Engines::ListOfData_var aResult = new Engines::ListOfData;
if (!myImportedStudyChanged) {
- MESSAGE("Study is not changed")
+ INFOS("SMESH module data was not changed")
return aResult._retn();
if(!aCORBAMesh->_is_nil()) {
SMESH_Mesh_i* myImpl = dynamic_cast<SMESH_Mesh_i*>(GetServant(aCORBAMesh).in());
if (myImpl) {
- //CORBA::String_var objStr = GetORB()->object_to_string(anObj);
- //int id = myStudyContext->findId(string(objStr.in()));
+ myImpl->Load();
CORBA::String_var objName = aSO->GetName();
SMESHDS_Mesh* mySMESHDSMesh = myImpl->GetImpl().GetMeshDS();
if (mySMESHDSMesh->NbNodes() > 0) {
// write mesh data to med file
- //aWriter.SetMeshId(id);
+ aWriter.Perform();
} else {
- MESSAGE("Mesh has zero nodes and can not be exported");
+ INFOS("Mesh has zero nodes and can not be exported "<<objName.in());
- if (aNumMeshes > 0) { // compund is correct, write it to the temporary file
- MESSAGE("Write "<<aNumMeshes<<" meshes to "<<aFullPath.c_str());
- aWriter.Perform();
+ if (aNumMeshes > 0) { // prepare a container to store files
+ INFOS("Write "<<aNumMeshes<<" meshes to "<<aFullPath.c_str());
Engines::DataContainer_var aData = (new Engines_DataContainer_i(
aFullPath.c_str(), "", "", true))->_this();