int k ;
for ( k = anOutPort->InPortsSize() - 1 ; k >= 0 ; k-- ) {
GraphBase::InPort * anInPort = anOutPort->ChangeInPorts( k ) ;
- if ( strcmp( anInPort->NodeName() , aNode->Name() ) == NULL ) {
+ if ( strcmp( anInPort->NodeName() , aNode->Name() ) == 0 ) {
// InPort of the EndSwitchNode
cdebug << " to InPort" << j << ". " << anInPort->NodeName() << "( "
<< anInPort->PortName() << ") "
<< " " << ComponentName << " ERROR" << endl;
return 0 ;
+ /* asv : 24.01.05 : FindContainer() method does not exist any more. FindOrLoad_Component()
+ starts the container for us. If it fails to start the container, then it
+ returns nil component. We don't need to check for if the container was
+ successfully started..
else {
myContainer = LCC.FindContainer( aComputerContainer );
if ( CORBA::is_nil( myContainer ) ) {
return 0 ;
+ */
cdebug_out << aThread << " GraphBase::Graph::StartComponent " << RetVal << endl;
return RetVal ;