* This method makes the assumption that _discr_per_cell is set.
* This method reduces as much as possible number size of _loc.
- * This method is usefull when several set on same cells has been done and that some Gauss Localization are no more used.
+ * This method is useful when several set on same cells has been done and that some Gauss Localization are no more used.
void MEDCouplingFieldDiscretizationGauss::zipGaussLocalizations()
- * This method is usefull when 'this' describes a field discretization with several gauss discretization on a \b same cell type.
+ * This method is useful when 'this' describes a field discretization with several gauss discretization on a \b same cell type.
* For example same NORM_TRI3 cells having 6 gauss points and others with 12 gauss points.
* This method returns 2 arrays with same size : the return value and 'locIds' output parameter.
* For a given i into [0,locIds.size) ret[i] represents the set of cell ids of i_th set an locIds[i] represents the set of discretisation of the set.
* Returns the accumulation (the sum) of comId_th component of each tuples weigthed by the field
* returns by getWeightingField relative of the _type of field of default array.
- * This method is usefull to check the conservativity of interpolation method.
+ * This method is useful to check the conservativity of interpolation method.
double MEDCouplingFieldDouble::integral(int compId, bool isWAbs) const throw(INTERP_KERNEL::Exception)
* Returns the accumulation (the sum) of each tuples weigthed by the field
* returns by getWeightingField relative of the _type of field of default array.
- * This method is usefull to check the conservativity of interpolation method.
+ * This method is useful to check the conservativity of interpolation method.
void MEDCouplingFieldDouble::integral(bool isWAbs, double *res) const throw(INTERP_KERNEL::Exception)
* When called 'this' is an invalid mesh on MED sense. This method will correct that for polyhedra.
* In case of presence of polyhedron that has not the extruded aspect (2 faces with the same number of nodes) an exception is thrown and 'this'
* remains unchanged.
- * This method is usefull only for users that wants to build extruded unstructured mesh.
+ * This method is useful only for users that wants to build extruded unstructured mesh.
* This method is a convenient one that avoids boring polyhedra setting during insertNextCell process.
* In case of success, 'this' has be corrected contains the same number of cells and is valid in MED sense.
- * This methods returns a field on nodes and no time. This method is usefull to check "P1*" conservative interpolators.
+ * This methods returns a field on nodes and no time. This method is useful to check "P1*" conservative interpolators.
* This field returns the getMeasureField of the dualMesh in P1 sens of 'this'.
MEDCouplingFieldDouble *MEDCouplingUMesh::getMeasureFieldOnNode(bool isAbs) const
* nodal connectivity will be transform to a NORM_TRI3 cell.
* This method works \b only \b on \b linear cells.
* This method works on nodes ids, that is to say a call to ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh::mergeNodes
- * method could be usefull before calling this method in case of presence of several pair of nodes located on same position.
+ * method could be useful before calling this method in case of presence of several pair of nodes located on same position.
* This method throws an exception if 'this' is not fully defined (connectivity).
* This method throws an exception too if a "too" degenerated cell is detected. For example a NORM_TRI3 with 3 times the same node id.
* This method sorts cell in this so that cells are sorted by cell type specified by MEDMEM and so for MED file.
- * It avoids to deal with renum in MEDLoader so it is usefull for MED file R/W with multi types.
+ * It avoids to deal with renum in MEDLoader so it is useful for MED file R/W with multi types.
* This method returns a newly allocated array old2New.
* This method expects that connectivity of this is set. If not an exception will be thrown. Coordinates are not taken into account.
* But mesh in \b meshes \b can \b have \b different \b mesh \b dimension \b each \b other.
* This method performs nothing if size of \b meshes is in [0,1].
- * This method is particulary usefull in MEDLoader context to build a \ref ParaMEDMEM::MEDFileUMesh "MEDFileUMesh" instance that expects that underlying
+ * This method is particulary useful in MEDLoader context to build a \ref ParaMEDMEM::MEDFileUMesh "MEDFileUMesh" instance that expects that underlying
* coordinates DataArrayDouble instance.
* \param [in,out] meshes : vector containing no null instance of MEDCouplingUMesh that in case of success of this method will be modified.
* If \b meshes share the same instance of DataArrayDouble as coordinates and that this instance is null, this method do nothing and no exception will be thrown.
* This method performs nothing if size of \b meshes is empty.
- * This method is particulary usefull in MEDLoader context to perform a treatment of a MEDFileUMesh instance on different levels.
+ * This method is particulary useful in MEDLoader context to perform a treatment of a MEDFileUMesh instance on different levels.
* coordinates DataArrayDouble instance.
* \param [in,out] meshes :vector containing no null instance of MEDCouplingUMesh sharing the same DataArrayDouble instance of coordinates, that in case of success of this method will be modified.
* This method start from id 0 that will be contained in output DataArrayInt. It searches then all neighbors of id0 regarding arrIn[arrIndxIn[0]:arrIndxIn[0+1]].
* Then it is repeated recursively until either all ids are fetched or no more ids are reachable step by step.
* A negative value in \b arrIn means that it is ignored.
- * This method is usefull to see if a mesh is contiguous regarding its connectivity. If it is not the case the size of returned array is different from arrIndxIn->getNumberOfTuples()-1.
+ * This method is useful to see if a mesh is contiguous regarding its connectivity. If it is not the case the size of returned array is different from arrIndxIn->getNumberOfTuples()-1.
* \param [in] arrIn arr origin array from which the extraction will be done.
* \param [in] arrIndxIn is the input index array allowing to walk into \b arrIn
* This method start from id 0 that will be contained in output DataArrayInt. It searches then all neighbors of id0 regarding arrIn[arrIndxIn[0]:arrIndxIn[0+1]].
* Then it is repeated recursively until either all ids are fetched or no more ids are reachable step by step.
* A negative value in \b arrIn means that it is ignored.
- * This method is usefull to see if a mesh is contiguous regarding its connectivity. If it is not the case the size of returned array is different from arrIndxIn->getNumberOfTuples()-1.
+ * This method is useful to see if a mesh is contiguous regarding its connectivity. If it is not the case the size of returned array is different from arrIndxIn->getNumberOfTuples()-1.
* \param [in] seedBg the begin pointer (included) of an array containing the seed of the search zone
* \param [in] seedEnd the end pointer (not included) of an array containing the seed of the search zone
* \param [in] arrIn arr origin array from which the extraction will be done.