int ndim=PyArray_NDIM(elt0);
if(ndim!=1 && ndim!=2)
throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("Input numpy array should have dimension equal to 1 or 2 !");
- if(PyArray_ObjectType(elt0,0)!=npyObjectType)
+ if(PyArray_DESCR(elt0)->type_num != npyObjectType)
- std::ostringstream oss; oss << "Input numpy array has not the type " << msg << " at component #0 !";
+ std::ostringstream oss; oss << "Input numpy array has not the type " << msg << "!";
throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(oss.str().c_str());
- if(ndim==2)
- if(PyArray_ObjectType(elt0,1)!=npyObjectType)
- {
- std::ostringstream oss; oss << "Input numpy array has not the type " << msg << " at component #1 !";
- throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(oss.str().c_str());
- }
npy_intp sz0=PyArray_DIM(elt0,0);
npy_intp sz1=ndim==2?PyArray_DIM(elt0,1):1;