:Parameter_ExpressionEditor {container=':SALOME*.Parameter_XGUI_PropertyPanel' type='ExpressionEditor' unnamed='1' visible='1'}
:Parameter_QFrame {container=':SALOME*.Parameter_XGUI_PropertyPanel' type='QFrame' unnamed='1' visible='1'}
:Parameter_QLineEdit {container=':SALOME*.Parameter_XGUI_PropertyPanel' type='QLineEdit' unnamed='1' visible='1'}
+:Parameters (1).a = 32_QModelIndex {column='0' container=':Part_1.Parameters (1)_QModelIndex' text='a = 32' type='QModelIndex'}
:Parameters.E = _QModelIndex {column='0' container=':Part_1.Parameters_QModelIndex' text?='E = *' type='QModelIndex'}
:Parameters.L = _QModelIndex {column='0' container=':Part_1.Parameters_QModelIndex' text?='L = *' type='QModelIndex'}
:Parameters.P = _QModelIndex {column='0' container=':Part_1.Parameters_QModelIndex' text?='P = *' type='QModelIndex'}
+:Part_1.Parameters (1)_QModelIndex {column='0' container=':Part_1_QModelIndex' text='Parameters (1)' type='QModelIndex'}
:Part_1.Parameters_QModelIndex {column='0' container=':Part_1_QModelIndex' text?='Parameters*' type='QModelIndex'}
:Part_1_QModelIndex {column='0' container=':Object browser_XGUI_DataTree' text='Part_1' type='QModelIndex'}
:Part_QMenu {title='Part' type='QMenu' unnamed='1' visible='1'}
--- /dev/null
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# A quick introduction to implementing scripts for BDD tests:
+# This file contains snippets of script code to be executed as the .feature
+# file is processed. See the section 'Behaviour Driven Testing' in the 'API
+# Reference Manual' chapter of the Squish manual for a comprehensive reference.
+# The decorators Given/When/Then/Step can be used to associate a script snippet
+# with a pattern which is matched against the steps being executed. Optional
+# table/multi-line string arguments of the step are passed via a mandatory
+# 'context' parameter:
+# @When("I enter the text")
+# def whenTextEntered(context):
+# <code here>
+# The pattern is a plain string without the leading keyword, but a couple of
+# placeholders including |any|, |word| and |integer| are supported which can be
+# used to extract arbitrary, alphanumeric and integer values resp. from the
+# pattern; the extracted values are passed as additional arguments:
+# @Then("I get |integer| different names")
+# def namesReceived(context, numNames):
+# <code here>
+# Instead of using a string with placeholders, a regular expression can be
+# specified. In that case, make sure to set the (optional) 'regexp' argument
+# to True.
+import __builtin__
+@Given("Launch application in salome mode")
+def step(context):
+ startApplication("salome_run.sh")
+ clickButton(waitForObject(":SALOME*.NewGeom_QToolButton"))
+ clickButton(waitForObject(":Activate module.New_QPushButton"))
+@When("Create parameter a=30")
+def step(context):
+ activateItem(waitForObjectItem(":SALOME*_QMenuBar", "Part"))
+ activateItem(waitForObjectItem(":Part_QMenu", "Parameter"))
+ mouseClick(waitForObject(":Parameter_QLineEdit"), 10, 10, 0, Qt.LeftButton)
+ type(waitForObject(":Parameter_QLineEdit"), "a")
+ mouseClick(waitForObject(":Parameter_ExpressionEditor"), 10, 10, 0, Qt.LeftButton)
+ type(waitForObject(":Parameter_ExpressionEditor"), "30")
+ clickButton(waitForObject(":Boolean.property_panel_ok_QToolButton"))
+@When("Create part")
+def step(context):
+ activateItem(waitForObjectItem(":SALOME*_QMenuBar", "Part"))
+ activateItem(waitForObjectItem(":Part_QMenu", "New part"))
+@When("Create parameter a=a+2")
+def step(context):
+ activateItem(waitForObjectItem(":SALOME*_QMenuBar", "Part"))
+ activateItem(waitForObjectItem(":Part_QMenu", "Parameter"))
+ mouseClick(waitForObject(":Parameter_QLineEdit"), 10, 10, 0, Qt.LeftButton)
+ type(waitForObject(":Parameter_QLineEdit"), "a")
+ mouseClick(waitForObject(":Parameter_ExpressionEditor"), 10, 10, 0, Qt.LeftButton)
+ type(waitForObject(":Parameter_ExpressionEditor"), "a+2")
+ clickButton(waitForObject(":Boolean.property_panel_ok_QToolButton"))
+@Then("the parameter in the part should exist")
+def step(context):
+ waitForObjectItem(":Object browser_XGUI_DataTree", "Part\\_1.Parameters (1)")
+ clickItem(":Object browser_XGUI_DataTree", "Part\\_1.Parameters (1)", -10, 10, 0, Qt.LeftButton)
+ waitFor("object.exists(':Parameters (1).a = 32_QModelIndex')", 20000)
+ test.compare(findObject(":Parameters (1).a = 32_QModelIndex").text, "a = 32")