+++ /dev/null
-// Copyright (C) 2014-20xx CEA/DEN, EDF R&D -->
-// File: SketchPlugin_ConstraintSplit.cpp
-// Created: 25 Aug 2016
-// Author: Natalia ERMOLAEVA
-#include "SketchPlugin_ConstraintSplit.h"
-#include <GeomAPI_Dir2d.h>
-#include <GeomAPI_Pnt2d.h>
-#include <GeomAPI_XY.h>
-#include <GeomDataAPI_Point2D.h>
-#include <GeomAlgoAPI_ShapeTools.h>
-#include <ModelAPI_AttributeReference.h>
-#include <ModelAPI_AttributeString.h>
-#include <ModelAPI_AttributeRefAttr.h>
-#include <ModelAPI_Tools.h>
-#include <ModelAPI_AttributeBoolean.h>
-#include <ModelAPI_Validator.h>
-#include <ModelAPI_Session.h>
-#include <ModelAPI_AttributeDouble.h>
-#include <SketchPlugin_Line.h>
-#include <SketchPlugin_Arc.h>
-#include <SketchPlugin_Circle.h>
-#include <SketchPlugin_ConstraintCoincidence.h>
-#include <SketchPlugin_ConstraintEqual.h>
-#include <SketchPlugin_ConstraintParallel.h>
-#include <SketchPlugin_ConstraintTangent.h>
-#include <SketchPlugin_ConstraintLength.h>
-#include <SketchPlugin_ConstraintMirror.h>
-#include <SketchPlugin_MultiRotation.h>
-#include <SketchPlugin_MultiTranslation.h>
-#include <SketchPlugin_ConstraintMiddle.h>
-#include <ModelAPI_Events.h>
-#include <SketchPlugin_Line.h>
-#include <SketchPlugin_Arc.h>
-#include <SketchPlugin_Circle.h>
-#include <ModelGeomAlgo_Point2D.h>
-#include <Events_Loop.h>
-#include <cmath>
-//#define DEBUG_SPLIT
-#include <iostream>
-static const double PI = 3.141592653589793238463;
-void SketchPlugin_ConstraintSplit::initAttributes()
- data()->addAttribute(SketchPlugin_Constraint::VALUE(), ModelAPI_AttributeReference::typeId());
- data()->addAttribute(SketchPlugin_Constraint::ENTITY_A(), ModelAPI_AttributeRefAttr::typeId());
- data()->addAttribute(SketchPlugin_Constraint::ENTITY_B(), ModelAPI_AttributeRefAttr::typeId());
-void SketchPlugin_ConstraintSplit::execute()
- std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Data> aData = data();
- // Check the base objects are initialized.
- AttributeReferencePtr aBaseObjectAttr = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ModelAPI_AttributeReference>(
- aData->attribute(SketchPlugin_Constraint::VALUE()));
- if(!aBaseObjectAttr->isInitialized()) {
- setError("Error: Base object is not initialized.");
- return;
- }
- AttributePoint2DPtr aFirstPointAttrOfSplit =
- getPointOfRefAttr(aData->attribute(SketchPlugin_Constraint::ENTITY_A()));
- AttributePoint2DPtr aSecondPointAttrOfSplit =
- getPointOfRefAttr(aData->attribute(SketchPlugin_Constraint::ENTITY_B()));
- if (!aFirstPointAttrOfSplit.get() || !aFirstPointAttrOfSplit->isInitialized() ||
- !aSecondPointAttrOfSplit.get() || !aSecondPointAttrOfSplit->isInitialized()) {
- setError("Error: Sub-shape is not initialized.");
- return;
- }
- // Wait all constraints being created, then send update events
- static Events_ID anUpdateEvent = Events_Loop::eventByName(EVENT_OBJECT_UPDATED);
- bool isUpdateFlushed = Events_Loop::loop()->isFlushed(anUpdateEvent);
- if (isUpdateFlushed)
- Events_Loop::loop()->setFlushed(anUpdateEvent, false);
- // Find feature constraints
- FeaturePtr aBaseFeature = ModelAPI_Feature::feature(aBaseObjectAttr->value());
- ResultPtr aBaseFeatureResult = getFeatureResult(aBaseFeature);
- std::set<FeaturePtr> aFeaturesToDelete, aFeaturesToUpdate;
- //std::map<FeaturePtr, IdToPointPair> aTangentFeatures;
- std::map<FeaturePtr, IdToPointPair> aCoincidenceToFeature;
- getConstraints(aFeaturesToDelete, aFeaturesToUpdate, /*aTangentFeatures, */
- aCoincidenceToFeature);
- std::map<AttributePtr, std::list<AttributePtr> > aBaseRefAttributes;
- std::list<AttributePtr> aRefsToFeature;
- getRefAttributes(aBaseFeature, aBaseRefAttributes, aRefsToFeature);
- std::map<AttributePtr, AttributePtr> aBasePointModifiedAttributes;
- std::cout << std::endl;
- std::cout << "SketchPlugin_ConstraintSplit::execute()" << std::endl;
- std::cout << std::endl;
- SketchPlugin_Sketch* aSketch = sketch();
- std::cout << "SKETCH FEATURES (before split) [" << aSketch->numberOfSubs() << "]:" << std::endl;
- for (int i = 0, aNbSubs = aSketch->numberOfSubs(); i < aNbSubs; i++) {
- std::cout << getFeatureInfo(aSketch->subFeature(i), false) << std::endl;
- }
- std::cout << std::endl;
- std::cout << "---- IN PARAMETERS ----" << std::endl;
- std::cout << "Base feature:" << getFeatureInfo(aBaseFeature) << std::endl;
- std::cout << std::endl;
- if (!aCoincidenceToFeature.empty()) {
- std::cout << "Coincidences to base feature[" <<
- aCoincidenceToFeature.size() << "]: " << std::endl;
- std::map<FeaturePtr, IdToPointPair>::const_iterator anIt = aCoincidenceToFeature.begin(),
- aLast = aCoincidenceToFeature.end();
- for (int i = 1; anIt != aLast; anIt++, i++) {
- FeaturePtr aFeature = (*anIt).first;
- std::string anAttributeId = (*anIt).second.first;
- std::shared_ptr<GeomDataAPI_Point2D> aPointAttr = (*anIt).second.second;
- std::cout << i << "-" << getFeatureInfo(aFeature) << std::endl;
- std::cout << " -Attribute to correct:" << anAttributeId << std::endl;
- std::cout << " -Point attribute:" <<
- ModelGeomAlgo_Point2D::getPointAttributeInfo(aPointAttr) << std::endl;
- }
- }
- std::map<AttributePtr, std::list<AttributePtr> >::const_iterator
- aRefIt = aBaseRefAttributes.begin(), aRefLast = aBaseRefAttributes.end();
- std::cout << std::endl << "References to attributes of base feature [" <<
- aBaseRefAttributes.size() << "]" << std::endl;
- for (; aRefIt != aRefLast; aRefIt++) {
- AttributePtr aBaseAttr = aRefIt->first;
- std::list<AttributePtr> aRefAttributes = aRefIt->second;
- std::string aRefsInfo;
- std::list<AttributePtr>::const_iterator aRefAttrIt = aRefAttributes.begin(),
- aRefAttrLast = aRefAttributes.end();
- for (; aRefAttrIt != aRefAttrLast; aRefAttrIt++) {
- if (!aRefsInfo.empty())
- aRefsInfo.append(",");
- AttributePtr aRAttr = *aRefAttrIt;
- aRefsInfo.append(aRAttr->id());
- FeaturePtr aRFeature = ModelAPI_Feature::feature(aRAttr->owner());
- aRefsInfo.append("(" + aRFeature->name() + ") ");
- }
- std::shared_ptr<GeomDataAPI_Point2D> aPointAttr =
- std::dynamic_pointer_cast<GeomDataAPI_Point2D>(aBaseAttr);
- std::cout << aPointAttr->id().c_str() <<
- ": " << "[" << aRefAttributes.size() << "] " << aRefsInfo << std::endl;
- }
- std::cout << std::endl;
- std::cout << std::endl << "References to base feature [" <<
- aRefsToFeature.size() << "]" << std::endl;
- std::list<AttributePtr>::const_iterator aRefAttrIt = aRefsToFeature.begin(),
- aRefAttrLast = aRefsToFeature.end();
- std::string aRefsInfo;
- for (; aRefAttrIt != aRefAttrLast; aRefAttrIt++) {
- if (!aRefsInfo.empty())
- aRefsInfo.append(",");
- AttributePtr aRAttr = *aRefAttrIt;
- aRefsInfo.append(aRAttr->id());
- FeaturePtr aRFeature = ModelAPI_Feature::feature(aRAttr->owner());
- aRefsInfo.append("(" + aRFeature->name() + ") ");
- }
- std::cout << "[" << aRefsToFeature.size() << "] " << aRefsInfo << std::endl;
- std::cout << std::endl;
- std::cout << "---- SPLIT ----" << std::endl;
- std::cout << std::endl;
- std::string aFeatureKind = aBaseFeature->getKind();
- FeaturePtr aSplitFeature, anAfterFeature;
- std::set<AttributePoint2DPtr> aFurtherCoincidences;
- std::set<FeaturePtr> aCreatedFeatures;
- std::set<std::pair<AttributePtr, AttributePtr>> aModifiedAttributes;
- if (aFeatureKind == SketchPlugin_Line::ID())
- splitLine(aSplitFeature, aBaseFeature, anAfterFeature, aFurtherCoincidences, aCreatedFeatures,
- aModifiedAttributes);
- else if (aFeatureKind == SketchPlugin_Arc::ID())
- splitArc(aSplitFeature, aBaseFeature, anAfterFeature, aFurtherCoincidences, aCreatedFeatures,
- aModifiedAttributes);
- if (aFeatureKind == SketchPlugin_Circle::ID()) {
- FeaturePtr aCircleFeature = aBaseFeature;
- splitCircle(aSplitFeature, aBaseFeature, anAfterFeature, aFurtherCoincidences,
- aCreatedFeatures, aModifiedAttributes);
- updateRefFeatureConstraints(getFeatureResult(aBaseFeature), aRefsToFeature);
- AttributePtr aCenterAttr = aCircleFeature->attribute(SketchPlugin_Circle::CENTER_ID());
- aFeaturesToDelete.insert(aCircleFeature);
- // as circle is removed, temporary fill this attribute*/
- aBaseObjectAttr->setObject(ResultPtr());
- }
- std::cout << "---- OUT PARAMETERS ----" << std::endl;
- std::cout << "Base modified feature:" << getFeatureInfo(aBaseFeature) << std::endl;
- std::cout << "Split feature:" << getFeatureInfo(aSplitFeature) << std::endl;
- std::cout << "After feature:" << getFeatureInfo(anAfterFeature) << std::endl;
- std::cout << std::endl;
- std::cout << "Created features by split:[" << aCreatedFeatures.size() << "]" << std::endl;
- std::set<FeaturePtr>::const_iterator aFIt = aCreatedFeatures.begin(),
- aFLast = aCreatedFeatures.end();
- for (; aFIt != aFLast; aFIt++) {
- std::cout << getFeatureInfo(*aFIt) << std::endl;
- }
- std::cout << std::endl;
- std::cout << "Attributes for further Coincidences:" << std::endl;
- std::set<AttributePoint2DPtr>::const_iterator anIt = aFurtherCoincidences.begin(),
- aLast = aFurtherCoincidences.end();
- for (; anIt != aLast; anIt++) {
- AttributePtr anAttribute = *anIt;
- FeaturePtr aFeature = ModelAPI_Feature::feature(anAttribute->owner());
- std::cout << ModelGeomAlgo_Point2D::getPointAttributeInfo(anAttribute)
- << " [" << getFeatureInfo(aFeature, false) << "]" << std::endl;
- }
- std::cout << "Modifed attributes (constraints to attributes are moved here):" << std::endl;
- std::set<std::pair<AttributePtr, AttributePtr> >::const_iterator
- aPIt = aModifiedAttributes.begin(), aPLast = aModifiedAttributes.end();
- std::string aResInfo;
- for (; aPIt != aPLast; aPIt++) {
- if (!aResInfo.empty())
- aResInfo += "\n";
- std::pair<AttributePtr, AttributePtr> aPair = *aPIt;
- AttributePtr anAttr = aPair.first;
- aResInfo.append(anAttr->id());
- FeaturePtr aFeature = ModelAPI_Feature::feature(anAttr->owner());
- aResInfo.append("(" + aFeature->name() + ") ");
- aResInfo.append(" - is modified to - ");
- anAttr = aPair.second;
- aResInfo.append(anAttr->id());
- aFeature = ModelAPI_Feature::feature(anAttr->owner());
- aResInfo.append("(" + aFeature->name() + ") ");
- }
- std::cout << aResInfo << std::endl;
- std::set<ResultPtr> aFeatureResults;
- aFeatureResults.insert(getFeatureResult(aBaseFeature));
- if (anAfterFeature.get() && anAfterFeature != aBaseFeature)
- aFeatureResults.insert(getFeatureResult(anAfterFeature));
- // coincidence to feature
- updateCoincidenceConstraintsToFeature(aCoincidenceToFeature, aFurtherCoincidences,
- aFeatureResults, aSplitFeature);
- updateRefAttConstraints(aBaseRefAttributes, aModifiedAttributes);
- // delete constraints
- std::cout << "remove features and references:" << std::endl;
- std::set<FeaturePtr>::const_iterator aDIt = aFeaturesToDelete.begin(),
- aDLast = aFeaturesToDelete.end();
- for (; aDIt != aDLast; aDIt++) {
- std::cout << getFeatureInfo(*aDIt, false) << std::endl;
- std::cout << std::endl;
- }
- ModelAPI_Tools::removeFeaturesAndReferences(aFeaturesToDelete);
- Events_Loop::loop()->flush(Events_Loop::eventByName(EVENT_OBJECT_DELETED));
- std::cout << "update features after split:" << std::endl;
- std::set<FeaturePtr>::const_iterator anUIt = aFeaturesToUpdate.begin(),
- anULast = aFeaturesToUpdate.end();
- for (; anUIt != anULast; anUIt++) {
- std::cout << getFeatureInfo(*anUIt, false) << std::endl;
- std::cout << std::endl;
- }
- updateFeaturesAfterSplit(aFeaturesToUpdate);
- // Send events to update the sub-features by the solver.
- if(isUpdateFlushed) {
- Events_Loop::loop()->setFlushed(anUpdateEvent, true);
- }
- std::cout << "SKETCH FEATURES (after split) [" << aSketch->numberOfSubs() << "]:" << std::endl;
- for (int i = 0, aNbSubs = aSketch->numberOfSubs(); i < aNbSubs; i++) {
- std::cout << getFeatureInfo(aSketch->subFeature(i), false) << std::endl;
- }
-bool SketchPlugin_ConstraintSplit::isMacro() const
- return true;
-AISObjectPtr SketchPlugin_ConstraintSplit::getAISObject(AISObjectPtr thePrevious)
- AttributeReferencePtr aBaseObjectAttr = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ModelAPI_AttributeReference>(
- data()->attribute(SketchPlugin_Constraint::VALUE()));
- FeaturePtr aBaseFeature = ModelAPI_Feature::feature(aBaseObjectAttr->value());
- AttributePoint2DPtr aFirstPointAttrOfSplit = getPointOfRefAttr(
- data()->attribute(SketchPlugin_Constraint::ENTITY_A()));
- AttributePoint2DPtr aSecondPointAttrOfSplit = getPointOfRefAttr(
- data()->attribute(SketchPlugin_Constraint::ENTITY_B()));
- if (aBaseObjectAttr->isInitialized() && aBaseFeature.get() &&
- aFirstPointAttrOfSplit->isInitialized() &&
- aSecondPointAttrOfSplit->isInitialized()) {
- ResultPtr aResult = getFeatureResult(aBaseFeature);
- GeomShapePtr aBaseShape = aResult->shape();
- std::list<std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Pnt> > aPoints;
- std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Pnt2d> aStartPnt2d = aFirstPointAttrOfSplit->pnt();
- std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Pnt> aStartPoint = sketch()->to3D(aStartPnt2d->x(), aStartPnt2d->y());
- aPoints.push_back(aStartPoint);
- std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Pnt2d> aSecondPnt2d = aSecondPointAttrOfSplit->pnt();
- std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Pnt> aSecondPoint =
- sketch()->to3D(aSecondPnt2d->x(), aSecondPnt2d->y());
- aPoints.push_back(aSecondPoint);
- std::set<std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> > aSplitShapes;
- GeomAlgoAPI_ShapeTools::splitShape_p(aBaseShape, aPoints, aSplitShapes);
- std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> aShape =
- GeomAlgoAPI_ShapeTools::findShape(aPoints, aSplitShapes);
- AISObjectPtr anAIS = thePrevious;
- if (aShape) {
- if (!anAIS)
- anAIS = AISObjectPtr(new GeomAPI_AISObject);
- anAIS->createShape(aShape);
- std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_AttributeBoolean> anAuxiliaryAttr =
- aBaseFeature->data()->boolean(SketchPlugin_SketchEntity::AUXILIARY_ID());
- bool isConstruction = anAuxiliaryAttr.get() != NULL && anAuxiliaryAttr->value();
- std::vector<int> aColor;
- double aWidth = SketchPlugin_SketchEntity::SKETCH_LINE_WIDTH();
- int aLineStyle = SketchPlugin_SketchEntity::SKETCH_LINE_STYLE();
- if (isConstruction) {
- aColor = Config_PropManager::color("Visualization", "sketch_auxiliary_color");
- aWidth = SketchPlugin_SketchEntity::SKETCH_LINE_WIDTH_AUXILIARY();
- aLineStyle = SketchPlugin_SketchEntity::SKETCH_LINE_STYLE_AUXILIARY();
- }
- else {
- aColor = Config_PropManager::color("Visualization", "sketch_entity_color");
- }
- anAIS->setColor(aColor[0], aColor[1], aColor[2]);
- anAIS->setWidth(aWidth + 1);
- anAIS->setLineStyle(aLineStyle);
- }
- return anAIS;
- }
- return AISObjectPtr();
-std::shared_ptr<GeomDataAPI_Point2D> SketchPlugin_ConstraintSplit::getPointOfRefAttr(
- const AttributePtr& theAttribute)
- AttributePoint2DPtr aPointAttribute;
- if (theAttribute->attributeType() == ModelAPI_AttributeRefAttr::typeId()) {
- AttributeRefAttrPtr aRefAttr =
- std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ModelAPI_AttributeRefAttr>(theAttribute);
- if (aRefAttr.get() && aRefAttr->isInitialized()) {
- AttributePtr anAttribute = aRefAttr->attr();
- if (anAttribute.get() && anAttribute->attributeType() == GeomDataAPI_Point2D::typeId())
- aPointAttribute = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<GeomDataAPI_Point2D>(anAttribute);
- }
- }
- return aPointAttribute;
-void SketchPlugin_ConstraintSplit::getFeaturePoints(const FeaturePtr& theFeature,
- AttributePoint2DPtr& theStartPointAttr,
- AttributePoint2DPtr& theEndPointAttr)
- std::string aFeatureKind = theFeature->getKind();
- std::string aStartAttributeName, anEndAttributeName;
- if (aFeatureKind == SketchPlugin_Line::ID()) {
- aStartAttributeName = SketchPlugin_Line::START_ID();
- anEndAttributeName = SketchPlugin_Line::END_ID();
- }
- else if (aFeatureKind == SketchPlugin_Arc::ID()) {
- aStartAttributeName = SketchPlugin_Arc::START_ID();
- anEndAttributeName = SketchPlugin_Arc::END_ID();
- }
- if (!aStartAttributeName.empty() && !anEndAttributeName.empty()) {
- theStartPointAttr = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<GeomDataAPI_Point2D>(
- theFeature->attribute(aStartAttributeName));
- theEndPointAttr = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<GeomDataAPI_Point2D>(
- theFeature->attribute(anEndAttributeName));
- }
-void SketchPlugin_ConstraintSplit::getConstraints(std::set<FeaturePtr>& theFeaturesToDelete,
- std::set<FeaturePtr>& theFeaturesToUpdate,
- std::map<FeaturePtr, IdToPointPair>& theCoincidenceToFeature)
- std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Data> aData = data();
- // Check the base objects are initialized.
- AttributeReferencePtr aBaseObjectAttr = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ModelAPI_AttributeReference>(
- aData->attribute(SketchPlugin_Constraint::VALUE()));
- FeaturePtr aBaseFeature = ModelAPI_Feature::feature(aBaseObjectAttr->value());
- ResultPtr aBaseFeatureResult = getFeatureResult(aBaseFeature);
- std::set<AttributePtr> aRefsList = aBaseFeatureResult->data()->refsToMe();
- std::set<AttributePtr> aFRefsList = aBaseFeature->data()->refsToMe();
- aRefsList.insert(aFRefsList.begin(), aFRefsList.end());
- std::set<AttributePtr>::const_iterator aIt;
- for (aIt = aRefsList.cbegin(); aIt != aRefsList.cend(); ++aIt) {
- std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Attribute> aAttr = (*aIt);
- FeaturePtr aRefFeature = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ModelAPI_Feature>(aAttr->owner());
- std::string aRefFeatureKind = aRefFeature->getKind();
- if (aRefFeatureKind == SketchPlugin_ConstraintMirror::ID() ||
- aRefFeatureKind == SketchPlugin_MultiRotation::ID() ||
- aRefFeatureKind == SketchPlugin_MultiTranslation::ID() ||
- aRefFeatureKind == SketchPlugin_ConstraintMiddle::ID())
- theFeaturesToDelete.insert(aRefFeature);
- else if (aRefFeatureKind == SketchPlugin_ConstraintLength::ID())
- theFeaturesToUpdate.insert(aRefFeature);
- else if (aRefFeatureKind == SketchPlugin_ConstraintCoincidence::ID()) {
- std::string anAttributeToBeModified;
- AttributePoint2DPtr aCoincidentPoint;
- AttributeRefAttrPtr anAttrA = aRefFeature->refattr(SketchPlugin_Constraint::ENTITY_A());
- AttributeRefAttrPtr anAttrB = aRefFeature->refattr(SketchPlugin_Constraint::ENTITY_B());
- bool isToFeature = false;
- if (anAttrA->isObject() || anAttrB->isObject()) { /// coincidence to base feature
- FeaturePtr aFeature = anAttrA->isObject() ? ModelAPI_Feature::feature(anAttrA->object())
- : FeaturePtr();
- isToFeature = aFeature.get() && aFeature == aBaseFeature;
- anAttributeToBeModified = anAttrA->id();
- if (!isToFeature) {
- aFeature = anAttrB->isObject() ? ModelAPI_Feature::feature(anAttrB->object())
- : FeaturePtr();
- isToFeature = aFeature.get() && aFeature == aBaseFeature;
- anAttributeToBeModified = anAttrB->id();
- }
- if (isToFeature)
- aCoincidentPoint = SketchPlugin_ConstraintCoincidence::getPoint(aRefFeature);
- }
- if (!isToFeature) { /// coincidence to point on base feature
- AttributePtr anAttribute;
- if (!anAttrA->isObject()) {
- AttributePtr aCurAttribute = anAttrA->attr();
- if (aCurAttribute.get()) {
- FeaturePtr aCurFeature = ModelAPI_Feature::feature(aCurAttribute->owner());
- if (aCurFeature.get() && aCurFeature == aBaseFeature) {
- anAttribute = anAttrB->attr();
- anAttributeToBeModified = anAttrA->id();
- }
- }
- }
- if (!anAttribute.get() && !anAttrB->isObject()) {
- AttributePtr aCurAttribute = anAttrB->attr();
- if (aCurAttribute.get()) {
- FeaturePtr aCurFeature = ModelAPI_Feature::feature(aCurAttribute->owner());
- if (aCurFeature.get() && aCurFeature == aBaseFeature) {
- anAttribute = anAttrA->attr();
- anAttributeToBeModified = anAttrB->id();
- }
- }
- }
- if (anAttribute.get())
- aCoincidentPoint = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<GeomDataAPI_Point2D>(anAttribute);
- }
- if (aCoincidentPoint.get() && isToFeature)
- theCoincidenceToFeature[aRefFeature] = std::make_pair(anAttributeToBeModified,
- aCoincidentPoint);
- }
- }
-void SketchPlugin_ConstraintSplit::getRefAttributes(const FeaturePtr& theFeature,
- std::map<AttributePtr, std::list<AttributePtr> >& theRefs,
- std::list<AttributePtr>& theRefsToFeature)
- theRefs.clear();
- std::list<AttributePtr> aPointAttributes =
- theFeature->data()->attributes(GeomDataAPI_Point2D::typeId());
- std::set<AttributePtr> aPointAttributesSet;
- std::list<AttributePtr>::const_iterator aPIt =
- aPointAttributes.begin(), aPLast = aPointAttributes.end();
- for (; aPIt != aPLast; aPIt++)
- aPointAttributesSet.insert(*aPIt);
- std::set<AttributePtr> aRefsAttributes = getFeatureResult(theFeature)->data()->refsToMe();
- std::set<AttributePtr> aFRefsList = theFeature->data()->refsToMe();
- aRefsAttributes.insert(aFRefsList.begin(), aFRefsList.end());
- std::set<AttributePtr>::const_iterator aIt;
- for (aIt = aRefsAttributes.cbegin(); aIt != aRefsAttributes.cend(); ++aIt) {
- AttributePtr anAttr = (*aIt);
- FeaturePtr anAttrFeature = ModelAPI_Feature::feature(anAttr->owner());
- if (anAttrFeature.get() != this &&
- anAttr.get() && anAttr->attributeType() == ModelAPI_AttributeRefAttr::typeId()) {
- AttributeRefAttrPtr aRefAttr = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ModelAPI_AttributeRefAttr>(anAttr);
- if (!aRefAttr->isObject()) { /// find attributes referenced to feature point attributes
- AttributePtr anAttrInRef = aRefAttr->attr();
- if (anAttrInRef.get() &&
- aPointAttributesSet.find(anAttrInRef) != aPointAttributesSet.end()) {
- if (theRefs.find(anAttrInRef) != theRefs.end())
- theRefs[anAttrInRef].push_back(aRefAttr);
- else {
- std::list<AttributePtr> anAttrList;
- anAttrList.push_back(aRefAttr);
- theRefs[anAttrInRef] = anAttrList;
- }
- }
- }
- else { /// find attributes referenced to feature itself
- theRefsToFeature.push_back(anAttr);
- }
- }
- }
-void SketchPlugin_ConstraintSplit::updateCoincidenceConstraintsToFeature(
- const std::map<std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Feature>, IdToPointPair>& theCoincidenceToFeature,
- const std::set<std::shared_ptr<GeomDataAPI_Point2D> >& theFurtherCoincidences,
- const std::set<ResultPtr>& theFeatureResults,
- const FeaturePtr& theSplitFeature)
- if (theCoincidenceToFeature.empty())
- return;
- // we should build coincidence constraints to end of the split feature
- std::set<std::shared_ptr<GeomDataAPI_Point2D> > aNewCoincidencesToSplitFeature;
- AttributePoint2DPtr aStartPointAttr, anEndPointAttr;
- getFeaturePoints(theSplitFeature, aStartPointAttr, anEndPointAttr);
- if (theFurtherCoincidences.find(aStartPointAttr) == theFurtherCoincidences.end())
- aNewCoincidencesToSplitFeature.insert(aStartPointAttr);
- if (theFurtherCoincidences.find(anEndPointAttr) == theFurtherCoincidences.end())
- aNewCoincidencesToSplitFeature.insert(anEndPointAttr);
- std::map<FeaturePtr, IdToPointPair>::const_iterator aCIt = theCoincidenceToFeature.begin(),
- aCLast = theCoincidenceToFeature.end();
- std::cout << std::endl;
- std::cout << "Coincidences to feature(modified):"<< std::endl;
- for (; aCIt != aCLast; aCIt++) {
- FeaturePtr aCoincFeature = aCIt->first;
- std::string anAttributeId = aCIt->second.first;
- AttributePoint2DPtr aCoincPoint = aCIt->second.second;
- std::set<AttributePoint2DPtr>::const_iterator aFCIt = theFurtherCoincidences.begin(),
- aFCLast = theFurtherCoincidences.end();
- std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Pnt2d> aCoincPnt = aCoincPoint->pnt();
- AttributePoint2DPtr aFeaturePointAttribute;
- for (; aFCIt != aFCLast && !aFeaturePointAttribute.get(); aFCIt++) {
- AttributePoint2DPtr aFCAttribute = *aFCIt;
- if (aCoincPnt->isEqual(aFCAttribute->pnt()))
- aFeaturePointAttribute = aFCAttribute;
- }
- if (aFeaturePointAttribute.get()) {
- aCoincFeature->refattr(anAttributeId)->setObject(ResultPtr());
- aCoincFeature->refattr(anAttributeId)->setAttr(aFeaturePointAttribute);
- // create new coincidences to split feature points
- std::set<AttributePoint2DPtr>::const_iterator aSFIt = aNewCoincidencesToSplitFeature.begin(),
- aSFLast = aNewCoincidencesToSplitFeature.end();
- for (; aSFIt != aSFLast; aSFIt++) {
- AttributePoint2DPtr aSFAttribute = *aSFIt;
- if (aCoincPnt->isEqual(aSFAttribute->pnt())) {
- std::string aSecondAttribute = SketchPlugin_Constraint::ENTITY_A();
- if (anAttributeId == SketchPlugin_Constraint::ENTITY_A())
- aSecondAttribute = SketchPlugin_Constraint::ENTITY_B();
- createConstraint(SketchPlugin_ConstraintCoincidence::ID(),
- aSFAttribute, aCoincFeature->refattr(aSecondAttribute)->attr());
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- /// find feature by shape intersected the point
- ResultPtr aResultForCoincidence = *(theFeatureResults.begin());
- if (theFeatureResults.size() > 1) { // try to find point on additional feature
- ResultPtr anAddtionalResult = *(theFeatureResults.begin()++);
- GeomShapePtr aShape = anAddtionalResult->shape();
- std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Pnt2d> aPnt2d = aCoincPoint->pnt();
- std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Pnt> aPoint = sketch()->to3D(aPnt2d->x(), aPnt2d->y());
- std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Pnt> aProjectedPoint;
- if (ModelGeomAlgo_Point2D::isPointOnEdge(aShape, aPoint, aProjectedPoint))
- aResultForCoincidence = anAddtionalResult;
- }
- aCoincFeature->refattr(anAttributeId)->setObject(aResultForCoincidence);
- }
- std::cout << " -" << getFeatureInfo(aCoincFeature) << std::endl;
- }
-void SketchPlugin_ConstraintSplit::updateRefFeatureConstraints(
- const ResultPtr& theFeatureBaseResult,
- const std::list<AttributePtr>& theRefsToFeature)
- std::list<AttributePtr>::const_iterator anIt = theRefsToFeature.begin(),
- aLast = theRefsToFeature.end();
- for (; anIt != aLast; anIt++) {
- AttributeRefAttrPtr aRefAttr = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ModelAPI_AttributeRefAttr>(*anIt);
- if (aRefAttr.get())
- aRefAttr->setObject(theFeatureBaseResult);
- }
-void SketchPlugin_ConstraintSplit::updateRefAttConstraints(
- const std::map<AttributePtr, std::list<AttributePtr> >& theBaseRefAttributes,
- const std::set<std::pair<AttributePtr, AttributePtr> >& theModifiedAttributes)
- std::cout << "SketchPlugin_ConstraintSplit::updateRefAttConstraints" << std::endl;
- std::set<std::pair<AttributePtr, AttributePtr> >::const_iterator
- anIt = theModifiedAttributes.begin(), aLast = theModifiedAttributes.end();
- for (; anIt != aLast; anIt++) {
- AttributePtr anAttribute = anIt->first;
- /// not found in references
- if (theBaseRefAttributes.find(anAttribute) == theBaseRefAttributes.end())
- continue;
- std::list<AttributePtr> aRefAttributes = theBaseRefAttributes.at(anAttribute);
- std::list<AttributePtr>::const_iterator aRefIt = aRefAttributes.begin(),
- aRLast = aRefAttributes.end();
- AttributePtr aNewAttribute = anIt->second;
- for (; aRefIt != aRLast; aRefIt++) {
- AttributeRefAttrPtr aRefAttr = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ModelAPI_AttributeRefAttr>(*aRefIt);
- if (aRefAttr.get()) {
- aRefAttr->setAttr(aNewAttribute);
- FeaturePtr aFeature = ModelAPI_Feature::feature(aRefAttr->owner());
- std::cout << " -" << getFeatureInfo(aFeature) << std::endl;
- }
- }
- }
-void SketchPlugin_ConstraintSplit::splitLine(FeaturePtr& theSplitFeature,
- FeaturePtr& theBaseFeatureModified,
- FeaturePtr& theAfterFeature,
- std::set<AttributePoint2DPtr>& thePoints,
- std::set<FeaturePtr>& theCreatedFeatures,
- std::set<std::pair<AttributePtr, AttributePtr>>& theModifiedAttributes)
- std::set<FeaturePtr> aCreatedFeatures;
- FeaturePtr aConstraintFeature;
- theBaseFeatureModified = FeaturePtr(); // it will contain modified base feature
- SketchPlugin_Sketch* aSketch = sketch();
- if (!aSketch)
- return;
- AttributeReferencePtr aBaseObjectAttr = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ModelAPI_AttributeReference>(
- data()->attribute(SketchPlugin_Constraint::VALUE()));
- FeaturePtr aBaseFeature = ModelAPI_Feature::feature(aBaseObjectAttr->value());
- std::string aFeatureKind = aBaseFeature->getKind();
- if (aFeatureKind != SketchPlugin_Line::ID())
- return;
- AttributePoint2DPtr aFirstPointAttrOfSplit =
- getPointOfRefAttr(data()->attribute(SketchPlugin_Constraint::ENTITY_A()));
- AttributePoint2DPtr aSecondPointAttrOfSplit =
- getPointOfRefAttr(data()->attribute(SketchPlugin_Constraint::ENTITY_B()));
- AttributePoint2DPtr aStartPointAttrOfBase, anEndPointAttrOfBase;
- getFeaturePoints(aBaseFeature, aStartPointAttrOfBase, anEndPointAttrOfBase);
- if (!aStartPointAttrOfBase.get() && !anEndPointAttrOfBase.get()) {
- setError("Error: Feature has no start and end points.");
- return;
- }
- arrangePointsOnLine(aStartPointAttrOfBase, anEndPointAttrOfBase,
- aFirstPointAttrOfSplit, aSecondPointAttrOfSplit);
- std::cout << "Arranged points (to build split between 1st and 2nd points:" << std::endl;
- std::cout << "Start point: " <<
- ModelGeomAlgo_Point2D::getPointAttributeInfo(aStartPointAttrOfBase) << std::endl;
- std::cout << "1st point: " <<
- ModelGeomAlgo_Point2D::getPointAttributeInfo(aFirstPointAttrOfSplit) << std::endl;
- std::cout << "2nd point: " <<
- ModelGeomAlgo_Point2D::getPointAttributeInfo(aSecondPointAttrOfSplit) << std::endl;
- std::cout << "End point: " <<
- ModelGeomAlgo_Point2D::getPointAttributeInfo(anEndPointAttrOfBase) << std::endl;
- /// create a split feature
- theSplitFeature =
- createLineFeature(aBaseFeature, aFirstPointAttrOfSplit, aSecondPointAttrOfSplit);
- theCreatedFeatures.insert(theSplitFeature);
- // before split feature
- if (aStartPointAttrOfBase->pnt()->isEqual(aFirstPointAttrOfSplit->pnt())) {
- theModifiedAttributes.insert(std::make_pair(aStartPointAttrOfBase,
- theSplitFeature->attribute(SketchPlugin_Line::START_ID())));
- }
- else {
- theBaseFeatureModified = aBaseFeature; ///< use base feature to store all constraints here
- /// move end arc point to start of split
- }
- // after split feature
- if (!aSecondPointAttrOfSplit->pnt()->isEqual(anEndPointAttrOfBase->pnt())) {
- FeaturePtr aFeature;
- if (!theBaseFeatureModified.get()) {
- aFeature = aBaseFeature; ///< use base feature to store all constraints here
- fillAttribute(aFeature->attribute(SketchPlugin_Line::START_ID()), aSecondPointAttrOfSplit);
- aFeature->execute(); // to update result
- }
- else {
- aFeature = createLineFeature(aBaseFeature, aSecondPointAttrOfSplit, anEndPointAttrOfBase);
- theCreatedFeatures.insert(aFeature);
- theModifiedAttributes.insert(std::make_pair(anEndPointAttrOfBase,
- aFeature->attribute(SketchPlugin_Line::END_ID())));
- }
- aConstraintFeature = createConstraint(SketchPlugin_ConstraintCoincidence::ID(),
- theSplitFeature->attribute(SketchPlugin_Line::END_ID()),
- aFeature->attribute(SketchPlugin_Line::START_ID()));
- theCreatedFeatures.insert(aConstraintFeature);
- thePoints.insert(std::dynamic_pointer_cast<GeomDataAPI_Point2D>
- (aFeature->attribute(SketchPlugin_Line::START_ID())));
- thePoints.insert(std::dynamic_pointer_cast<GeomDataAPI_Point2D>
- (aFeature->attribute(SketchPlugin_Line::END_ID())));
- if (!theBaseFeatureModified.get())
- theBaseFeatureModified = aFeature;
- else
- theAfterFeature = aFeature;
- }
- else {
- thePoints.insert(std::dynamic_pointer_cast<GeomDataAPI_Point2D>
- (theSplitFeature->attribute(SketchPlugin_Line::END_ID())));
- theModifiedAttributes.insert(std::make_pair(anEndPointAttrOfBase,
- theSplitFeature->attribute(SketchPlugin_Line::END_ID())));
- }
- // base split, that is defined before split feature should be changed at end
- // (after the after feature creation). Otherwise modified value will be used in after feature
- // before split feature
- if (!aStartPointAttrOfBase->pnt()->isEqual(aFirstPointAttrOfSplit->pnt())) {
- /// move end arc point to start of split
- fillAttribute(theBaseFeatureModified->attribute(SketchPlugin_Line::END_ID()),
- aFirstPointAttrOfSplit);
- theBaseFeatureModified->execute(); // to update result
- aConstraintFeature = createConstraint(SketchPlugin_ConstraintCoincidence::ID(),
- theBaseFeatureModified->attribute(SketchPlugin_Line::END_ID()),
- theSplitFeature->attribute(SketchPlugin_Line::START_ID()));
- theCreatedFeatures.insert(aConstraintFeature);
- thePoints.insert(std::dynamic_pointer_cast<GeomDataAPI_Point2D>
- (theBaseFeatureModified->attribute(SketchPlugin_Line::START_ID())));
- thePoints.insert(std::dynamic_pointer_cast<GeomDataAPI_Point2D>
- (theBaseFeatureModified->attribute(SketchPlugin_Line::END_ID())));
- }
- else
- thePoints.insert(std::dynamic_pointer_cast<GeomDataAPI_Point2D>
- (theSplitFeature->attribute(SketchPlugin_Line::START_ID())));
- // additional constraints between split and base features
- aConstraintFeature = createConstraintForObjects(SketchPlugin_ConstraintParallel::ID(),
- getFeatureResult(aBaseFeature),
- getFeatureResult(theSplitFeature));
- theCreatedFeatures.insert(aConstraintFeature);
- if (theAfterFeature.get()) {
- aConstraintFeature = createConstraintForObjects(SketchPlugin_ConstraintParallel::ID(),
- getFeatureResult(aBaseFeature),
- getFeatureResult(theAfterFeature));
- theCreatedFeatures.insert(aConstraintFeature);
- }
-void SketchPlugin_ConstraintSplit::splitArc(FeaturePtr& theSplitFeature,
- FeaturePtr& theBaseFeatureModified,
- FeaturePtr& theAfterFeature,
- std::set<AttributePoint2DPtr>& thePoints,
- std::set<FeaturePtr>& theCreatedFeatures,
- std::set<std::pair<AttributePtr, AttributePtr>>& theModifiedAttributes)
- std::set<FeaturePtr> aCreatedFeatures;
- FeaturePtr aConstraintFeature;
- theBaseFeatureModified = FeaturePtr(); // it will contain modified base feature
- SketchPlugin_Sketch* aSketch = sketch();
- if (!aSketch)
- return;
- AttributeReferencePtr aBaseObjectAttr = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ModelAPI_AttributeReference>(
- data()->attribute(SketchPlugin_Constraint::VALUE()));
- FeaturePtr aBaseFeature = ModelAPI_Feature::feature(aBaseObjectAttr->value());
- std::string aFeatureKind = aBaseFeature->getKind();
- if (aFeatureKind != SketchPlugin_Arc::ID())
- return;
- AttributePoint2DPtr aFirstPointAttrOfSplit =
- getPointOfRefAttr(data()->attribute(SketchPlugin_Constraint::ENTITY_A()));
- AttributePoint2DPtr aSecondPointAttrOfSplit =
- getPointOfRefAttr(data()->attribute(SketchPlugin_Constraint::ENTITY_B()));
- AttributePoint2DPtr aStartPointAttrOfBase, anEndPointAttrOfBase;
- getFeaturePoints(aBaseFeature, aStartPointAttrOfBase, anEndPointAttrOfBase);
- if (!aStartPointAttrOfBase.get() && !anEndPointAttrOfBase.get()) {
- setError("Error: Feature has no start and end points.");
- return;
- }
- arrangePointsOnArc(aBaseFeature, aStartPointAttrOfBase, anEndPointAttrOfBase,
- aFirstPointAttrOfSplit, aSecondPointAttrOfSplit);
- std::cout << "Arranged points (to build split between 1st and 2nd points:" << std::endl;
- std::cout << "Start point: " <<
- ModelGeomAlgo_Point2D::getPointAttributeInfo(aStartPointAttrOfBase) << std::endl;
- std::cout << "1st point: " <<
- ModelGeomAlgo_Point2D::getPointAttributeInfo(aFirstPointAttrOfSplit) << std::endl;
- std::cout << "2nd point: " <<
- ModelGeomAlgo_Point2D::getPointAttributeInfo(aSecondPointAttrOfSplit) << std::endl;
- std::cout << "End point: " <<
- ModelGeomAlgo_Point2D::getPointAttributeInfo(anEndPointAttrOfBase) << std::endl;
- /// split feature
- theSplitFeature = createArcFeature(aBaseFeature, aFirstPointAttrOfSplit, aSecondPointAttrOfSplit);
- theCreatedFeatures.insert(theSplitFeature);
- // before split feature
- if (aStartPointAttrOfBase->pnt()->isEqual(aFirstPointAttrOfSplit->pnt())) {
- theModifiedAttributes.insert(std::make_pair(aStartPointAttrOfBase,
- theSplitFeature->attribute(SketchPlugin_Arc::START_ID())));
- }
- else {
- theBaseFeatureModified = aBaseFeature; ///< use base feature to store all constraints here
- /// move end arc point to start of split
- }
- // after split feature
- if (!aSecondPointAttrOfSplit->pnt()->isEqual(anEndPointAttrOfBase->pnt())) {
- FeaturePtr aFeature;
- if (!theBaseFeatureModified.get()) {
- aFeature = aBaseFeature; ///< use base feature to store all constraints here
- fillAttribute(aFeature->attribute(SketchPlugin_Arc::START_ID()), aSecondPointAttrOfSplit);
- aFeature->execute(); // to update result
- }
- else {
- aFeature = createArcFeature(aBaseFeature, aSecondPointAttrOfSplit, anEndPointAttrOfBase);
- theCreatedFeatures.insert(aFeature);
- theModifiedAttributes.insert(std::make_pair(anEndPointAttrOfBase,
- aFeature->attribute(SketchPlugin_Arc::END_ID())));
- }
- aConstraintFeature = createConstraint(SketchPlugin_ConstraintCoincidence::ID(),
- theSplitFeature->attribute(SketchPlugin_Arc::END_ID()),
- aFeature->attribute(SketchPlugin_Arc::START_ID()));
- theCreatedFeatures.insert(aConstraintFeature);
- thePoints.insert(std::dynamic_pointer_cast<GeomDataAPI_Point2D>
- (aFeature->attribute(SketchPlugin_Arc::START_ID())));
- thePoints.insert(std::dynamic_pointer_cast<GeomDataAPI_Point2D>
- (aFeature->attribute(SketchPlugin_Arc::END_ID())));
- if (!theBaseFeatureModified.get())
- theBaseFeatureModified = aFeature;
- else
- theAfterFeature = aFeature;
- }
- else {
- thePoints.insert(std::dynamic_pointer_cast<GeomDataAPI_Point2D>
- (theSplitFeature->attribute(SketchPlugin_Arc::END_ID())));
- theModifiedAttributes.insert(std::make_pair(anEndPointAttrOfBase,
- theSplitFeature->attribute(SketchPlugin_Arc::END_ID())));
- }
- // base split, that is defined before split feature should be changed at end
- // (after the after feature creation). Otherwise modified value will be used in after feature
- // before split feature
- if (!aStartPointAttrOfBase->pnt()->isEqual(aFirstPointAttrOfSplit->pnt())) {
- /// move end arc point to start of split
- fillAttribute(theBaseFeatureModified->attribute(SketchPlugin_Arc::END_ID()),
- aFirstPointAttrOfSplit);
- theBaseFeatureModified->execute(); // to update result
- aConstraintFeature = createConstraint(SketchPlugin_ConstraintCoincidence::ID(),
- theBaseFeatureModified->attribute(SketchPlugin_Arc::END_ID()),
- theSplitFeature->attribute(SketchPlugin_Arc::START_ID()));
- theCreatedFeatures.insert(aConstraintFeature);
- thePoints.insert(std::dynamic_pointer_cast<GeomDataAPI_Point2D>
- (theBaseFeatureModified->attribute(SketchPlugin_Arc::START_ID())));
- thePoints.insert(std::dynamic_pointer_cast<GeomDataAPI_Point2D>
- (theBaseFeatureModified->attribute(SketchPlugin_Arc::END_ID())));
- }
- else
- thePoints.insert(std::dynamic_pointer_cast<GeomDataAPI_Point2D>
- (theSplitFeature->attribute(SketchPlugin_Arc::START_ID())));
- // additional constraints between split and base features
- aConstraintFeature = createConstraintForObjects(SketchPlugin_ConstraintEqual::ID(),
- getFeatureResult(aBaseFeature),
- getFeatureResult(theSplitFeature));
- theCreatedFeatures.insert(aConstraintFeature);
- aConstraintFeature = createConstraintForObjects(SketchPlugin_ConstraintTangent::ID(),
- getFeatureResult(theSplitFeature),
- getFeatureResult(aBaseFeature));
- theCreatedFeatures.insert(aConstraintFeature);
- if (theAfterFeature.get()) {
- aConstraintFeature = createConstraintForObjects(SketchPlugin_ConstraintEqual::ID(),
- getFeatureResult(aBaseFeature),
- getFeatureResult(theAfterFeature));
- theCreatedFeatures.insert(aConstraintFeature);
- aConstraintFeature = createConstraintForObjects(SketchPlugin_ConstraintTangent::ID(),
- getFeatureResult(theSplitFeature),
- getFeatureResult(theAfterFeature));
- theCreatedFeatures.insert(aConstraintFeature);
- }
-void SketchPlugin_ConstraintSplit::splitCircle(FeaturePtr& theSplitFeature,
- FeaturePtr& theBaseFeatureModified,
- FeaturePtr& theAfterFeature,
- std::set<AttributePoint2DPtr>& thePoints,
- std::set<FeaturePtr>& theCreatedFeatures,
- std::set<std::pair<AttributePtr, AttributePtr>>& theModifiedAttributes)
- std::set<FeaturePtr> aCreatedFeatures;
- FeaturePtr aConstraintFeature;
- theBaseFeatureModified = FeaturePtr(); // it will contain modified base feature
- SketchPlugin_Sketch* aSketch = sketch();
- if (!aSketch)
- return;
- AttributeReferencePtr aBaseObjectAttr = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ModelAPI_AttributeReference>(
- data()->attribute(SketchPlugin_Constraint::VALUE()));
- FeaturePtr aBaseFeature = ModelAPI_Feature::feature(aBaseObjectAttr->value());
- std::string aFeatureKind = aBaseFeature->getKind();
- if (aFeatureKind != SketchPlugin_Circle::ID())
- return;
- AttributePoint2DPtr aFirstPointAttrOfSplit =
- getPointOfRefAttr(data()->attribute(SketchPlugin_Constraint::ENTITY_A()));
- AttributePoint2DPtr aSecondPointAttrOfSplit =
- getPointOfRefAttr(data()->attribute(SketchPlugin_Constraint::ENTITY_B()));
- /// split feature
- theSplitFeature =
- createArcFeature(aBaseFeature, aFirstPointAttrOfSplit, aSecondPointAttrOfSplit);
- bool aSplitReversed = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<SketchPlugin_Arc>(theSplitFeature)->isReversed();
- theCreatedFeatures.insert(theSplitFeature);
- /// base feature is a left part of the circle
- theBaseFeatureModified = createArcFeature(aBaseFeature,
- aFirstPointAttrOfSplit, aSecondPointAttrOfSplit);
- std::dynamic_pointer_cast<SketchPlugin_Arc>(
- theBaseFeatureModified)->setReversed(!aSplitReversed);
- theBaseFeatureModified->execute();
- theModifiedAttributes.insert(
- std::make_pair(aBaseFeature->attribute(SketchPlugin_Circle::CENTER_ID()),
- theBaseFeatureModified->attribute(SketchPlugin_Arc::CENTER_ID())));
- theCreatedFeatures.insert(theBaseFeatureModified);
- thePoints.insert(std::dynamic_pointer_cast<GeomDataAPI_Point2D>
- (theBaseFeatureModified->attribute(SketchPlugin_Arc::START_ID())));
- thePoints.insert(std::dynamic_pointer_cast<GeomDataAPI_Point2D>
- (theBaseFeatureModified->attribute(SketchPlugin_Arc::END_ID())));
- // additional constraints between split and base features
- aConstraintFeature = createConstraint(SketchPlugin_ConstraintCoincidence::ID(),
- theBaseFeatureModified->attribute(SketchPlugin_Arc::END_ID()),
- theSplitFeature->attribute(SketchPlugin_Arc::END_ID()));
- theCreatedFeatures.insert(aConstraintFeature);
- aConstraintFeature = createConstraint(SketchPlugin_ConstraintCoincidence::ID(),
- theBaseFeatureModified->attribute(SketchPlugin_Arc::START_ID()),
- theSplitFeature->attribute(SketchPlugin_Arc::START_ID()));
- theCreatedFeatures.insert(aConstraintFeature);
- aConstraintFeature = createConstraintForObjects(SketchPlugin_ConstraintTangent::ID(),
- getFeatureResult(theSplitFeature),
- getFeatureResult(theBaseFeatureModified));
- theCreatedFeatures.insert(aConstraintFeature);
-void SketchPlugin_ConstraintSplit::arrangePointsOnLine(
- const AttributePoint2DPtr& theStartPointAttr,
- const AttributePoint2DPtr& theEndPointAttr,
- AttributePoint2DPtr& theFirstPointAttr,
- AttributePoint2DPtr& theLastPointAttr) const
- // if first point is closer to last point, swap first and last values
- if (theStartPointAttr->pnt()->distance(theFirstPointAttr->pnt()) >
- theStartPointAttr->pnt()->distance(theLastPointAttr->pnt())) {
- AttributePoint2DPtr aTmpPoint = theFirstPointAttr;
- theFirstPointAttr = theLastPointAttr;
- theLastPointAttr = aTmpPoint;
- }
-void SketchPlugin_ConstraintSplit::arrangePointsOnArc(
- const FeaturePtr& theArc,
- const std::shared_ptr<GeomDataAPI_Point2D>& theStartPointAttr,
- const std::shared_ptr<GeomDataAPI_Point2D>& theEndPointAttr,
- std::shared_ptr<GeomDataAPI_Point2D>& theFirstPointAttr,
- std::shared_ptr<GeomDataAPI_Point2D>& theSecondPointAttr) const
- static const double anAngleTol = 1.e-12;
- std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Pnt2d> aCenter = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<GeomDataAPI_Point2D>(
- theArc->attribute(SketchPlugin_Arc::CENTER_ID()))->pnt();
- bool isReversed = theArc->boolean(SketchPlugin_Arc::REVERSED_ID())->value();
- // collect directions to each point
- std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Dir2d> aStartDir(
- new GeomAPI_Dir2d(theStartPointAttr->pnt()->xy()->decreased(aCenter->xy())));
- std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Dir2d> aFirstPtDir(
- new GeomAPI_Dir2d(theFirstPointAttr->pnt()->xy()->decreased(aCenter->xy())));
- std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Dir2d> aSecondPtDir(
- new GeomAPI_Dir2d(theSecondPointAttr->pnt()->xy()->decreased(aCenter->xy())));
- // sort points by their angular values
- double aFirstPtAngle = aStartDir->angle(aFirstPtDir);
- double aSecondPtAngle = aStartDir->angle(aSecondPtDir);
- double aPeriod = isReversed ? -2.0 * PI : 2.0 * PI;
- if (fabs(aFirstPtAngle) > anAngleTol && isReversed == (aFirstPtAngle > 0.))
- aFirstPtAngle += aPeriod;
- if (fabs(aSecondPtAngle) > anAngleTol && isReversed == (aSecondPtAngle > 0.))
- aSecondPtAngle += aPeriod;
- if (fabs(aFirstPtAngle) > fabs(aSecondPtAngle)) {
- AttributePoint2DPtr aTmpPoint = theFirstPointAttr;
- theFirstPointAttr = theSecondPointAttr;
- theSecondPointAttr = aTmpPoint;
- }
-void SketchPlugin_ConstraintSplit::fillAttribute(const AttributePtr& theModifiedAttribute,
- const AttributePtr& theSourceAttribute)
- std::string anAttributeType = theModifiedAttribute->attributeType();
- if (anAttributeType == GeomDataAPI_Point2D::typeId()) {
- AttributePoint2DPtr aModifiedAttribute = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<GeomDataAPI_Point2D>(
- theModifiedAttribute);
- AttributePoint2DPtr aSourceAttribute = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<GeomDataAPI_Point2D>(
- theSourceAttribute);
- if (aModifiedAttribute.get() && aSourceAttribute.get())
- aModifiedAttribute->setValue(aSourceAttribute->pnt());
- }
- else if (anAttributeType == ModelAPI_AttributeBoolean::typeId()) {
- AttributeBooleanPtr aModifiedAttribute = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ModelAPI_AttributeBoolean>(
- theModifiedAttribute);
- AttributeBooleanPtr aSourceAttribute = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ModelAPI_AttributeBoolean>(
- theSourceAttribute);
- if (aModifiedAttribute.get() && aSourceAttribute.get())
- aModifiedAttribute->setValue(aSourceAttribute->value());
- }
-FeaturePtr SketchPlugin_ConstraintSplit::createLineFeature(const FeaturePtr& theBaseFeature,
- const AttributePtr& theFirstPointAttr,
- const AttributePtr& theSecondPointAttr)
- FeaturePtr aFeature;
- SketchPlugin_Sketch* aSketch = sketch();
- if (!aSketch || !theBaseFeature.get())
- return aFeature;
- aFeature = aSketch->addFeature(SketchPlugin_Line::ID());
- fillAttribute(aFeature->attribute(SketchPlugin_Line::START_ID()), theFirstPointAttr);
- fillAttribute(aFeature->attribute(SketchPlugin_Line::END_ID()), theSecondPointAttr);
- fillAttribute(aFeature->attribute(SketchPlugin_SketchEntity::AUXILIARY_ID()),
- theBaseFeature->attribute(SketchPlugin_SketchEntity::AUXILIARY_ID()));
- aFeature->execute(); // to obtain result
- return aFeature;
-FeaturePtr SketchPlugin_ConstraintSplit::createArcFeature(const FeaturePtr& theBaseFeature,
- const AttributePtr& theFirstPointAttr,
- const AttributePtr& theSecondPointAttr)
- FeaturePtr aFeature;
- SketchPlugin_Sketch* aSketch = sketch();
- if (!aSketch || !theBaseFeature.get())
- return aFeature;
- std::string aCenterAttributeId;
- if (theBaseFeature->getKind() == SketchPlugin_Arc::ID())
- aCenterAttributeId = SketchPlugin_Arc::CENTER_ID();
- else if (theBaseFeature->getKind() == SketchPlugin_Circle::ID())
- aCenterAttributeId = SketchPlugin_Circle::CENTER_ID();
- if (aCenterAttributeId.empty())
- return aFeature;
- aFeature = aSketch->addFeature(SketchPlugin_Arc::ID());
- // update fillet arc: make the arc correct for sure, so, it is not needed to process
- // the "attribute updated"
- // by arc; moreover, it may cause cyclicity in hte mechanism of updater
- bool aWasBlocked = aFeature->data()->blockSendAttributeUpdated(true);
- fillAttribute(aFeature->attribute(SketchPlugin_Arc::CENTER_ID()),
- theBaseFeature->attribute(aCenterAttributeId));
- fillAttribute(aFeature->attribute(SketchPlugin_Arc::START_ID()), theFirstPointAttr);
- fillAttribute(aFeature->attribute(SketchPlugin_Arc::END_ID()), theSecondPointAttr);
- fillAttribute(aFeature->attribute(SketchPlugin_SketchEntity::AUXILIARY_ID()),
- theBaseFeature->attribute(SketchPlugin_SketchEntity::AUXILIARY_ID()));
- /// fill referersed state of created arc as it is on the base arc
- if (theBaseFeature->getKind() == SketchPlugin_Arc::ID()) {
- bool aReversed = theBaseFeature->boolean(SketchPlugin_Arc::REVERSED_ID())->value();
- aFeature->boolean(SketchPlugin_Arc::REVERSED_ID())->setValue(aReversed);
- }
- aFeature->data()->blockSendAttributeUpdated(aWasBlocked);
- aFeature->execute(); // to obtain result
- return aFeature;
-FeaturePtr SketchPlugin_ConstraintSplit::createConstraint(const std::string& theConstraintId,
- const AttributePtr& theFirstAttribute,
- const AttributePtr& theSecondAttribute)
- FeaturePtr aConstraint = sketch()->addFeature(theConstraintId);
- AttributeRefAttrPtr aRefAttr = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ModelAPI_AttributeRefAttr>(
- aConstraint->attribute(SketchPlugin_Constraint::ENTITY_A()));
- aRefAttr->setAttr(theFirstAttribute);
- aRefAttr = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ModelAPI_AttributeRefAttr>(
- aConstraint->attribute(SketchPlugin_Constraint::ENTITY_B()));
- aRefAttr->setAttr(theSecondAttribute);
- return aConstraint;
-FeaturePtr SketchPlugin_ConstraintSplit::createConstraintForObjects(
- const std::string& theConstraintId,
- const ObjectPtr& theFirstObject,
- const ObjectPtr& theSecondObject)
- FeaturePtr aConstraint = sketch()->addFeature(theConstraintId);
- AttributeRefAttrPtr aRefAttr = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ModelAPI_AttributeRefAttr>(
- aConstraint->attribute(SketchPlugin_Constraint::ENTITY_A()));
- aRefAttr->setObject(theFirstObject);
- aRefAttr = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ModelAPI_AttributeRefAttr>(
- aConstraint->attribute(SketchPlugin_Constraint::ENTITY_B()));
- aRefAttr->setObject(theSecondObject);
- return aConstraint;
-void SketchPlugin_ConstraintSplit::updateFeaturesAfterSplit(
- const std::set<FeaturePtr>& theFeaturesToUpdate)
- std::set<FeaturePtr>::const_iterator anIt = theFeaturesToUpdate.begin(),
- aLast = theFeaturesToUpdate.end();
- for (; anIt != aLast; anIt++) {
- FeaturePtr aRefFeature = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ModelAPI_Feature>(*anIt);
- std::string aRefFeatureKind = aRefFeature->getKind();
- if (aRefFeatureKind == SketchPlugin_ConstraintLength::ID()) {
- std::shared_ptr<SketchPlugin_ConstraintLength> aLenghtFeature =
- std::dynamic_pointer_cast<SketchPlugin_ConstraintLength>(*anIt);
- if (aLenghtFeature.get()) {
- std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_AttributeDouble> aValueAttr = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<
- ModelAPI_AttributeDouble>(aLenghtFeature->attribute(SketchPlugin_Constraint::VALUE()));
- double aValue;
- if (aLenghtFeature->computeLenghtValue(aValue) && aValueAttr.get())
- aValueAttr->setValue(aValue);
- }
- }
- }
-std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Result> SketchPlugin_ConstraintSplit::getFeatureResult(
- const std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Feature>& theFeature)
- std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Result> aResult;
- std::string aFeatureKind = theFeature->getKind();
- if (aFeatureKind == SketchPlugin_Line::ID())
- aResult = theFeature->firstResult();
- else if (aFeatureKind == SketchPlugin_Arc::ID())
- aResult = theFeature->lastResult();
- else if (aFeatureKind == SketchPlugin_Circle::ID())
- aResult = theFeature->lastResult();
- return aResult;
-std::set<std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Attribute> > SketchPlugin_ConstraintSplit::getEdgeAttributes(
- const std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Feature>& theFeature)
- std::set<std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Attribute> > anAttributes;
- std::string aFeatureKind = theFeature->getKind();
- if (aFeatureKind == SketchPlugin_Line::ID()) {
- anAttributes.insert(theFeature->attribute(SketchPlugin_Line::START_ID()));
- anAttributes.insert(theFeature->attribute(SketchPlugin_Line::END_ID()));
- }
- else if (aFeatureKind == SketchPlugin_Arc::ID()) {
- anAttributes.insert(theFeature->attribute(SketchPlugin_Arc::START_ID()));
- anAttributes.insert(theFeature->attribute(SketchPlugin_Arc::END_ID()));
- }
- else if (aFeatureKind == SketchPlugin_Circle::ID()) {
- }
- return anAttributes;
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-std::string SketchPlugin_ConstraintSplit::getFeatureInfo(
- const std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Feature>& theFeature,
- const bool isUseAttributesInfo)
- std::string anInfo;
- if (!theFeature.get()) {
- return "none";
- }
- if (theFeature->data()->isValid())
- anInfo.append(theFeature->data()->name().c_str());
- if (isUseAttributesInfo) {
- std::string aPointsInfo = ModelGeomAlgo_Point2D::getPontAttributesInfo(theFeature,
- getEdgeAttributes(theFeature));
- /// processing of feature with point 2d attributes, like line, arc, circle
- if (!aPointsInfo.empty()) {
- anInfo += ": ";
- anInfo += "\n";
- anInfo += aPointsInfo;
- }
- else { /// process constraint coincidence, find points in ref attr attributes
- std::list<AttributePtr> anAttrs = theFeature->data()->attributes(
- ModelAPI_AttributeRefAttr::typeId());
- std::list<AttributePtr>::const_iterator anIt = anAttrs.begin(), aLast = anAttrs.end();
- std::string anAttributesInfo;
- for(; anIt != aLast; anIt++) {
- if (!anAttributesInfo.empty()) {
- anAttributesInfo.append(", ");
- anAttributesInfo += "\n";
- }
- AttributePtr anAttr = *anIt;
- std::string aValue = "not defined";
- std::string aType = anAttr->attributeType();
- if (aType == ModelAPI_AttributeRefAttr::typeId()) {
- std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_AttributeRefAttr> aRefAttr =
- std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ModelAPI_AttributeRefAttr>(anAttr);
- if (aRefAttr.get()) {
- if (aRefAttr->isObject()) {
- FeaturePtr aFeature = ModelAPI_Feature::feature(aRefAttr->object());
- aValue = "<object:>" + getFeatureInfo(aFeature, false);
- }
- else {
- AttributePtr anAttribute = aRefAttr->attr();
- if (anAttribute.get()) {
- FeaturePtr aFeature = ModelAPI_Feature::feature(anAttribute->owner());
- aValue = "<attr:>" + ModelGeomAlgo_Point2D::getPointAttributeInfo(anAttribute) +
- " [" + getFeatureInfo(aFeature, false) + "]";
- }
- }
- }
- }
- anAttributesInfo.append(" " + anAttr->id() + ": " + aValue);
- }
- if (!anAttributesInfo.empty())
- anInfo = anInfo + "\n" + anAttributesInfo;
- }
- }
- return anInfo;
+++ /dev/null
-// Copyright (C) 2014-20xx CEA/DEN, EDF R&D -->
-// File: SketchPlugin_ConstraintSplit.h
-// Created: 25 Aug 2016
-// Author: Natalia ERMOLAEVA
-#ifndef SketchPlugin_ConstraintSplit_H_
-#define SketchPlugin_ConstraintSplit_H_
-#include "SketchPlugin.h"
-#include <SketchPlugin_Sketch.h>
-#include "SketchPlugin_ConstraintBase.h"
-class GeomDataAPI_Point2D;
-class ModelAPI_Feature;
-class ModelAPI_Result;
-typedef std::pair<std::string, std::shared_ptr<GeomDataAPI_Point2D> > IdToPointPair;
-/** \class SketchPlugin_ConstraintSplit
- * \ingroup Plugins
- * \brief Feature for creation of a new constraint splitting object. Entities for split:
- * - Linear segment by point(s) on this line
- * - Arc by point(s) on this arc
- * - Circle by at least 2 split-points on this circle
- *
- * The following constraints will be applied after split to keep the divided segments geometry:
- * - Coincident constraints for both parts of created segments in the point of splitting
- * - For linear segments parallel, for circles - tangent constraint, for arc - tangent and equal
- * constraints. In case of three segments in result two couple of constraints are created
- * - parallel and equal constraints: the first is between 1st and middle entity, the second is
- * between 1st and 3rd.
- * - tangency constraints: the first between 1st and 2nd, the second between 2nd and 3rd.
- * - Constraints assigned to the feature before split operation are assigned after using rules:
- * - Coincident constraints are assigned to the segment where they belong to. Segment of split
- * has only a coincidence to the neighbor segment. All constraints used in the splitting of
- * this segment are moved to point of neighbor segment. If constraint was initially built
- * to the point of splitting segment, it stays for this point.
- * - Geometrical and dimensional constraints are assigned to one of result segment, not the
- * selected for split. In case of 3 result segments, this will be the segment nearest to the
- * start point of arc/line.
- * - Replication constraint used split feature will be deleted in the same way as it is deleted
- * by any of entity delete in sketch which is used in this constraint.
- *
- * This constraint has three attributes:
- * SketchPlugin_Constraint::VALUE() contains reference object to be splitted
- * SketchPlugin_Constraint::ENTITY_A() and SketchPlugin_Constraint::ENTITY_B() for the points of split;
- *
- */
-class SketchPlugin_ConstraintSplit : public SketchPlugin_ConstraintBase
- public:
- /// Split constraint kind
- inline static const std::string& ID()
- {
- static const std::string MY_CONSTRAINT_SPLIT_ID("SketchConstraintSplit");
- }
- /// \brief Returns the kind of a feature
- SKETCHPLUGIN_EXPORT virtual const std::string& getKind()
- {
- static std::string MY_KIND = SketchPlugin_ConstraintSplit::ID();
- return MY_KIND;
- }
- /// \brief Creates a new part document if needed
- SKETCHPLUGIN_EXPORT virtual void execute();
- /// \brief Request for initialization of data model of the feature: adding all attributes
- SKETCHPLUGIN_EXPORT virtual void initAttributes();
- /// Reimplemented from ModelAPI_Feature::isMacro().
- /// \returns true
- SKETCHPLUGIN_EXPORT virtual bool isMacro() const;
- /// Reimplemented from ModelAPI_Feature::isPreviewNeeded(). Returns false.
- /// This is necessary to perform execute only by apply the feature
- SKETCHPLUGIN_EXPORT virtual bool isPreviewNeeded() const { return false; }
- /// \brief Use plugin manager for features creation
- SketchPlugin_ConstraintSplit();
- /// Returns the AIS preview
- SKETCHPLUGIN_EXPORT virtual AISObjectPtr getAISObject(AISObjectPtr thePrevious);
- /// Returns geom point attribute of the feature bounds. It processes line or arc.
- /// For circle feature, the result attributes are null
- /// \param theFeature a source feature
- /// \param theStartPointAttr an out attribute to start point
- /// \param theStartPointAttr an out attribute to end point
- void getFeaturePoints(const FeaturePtr& theFeature,
- std::shared_ptr<GeomDataAPI_Point2D>& theStartPointAttr,
- std::shared_ptr<GeomDataAPI_Point2D>& theEndPointAttr);
- /// Returns cast of attribute to geometrical point if the attribute is a ref attr attribute
- /// \param theAttribute an attribute
- /// \param geom point 2D or NULL
- std::shared_ptr<GeomDataAPI_Point2D> getPointOfRefAttr(const AttributePtr& theAttribute);
- /// Obtains those constraints of the feature that should be modified. output maps contain
- /// point of coincidence and attribute id to be modified after split
- /// \param theFeaturesToDelete [out] constrains that will be deleted after split
- /// \param theFeaturesToUpdate [out] constrains that will be updated after split
- /// \param theTangentFeatures [out] tangent feature to be connected to new feature
- /// \param theCoincidenceToFeature [out] coincidence to feature to be connected to new feature
- /// \param theCoincidenceToPoint [out] coincidence to point be connected to new feature
- void getConstraints(std::set<std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Feature>>& theFeaturesToDelete,
- std::set<std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Feature>>& theFeaturesToUpdate,
- std::map<std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Feature>, IdToPointPair>& theCoincidenceToFeature);
- /// Obtains references to feature point attributes and to feature,
- /// e.g. for feature line: 1st container is
- /// <1st line point, list<entity_a in distance, entity_b in parallel> >
- /// <2nd line point, list<> >
- /// for feature circle 2nd container is <entity_a in Radius, entity_b in equal, ...>
- /// \param theFeature an investigated feature
- /// \param theRefs a container of list of referenced attributes
- void getRefAttributes(const FeaturePtr& theFeature,
- std::map<AttributePtr, std::list<AttributePtr> >& theRefs,
- std::list<AttributePtr>& theRefsToFeature);
- /// Move coincidence constraint from feature to point if it is found
- /// \param theCoincidenceToFeature coincidence to feature to be connected to new feature
- /// \param theFurtherCoincidences a list of points where coincidences will be build
- /// \param theFeatureResults created results after split where constaint might be connected
- /// \param theSplitFeature feature created by split, new coincidences to points should be created
- /// if theCoincidenceToFeature contains equal points
- void updateCoincidenceConstraintsToFeature(
- const std::map<std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Feature>, IdToPointPair>& theCoincidenceToFeature,
- const std::set<std::shared_ptr<GeomDataAPI_Point2D> >& theFurtherCoincidences,
- const std::set<ResultPtr>& theFeatureResults,
- const FeaturePtr& theSplitFeature);
- /// Move constraints from base feature to given feature
- /// \param theFeature a base feature
- /// \param theRefsToFeature list of attributes referenced to base feature
- void updateRefFeatureConstraints(const std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Result>& theFeatureBaseResult,
- const std::list<AttributePtr>& theRefsToFeature);
- /// Move constraints from attribute of base feature to attribute after modification
- /// \param theBaseRefAttributes container of references to the attributes of base feature
- /// \param theModifiedAttributes container of attributes placed instead of base attributes
- /// at the same place
- void updateRefAttConstraints(
- const std::map<AttributePtr, std::list<AttributePtr> >& theBaseRefAttributes,
- const std::set<std::pair<AttributePtr, AttributePtr> >& theModifiedAttributes);
- /// Make the base object is splitted by the point attributes
- /// \param theSplitFeature a result split feature
- /// \param theBeforeFeature a feature between start point and the 1st point of split feature
- /// \param theAfterFeature a feature between last point of split feature and the end point
- /// \param thePoints a list of points where coincidences will be build
- /// \param theCreatedFeatures a container of created features
- /// \param theModifiedAttributes a container of attribute on base
- /// feature to attribute on new feature
- void splitLine(std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Feature>& theSplitFeature,
- std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Feature>& theBeforeFeature,
- std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Feature>& theAfterFeature,
- std::set<std::shared_ptr<GeomDataAPI_Point2D> >& thePoints,
- std::set<std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Feature>>& theCreatedFeatures,
- std::set<std::pair<AttributePtr, AttributePtr>>& theModifiedAttributes);
- /// Make the base object is splitted by the point attributes
- /// \param theSplitFeature a result split feature
- /// \param theBeforeFeature a feature between start point and the 1st point of split feature
- /// \param theAfterFeature a feature between last point of split feature and the end point
- /// \param thePoints a list of points where coincidences will be build
- /// \param theCreatedFeatures a container of created features
- void splitArc(std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Feature>& theSplitFeature,
- std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Feature>& theBeforeFeature,
- std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Feature>& theAfterFeature,
- std::set<std::shared_ptr<GeomDataAPI_Point2D> >& thePoints,
- std::set<std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Feature>>& theCreatedFeatures,
- std::set<std::pair<AttributePtr, AttributePtr>>& theModifiedAttributes);
- /// Make the base object is splitted by the point attributes
- /// \param theSplitFeature a result split feature
- /// \param theBeforeFeature a feature between start point and the 1st point of split feature
- /// \param theAfterFeature a feature between last point of split feature and the end point
- /// \param thePoints a list of points where coincidences will be build
- /// \param theCreatedFeatures a container of created features
- void splitCircle(std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Feature>& theSplitFeature,
- std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Feature>& theBeforeFeature,
- std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Feature>& theAfterFeature,
- std::set<std::shared_ptr<GeomDataAPI_Point2D> >& thePoints,
- std::set<std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Feature>>& theCreatedFeatures,
- std::set<std::pair<AttributePtr, AttributePtr>>& theModifiedAttributes);
- /// Correct the first and the second point to provide condition that the first is closer to
- /// the start point and the second point - to the last end of current segment. To rearrange
- /// them if this condition is not satisfied.
- /// \param theStartPointAttr a start point of a segment
- /// \param theEndPointAttr an end point of a segment
- /// \param theFirstPointAttr a start point of a segment
- /// \param theSecondPointAttr an end point of a segment
- void arrangePointsOnLine(const std::shared_ptr<GeomDataAPI_Point2D>& theStartPointAttr,
- const std::shared_ptr<GeomDataAPI_Point2D>& theEndPointAttr,
- std::shared_ptr<GeomDataAPI_Point2D>& theFirstPointAttr,
- std::shared_ptr<GeomDataAPI_Point2D>& theSecondPointAttr) const;
- /// Correct the first and the second point to provide condition that the first is closer to
- /// the start point and the second point - to the last end of current segment. To rearrange
- /// them if this condition is not satisfied.
- /// \param theArc an arc to be split
- /// \param theStartPointAttr a start point of a segment
- /// \param theEndPointAttr an end point of a segment
- /// \param theFirstPointAttr a start point of a segment
- /// \param theSecondPointAttr an end point of a segment
- void arrangePointsOnArc(const FeaturePtr& theArc,
- const std::shared_ptr<GeomDataAPI_Point2D>& theStartPointAttr,
- const std::shared_ptr<GeomDataAPI_Point2D>& theEndPointAttr,
- std::shared_ptr<GeomDataAPI_Point2D>& theFirstPointAttr,
- std::shared_ptr<GeomDataAPI_Point2D>& theSecondPointAttr) const;
- /// Fill attribute by value of another attribute. It processes only Point 2D attributes.
- /// \param theModifiedAttribute an attribute of GeomDataAPI_Point2D on feature to be modified
- /// \param theSourceAttribute an attribute of GeomDataAPI_Point2D to obtain data
- void fillAttribute(const AttributePtr& theModifiedAttribute,
- const AttributePtr& theSourceAttribute);
- /// Creates a line feature filled by center of base feature and given points
- /// \param theBaseFeature another arc feature
- /// \param theFirstAttribute an attribute with coordinates for the start point
- /// \param theSecondAttribute an attribute with coordinates for the end point
- FeaturePtr createLineFeature(const FeaturePtr& theBaseFeature,
- const AttributePtr& theFirstPointAttr,
- const AttributePtr& theSecondPointAttr);
- /// Creates an arc feature filled by center of base feature and given points
- /// \param theBaseFeature another arc feature
- /// \param theFirstAttribute an attribute with coordinates for the start point
- /// \param theSecondAttribute an attribute with coordinates for the end point
- FeaturePtr createArcFeature(const FeaturePtr& theBaseFeature,
- const AttributePtr& theFirstPointAttr,
- const AttributePtr& theSecondPointAttr);
- /// Add feature coincidence constraint between given attributes
- /// \param theConstraintId a constraint index
- /// \param theFirstAttribute an attribute of further coincidence
- /// \param theSecondAttribute an attribute of further coincidence
- std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Feature> createConstraint(const std::string& theConstraintId,
- const std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Attribute>& theFirstAttribute,
- const std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Attribute>& theSecondAttribute);
- /// Add feature coincidence constraint between given attributes
- /// \param theConstraintId a constraint index
- /// \param theFirstAttribute an attribute of further coincidence
- /// \param theFirstAttribute an attribute of further coincidence
- std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Feature> createConstraintForObjects(const std::string& theConstraintId,
- const std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Object>& theFirstObject,
- const std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Object>& theSecondObject);
- /// Add feature coincidence constraint between given attributes
- /// \param theFeaturesToUpdate a constraint index
- void updateFeaturesAfterSplit(const std::set<FeaturePtr>& theFeaturesToUpdate);
- /// Result result of the feature to build constraint with. For arc, circle it is an edge result.
- /// \param theFeature a feature
- /// \return result object
- std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Result> getFeatureResult(
- const std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Feature>& theFeature);
- /// Returns attributes of the feature, used in edge build, for arc it is end and start points
- /// \param theFeature a feature
- /// \return container of attributes
- std::set<std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Attribute> > getEdgeAttributes(
- const std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Feature>& theFeature);
-#ifdef _DEBUG
- /// Return feature name, kind, point attribute values united in a string
- /// \param theFeature an investigated feature
- /// \return string value
- std::string getFeatureInfo(const std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Feature>& theFeature,
- const bool isUseAttributesInfo = true);