- print "Finding best ..........",len(machinesOK)
if len(machinesOK)!=0:
- print "Finding best .........."
- print "Finding best done .........."
componentNameForNS= [CosNaming.NameComponent(bestMachine,"dir"),
return ret
-## def FindOrStartContainer(self, theComputer , theContainer ):
-## MESSAGE( "FindOrStartContainer" + theComputer + theContainer )
-## aContainer = self.FindContainer( theComputer + "/" + theContainer )
-## if aContainer is None :
-## if (theContainer == "FactoryServer") | (theContainer == "FactoryServerPy") :
-## myMachine=getShortHostName()
-## if theComputer == myMachine :
-## rshstr = ""
-## else :
-## rshstr = "rsh -n " + theComputer + " "
-## path = self.ComputerPath( theComputer )
-#### if path != "" :
-#### rshstr = rshstr + path + "/../bin/"
-#### else :
-#### rshstr = rshstr + os.getenv( "KERNEL_ROOT_DIR" ) + "/bin/"
-## if theContainer == "FactoryServer" :
-## rshstr = rshstr + path + "SALOME_Container "
-## else :
-## rshstr = rshstr + path + " '"
-## rshstr = rshstr + theContainer + " -"
-## omniORBcfg = os.getenv( "OMNIORB_CONFIG" )
-## file = omniORBcfg , os.O_RDONLY )
-## ORBInitRef =,132)
-## if ORBInitRef[len(ORBInitRef)-1] == '\n' :
-## ORBInitRef,bsn = ORBInitRef.split('\n')
-## os.close( file )
-## rshstr = rshstr + ORBInitRef
-## if theContainer == "FactoryServerPy" :
-## rshstr = rshstr + "'"
-## rshstr = rshstr + " > /tmp/" + theContainer + "_"
-## rshstr = rshstr + theComputer
-## rshstr = rshstr + ".log 2>&1 &"
-## os.system( rshstr )
-## MESSAGE( "FindOrStartContainer" + rshstr + " done" )
-## else :
-## if theContainer.find('Py') == -1 :
-## aContainer = self.FindContainer( theComputer + "/" + "FactoryServer" )
-## else :
-## aContainer = self.FindContainer( theComputer + "/" + "FactoryServerPy" )
-## aContainer = aContainer.start_impl( theContainer )
-## count = 21
-## while aContainer is None :
-## time.sleep(1)
-## count = count - 1
-## MESSAGE( str(count) + ". Waiting for " + theComputer + "/" + theContainer )
-## aContainer = self.FindContainer( theComputer + "/" + theContainer )
-## if count == 0 :
-## return aContainer
-## return aContainer
-## #os.system("rsh -n dm2s0017 /export/home/KERNEL_ROOT/bin/runSession SALOME_Container -ORBInitRef NameService=corbaname::dm2s0017:1515")
-## #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
-## def FindOrLoadComponent(self, containerName, componentName):
-## theComputer,theContainer = self.ContainerName( containerName )
-## name = [CosNaming.NameComponent(theComputer,"dir"),
-## CosNaming.NameComponent(theContainer,"dir"),
-## CosNaming.NameComponent(componentName,"object")]
-## try:
-## obj = self._containerRootContext.resolve(name)
-## except CosNaming.NamingContext.NotFound, ex:
-## MESSAGE( "component " + componentName + " not found, trying to load" )
-## container = self.FindContainer(theComputer + "/" + theContainer)
-## if container is None:
-## MESSAGE( "container " + theComputer + "/" + theContainer + " not found in Naming Service, trying to start" )
-## if (theContainer != "FactoryServer") & (theContainer != "FactoryServerPy") :
-## if theContainer.find('Py') == -1 :
-## theFactorycontainer = "FactoryServer"
-## else :
-## theFactorycontainer = "FactoryServerPy"
-## Factorycontainer = self.FindContainer(theComputer + "/" + theFactorycontainer)
-## if Factorycontainer is None:
-## MESSAGE( "container " + theComputer + "/" + theFactorycontainer + " not found in Naming Service, trying to start" )
-## Factorycontainer = self.FindOrStartContainer(theComputer,theFactorycontainer)
-## else:
-## Factorycontainer = self.FindOrStartContainer(theComputer,theContainer)
-## if Factorycontainer != None :
-## container = self.FindOrStartContainer(theComputer,theContainer)
-## if container != None:
-## compoinfo = self._catalog.GetComponent(componentName)
-## if compoinfo is None:
-## MESSAGE( "component " + componentName + " not found in Module Catalog" )
-## else:
-## try:
-## machineName = theComputer
-## path = compoinfo.GetPathPrefix(machineName) + "/"
-## except SALOME_ModuleCatalog.NotFound, ex:
-## MESSAGE( "machine " + machineName + " not found in Module Catalog" )
-## MESSAGE( "trying localhost" )
-## try:
-## path = compoinfo.GetPathPrefix("localhost") + "/"
-## except SALOME_ModuleCatalog.NotFound, ex:
-## path = ""
-## implementation = path + "lib" + componentName + ""
-## MESSAGE( "Trying to load " + implementation )
-## try:
-## component = container.load_impl(componentName, implementation)
-## MESSAGE( "component " + component._get_instanceName() + " launched !" )
-## return component
-## except:
-## MESSAGE( "component " + componentName + " NOT launched !" )
-## else:
-## try:
-## component = obj._narrow(Engines.Component)
-## if component is None:
-## MESSAGE( componentName + " is not a component !" )
-## else:
-## MESSAGE( "component " + component._get_instanceName() + " found !" )
-## return component
-## except:
-## MESSAGE( componentName + " failure" )
-## return None
(const char *containerName,
const char *componentName)
- cout << "FindOrLoad_Component C++" << endl;
- Engines::MachineList_var listOfMachine=new Engines::MachineList;
- listOfMachine->length(1);
- listOfMachine[0]=CORBA::string_dup(GetHostname().c_str());
- Engines::Component_ptr ret=FindComponent(containerName,componentName,;
- if(CORBA::is_nil(ret))
- return LoadComponent(containerName,componentName,listOfMachine);
- else
- return ret;
+ char *stContainer=strdup(containerName);
+ string st2Container(stContainer);
+ int rg=st2Container.find("/");
+ if(rg<0) {
+ //containerName doesn't contain "/" => Local container
+ free(stContainer);
+ Engines::MachineList_var listOfMachine=new Engines::MachineList;
+ listOfMachine->length(1);
+ listOfMachine[0]=CORBA::string_dup(GetHostname().c_str());
+ Engines::Component_ptr ret=FindComponent(containerName,componentName,;
+ if(CORBA::is_nil(ret))
+ return LoadComponent(containerName,componentName,listOfMachine);
+ else
+ return ret;
+ }
+ else {
+ //containerName contains "/" => Remote container
+ stContainer[rg]='\0';
+ Engines::MachineParameters_var params=new Engines::MachineParameters;
+ params->container_name=CORBA::string_dup(stContainer+rg+1);
+ params->hostname=CORBA::string_dup(stContainer);
+ params->OS=CORBA::string_dup("LINUX");
+ free(stContainer);
+ return FindOrLoad_Component(params,componentName);
+ }
Engines::Component_ptr SALOME_LifeCycleCORBA::FindOrLoad_Component(const Engines::MachineParameters& params,