--- /dev/null
+// Copyright (C) 2005 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
+// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License.
+// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// Lesser General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
+ * BatchManager.cxx :
+ *
+ * Auteur : Bernard SECHER - CEA/DEN
+ * Date : Juillet 2007
+ * Projet : SALOME
+ *
+ */
+#include "BatchLight_BatchManager_PBS.hxx"
+#include "utilities.h"
+#include "BatchLight_Job.hxx"
+#include <fstream>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+using namespace std;
+namespace BatchLight {
+ // Constructeur
+ BatchManager_PBS::BatchManager_PBS(const batchParams& p) throw(SALOME_Exception) : BatchManager(p)
+ {
+ }
+ // Destructeur
+ BatchManager_PBS::~BatchManager_PBS()
+ {
+ MESSAGE("BatchManager_PBS destructor "<<_params.hostname);
+ }
+ // Methode pour le controle des jobs : retire un job du gestionnaire
+ void BatchManager_PBS::deleteJob(const int & jobid)
+ {
+ BEGIN_OF("BatchManager_PBS::deleteJob");
+ string command;
+ int status;
+ ostringstream oss;
+ oss << jobid;
+ // define command to submit batch
+ if( _params.protocol == "rsh" )
+ command = "rsh ";
+ else if( _params.protocol == "ssh" )
+ command = "ssh ";
+ else
+ throw SALOME_Exception("Unknown protocol");
+ if (_params.username != ""){
+ command += _params.username;
+ command += "@";
+ }
+ command += _params.hostname;
+ command += " \"qdel " ;
+ command += oss.str();
+ command += "\"";
+ SCRUTE(command.c_str());
+ status = system(command.c_str());
+ if(status)
+ throw SALOME_Exception("Error of connection on remote host");
+ MESSAGE("jobId = " << jobid << "killed");
+ END_OF("BatchManager_PBS::deleteJob");
+ }
+ // Methode pour le controle des jobs : renvoie l'etat du job
+ string BatchManager_PBS::queryJob(const int & jobid)
+ {
+ BEGIN_OF("BatchManager_PBS::queryJob");
+ // define name of log file
+ string jstatus;
+ string logFile="/tmp/logs/";
+ logFile += getenv("USER");
+ logFile += "/batchSalome_";
+ srand ( time(NULL) );
+ int ir = rand();
+ ostringstream oss;
+ oss << ir;
+ logFile += oss.str();
+ logFile += ".log";
+ string command;
+ int status;
+ // define command to submit batch
+ if( _params.protocol == "rsh" )
+ command = "rsh ";
+ else if( _params.protocol == "ssh" )
+ command = "ssh ";
+ else
+ throw SALOME_Exception("Unknown protocol");
+ if (_params.username != ""){
+ command += _params.username;
+ command += "@";
+ }
+ command += _params.hostname;
+ command += " \"qstat -f " ;
+ ostringstream oss2;
+ oss2 << jobid;
+ command += oss2.str();
+ command += "\" > ";
+ command += logFile;
+ SCRUTE(command.c_str());
+ status = system(command.c_str());
+ if(status && status != 153 && status != 256*153){
+ MESSAGE("status="<<status);
+ throw SALOME_Exception("Error of connection on remote host");
+ }
+ if(status == 153 || status == 256*153 )
+ // If job is finished qstat command return 153 status
+ jstatus = "D";
+ else{
+ // read status of job in log file
+ char line[128];
+ ifstream fp(logFile.c_str(),ios::in);
+ string sline;
+ int pos = string::npos;
+ while( (pos == string::npos) && fp.getline(line,80,'\n') ){
+ sline = string(line);
+ pos = sline.find("job_state");
+ };
+ if(pos!=string::npos){
+ istringstream iss(sline);
+ iss >> jstatus;
+ iss >> jstatus;
+ iss >> jstatus;
+ }
+ else
+ jstatus = "U";
+ }
+ MESSAGE("jobId = " << jobid << " " << jstatus);
+ END_OF("BatchManager_PBS::queryJob");
+ return jstatus;
+ }
+ void BatchManager_PBS::buildSalomeCouplingScript( const char *fileToExecute ) throw(SALOME_Exception)
+ {
+ BEGIN_OF("BatchManager_PBS::buildSalomeCouplingScript");
+ int status;
+ int lenf = strlen( fileToExecute ) ;
+ int i = lenf-1 ;
+ while ( i >= 0 && fileToExecute[i] != '/' ) {
+ i -= 1 ;
+ }
+ char * FileNameToExecute = new char[lenf-4-i] ;
+ strncpy(FileNameToExecute , &fileToExecute[i+1] , lenf-4-i) ;
+ _fileNameToExecute = string( FileNameToExecute ) ;
+ delete FileNameToExecute ;
+ SCRUTE(_fileNameToExecute) ;
+ _TmpFileName = BuildTemporaryFileName();
+ ofstream tempOutputFile;
+ tempOutputFile.open(_TmpFileName.c_str(), ofstream::out );
+ tempOutputFile << "#! /bin/sh -f" << endl ;
+ tempOutputFile << "cd " ;
+ tempOutputFile << _params.applipath << endl ;
+ tempOutputFile << "export PYTHONPATH=~/" ;
+ tempOutputFile << _dirForTmpFiles ;
+ tempOutputFile << ":$PYTHONPATH" << endl ;
+ tempOutputFile << "if test " ;
+ tempOutputFile << mpiRank() ;
+ tempOutputFile << " = 0; then" << endl ;
+ tempOutputFile << " ./runAppli --terminal --batch --modules=" ;
+ for ( i = 0 ; i < _params.modulesList.size() ; i++ ) {
+ tempOutputFile << _params.modulesList[i] ;
+ if ( i != _params.modulesList.size()-1 )
+ tempOutputFile << "," ;
+ }
+ tempOutputFile << " --standalone=registry,study,moduleCatalog --killall &" << endl ;
+ tempOutputFile << " for ((ip=1; ip < ";
+ tempOutputFile << mpiSize();
+ tempOutputFile << " ; ip++))" << endl;
+ tempOutputFile << " do" << endl ;
+ tempOutputFile << " arglist=\"$arglist YACS_Server_\"$ip" << endl ;
+ tempOutputFile << " done" << endl ;
+ tempOutputFile << " sleep 5" << endl ;
+ tempOutputFile << " ./runSession waitContainers.py $arglist" << endl ;
+ tempOutputFile << " ./runSession python ~/" << _dirForTmpFiles << "/" << _fileNameToExecute << ".py" << endl;
+ tempOutputFile << " ./runSession killCurrentPort" << endl;
+ tempOutputFile << "else" << endl ;
+ tempOutputFile << " sleep 5" << endl ;
+ tempOutputFile << " ./runSession waitNS.py" << endl ;
+ tempOutputFile << " ./runSession SALOME_Container 'YACS_Server_'";
+ tempOutputFile << mpiRank() << endl ;
+ tempOutputFile << "fi" << endl ;
+ tempOutputFile.flush();
+ tempOutputFile.close();
+ chmod(_TmpFileName.c_str(), 0x1ED);
+ SCRUTE(_TmpFileName.c_str()) ;
+ string command;
+ if( _params.protocol == "rsh" )
+ command = "rcp ";
+ else if( _params.protocol == "ssh" )
+ command = "scp ";
+ else
+ throw SALOME_Exception("Unknown protocol");
+ command += _TmpFileName;
+ command += " ";
+ if (_params.username != ""){
+ command += _params.username;
+ command += "@";
+ }
+ command += _params.hostname;
+ command += ":";
+ command += _dirForTmpFiles ;
+ command += "/runSalome_" ;
+ command += _fileNameToExecute ;
+ command += "_Batch.sh" ;
+ SCRUTE(command.c_str());
+ status = system(command.c_str());
+ if(status)
+ throw SALOME_Exception("Error of connection on remote host");
+ RmTmpFile();
+ END_OF("BatchManager_PBS::buildSalomeCouplingScript");
+ }
+ void BatchManager_PBS::buildSalomeBatchScript( const int nbproc ) throw(SALOME_Exception)
+ {
+ BEGIN_OF("BatchManager_PBS::buildSalomeBatchScript");
+ int status;
+ int nbmaxproc = _params.nbnodes * _params.nbprocpernode;
+ if( nbproc > nbmaxproc ){
+ MESSAGE(nbproc << " processors asked on a cluster of " << nbmaxproc << " processors");
+ throw SALOME_Exception("Too much processors asked for that cluster");
+ }
+ int nbnodes;
+ if( nbproc < _params.nbnodes )
+ nbnodes = nbproc;
+ else
+ nbnodes = _params.nbnodes;
+ _TmpFileName = BuildTemporaryFileName();
+ ofstream tempOutputFile;
+ tempOutputFile.open(_TmpFileName.c_str(), ofstream::out );
+ tempOutputFile << "#! /bin/sh -f" << endl ;
+ tempOutputFile << "#PBS -l nodes=" << nbnodes << endl ;
+ tempOutputFile << "#PBS -o runSalome.log" << endl ;
+ tempOutputFile << mpiBoot() << endl ;
+ tempOutputFile << "mpirun -np " << nbproc << " ~/" ;
+ tempOutputFile << _dirForTmpFiles ;
+ tempOutputFile << "/runSalome_" ;
+ tempOutputFile << _fileNameToExecute ;
+ tempOutputFile << "_Batch.sh" << endl ;
+ tempOutputFile << mpiHalt() << endl ;
+ tempOutputFile.flush();
+ tempOutputFile.close();
+ chmod(_TmpFileName.c_str(), 0x1ED);
+ SCRUTE(_TmpFileName.c_str()) ;
+ string command;
+ if( _params.protocol == "rsh" )
+ command = "rcp ";
+ else if( _params.protocol == "ssh" )
+ command = "scp ";
+ else
+ throw SALOME_Exception("Unknown protocol");
+ command += _TmpFileName;
+ command += " ";
+ if (_params.username != ""){
+ command += _params.username;
+ command += "@";
+ }
+ command += _params.hostname;
+ command += ":";
+ command += _dirForTmpFiles ;
+ command += "/" ;
+ command += _fileNameToExecute ;
+ command += "_Batch.sh" ;
+ SCRUTE(command.c_str());
+ status = system(command.c_str());
+ if(status)
+ throw SALOME_Exception("Error of connection on remote host");
+ RmTmpFile();
+ END_OF("BatchManager_PBS::buildSalomeBatchScript");
+ }
+ int BatchManager_PBS::submit() throw(SALOME_Exception)
+ {
+ BEGIN_OF("BatchManager_PBS::submit");
+ // define name of log file
+ string logFile="/tmp/logs/";
+ logFile += getenv("USER");
+ logFile += "/batchSalome_";
+ srand ( time(NULL) );
+ int ir = rand();
+ ostringstream oss;
+ oss << ir;
+ logFile += oss.str();
+ logFile += ".log";
+ string command;
+ int status;
+ // define command to submit batch
+ if( _params.protocol == "rsh" )
+ command = "rsh ";
+ else if( _params.protocol == "ssh" )
+ command = "ssh ";
+ else
+ throw SALOME_Exception("Unknown protocol");
+ if (_params.username != ""){
+ command += _params.username;
+ command += "@";
+ }
+ command += _params.hostname;
+ command += " \"qsub " ;
+ command += _dirForTmpFiles ;
+ command += "/" ;
+ command += _fileNameToExecute ;
+ command += "_Batch.sh\" > ";
+ command += logFile;
+ SCRUTE(command.c_str());
+ status = system(command.c_str());
+ if(status)
+ throw SALOME_Exception("Error of connection on remote host");
+ // read id of submitted job in log file
+ char line[128];
+ FILE *fp = fopen(logFile.c_str(),"r");
+ fgets( line, 128, fp);
+ fclose(fp);
+ string sline(line);
+ int pos = sline.find(".");
+ string strjob;
+ if(pos == string::npos)
+ strjob = sline;
+ else
+ strjob = sline.substr(0,pos);
+ int id;
+ istringstream iss(strjob);
+ iss >> id;
+ END_OF("BatchManager_PBS::submit");
+ return id;
+ }
+ std::string BatchManager_PBS::mpiRank() throw(SALOME_Exception)
+ {
+ if(_params.mpiImpl == "indif")
+ throw SALOME_Exception("You have to specify MPI implementation in CatalogResources.xml file");
+ else if(_params.mpiImpl == "lam")
+ return "${LAMRANK}";
+ else
+ throw SALOME_Exception("not yet implemented");
+ }
+ std::string BatchManager_PBS::mpiSize() throw(SALOME_Exception)
+ {
+ if(_params.mpiImpl == "indif")
+ throw SALOME_Exception("You have to specify MPI implementation in CatalogResources.xml file");
+ else if(_params.mpiImpl == "lam")
+ return "${LAMWORLD}";
+ else
+ throw SALOME_Exception("not yet implemented");
+ }
+ std::string BatchManager_PBS::mpiBoot() throw(SALOME_Exception)
+ {
+ if(_params.mpiImpl == "indif")
+ throw SALOME_Exception("You have to specify MPI implementation in CatalogResources.xml file");
+ else if(_params.mpiImpl == "lam")
+ return "lamboot ${PBS_NODEFILE}";
+ else if(_params.mpiImpl == "mpich1")
+ return "";
+ else
+ throw SALOME_Exception("not yet implemented");
+ }
+ std::string BatchManager_PBS::mpiHalt() throw(SALOME_Exception)
+ {
+ if(_params.mpiImpl == "indif")
+ throw SALOME_Exception("You have to specify MPI implementation in CatalogResources.xml file");
+ else if(_params.mpiImpl == "lam")
+ return "lamhalt";
+ else if(_params.mpiImpl == "mpich1")
+ return "";
+ else
+ throw SALOME_Exception("not yet implemented");
+ }