--- /dev/null
+import salome
+import string
+import SALOME
+import SALOMEDS
+import SALOME_Session_idl
+PT_REAL = 1
+vp_session = None
+def getSession():
+ global vp_session
+ if vp_session is None:
+ vp_session = salome.naming_service.Resolve("/Kernel/Session")
+ vp_session = vp_session._narrow(SALOME.Session)
+ pass
+ return vp_session
+class IParameters:
+ def __init__(self, attributeParameter):
+ """Initializes the instance"""
+ self._ap = attributeParameter
+ pass
+ def append(self, listName, value):
+ """Appends a value to the named list"""
+ if self._ap is None: return -1
+ v = []
+ if self._ap.IsSet(listName, PT_STRARRAY) == 0:
+ if self._ap.IsSet(_AP_LISTS_LIST_, PT_STRARRAY) == 0: self._ap.SetStrArray(_AP_LISTS_LIST_, v);
+ if listName != _AP_ENTRIES_LIST_ and listName != _AP_PROPERTIES_LIST_:
+ self.append(_AP_LISTS_LIST_, listName)
+ pass
+ self._ap.SetStrArray(listName, v)
+ pass
+ v = self._ap.GetStrArray(listName)
+ v.append(value)
+ self._ap.SetStrArray(listName, v)
+ return (len(v)-1)
+ def nbValues(self, listName):
+ """Returns a number of values in the named list"""
+ if self._ap is None: return -1
+ if self._ap.IsSet(listName, PT_STRARRAY) == 0: return 0
+ v = self._ap.GetStrArray(listName)
+ return len(v)
+ def getValues(self, listName):
+ """Returns a list of values in the named list"""
+ v = []
+ if self._ap is None: return v
+ if self._ap.IsSet(listName, PT_STRARRAY) == 0: return v
+ return self._ap.GetStrArray(listName)
+ def getLists(self):
+ """Returns a list of named lists' names"""
+ v = []
+ if self._ap is None: return v
+ if self._ap.IsSet(_AP_LISTS_LIST_, PT_STRARRAY) == 0: return v
+ return self._ap.GetStrArray(_AP_LISTS_LIST_)
+ def setParameter(self, entry, parameterName, value):
+ """Sets a value of the named parameter for the entry"""
+ if self._ap is None: return
+ v = []
+ if self._ap.IsSet(entry, PT_STRARRAY) ==0:
+ self.append(_AP_ENTRIES_LIST_, entry) #Add the entry to the internal list of entries
+ self._ap.SetStrArray(entry, v)
+ pass
+ v = self._ap.GetStrArray(entry)
+ v.append(parameterName)
+ v.append(value)
+ self._ap.SetStrArray(entry, v)
+ pass
+ def getParameter(self, entry, parameterName):
+ """Returns a value of the named parameter for the entry"""
+ if self._ap is None: return ""
+ if self._ap.IsSet(entry, PT_STRARRAY) == 0: return ""
+ v = self._ap.GetStrArray(entry)
+ length = len(v);
+ i = 0
+ while i<length:
+ if v[i] == parameterName: return v[i+1]
+ i+=1
+ pass
+ return ""
+ def getAllParameterNames(self, entry):
+ """Returns all parameter names of the given entry"""
+ v = []
+ names = []
+ if self._ap is None: return v
+ if self._ap.IsSet(entry, PT_STRARRAY) == 0: return v
+ v = self._ap.GetStrArray(entry)
+ length = len(v)
+ i = 0
+ while i<length:
+ names.append(v[i])
+ i+=2
+ pass
+ return names
+ def getAllParameterValues(self, entry):
+ """Returns all parameter values of the given entry"""
+ v = []
+ values = []
+ if self._ap is None: return v
+ if self._ap.IsSet(entry, PT_STRARRAY) == 0: return v
+ v = self._ap.GetStrArray(entry)
+ length = len(v)
+ i = 1
+ while i<length:
+ values.append(v[i]+1)
+ i+=2
+ pass
+ return values
+ def getNbParameters(self, entry):
+ """Returns a number of parameters of the entry"""
+ if self._ap is None: return -1
+ if self._ap.IsSet(entry, PT_STRARRAY) == 0: return -1
+ return len(self._ap.GetStrArray(entry))/2
+ def getEntries(self):
+ """Returns all entries"""
+ v = []
+ if self._ap is None: return v
+ if self._ap.IsSet(_AP_ENTRIES_LIST_, PT_STRARRAY) == 0: return v
+ return self._ap.GetStrArray(_AP_ENTRIES_LIST_)
+ def setProperty(self, name, value):
+ """Sets a property value"""
+ if self._ap is None: return
+ if self._ap.IsSet(name, PT_STRING) == 0:
+ self.append(_AP_PROPERTIES_LIST_, name) #Add the property to the internal list of properties
+ pass
+ self._ap.SetString(name, value)
+ pass
+ def getProperty(self, name):
+ """Returns a value of the named property"""
+ if self._ap is None: return ""
+ if self._ap.IsSet(name, PT_STRING) == 0: return ""
+ return self._ap.GetString(name)
+ def getProperties(self):
+ """Returns all propetries"""
+ v = []
+ if self._ap is None: return v
+ if self._ap.IsSet(_AP_PROPERTIES_LIST_, PT_STRARRAY) == 0: return v
+ return self._ap.GetStrArray(_AP_PROPERTIES_LIST_)
+ def parseValue(self, value, separator, fromEnd):
+ """Breaks a value string in two parts which is divided by separator."""
+ v = []
+ pos = - 1
+ if fromEnd == 1: pos = value.rfind(separator)
+ else: pos = value.find(separator)
+ if pos < 0:
+ v.append(value)
+ return v
+ part1 = value[0:pos]
+ part2 = value[pos+1:len(value)]
+ v.append(part1)
+ v.append(part2)
+ return v
+ def setDumpPython(self, isDumping):
+ """Enables/Disables the dumping to Python"""
+ if self._ap is None: return
+ _ap.SetBool(_AP_DUMP_PYTHON_, isDumping)
+ pass
+ def isDumpPython(self):
+ """Returns whether there is the dumping to Python"""
+ if self._ap is None: return 0
+ if self._ap.IsSet(_AP_DUMP_PYTHON_, PT_BOOLEAN) == 0: return 0
+ return self._ap.GetBool(_AP_DUMP_PYTHON_)
+ pass