## Perform partition operation.
# @param ListShapes Shapes to be intersected.
# @param ListTools Shapes to intersect theShapes.
-# !!!NOTE: shapes from this lists (for each separately) can not have
-# intersections with each other.
+# !!!NOTE: Each compound from ListShapes and ListTools will be exploded
+# in order to avoid possible intersection between shapes from
+# this compound.
# After implementation new version of PartitionAlgo (October 2006)
# other parameters are ignored by current functionality. They are kept
# Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py
def MakePartition(ListShapes, ListTools=[], ListKeepInside=[], ListRemoveInside=[],
Limit=ShapeType["SHAPE"], RemoveWebs=0, ListMaterials=[]):
+ NewListShapes = []
+ nbs = len(ListShapes)
+ for i in range(0,nbs):
+ if ListShapes[i].GetShapeType()==ShapeType["COMPOUND"]:
+ # need to explode
+ shapes = SubShapeAll(ListShapes[i],ShapeType["SHAPE"])
+ nbss = len(shapes)
+ for j in range(0,nbss): NewListShapes.append(shapes[j])
+ else: NewListShapes.append(ListShapes[i])
+ NewListTools = []
+ nbs = len(ListTools)
+ for i in range(0,nbs):
+ if ListTools[i].GetShapeType()==ShapeType["COMPOUND"]:
+ # need to explode
+ shapes = SubShapeAll(ListTools[i],ShapeType["SHAPE"])
+ nbss = len(shapes)
+ for j in range(0,nbss): NewListShapes.append(shapes[j])
+ else: NewListTools.append(ListTools[i])
+ return MakePartitionNonSelfIntersedtedShape(NewListShapes, NewListTools,
+ ListKeepInside, ListRemoveInside,
+ Limit, RemoveWebs, ListMaterials)
+## Perform partition operation.
+# This method may be useful if it is needed to make a partition for
+# compound contains nonintersected shapes. Performance will be better
+# since intersection between shapes from compound is not performed.
+# Description of all parameters as in previous method MakePartition()
+# !!!NOTE: Compounds from ListShapes can not have intersections with each
+# other and compounds from ListTools can not have intersections
+# with each other.
+# @return New GEOM_Object, containing the result shapes.
+def MakePartitionNonSelfIntersedtedShape(ListShapes, ListTools=[], ListKeepInside=[], ListRemoveInside=[],
+ Limit=ShapeType["SHAPE"], RemoveWebs=0, ListMaterials=[]):
anObj = BoolOp.MakePartition(ListShapes, ListTools,
ListKeepInside, ListRemoveInside,
Limit, RemoveWebs, ListMaterials);