TEntry geomEntry;
TEnfVertexCoords coords;
TEnfGroupName grpName;
- //TEntryList faceEntries;
+ TEntryList faceEntries;
// List of enforced vertices
typedef sequence<TEnfVertex> TEnfVertexList;
boolean SetEnforcedVertex(in GEOM::GEOM_Object theFace, in double x, in double y, in double z) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
boolean SetEnforcedVertexNamed(in GEOM::GEOM_Object theFace, in double x, in double y, in double z, in TEnfName theVertexName) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
boolean SetEnforcedVertexGeom(in GEOM::GEOM_Object theFace, in GEOM::GEOM_Object theVertex) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
- void SetEnforcedVertexWithGroup(in GEOM::GEOM_Object theFace, in double x, in double y, in double z, in TEnfGroupName groupName) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
- void SetEnforcedVertexGeomWithGroup(in GEOM::GEOM_Object theFace, in GEOM::GEOM_Object theVertex, in TEnfGroupName groupName) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
- */
+ boolean SetEnforcedVertexWithGroup(in GEOM::GEOM_Object theFace, in double x, in double y, in double z, in TEnfGroupName groupName) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
+ boolean SetEnforcedVertexNamedWithGroup(in GEOM::GEOM_Object theFace, in double x, in double y, in double z, in TEnfName theVertexName, in TEnfGroupName groupName) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
+ boolean SetEnforcedVertexGeomWithGroup(in GEOM::GEOM_Object theFace, in GEOM::GEOM_Object theVertex, in TEnfGroupName groupName) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
TEnfVertexList GetEnforcedVertices(in GEOM::GEOM_Object theFace) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape FacesWithEnforcedVertices;
std::map< int, BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEnfVertexCoordsList > FaceId2EnforcedVertexCoords;
-std::map< BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEnfVertexCoords, BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEnfVertexCoords > EnfVertex2ProjVertex;
+std::map< BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEnfVertexCoords, BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEnfVertexCoords > EnfVertexCoords2ProjVertex;
+std::map< BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEnfVertexCoords, BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEnfVertexList > EnfVertexCoords2EnfVertexList;
bool HasSizeMapOnFace=false;
bool HasSizeMapOnEdge=false;
- EnfVertex2ProjVertex.clear();
+ EnfVertexCoords2ProjVertex.clear();
+ EnfVertexCoords2EnfVertexList.clear();
return S;
-void _createEnforcedVertexOnFace(TopoDS_Face FaceShape, gp_Pnt aPnt)
+void _createEnforcedVertexOnFace(TopoDS_Face faceShape, gp_Pnt aPnt, BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEnfVertex *enfVertex)
BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEnfVertexCoords enf_coords, coords, s_coords;
// Get the (u,v) values of the enforced vertex on the face
- projectionPoint myPoint = getProjectionPoint(FaceShape,aPnt);
+ projectionPoint myPoint = getProjectionPoint(faceShape,aPnt);
MESSAGE("Enforced Vertex: " << aPnt.X() << ", " << aPnt.Y() << ", " << aPnt.Z());
MESSAGE("Projected Vertex: " << myPoint.xyz.X() << ", " << myPoint.xyz.Y() << ", " << myPoint.xyz.Z());
// Save pair projected vertex / enf vertex
MESSAGE("Storing pair projected vertex / enf vertex:");
MESSAGE("("<< myPoint.xyz.X() << ", " << myPoint.xyz.Y() << ", " << myPoint.xyz.Z() <<") / (" << aPnt.X() << ", " << aPnt.Y() << ", " << aPnt.Z()<<")");
- EnfVertex2ProjVertex[s_coords] = enf_coords;
+ EnfVertexCoords2ProjVertex[s_coords] = enf_coords;
+ MESSAGE("Group name is: \"" << enfVertex->grpName << "\"");
+ EnfVertexCoords2EnfVertexList[s_coords].insert(enfVertex);
int key = 0;
- if (! FacesWithEnforcedVertices.Contains(FaceShape)) {
- key = FacesWithEnforcedVertices.Add(FaceShape);
+ if (! FacesWithEnforcedVertices.Contains(faceShape)) {
+ key = FacesWithEnforcedVertices.Add(faceShape);
else {
- key = FacesWithEnforcedVertices.FindIndex(FaceShape);
+ key = FacesWithEnforcedVertices.FindIndex(faceShape);
// If a node is already created by an attractor, do not create enforced vertex
- int attractorKey = FacesWithSizeMap.FindIndex(FaceShape);
+ int attractorKey = FacesWithSizeMap.FindIndex(faceShape);
bool sameAttractor = false;
if (attractorKey >= 0)
if (FaceId2AttractorCoords.count(attractorKey) > 0)
-void BLSURFPlugin_BLSURF::createEnforcedVertexOnFace(TopoDS_Shape FaceShape, BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEnfVertexList enfVertexList)
+void BLSURFPlugin_BLSURF::createEnforcedVertexOnFace(TopoDS_Shape faceShape, BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEnfVertexList enfVertexList)
- BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEnfVertex enfVertex;
+ BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEnfVertex* enfVertex;
gp_Pnt aPnt;
BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEnfVertexList::const_iterator enfVertexListIt = enfVertexList.begin();
for( ; enfVertexListIt != enfVertexList.end() ; ++enfVertexListIt ) {
enfVertex = *enfVertexListIt;
// Case of manual coords
- if (enfVertex.coords.size() != 0) {
- aPnt.SetCoord(enfVertex.coords[0],enfVertex.coords[1],enfVertex.coords[2]);
- _createEnforcedVertexOnFace( TopoDS::Face(FaceShape), aPnt);
+ if (enfVertex->coords.size() != 0) {
+ aPnt.SetCoord(enfVertex->coords[0],enfVertex->coords[1],enfVertex->coords[2]);
+ _createEnforcedVertexOnFace( TopoDS::Face(faceShape), aPnt, enfVertex);
// Case of geom vertex coords
- if (enfVertex.geomEntry != "") {
- TopoDS_Shape GeomShape = entryToShape(enfVertex.geomEntry);
+ if (enfVertex->geomEntry != "") {
+ TopoDS_Shape GeomShape = entryToShape(enfVertex->geomEntry);
TopAbs_ShapeEnum GeomType = GeomShape.ShapeType();
if (GeomType == TopAbs_VERTEX){
aPnt = BRep_Tool::Pnt(TopoDS::Vertex(GeomShape));
- _createEnforcedVertexOnFace( TopoDS::Face(FaceShape), aPnt);
+ _createEnforcedVertexOnFace( TopoDS::Face(faceShape), aPnt, enfVertex);
// Group Management
if (GeomType == TopAbs_COMPOUND){
for (TopoDS_Iterator it (GeomShape); it.More(); it.Next()){
if (it.Value().ShapeType() == TopAbs_VERTEX){
aPnt = BRep_Tool::Pnt(TopoDS::Vertex(it.Value()));
- _createEnforcedVertexOnFace( TopoDS::Face(FaceShape), aPnt);
+ _createEnforcedVertexOnFace( TopoDS::Face(faceShape), aPnt, enfVertex);
TopAbs_State result = scl.State();
MESSAGE("Position of point on face: "<<result);
if ( result == TopAbs_OUT ) {
- MESSAGE("Point is out of face: node is not created");
- if (EnfVertex2ProjVertex.find(xyzCoords) != EnfVertex2ProjVertex.end())
- EnfVertex2ProjVertex.erase(xyzCoords);
+ MESSAGE("Point is out of face: node is not created");
+ if (EnfVertexCoords2ProjVertex.find(xyzCoords) != EnfVertexCoords2ProjVertex.end()) {
+ EnfVertexCoords2ProjVertex.erase(xyzCoords);
+ EnfVertexCoords2EnfVertexList.erase(xyzCoords);
+ }
if ( result == TopAbs_UNKNOWN ) {
MESSAGE("Point position on face is unknown: node is not created");
- if (EnfVertex2ProjVertex.find(xyzCoords) != EnfVertex2ProjVertex.end())
- EnfVertex2ProjVertex.erase(xyzCoords);
+ if (EnfVertexCoords2ProjVertex.find(xyzCoords) != EnfVertexCoords2ProjVertex.end()) {
+ EnfVertexCoords2ProjVertex.erase(xyzCoords);
+ EnfVertexCoords2EnfVertexList.erase(xyzCoords);
+ }
if ( result == TopAbs_ON ) {
MESSAGE("Point is on border of face: node is not created");
- if (EnfVertex2ProjVertex.find(xyzCoords) != EnfVertex2ProjVertex.end())
- EnfVertex2ProjVertex.erase(xyzCoords);
+ if (EnfVertexCoords2ProjVertex.find(xyzCoords) != EnfVertexCoords2ProjVertex.end()) {
+ EnfVertexCoords2ProjVertex.erase(xyzCoords);
+ EnfVertexCoords2EnfVertexList.erase(xyzCoords);
+ }
if ( result == TopAbs_IN )
nodes[iv] = meshDS->AddNode(xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2]);
// Create group of enforced vertices if requested
if(_hypothesis) {
BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEnfVertexCoords projVertex;
- std::map< BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEnfVertexCoords, BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEnfVertexCoords >::const_iterator projIt = EnfVertex2ProjVertex.find(projVertex);
- if (projIt != EnfVertex2ProjVertex.end()) {
-// double x = (projIt->second)[0];
-// double y = (projIt->second)[1];
-// double z = (projIt->second)[2];
- BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEnfVertexCoords enfVertex = projIt->second;
-// enfVertex.push_back(x);
-// enfVertex.push_back(y);
-// enfVertex.push_back(z);
+// std::map< BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEnfVertexCoords, BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEnfVertexCoords >::const_iterator projIt = EnfVertexCoords2ProjVertex.find(projVertex);
+// if (projIt != EnfVertexCoords2ProjVertex.end()) {
+// BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEnfVertexCoords enfVertexCoords = projIt->second;
- BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEnfVertexGroupNameMap groupNameMap = _hypothesis->_GetEnforcedVertexGroupNameMap();
- BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEnfVertexGroupNameMap::const_iterator groupNameMapIt = groupNameMap.find(enfVertex);
- if (groupNameMapIt != groupNameMap.end()) {
+// BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEnfVertexGroupNameMap groupNameMap = _hypothesis->_GetEnforcedVertexGroupNameMap();
+// BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEnfVertexGroupNameMap::const_iterator groupNameMapIt = groupNameMap.find(enfVertexCoords);
+ std::map< BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEnfVertexCoords, BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEnfVertexList >::const_iterator enfCoordsIt = EnfVertexCoords2EnfVertexList.find(projVertex);
+ if (enfCoordsIt != EnfVertexCoords2EnfVertexList.end()) {
MESSAGE("Found enforced vertex @ " << xyz[0] << ", " << xyz[1] << ", " << xyz[2])
- BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEnfGroupName groupName = groupNameMapIt->second;
- if (groupName != "") {
- bool groupDone = false;
- const set<SMESHDS_GroupBase*>& allGroups = meshDS->GetGroups();
- set<SMESHDS_GroupBase*>::const_iterator grIt;
- MESSAGE("Parsing the groups of the mesh");
- for ( grIt = allGroups.begin(); grIt != allGroups.end(); ++grIt ) {
- SMESHDS_Group* group = dynamic_cast<SMESHDS_Group*>( *grIt );
- MESSAGE("Group: " << group->GetStoreName());
- if ( group && group->SMDSGroup().GetType()==SMDSAbs_Node
- && groupName.compare(group->GetStoreName())==0) {
- group->SMDSGroup().Add(nodes[iv]);
-// int id = // recuperer l'id SMESH du noeud
-// _hypothesis->AddEnfVertexIDs(groupName,id)
- groupDone = true;
- MESSAGE("Successfully added enforced vertex to existing group " << groupName);
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!groupDone)
- {
- int groupId;
- SMESH_Group* aGroup = aMesh.AddGroup(SMDSAbs_Node, groupName.c_str(), groupId);
- if ( aGroup ) {
- SMESHDS_Group* aGroupDS = dynamic_cast<SMESHDS_Group*>( aGroup->GetGroupDS() );
- if ( aGroupDS ) {
- aGroupDS->SetStoreName( groupName.c_str() );
- aGroupDS->SMDSGroup().Add(nodes[iv]);
- MESSAGE("Successfully created enforced vertex group " << groupName);
+// BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEnfGroupName groupName = groupNameMapIt->second;
+// if (groupName != "") {
+ BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEnfVertexList::const_iterator enfListIt = enfCoordsIt->second.begin();
+ BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEnfVertex *currentEnfVertex;
+ for (; enfListIt != enfCoordsIt->second.end(); ++enfListIt) {
+ currentEnfVertex = (*enfListIt);
+ if (currentEnfVertex->grpName != "") {
+ bool groupDone = false;
+ const set<SMESHDS_GroupBase*>& allGroups = meshDS->GetGroups();
+ set<SMESHDS_GroupBase*>::const_iterator grIt;
+ MESSAGE("Parsing the groups of the mesh");
+ for ( grIt = allGroups.begin(); grIt != allGroups.end(); ++grIt ) {
+ SMESHDS_Group* group = dynamic_cast<SMESHDS_Group*>( *grIt );
+ if (group)
+ MESSAGE("Group: " << group->GetStoreName());
+ if ( group && group->SMDSGroup().GetType()==SMDSAbs_Node
+ && currentEnfVertex->grpName.compare(group->GetStoreName())==0) {
+ group->SMDSGroup().Add(nodes[iv]);
+ // int id = // recuperer l'id SMESH du noeud
+ // _hypothesis->AddEnfVertexIDs(groupName,id)
groupDone = true;
+ MESSAGE("Successfully added enforced vertex to existing group " << currentEnfVertex->grpName);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!groupDone)
+ {
+ int groupId;
+ SMESH_Group* aGroup = aMesh.AddGroup(SMDSAbs_Node, currentEnfVertex->grpName.c_str(), groupId);
+ if ( aGroup ) {
+ SMESHDS_Group* aGroupDS = dynamic_cast<SMESHDS_Group*>( aGroup->GetGroupDS() );
+ if ( aGroupDS ) {
+ aGroupDS->SetStoreName( currentEnfVertex->grpName.c_str() );
+ aGroupDS->SMDSGroup().Add(nodes[iv]);
+ MESSAGE("Successfully created enforced vertex group " << currentEnfVertex->grpName);
+ groupDone = true;
+ }
+ if (!groupDone)
+ throw SALOME_Exception(LOCALIZED("A enforced vertex node was not added to a group"));
- if (!groupDone)
- throw SALOME_Exception(LOCALIZED("A enforced vertex node was not added to a group"));
+ else
+ MESSAGE("Group name is empty: '"<<currentEnfVertex->grpName<<"' => group is not created");
- else
- MESSAGE("Group name is empty: '"<<groupName<<"' => group is not created");
- else
- MESSAGE("No group name for projected vertex ("<<x<<","<<y<<","<<z<<")")
- }
+// else
+// MESSAGE("No group name for projected vertex ("<<projVertex[0]<<","<<projVertex[1]<<","<<projVertex[2]<<")")
+// }
// else
// MESSAGE("No group name for vertex ("<<xyz[0]<<","<<xyz[1]<<","<<xyz[2]<<")")
- */
// internal point are tagged to zero
if(tag > 0 && tag <= pmap.Extent() ){
BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis(int hypId, int studyId, SMESH_Gen * gen) :
- SMESH_Hypothesis(hypId, studyId, gen), _topology(GetDefaultTopology()), _physicalMesh(GetDefaultPhysicalMesh()),
- _phySize(GetDefaultPhySize()), _phyMax(GetDefaultMaxSize()), _phyMin(GetDefaultMinSize()), _hgeoMax(
- GetDefaultMaxSize()), _hgeoMin(GetDefaultMinSize()), _geometricMesh(GetDefaultGeometricMesh()), _angleMeshS(
- GetDefaultAngleMeshS()), _angleMeshC(GetDefaultAngleMeshC()), _gradation(GetDefaultGradation()),
- _quadAllowed(GetDefaultQuadAllowed()), _decimesh(GetDefaultDecimesh()), _verb(GetDefaultVerbosity()), _sizeMap(
- GetDefaultSizeMap()), _attractors(GetDefaultSizeMap()), _faceEntryEnfVertexListMap(
- GetDefaultFaceEntryEnfVertexListMap()), _enfVertexList(GetDefaultEnfVertexList()), _faceEntryCoordsListMap(
- GetDefaultFaceEntryCoordsListMap()), _coordsEnfVertexMap(GetDefaultCoordsEnfVertexMap()),
- _faceEntryEnfVertexEntryListMap(GetDefaultFaceEntryEnfVertexEntryListMap()), _enfVertexEntryEnfVertexMap(
- GetDefaultEnfVertexEntryEnfVertexMap())
+ SMESH_Hypothesis(hypId, studyId, gen), _topology(GetDefaultTopology()),
+ _physicalMesh(GetDefaultPhysicalMesh()),
+ _phySize(GetDefaultPhySize()),
+ _phyMax(GetDefaultMaxSize()),
+ _phyMin(GetDefaultMinSize()),
+ _hgeoMax(GetDefaultMaxSize()),
+ _hgeoMin(GetDefaultMinSize()),
+ _geometricMesh(GetDefaultGeometricMesh()),
+ _angleMeshS(GetDefaultAngleMeshS()),
+ _angleMeshC(GetDefaultAngleMeshC()),
+ _gradation(GetDefaultGradation()),
+ _quadAllowed(GetDefaultQuadAllowed()),
+ _decimesh(GetDefaultDecimesh()),
+ _verb(GetDefaultVerbosity()),
+ _sizeMap(GetDefaultSizeMap()),
+ _attractors(GetDefaultSizeMap()),
+ _faceEntryEnfVertexListMap(GetDefaultFaceEntryEnfVertexListMap()),
+ _enfVertexList(GetDefaultEnfVertexList()),
+ _faceEntryCoordsListMap(GetDefaultFaceEntryCoordsListMap()),
+ _coordsEnfVertexMap(GetDefaultCoordsEnfVertexMap()),
+ _faceEntryEnfVertexEntryListMap(GetDefaultFaceEntryEnfVertexEntryListMap()),
+ _enfVertexEntryEnfVertexMap(GetDefaultEnfVertexEntryEnfVertexMap())
-//struct CompareEnfVertices
-// bool operator () (const TEnfVertex& e1, const TEnfVertex& e2) const
-// {
-// if (e1 && e2) {
-// if (e1.geomEntry == "")
-// if (e2.geomEntry == "")
-// if ((e1.coords.size()) && (e2.coords.size()))
-// return e1.coords < e2.coords;
-// else
-// return e1 < e2;
-// else {
-// if (e1.coords.size())
-// return true;
-// }
-// }
-// const bool cmpCoords = ( e1 && e2 && e1.coords.size() && e2.coords.size() );
-// return cmpCoords ? ( e1.coords < e2.coords) : ( &e1 < &e2 );
-// }
//function : SetEnforcedVertex
-bool BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::SetEnforcedVertex(const TEntry& theFaceEntry, double x, double y, double z,
- const TEnfName& theVertexName, const TEntry& theVertexEntry, const TEnfGroupName& theGroupName) {
+bool BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::SetEnforcedVertex(TEntry theFaceEntry, TEnfName theVertexName, TEntry theVertexEntry,
+ TEnfGroupName theGroupName, double x, double y, double z) {
MESSAGE("BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::SetEnforcedVertex("<< theFaceEntry << ", "
<< x << ", " << y << ", " << z << ", " << theVertexName << ", " << theVertexEntry << ", " << theGroupName << ")");
bool toNotify = false;
bool toCreate = true;
- TEnfVertex oldEnfVertex;
- TEnfVertex newEnfVertex;
- newEnfVertex.name = theVertexName;
- newEnfVertex.coords.clear();
+ TEnfVertex *oldEnVertex;
+ TEnfVertex *newEnfVertex = new TEnfVertex();
+ newEnfVertex->name = theVertexName;
+ newEnfVertex->geomEntry = theVertexEntry;
+ newEnfVertex->coords.clear();
if (theVertexEntry == "") {
- newEnfVertex.coords.push_back(x);
- newEnfVertex.coords.push_back(y);
- newEnfVertex.coords.push_back(z);
+ newEnfVertex->coords.push_back(x);
+ newEnfVertex->coords.push_back(y);
+ newEnfVertex->coords.push_back(z);
- newEnfVertex.geomEntry = theVertexEntry;
- newEnfVertex.grpName = theGroupName;
- //////// UPDATE ////////////
- // If "manual" enf vertex (theVertexEntry="") maybe an existing enf vertex needs to be update with new name or new group name
- TCoordsEnfVertexMap::iterator it_CoordsEnfVertex = _coordsEnfVertexMap.find(newEnfVertex.coords);
- if (it_CoordsEnfVertex != _coordsEnfVertexMap.end()) {
- if (it_CoordsEnfVertex->second.name != theVertexName) {
- MESSAGE("Update enf vertex name from " << it_CoordsEnfVertex->second.name << " to " << theVertexName);
- // update _faceEntryEnfVertexListMap
- TEnfVertexList& currentEnfVertexList = _faceEntryEnfVertexListMap[theFaceEntry];
- for (TEnfVertexList::iterator it = currentEnfVertexList.begin() ; it != currentEnfVertexList.end() ; ++it) {
- if (TEnfVertexCmp(&(*it),&oldEnfVertex)) {
- currentEnfVertexList.erase(it);
- currentEnfVertexList.insert(newEnfVertex);
- break;
- }
- }
- // update _enfVertexList
- for (TEnfVertexList::iterator it = _enfVertexList.begin() ; it != _enfVertexList.end() ; ++it) {
- if (TEnfVertexCmp(&(*it),&oldEnfVertex)) {
- _enfVertexList.erase(it);
- _enfVertexList.insert(newEnfVertex);
- break;
- }
- }
- // update _coordsEnfVertexMap
- _coordsEnfVertexMap[newEnfVertex.coords] = newEnfVertex;
- toCreate = false;
+ newEnfVertex->grpName = theGroupName;
+ newEnfVertex->faceEntries.clear();
+ newEnfVertex->faceEntries.insert(theFaceEntry);
+ // update _enfVertexList
+ TEnfVertexList::iterator it = _enfVertexList.find(newEnfVertex);
+ if (it != _enfVertexList.end()) {
+ toCreate = false;
+ oldEnVertex = (*it);
+ MESSAGE("Enforced Vertex was found => Update");
+ if (oldEnVertex->name != theVertexName) {
+ MESSAGE("Update name from \"" << oldEnVertex->name << "\" to \"" << theVertexName << "\"");
+ oldEnVertex->name = theVertexName;
toNotify = true;
- if (it_CoordsEnfVertex->second.grpName != theGroupName) {
- MESSAGE("Update enf vertex group name from " << it_CoordsEnfVertex->second.grpName << " to " << theGroupName);
- oldEnfVertex = it_CoordsEnfVertex->second;
- // update _faceEntryEnfVertexListMap
- TEnfVertexList& currentEnfVertexList = _faceEntryEnfVertexListMap[theFaceEntry];
- for (TEnfVertexList::iterator it = currentEnfVertexList.begin() ; it != currentEnfVertexList.end() ; ++it) {
- if (TEnfVertexCmp(&(*it),&oldEnfVertex)) {
- currentEnfVertexList.erase(it);
- currentEnfVertexList.insert(newEnfVertex);
- break;
- }
- }
- // update _enfVertexList
- for (TEnfVertexList::iterator it = _enfVertexList.begin() ; it != _enfVertexList.end() ; ++it) {
- if (TEnfVertexCmp(&(*it),&oldEnfVertex)) {
- _enfVertexList.erase(it);
- _enfVertexList.insert(newEnfVertex);
- break;
- }
- }
- // update _coordsEnfVertexMap
- _coordsEnfVertexMap[newEnfVertex.coords] = newEnfVertex;
- toCreate = false;
+ if (oldEnVertex->grpName != theGroupName) {
+ MESSAGE("Update group name from \"" << oldEnVertex->grpName << "\" to \"" << theGroupName << "\"");
+ oldEnVertex->grpName = theGroupName;
toNotify = true;
- }
- // If "selected" enf vertex (theVertexEntry!="") maybe an existing enf vertex needs to be update with new group name
- TEnfVertexEntryEnfVertexMap::iterator it_EnfEntryEnfVertex = _enfVertexEntryEnfVertexMap.find(theVertexEntry);
- if (it_EnfEntryEnfVertex != _enfVertexEntryEnfVertexMap.end()) {
- if (it_EnfEntryEnfVertex->second.grpName != theGroupName) {
- MESSAGE("Update enf vertex group name from " << it_EnfEntryEnfVertex->second.grpName << " to " << theGroupName);
- oldEnfVertex = it_EnfEntryEnfVertex->second;
- // update _faceEntryEnfVertexListMap
- TEnfVertexList& currentEnfVertexList = _faceEntryEnfVertexListMap[theFaceEntry];
- for (TEnfVertexList::iterator it = currentEnfVertexList.begin() ; it != currentEnfVertexList.end() ; ++it) {
- if (TEnfVertexCmp(&(*it),&oldEnfVertex)) {
- currentEnfVertexList.erase(it);
- currentEnfVertexList.insert(newEnfVertex);
- break;
- }
+ TEntryList::iterator it_faceEntries = oldEnVertex->faceEntries.find(theFaceEntry);
+ if (it_faceEntries == oldEnVertex->faceEntries.end()) {
+ MESSAGE("Update face list by adding \"" << theFaceEntry << "\"");
+ oldEnVertex->faceEntries.insert(theFaceEntry);
+ _faceEntryEnfVertexListMap[theFaceEntry].insert(oldEnVertex);
+ toNotify = true;
+ }
+ if (toNotify) {
+ // update map coords / enf vertex if needed
+ if (oldEnVertex->coords.size()) {
+ _coordsEnfVertexMap[oldEnVertex->coords] = oldEnVertex;
+ _faceEntryCoordsListMap[theFaceEntry].insert(oldEnVertex->coords);
- // update _enfVertexList
- for (TEnfVertexList::iterator it = _enfVertexList.begin() ; it != _enfVertexList.end() ; ++it) {
- if (TEnfVertexCmp(&(*it),&oldEnfVertex)) {
- _enfVertexList.erase(it);
- _enfVertexList.insert(newEnfVertex);
- break;
- }
+ // update map geom entry / enf vertex if needed
+ if (oldEnVertex->geomEntry != "") {
+ _enfVertexEntryEnfVertexMap[oldEnVertex->geomEntry] = oldEnVertex;
+ _faceEntryEnfVertexEntryListMap[theFaceEntry].insert(oldEnVertex->geomEntry);
- _enfVertexEntryEnfVertexMap[theVertexEntry] = newEnfVertex;
- toCreate = false;
- toNotify = true;
- //////// CREATE ////////////
+// TEnfVertexList::iterator it = _enfVertexList.begin();
+// for ( ; it != _enfVertexList.end() ; ++it) {
+// if (TEnfVertexCmp(&(*it),&newEnfVertex)) {
+// // Found enf vertex
+// TEntryList::const_iterator it_entry = it->faceEntries.begin();
+// for (;it_entry<it->faceEntries.end();++it_entry) {
+// std::string currentFaceEntry = (*it_entry);
+// if (_faceEntryCoordsListMap.count(currentFaceEntry))
+// _faceEntryCoordsListMap[currentFaceEntry].erase(it->coords);
+// if (_faceEntryEnfVertexEntryListMap.count(currentFaceEntry))
+// _faceEntryEnfVertexEntryListMap[currentFaceEntry].erase(it->geomEntry);
+// if (_faceEntryEnfVertexListMap.count(currentFaceEntry)) {
+// TEnfVertexList newEnfVertexList;
+// TEnfVertexList::const_iterator it_enfVertexList = _faceEntryEnfVertexListMap[currentFaceEntry].begin();
+// for (;it_enfVertexList != _faceEntryEnfVertexListMap[currentFaceEntry].end(); ++it_enfVertexList) {
+// if (!TEnfVertexCmp(&(*it),&(*it_enfVertexList)))
+// newEnfVertexList.insert(*it_enfVertexList);
+// }
+// _faceEntryEnfVertexListMap.erase(currentFaceEntry);
+// _faceEntryEnfVertexListMap[currentFaceEntry] = newEnfVertexList;
+// }
+// }
+// _coordsEnfVertexMap.erase(it->coords);
+// _enfVertexEntryEnfVertexMap.erase(it->geomEntry);
+// _enfVertexList.erase(it);
+// // toCreate = false;
+// // oldEnVertex = (*it);
+// // break;
+// }
+// }
+// //////// UPDATE ////////////
+// if (!toCreate) {
+// // Update list of face entries
+// TEntryList::const_iterator it_faceEntries = oldEnVertex.faceEntries.begin();
+// for (;it_faceEntries!=oldEnVertex.faceEntries.end();++it_faceEntries)
+// newEnfVertex.faceEntries.insert(*it_faceEntries);
+// // _faceEntries.insert(theFaceEntry);
+// // (*it).faceEntries.insert(theFaceEntry);
+// if (oldEnVertex.faceEntries.find(theFaceEntry) == oldEnVertex.faceEntries.end()) {
+// MESSAGE("Update enf vertex faceEntries by adding " << theFaceEntry);
+// _faceEntryEnfVertexListMap[theFaceEntry].insert((*it));
+// toNotify = true;
+// }
+// if ((*it).name != newEnfVertex.name) {
+// MESSAGE("Update enf vertex name from \"" << (*it).name << "\" to \"" << newEnfVertex.name << "\"");
+// (*it).name = newEnfVertex.name;
+// toNotify = true;
+// }
+// if ((*it).grpName != newEnfVertex.grpName) {
+// MESSAGE("Update enf vertex group name from \"" << (*it).grpName << "\" to \"" << newEnfVertex.grpName << "\"");
+// (*it).grpName = newEnfVertex.grpName;
+// toNotify = true;
+// }
+// if (toNotify) {
+// // update map coords / enf vertex if needed
+// if ((*it).coords.size())
+// _coordsEnfVertexMap[(*it).coords] = (*it);
+// // update map geom entry / enf vertex if needed
+// if ((*it).geomEntry != "")
+// _enfVertexEntryEnfVertexMap[(*it).geomEntry] = (*it);
+// }
+// }
+// //////// CREATE ////////////
if (toCreate) {
+ toNotify = true;
MESSAGE("Creating new enforced vertex");
- std::pair<TEnfVertexList::iterator, bool> res = _faceEntryEnfVertexListMap[theFaceEntry].insert(newEnfVertex);
- toNotify = res.second;
- if (toNotify) {
- _enfVertexList.insert(newEnfVertex);
- if (theVertexEntry == "") {
- _faceEntryCoordsListMap[theFaceEntry].insert(newEnfVertex.coords);
- _coordsEnfVertexMap[newEnfVertex.coords] = newEnfVertex;
- } else {
- _faceEntryEnfVertexEntryListMap[theFaceEntry].insert(newEnfVertex.geomEntry);
- _enfVertexEntryEnfVertexMap[newEnfVertex.geomEntry] = newEnfVertex;
- }
+ _faceEntryEnfVertexListMap[theFaceEntry].insert(newEnfVertex);
+ _enfVertexList.insert(newEnfVertex);
+ if (theVertexEntry == "") {
+ _faceEntryCoordsListMap[theFaceEntry].insert(newEnfVertex->coords);
+ _coordsEnfVertexMap[newEnfVertex->coords] = newEnfVertex;
+ }
+ else {
+ _faceEntryEnfVertexEntryListMap[theFaceEntry].insert(newEnfVertex->geomEntry);
+ _enfVertexEntryEnfVertexMap[newEnfVertex->geomEntry] = newEnfVertex;
MESSAGE("BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::SetEnforcedVertex END");
return toNotify;
+// TEnfVertex oldEnfVertex;
+// // If "manual" enf vertex (theVertexEntry="") maybe an existing enf vertex needs to be update with new name or new group name
+// TCoordsEnfVertexMap::iterator it_CoordsEnfVertex = _coordsEnfVertexMap.find(newEnfVertex.coords);
+// if (it_CoordsEnfVertex != _coordsEnfVertexMap.end()) {
+// toCreate = false;
+// if ((it_CoordsEnfVertex->second.name != theVertexName) || (it_CoordsEnfVertex->second.grpName != theGroupName)) {
+// oldEnfVertex = it_CoordsEnfVertex->second;
+// MESSAGE("Update enf vertex name from " << oldEnfVertex.name << " to " << newEnfVertex.name);
+// MESSAGE("Update enf vertex group name from " << oldEnfVertex.grpName << " to " << newEnfVertex.grpName);
+// // update _faceEntryEnfVertexListMap
+// TEnfVertexList& currentEnfVertexList = _faceEntryEnfVertexListMap[theFaceEntry];
+// for (TEnfVertexList::iterator it = currentEnfVertexList.begin() ; it != currentEnfVertexList.end() ; ++it) {
+// if (TEnfVertexCmp(&(*it),&oldEnfVertex)) {
+// currentEnfVertexList.erase(it);
+// currentEnfVertexList.insert(newEnfVertex);
+// break;
+// }
+// }
+// // update _enfVertexList
+// for (TEnfVertexList::iterator it = _enfVertexList.begin() ; it != _enfVertexList.end() ; ++it) {
+// if (TEnfVertexCmp(&(*it),&oldEnfVertex)) {
+// _enfVertexList.erase(it);
+// _enfVertexList.insert(newEnfVertex);
+// break;
+// }
+// }
+// // update _coordsEnfVertexMap
+// _coordsEnfVertexMap[newEnfVertex.coords] = newEnfVertex;
+// toNotify = true;
+// }
+// if (it_CoordsEnfVertex->second.grpName != theGroupName) {
+// MESSAGE("Update enf vertex group name from " << it_CoordsEnfVertex->second.grpName << " to " << theGroupName);
+// oldEnfVertex = it_CoordsEnfVertex->second;
+// // update _faceEntryEnfVertexListMap
+// TEnfVertexList& currentEnfVertexList = _faceEntryEnfVertexListMap[theFaceEntry];
+// for (TEnfVertexList::iterator it = currentEnfVertexList.begin() ; it != currentEnfVertexList.end() ; ++it) {
+// if (TEnfVertexCmp(&(*it),&oldEnfVertex)) {
+// currentEnfVertexList.erase(it);
+// currentEnfVertexList.insert(newEnfVertex);
+// break;
+// }
+// }
+// // update _enfVertexList
+// for (TEnfVertexList::iterator it = _enfVertexList.begin() ; it != _enfVertexList.end() ; ++it) {
+// if (TEnfVertexCmp(&(*it),&oldEnfVertex)) {
+// _enfVertexList.erase(it);
+// _enfVertexList.insert(newEnfVertex);
+// break;
+// }
+// }
+// // update _coordsEnfVertexMap
+// _coordsEnfVertexMap[newEnfVertex.coords] = newEnfVertex;
+// toNotify = true;
+// }
+// }
+// // If "selected" enf vertex (theVertexEntry!="") maybe an existing enf vertex needs to be update with new group name
+// TEnfVertexEntryEnfVertexMap::iterator it_EnfEntryEnfVertex = _enfVertexEntryEnfVertexMap.find(theVertexEntry);
+// if (it_EnfEntryEnfVertex != _enfVertexEntryEnfVertexMap.end()) {
+// toCreate = false;
+// if (it_EnfEntryEnfVertex->second.grpName != theGroupName) {
+// oldEnfVertex = it_EnfEntryEnfVertex->second;
+// MESSAGE("Update enf vertex group name from " << oldEnfVertex.grpName << " to " << newEnfVertex.grpName);
+// // update _faceEntryEnfVertexListMap
+// TEnfVertexList& currentEnfVertexList = _faceEntryEnfVertexListMap[theFaceEntry];
+// for (TEnfVertexList::iterator it = currentEnfVertexList.begin() ; it != currentEnfVertexList.end() ; ++it) {
+// if (TEnfVertexCmp(&(*it),&oldEnfVertex)) {
+// currentEnfVertexList.erase(it);
+// currentEnfVertexList.insert(newEnfVertex);
+// break;
+// }
+// }
+// // update _enfVertexList
+// for (TEnfVertexList::iterator it = _enfVertexList.begin() ; it != _enfVertexList.end() ; ++it) {
+// if (TEnfVertexCmp(&(*it),&oldEnfVertex)) {
+// _enfVertexList.erase(it);
+// _enfVertexList.insert(newEnfVertex);
+// break;
+// }
+// }
+// _enfVertexEntryEnfVertexMap[theVertexEntry] = newEnfVertex;
+// toNotify = true;
+// }
+// }
+// //////// CREATE ////////////
+// if (toCreate) {
+// MESSAGE("Creating new enforced vertex");
+// std::pair<TEnfVertexList::iterator, bool> res = _faceEntryEnfVertexListMap[theFaceEntry].insert(newEnfVertex);
+// toNotify = res.second;
+// if (toNotify) {
+// _enfVertexList.insert(newEnfVertex);
+// if (theVertexEntry == "") {
+// _faceEntryCoordsListMap[theFaceEntry].insert(newEnfVertex.coords);
+// _coordsEnfVertexMap[newEnfVertex.coords] = newEnfVertex;
+// } else {
+// _faceEntryEnfVertexEntryListMap[theFaceEntry].insert(newEnfVertex.geomEntry);
+// _enfVertexEntryEnfVertexMap[newEnfVertex.geomEntry] = newEnfVertex;
+// }
+// }
+// }
+// if (toNotify)
+// NotifySubMeshesHypothesisModification();
+// MESSAGE("BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::SetEnforcedVertex END");
+// return toNotify;
+// }
//function : GetEnforcedVertices
//function : GetEnfVertex(TEnfVertexCoords coords)
-BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEnfVertex BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::GetEnfVertex(TEnfVertexCoords coords)
+BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEnfVertex* BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::GetEnfVertex(TEnfVertexCoords coords)
throw (std::invalid_argument) {
if (_coordsEnfVertexMap.count(coords) > 0)
//function : GetEnfVertex(const TEntry& theEnfVertexEntry)
-BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEnfVertex BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::GetEnfVertex(const TEntry& theEnfVertexEntry)
+BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEnfVertex* BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::GetEnfVertex(const TEntry& theEnfVertexEntry)
throw (std::invalid_argument) {
if (_enfVertexEntryEnfVertexMap.count(theEnfVertexEntry) > 0)
bool toNotify = false;
std::ostringstream msg;
- TEnfVertex oldEnfVertex;
+ TEnfVertex *oldEnfVertex;
TEnfVertexCoords coords;
// Success
MESSAGE("Found enforced vertex with geom entry " << theVertexEntry);
oldEnfVertex = it_enfVertexEntry->second;
-// oldEnfVertex.name = it_enfVertexEntry->second.name;
-// oldEnfVertex.geomEntry = it_enfVertexEntry->second.geomEntry;
-// oldEnfVertex.grpName = it_enfVertexEntry->second.grpName;
-// oldEnfVertex.coords = it_enfVertexEntry->second.coords;
// it_entry_entry->second.erase(it_entryList);
// if (it_entry_entry->second.size() == 0)
// _faceEntryEnfVertexEntryListMap.erase(it_entry_entry);
} else {
// Fail
MESSAGE("Enforced vertex with geom entry " << theVertexEntry << " not found");
// it_entry_coords->second.erase(it_coordsList);
// if (it_entry_coords->second.size() == 0)
// _faceEntryCoordsListMap.erase(it_entry_coords);
} else {
// Fail
MESSAGE("Enforced vertex with coords " << x << ", " << y << ", " << z << " not found");
MESSAGE("Remove enf vertex from _enfVertexList");
// update _enfVertexList
- for (TEnfVertexList::iterator it = _enfVertexList.begin() ; it != _enfVertexList.end() ; ++it) {
- if (TEnfVertexCmp(&(*it),&oldEnfVertex)) {
+ TEnfVertexList::iterator it = _enfVertexList.find(oldEnfVertex);
+ if (it != _enfVertexList.end()) {
+ (*it)->faceEntries.erase(theFaceEntry);
+ if ((*it)->faceEntries.size() == 0){
toNotify = true;
- MESSAGE("Done");
- break;
+ MESSAGE("Done");
+// for (TEnfVertexList::iterator it = _enfVertexList.begin() ; it != _enfVertexList.end() ; ++it) {
+// if (TEnfVertexCmp(&(*it),&oldEnfVertex)) {
+// (*it).faceEntries.erase(theFaceEntry);
+// if ((*it).faceEntries.size() == 0){
+// _enfVertexList.erase(it);
+// toNotify = true;
+// }
+// MESSAGE("Done");
+// break;
+// }
+// }
// update _faceEntryEnfVertexListMap
TEnfVertexList& currentEnfVertexList = _faceEntryEnfVertexListMap[theFaceEntry];
- for (TEnfVertexList::iterator it = currentEnfVertexList.begin() ; it != currentEnfVertexList.end() ; ++it) {
- if (TEnfVertexCmp(&(*it),&oldEnfVertex)) {
- currentEnfVertexList.erase(it);
- toNotify = true;
- break;
- }
- }
+ currentEnfVertexList.erase(oldEnfVertex);
+// for (TEnfVertexList::iterator it = currentEnfVertexList.begin() ; it != currentEnfVertexList.end() ; ++it) {
+// if (TEnfVertexCmp(&(*it),&oldEnfVertex)) {
+// currentEnfVertexList.erase(it);
+// toNotify = true;
+// break;
+// }
+// }
if (currentEnfVertexList.size() == 0) {
MESSAGE("Remove _faceEntryEnfVertexListMap[" << theFaceEntry <<"]");
bool BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::ClearEnforcedVertices(const TEntry& theFaceEntry) throw (std::invalid_argument) {
bool toNotify = false;
- TEnfVertex enfVertex;
+ TEnfVertex *oldEnfVertex;
TFaceEntryCoordsListMap::iterator it_entry_coords = _faceEntryCoordsListMap.find(theFaceEntry);
if (it_entry_coords != _faceEntryCoordsListMap.end()) {
TEnfVertexCoordsList::iterator it_coordsList = coordsList.begin();
for (; it_coordsList != coordsList.end(); ++it_coordsList) {
TEnfVertexCoords coords = (*it_coordsList);
- enfVertex = _coordsEnfVertexMap[coords];
- _enfVertexList.erase(enfVertex);
+ oldEnfVertex = _coordsEnfVertexMap[coords];
+ // update _enfVertexList
+ TEnfVertexList::iterator it = _enfVertexList.find(oldEnfVertex);
+ if (it != _enfVertexList.end()) {
+ (*it)->faceEntries.erase(theFaceEntry);
+ if ((*it)->faceEntries.size() == 0){
+ _enfVertexList.erase(it);
+ toNotify = true;
+ }
+ MESSAGE("Done");
+ }
+// for (TEnfVertexList::iterator it = _enfVertexList.begin() ; it != _enfVertexList.end() ; ++it) {
+// if (TEnfVertexCmp(&(*it),&oldEnfVertex)) {
+// (*it).faceEntries.erase(theFaceEntry);
+// if ((*it).faceEntries.size() == 0)
+// _enfVertexList.erase(it);
+// break;
+// }
+// }
TEntryList::iterator it_enfVertexEntryList = enfVertexEntryList.begin();
for (; it_enfVertexEntryList != enfVertexEntryList.end(); ++it_enfVertexEntryList) {
TEntry enfVertexEntry = (*it_enfVertexEntryList);
- enfVertex = _enfVertexEntryEnfVertexMap[enfVertexEntry];
- _enfVertexList.erase(enfVertex);
+ oldEnfVertex = _enfVertexEntryEnfVertexMap[enfVertexEntry];
+ // update _enfVertexList
+ TEnfVertexList::iterator it = _enfVertexList.find(oldEnfVertex);
+ if (it != _enfVertexList.end()) {
+ (*it)->faceEntries.erase(theFaceEntry);
+ if ((*it)->faceEntries.size() == 0){
+ _enfVertexList.erase(it);
+ toNotify = true;
+ }
+ MESSAGE("Done");
+ }
+// for (TEnfVertexList::iterator it = _enfVertexList.begin() ; it != _enfVertexList.end() ; ++it) {
+// if (TEnfVertexCmp(&(*it),&oldEnfVertex)) {
+// (*it).faceEntries.erase(theFaceEntry);
+// if ((*it).faceEntries.size() == 0)
+// _enfVertexList.erase(it);
+// break;
+// }
+// }
TEnfVertexList enfVertexList = it_enf->second;
TEnfVertexList::const_iterator it_enfVertexList = enfVertexList.begin();
for (; it_enfVertexList != enfVertexList.end(); ++it_enfVertexList) {
- TEnfVertex enfVertex = (*it_enfVertexList);
- save << " " << enfVertex.name << ";";
- save << " " << enfVertex.geomEntry << ";";
- if (enfVertex.coords.size()) {
- save << " " << enfVertex.coords[0] << ";";
- save << " " << enfVertex.coords[1] << ";";
- save << " " << enfVertex.coords[2] << ";";
+ TEnfVertex *enfVertex = (*it_enfVertexList);
+ save << " " << enfVertex->name << ";";
+ save << " " << enfVertex->geomEntry << ";";
+ if (enfVertex->coords.size()) {
+ save << " " << enfVertex->coords[0] << ";";
+ save << " " << enfVertex->coords[1] << ";";
+ save << " " << enfVertex->coords[2] << ";";
else {
save <<" ; ; ;";
- save << " " << enfVertex.grpName;
+ save << " " << enfVertex->grpName;
save << " " << "$"; // "$" is a mark of enforced vertex end
save << "#"; // "#" is a mark of enforced shape end
TEnfVertexCoordsList & coordsList = _faceEntryCoordsListMap[enfVertexEntry];
TEnfVertexCoords coords;
- TEnfVertex enfVertex;
+ TEnfVertex *enfVertex;
// continue reading until "#" encountered
while (enfValue[len4 - 1] != '#') {
// New vector begin
- enfVertex.coords.clear();
+ enfVertex->coords.clear();
while (enfValue[len4 - 1] != '$') {
isOK = (load >> enfValue);
if (enfValue[len4 - 1] != '$') {
// Add to vertex
// name
- enfVertex.name = enfValue;
+ enfVertex->name = enfValue;
isOK = (load >> enfValue);
len4 = enfValue.size();
if (enfValue[len4 - 1] != '$') {
// X coord
- enfVertex.coords.push_back(atof(enfValue.c_str()));
+ enfVertex->coords.push_back(atof(enfValue.c_str()));
isOK = (load >> enfValue);
len4 = enfValue.size();
if (enfValue[len4 - 1] != '$') {
// Y coord
- enfVertex.coords.push_back(atof(enfValue.c_str()));
+ enfVertex->coords.push_back(atof(enfValue.c_str()));
isOK = (load >> enfValue);
len4 = enfValue.size();
if (enfValue[len4 - 1] != '$') {
// Z coord
- enfVertex.coords.push_back(atof(enfValue.c_str()));
+ enfVertex->coords.push_back(atof(enfValue.c_str()));
isOK = (load >> enfValue);
len4 = enfValue.size();
enfValue[len4 - 1] = '\0'; //cut off "$#"
- enfVertex.coords.push_back(atof(enfValue.c_str()));
+ enfVertex->coords.push_back(atof(enfValue.c_str()));
MESSAGE("Add vertex to list");
// Add vertex to list of vertex
- coordsList.insert(enfVertex.coords);
- _coordsEnfVertexMap[enfVertex.coords] = enfVertex;
+ coordsList.insert(enfVertex->coords);
+ _coordsEnfVertexMap[enfVertex->coords] = enfVertex;
// _enfVertexList.insert(enfVertex);
// Remove '$#' and add to vertex
enfValue[len4 - 2] = '\0'; //cut off "$#"
- enfVertex.coords.push_back(atof(enfValue.c_str()));
+ enfVertex->coords.push_back(atof(enfValue.c_str()));
// Add vertex to list of vertex
- coordsList.insert(enfVertex.coords);
- _coordsEnfVertexMap[enfVertex.coords] = enfVertex;
+ coordsList.insert(enfVertex->coords);
+ _coordsEnfVertexMap[enfVertex->coords] = enfVertex;
// _enfVertexList.insert(enfVertex);
} else
typedef std::set< TEnfVertexCoords > TEnfVertexCoordsList;
// Enforced vertex
- typedef struct TEnfVertex{
+ struct TEnfVertex {
TEnfName name;
TEntry geomEntry;
TEnfVertexCoords coords;
TEnfGroupName grpName;
- // TEntryList faceEntries; // any use ?
- } TEnfVertex;
+ TEntryList faceEntries;
+ };
struct CompareEnfVertices
- bool operator () (const TEnfVertex &e1, const TEnfVertex &e2) const
- return true;
+ bool operator () (const TEnfVertex* e1, const TEnfVertex* e2) const {
+ if (e1 && e2) {
+ if (e1->coords.size() && e2->coords.size())
+ return (e1->coords < e2->coords);
+ else
+ return (e1->geomEntry < e2->geomEntry);
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ // if coords or geom entry are identical => same enforced vertex
int TEnfVertexCmp(const TEnfVertex *e1, const TEnfVertex *e2) {
if (e1 && e2) {
bool sameCoords = true;
if (e1->coords.size() && e2->coords.size())
sameCoords = (e1->coords[0] == e2->coords[0]) && (e1->coords[1] == e2->coords[1]) && (e1->coords[2]
== e2->coords[2]);
- return ( sameCoords && (e1->geomEntry == e2->geomEntry) && (e1->grpName == e2->grpName)
- && (e1->name == e2->name));
- } else
- return (e1 < e2);
+ return ( sameCoords && (e1->geomEntry == e2->geomEntry));// && (e1->grpName == e2->grpName)
+// && (e1->name == e2->name));
+ }
+ return false;
// List of enforced vertices
- typedef std::set< TEnfVertex, CompareEnfVertices > TEnfVertexList;
+ typedef std::set< TEnfVertex*, CompareEnfVertices > TEnfVertexList;
// Map Face Entry / List of enforced vertices
typedef std::map< TEntry, TEnfVertexList > TFaceEntryEnfVertexListMap;
typedef std::map< TEntry, TEntryList > TFaceEntryEnfVertexEntryListMap;
// Map Coords / Enforced vertex
- typedef std::map< TEnfVertexCoords, TEnfVertex > TCoordsEnfVertexMap;
+ typedef std::map< TEnfVertexCoords, TEnfVertex* > TCoordsEnfVertexMap;
// Map Vertex entry / Enforced vertex
- typedef std::map< TEntry, TEnfVertex > TEnfVertexEntryEnfVertexMap;
+ typedef std::map< TEntry, TEnfVertex* > TEnfVertexEntryEnfVertexMap;
// Map Group Name / List of enforced vertices
// void SetEnforcedVertex(const TEntry& entry, double x, double y, double z, const TEnfGroupName& groupName="");
- bool SetEnforcedVertex(const TEntry& theFaceEntry, double x = 0.0, double y = 0.0, double z = 0.0,
- const TEnfName& theVertexName="", const TEntry& theVertexEntry="",
- const TEnfGroupName& theGroupName="");
+ bool SetEnforcedVertex(TEntry theFaceEntry, TEnfName theVertexName, TEntry theVertexEntry, TEnfGroupName theGroupName,
+ double x = 0.0, double y = 0.0, double z = 0.0);
TEnfVertexList GetEnfVertexList(const TEntry& theFaceEntry) throw (std::invalid_argument);
TEnfVertexCoordsList GetEnfVertexCoordsList(const TEntry& theFaceEntry) throw (std::invalid_argument);
TEntryList GetEnfVertexEntryList (const TEntry& theFaceEntry) throw (std::invalid_argument);
- TEnfVertex GetEnfVertex(TEnfVertexCoords coords) throw (std::invalid_argument);
- TEnfVertex GetEnfVertex(const TEntry& theEnfVertexEntry) throw (std::invalid_argument);
+ TEnfVertex* GetEnfVertex(TEnfVertexCoords coords) throw (std::invalid_argument);
+ TEnfVertex* GetEnfVertex(const TEntry& theEnfVertexEntry) throw (std::invalid_argument);
bool ClearEnforcedVertex(const TEntry& theFaceEntry, double x = 0.0, double y = 0.0, double z = 0.0, const TEntry& theVertexEntry="") throw (std::invalid_argument);
// bool ClearEnforcedVertex(const TEntry& theFaceEntry, double x = 0.0, double y = 0.0, double z = 0.0) throw (std::invalid_argument);
MESSAGE("Number of enf vertex: " << enfVertexList->length());
::BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEnfVertexList::const_iterator it_enfVertex = _enfVertexList.begin();
+ ::BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEnfVertex *currentEnfVertex;
for (int j = 0; it_enfVertex != _enfVertexList.end(); ++it_enfVertex, ++j) {
+ currentEnfVertex = (*it_enfVertex);
BLSURFPlugin::TEnfVertex_var enfVertex = new BLSURFPlugin::TEnfVertex();
// Name
- enfVertex->name = CORBA::string_dup(it_enfVertex->name.c_str());
+ enfVertex->name = CORBA::string_dup(currentEnfVertex->name.c_str());
// Geom entry
- enfVertex->geomEntry = CORBA::string_dup(it_enfVertex->geomEntry.c_str());
+ enfVertex->geomEntry = CORBA::string_dup(currentEnfVertex->geomEntry.c_str());
// Coords
BLSURFPlugin::TEnfVertexCoords_var coords = new BLSURFPlugin::TEnfVertexCoords();
- coords->length(it_enfVertex->coords.size());
+ coords->length(currentEnfVertex->coords.size());
for (int i=0;i<coords->length();i++)
- coords[i] = it_enfVertex->coords[i];
+ coords[i] = currentEnfVertex->coords[i];
enfVertex->coords = coords;
// Group name
- enfVertex->grpName = CORBA::string_dup(it_enfVertex->grpName.c_str());
+ enfVertex->grpName = CORBA::string_dup(currentEnfVertex->grpName.c_str());
+ // Face entry list
+ BLSURFPlugin::TEntryList_var faceEntryList = new BLSURFPlugin::TEntryList();
+ faceEntryList->length(currentEnfVertex->faceEntries.size());
+ ::BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEntryList::const_iterator it_entry = currentEnfVertex->faceEntries.begin();
+ for (int ind = 0; it_entry != currentEnfVertex->faceEntries.end();++it_entry, ++ind)
+ faceEntryList[ind] = CORBA::string_dup((*it_entry).c_str());
+ enfVertex->faceEntries = faceEntryList;
ostringstream msg;
msg << "Enforced vertex: \n"
MESSAGE("Enforced Vertex map size is " << resultMap->length());
::BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEnfVertexList::const_iterator evlIt = enfVertexList.begin();
+ ::BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEnfVertex *currentEnfVertex;
for (int i = 0; evlIt != enfVertexList.end(); ++evlIt, ++i) {
MESSAGE("Enforced Vertex #" << i);
+ currentEnfVertex = (*evlIt);
BLSURFPlugin::TEnfVertex_var enfVertex = new BLSURFPlugin::TEnfVertex();
// Name
- enfVertex->name = CORBA::string_dup(evlIt->name.c_str());
+ enfVertex->name = CORBA::string_dup(currentEnfVertex->name.c_str());
// Geom entry
- enfVertex->geomEntry = CORBA::string_dup(evlIt->geomEntry.c_str());
+ enfVertex->geomEntry = CORBA::string_dup(currentEnfVertex->geomEntry.c_str());
// Coords
BLSURFPlugin::TEnfVertexCoords_var coords = new BLSURFPlugin::TEnfVertexCoords();
- coords->length(evlIt->coords.size());
+ coords->length(currentEnfVertex->coords.size());
for (int ind = 0; ind < coords->length(); ind++)
- coords[ind] = evlIt->coords[ind];
+ coords[ind] = currentEnfVertex->coords[ind];
enfVertex->coords = coords;
// Group name
- enfVertex->grpName = CORBA::string_dup(evlIt->grpName.c_str());
+ enfVertex->grpName = CORBA::string_dup(currentEnfVertex->grpName.c_str());
+ // Face entry list
+ BLSURFPlugin::TEntryList_var faceEntryList = new BLSURFPlugin::TEntryList();
+ faceEntryList->length(currentEnfVertex->faceEntries.size());
+ ::BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEntryList::const_iterator it_entry = currentEnfVertex->faceEntries.begin();
+ for (int ind = 0; it_entry != currentEnfVertex->faceEntries.end();++it_entry, ++ind)
+ faceEntryList[ind] = CORBA::string_dup((*it_entry).c_str());
+ enfVertex->faceEntries = faceEntryList;
ostringstream msg;
msg << "Enforced vertex: \n"
MESSAGE("Enforced Vertex map size is " << resultMap->length());
::BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TCoordsEnfVertexMap::const_iterator it_coords = coordsEnfVertexMap.begin();
+ ::BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEnfVertex *currentEnfVertex;
for (int i = 0; it_coords != coordsEnfVertexMap.end(); ++it_coords, ++i) {
MESSAGE("Enforced Vertex #" << i);
+ currentEnfVertex = (it_coords->second);
BLSURFPlugin::TCoordsEnfVertexElement_var mapElement = new BLSURFPlugin::TCoordsEnfVertexElement();
BLSURFPlugin::TEnfVertexCoords_var coords = new BLSURFPlugin::TEnfVertexCoords();
BLSURFPlugin::TEnfVertex_var enfVertex = new BLSURFPlugin::TEnfVertex();
// Name
- enfVertex->name = CORBA::string_dup(it_coords->second.name.c_str());
+ enfVertex->name = CORBA::string_dup(currentEnfVertex->name.c_str());
// Geom entry
- enfVertex->geomEntry = CORBA::string_dup(it_coords->second.geomEntry.c_str());
+ enfVertex->geomEntry = CORBA::string_dup(currentEnfVertex->geomEntry.c_str());
// Coords
BLSURFPlugin::TEnfVertexCoords_var coords2 = new BLSURFPlugin::TEnfVertexCoords();
- coords2->length(it_coords->second.coords.size());
+ coords2->length(currentEnfVertex->coords.size());
for (int ind=0;ind<coords2->length();ind++)
- coords2[ind] = it_coords->second.coords[ind];
+ coords2[ind] = currentEnfVertex->coords[ind];
enfVertex->coords = coords2;
// Group name
- enfVertex->grpName = CORBA::string_dup(it_coords->second.grpName.c_str());
+ enfVertex->grpName = CORBA::string_dup(currentEnfVertex->grpName.c_str());
+ // Face entry list
+ BLSURFPlugin::TEntryList_var faceEntryList = new BLSURFPlugin::TEntryList();
+ faceEntryList->length(currentEnfVertex->faceEntries.size());
+ ::BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEntryList::const_iterator it_entry = currentEnfVertex->faceEntries.begin();
+ for (int ind = 0; it_entry != currentEnfVertex->faceEntries.end();++it_entry, ++ind)
+ faceEntryList[ind] = CORBA::string_dup((*it_entry).c_str());
+ enfVertex->faceEntries = faceEntryList;
mapElement->enfVertex = enfVertex;
ostringstream msg;
msg << "Enforced vertex: \n"
MESSAGE("Enforced Vertex map size is " << resultMap->length());
- ::BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEnfVertexEntryEnfVertexMap::const_iterator it_enfVertexEntry =
- enfVertexEntryEnfVertexMap.begin();
+ ::BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEnfVertexEntryEnfVertexMap::const_iterator it_enfVertexEntry = enfVertexEntryEnfVertexMap.begin();
+ ::BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEnfVertex *currentEnfVertex;
for (int i = 0; it_enfVertexEntry != enfVertexEntryEnfVertexMap.end(); ++it_enfVertexEntry, ++i) {
MESSAGE("Enforced Vertex #" << i);
+ currentEnfVertex = it_enfVertexEntry->second;
BLSURFPlugin::TEnfVertexEntryEnfVertexElement_var mapElement = new BLSURFPlugin::TEnfVertexEntryEnfVertexElement();
mapElement->enfVertexEntry = CORBA::string_dup(it_enfVertexEntry->first.c_str());;
MESSAGE("Enf Vertex Entry #" << i << ": " << mapElement->enfVertexEntry);
BLSURFPlugin::TEnfVertex_var enfVertex = new BLSURFPlugin::TEnfVertex();
// Name
- enfVertex->name = CORBA::string_dup(it_enfVertexEntry->second.name.c_str());
+ enfVertex->name = CORBA::string_dup(currentEnfVertex->name.c_str());
// Geom entry
- enfVertex->geomEntry = CORBA::string_dup(it_enfVertexEntry->second.geomEntry.c_str());
+ enfVertex->geomEntry = CORBA::string_dup(currentEnfVertex->geomEntry.c_str());
// Coords
BLSURFPlugin::TEnfVertexCoords_var coords = new BLSURFPlugin::TEnfVertexCoords();
- coords->length(it_enfVertexEntry->second.coords.size());
+ coords->length(currentEnfVertex->coords.size());
for (int ind=0;ind<coords->length();ind++)
- coords[ind] = it_enfVertexEntry->second.coords[ind];
+ coords[ind] = currentEnfVertex->coords[ind];
enfVertex->coords = coords;
// Group name
- enfVertex->grpName = CORBA::string_dup(it_enfVertexEntry->second.grpName.c_str());
+ enfVertex->grpName = CORBA::string_dup(currentEnfVertex->grpName.c_str());
+ // Face entry list
+ BLSURFPlugin::TEntryList_var faceEntryList = new BLSURFPlugin::TEntryList();
+ faceEntryList->length(currentEnfVertex->faceEntries.size());
+ ::BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEntryList::const_iterator it_entry = currentEnfVertex->faceEntries.begin();
+ for (int ind = 0; it_entry != currentEnfVertex->faceEntries.end();++it_entry, ++ind)
+ faceEntryList[ind] = CORBA::string_dup((*it_entry).c_str());
+ enfVertex->faceEntries = faceEntryList;
ostringstream msg;
msg << "Enforced vertex: \n"
if (theFaceEntry == "")
THROW_SALOME_CORBA_EXCEPTION( "Geom object is not published in study" ,SALOME::BAD_PARAM );
MESSAGE("IDL : GetName : " << theFace->GetName());
- MESSAGE("IDL : SetEnforcedVertex ( "<< theFaceEntry << ", " << x << ", " << y << ", " << z << ")");
+ MESSAGE("IDL : SetEnforcedVertex( "<< theFaceEntry << ", " << x << ", " << y << ", " << z << ")");
try {
return SetEnforcedVertexEntry(theFaceEntry.c_str(), x, y, z);
} catch (SALOME_Exception& ex) {
THROW_SALOME_CORBA_EXCEPTION( "Geom object is not published in study" ,SALOME::BAD_PARAM );
MESSAGE("IDL : GetName : " << theFace->GetName());
- MESSAGE("IDL : SetEnforcedVertex ( "<< theFaceEntry << ", " << x << ", " << y << ", " << z << ", " << theVertexName << ")");
+ MESSAGE("IDL : SetEnforcedVertexNamed( "<< theFaceEntry << ", " << x << ", " << y << ", " << z << ", " << theVertexName << ")");
try {
return SetEnforcedVertexEntry(theFaceEntry.c_str(), x, y, z, theVertexName);
} catch (SALOME_Exception& ex) {
string theVertexName = theVertex->GetName();
MESSAGE("IDL : theFace->GetName : " << theFace->GetName());
MESSAGE("IDL : theVertex->GetName : " << theVertexName);
- MESSAGE("IDL : SetEnforcedVertexGeom ( "<< theFaceEntry << ", " << theVertexEntry<< ")");
+ MESSAGE("IDL : SetEnforcedVertexGeom( "<< theFaceEntry << ", " << theVertexEntry<< ")");
try {
return SetEnforcedVertexEntry(theFaceEntry.c_str(), 0, 0, 0, theVertexName.c_str(), theVertexEntry.c_str());
} catch (SALOME_Exception& ex) {
- * Set/get/unset an enforced vertex with group name on face
+ * Set an enforced vertex with group name on face
- void BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis_i::SetEnforcedVertexGroup(GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theFace,
- CORBA::Double x, CORBA::Double y, CORBA::Double z, const char* theGroupName)
+bool BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis_i::SetEnforcedVertexWithGroup(GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theFace, CORBA::Double x, CORBA::Double y, CORBA::Double z, const char* theGroupName)
throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception)
- {
- ASSERT(myBaseImpl);
+ ASSERT(myBaseImpl);
- if ((theFace->GetShapeType() != GEOM::FACE) && (theFace->GetShapeType() != GEOM::COMPOUND)) {
- MESSAGE("theFace shape type is not FACE or COMPOUND");
- }
+ if ((theFace->GetShapeType() != GEOM::FACE) && (theFace->GetShapeType() != GEOM::COMPOUND)) {
+ MESSAGE("theFace shape type is not FACE or COMPOUND");
+ }
+ string theFaceEntry = theFace->GetStudyEntry();
+ if (theFaceEntry == "") {
+ GEOM::GEOM_Gen_ptr geomGen = SMESH_Gen_i::GetGeomEngine();
+ SMESH_Gen_i *smeshGen = SMESH_Gen_i::GetSMESHGen();
+ string aName;
+ if (theFace->GetShapeType() == GEOM::FACE)
+ aName = "Face_";
+ if (theFace->GetShapeType() == GEOM::COMPOUND)
+ aName = "Compound_";
+ aName += theFace->GetEntry();
+ SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr theSFace = geomGen->PublishInStudy(smeshGen->GetCurrentStudy(), NULL, theFace, aName.c_str());
+ if (!theSFace->_is_nil())
+ theFaceEntry = theSFace->GetID();
+ }
+ if (theFaceEntry == "")
+ THROW_SALOME_CORBA_EXCEPTION( "Geom object is not published in study" ,SALOME::BAD_PARAM );
+ MESSAGE("IDL : GetName : " << theFace->GetName());
+ MESSAGE("IDL : SetEnforcedVertexWithGroup( "<< theFaceEntry << ", " << x << ", " << y << ", " << z << ", " << theGroupName << ")");
+ try {
+ return SetEnforcedVertexEntry(theFaceEntry.c_str(), x, y, z, "", "", theGroupName);
+ } catch (SALOME_Exception& ex) {
+ }
- // TODO publish geom objects it not published
- string theFaceEntry = theFace->GetStudyEntry();
+ * Set an enforced vertex with name and group name on face
+ */
+bool BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis_i::SetEnforcedVertexNamedWithGroup(GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theFace, CORBA::Double x, CORBA::Double y, CORBA::Double z,
+ const char* theVertexName, const char* theGroupName)
+ throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception)
+ ASSERT(myBaseImpl);
- if (theFaceEntry == "")
- THROW_SALOME_CORBA_EXCEPTION( "Geom object is not published in study" ,SALOME::BAD_PARAM );
+ if ((theFace->GetShapeType() != GEOM::FACE) && (theFace->GetShapeType() != GEOM::COMPOUND)) {
+ MESSAGE("theFace shape type is not FACE or COMPOUND");
+ }
- MESSAGE("IDL : GetName : " << theFace->GetName());
- MESSAGE("IDL : SetEnforcedVertexGroup ( "<< theFaceEntry << ", " << x << ", " << y << ", " << z << ", " << theGroupName <<")");
- try {
- SetEnforcedVertexEntry(theFaceEntry.c_str(), x, y, z, "", "", theGroupName.c_str());
- }
- catch (SALOME_Exception& ex) {
- }
- }
+ string theFaceEntry = theFace->GetStudyEntry();
+ if (theFaceEntry == "") {
+ GEOM::GEOM_Gen_ptr geomGen = SMESH_Gen_i::GetGeomEngine();
+ SMESH_Gen_i *smeshGen = SMESH_Gen_i::GetSMESHGen();
+ string aName;
+ if (theFace->GetShapeType() == GEOM::FACE)
+ aName = "Face_";
+ if (theFace->GetShapeType() == GEOM::COMPOUND)
+ aName = "Compound_";
+ aName += theFace->GetEntry();
+ SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr theSFace = geomGen->PublishInStudy(smeshGen->GetCurrentStudy(), NULL, theFace, aName.c_str());
+ if (!theSFace->_is_nil())
+ theFaceEntry = theSFace->GetID();
+ }
+ if (theFaceEntry == "")
+ THROW_SALOME_CORBA_EXCEPTION( "Geom object is not published in study" ,SALOME::BAD_PARAM );
+ MESSAGE("IDL : GetName : " << theFace->GetName());
+ MESSAGE("IDL : SetEnforcedVertexNamedWithGroup( "<< theFaceEntry << ", " << x << ", " << y << ", " << z << ", " << theVertexName << ", " << theGroupName << ")");
+ try {
+ return SetEnforcedVertexEntry(theFaceEntry.c_str(), x, y, z, theVertexName, "", theGroupName);
+ } catch (SALOME_Exception& ex) {
+ }
+ * Set an enforced vertex with geom entry and group name on face
+bool BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis_i::SetEnforcedVertexGeomWithGroup(GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theFace, GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theVertex, const char* theGroupName)
+ throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception)
+ ASSERT(myBaseImpl);
+ if ((theFace->GetShapeType() != GEOM::FACE) && (theFace->GetShapeType() != GEOM::COMPOUND)) {
+ MESSAGE("theFace shape type is not FACE or COMPOUND");
+ }
+ if ((theVertex->GetShapeType() != GEOM::VERTEX) && (theVertex->GetShapeType() != GEOM::COMPOUND)) {
+ MESSAGE("theVertex shape type is not VERTEX or COMPOUND");
+ }
+ string theFaceEntry = theFace->GetStudyEntry();
+ string theVertexEntry = theVertex->GetStudyEntry();
+ GEOM::GEOM_Gen_ptr geomGen = SMESH_Gen_i::GetGeomEngine();
+ SMESH_Gen_i *smeshGen = SMESH_Gen_i::GetSMESHGen();
+ string aName;
+ if (theFaceEntry == "") {
+ if (theFace->GetShapeType() == GEOM::FACE)
+ aName = "Face_";
+ if (theFace->GetShapeType() == GEOM::COMPOUND)
+ aName = "Compound_";
+ aName += theFace->GetEntry();
+ SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr theSFace = geomGen->PublishInStudy(smeshGen->GetCurrentStudy(), NULL, theFace, aName.c_str());
+ if (!theSFace->_is_nil())
+ theFaceEntry = theSFace->GetID();
+ }
+ if (theFaceEntry == "")
+ THROW_SALOME_CORBA_EXCEPTION( "Geom object is not published in study" ,SALOME::BAD_PARAM );
+ if (theVertexEntry == "") {
+ if (theVertex->GetShapeType() == GEOM::VERTEX)
+ aName = "Vertex_";
+ if (theVertex->GetShapeType() == GEOM::COMPOUND)
+ aName = "Compound_";
+ aName += theVertex->GetEntry();
+ SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr theSVertex = geomGen->PublishInStudy(smeshGen->GetCurrentStudy(), NULL, theVertex, aName.c_str());
+ if (!theSVertex->_is_nil())
+ theVertexEntry = theSVertex->GetID();
+ }
+ if (theVertexEntry == "")
+ THROW_SALOME_CORBA_EXCEPTION( "Geom object is not published in study" ,SALOME::BAD_PARAM );
+ string theVertexName = theVertex->GetName();
+ MESSAGE("IDL : theFace->GetName : " << theFace->GetName());
+ MESSAGE("IDL : theVertex->GetName : " << theVertexName);
+ MESSAGE("IDL : SetEnforcedVertexGeomWithGroup( "<< theFaceEntry << ", " << theVertexEntry<< ", " << theGroupName<< ")");
+ try {
+ return SetEnforcedVertexEntry(theFaceEntry.c_str(), 0, 0, 0, theVertexName.c_str(), theVertexEntry.c_str(), theGroupName);
+ } catch (SALOME_Exception& ex) {
+ }
+ * Get the list of all enforced vertices
+ */
BLSURFPlugin::TEnfVertexList* BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis_i::GetEnforcedVertices(GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theFace)
throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception) {
newValue = true;
} else {
MESSAGE("Coords already found, compare names");
- ::BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEnfVertex enfVertex = this->GetImpl()->GetEnfVertex(coords);
- if ((enfVertex.name != theVertexName) || (enfVertex.grpName != theGroupName)) {
+ ::BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEnfVertex *enfVertex = this->GetImpl()->GetEnfVertex(coords);
+ if ((enfVertex->name != theVertexName) || (enfVertex->grpName != theGroupName)) {
MESSAGE("The names are different: update");
// this->GetImpl()->ClearEnforcedVertex(theFaceEntry, x, y, z);
newValue = true;
if (newValue)
if (theVertexName == "")
- SMESH::TPythonDump() << _this() << ".SetEnforcedVertex(" << theFaceEntry << ", " << x << ", " << y << ", " << z
- << ")";
+ if (theGroupName == "")
+ SMESH::TPythonDump() << _this() << ".SetEnforcedVertex(" << theFaceEntry << ", " << x << ", " << y << ", " << z << ")";
+ else
+ SMESH::TPythonDump() << _this() << ".SetEnforcedVertexWithGroup(" << theFaceEntry << ", " << x << ", " << y << ", " << z << ", \"" << theGroupName << "\")";
- SMESH::TPythonDump() << _this() << ".SetEnforcedVertexNamed(" << theFaceEntry << ", " << x << ", " << y << ", "
- << z << ", \"" << theVertexName << "\")";
+ if (theGroupName == "")
+ SMESH::TPythonDump() << _this() << ".SetEnforcedVertexNamed(" << theFaceEntry << ", " << x << ", " << y << ", " << z << ", \"" << theVertexName << "\")";
+ else
+ SMESH::TPythonDump() << _this() << ".SetEnforcedVertexNamedWithGroup(" << theFaceEntry << ", " << x << ", " << y << ", " << z << ", \""
+ << theVertexName << ", \"" << theGroupName << "\")";
} else {
try {
::BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEntryList enfVertexEntryList = this->GetImpl()->GetEnfVertexEntryList(theFaceEntry);
newValue = true;
if (newValue)
- SMESH::TPythonDump() << _this() << ".SetEnforcedVertexGeom(" << theFaceEntry << ", " << theVertexEntry << ")";
+ if (theGroupName == "")
+ SMESH::TPythonDump() << _this() << ".SetEnforcedVertexGeom(" << theFaceEntry << ", " << theVertexEntry << ")";
+ else
+ SMESH::TPythonDump() << _this() << ".SetEnforcedVertexGeomWithGroup(" << theFaceEntry << ", " << theVertexEntry << ", \"" << theGroupName << "\")";
if (newValue)
- this->GetImpl()->SetEnforcedVertex(theFaceEntry, x, y, z, theVertexName, theVertexEntry, theGroupName);
+ this->GetImpl()->SetEnforcedVertex(theFaceEntry, theVertexName, theVertexEntry, theGroupName, x, y, z);
MESSAGE("IDL : SetEnforcedVertexEntry END");
return newValue;
MESSAGE("Number of enforced vertices: " << vertexList->length());
::BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEnfVertexList::const_iterator evlIt = _vList.begin();
for (int i = 0; evlIt != _vList.end(); ++evlIt, ++i) {
- ::BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEnfVertex _enfVertex = (*evlIt);
+ ::BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEnfVertex *_enfVertex = (*evlIt);
BLSURFPlugin::TEnfVertex_var enfVertex = new BLSURFPlugin::TEnfVertex();
// Name
- enfVertex->name = CORBA::string_dup(_enfVertex.name.c_str());
+ enfVertex->name = CORBA::string_dup(_enfVertex->name.c_str());
// Geom Vertex Entry
- enfVertex->geomEntry = CORBA::string_dup(_enfVertex.geomEntry.c_str());
+ enfVertex->geomEntry = CORBA::string_dup(_enfVertex->geomEntry.c_str());
// Coords
BLSURFPlugin::TEnfVertexCoords_var coords = new BLSURFPlugin::TEnfVertexCoords();
- coords->length(_enfVertex.coords.size());
+ coords->length(_enfVertex->coords.size());
for (int ind=0;ind<coords->length();ind++)
- coords[ind] = _enfVertex.coords[ind];
+ coords[ind] = _enfVertex->coords[ind];
enfVertex->coords = coords;
// Group Name
- enfVertex->grpName = CORBA::string_dup(_enfVertex.grpName.c_str());
+ enfVertex->grpName = CORBA::string_dup(_enfVertex->grpName.c_str());
+ // Face entry list
+ BLSURFPlugin::TEntryList_var faceEntryList = new BLSURFPlugin::TEntryList();
+ faceEntryList->length(_enfVertex->faceEntries.size());
+ ::BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEntryList::const_iterator it_entry = _enfVertex->faceEntries.begin();
+ for (int ind = 0; it_entry != _enfVertex->faceEntries.end();++it_entry, ++ind)
+ faceEntryList[ind] = CORBA::string_dup((*it_entry).c_str());
+ enfVertex->faceEntries = faceEntryList;
vertexList[i] = enfVertex;
bool SetEnforcedVertex(GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theFace, CORBA::Double x, CORBA::Double y, CORBA::Double z)
throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
- bool SetEnforcedVertexNamed(GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theFace, CORBA::Double x, CORBA::Double y, CORBA::Double z,
- const char* theVertexName = "") throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
+ bool SetEnforcedVertexNamed(GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theFace, CORBA::Double x, CORBA::Double y, CORBA::Double z, const char* theVertexName)
+ throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
bool SetEnforcedVertexGeom(GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theFace, GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theVertex)
throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
- // void SetEnforcedVertexGroup(GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theFace, CORBA::Double x, CORBA::Double y, CORBA::Double z, const char* theGroupName) throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
- // void SetEnforcedVertexNamedGroup(GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theFace, CORBA::Double x, CORBA::Double y, CORBA::Double z, const char* theGroupName, const char* theVertexName = "") throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
- // void SetEnforcedVertexGeomGroup(GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theFace, GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theVertex, const char* theGroupName) throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
+ bool SetEnforcedVertexWithGroup(GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theFace, CORBA::Double x, CORBA::Double y, CORBA::Double z, const char* theGroupName)
+ throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
+ bool SetEnforcedVertexNamedWithGroup(GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theFace, CORBA::Double x, CORBA::Double y, CORBA::Double z, const char* theVertexName, const char* theGroupName)
+ throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
+ bool SetEnforcedVertexGeomWithGroup(GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theFace, GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theVertex, const char* theGroupName)
+ throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
BLSURFPlugin::TEnfVertexList* GetEnforcedVertices(GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theFace) throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
bool SetEnforcedVertexEntry(const char* theFaceEntry, CORBA::Double x = 0, CORBA::Double y = 0, CORBA::Double z = 0,
const char* theVertexName = "", const char* theVertexEntry = "", const char* theGroupName = "")
throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
- // bool SetEnforcedVertexEntryNamed(const char* theFaceEntry, CORBA::Double x, CORBA::Double y, CORBA::Double z, const char* theVertexName="") throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
- // bool SetEnforcedVertexEntryGeom(const char* theFaceEntry, const char* theVertexEntry, const char* theVertexName) throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
BLSURFPlugin::TEnfVertexList* GetEnforcedVerticesEntry(const char* theFaceEntry) throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
bool UnsetEnforcedVertexEntry(const char* theFaceEntry, CORBA::Double x, CORBA::Double y, CORBA::Double z,
const char* theVertexEntry = "") throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
- // bool UnsetEnforcedVertexEntryGeom(const char* theFaceEntry, const char* theVertexEntry)
- // throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
bool UnsetEnforcedVerticesEntry(const char* theFaceEntry) throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
- bool _setEnfVertex(const char* theFaceEntry, CORBA::Double x, CORBA::Double y, CORBA::Double z,
- const char* theVertexEntry = "", const char* enfName = "", const char* theGroupName = "");
- bool _unsetEnfVertex(const char* theFaceEntry, CORBA::Double x, CORBA::Double y, CORBA::Double z);
* Set/get node group to an enforced vertex
return Py_None;
-static PyMethodDef PyStdOut_methods[] = {
+static PyMethodDef PyStdOut_methods[] = {
{"write", (PyCFunction)PyStdOut_write, METH_VARARGS,
- PyDoc_STR("write(string) -> None")},
+ PyDoc_STR("write(string) -> None")},
{NULL, NULL} /* sentinel */
const QStyleOptionViewItem & option ,
const QModelIndex & index ) const
+// QModelIndex father = index.parent();
+// QString entry = father.child(index.row(), ENF_VER_ENTRY_COLUMN).data(Qt::EditRole).toString();
if (index.column() == ENF_VER_X_COLUMN || \
- index.column() == ENF_VER_Y_COLUMN || \
- index.column() == ENF_VER_Z_COLUMN)
+ index.column() == ENF_VER_Y_COLUMN || \
+ index.column() == ENF_VER_Z_COLUMN)
SMESHGUI_SpinBox *editor = new SMESHGUI_SpinBox(parent);
editor->RangeStepAndValidator(COORD_MIN, COORD_MAX, 10.0, "length_precision");
+// editor->setEnabled(entry.isEmpty());
return editor;
QLineEdit *editor = new QLineEdit(parent);
+// if (index.column() != ENF_VER_GROUP_COLUMN)
+// editor->setEnabled(entry.isEmpty());
return editor;
void EnforcedTreeWidgetDelegate::setEditorData(QWidget *editor,
const QModelIndex &index) const
- QModelIndex parent = index.parent();
- QString entry = parent.child(index.row(), ENF_VER_ENTRY_COLUMN).data(Qt::EditRole).toString();
QString value = index.model()->data(index, Qt::EditRole).toString();
if (index.column() == ENF_VER_X_COLUMN ||
index.column() == ENF_VER_Y_COLUMN ||
index.column() == ENF_VER_Z_COLUMN)
- // If no entry for current index => manual enforced vertex
- // Editor is a SMESHGUI_SpinBox
- if (entry.isEmpty()) {
- SMESHGUI_SpinBox *lineEdit = static_cast<SMESHGUI_SpinBox*>(editor);
- lineEdit->setText(value);
- } else {
- // If there is an entry => selected enforced vertexEntry
- // Editor is a read-only QLineEdit
- QLineEdit *lineEdit = static_cast<QLineEdit*>(editor);
- lineEdit->setText("");
- lineEdit->setReadOnly(true);
- }
- } else if ((entry.isEmpty()) && (index.column() == ENF_VER_NAME_COLUMN)) {
- // If there is an entry => selected enforced vertexEntry
- // Editor is a read-only QLineEdit
- QLineEdit *lineEdit = static_cast<QLineEdit*>(editor);
+ SMESHGUI_SpinBox *lineEdit = static_cast<SMESHGUI_SpinBox*>(editor);
- lineEdit->setReadOnly(true);
else {
QLineEdit *lineEdit = static_cast<QLineEdit*>(editor);
void EnforcedTreeWidgetDelegate::setModelData(QWidget *editor, QAbstractItemModel *model,
const QModelIndex &index) const
- if (index.column() == ENF_VER_X_COLUMN || \
- index.column() == ENF_VER_Y_COLUMN || \
- index.column() == ENF_VER_Z_COLUMN)
- {
+ QModelIndex parent = index.parent();
+ QString entry = parent.child(index.row(), ENF_VER_ENTRY_COLUMN).data(Qt::EditRole).toString();
+ if (index.column() == ENF_VER_X_COLUMN || index.column() == ENF_VER_Y_COLUMN || index.column() == ENF_VER_Z_COLUMN) {
SMESHGUI_SpinBox *lineEdit = static_cast<SMESHGUI_SpinBox*>(editor);
- if (! vertexExists(model, index, lineEdit->GetString())) {
+ if (entry.isEmpty() && !vertexExists(model, index, lineEdit->GetString()))
model->setData(index, lineEdit->GetValue(), Qt::EditRole);
- }
} else if (index.column() == ENF_VER_NAME_COLUMN) {
QLineEdit *lineEdit = static_cast<QLineEdit*>(editor);
QString value = lineEdit->text();
- if (! vertexExists(model, index, value)) {
+ if (entry.isEmpty() && !vertexExists(model, index, value))
model->setData(index, value, Qt::EditRole);
- }
- }
- else if (index.column() == ENF_VER_GROUP_COLUMN) {
+ } else if (index.column() == ENF_VER_ENTRY_COLUMN) {
+ QLineEdit *lineEdit = static_cast<QLineEdit*>(editor);
+ QString value = lineEdit->text();
+ if (! vertexExists(model, index, value))
+ model->setData(index, value, Qt::EditRole);
+ } else if (index.column() == ENF_VER_GROUP_COLUMN) {
QLineEdit *lineEdit = static_cast<QLineEdit*>(editor);
model->setData(index, lineEdit->text(), Qt::EditRole);
-// MESSAGE("Value " << value.toString().toStdString() << " was set at index(" << index.row() << "," << index.column() << ")");
- */
void EnforcedTreeWidgetDelegate::updateEditorGeometry(QWidget *editor,
// END EnforcedTreeWidgetDelegate
+// BEGIN BLSURFPluginGUI_ObjectReferenceParamWdg
+// BLSURFPluginGUI_ObjectReferenceParamWdg::BLSURFPluginGUI_ObjectReferenceParamWdg
+// ( SUIT_SelectionFilter* f, QWidget* parent, bool multiSelection)
+// : StdMeshersGUI_ObjectReferenceParamWdg(f, parent, multiSelection)
+// {
+// init();
+// }
+// BLSURFPluginGUI_ObjectReferenceParamWdg::BLSURFPluginGUI_ObjectReferenceParamWdg
+// ( MeshObjectType objType, QWidget* parent, bool multiSelection )
+// : StdMeshersGUI_ObjectReferenceParamWdg( objType, parent, multiSelection )
+// {
+// init();
+// }
+// BLSURFPluginGUI_ObjectReferenceParamWdg::~BLSURFPluginGUI_ObjectReferenceParamWdg()
+// {
+// if ( myFilter )
+// {
+// mySelectionMgr->removeFilter( myFilter );
+// delete myFilter;
+// }
+// }
+// void BLSURFPluginGUI_ObjectReferenceParamWdg::init()
+// {
+// StdMeshersGUI_ObjectReferenceParamWdg::init();
+// disconnect( mySelButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(activateSelection()));
+// connect( mySelButton, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT(setActivationStatus(bool)));
+// }
+// void BLSURFPluginGUI_ObjectReferenceParamWdg::setActivationStatus(bool status)
+// {
+// if (status)
+// activateSelection();
+// else
+// deactivateSelection();
+// }
+// void BLSURFPluginGUI_ObjectReferenceParamWdg::activateSelectionOnly()
+// {
+// if ( !mySelectionActivated && mySelectionMgr )
+// {
+// mySelectionActivated = true;
+// mySelectionMgr->clearFilters();
+// if ( SVTK_ViewWindow* aViewWindow = SMESH::GetViewWindow( mySMESHGUI ))
+// aViewWindow->SetSelectionMode(ActorSelection);
+// if ( myFilter )
+// mySelectionMgr->installFilter( myFilter );
+// connect(mySelectionMgr, SIGNAL(currentSelectionChanged()), SLOT(onSelectionDone()));
+// }
+// emit selectionActivated();
+// }
+// void BLSURFPluginGUI_ObjectReferenceParamWdg::deactivateSelectionOnly()
+// {
+// mySelectionActivated = false;
+// disconnect(mySelectionMgr, 0, this, 0 );
+// mySelectionMgr->removeFilter( myFilter );
+// }
+// END BLSURFPluginGUI_ObjectReferenceParamWdg
* \brief {BLSURFPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator constructor}
QStringList enforcedHeaders;
- */
myEnforcedTreeWidget->setItemDelegate(new EnforcedTreeWidgetDelegate());
TColStd_MapOfInteger shapeTypes1, shapeTypes2;
shapeTypes1.Add( TopAbs_FACE );
myZCoord = new SMESHGUI_SpinBox(myEnfGroup);
myZCoord->RangeStepAndValidator(COORD_MIN, COORD_MAX, 10.0, "length_precision");
QLabel* myGroupNameLabel = new QLabel( tr( "BLSURF_ENF_VER_GROUP_LABEL" ), myEnfGroup );
myGroupName = new QLineEdit(myEnfGroup);
- */
addVertexButton = new QPushButton(tr("BLSURF_ENF_VER_VERTEX"),myEnfGroup);
// QFrame *line = new QFrame(myEnfGroup);
// line->setFrameShadow(QFrame::Sunken);
removeVertexButton = new QPushButton(tr("BLSURF_ENF_VER_REMOVE"),myEnfGroup);
// CheckBox for groups generation
makeGroupsCheck = new QGroupBox(tr("BLSURF_ENF_VER_GROUPS"), myEnfGroup);
QGridLayout* aGroupLayout = new QGridLayout(makeGroupsCheck);
myGlobalGroupName = new QLineEdit(makeGroupsCheck);
- */
anEnfLayout->addWidget(myEnforcedTreeWidget, 0, 0, ENF_VER_NB_LINES+1, 1);
+ QGridLayout* anEnfLayout2 = new QGridLayout(myEnfGroup);
- anEnfLayout->addWidget(myEnfFaceWdg, ENF_VER_FACE, 1, 1, 2);
- anEnfLayout->addWidget(myEnfVertexWdg, ENF_VER_VERTEX, 1, 1, 2);
- anEnfLayout->addWidget(myXCoordLabel, ENF_VER_X_COORD, 1, 1, 1);
- anEnfLayout->addWidget(myXCoord, ENF_VER_X_COORD, 2, 1, 1);
- anEnfLayout->addWidget(myYCoordLabel, ENF_VER_Y_COORD, 1, 1, 1);
- anEnfLayout->addWidget(myYCoord, ENF_VER_Y_COORD, 2, 1, 1);
- anEnfLayout->addWidget(myZCoordLabel, ENF_VER_Z_COORD, 1, 1, 1);
- anEnfLayout->addWidget(myZCoord, ENF_VER_Z_COORD, 2, 1, 1);
- anEnfLayout->addWidget(myGroupNameLabel, ENF_VER_GROUP, 1, 1, 1);
- anEnfLayout->addWidget(myGroupName, ENF_VER_GROUP, 2, 1, 1);
- */
- anEnfLayout->addWidget(addVertexButton, ENF_VER_VERTEX_BTN, 1, 1, 2);
- anEnfLayout->addWidget(removeVertexButton, ENF_VER_REMOVE_BTN, 1, 1, 2);
-// anEnfLayout->addWidget(line, ENF_VER_SEPARATOR, 1, 1, 2);
- anEnfLayout->addWidget(makeGroupsCheck, ENF_VER_GROUP_CHECK, 1, 1, 2);
- */
+ anEnfLayout2->addWidget(myEnfFaceWdg, ENF_VER_FACE, 0, 1, 2);
+ anEnfLayout2->addWidget(myEnfVertexWdg, ENF_VER_VERTEX, 0, 1, 2);
+ anEnfLayout2->addWidget(myXCoordLabel, ENF_VER_X_COORD, 0, 1, 1);
+ anEnfLayout2->addWidget(myXCoord, ENF_VER_X_COORD, 1, 1, 1);
+ anEnfLayout2->addWidget(myYCoordLabel, ENF_VER_Y_COORD, 0, 1, 1);
+ anEnfLayout2->addWidget(myYCoord, ENF_VER_Y_COORD, 1, 1, 1);
+ anEnfLayout2->addWidget(myZCoordLabel, ENF_VER_Z_COORD, 0, 1, 1);
+ anEnfLayout2->addWidget(myZCoord, ENF_VER_Z_COORD, 1, 1, 1);
+ anEnfLayout2->addWidget(myGroupNameLabel, ENF_VER_GROUP, 0, 1, 1);
+ anEnfLayout2->addWidget(myGroupName, ENF_VER_GROUP, 1, 1, 1);
+ anEnfLayout2->addWidget(addVertexButton, ENF_VER_VERTEX_BTN, 0, 1, 2);
+ anEnfLayout2->addWidget(removeVertexButton, ENF_VER_REMOVE_BTN, 0, 1, 2);
+// anEnfLayout->addWidget(line, ENF_VER_SEPARATOR, 0, 1, 2);
+ anEnfLayout2->addWidget(makeGroupsCheck, ENF_VER_GROUP_CHECK, 0, 1, 2);
+ anEnfLayout->addLayout(anEnfLayout2, 0,1,ENF_VER_NB_LINES+1,2);
// ---
tab->insertTab( STD_TAB, myStdGroup, tr( "SMESH_ARGUMENTS" ) );
connect( mySizeMapTable, SIGNAL( cellChanged ( int, int )), this, SLOT( onSetSizeMap(int,int ) ) );
connect( myEnforcedTreeWidget,SIGNAL( itemClicked(QTreeWidgetItem *, int)), this, SLOT( synchronizeCoords() ) );
- connect( myEnforcedTreeWidget,SIGNAL( itemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem *, int)), this, SLOT( update(QTreeWidgetItem *, int) ) );
+ connect( myEnforcedTreeWidget,SIGNAL( itemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem *, int)), this, SLOT( updateEnforcedVertexValues(QTreeWidgetItem *, int) ) );
connect( myEnforcedTreeWidget,SIGNAL( itemSelectionChanged() ), this, SLOT( synchronizeCoords() ) );
connect( addVertexButton, SIGNAL( clicked()), this, SLOT( onAddEnforcedVertices() ) );
connect( removeVertexButton, SIGNAL( clicked()), this, SLOT( onRemoveEnforcedVertex() ) );
connect( myEnfVertexWdg, SIGNAL( contentModified()), this, SLOT( onSelectEnforcedVertex() ) );
// connect( myEnfVertexWdg, SIGNAL( selectionActivated()), this, SLOT( onVertexSelectionActivated() ) );
// connect( myEnfFaceWdg, SIGNAL( selectionActivated()), this, SLOT( onFaceSelectionActivated() ) );
- connect(QApplication::instance(), SIGNAL(focusChanged(QWidget*, QWidget*)), this, SLOT(deactivateSelection(QWidget*, QWidget*)));
+// connect(QApplication::instance(), SIGNAL(focusChanged(QWidget*, QWidget*)), this, SLOT(deactivateSelection(QWidget*, QWidget*)));
return fr;
void BLSURFPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator::deactivateSelection(QWidget* old, QWidget* now)
- if ((now != myEnfVertexWdg) and (now != myEnfFaceWdg)) {
+ if ((now == myXCoord) || (now == myYCoord) || (now == myZCoord)
+ || (now = myGroupName) || (now = makeGroupsCheck) || (now = myEnforcedTreeWidget)) {
BLSURFPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator* that = (BLSURFPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator*)this;
+ * This method resets the content of the X, Y, Z and GroupNAme widgets;
+void BLSURFPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator::clearEnforcedVertexWidgets()
+ myXCoord->setCleared(true);
+ myYCoord->setCleared(true);
+ myZCoord->setCleared(true);
+ myXCoord->setText("");
+ myYCoord->setText("");
+ myZCoord->setText("");
+ myGroupName->setText("");
-/** BLSURFPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator::update(item, column)
+/** BLSURFPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator::updateEnforcedVertexValues(item, column)
This method updates the tooltip of a modified item. The QLineEdit widgets content
is synchronized with the coordinates of the enforced vertex clicked in the tree widget.
-void BLSURFPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator::update(QTreeWidgetItem* item, int column) {
-// MESSAGE("BLSURFPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator::updateVertexList");
+void BLSURFPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator::updateEnforcedVertexValues(QTreeWidgetItem* item, int column) {
+// MESSAGE("BLSURFPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator::updateEnforcedVertexValues");
+ QVariant vertexName = item->data(ENF_VER_NAME_COLUMN, Qt::EditRole);
QVariant x = item->data(ENF_VER_X_COLUMN, Qt::EditRole);
+ QVariant y = item->data(ENF_VER_X_COLUMN, Qt::EditRole);
+ QVariant z = item->data(ENF_VER_X_COLUMN, Qt::EditRole);
QVariant entry = item->data(ENF_VER_ENTRY_COLUMN, Qt::EditRole);
- if (!x.isNull() && !entry.isNull()) {
- QVariant y = item->data(ENF_VER_Y_COLUMN, Qt::EditRole);
- QVariant z = item->data(ENF_VER_Z_COLUMN, Qt::EditRole);
- QVariant vertexName = item->data(ENF_VER_NAME_COLUMN, Qt::EditRole);
- QString groupName = item->data(ENF_VER_GROUP_COLUMN, Qt::EditRole).toString();
- */
- QTreeWidgetItem* parent = item->parent();
- if (parent) {
+ QString groupName = item->data(ENF_VER_GROUP_COLUMN, Qt::EditRole).toString();
+ QTreeWidgetItem* parent = item->parent();
+ clearEnforcedVertexWidgets();
+ if (parent && (!x.isNull() || !entry.isNull())) {
QString shapeName = parent->data(ENF_VER_NAME_COLUMN, Qt::EditRole).toString();
QString toolTip = shapeName + QString(": ") + vertexName.toString();
- QString entryName = parent->data(ENF_VER_ENTRY_COLUMN, Qt::EditRole).toString();
- if (entryName.isEmpty()) {
+ if (entry.isNull()) {
toolTip += QString("(") + x.toString();
toolTip += QString(", ") + y.toString();
toolTip += QString(", ") + z.toString();
toolTip += QString(")");
+ if (!groupName.isEmpty())
+ toolTip += QString(" [") + groupName + QString("]");
+ if (!x.isNull()) {
+ myXCoord->SetValue(x.toDouble());
+ myYCoord->SetValue(y.toDouble());
+ myZCoord->SetValue(z.toDouble());
- myXCoord->SetValue(x.toDouble());
- myYCoord->SetValue(y.toDouble());
- myZCoord->SetValue(z.toDouble());
- myGroupName->setText(groupName);
- */
+ if (!groupName.isEmpty())
+ myGroupName->setText(groupName);
void BLSURFPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator::onSelectEnforcedVertex() {
int nbSelEnfVertex = myEnfVertexWdg->NbObjects();
- if (nbSelEnfVertex != 0)
+ clearEnforcedVertexWidgets();
+ if (nbSelEnfVertex == 1)
if ( CORBA::is_nil( getGeomEngine() ) && !GeometryGUI::InitGeomGen() )
return ;
- BLSURFPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator* that = (BLSURFPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator*)this;
- GEOM::GEOM_IMeasureOperations_var measureOp = getGeomEngine()->GetIMeasureOperations( that->getGeomSelectionTool()->getMyStudy()->StudyId() );
- if (CORBA::is_nil(measureOp))
- return;
myEnfVertex = myEnfVertexWdg->GetObject< GEOM::GEOM_Object >(nbSelEnfVertex-1);
- CORBA::Double x,y,z;
- x = y = z = 0.;
- measureOp->PointCoordinates (myEnfVertex, x, y, z);
- if ( measureOp->IsDone() )
- {
- myXCoord->SetValue(x);
- myYCoord->SetValue(y);
- myZCoord->SetValue(z);
+ if (myEnfVertex->GetShapeType() == GEOM::VERTEX) {
+ BLSURFPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator* that = (BLSURFPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator*)this;
+ GEOM::GEOM_IMeasureOperations_var measureOp = getGeomEngine()->GetIMeasureOperations( that->getGeomSelectionTool()->getMyStudy()->StudyId() );
+ if (CORBA::is_nil(measureOp))
+ return;
+ CORBA::Double x,y,z;
+ measureOp->PointCoordinates (myEnfVertex, x, y, z);
+ if ( measureOp->IsDone() )
+ {
+ myXCoord->SetValue(x);
+ myYCoord->SetValue(y);
+ myZCoord->SetValue(z);
+ }
of the enforced vertex clicked in the tree widget.
void BLSURFPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator::synchronizeCoords() {
-// MESSAGE("BLSURFPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator::synchronizeCoords");
+ clearEnforcedVertexWidgets();
QList<QTreeWidgetItem *> items = myEnforcedTreeWidget->selectedItems();
- if (! items.isEmpty()) {
- QTreeWidgetItem *item;
- for (int i=0 ; i < items.size() ; i++) {
- item = items[i];
+ if (! items.isEmpty() && items.size() == 1) {
+ QTreeWidgetItem *item = items[0];
+// for (int i=0 ; i < items.size() ; i++) {
+// item = items[i];
QVariant x = item->data(ENF_VER_X_COLUMN, Qt::EditRole);
- if (! x.isNull()) {
- QVariant y = item->data(ENF_VER_Y_COLUMN, Qt::EditRole);
- QVariant z = item->data(ENF_VER_Z_COLUMN, Qt::EditRole);
+ QVariant y = item->data(ENF_VER_Y_COLUMN, Qt::EditRole);
+ QVariant z = item->data(ENF_VER_Z_COLUMN, Qt::EditRole);
+ QVariant entry = item->data(ENF_VER_ENTRY_COLUMN, Qt::EditRole);
+ QVariant group = item->data(ENF_VER_GROUP_COLUMN, Qt::EditRole);
+ if (!x.isNull()/* && entry.isNull()*/) {
- myGroupName->setText(item->data(ENF_VER_GROUP_COLUMN, Qt::EditRole).toString());
- */
- break;
+// break;
- }
+ if (!group.isNull() && (!x.isNull() || !entry.isNull()))
+ myGroupName->setText(group.toString());
+// }
/** BLSURFPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator::addEnforcedVertex(entry, shapeName, x, y, z)
This method adds an enforced vertex (x,y,z) to shapeName in the tree widget.
-void BLSURFPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator::addEnforcedVertex(std::string theFaceEntry, std::string theFaceName,
- double x, double y, double z, std::string vertexName, std::string groupName) {
void BLSURFPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator::addEnforcedVertex(std::string theFaceEntry, std::string theFaceName,
- double x, double y, double z, std::string vertexName, std::string geomEntry) {
+ double x, double y, double z, std::string vertexName, std::string geomEntry, std::string groupName) {
// Find theFaceEntry item
QList<QTreeWidgetItem* > theItemList = myEnforcedTreeWidget->findItems(QString(theFaceEntry.c_str()),Qt::MatchExactly,ENF_VER_FACE_ENTRY_COLUMN);
QTreeWidgetItem* theItem;
// MESSAGE("Number of child rows: " << nbVert);
if (nbVert >0) {
double childValueX,childValueY,childValueZ;
-// QString childGrouName;
+ QString childEntry, childGroupName;
QTreeWidgetItem* child;
for (int row = 0;row<nbVert;row++) {
child = theItem->child(row);
+ childGroupName = child->data(ENF_VER_GROUP_COLUMN,Qt::EditRole).toString();
+ childEntry = child->data(ENF_VER_ENTRY_COLUMN,Qt::EditRole).toString();
childValueX = child->data(ENF_VER_X_COLUMN,Qt::EditRole).toDouble();
childValueY = child->data(ENF_VER_Y_COLUMN,Qt::EditRole).toDouble();
childValueZ = child->data(ENF_VER_Z_COLUMN,Qt::EditRole).toDouble();
- if ((childValueX == x) && (childValueY == y) && (childValueZ == z)) {
+ if (((childValueX == x) && (childValueY == y) && (childValueZ == z)) || (childEntry.toStdString() == geomEntry)) {
// update group name
- child->setData(ENF_VER_GROUP_COLUMN, Qt::EditRole, QVariant(groupName.c_str()));
- */
+ if (childGroupName.toStdString() != groupName) {
+ MESSAGE("Group is updated from \"" << childGroupName.toStdString() << "\" to \"" << groupName << "\"");
+ child->setData(ENF_VER_GROUP_COLUMN, Qt::EditRole, QVariant(groupName.c_str()));
+ }
okToCreate = false;
- }
+ } // if
+ } // for
+ } // if
+ if (!okToCreate) {
+ if (geomEntry == "") {
+ MESSAGE("In " << theFaceName << " vertex with coords " << x << ", " << y << ", " << z << " already exist: dont create again");
+ else {
+ MESSAGE("In " << theFaceName << " vertex with entry " << geomEntry << " already exist: dont create again");
+ }
+ return;
- if (okToCreate) {
+ if (geomEntry == "") {
MESSAGE("In " << theFaceName << " vertex with coords " << x << ", " << y << ", " << z<< " is created");
+ }
+ else {
+ MESSAGE("In " << theFaceName << " vertex with geom entry " << geomEntry << " is created");
+ }
- QTreeWidgetItem *vertexItem = new QTreeWidgetItem( theItem);
- vertexItem->setFlags( Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsEditable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled);
- int vertexIndex=1;
- QString myVertexName;
- int indexRef = 0;
- while(indexRef != vertexIndex) {
- indexRef = vertexIndex;
- if (vertexName == "")
- myVertexName = QString("Vertex #%1").arg(vertexIndex);
- else
- myVertexName = QString(vertexName.c_str());
+ QTreeWidgetItem *vertexItem = new QTreeWidgetItem( theItem);
+ vertexItem->setFlags( Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsEditable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled);
+ QPixmap iconSelect (SUIT_Session::session()->resourceMgr()->loadPixmap("SMESH", tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+ QSize iconSize = iconSelect.size()*0.7;
+ int vertexIndex=1;
+ QString myVertexName;
+ int indexRef = 0;
+ while(indexRef != vertexIndex) {
+ indexRef = vertexIndex;
+ if (vertexName == "")
+ myVertexName = QString("Vertex #%1").arg(vertexIndex);
+ else
+ myVertexName = QString(vertexName.c_str());
- for (int row = 0;row<nbVert;row++) {
- QString name = theItem->child(row)->data(ENF_VER_NAME_COLUMN,Qt::EditRole).toString();
- if (myVertexName == name) {
- vertexIndex++;
- break;
- }
+ for (int row = 0;row<nbVert;row++) {
+ QString name = theItem->child(row)->data(ENF_VER_NAME_COLUMN,Qt::EditRole).toString();
+ if (myVertexName == name) {
+ vertexIndex++;
+ break;
- vertexItem->setData( ENF_VER_NAME_COLUMN, Qt::EditRole, myVertexName );
+ }
+ vertexItem->setData( ENF_VER_NAME_COLUMN, Qt::EditRole, myVertexName );
+ if (geomEntry == "") {
vertexItem->setData( ENF_VER_X_COLUMN, Qt::EditRole, QVariant(x) );
vertexItem->setData( ENF_VER_Y_COLUMN, Qt::EditRole, QVariant(y) );
vertexItem->setData( ENF_VER_Z_COLUMN, Qt::EditRole, QVariant(z) );
+ }
+ else {
+ vertexItem->setIcon(ENF_VER_NAME_COLUMN, QIcon(iconSelect.scaled(iconSize,Qt::KeepAspectRatio,Qt::SmoothTransformation)));
vertexItem->setData( ENF_VER_ENTRY_COLUMN, Qt::EditRole, QString(geomEntry.c_str()) );
+ }
+ if (groupName != "")
vertexItem->setData( ENF_VER_GROUP_COLUMN, Qt::EditRole, QVariant(groupName.c_str()));
- */
- QString toolTip = QString(theFaceName.c_str())+QString(": ")+myVertexName;
+ QString toolTip = QString(theFaceName.c_str())+QString(": ")+myVertexName;
+ if (geomEntry == "") {
toolTip += QString(" (%1, ").arg(x);
toolTip += QString("%1, ").arg(y);
toolTip += QString("%1)").arg(z);
- vertexItem->setToolTip(ENF_VER_NAME_COLUMN,toolTip);
- theItem->setExpanded(true);
- myEnforcedTreeWidget->setCurrentItem(vertexItem,ENF_VER_NAME_COLUMN);
- else
- MESSAGE("In " << theFaceName << " vertex with coords " << x << ", " << y << ", " << z <<
- " already exist: dont create again, only group name is updated with " << groupName);
- */
- MESSAGE("In " << theFaceName << " vertex with coords " << x << ", " << y << ", " << z << " already exist: dont create again");
+ if (groupName != "")
+ toolTip += QString(" [%1]").arg(groupName.c_str());
+ vertexItem->setToolTip(ENF_VER_NAME_COLUMN,toolTip);
+ theItem->setExpanded(true);
+ myEnforcedTreeWidget->setCurrentItem(vertexItem,ENF_VER_NAME_COLUMN);
/** BLSURFPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator::onAddEnforcedVertices()
entry = myEnfFace->GetStudyEntry();
shapeName = myEnfFace->GetName();
-// std::string groupName = myGroupName->text().toStdString();
-// if (makeGroupsCheck->isChecked())
-// groupName = myGlobalGroupName->text().toStdString();
-// if (boost::trim_copy(groupName) == "")
-// groupName = "";
+ std::string groupName = myGroupName->text().toStdString();
+ if (makeGroupsCheck->isChecked())
+ groupName = myGlobalGroupName->text().toStdString();
+ if (boost::trim_copy(groupName) == "")
+ groupName = "";
if (selEnfVertex <= 1)
x = myXCoord->GetValue();
y = myYCoord->GetValue();
z = myZCoord->GetValue();
-// addEnforcedVertex(entry, shapeName, x, y, z, myEnfVertexWdg->GetObject< GEOM::GEOM_Object >()->GetName(), groupName);
if (selEnfVertex == 1) {
myEnfVertex = myEnfVertexWdg->GetObject< GEOM::GEOM_Object >();
- addEnforcedVertex(entry, shapeName, x, y, z, myEnfVertex->GetName(),myEnfVertex->GetStudyEntry());
+ addEnforcedVertex(entry, shapeName, x, y, z, myEnfVertex->GetName(),myEnfVertex->GetStudyEntry(), groupName);
-// addEnforcedVertex(entry, shapeName, x, y, z, groupName);
- addEnforcedVertex(entry, shapeName, x, y, z);
+ addEnforcedVertex(entry, shapeName, x, y, z, "", "", groupName);
for (int j = 0 ; j < selEnfVertex ; j++)
myEnfVertex = myEnfVertexWdg->GetObject< GEOM::GEOM_Object >(j);
- measureOp->PointCoordinates (myEnfVertex, x, y, z);
- if ( measureOp->IsDone() )
- {
-// addEnforcedVertex(entry, shapeName, x, y, z, myEnfVertex->GetName(), groupName);
- addEnforcedVertex(entry, shapeName, x, y, z, myEnfVertex->GetName(),myEnfVertex->GetStudyEntry());
+ if (myEnfVertex->GetShapeType() == GEOM::VERTEX) {
+ measureOp->PointCoordinates (myEnfVertex, x, y, z);
+ if ( measureOp->IsDone() )
+ addEnforcedVertex(entry, shapeName, x, y, z, myEnfVertex->GetName(),myEnfVertex->GetStudyEntry(), groupName);
+ } else if (myEnfVertex->GetShapeType() == GEOM::COMPOUND) {
+ addEnforcedVertex(entry, shapeName, 0, 0, 0, myEnfVertex->GetName(),myEnfVertex->GetStudyEntry(), groupName);
-// TopAbs_ShapeEnum shapeType;
-// GeomSelectionTools* myGeomToolSelected = that->getGeomSelectionTool();
-// LightApp_SelectionMgr* mySel = myGeomToolSelected->selectionMgr();
-// SALOME_ListIO ListSelectedObjects;
-// mySel->selectedObjects(ListSelectedObjects, NULL, false );
-// if (!ListSelectedObjects.IsEmpty()) {
-// SALOME_ListIteratorOfListIO Object_It(ListSelectedObjects);
-// for (; Object_It.More(); Object_It.Next()) {
-// Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) anObject = Object_It.Value();
-// entry = myGeomToolSelected->getEntryOfObject(anObject);
-// shapeName = anObject->getName();
-// shapeType = myGeomToolSelected->entryToShapeType(entry);
-// // MESSAGE("Object Name = " << shapeName << "& Type is " << anObject->getComponentDataType() << " & ShapeType is " << shapeType);
-// if (shapeType == TopAbs_FACE) {
-// addEnforcedVertex(entry, shapeName, x, y, z, groupName);
-// */
-// addEnforcedVertex(entry, shapeName, x, y, z);
-// }
-// }
-// }
+ myEnfFaceWdg->SetObject(GEOM::GEOM_Object::_nil());
+ myEnfVertexWdg->SetObject(GEOM::GEOM_Object::_nil());
for (int column = 0; column < myEnforcedTreeWidget->columnCount(); ++column)
QVariant value = item->data(ENF_VER_X_COLUMN, Qt::EditRole);
if (! value.isNull())
- else
- selectedEntries.insert(item);
+ else {
+ value = item->data(ENF_VER_ENTRY_COLUMN, Qt::EditRole);
+ if (! value.isNull())
+ selectedVertices.append(item);
+ else
+ selectedEntries.insert(item);
+ }
foreach(item,selectedVertices) {
// Enforced vertices
- MESSAGE("retrieveParams(): data.entryCoordsListMap.size() = " << data.entryCoordsListMap.size());
- TEntryCoordsListMap::const_iterator evmIt = data.entryCoordsListMap.begin();
- for ( ; evmIt != data.entryCoordsListMap.end() ; ++evmIt) {
+ MESSAGE("retrieveParams(): data.entryCoordsListMap.size() = " << data.faceEntryEnfVertexListMap.size());
+ TFaceEntryEnfVertexListMap::const_iterator evmIt = data.faceEntryEnfVertexListMap.begin();
+ for ( ; evmIt != data.faceEntryEnfVertexListMap.end() ; ++evmIt) {
TEntry entry = (*evmIt).first;
std::string shapeName = myGeomToolSelected->getNameFromEntry(entry);
MESSAGE("Face entry: " << entry);
MESSAGE("Face name: " << shapeName);
- TEnfVertexCoordsList evs;
- try {
- evs = (*evmIt).second;
- }
- catch(...) {
- MESSAGE("evs = (*evmIt).second: FAIL");
- break;
- }
+ TEnfVertexList evs = (*evmIt).second;
+// try {
+// evs = (*evmIt).second;
+// }
+// catch(...) {
+// MESSAGE("evs = (*evmIt).second: FAIL");
+// break;
+// }
- TEnfVertexCoordsList::const_iterator evsIt = evs.begin();
+ TEnfVertexList::const_iterator evsIt = evs.begin();
TEnfVertex enfVertex;
for ( ; evsIt != evs.end() ; ++evsIt) {
- TEnfVertexCoords coords = (*evsIt);
- MESSAGE("Found coords: "<< coords[0] << ", " << coords[1] << ", " << coords[2]);
- TCoordsEnfVertexMap::const_iterator it = data.coordsEnfVertexMap.find(coords);
- if (it != data.coordsEnfVertexMap.end()) {
- MESSAGE("Found enforced vertex");
- enfVertex = it->second;
- MESSAGE("Name: " << enfVertex.name);
- MESSAGE("Geom entry: " << enfVertex.geomEntry);
- that->addEnforcedVertex(entry, shapeName, coords[0], coords[1], coords[2], enfVertex.name, enfVertex.geomEntry);
- }
- else {
- MESSAGE("Enforced vertex NOT found")
- that->addEnforcedVertex(entry, shapeName, coords[0], coords[1], coords[2]);
+ enfVertex = (*evsIt);
+ MESSAGE("Name: " << enfVertex.name);
+ double x, y, z = 0;
+ if (enfVertex.coords.size()) {
+ x = enfVertex.coords[0];
+ y = enfVertex.coords[1];
+ z = enfVertex.coords[2];
+ that->addEnforcedVertex(entry, shapeName, x, y, z, enfVertex.name, enfVertex.geomEntry, enfVertex.grpName);
for (int column = 0; column < myEnforcedTreeWidget->columnCount(); ++column)
// Enforced vertices
- h_data.coordsList.clear();
- h_data.entryCoordsListMap.clear();
- h_data.coordsEnfVertexMap.clear();
+ h_data.enfVertexList.clear();
+ h_data.faceEntryEnfVertexListMap.clear();
-// h_data.enfVertexGroupNameMap.clear();
- BLSURFPlugin::TEntryCoordsListMap_var entryCoordsListMap = h->GetAllCoordsByFace();
- MESSAGE("entryCoordsListMap->length() = " << entryCoordsListMap->length());
- for ( int i = 0;i<entryCoordsListMap->length(); ++i ) {
- std::string entry = entryCoordsListMap[i].entry.in();
- BLSURFPlugin::TEnfVertexList_var vertexList = h->GetEnforcedVerticesEntry(entry.c_str());
- TEnfVertexCoordsList& coordsList = h_data.entryCoordsListMap[entry];
- std::string groupName = "";
- */
- for (int j=0 ; j<vertexList->length(); ++j) {
- BLSURFPlugin::TEnfVertexCoords _coords = vertexList[j].coords;
+ BLSURFPlugin::TFaceEntryEnfVertexListMap_var faceEntryEnfVertexListMap = h->GetAllEnforcedVerticesByFace();
+ MESSAGE("faceEntryEnfVertexListMap->length() = " << faceEntryEnfVertexListMap->length());
- TEnfVertexCoords coords;
- coords.push_back(_coords[0]);
- coords.push_back(_coords[1]);
- coords.push_back(_coords[2]);
- coordsList.insert(coords);
- h_data.coordsList.insert(coords);
+ for ( int i = 0;i<faceEntryEnfVertexListMap->length(); ++i ) {
+ std::string entry = faceEntryEnfVertexListMap[i].faceEntry.in();
+// BLSURFPlugin::TEnfVertexList vertexList = faceEntryEnfVertexListMap[i].enfVertexList.in();
+ BLSURFPlugin::TEnfVertexList vertexList = faceEntryEnfVertexListMap[i].enfVertexList;
+// BLSURFPlugin::TEnfVertexList_var vertexList = h->GetEnforcedVerticesEntry(entry.c_str());
- TEnfVertex& enfVertex = h_data.coordsEnfVertexMap[coords];
+ TEnfVertexList& enfVertexList = h_data.faceEntryEnfVertexListMap[entry];
+ for (int j=0 ; j<vertexList.length(); ++j) {
+ TEnfVertex enfVertex;
enfVertex.name = vertexList[j].name.in();
- enfVertex.coords = coords;
- enfVertex.faceEntries.insert(entry);
enfVertex.geomEntry = vertexList[j].geomEntry.in();
+ enfVertex.grpName = vertexList[j].grpName.in();
+ for (int k=0 ; k< vertexList[j].coords.length();k++)
+ enfVertex.coords.push_back(vertexList[j].coords[k]);
+ enfVertexList.insert(enfVertex);
- enfVertex.grpName = vertexList[j].grpName.in();
- groupName.assign(h->GetEnforcedVertexGroupName(x, y, z));
- MESSAGE("readParamsFromHypo, groupName = "<<groupName)
- h_data.enfVertexGroupNameMap[ev] = groupName;
if (groupName != "") {
-// MESSAGE("New enf vertex for entry " << entry << ": " << x << ", " << y << ", " << z);
-// h_data.coordsEnfVertexMap[coords] = enfVertex;
// h_data.enfVertMap[entry] = evs;
// h_data.entryCoordsListMap[entry] = coordsList;
- if (coordsList.size() == 0) {
-// MESSAGE("No enf vertex for entry " << entry << ": key is erased");
-// h_data.enfVertMap.erase(entry);
- h_data.entryCoordsListMap.erase(entry);
+ if (enfVertexList.size() == 0) {
+ h_data.faceEntryEnfVertexListMap.erase(entry);
return true;
+bool TEnfVertexGUICmp(const TEnfVertex *e1, const TEnfVertex *e2) {
+ if (e1 && e2) {
+ bool sameCoords = true;
+ if (e1->coords.size() && e2->coords.size())
+ sameCoords = (e1->coords[0] == e2->coords[0]) && (e1->coords[1] == e2->coords[1]) && (e1->coords[2]
+ == e2->coords[2]);
+ return ( sameCoords && (e1->geomEntry == e2->geomEntry) && (e1->grpName == e2->grpName)
+ && (e1->name == e2->name));
+ } else
+ return (e1 < e2);
/** BLSURFPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator::storeParamsToHypo(h_data)
Saves the hypothesis data to hypothesis values.
// Enforced vertices
bool ret;
int hypNbVertex;
- double x, y, z;
+ double x, y, z = 0;
std::string enfName;
std::string groupName = "";
- TEntryCoordsListMap::const_iterator evmIt = h_data.entryCoordsListMap.begin();
+ TFaceEntryEnfVertexListMap::const_iterator evmIt = h_data.faceEntryEnfVertexListMap.begin();
- BLSURFPlugin::TEntryCoordsListMap_var allCoordsByFace = h->GetAllCoordsByFace();
- hypNbVertex = allCoordsByFace->length();
+ BLSURFPlugin::TFaceEntryEnfVertexListMap_var allEnforcedVerticesByFace = h->GetAllEnforcedVerticesByFace();
+ hypNbVertex = allEnforcedVerticesByFace->length();
// All enforced vertices were deleted
- if (evmIt == h_data.entryCoordsListMap.end() && hypNbVertex!=0)
+ if (evmIt == h_data.faceEntryEnfVertexListMap.end() && hypNbVertex!=0) {
- // All enforced vertices for a specific entry were deleted
- for (int i=0 ; i<hypNbVertex; i++) {
- BLSURFPlugin::TEntryCoordsListMapElement el = allCoordsByFace[i];
- TEnfName entry = el.entry.in();
- if (h_data.entryCoordsListMap.find(entry) == h_data.entryCoordsListMap.end()) {
- MESSAGE("Remove all enforced vertices for entry " << entry);
- h->UnsetEnforcedVerticesEntry(entry.c_str());
- }
+ ok = true;
- // One or several enforced vertices are added or removed for a specific entry
- TEnfVertexCoordsList coordsFromHyp;
- BLSURFPlugin::TEnfVertexList_var hypCoordsList;
- TEnfName entry;
- TEnfVertexCoordsList evs;
- TEnfVertexCoordsList::const_iterator evsIt, coordsToRemove;
- for ( ; evmIt != h_data.entryCoordsListMap.end() ; ++evmIt) {
- MESSAGE("Enforced vertices for face entry " << evmIt->first);
- entry = evmIt->first;
- evs = evmIt->second;
- evsIt = evs.begin();
- hypCoordsList = h->GetEnforcedVerticesEntry(entry.c_str());
- hypNbVertex = hypCoordsList->length();
- MESSAGE("Number of enforced vertices from hypothesis: " << hypNbVertex);
- coordsFromHyp.clear();
- for (int i =0 ; i<hypNbVertex ; i++) {
- TEnfVertexCoords _coords;
- _coords.push_back(hypCoordsList[i].coords[0]);
- _coords.push_back(hypCoordsList[i].coords[1]);
- _coords.push_back(hypCoordsList[i].coords[2]);
- coordsFromHyp.insert(_coords);
- MESSAGE("From hyp: enf. vertex at " << _coords[0]<<", "<<_coords[1]<<", "<<_coords[2]);
+ else {
+ // All enforced vertices for a specific entry were deleted
+ for (int i=0 ; i<hypNbVertex; i++) {
+ BLSURFPlugin::TFaceEntryEnfVertexListMapElement el = allEnforcedVerticesByFace[i];
+ TEnfName entry = el.faceEntry.in();
+ if (h_data.faceEntryEnfVertexListMap.find(entry) == h_data.faceEntryEnfVertexListMap.end()) {
+ MESSAGE("Remove all enforced vertices for entry " << entry);
+ h->UnsetEnforcedVerticesEntry(entry.c_str());
+ }
- TEnfVertex enfVertex;
- TEnfVertexCoords coords;
- TCoordsEnfVertexMap::const_iterator it;
- for ( int i=0 ; evsIt != evs.end() ; ++evsIt,++i) {
- MESSAGE("Enf vertex #"<<i);
- coords = (*evsIt);
- it = h_data.coordsEnfVertexMap.find(coords);
- if (it == h_data.coordsEnfVertexMap.end()) {
- MESSAGE("Error vertex not found");
- throw std::runtime_error("Error vertex not found");
+ // One or several enforced vertices are added or removed for a specific entry
+ TEnfVertexList enfVertexFromHyp;
+ BLSURFPlugin::TEnfVertexList_var hypEnfVertexList;
+ TEnfName faceEntry;
+ TEnfVertexList evs;
+ TEnfVertexList::const_iterator evsIt, enfVertexToRemove;
+ for ( ; evmIt != h_data.faceEntryEnfVertexListMap.end() ; ++evmIt) {
+ faceEntry = evmIt->first;
+ MESSAGE("Enforced vertices for face entry " << faceEntry);
+ evs = evmIt->second;
+ evsIt = evs.begin();
+ hypEnfVertexList = h->GetEnforcedVerticesEntry(faceEntry.c_str());
+ hypNbVertex = hypEnfVertexList->length();
+ MESSAGE("Number of enforced vertices from hypothesis: " << hypNbVertex);
+ enfVertexFromHyp.clear();
+ for (int i =0 ; i<hypNbVertex ; i++) {
+ TEnfVertex _enfVertex;
+ _enfVertex.name = hypEnfVertexList[i].name.in();
+ _enfVertex.geomEntry = hypEnfVertexList[i].geomEntry.in();
+ for (int j=0 ; j< hypEnfVertexList[i].coords.length() ; j++)
+ _enfVertex.coords.push_back(hypEnfVertexList[i].coords[j]);
+ _enfVertex.grpName = hypEnfVertexList[i].grpName.in();
+ enfVertexFromHyp.insert(_enfVertex);
+ MESSAGE("From hyp: enf vertex " << _enfVertex.name);
+// MESSAGE("From hyp: enf. vertex at " << _coords[0]<<", "<<_coords[1]<<", "<<_coords[2]);
- enfVertex = it->second;
- x = enfVertex.coords[0];
- y = enfVertex.coords[1];
- z = enfVertex.coords[2];
- if (enfVertex.geomEntry == "")
- ret = h->SetEnforcedVertexEntry( entry.c_str(), x, y, z, enfVertex.name.c_str() );
- else
- ret = h->SetEnforcedVertexEntryWithPoint( entry.c_str(), enfVertex.geomEntry.c_str(), enfVertex.name.c_str(), x, y, z );
- groupName = enfVertex.grpName;
- h->SetEnforcedVertexEntryWithGroup( entry.c_str(), x, y, z, groupName.c_str() );
- */
- if (coordsFromHyp.find(coords) != coordsFromHyp.end()) {
- MESSAGE("Coords "<<x<<", "<<y<<", "<<z<<" must not be deleted")
- coordsFromHyp.erase(coords);
+ TEnfVertex enfVertex;
+ for ( ; evsIt != evs.end() ; ++evsIt) {
+ enfVertex = (*evsIt);
+ if (enfVertex.coords.size()) {
+ x = enfVertex.coords[0];
+ y = enfVertex.coords[1];
+ z = enfVertex.coords[2];
+ }
+ ret = h->SetEnforcedVertexEntry( faceEntry.c_str(), x, y, z, enfVertex.name.c_str(), enfVertex.geomEntry.c_str(), enfVertex.grpName.c_str());
+ for (enfVertexToRemove = enfVertexFromHyp.begin() ; enfVertexToRemove != enfVertexFromHyp.end() ; ++enfVertexToRemove) {
+ if (!TEnfVertexGUICmp(&enfVertex, &(*enfVertexToRemove))) {
+ MESSAGE("Enf vertex " << enfVertex.name << " must not be deleted")
+ enfVertexFromHyp.erase(enfVertexToRemove);
+ }
+ }
- }
- // Remove old vertices
- coordsToRemove = coordsFromHyp.begin();
- for ( ; coordsToRemove!=coordsFromHyp.end() ; ++coordsToRemove) {
- coords = (*coordsToRemove);
- x = coords[0];
- y = coords[1];
- z = coords[2];
- it = h_data.coordsEnfVertexMap.find(coords);
- if (it == h_data.coordsEnfVertexMap.end()) {
- MESSAGE("Error vertex not found");
- throw std::runtime_error("Error vertex not found");
- }
- enfVertex = it->second;
- if (enfVertex.geomEntry == "") {
- ret = h->UnsetEnforcedVertexEntry( entry.c_str(), x, y, z );
- }
- else {
- ret = h->UnsetEnforcedVertexEntryWithPoint( entry.c_str(), enfVertex.geomEntry.c_str(), x, y, z );
- }
- if (ret)
- }
-// if (hypNbVertex >0) {
-// for (int i =0 ; i<hypNbVertex ; i++) {
-// x = hypCoordsList[i].coords[0];
-// y = hypCoordsList[i].coords[1];
-// z = hypCoordsList[i].coords[2];
-// TEnfVertexCoords coords;
-// coords.push_back(x);
-// coords.push_back(y);
-// coords.push_back(z);
-// if (evs.find(coords) == evs.end()) {
-// MESSAGE("UnsetEnforcedVertexEntry("<<entry<<", "<<x<<", "<<y<<", "<<z<<")");
-// h->UnsetEnforcedVertexEntry( entry.c_str(), x, y, z );
-// }
-// }
-// }
- }
- }
+ // Remove old vertices
+ enfVertexToRemove = enfVertexFromHyp.begin();
+ for ( ; enfVertexToRemove!=enfVertexFromHyp.end() ; ++enfVertexToRemove) {
+ enfVertex = (*enfVertexToRemove);
+ for ( evsIt=h_data.enfVertexList.begin();evsIt!=h_data.enfVertexList.end();evsIt++) {
+ if (TEnfVertexGUICmp(&(*evsIt),&enfVertex)) {
+ MESSAGE("Remove enf vertex " << enfVertex.name);
+ if (enfVertex.coords.size()) {
+ x = enfVertex.coords[0];
+ y = enfVertex.coords[1];
+ z = enfVertex.coords[2];
+ }
+ ret = h->UnsetEnforcedVertexEntry(faceEntry.c_str(), x, y, z, enfVertex.geomEntry.c_str());
+ if (ret)
+ } // if
+ } // for
+ } // for
+ } // for
+ } // else
+ } // try
catch(const std::exception& ex) {
std::cout << "Exception: " << ex.what() << std::endl;
throw ex;
// Enforced vertices
- h_data.coordsList.clear();
- h_data.entryCoordsListMap.clear();
- h_data.coordsEnfVertexMap.clear();
+ h_data.enfVertexList.clear();
+ h_data.faceEntryEnfVertexListMap.clear();
int nbEnforcedShapes = myEnforcedTreeWidget->topLevelItemCount();
int nbEnforcedVertices = 0;
for (int i=0 ; i<nbEnforcedShapes ; i++) {
QTreeWidgetItem* shapeItem = myEnforcedTreeWidget->topLevelItem(i);
if (shapeItem) {
- std::string entry = shapeItem->data(ENF_VER_FACE_ENTRY_COLUMN,Qt::EditRole).toString().toStdString();
+ std::string faceEntry = shapeItem->data(ENF_VER_FACE_ENTRY_COLUMN,Qt::EditRole).toString().toStdString();
nbEnforcedVertices = shapeItem->childCount();
if (nbEnforcedVertices >0) {
double childValueX,childValueY,childValueZ;
std::string childName, vertexEntry;
QTreeWidgetItem* child;
- TEnfVertexCoordsList evs;
+ TEnfVertexList evs;
for (row = 0;row<nbEnforcedVertices;row++) {
child = shapeItem->child(row);
childName = child->data(ENF_VER_NAME_COLUMN,Qt::EditRole).toString().toStdString();
childValueY = child->data(ENF_VER_Y_COLUMN,Qt::EditRole).toDouble();
childValueZ = child->data(ENF_VER_Z_COLUMN,Qt::EditRole).toDouble();
vertexEntry = child->data(ENF_VER_ENTRY_COLUMN,Qt::EditRole).toString().toStdString();
- TEnfVertexCoords coords;
- coords.push_back(childValueX);
- coords.push_back(childValueY);
- coords.push_back(childValueZ);
- evs.insert(coords);
- h_data.coordsList.insert(coords);
+ if (makeGroupsCheck->isChecked())
+ groupName = myGlobalGroupName->text().toStdString();
+ else
+ groupName = child->data(ENF_VER_GROUP_COLUMN,Qt::EditRole).toString().toStdString();
TEnfVertex enfVertex;
enfVertex.name = childName;
- enfVertex.coords = coords;
- enfVertex.faceEntries.insert(entry);
enfVertex.geomEntry = vertexEntry;
- groupName = child->data(ENF_VER_GROUP_COLUMN,Qt::EditRole).toString().toStdString();
+ if (vertexEntry == "") {
+ enfVertex.coords.push_back(childValueX);
+ enfVertex.coords.push_back(childValueY);
+ enfVertex.coords.push_back(childValueZ);
+ }
enfVertex.grpName = groupName;
- // Group
- if (makeGroupsCheck->isChecked())
- groupName = myGlobalGroupName->text().toStdString();
- h_data.enfVertexGroupNameMap[vertex] = groupName;
+ h_data.enfVertexList.insert(enfVertex);
if (groupName != "")
- h_data.coordsEnfVertexMap[coords] = enfVertex;
- h_data.entryCoordsListMap[entry] = evs;
+ h_data.faceEntryEnfVertexListMap[faceEntry] = evs;
TEnfName grpName;
} TEnfVertex;
-int TEnfVertexCmp(const TEnfVertex *e1, const TEnfVertex *e2) {
- if (e1 && e2) {
- bool sameCoords = true;
- if (e1->coords.size() && e2->coords.size())
- sameCoords = (e1->coords[0] == e2->coords[0]) && (e1->coords[1] == e2->coords[1]) && (e1->coords[2]
- == e2->coords[2]);
- return ( sameCoords && (e1->geomEntry == e2->geomEntry) && (e1->grpName == e2->grpName)
- && (e1->name == e2->name));
- } else
- return (e1 < e2);
+bool TEnfVertexGUICmp(const TEnfVertex *e1, const TEnfVertex *e2);
+// {
+// if (e1 && e2) {
+// bool sameCoords = true;
+// if (e1->coords.size() && e2->coords.size())
+// sameCoords = (e1->coords[0] == e2->coords[0]) && (e1->coords[1] == e2->coords[1]) && (e1->coords[2]
+// == e2->coords[2]);
+// return ( sameCoords && (e1->geomEntry == e2->geomEntry) && (e1->grpName == e2->grpName)
+// && (e1->name == e2->name));
+// } else
+// return (e1 < e2);
+// }
struct CompareEnfVertices
- bool operator () (const TEnfVertex &e1, const TEnfVertex &e2) const
+ bool operator () (const TEnfVertex &e1, const TEnfVertex &e2) const {
return true;
+ }
// List of enforced vertices
} BlsurfHypothesisData;
+// class BLSURFPluginGUI_ObjectReferenceParamWdg: public StdMeshersGUI_ObjectReferenceParamWdg
+// {
+// public:
+// BLSURFPluginGUI_ObjectReferenceParamWdg( SUIT_SelectionFilter* filter,
+// QWidget* parent,
+// bool multiSelection=false);
+// BLSURFPluginGUI_ObjectReferenceParamWdg( MeshObjectType objType,
+// QWidget* parent,
+// bool multiSelection=false);
+// ~BLSURFPluginGUI_ObjectReferenceParamWdg();
+// private:
+// void init();
+// public slots:
+// void activateSelectionOnly();
+// void deactivateSelectionOnly();
+// void setActivationStatus(bool status);
+// };
* \brief Class for creation of BLSURF hypotheses
void onRemoveMap();
void onSetSizeMap(int,int);
- void addEnforcedVertex(std::string, std::string, double, double, double, std::string, std::string);
- */
- void addEnforcedVertex(std::string theFaceEntry, std::string theFaceName, double x, double y, double z, std::string vertexName = "", std::string geomEntry = "");
+ void addEnforcedVertex(std::string theFaceEntry, std::string theFaceName, double x=0, double y=0, double z=0,
+ std::string vertexName = "", std::string geomEntry = "", std::string groupName = "");
void onAddEnforcedVertices();
void onRemoveEnforcedVertex();
void synchronizeCoords();
- void update(QTreeWidgetItem* , int );
+ void updateEnforcedVertexValues(QTreeWidgetItem* , int );
void onSelectEnforcedVertex();
void deactivateSelection(QWidget*, QWidget*);
+ void clearEnforcedVertexWidgets();
bool readParamsFromHypo( BlsurfHypothesisData& ) const;
SMESHGUI_SpinBox* myXCoord;
SMESHGUI_SpinBox* myYCoord;
SMESHGUI_SpinBox* myZCoord;
QLineEdit* myGroupName;
QGroupBox* makeGroupsCheck;
QLineEdit* myGlobalGroupName;
- */
QPushButton* addVertexButton;
QPushButton* removeVertexButton;