translation" dialog box, default mode
+ (translation by two points) - parametrical values are correctly applied,
+ but they are not restored after "Update study" operation.
+<li> \ref merging_nodes_page "Merging nodes" dialog box - parametrical value
+ (tolerance of coincident nodes detection) is correctly applied,
+ but it is not restored after "Update study" operation.
+<li> \ref revolution_page "Revolution" dialog box - it is impossible to
+ use the angle of revolution as "total angle" if it is defined as variable.
+<li> \ref extrusion_along_path_page "Extrusion along a path" dialog box - it is
+ impossible to use "Linear variation of the angles" mode if at least one of
+ those angles is defined as variable.
+<li> \ref pattern_mapping_page "Pattern mapping" dialog box - parametrical
+ values (indices of nodes) are correctly applied, but they are not restored
+ after "Update study" operation.
+<li> \ref clipping_page "Clipping" dialog box.
+<li> <b>Colors / Size</b> dialog box.