field.studytitle = Titre de l''étude
field.scenariotitle = Titre du scénario
field.documentitle = Titre du document
+field.knowledgetitle= Title of the knowledge
+field.knowledgevalue= Value of the knowledge
field.product = Produit étudié
field.among = Parmi
field.context = Contexte
message.nocontext = Aucun contexte de simulation n''est en attente d''approbation.
message.emptydocument = Aucun document n''a été créé à cette étape.
message.accept.document = Voulez-vous accepter les modifications des documents utilisés ? = Voulez-vous avancer l’état de cette étude ? = Voulez-vous valider cette étude ? = Voulez-vous reculer l’état de cette étude ? = Voulez-vous vraiment refuser l'approbation de cette étude? = All knowledge attached to the study will also be approved. Did you review these knowledge ? = All knowledge attached to the study will also be published. Did you review these knowledge ? = Do you really want to protect the study ?
message.promote.document = Voulez-vous promouvoir ce document ?
field.studytitle = Title of the study
field.scenariotitle = Title of the scenario
field.documentitle = Title of the document
+field.knowledgetitle= Title of the knowledge
+field.knowledgevalue= Value of the knowledge
field.product = Studied product
field.among = Among
field.context = Context
message.nocontext = No simulation context is pending for approval.
message.emptydocument = No document has been created at this step.
message.accept.document = Do you really want to accept the modifications of dependent documents ? = Do you really want to promote this study ? = Do you really want to validate this study ? = Do you really want to demote this study ? = Do you really want to refuse approval of this study ? = All knowledge attached to the study will also be approved. Did you review these knowledge ? = All knowledge attached to the study will also be published. Did you review these knowledge ? = Do you really want to protect the study ?
message.promote.document = Do you really want to promote this document ?
field.studytitle = Titre de l''étude
field.scenariotitle = Titre du scénario
field.documentitle = Titre du document
+field.knowledgetitle= Title of the knowledge
+field.knowledgevalue= Value of the knowledge
field.product = Produit étudié
field.among = Parmi
field.context = Contexte
field.studytitle = Title of the study
field.scenariotitle = Title of the scenario
field.documentitle = Title of the document
+field.knowledgetitle= Title of the knowledge
+field.knowledgevalue= Value of the knowledge
field.product = Studied product
field.among = Among
field.context = Context
<definition name="" template="/study/newStudy.jsp">
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<%@ page import="org.splat.simer.AbstractOpenObject"%>
<%@ page import="org.splat.simer.OpenStudy"%>
<%@ page import="org.splat.simer.KnowledgeElementFacade"%>
+<script language="JavaScript">
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+ $(document).ready(function() {
+ $('#setKnowledge').submit(function(event) {
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private enum Action { addKnowledge, renameKnowledge, editKnowledge };
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for (Iterator<AbstractOpenObject.KnowledgeIterator> knowtypes = knowlist.iterator(); knowtypes.hasNext(); ) {
AbstractOpenObject.KnowledgeIterator type =;
List<KnowledgeElementFacade> knowelms = type.getKnowledgeElements();
for (Iterator<KnowledgeElementFacade> iterator = knowelms.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) {
KnowledgeElementFacade kelm =;
+ if (kelm.getIndex().equals(typenumber)) {
+%> <tr id="knowledgeValueErrorMessage" style="display: none">
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- <tr>
+<% }
if (todo == Action.renameKnowledge && kelm.getIndex().equals(typenumber)) {
-%> <td width=18>
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- </td>
- <td>
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- <img src="<s:url value="/skin/image.export.png"/>" title="<s:text name=""/>"/>
- </button>
- </td>
-<% } else
- if (todo == Action.editKnowledge && kelm.getIndex().equals(typenumber)) {
-%> <td width=18>
- <s:a href="%{undo}"><img src="<s:url value="/skin/icon.undo.png"/>" border="none" title="<s:text name="tooltip.cancel"/>" /></s:a>
- </td>
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+ <img src="<s:url value="/skin/image.export.png"/>" title="<s:text name=""/>"/>
+ </button>
+<% } else if (todo == Action.editKnowledge && kelm.getIndex().equals(typenumber)) {
+ <s:a href="%{undo}"><img src="<s:url value="/skin/icon.undo.png"/>" border="none" title="<s:text name="tooltip.cancel"/>" /></s:a>
+ <%=kelm.getTitle()%>
<% } else {
-%> <td width=18>
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- <img src="<s:url value="%{#path}"/>" width=14 height=14 border="none" title=""/>
- </td>
- <td><%=kelm.getTitle()%></td>
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+ <%=kelm.getTitle()%>
<% }
-%> </tr>
- </table>
<!-- Value
if (todo == Action.addKnowledge && type.getIndex().equals(typenumber)) {
%> <tr height=5><td></td></tr>
+ <tr id="knowledgeValueErrorMessage" style="display: none">
+ <td align="center" colspan="2" class="errorMessage">
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+ </td>
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- </td>
- <td><input type=text size="35" name=knowledgeTitle></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
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function selectSourceStudy() {
+ document.forms["create"].action="new-copy";
- <td> <s:text name="field.fromStudy" />*:
+ <td> <s:text name="field.fromStudy" />: <span class="error">*</span>
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onchange="selectSourceStudy()" /></td>
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+ <td> <s:text name="field.finalStep" />: <span class="error">*</span>
<td><s:select theme="simple" list="steps" name="finalStep" /></td>
- <td> <s:text name="field.fromScenario" />*:
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--> <s:else>
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$("#bring #documentState option[value='inDRAFT']").hide();
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+ if(done) {
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+ <td><s:text name="field.scenario"/>: <span class="error">*</span></td>
<s:set var="previous" value="selectedScenarioIndex"/>
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- </form>
+ </s:form>
create.projectContextId.value = <s:property value="projectContextId"/>;
+ //Studied product validation (based on struts-generated validation)
+ //relies on javascript included by 'validate="true"' for displaying error messages
+ document.getElementById("create").addEventListener('submit', function(event) { //cross-browser solution
+ form = document.getElementById("create");
+ var errors = false;
+ var continueValidation = true;
+ // field name: product
+ // custom validation function
+ if (form.elements['projectContext'] && form.elements['projectContextId']) {
+ field = form.elements['projectContext'];
+ id = form.elements['projectContextId'];
+ var error = "The field \'Studied product\' must be filled";
+ if (continueValidation
+ && id.value != null && (
+ (id.value == 0
+ && field.value != null
+ && (field.value == "" || field.value.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"").length == 0)
+ )
+ || id.value == -1
+ )
+ ) {
+ addError(field, error);
+ errors = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if(errors) {
+ event.preventDefault(); //cross-browser solution
+ }
+ });
+ function setDefaultSelection()(event) {
+ tds = document.getElementById("select");
+ tde = document.getElementById("enter");
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+ = "none"; // Displays the text input
+ create.projectContextId.value = -1;
+ create.projectContextId.focus();
+ //hide back button
+ }
<!-- New study dialog
<s:text name="title.newstudy" />
<div id="top-spacer"></div>
- <form id="create" name="create"
- action="<tiles:getAsString name="input_action"/>" method="post">
- <table class="text">
+ <s:form id="create" name="create"
+ action="%{#request.valid_action}" method="post" validate="true" cssClass="text">
<tr class="error">
<td colspan="3"><s:text name="%{error}" /></td>
- <td> <s:text name="field.studytitle" />*:
+ <td> <s:text name="field.studytitle" />: <span class="error">*</span>
<td><s:textfield theme="simple" size="60" name="title" /></td>
- <td> <s:text name="field.product" />*:
+ <td> <s:text name="field.product" />: <span class="error">*</span>
<s:if test="projectContextValues.size > 0">
<td id="select"><select name="projectContextId"
<td align="right" colspan="2"><s:submit
- action="%{#request.valid_action}" theme="simple" type="button"
+ theme="simple" type="button"
key="button.newstudy" /></td>
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<%@taglib prefix="s" uri="/struts-tags"%>
<script language="JavaScript">
- function enableUpload () {
- upform.doIt.disabled = false;
+ function updateUploadButton() {
+ if(upform.upload.value == null || upform.upload.value == '') {
+ upform.doIt.disabled = true;
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field.studytitle = Titre de l''étude
field.scenariotitle = Titre du scénario
field.documentitle = Titre du document
+field.knowledgetitle= Title of the knowledge
+field.knowledgevalue= Value of the knowledge
field.product = Produit étudié
field.among = Parmi
field.context = Contexte
field.studytitle = Title of the study
field.scenariotitle = Title of the scenario
field.documentitle = Title of the document
+field.knowledgetitle= Title of the knowledge
+field.knowledgevalue= Value of the knowledge
field.product = Studied product
field.among = Among
field.context = Context
--- /dev/null
+<!DOCTYPE validators PUBLIC "-//Apache Struts//XWork Validator 1.0.2//EN" "">
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\ No newline at end of file
List<Proxy> studies = getSearchService().selectStudiesWhere(filter);
// Fill the studies list
- _studies.put(0L, "");
+ _studies.put(null, "");
for (Proxy study : studies) {
_studies.put(study.getIndex(), study.getTitle());
--- /dev/null
+<!DOCTYPE validators PUBLIC "-//Apache Struts//XWork Validator 1.0.2//EN" "">
+ <field name="knowledgeTitle">
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+ <message>${getText("message.error.noenteredvalue", "-", getText("field.knowledgetitle"))}</message>
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\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
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+ <field name="selectedScenarioTitle">
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+ <message>${getText("message.error.noenteredvalue", "-", getText("field.scenariotitle"))}</message>
+ </field-validator>
+ </field>
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+<!DOCTYPE validators PUBLIC "-//Apache Struts//XWork Validator 1.0.2//EN" "">
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\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+<!DOCTYPE validators PUBLIC "-//Apache Struts//XWork Validator 1.0.2//EN" "">
+ <field name="title">
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+ <message>${getText("message.error.noenteredvalue", "-", getText("field.scenariotitle"))}</message>
+ </field-validator>
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\ No newline at end of file
<message>${getText("message.error.noenteredvalue", "-", getText("field.studytitle"))}</message>
- <field name="projectContext">
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- <message>${getText("message.error.noenteredvalue", "-", getText("field.product"))}</message>
- </field-validator>
- </field>
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+<!DOCTYPE validators PUBLIC "-//Apache Struts//XWork Validator 1.0.2//EN" "">
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+ <message>${getText("message.error.noenteredvalue", "-", getText("field.studytitle"))}</message>
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\ No newline at end of file
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<result name="success" type="redirectAction">
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+ <interceptor-ref name="simanBasicStack"/>
+ <interceptor-ref name="siman-validation"/>
<result name="success" type="redirectAction">
<action name="valid-add" class="newScenarioAction"
+ <interceptor-ref name="simanBasicStack"/>
+ <interceptor-ref name="siman-validation"/>
<result name="cancel" type="redirectAction">
<action name="valid-edit" class="studyPropertiesAction"
+ <interceptor-ref name="simanBasicStack"/>
+ <interceptor-ref name="siman-validation"/>
<result name="success" type="tiles">
<action name="valid-import" class="importDocumentAction"
+ <interceptor-ref name="simanBasicStack"/>
+ <interceptor-ref name="siman-validation"/>
<result name="success" type="redirectAction">
<action name="setKnowledge" class="editKnowledgeElementAction"
+ <interceptor-ref name="simanBasicStack"/>
+ <interceptor-ref name="siman-validation"/>
<result name="success" type="redirectAction">