--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (C) 2019-2020 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+# See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
+ Test constraint "Tangent" applied to B-spline and another entity
+import unittest
+import math
+from salome.shaper import model
+from GeomAPI import *
+from GeomAlgoAPI import *
+from SketchAPI import *
+__updated__ = "2020-01-22"
+class TestTangentBSpline(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ model.begin()
+ self.myDocument = model.moduleDocument()
+ self.mySketch = model.addSketch(self.myDocument, model.defaultPlane("XOY"))
+ self.myPoles = [GeomAPI_Pnt2d(-10, -30), GeomAPI_Pnt2d(20, -15), GeomAPI_Pnt2d(-10, 0), GeomAPI_Pnt2d(20, 15), GeomAPI_Pnt2d(-10, 30)]
+ self.myWeights = [1, 3, 5, 3, 1]
+ self.mySpline = self.mySketch.addSpline(self.myPoles, self.myWeights)
+ self.myControlPoles = self.mySpline.controlPoles(auxiliary = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4])
+ self.myControlLines = self.mySpline.controlPolygon(auxiliary = [0, 1, 2, 3])
+ model.do()
+ self.myExpectedFailure = False
+ self.myDOF = len(self.myPoles) * 2
+ self.myNbPoints = len(self.myPoles)
+ self.myNbLines = len(self.myPoles) - 1
+ self.myNbArcs = 0
+ self.myNbCircles = 0
+ self.myNbEllipses = 0
+ self.myNbEllipticArcs = 0
+ self.myNbBSplines = 1
+ self.myNbInternals = len(self.myPoles) * 3 - 2
+ self.myNbCoincidence = 0
+ self.myNbTangency = 0
+ def tearDown(self):
+ model.end()
+ if self.myExpectedFailure:
+ assert(self.mySketch.solverError() != ""), "PlaneGCS limitation: if you see this message, then PlaneGCS has solved the set of constraints correctly"
+ model.undo()
+ else:
+ self.checkDOF()
+ model.testNbSubFeatures(self.mySketch, "SketchPoint", self.myNbPoints)
+ model.testNbSubFeatures(self.mySketch, "SketchLine", self.myNbLines)
+ model.testNbSubFeatures(self.mySketch, "SketchArc", self.myNbArcs)
+ model.testNbSubFeatures(self.mySketch, "SketchCircle", self.myNbCircles)
+ model.testNbSubFeatures(self.mySketch, "SketchEllipse", self.myNbEllipses)
+ model.testNbSubFeatures(self.mySketch, "SketchEllipticArc", self.myNbEllipticArcs)
+ model.testNbSubFeatures(self.mySketch, "SketchBSpline", self.myNbBSplines)
+ model.testNbSubFeatures(self.mySketch, "SketchConstraintCoincidenceInternal", self.myNbInternals)
+ model.testNbSubFeatures(self.mySketch, "SketchConstraintCoincidence", self.myNbCoincidence)
+ model.testNbSubFeatures(self.mySketch, "SketchConstraintTangent", self.myNbTangency)
+ def checkDOF(self):
+ self.assertEqual(model.dof(self.mySketch), self.myDOF)
+ def assertTangentFeatures(self, theFeature1, theFeature2):
+ shapes = [theFeature1.results()[-1].resultSubShapePair()[0].shape(),
+ theFeature2.results()[-1].resultSubShapePair()[0].shape()]
+ for s in shapes:
+ e = shapeToEdge(s)
+ if e.isLine() or e.isArc() or e.isEllipse():
+ params = e.getRange()
+ e.setRange(params[0] - 100, params[1] + 100)
+ # TODO (azv): complete checking the tangent curves
+ def assertPointLineDistance(self, thePoint, theLine, theExpectedDistance = 0):
+ dist = model.distancePointLine(thePoint, theLine)
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(dist, theExpectedDistance)
+ def assertTangentLineCircle(self, theLine, theCircle):
+ self.assertPointLineDistance(theCircle.center(), theLine, theCircle.radius().value())
+ def assertTangentLineEllipse(self, theLine, theEllipse):
+ aLine = GeomAPI_Lin2d(theLine.startPoint().pnt(), theLine.endPoint().pnt())
+ projF1 = aLine.project(theEllipse.firstFocus().pnt())
+ projF2 = aLine.project(theEllipse.secondFocus().pnt())
+ distF1P1 = model.distancePointPoint(theEllipse.firstFocus(), projF1)
+ distF2P2 = model.distancePointPoint(theEllipse.secondFocus(), projF2)
+ tgPoint = GeomAPI_Pnt2d((projF1.x() * distF2P2 + projF2.x() * distF1P1) / (distF1P1 + distF2P2), (projF1.y() * distF2P2 + projF2.y() * distF1P1) / (distF1P1 + distF2P2))
+ distF1T = model.distancePointPoint(theEllipse.firstFocus(), tgPoint)
+ distF2T = model.distancePointPoint(theEllipse.secondFocus(), tgPoint)
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(distF1T + distF2T, 2 * theEllipse.majorRadius().value())
+ def test_line_tangent(self):
+ """ Test 1. Set tangency between B-spline and a line
+ """
+ aLine = self.mySketch.addLine(10, -10, 90, 40)
+ self.myNbLines += 1
+ self.myDOF += 4
+ model.do()
+ self.mySketch.setTangent(self.mySpline.result(), aLine.result())
+ self.myNbTangency += 1
+ self.myDOF -= 1
+ model.do()
+ self.assertTangentFeatures(aLine, self.mySpline)
+ def test_circle_tangent(self):
+ """ Test 2. Set tangency between B-spline and a circle
+ """
+ aCircle = self.mySketch.addCircle(10, 10, 20)
+ self.myNbCircles += 1
+ self.myDOF += 3
+ model.do()
+ self.mySketch.setTangent(self.mySpline.result(), aCircle.defaultResult())
+ self.myNbTangency += 1
+ self.myDOF -= 1
+ model.do()
+ self.assertTangentFeatures(aCircle, self.mySpline)
+ def test_arc_tangent(self):
+ """ Test 3. Set tangency between B-spline and an arc
+ """
+ anArc = self.mySketch.addArc(10, 10, 20, 10, 10, 20, False)
+ self.myNbArcs += 1
+ self.myDOF += 5
+ model.do()
+ self.mySketch.setTangent(self.mySpline.result(), anArc.defaultResult())
+ self.myNbTangency += 1
+ self.myDOF -= 1
+ model.do()
+ self.assertTangentFeatures(anArc, self.mySpline)
+ def test_ellipse_tangent(self):
+ """ Test 4. Set tangency between B-spline and an ellipse
+ """
+ anEllipse = self.mySketch.addEllipse(10, 10, 20, 10, 7)
+ self.myNbEllipses += 1
+ self.myDOF += 5
+ model.do()
+ self.mySketch.setTangent(self.mySpline.result(), anEllipse.defaultResult())
+ self.myNbTangency += 1
+ self.myDOF -= 1
+ model.do()
+ self.assertTangentFeatures(anEllipse, self.mySpline)
+ def test_elliptic_arc_tangent(self):
+ """ Test 5. Set tangency between B-spline and an elliptic arc
+ """
+ anEllipticArc = self.mySketch.addEllipticArc(10, 10, 20, 10, 22.2065556157337, 10, 10, 17, True)
+ self.myNbEllipticArcs += 1
+ self.myDOF += 7
+ model.do()
+ self.mySketch.setTangent(self.mySpline.result(), anEllipticArc.defaultResult())
+ self.myNbTangency += 1
+ self.myDOF -= 1
+ model.do()
+ self.assertTangentFeatures(anEllipticArc, self.mySpline)
+ def test_spline_tangent(self):
+ """ Test 6. Set tangency between two B-spline curves
+ """
+ aSpline = self.mySketch.addSpline([(50, -20), (40, 0), (50, 20)])
+ self.myNbBSplines += 1
+ self.myDOF += aSpline.poles().size() * 2
+ model.do()
+ self.mySketch.setTangent(self.mySpline.result(), aSpline.result())
+ self.myNbTangency += 1
+ self.myDOF -= 1
+ model.do()
+ #self.assertTangentFeatures(aSpline, self.mySpline)
+ self.myExpectedFailure = True
+ def test_line_tangent_coincident_by_pole(self):
+ """ Test 7. Set tangency between B-spline and a line coincident with B-spline start point
+ """
+ aLine = self.mySketch.addLine(10, -10, 90, 40)
+ self.myNbLines += 1
+ self.myDOF += 4
+ model.do()
+ self.mySketch.setCoincident(self.mySpline.startPoint(), aLine.result())
+ self.myNbCoincidence += 1
+ self.myDOF -= 1
+ model.do()
+ self.mySketch.setTangent(self.mySpline.result(), aLine.result())
+ self.myNbTangency += 1
+ self.myDOF -= 1
+ model.do()
+ self.assertPointLineDistance(aLine.startPoint(), self.myControlLines[0])
+ self.assertPointLineDistance(aLine.endPoint(), self.myControlLines[0])
+ def test_circle_tangent_coincident_by_pole(self):
+ """ Test 8. Set tangency between B-spline and a circle coincident with B-spline end point
+ """
+ aCircle = self.mySketch.addCircle(10, 10, 20)
+ self.myNbCircles += 1
+ self.myDOF += 3
+ model.do()
+ self.mySketch.setCoincident(self.mySpline.startPoint(), aCircle.defaultResult())
+ self.myNbCoincidence += 1
+ self.myDOF -= 1
+ model.do()
+ self.mySketch.setTangent(self.mySpline.result(), aCircle.defaultResult())
+ self.myNbTangency += 1
+ self.myDOF -= 1
+ model.do()
+ self.assertTangentLineCircle(SketchAPI_Line(self.myControlLines[0]), aCircle)
+ def test_arc_tangent_coincident_by_pole(self):
+ """ Test 9. Set tangency between B-spline and an arc coincident with B-spline end point
+ """
+ anArc = self.mySketch.addArc(10, 10, 20, 10, 10, 20, False)
+ self.myNbArcs += 1
+ self.myDOF += 5
+ model.do()
+ self.mySketch.setCoincident(self.mySpline.endPoint(), anArc.defaultResult())
+ self.myNbCoincidence += 1
+ self.myDOF -= 1
+ model.do()
+ self.mySketch.setTangent(self.mySpline.result(), anArc.defaultResult())
+ self.myNbTangency += 1
+ self.myDOF -= 1
+ model.do()
+ self.assertTangentLineCircle(SketchAPI_Line(self.myControlLines[-1]), anArc)
+ def test_ellipse_tangent_coincident_by_pole(self):
+ """ Test 10. Set tangency between B-spline and an ellipse coincident with B-spline start point
+ """
+ anEllipse = self.mySketch.addEllipse(10, 10, 20, 10, 7)
+ self.myNbEllipses += 1
+ self.myDOF += 5
+ model.do()
+ self.mySketch.setCoincident(self.mySpline.startPoint(), anEllipse.defaultResult())
+ self.myNbCoincidence += 1
+ self.myDOF -= 1
+ model.do()
+ self.mySketch.setTangent(self.mySpline.result(), anEllipse.defaultResult())
+ self.myNbTangency += 1
+ self.myDOF -= 1
+ model.do()
+ self.assertTangentLineEllipse(SketchAPI_Line(self.myControlLines[0]), anEllipse)
+ def test_elliptic_arc_tangent_coincident_by_pole(self):
+ """ Test 11. Set tangency between B-spline and an elliptic arc coincident with B-spline start point
+ """
+ anEllipticArc = self.mySketch.addEllipticArc(10, 10, 20, 10, 22.2065556157337, 10, 10, 17, True)
+ self.myNbEllipticArcs += 1
+ self.myDOF += 7
+ model.do()
+ self.mySketch.setCoincident(self.mySpline.startPoint(), anEllipticArc.defaultResult())
+ self.myNbCoincidence += 1
+ self.myDOF -= 1
+ model.do()
+ self.mySketch.setTangent(self.mySpline.result(), anEllipticArc.defaultResult())
+ self.myNbTangency += 1
+ self.myDOF -= 1
+ model.do()
+ self.assertTangentLineEllipse(SketchAPI_Line(self.myControlLines[0]), anEllipticArc)
+ def test_line_tangent_coincident_by_boundaries(self):
+ """ Test 12. Set tangency between B-spline and a line, coincident by their start points
+ """
+ aLine = self.mySketch.addLine(10, -10, 90, 40)
+ self.myNbLines += 1
+ self.myDOF += 4
+ model.do()
+ self.mySketch.setCoincident(self.mySpline.startPoint(), aLine.startPoint())
+ self.myNbCoincidence += 1
+ self.myDOF -= 2
+ model.do()
+ self.mySketch.setTangent(self.mySpline.result(), aLine.result())
+ self.myNbTangency += 1
+ self.myDOF -= 1
+ model.do()
+ self.assertPointLineDistance(aLine.endPoint(), self.myControlLines[0])
+ def test_arc_tangent_coincident_by_boundaries(self):
+ """ Test 13. Set tangency between B-spline and an arc, coincident by their start points
+ """
+ anArc = self.mySketch.addArc(10, 10, 20, 10, 10, 20, False)
+ self.myNbArcs += 1
+ self.myDOF += 5
+ model.do()
+ self.mySketch.setCoincident(self.mySpline.startPoint(), anArc.startPoint())
+ self.myNbCoincidence += 1
+ self.myDOF -= 2
+ model.do()
+ self.mySketch.setTangent(self.mySpline.result(), anArc.defaultResult())
+ self.myNbTangency += 1
+ self.myDOF -= 1
+ model.do()
+ self.assertTangentLineCircle(SketchAPI_Line(self.myControlLines[0]), anArc)
+ def test_elliptic_arc_tangent_coincident_by_boundaries(self):
+ """ Test 14. Set tangency between B-spline and an elliptic arc, coincident by their start points
+ """
+ anEllipticArc = self.mySketch.addEllipticArc(10, -10, 20, -10, 22.2065556157337, -10, 10, 3, True)
+ self.myNbEllipticArcs += 1
+ self.myDOF += 7
+ model.do()
+ self.mySketch.setCoincident(self.mySpline.startPoint(), anEllipticArc.startPoint())
+ self.myNbCoincidence += 1
+ self.myDOF -= 2
+ model.do()
+ self.mySketch.setTangent(self.mySpline.result(), anEllipticArc.defaultResult())
+ self.myNbTangency += 1
+ self.myDOF -= 1
+ model.do()
+ self.assertTangentLineEllipse(SketchAPI_Line(self.myControlLines[0]), anEllipticArc)
+ def test_spline_tangent_coincident_by_boundaries(self):
+ """ Test 15. Set tangency between two B-spline curves coincident with B-spline start point
+ """
+ aSpline = self.mySketch.addSpline([(50, -20), (40, 0), (50, 20)])
+ self.myNbBSplines += 1
+ self.myDOF += aSpline.poles().size() * 2
+ model.do()
+ self.mySketch.setCoincident(self.mySpline.startPoint(), aSpline.startPoint())
+ self.myNbCoincidence += 1
+ self.myDOF -= 2
+ model.do()
+ self.mySketch.setTangent(self.mySpline.result(), aSpline.result())
+ self.myNbTangency += 1
+ self.myDOF -= 1
+ model.do()
+ #self.assertPointLineDistance(aSpline.poles()[1], self.myControlLines[0])
+ self.myExpectedFailure = True
+ def test_line_tangent_coincident_by_aux(self):
+ """ Test 16. Set tangency between B-spline and a line, coincident by their start points
+ """
+ aLine = self.mySketch.addLine(10, -10, 90, 40)
+ self.myNbLines += 1
+ self.myDOF += 4
+ model.do()
+ self.mySketch.setCoincident(SketchAPI_Point(self.myControlPoles[0]).coordinates(), aLine.startPoint())
+ self.myNbCoincidence += 1
+ self.myDOF -= 2
+ model.do()
+ self.mySketch.setTangent(self.mySpline.result(), aLine.result())
+ self.myNbTangency += 1
+ self.myDOF -= 1
+ model.do()
+ self.assertPointLineDistance(aLine.endPoint(), self.myControlLines[0])
+ def test_arc_tangent_coincident_by_aux(self):
+ """ Test 17. Set tangency between B-spline and an arc, coincident by their start points
+ """
+ anArc = self.mySketch.addArc(10, 10, 20, 10, 10, 20, False)
+ self.myNbArcs += 1
+ self.myDOF += 5
+ model.do()
+ self.mySketch.setCoincident(SketchAPI_Point(self.myControlPoles[0]).coordinates(), anArc.startPoint())
+ self.myNbCoincidence += 1
+ self.myDOF -= 2
+ model.do()
+ self.mySketch.setTangent(self.mySpline.result(), anArc.defaultResult())
+ self.myNbTangency += 1
+ self.myDOF -= 1
+ model.do()
+ self.assertTangentLineCircle(SketchAPI_Line(self.myControlLines[0]), anArc)
+ def test_elliptic_arc_tangent_coincident_by_aux(self):
+ """ Test 18. Set tangency between B-spline and an elliptic arc, coincident by their start points
+ """
+ anEllipticArc = self.mySketch.addEllipticArc(10, 10, 20, 10, 22.2065556157337, 10, 10, 17, True)
+ self.myNbEllipticArcs += 1
+ self.myDOF += 7
+ model.do()
+ self.mySketch.setCoincident(SketchAPI_Point(self.myControlPoles[0]).coordinates(), anEllipticArc.startPoint())
+ self.myNbCoincidence += 1
+ self.myDOF -= 2
+ model.do()
+ self.mySketch.setTangent(self.mySpline.result(), anEllipticArc.defaultResult())
+ self.myNbTangency += 1
+ self.myDOF -= 1
+ model.do()
+ self.assertTangentLineEllipse(SketchAPI_Line(self.myControlLines[0]), anEllipticArc)
+ def test_spline_tangent_coincident_by_aux(self):
+ """ Test 19. Set tangency between two B-spline curves coincident with B-spline start point
+ """
+ aSpline = self.mySketch.addSpline([(50, -20), (40, 0), (50, 20)])
+ self.myNbBSplines += 1
+ self.myDOF += aSpline.poles().size() * 2
+ model.do()
+ self.mySketch.setCoincident(SketchAPI_Point(self.myControlPoles[0]).coordinates(), aSpline.startPoint())
+ self.myNbCoincidence += 1
+ self.myDOF -= 2
+ model.do()
+ self.mySketch.setTangent(self.mySpline.result(), aSpline.result())
+ self.myNbTangency += 1
+ self.myDOF -= 1
+ model.do()
+ #self.assertPointLineDistance(aSpline.poles().pnt(1), self.myControlLines[0])
+ self.myExpectedFailure = True
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ test_program = unittest.main(exit=False)
+ assert test_program.result.wasSuccessful(), "Test failed"
+ #assert model.checkPythonDump()