return Mesh_Prism3D(self, geom)
return Mesh_RadialPrism3D(self, geom)
+ ## Creates a "Body Fitted" 3D algorithm for solids, which generates
+ # 3D structured Cartesian mesh in the internal part of a solid shape
+ # and polyhedral volumes near the shape boundary.
+ # If the optional \a geom parameter is not set, this algorithm is global.
+ # Otherwise, this algorithm defines a submesh based on \a geom subshape.
+ # The algorithm does not support submeshes.
+ # Generally usage of this algorithm as a local one is useless since
+ # it does not discretize 1D and 2D subshapes in a usual way acceptable
+ # for other algorithms.
+ # @param geom If defined, the subshape to be meshed
+ # @return an instance of Mesh_Cartesian_3D algorithm
+ # @ingroup l3_algos_basic
+ def BodyFitted(self, geom=0):
+ return Mesh_Cartesian_3D(self, geom)
## Evaluates size of prospective mesh on a shape
# @return a list where i-th element is a number of elements of i-th SMESH.EntityType
# To know predicted number of e.g. edges, inquire it this way
hypo = self.mesh.smeshpyD.CreateHypothesis(hyp, so)
a = ""
s = "="
- i = 0
- n = len(args)
- while i<n:
- a = a + s + str(args[i])
+ for arg in args:
+ argStr = str(arg)
+ if isinstance( arg, geompyDC.GEOM._objref_GEOM_Object ):
+ argStr = arg.GetStudyEntry()
+ if not argStr: argStr = "GEOM_Obj_%s", arg.GetEntry()
+ a = a + s + argStr
s = ","
- i = i + 1
self.mesh.smeshpyD.SetName(hypo, hyp + a)
return entries == entries2
return False
+# Public class: Mesh_Cartesian_3D
+# --------------------------------------
+## Defines a Body Fitting 3D algorithm
+# @ingroup l3_algos_basic
+class Mesh_Cartesian_3D(Mesh_Algorithm):
+ def __init__(self, mesh, geom=0):
+ self.Create(mesh, geom, "Cartesian_3D")
+ return
+ ## Defines "Body Fitting parameters" hypothesis
+ # @param xCoords coordinates of grid nodes along the X asix
+ # @param yCoords coordinates of grid nodes along the Y asix
+ # @param zCoords coordinates of grid nodes along the Z asix
+ # @param sizeThreshold size (> 1.0) defines a minimal size of a polyhedron so that
+ # a polyhedron of size less than hexSize/sizeThreshold is not created
+ # @param UseExisting if ==true - searches for the existing hypothesis created with
+ # the same parameters, else (default) - creates a new one
+ def SetGrid(self, xCoords, yCoords, zCoords, sizeThreshold, UseExisting=False):
+ hyp = self.Hypothesis("CartesianParameters3D", [xCoords, yCoords, zCoords, sizeThreshold],
+ UseExisting=UseExisting, CompareMethod=self._compareHyp)
+ hyp.SetGrid(xCoords, 0 )
+ hyp.SetGrid(yCoords, 1 )
+ hyp.SetGrid(zCoords, 2 )
+ hyp.SetSizeThreshold( sizeThreshold )
+ return hyp
+ ## Defines "Body Fitting parameters" hypothesis
+ # @param xSpaceFuns functions f(t) defining spacing value at given point on X axis.
+ # Parameter t of \axSpaceFuns is a position [0.,1.] withing bounding box of
+ # the shape to mesh or withing an interval defined by internal points
+ # @param ySpaceFuns functions f(t) defining spacing value at given point on Y axis.
+ # @param zSpaceFuns functions f(t) defining spacing value at given point on Z axis.
+ # @param xInternalPoints points (0.,1.) dividing a grid into parts along X direction.
+ # Number of \axInternalPoints must be one less than number of \axSpaceFuns
+ # @param yInternalPoints points (0.,1.) dividing a grid into parts along Y direction.
+ # @param zInternalPoints points (0.,1.) dividing a grid into parts along Z direction.
+ # @param sizeThreshold size (> 1.0) defines a minimal size of a polyhedron so that
+ # a polyhedron of size less than hexSize/sizeThreshold is not created
+ # @param UseExisting if ==true - searches for the existing hypothesis created with
+ # the same parameters, else (default) - creates a new one
+ def SetSpacing(self,
+ xSpaceFuns, ySpaceFuns, zSpaceFuns,
+ xInternalPoints, yInternalPoints, zInternalPoints,
+ sizeThreshold, UseExisting=False):
+ hyp = self.Hypothesis("CartesianParameters3D",
+ [xSpaceFuns, ySpaceFuns, zSpaceFuns, \
+ xInternalPoints, yInternalPoints, zInternalPoints],
+ UseExisting=UseExisting, CompareMethod=self._compareHyp)
+ hyp.SetGridSpacing(xSpaceFuns, xInternalPoints, 0)
+ hyp.SetGridSpacing(ySpaceFuns, yInternalPoints, 1)
+ hyp.SetGridSpacing(zSpaceFuns, zInternalPoints, 2)
+ hyp.SetSizeThreshold( sizeThreshold )
+ return hyp
+ def _compareHyp(self,hyp,args):
+ # not implemented yet
+ return False
-# Private class: Mesh_UseExisting
+# Public class: Mesh_UseExisting
# -------------------------------
class Mesh_UseExisting(Mesh_Algorithm):