_("Optional: list all available applications."))
parser.add_option('', 'show_patchs', 'boolean', 'show_patchs',
_("Optional: synthetic list of all patches used in the application"))
+parser.add_option('', 'show_dependencies', 'boolean', 'show_dependencies',
+ _("Optional: list of product dependencies in the application"))
parser.add_option('', 'show_install', 'boolean', 'show_install',
_("Optional: synthetic list of all install directories in the application"))
parser.add_option('', 'show_properties', 'boolean', 'show_properties',
+def show_dependencies(config, products, logger):
+ '''Prints dependencies of products in the application.
+ :param config Config: the global configuration.
+ :param logger Logger: The logger instance to use for the display
+ '''
+ from compile import get_dependencies_graph,depth_search_graph,find_path_graph
+ # Get the list of all application products, and create its dependency graph
+ all_products_infos = src.product.get_products_infos(config.APPLICATION.products,config)
+ all_products_graph=get_dependencies_graph(all_products_infos, compile_time=False)
+ products_list=[]
+ product_liste_name=""
+ if products is None:
+ products_list=config.APPLICATION.products
+ products_graph = all_products_graph
+ else:
+ # 1. Extend the list with all products that depends upon the given list of products
+ products_list=products
+ product_liste_name="_".join(products)
+ visited=[]
+ for p_name in products_list:
+ visited=depth_search_graph(all_products_graph, p_name, visited)
+ products_infos = src.product.get_products_infos(visited, config)
+ products_graph = get_dependencies_graph(products_infos, compile_time=False)
+ # 2. Extend the list with all the dependencies of the given list of products
+ children=[]
+ for n in all_products_graph:
+ # for all products (that are not in products_list):
+ # if we we find a path from the product to the product list,
+ # then we product is a child and we add it to the children list
+ if (n not in children) and (n not in products_list):
+ if find_path_graph(all_products_graph, n, products_list):
+ children = children + [n]
+ products_infos_rev = src.product.get_products_infos(children, config)
+ products_graph_rev = get_dependencies_graph(products_infos_rev, compile_time=False)
+ logger.write("Dependency graph (python format)\n%s\n" % products_graph, 3)
+ gv_file_name='%s_%s_dep.gv' % (config.VARS.application,product_liste_name)
+ logger.write("\nDependency graph (graphviz format) written in file %s\n" %
+ src.printcolors.printcLabel(gv_file_name), 3)
+ with open(gv_file_name,"w") as f:
+ f.write("digraph G {\n")
+ for p in products_graph:
+ for dep in products_graph[p]:
+ f.write ("\t%s -> %s\n" % (p,dep))
+ f.write("}\n")
+ if products is not None:
+ # if a list of products was given, produce also the reverse dependencies
+ gv_revfile_name='%s_%s_rev_dep.gv' % (config.VARS.application,product_liste_name)
+ logger.write("\nReverse dependency graph (graphviz format) written in file %s\n" %
+ src.printcolors.printcLabel(gv_revfile_name), 3)
+ with open(gv_revfile_name,"w") as rf:
+ rf.write("digraph G {\n")
+ for p in products_graph_rev:
+ for dep in products_graph_rev[p]:
+ rf.write ("\t%s -> %s\n" % (p,dep))
+ rf.write("}\n")
+ graph_cmd = "dot -Tpdf %s -o %s.pdf" % (gv_file_name,gv_file_name)
+ logger.write("\nTo generate a graph use dot tool : \n %s" %
+ src.printcolors.printcLabel(graph_cmd), 3)
def show_install_dir(config, logger):
'''Prints all the used installed directories in the application.
logger.write("\n", 2, False)
show_install_dir(runner.cfg, logger)
+ # case : give a synthetic view of all dependencies between products of the application
+ if options.show_dependencies:
+ src.check_config_has_application(runner.cfg)
+ # Print some informations
+ logger.write(_('List of run-time dependencies of the application %s, product by product\n') %
+ src.printcolors.printcLabel(runner.cfg.VARS.application), 3)
+ logger.write("\n", 2, False)
+ show_dependencies(runner.cfg, options.products, logger)
# case : give a synthetic view of all patches used in the application
if options.show_properties: