logger = Logger("salome.smesh.smesh_tools")
+# prefix for groups with internal usage
+# i.e. used to transfer the faces and edges sub-shapes ids to the mesh
+__prefix = "____"
+def __getIdsGrpDualFromOrig(mc_mesh_file, grp_name, mesh2d, grp_level):
+ """ Identify the polygonal cells ids matching the original group on the original mesh (before dual mesh)
+ Args:
+ mc_mesh_file (MEDFileMesh): mesh on which to read the group
+ grp_name (string): name of the group to read
+ mesh2d (MEDCouplingUMesh): mesh at lower level (-1 or -2) containing faces or segments cells
+ grp_level (int): level on which to load the group (-1 or -2)
+ Returns:
+ id_grp_poly (DataArrayInt64): ids of cells mathcing the group. None if the group has not been found.
+ nodes_added (DataArrayInt64): new nodes added on the dual mesh
+ """
+ try:
+ grp_tria = mc_mesh_file.getGroup(grp_level, grp_name)
+ except:
+ logger.debug("""No group found for %s at level %i.
+ It is normal behaviour for degenerated geom edge."""%(grp_name, grp_level))
+ return None, None
+ # Retrieve the nodes in group
+ orig_grp_nodes = grp_tria.computeFetchedNodeIds()
+ # Find all the cells lying on one of the nodes
+ id_grp_poly = mesh2d.getCellIdsLyingOnNodes(orig_grp_nodes, False)
+ grp_poly = mesh2d[id_grp_poly]
+ if grp_poly.getNumberOfCells() == 0:
+ logger.debug("""No poly cell found for %s at level %i."""%(grp_name, grp_level))
+ return None, None
+ # find the extra face cells, on the border of the group (lying on nodes, but outside the group)
+ id_poly_border = grp_poly.findCellIdsOnBoundary()
+ # ids of the cells in grp_poly
+ id_poly=mc.DataArrayInt64.New(grp_poly.getNumberOfCells(), 1)
+ id_poly.iota()
+ # cells that are really in the group
+ id_to_keep = id_poly.buildSubstraction(id_poly_border)
+ id_grp_poly = id_grp_poly[id_to_keep]
+ id_grp_poly.setName(grp_name.strip())
+ # get nodes added on this group
+ grp_poly = mesh2d[id_grp_poly]
+ grp_nodes_poly = grp_poly.computeFetchedNodeIds()
+ nodes_added = grp_nodes_poly.buildSubstraction(orig_grp_nodes)
+ return id_grp_poly, nodes_added
+def __projectNodeOnSubshape(nodes, subshape, coords):
+ """ Project nodes on a sub-shape (face or edge) and update the mesh coordinates
+ Args:
+ nodes (DataArrayInt): nodes ids to project
+ subshape (GEOM object): face or edge on which to project the nodes
+ coords (DataArrayDouble): coordinates of the mesh to update. These coordinates are modified inside this function.
+ """
+ for i in nodes:
+ x, y, z = coords[i].getValues()
+ vertex = geompy.MakeVertex(x, y, z)
+ try:
+ prj = geompy.MakeProjection(vertex, subshape)
+ except:
+ logger.warning("Projection failed for %.5f %.5f %.5f but we continue with next node"%(x, y, z))
+ continue
+ new_coor = geompy.PointCoordinates(prj)
+ # update its coordinates in the mesh
+ coords[i] = new_coor
+ pass
+def __deleteObj(theObj):
+ """ Delete object from a Study
+ Args:
+ theObj (GEOM or SMESH object): object to remove from the study
+ """
+ aStudy = salome.myStudy
+ aStudyBuilder = aStudy.NewBuilder()
+ SO = aStudy.FindObjectIOR(aStudy.ConvertObjectToIOR(theObj))
+ if SO is not None:
+ aStudyBuilder.RemoveObjectWithChildren(SO)
+ pass
def smesh_create_dual_mesh(mesh_ior, output_file, adapt_to_shape=True, mesh_name="MESH"):
""" Create a dual of the mesh in input_file into output_file
shape = mesh.GetShapeToMesh()
- # Creating output file
- logger.debug("Creating file with mesh: "+mesh_name)
- myfile = mc.MEDFileUMesh()
- myfile.setName(mesh_name)
+ if adapt_to_shape:
+ faces = geompy.SubShapeAll(shape, geompy.ShapeType["FACE"])
+ faces_ids = geompy.GetSubShapesIDs(shape, faces)
+ # Create group with each face
+ # so that we don't need GetFaceNearPoint to get the face to project the point to
+ id2face = {}
+ id2face_edges_ids = {}
+ mesh_groups = []
+ for face, face_id in zip(faces, faces_ids):
+ gr_mesh = mesh.CreateGroupFromGEOM(SMESH.FACE, '%sface_%i'%(__prefix, face_id), face)
+ id2face[face_id] = face
+ mesh_groups.append(gr_mesh)
+ # get the edges bounding this face
+ # so that we can project the nodes on edges before nodes on faces
+ face_edges = geompy.SubShapeAll(face, geompy.ShapeType["EDGE"])
+ face_edges_ids = geompy.GetSubShapesIDs(shape, face_edges)
+ id2face_edges_ids[face_id] = face_edges_ids
+ edges = geompy.SubShapeAll(shape, geompy.ShapeType["EDGE"])
+ edges_ids = geompy.GetSubShapesIDs(shape, edges)
+ id2edge = {}
+ for edge, edge_id in zip(edges, edges_ids):
+ gr_mesh = mesh.CreateGroupFromGEOM(SMESH.EDGE, '%sedge_%i'%(__prefix, edge_id), edge)
+ id2edge[edge_id] = edge
+ mesh_groups.append(gr_mesh)
# We got a meshProxy so we need to convert pointer to MEDCoupling
int_ptr = mesh.ExportMEDCoupling(True, True)
# End of SMESH -> MEDCoupling part for dualmesh
tetras = mc.MEDCoupling1SGTUMesh(tetras)
+ # Create the polyhedra from the tetrahedra (main goal of this function)
polyh = tetras.computeDualMesh()
## Adding skin + transfering groups on faces from tetras mesh
mesh2d = polyh.buildUnstructured().computeSkin()
- myfile.setMeshAtLevel(-1, mesh2d)
+ polyh_coords = polyh.getCoords()
+ edges_group_names = mc_mesh_file.getGroupsOnSpecifiedLev(-2)
+ treated_edges = []
+ mc_groups = []
for grp_name in mc_mesh_file.getGroupsOnSpecifiedLev(-1):
# This group is created by the export
if grp_name == "Group_Of_All_Faces":
logger.debug("Transferring group: "+ grp_name)
- grp_tria = mc_mesh_file.getGroup(-1, grp_name)
- # Retrieve the nodes in group
- grp_nodes = grp_tria.computeFetchedNodeIds()
- # Find all the cells lying on one of the nodes
- id_grp_poly = mesh2d.getCellIdsLyingOnNodes(grp_nodes, False)
- grp_poly = mesh2d[id_grp_poly]
+ # get the polygons ids on the dual mesh from the triangles group
+ id_grp_poly, nodes_added_on_tri = __getIdsGrpDualFromOrig(mc_mesh_file, grp_name, mesh2d, -1)
- # find the extra face cells, on the border of the group (lying on nodes, but outside the group)
- id_poly_border = grp_poly.findCellIdsOnBoundary()
+ if id_grp_poly is not None and grp_name[:4] == __prefix:
+ # This group is on a specific geom face
+ face_id = grp_name.split("_")[-1]
+ face_id = int(face_id)
+ face = id2face[face_id]
- # ids of the cells in grp_poly
- id_poly=mc.DataArrayInt64.New(grp_poly.getNumberOfCells(), 1)
- id_poly.iota()
+ # for each face, get the edges bounding it
+ grp_poly = mesh2d[id_grp_poly]
+ mesh1d = grp_poly.computeSkin()
- # cells that are really in the group
- id_to_keep = id_poly.buildSubstraction(id_poly_border)
+ face_edges_id = id2face_edges_ids[face_id]
+ for edge_id in face_edges_id:
+ grp_seg_name = "%sedge_%i"%(__prefix, edge_id)
- id_grp_poly = id_grp_poly[id_to_keep]
- id_grp_poly.setName(grp_name.strip())
+ # get the segs on the dual mesh from the segs group
+ id_grp_seg, nodes_added_on_segs = __getIdsGrpDualFromOrig(mc_mesh_file, grp_seg_name, mesh1d, -2)
- myfile.addGroup(-1, id_grp_poly)
+ # project new nodes on its geom edge
+ # (if the group exists on this edge and it has not already been treated)
+ if id_grp_seg is not None:
+ if edge_id not in treated_edges:
+ edge = id2edge[edge_id]
+ __projectNodeOnSubshape(nodes_added_on_segs, edge, polyh_coords)
+ else:
+ treated_edges.append(edge_id)
- # Getting list of new points added on the skin
- skin = tetras.buildUnstructured().computeSkin()
- skin_polyh = polyh.buildUnstructured().computeSkin()
- allNodesOnSkinPolyh = skin_polyh.computeFetchedNodeIds()
- allNodesOnSkin = skin.computeFetchedNodeIds()
- ptsAdded = allNodesOnSkinPolyh.buildSubstraction(allNodesOnSkin)
- ptsAddedMesh = mc.MEDCouplingUMesh.Build0DMeshFromCoords( skin_polyh.getCoords()[ptsAdded] )
+ # remove these nodes from the nodes to project on face
+ nodes_added_on_tri = nodes_added_on_tri.buildSubstraction(nodes_added_on_segs)
- if adapt_to_shape:
- logger.debug("Adapting to shape")
- ptsAddedCoo = ptsAddedMesh.getCoords()
- ptsAddedCooModified = ptsAddedCoo[:]
- # Matching faces with their ids
- faces = geompy.ExtractShapes(shape, geompy.ShapeType["FACE"], True)
- id2face = {}
- for face in faces:
- id2face[face.GetSubShapeIndices()[0]] = face
- ## Projecting each points added by the dual mesh on the surface it is
- # associated with
- for i, tup in enumerate(ptsAddedCooModified):
- vertex = geompy.MakeVertex(*tuple(tup))
- shapes = geompy.GetShapesNearPoint(shape, vertex,
- geompy.ShapeType["FACE"])
- prj = geompy.MakeProjection(vertex,
- id2face[shapes.GetSubShapeIndices()[0]])
- new_coor = geompy.PointCoordinates(prj)
- ptsAddedCooModified[i] = new_coor
- polyh.getCoords()[ptsAdded] = ptsAddedCooModified
+ # project new nodes on its geom face
+ __projectNodeOnSubshape(nodes_added_on_tri, face, polyh_coords)
+ else:
+ # add the group to write it
+ mc_groups.append(id_grp_poly)
+ # Creating output file
+ logger.debug("Creating file with mesh: "+mesh_name)
+ myfile = mc.MEDFileUMesh()
+ myfile.setName(mesh_name)
myfile.setMeshAtLevel(0, polyh)
+ myfile.setMeshAtLevel(-1, mesh2d)
+ for group in mc_groups:
+ myfile.addGroup(-1, group)
- logger.debug("Writting dual mesh in :"+output_file)
+ logger.debug("Writing dual mesh in: "+output_file)
myfile.write(output_file, 2)
+ if adapt_to_shape:
+ # delete temporary groups
+ for gr in mesh_groups:
+ __deleteObj(gr)
isDone = Mesh_1.Compute()
# Create groups
+d_geom_groups = {}
d_mesh_groups = {}
for geom_group in geom_groups:
gr = Mesh_1.Group(geom_group)
gr_name = gr.GetName()
d_mesh_groups[gr_name] = gr
+ d_geom_groups[gr_name] = geom_group
# Check tetra mesh volume
mesh_volume = smesh.GetVolume(Mesh_1)
assert len(dual_Mesh_raw_groups) == 4
-for gr_dual, gr_name in zip(dual_Mesh_raw_groups, dual_Mesh_raw_group_names):
+## Create dual mesh with projection on faces
+dual_Mesh_1 = smesh.CreateDualMesh(Mesh_1, 'dual_Mesh_1', True)
+# Check dual mesh volume
+dual_volume = dual_Mesh_1.GetVolume()
+print("dual_volume: ", dual_volume)
+print("dual_raw_volume: ", dual_raw_volume)
+assert (dual_volume >= dual_raw_volume)
+assert abs(dual_volume-shape_volume)/shape_volume < 0.11
+# Check groups
+dual_Mesh_groups = dual_Mesh_1.GetGroups()
+dual_Mesh_group_names = dual_Mesh_1.GetGroupNames()
+d_mesh_dual_groups = {}
+for gr_name, gr in zip(dual_Mesh_group_names, dual_Mesh_groups):
+ gr_name = gr_name.strip()
+ d_mesh_dual_groups[gr_name] = gr
+for gr_dual_raw, gr_name in zip(dual_Mesh_raw_groups, dual_Mesh_raw_group_names):
gr_name = gr_name.strip()
gr_tri = d_mesh_groups[gr_name]
+ gr_dual = d_mesh_dual_groups[gr_name]
+ gr_geom = d_geom_groups[gr_name]
+ area_gr_geom = geompy.BasicProperties(gr_geom)[1]
area_gr_tri = smesh.GetArea(gr_tri)
+ area_gr_dual_raw = smesh.GetArea(gr_dual_raw)
area_gr_dual = smesh.GetArea(gr_dual)
+ print("Area geom: ", area_gr_geom)
print("Area tri: ", area_gr_tri)
+ print("Area dual raw:", area_gr_dual_raw)
print("Area dual:", area_gr_dual)
- assert abs(area_gr_tri-area_gr_dual)/area_gr_tri < 1e-3
-#dual_Mesh_1 = smesh.CreateDualMesh(Mesh_1, 'dual_Mesh_1', True)
-#dual_volume = dual_Mesh_1.GetVolume()
-#dual_raw_volume = dual_Mesh_raw_1.GetVolume()
-#print("dual_volume: ", dual_volume)
-#print("dual_raw_volume: ", dual_raw_volume)
+ assert abs(area_gr_geom-area_gr_dual)/area_gr_geom < 0.015
+ assert abs(area_gr_tri-area_gr_dual_raw)/area_gr_tri < 1e-3
-#assert (dual_volume >= dual_raw_volume)
if salome.sg.hasDesktop():