#include <TopoDS.hxx>
// Netgen include files
-namespace nglib {
-#include <nglib.h>
#include <occgeom.hpp>
#include <meshing.hpp>
extern MeshingParameters mparam;
+using namespace nglib;
using namespace std;
#ifdef _DEBUG_
-#define nodeVec_ACCESS(index) nodeVec.at((index))
+#define nodeVec_ACCESS(index) (SMDS_MeshNode*) nodeVec.at((index))
-#define nodeVec_ACCESS(index) nodeVec[index]
+#define nodeVec_ACCESS(index) (SMDS_MeshNode*) nodeVec[index]
+// dump elements added to ng mesh
+//#define DUMP_SEGMENTS
-void NETGENPlugin_Mesher::PrepareOCCgeometry(netgen::OCCGeometry& occgeo,
- const TopoDS_Shape& shape,
- SMESH_Mesh& mesh,
- list< SMESH_subMesh* > * meshedSM,
- TopTools_DataMapOfShapeShape* internalE2F)
+void NETGENPlugin_Mesher::PrepareOCCgeometry(netgen::OCCGeometry& occgeo,
+ const TopoDS_Shape& shape,
+ SMESH_Mesh& mesh,
+ list< SMESH_subMesh* > * meshedSM,
+ NETGENPlugin_Internals* intern)
BRepTools::Clean (shape);
try {
occgeo.shape = shape;
occgeo.changed = 1;
- //occgeo.BuildFMap();
- TopTools_MapOfShape internalV;
- if ( internalE2F )
- {
- for ( TopExp_Explorer f( shape, TopAbs_FACE ); f.More(); f.Next() )
- for ( TopExp_Explorer e( f.Current(), TopAbs_EDGE ); e.More(); e.Next() )
- if ( e.Current().Orientation() == TopAbs_INTERNAL )
- {
- SMESH_subMesh* sm = mesh.GetSubMesh( e.Current() );
- if ( !meshedSM || sm->IsEmpty() ) {
- internalE2F->Bind( e.Current(), f.Current() );
- for ( TopoDS_Iterator v(e.Current()); v.More(); v.Next() )
- internalV.Add( v.Value() );
- }
- }
- }
// fill maps of shapes of occgeo with not yet meshed subshapes
// to find a right orientation of subshapes (PAL20462)
TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape subShapes;
TopExp::MapShapes(root->GetSubShape(), subShapes);
- while ( smIt->more() ) {
+ while ( smIt->more() )
+ {
SMESH_subMesh* sm = smIt->next();
- if ( !meshedSM || sm->IsEmpty() ) {
- TopoDS_Shape shape = sm->GetSubShape();
+ TopoDS_Shape shape = sm->GetSubShape();
+ if ( intern && intern->isShapeToPrecompute( shape ))
+ continue;
+ if ( !meshedSM || sm->IsEmpty() )
+ {
if ( shape.ShapeType() != TopAbs_VERTEX )
shape = subShapes( subShapes.FindIndex( shape ));// shape -> index -> oriented shape
+ if ( shape.Orientation() >= TopAbs_INTERNAL )
+ shape.Orientation( TopAbs_FORWARD ); // isuue 0020676
switch ( shape.ShapeType() ) {
case TopAbs_FACE : occgeo.fmap.Add( shape ); break;
- case TopAbs_EDGE :
- if ( !internalE2F || !internalE2F->IsBound( shape )) occgeo.emap.Add( shape ); break;
- case TopAbs_VERTEX:
- if ( !internalV.Contains( shape )) occgeo.vmap.Add( shape ); break;
+ case TopAbs_EDGE : occgeo.emap.Add( shape ); break;
+ case TopAbs_VERTEX: occgeo.vmap.Add( shape ); break;
case TopAbs_SOLID :occgeo.somap.Add( shape ); break;
// collect submeshes of meshed shapes
- else if (meshedSM) {
+ else if (meshedSM)
+ {
meshedSM->push_back( sm );
static int ngNodeId( const SMDS_MeshNode* node,
netgen::Mesh& ngMesh,
- TNode2IdMap& nodeNgIdMap)
+ TNode2IdMap* nodeNgIdMap,
+ int isDoubledNode=0)
int newNgId = ngMesh.GetNP() + 1;
- pair< TNode2IdMap::iterator, bool > it_isNew = nodeNgIdMap.insert( make_pair( node, newNgId ));
+ TNode2IdMap::iterator node_id =
+ nodeNgIdMap[isDoubledNode].insert( make_pair( node, newNgId )).first;
- if ( it_isNew.second ) {
+ if ( node_id->second == newNgId)
+ {
+#if defined(DUMP_SEGMENTS) || defined(DUMP_TRIANGLES)
+ cout << "Ng " << newNgId << " - " << node;
netgen::MeshPoint p( netgen::Point<3> (node->X(), node->Y(), node->Z()) );
ngMesh.AddPoint( p );
- return it_isNew.first->second;
+ return node_id->second;
bool NETGENPlugin_Mesher::fillNgMesh(netgen::OCCGeometry& occgeom,
netgen::Mesh& ngMesh,
- vector<SMDS_MeshNode*>& nodeVec,
- const list< SMESH_subMesh* > & meshedSM)
+ vector<const SMDS_MeshNode*>& nodeVec,
+ const list< SMESH_subMesh* > & meshedSM,
+ NETGENPlugin_Internals* internalShapes)
- TNode2IdMap nodeNgIdMap;
+ TNode2IdMap nodeNgIdMap[2]; // the second map stores nodes doubled to make the crack
+ if ( !nodeVec.empty() )
+ for ( int i = 1; i < nodeVec.size(); ++i )
+ nodeNgIdMap[0].insert( make_pair( nodeVec[i], i ));
+ TIDSortedElemSet borderElems;
+ if ( internalShapes )
+ internalShapes->findBorderElements(borderElems);
TopTools_MapOfShape visitedShapes;
SMESH_MesherHelper helper (*_mesh);
int faceID = occgeom.fmap.Extent();
- _faceDescriptors.clear();
list< SMESH_subMesh* >::const_iterator smIt, smEnd = meshedSM.end();
for ( smIt = meshedSM.begin(); smIt != smEnd; ++smIt )
SMESHDS_SubMesh * smDS = sm->GetSubMeshDS();
+ if ( !smDS ) continue;
switch ( sm->GetSubShape().ShapeType() )
case TopAbs_EDGE: { // EDGE
// ----------------------
- const TopoDS_Edge& geomEdge = TopoDS::Edge( sm->GetSubShape() );
+ TopoDS_Edge geomEdge = TopoDS::Edge( sm->GetSubShape() );
+ if ( geomEdge.Orientation() >= TopAbs_INTERNAL )
+ geomEdge.Orientation( TopAbs_FORWARD ); // isuue 0020676
// Add ng segments for each not meshed face the edge bounds
TopTools_MapOfShape visitedAncestors;
- const TopTools_ListOfShape& ancestors = _mesh->GetAncestors( geomEdge );
- TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape ancestorIt ( ancestors );
- for ( ; ancestorIt.More(); ancestorIt.Next() )
+ PShapeIteratorPtr fIt = helper.GetAncestors( geomEdge, *sm->GetFather(), TopAbs_FACE );
+ while ( const TopoDS_Shape * anc = fIt->next() )
- const TopoDS_Shape & ans = ancestorIt.Value();
- if ( ans.ShapeType() != TopAbs_FACE || !visitedAncestors.Add( ans ))
- continue;
- const TopoDS_Face& face = TopoDS::Face( ans );
+ if ( !visitedAncestors.Add( *anc )) continue;
+ TopoDS_Face face = TopoDS::Face( *anc );
+ if ( face.Orientation() >= TopAbs_INTERNAL )
+ face.Orientation( TopAbs_FORWARD ); // isuue 0020676
int faceID = occgeom.fmap.FindIndex( face );
if ( faceID < 1 )
seg.si = faceID; // = geom.fmap.FindIndex (face);
seg.edgenr = ngMesh.GetNSeg() + 1; // segment id
ngMesh.AddSegment (seg);
+ cout << "Segment: " << seg.edgenr << " on SMESH face " << helper.GetMeshDS()->ShapeToIndex( face ) << endl
+ << "\tface index: " << seg.si << endl
+ << "\tp1: " << seg.p1 << endl
+ << "\tp2: " << seg.p2 << endl
+ << "\tp0 param: " << seg.epgeominfo[ 0 ].dist << endl
+ << "\tp0 uv: " << seg.epgeominfo[ 0 ].u <<", "<< seg.epgeominfo[ 0 ].v << endl
+ << "\tp0 edge: " << seg.epgeominfo[ 0 ].edgenr << endl
+ << "\tp1 param: " << seg.epgeominfo[ 1 ].dist << endl
+ << "\tp1 uv: " << seg.epgeominfo[ 1 ].u <<", "<< seg.epgeominfo[ 1 ].v << endl
+ << "\tp1 edge: " << seg.epgeominfo[ 1 ].edgenr << endl;
if ( isSeam )
if ( helper.GetPeriodicIndex() == 1 ) {
swap( seg.epgeominfo[0], seg.epgeominfo[1] );
seg.edgenr = ngMesh.GetNSeg() + 1; // segment id
ngMesh.AddSegment (seg);
+ cout << "Segment: " << seg.edgenr << endl << "\t is REVERSE of the previous" << endl;
} // loop on geomEdge ancestors
// Find solids the geomFace bounds
int solidID1 = 0, solidID2 = 0;
- const TopTools_ListOfShape& ancestors = _mesh->GetAncestors( geomFace );
- TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape ancestorIt ( ancestors );
- for ( ; ancestorIt.More(); ancestorIt.Next() )
+ PShapeIteratorPtr solidIt = helper.GetAncestors( geomFace, *sm->GetFather(), TopAbs_SOLID);
+ while ( const TopoDS_Shape * solid = solidIt->next() )
- const TopoDS_Shape & solid = ancestorIt.Value();
- if ( solid.ShapeType() == TopAbs_SOLID ) {
- int id = occgeom.somap.FindIndex ( solid );
- if ( solidID1 && id != solidID1 ) solidID2 = id;
- else solidID1 = id;
- }
+ int id = occgeom.somap.FindIndex ( *solid );
+ if ( solidID1 && id != solidID1 ) solidID2 = id;
+ else solidID1 = id;
_faceDescriptors[ faceID ].first = solidID1;
bool reverse = false;
if ( solidID1 ) {
TopoDS_Shape solid = occgeom.somap( solidID1 );
- for ( TopExp_Explorer f( solid, TopAbs_FACE ); f.More(); f.Next() ) {
- if ( geomFace.IsSame( f.Current() )) {
- reverse = SMESH_Algo::IsReversedSubMesh( TopoDS::Face( f.Current()), helper.GetMeshDS() );
- break;
- }
- }
+ TopAbs_Orientation faceOriInSolid = helper.GetSubShapeOri( solid, geomFace );
+ if ( faceOriInSolid >= 0 )
+ reverse = SMESH_Algo::IsReversedSubMesh
+ ( TopoDS::Face( geomFace.Oriented( faceOriInSolid )), helper.GetMeshDS() );
// Add surface elements
- SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr faces = smDS->GetElements();
- while ( faces->more() ) {
+ netgen::Element2d tri(3);
+ tri.SetIndex ( faceID );
+ // triangle on internal or "border" face having doubled nodes
+ netgen::Element2d triDbl(3);
+ triDbl.SetIndex ( faceID );
+ bool isInternalFace = ( internalShapes && geomFace.Orientation() == TopAbs_INTERNAL );
+ bool isBorderFace = ( internalShapes && internalShapes->isBorderFace( sm->GetId() ));
+ cout << "SMESH face " << helper.GetMeshDS()->ShapeToIndex( geomFace )
+ << " internal="<<isInternalFace<< " border="<<isBorderFace << endl;
+ SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr faces = smDS->GetElements();
+ while ( faces->more() )
+ {
const SMDS_MeshElement* f = faces->next();
- if ( f->NbNodes() % 3 != 0 ) { // not triangle
- for ( ancestorIt.Initialize(ancestors); ancestorIt.More(); ancestorIt.Next() )
- if ( ancestorIt.Value().ShapeType() == TopAbs_SOLID ) {
- sm = _mesh->GetSubMesh( ancestorIt.Value() );
- break;
- }
+ if ( f->NbNodes() % 3 != 0 ) // not triangle
+ {
+ PShapeIteratorPtr solidIt=helper.GetAncestors(geomFace,*sm->GetFather(),TopAbs_SOLID);
+ if ( const TopoDS_Shape * solid = solidIt->next() )
+ sm = _mesh->GetSubMesh( *solid );
SMESH_ComputeErrorPtr& smError = sm->GetComputeError();
smError.reset( new SMESH_ComputeError(COMPERR_BAD_INPUT_MESH,"Not triangle submesh"));
smError->myBadElements.push_back( f );
return false;
+ bool makeDbl = ( isInternalFace || ( isBorderFace && borderElems.count( f )));
- netgen::Element2d tri(3);
- tri.SetIndex ( faceID );
- for ( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i ) {
+ for ( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
+ {
const SMDS_MeshNode* node = f->GetNode( i ), * inFaceNode=0;
- if ( helper.IsSeamShape( node->GetPosition()->GetShapeId() ))
+ // get node UV on face
+ int shapeID = node->GetPosition()->GetShapeId();
+ if ( helper.IsSeamShape( shapeID ))
if ( helper.IsSeamShape( f->GetNodeWrap( i+1 )->GetPosition()->GetShapeId() ))
inFaceNode = f->GetNodeWrap( i-1 );
inFaceNode = f->GetNodeWrap( i+1 );
gp_XY uv = helper.GetNodeUV( geomFace, node, inFaceNode );
- if ( reverse ) {
- tri.GeomInfoPi(3-i).u = uv.X();
- tri.GeomInfoPi(3-i).v = uv.Y();
- tri.PNum (3-i) = ngNodeId( node, ngMesh, nodeNgIdMap );
- } else {
- tri.GeomInfoPi(i+1).u = uv.X();
- tri.GeomInfoPi(i+1).v = uv.Y();
- tri.PNum (i+1) = ngNodeId( node, ngMesh, nodeNgIdMap );
+ int ind = reverse ? 3-i : i+1;
+ tri.GeomInfoPi(ind).u = uv.X();
+ tri.GeomInfoPi(ind).v = uv.Y();
+ tri.PNum (ind) = ngNodeId( node, ngMesh, nodeNgIdMap );
+ if ( makeDbl )
+ {
+ int ngID = internalShapes->isInternalShape( shapeID ) ? ngNodeId( node, ngMesh, nodeNgIdMap, makeDbl ) : int ( tri.PNum( ind ));
+ if ( isBorderFace )
+ {
+ tri.PNum( ind ) = ngID;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ triDbl.GeomInfoPi(4-ind) = tri.GeomInfoPi(ind);
+ triDbl.PNum (4-ind) = ngID;
+ }
ngMesh.AddSurfaceElement (tri);
+ if ( isInternalFace )
+ ngMesh.AddSurfaceElement (triDbl);
+ cout << tri << endl;
+ if ( isInternalFace )
+ cout << triDbl << endl;
- } //
+ } // case TopAbs_FACE
case TopAbs_VERTEX: { // VERTEX
// --------------------------
// fill nodeVec
nodeVec.resize( ngMesh.GetNP() + 1 );
- TNode2IdMap::iterator node_NgId, nodeNgIdEnd = nodeNgIdMap.end();
- for ( node_NgId = nodeNgIdMap.begin(); node_NgId != nodeNgIdEnd; ++node_NgId)
- nodeVec[ node_NgId->second ] = (SMDS_MeshNode*) node_NgId->first;
+ for ( int isDbl = 0; isDbl < 2; ++isDbl )
+ {
+ TNode2IdMap::iterator node_NgId, nodeNgIdEnd = nodeNgIdMap[isDbl].end();
+ for ( node_NgId = nodeNgIdMap[isDbl].begin(); node_NgId != nodeNgIdEnd; ++node_NgId)
+ nodeVec[ node_NgId->second ] = (SMDS_MeshNode*) node_NgId->first;
+ }
return true;
const netgen::Mesh& ngMesh,
const NETGENPlugin_ngMeshInfo& initState,
SMESH_Mesh& sMesh,
- std::vector<SMDS_MeshNode*>& nodeVec,
+ std::vector<const SMDS_MeshNode*>& nodeVec,
SMESH_Comment& comment)
int nbNod = ngMesh.GetNP();
- nodeVec_ACCESS(i) = node;
+ nodeVec[i] = node;
// create mesh segments along geometric edges
// create mesh faces along geometric faces
int nbInitFac = initState._nbFaces;
- for (i = nbInitFac+1; i <= nbFac/* && isOK*/; ++i )
+ for (i = nbInitFac+1; i <= nbFac; ++i )
const netgen::Element2d& elem = ngMesh.SurfaceElement(i);
int aGeomFaceInd = elem.GetIndex();
bool NETGENPlugin_Mesher::Compute()
+ NETGENPlugin_NetgenLibWrapper ngLib;
netgen::MeshingParameters& mparams = netgen::mparam;
MESSAGE("Compute with:\n"
" max size = " << mparams.maxh << "\n"
" quad allowed = " << mparams.quad);
SMESH_ComputeErrorPtr error = SMESH_ComputeError::New();
- nglib::Ng_Init();
// -------------------------
// Prepare OCC geometry
netgen::OCCGeometry occgeo;
list< SMESH_subMesh* > meshedSM;
- TopTools_DataMapOfShapeShape internalEdge2Face;
- PrepareOCCgeometry( occgeo, _shape, *_mesh, &meshedSM, &internalEdge2Face );
+ NETGENPlugin_Internals internals( *_mesh, _shape, _isVolume );
+ PrepareOCCgeometry( occgeo, _shape, *_mesh, &meshedSM, &internals );
// -------------------------
// Generate the mesh
int err = 0;
// vector of nodes in which node index == netgen ID
- vector< SMDS_MeshNode* > nodeVec;
+ vector< const SMDS_MeshNode* > nodeVec;
// ----------------
// compute 1D mesh
// ----------------
- // pass 1D simple parameters to NETGEN
+ // Pass 1D simple parameters to NETGEN
if ( _simpleHyp ) {
if ( int nbSeg = _simpleHyp->GetNumberOfSegments() ) {
// nb of segments
mparams.maxh = _simpleHyp->GetLocalLength();
- // let netgen create ngMesh and calculate element size on not meshed shapes
+ // Let netgen create ngMesh and calculate element size on not meshed shapes
char *optstr = 0;
int startWith = netgen::MESHCONST_ANALYSE;
int endWith = netgen::MESHCONST_ANALYSE;
err = netgen::OCCGenerateMesh(occgeo, ngMesh, startWith, endWith, optstr);
if (err) comment << "Error in netgen::OCCGenerateMesh() at MESHCONST_ANALYSE step";
+ ngLib.setMesh(( Ng_Mesh*) ngMesh );
- // precompute internal edges (issue 0020676) in order to
+ // Precompute internal edges (issue 0020676) in order to
// add mesh on them correctly (twice) to netgen mesh
- if ( !err && !internalEdge2Face.IsEmpty() )
+ if ( !err && internals.hasInternalEdges() )
- netgen::OCCGeometry intEdgeOccgeo;
- TopTools_DataMapIteratorOfDataMapOfShapeShape e2f( internalEdge2Face );
- for ( ; e2f.More(); e2f.Next() )
- {
- intEdgeOccgeo.emap.Add( e2f.Key() );
- intEdgeOccgeo.fmap.Add( e2f.Value() );
- for ( TopoDS_Iterator v(e2f.Key() ); v.More(); v.Next() )
- intEdgeOccgeo.vmap.Add( v.Value() );
- SMESH_subMesh* sm = _mesh->GetSubMesh( e2f.Key() );
- SMESH_subMeshIteratorPtr smIt = sm->getDependsOnIterator(/*includeSelf=*/true,true);
- while ( smIt->more() ) meshedSM.push_back( smIt->next() );
- }
- intEdgeOccgeo.boundingbox = occgeo.boundingbox;
- intEdgeOccgeo.shape = occgeo.shape;
+ // load internal shapes into OCCGeometry
+ netgen::OCCGeometry intOccgeo;
+ internals.getInternalEdges( intOccgeo.fmap, intOccgeo.emap, intOccgeo.vmap, meshedSM);
+ intOccgeo.boundingbox = occgeo.boundingbox;
+ intOccgeo.shape = occgeo.shape;
+ // let netgen compute element size by the main geometry in temporary mesh
netgen::Mesh *tmpNgMesh = NULL;
netgen::OCCGenerateMesh(occgeo, tmpNgMesh, startWith, endWith, optstr);
+ // compute mesh on internal edges
endWith = netgen::MESHCONST_MESHEDGES;
- err = netgen::OCCGenerateMesh(intEdgeOccgeo, tmpNgMesh, startWith, endWith, optstr);
+ err = netgen::OCCGenerateMesh(intOccgeo, tmpNgMesh, startWith, endWith, optstr);
if (err) comment << "Error in netgen::OCCGenerateMesh() at meshing internal edges";
- vector< SMDS_MeshNode* > tmpNodeVec;
- FillSMesh( intEdgeOccgeo, *tmpNgMesh, initState, *_mesh, tmpNodeVec, comment );
+ // fill SMESH by netgen mesh
+ vector< const SMDS_MeshNode* > tmpNodeVec;
+ FillSMesh( intOccgeo, *tmpNgMesh, initState, *_mesh, tmpNodeVec, comment );
err = ( !comment.empty() );
- // fill ngMesh with nodes and elements of computed submeshes
+ // Fill ngMesh with nodes and elements of computed submeshes
if ( !err )
+ _faceDescriptors.clear();
err = ! fillNgMesh(occgeo, *ngMesh, nodeVec, meshedSM);
initState = NETGENPlugin_ngMeshInfo(ngMesh);
- // compute mesh
+ // Compute 1d mesh
if (!err)
startWith = endWith = netgen::MESHCONST_MESHEDGES;
// ---------------------
if (!err)
- // pass 2D simple parameters to NETGEN
+ // Pass 2D simple parameters to NETGEN
if ( _simpleHyp ) {
if ( double area = _simpleHyp->GetMaxElementArea() ) {
// face area
else {
// length from edges
- double length = 0;
- TopTools_MapOfShape tmpMap;
- for ( TopExp_Explorer exp( _shape, TopAbs_EDGE ); exp.More(); exp.Next() )
- if( tmpMap.Add(exp.Current()) )
- length += SMESH_Algo::EdgeLength( TopoDS::Edge( exp.Current() ));
if ( ngMesh->GetNSeg() ) {
+ double edgeLength = 0;
+ TopTools_MapOfShape visitedEdges;
+ for ( TopExp_Explorer exp( _shape, TopAbs_EDGE ); exp.More(); exp.Next() )
+ if( visitedEdges.Add(exp.Current()) )
+ edgeLength += SMESH_Algo::EdgeLength( TopoDS::Edge( exp.Current() ));
// we have to multiply length by 2 since for each TopoDS_Edge there
// are double set of NETGEN edges or, in other words, we have to
- // divide ngMesh->GetNSeg() on 2.
- mparams.maxh = 2*length / ngMesh->GetNSeg();
+ // divide ngMesh->GetNSeg() by 2.
+ mparams.maxh = 2*edgeLength / ngMesh->GetNSeg();
- else
+ else {
mparams.maxh = 1000;
+ }
mparams.grading = 0.2; // slow size growth
mparams.maxh = min( mparams.maxh, occgeo.boundingbox.Diam()/2 );
bb.Increase (bb.Diam()/20);
ngMesh->SetLocalH (bb.PMin(), bb.PMax(), mparams.grading);
- // let netgen compute 2D mesh
+ // Precompute internal faces (issue 0020676) in order to
+ // add mesh on them correctly (twice to emulate the crack) to netgen mesh
+ if ( internals.hasInternalFaces() )
+ {
+ // fill SMESH with generated segments
+ FillSMesh( occgeo, *ngMesh, initState, *_mesh, nodeVec, comment );
+ // load internal shapes into OCCGeometry
+ netgen::OCCGeometry intOccgeo;
+ list< SMESH_subMesh* > boundarySM;
+ internals.getInternalFaces( intOccgeo.fmap, intOccgeo.emap, meshedSM, boundarySM);
+ intOccgeo.boundingbox = occgeo.boundingbox;
+ intOccgeo.shape = occgeo.shape;
+ intOccgeo.facemeshstatus.SetSize (intOccgeo.fmap.Extent());
+ intOccgeo.facemeshstatus = 0;
+ // let netgen compute element size by the main geometry in temporary mesh
+ int start = netgen::MESHCONST_ANALYSE, end = netgen::MESHCONST_ANALYSE;
+ netgen::Mesh *tmpNgMesh = NULL;
+ netgen::OCCGenerateMesh(occgeo, tmpNgMesh, start, end, optstr);
+ // add already computed elements from submeshes of internal faces to tmpNgMesh
+ vector< const SMDS_MeshNode* > tmpNodeVec;
+ fillNgMesh(intOccgeo, *tmpNgMesh, tmpNodeVec, boundarySM);
+ // compute mesh on internal faces
+ NETGENPlugin_ngMeshInfo prevState(tmpNgMesh);
+ start = netgen::MESHCONST_MESHEDGES;
+ err = netgen::OCCGenerateMesh(intOccgeo, tmpNgMesh, start, end, optstr);
+ if (err) comment << "Error in netgen::OCCGenerateMesh() at meshing internal faces";
+ // fill SMESH with computed elements
+ FillSMesh( intOccgeo, *tmpNgMesh, prevState, *_mesh, tmpNodeVec, comment );
+ err = ( !comment.empty() );
+ // add elements on internal faces to netgen mesh
+// occgeo.facemeshstatus.SetSize (occgeo.fmap.Extent() + intOccgeo.fmap.Extent());
+// occgeo.facemeshstatus = 0;
+// for ( int i = 1; i <= intOccgeo.fmap.Extent(); ++i )
+// {
+// occgeo.fmap.Add(intOccgeo.fmap(i));
+// occgeo.facemeshstatus[ occgeo.fmap.Extent()-1 ] = intOccgeo.facemeshstatus[i-1];
+// }
+ err = ! fillNgMesh(occgeo, *ngMesh, nodeVec, meshedSM, &internals);
+ initState = NETGENPlugin_ngMeshInfo(ngMesh);
+ nglib::Ng_DeleteMesh((nglib::Ng_Mesh*)tmpNgMesh);
+ }
+ // Let netgen compute 2D mesh
startWith = netgen::MESHCONST_MESHSURFACE;
endWith = _optimize ? netgen::MESHCONST_OPTSURFACE : netgen::MESHCONST_MESHSURFACE;
err = netgen::OCCGenerateMesh(occgeo, ngMesh, startWith, endWith, optstr);
// ---------------------
if (!err && _isVolume)
- // add ng face descriptors of meshed faces
+ // Add ng face descriptors of meshed faces
map< int, pair<int,int> >::iterator fId_soIds = _faceDescriptors.begin();
for ( ; fId_soIds != _faceDescriptors.end(); ++fId_soIds ) {
int faceID = fId_soIds->first;
int solidID2 = fId_soIds->second.second;
ngMesh->AddFaceDescriptor (netgen::FaceDescriptor(faceID, solidID1, solidID2, 0));
- // pass 3D simple parameters to NETGEN
+ // Pass 3D simple parameters to NETGEN
const NETGENPlugin_SimpleHypothesis_3D* simple3d =
dynamic_cast< const NETGENPlugin_SimpleHypothesis_3D* > ( _simpleHyp );
if ( simple3d ) {
mparams.grading = 0.4;
- // let netgen compute 3D mesh
+ // Let netgen compute 3D mesh
startWith = netgen::MESHCONST_MESHVOLUME;
endWith = _optimize ? netgen::MESHCONST_OPTVOLUME : netgen::MESHCONST_MESHVOLUME;
err = netgen::OCCGenerateMesh(occgeo, ngMesh, startWith, endWith, optstr);
if ( true /*isOK*/ ) // get whatever built
FillSMesh( occgeo, *ngMesh, initState, *_mesh, nodeVec, comment );
+ SMESH_ComputeErrorPtr readErr = readErrors(nodeVec);
+ if ( readErr && !readErr->myBadElements.empty() )
+ error = readErr;
if ( error->IsOK() && ( !isOK || comment.size() > 0 ))
error->myName = COMPERR_ALGO_FAILED;
// set bad compute error to subshapes of all failed subshapes shapes
if ( !error->IsOK() && err )
+ bool pb2D = false;
for (int i = 1; i <= occgeo.fmap.Extent(); i++) {
int status = occgeo.facemeshstatus[i-1];
if (status == 1 ) continue;
+ pb2D = true;
if ( SMESH_subMesh* sm = _mesh->GetSubMeshContaining( occgeo.fmap( i ))) {
SMESH_ComputeErrorPtr& smError = sm->GetComputeError();
if ( !smError || smError->IsOK() ) {
if ( status == -1 )
- smError.reset( new SMESH_ComputeError( error->myName, error->myComment ));
+ smError.reset( new SMESH_ComputeError( *error ));
smError.reset( new SMESH_ComputeError( COMPERR_ALGO_FAILED, "Ignored" ));
+ if ( !pb2D ) // all faces are OK
+ for (int i = 1; i <= occgeo.somap.Extent(); i++)
+ if ( SMESH_subMesh* sm = _mesh->GetSubMeshContaining( occgeo.somap( i )))
+ {
+ SMESH_ComputeErrorPtr& smError = sm->GetComputeError();
+ if ( sm->IsEmpty() && ( !smError || smError->IsOK() ))
+ smError.reset( new SMESH_ComputeError( *error ));
+ }
- nglib::Ng_DeleteMesh((nglib::Ng_Mesh*)ngMesh);
- nglib::Ng_Exit();
- RemoveTmpFiles();
return error->IsOK();
// let netgen create ngMesh and calculate element size on not meshed shapes
- nglib::Ng_Init();
+ NETGENPlugin_NetgenLibWrapper ngLib;
netgen::Mesh *ngMesh = NULL;
char *optstr = 0;
int startWith = netgen::MESHCONST_ANALYSE;
int endWith = netgen::MESHCONST_MESHEDGES;
int err = netgen::OCCGenerateMesh(occgeo, ngMesh, startWith, endWith, optstr);
+ ngLib.setMesh(( Ng_Mesh*) ngMesh );
if (err) {
if ( SMESH_subMesh* sm = _mesh->GetSubMeshContaining( _shape ))
sm->GetComputeError().reset( new SMESH_ComputeError( COMPERR_ALGO_FAILED ));
fullNbSeg += aVec[ entity ];
Edge2NbSeg( Edge2NbSegIt.Key() ) = aVec[ entity ];
- nglib::Ng_DeleteMesh((nglib::Ng_Mesh*)ngMesh);
- nglib::Ng_Exit();
// ----------------
// evaluate 2D
NETGENPlugin_Mesher::readErrors(const vector<const SMDS_MeshNode* >& nodeVec)
SMESH_ComputeErrorPtr err = SMESH_ComputeError::New
- (COMPERR_BAD_INPUT_MESH, "some edges multiple times in surface mesh");
+ (COMPERR_BAD_INPUT_MESH, "Some edges multiple times in surface mesh");
SMESH_File file("test.out");
vector<int> edge(2);
const char* badEdgeStr = " multiple times in surface mesh";
_nbNodes = _nbSegments = _nbFaces = _nbVolumes = 0;
+ * \brief Find "internal" sub-shapes
+ */
+NETGENPlugin_Internals::NETGENPlugin_Internals( SMESH_Mesh& mesh,
+ const TopoDS_Shape& shape,
+ bool is3D )
+ : _mesh( mesh ), _is3D( is3D )
+ SMESHDS_Mesh* meshDS = mesh.GetMeshDS();
+ TopExp_Explorer f,e;
+ for ( f.Init( shape, TopAbs_FACE ); f.More(); f.Next() )
+ {
+ // find not computed internal edges
+ for ( e.Init( f.Current().Oriented(TopAbs_FORWARD), TopAbs_EDGE ); e.More(); e.Next() )
+ if ( e.Current().Orientation() == TopAbs_INTERNAL )
+ {
+ SMESH_subMesh* eSM = mesh.GetSubMesh( e.Current() );
+ if ( eSM->IsEmpty() )
+ {
+ int faceID = meshDS->ShapeToIndex( f.Current() );
+ _ev2face.insert( make_pair( eSM->GetId(), faceID ));
+ for ( TopoDS_Iterator v(e.Current()); v.More(); v.Next() )
+ _ev2face.insert( make_pair( meshDS->ShapeToIndex( v.Value() ), faceID ));
+ }
+ }
+ if ( is3D )
+ {
+ // find internal faces and their subshapes where nodes are to be doubled
+ if ( f.Current().Orientation() == TopAbs_INTERNAL )
+ {
+ _intShapes.insert( meshDS->ShapeToIndex( f.Current() ));
+ // egdes
+ list< TopoDS_Shape > edges;
+ for ( e.Init( f.Current(), TopAbs_EDGE ); e.More(); e.Next())
+ if ( SMESH_MesherHelper::NbAncestors( e.Current(), mesh, TopAbs_FACE ) > 1 )
+ {
+ _intShapes.insert( meshDS->ShapeToIndex( e.Current() ));
+ edges.push_back( e.Current() );
+ // find border faces
+ PShapeIteratorPtr fIt =
+ SMESH_MesherHelper::GetAncestors( edges.back(),mesh,TopAbs_FACE );
+ while ( const TopoDS_Shape* pFace = fIt->next() )
+ if ( !pFace->IsSame( f.Current() ))
+ _borderFaces.insert( meshDS->ShapeToIndex( *pFace ));
+ }
+ // vertices
+ // we consider vertex internal if it is shared by more than one internal edge
+ list< TopoDS_Shape >::iterator edge = edges.begin();
+ for ( ; edge != edges.end(); ++edge )
+ for ( TopoDS_Iterator v( *edge ); v.More(); v.Next() )
+ {
+ set<int> internalEdges;
+ PShapeIteratorPtr eIt =
+ SMESH_MesherHelper::GetAncestors( v.Value(),mesh,TopAbs_EDGE );
+ while ( const TopoDS_Shape* pEdge = eIt->next() )
+ {
+ int edgeID = meshDS->ShapeToIndex( *pEdge );
+ if ( isInternalShape( edgeID ))
+ internalEdges.insert( edgeID );
+ }
+ if ( internalEdges.size() > 1 )
+ _intShapes.insert( meshDS->ShapeToIndex( v.Value() ));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ * \brief Find mesh faces on non-internal geom faces sharing internal edge
+ * some nodes of which are to be doubled to make the second border of the "crack"
+ */
+void NETGENPlugin_Internals::findBorderElements( TIDSortedElemSet & borderElems )
+ if ( _intShapes.empty() ) return;
+ SMESH_Mesh& mesh = const_cast<SMESH_Mesh&>(_mesh);
+ SMESHDS_Mesh* meshDS = mesh.GetMeshDS();
+ // loop on internal geom edges
+ set<int>::const_iterator intShapeId = _intShapes.begin();
+ for ( ; intShapeId != _intShapes.end(); ++intShapeId )
+ {
+ const TopoDS_Shape& s = meshDS->IndexToShape( *intShapeId );
+ if ( s.ShapeType() != TopAbs_EDGE ) continue;
+ // get internal and non-internal geom faces sharing the internal edge <s>
+ int intFace = 0;
+ set<int>::iterator bordFace = _borderFaces.end();
+ PShapeIteratorPtr faces = SMESH_MesherHelper::GetAncestors( s, _mesh, TopAbs_FACE );
+ while ( const TopoDS_Shape* pFace = faces->next() )
+ {
+ int faceID = meshDS->ShapeToIndex( *pFace );
+ if ( isInternalShape( faceID ))
+ intFace = faceID;
+ else
+ bordFace = _borderFaces.insert( faceID ).first;
+ }
+ if ( bordFace == _borderFaces.end() || !intFace ) continue;
+ // get all links of mesh faces on internal geom face sharing nodes on edge <s>
+ set< SMESH_OrientedLink > links; //!< links of faces on internal geom face
+ list<const SMDS_MeshElement*> suspectFaces[2]; //!< mesh faces on border geom faces
+ int nbSuspectFaces = 0;
+ SMESHDS_SubMesh* intFaceSM = meshDS->MeshElements( intFace );
+ if ( !intFaceSM || intFaceSM->NbElements() == 0 ) continue;
+ SMESH_subMeshIteratorPtr smIt = mesh.GetSubMesh( s )->getDependsOnIterator(true,true);
+ while ( smIt->more() )
+ {
+ SMESHDS_SubMesh* sm = smIt->next()->GetSubMeshDS();
+ if ( !sm ) continue;
+ SMDS_NodeIteratorPtr nIt = sm->GetNodes();
+ while ( nIt->more() )
+ {
+ const SMDS_MeshNode* nOnEdge = nIt->next();
+ SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr fIt = nOnEdge->GetInverseElementIterator(SMDSAbs_Face);
+ while ( fIt->more() )
+ {
+ const SMDS_MeshElement* f = fIt->next();
+ int nbNodes = f->NbNodes() / ( f->IsQuadratic() ? 2 : 1 );
+ if ( intFaceSM->Contains( f ))
+ {
+ for ( int i = 0; i < nbNodes; ++i )
+ links.insert( SMESH_OrientedLink( f->GetNode(i), f->GetNode((i+1)%nbNodes)));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int nbDblNodes = 0;
+ for ( int i = 0; i < nbNodes; ++i )
+ nbDblNodes += isInternalShape( f->GetNode(i)->GetPosition()->GetShapeId() );
+ if ( nbDblNodes )
+ suspectFaces[ nbDblNodes < 2 ].push_back( f );
+ nbSuspectFaces++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // suspectFaces[0] having link with same orientation as mesh faces on
+ // the internal geom face are <borderElems>. suspectFaces[1] have
+ // only one node on edge s, we decide on them later (at the 2nd loop)
+ // by links of <borderElems> found at the 1st and 2nd loops
+ set< SMESH_OrientedLink > borderLinks;
+ for ( int isPostponed = 0; isPostponed < 2; ++isPostponed )
+ {
+ list<const SMDS_MeshElement*>::iterator fIt = suspectFaces[isPostponed].begin();
+ for ( int nbF = 0; fIt != suspectFaces[isPostponed].end(); ++fIt, ++nbF )
+ {
+ const SMDS_MeshElement* f = *fIt;
+ bool isBorder = false, linkFound = false, borderLinkFound = false;
+ list< SMESH_OrientedLink > faceLinks;
+ int nbNodes = f->NbNodes() / ( f->IsQuadratic() ? 2 : 1 );
+ for ( int i = 0; i < nbNodes; ++i )
+ {
+ SMESH_OrientedLink link( f->GetNode(i), f->GetNode((i+1)%nbNodes));
+ faceLinks.push_back( link );
+ if ( !linkFound )
+ {
+ set< SMESH_OrientedLink >::iterator foundLink = links.find( link );
+ if ( foundLink != links.end() )
+ {
+ linkFound= true;
+ isBorder = ( foundLink->_reversed == link._reversed );
+ if ( !isBorder && !isPostponed ) break;
+ faceLinks.pop_back();
+ }
+ else if ( isPostponed && !borderLinkFound )
+ {
+ foundLink = borderLinks.find( link );
+ if ( foundLink != borderLinks.end() )
+ {
+ borderLinkFound = true;
+ isBorder = ( foundLink->_reversed != link._reversed );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( isBorder )
+ {
+ borderElems.insert( f );
+ borderLinks.insert( faceLinks.begin(), faceLinks.end() );
+ }
+ else if ( !linkFound && !borderLinkFound )
+ {
+ suspectFaces[1].push_back( f );
+ if ( nbF > 2 * nbSuspectFaces )
+ break; // dead loop protection
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// TIDSortedElemSet posponedFaces;
+// set< SMESH_OrientedLink > borderLinks;
+// TIDSortedElemSet::iterator fIt = suspectFaces.begin();
+// for ( ; fIt != suspectFaces.end(); ++fIt )
+// {
+// const SMDS_MeshElement* f = *fIt;
+// bool linkFound = false, isBorder = false;
+// list< SMESH_OrientedLink > faceLinks;
+// int nbNodes = f->NbNodes() / ( f->IsQuadratic() ? 2 : 1 );
+// for ( int i = 0; i < nbNodes; ++i )
+// {
+// SMESH_OrientedLink link( f->GetNode(i), f->GetNode((i+1)%nbNodes));
+// faceLinks.push_back( link );
+// if ( !linkFound )
+// {
+// set< SMESH_OrientedLink >::iterator foundLink = links.find( link );
+// if ( foundLink != links.end() )
+// {
+// linkFound= true;
+// isBorder = ( foundLink->_reversed == link._reversed );
+// if ( !isBorder ) break;
+// }
+// }
+// }
+// if ( isBorder )
+// {
+// borderElems.insert( f );
+// borderLinks.insert( faceLinks.begin(), faceLinks.end() );
+// }
+// else if ( !linkFound )
+// {
+// posponedFaces.insert( f );
+// }
+// }
+// // decide on posponedFaces
+// for ( fIt = posponedFaces.begin(); fIt != posponedFaces.end(); ++fIt )
+// {
+// const SMDS_MeshElement* f = *fIt;
+// int nbNodes = f->NbNodes() / ( f->IsQuadratic() ? 2 : 1 );
+// for ( int i = 0; i < nbNodes; ++i )
+// {
+// SMESH_OrientedLink link( f->GetNode(i), f->GetNode((i+1)%nbNodes));
+// set< SMESH_OrientedLink >::iterator foundLink = borderLinks.find( link );
+// if ( foundLink != borderLinks.end() )
+// {
+// if ( foundLink->_reversed != link._reversed )
+// borderElems.insert( f );
+// break;
+// }
+// }
+// }
+ }
+ * \brief put internal shapes in maps and fill in submeshes to precompute
+ */
+void NETGENPlugin_Internals::getInternalEdges( TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape& fmap,
+ TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape& emap,
+ TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape& vmap,
+ list< SMESH_subMesh* >& smToPrecompute)
+ if ( !hasInternalEdges() ) return;
+ map<int,int>::const_iterator ev_face = _ev2face.begin();
+ for ( ; ev_face != _ev2face.end(); ++ev_face )
+ {
+ const TopoDS_Shape& ev = _mesh.GetMeshDS()->IndexToShape( ev_face->first );
+ const TopoDS_Shape& face = _mesh.GetMeshDS()->IndexToShape( ev_face->second );
+ ( ev.ShapeType() == TopAbs_EDGE ? emap : vmap ).Add( ev );
+ fmap.Add( face );
+ //cout<<"INTERNAL EDGE or VERTEX "<<ev_face->first<<" on face "<<ev_face->second<<endl;
+ smToPrecompute.push_back( _mesh.GetSubMeshContaining( ev_face->first ));
+ }
+ * \brief return shapes and submeshes to be meshed and already meshed boundary submeshes
+ */
+void NETGENPlugin_Internals::getInternalFaces( TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape& fmap,
+ TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape& emap,
+ list< SMESH_subMesh* >& intFaceSM,
+ list< SMESH_subMesh* >& boundarySM)
+ if ( !hasInternalFaces() ) return;
+ // <fmap> and <emap> are for not yet meshed shapes
+ // <intFaceSM> is for submeshes of faces
+ // <boundarySM> is for meshed edges and vertices
+ intFaceSM.clear();
+ boundarySM.clear();
+ set<int> shapeIDs ( _intShapes );
+ if ( !_borderFaces.empty() )
+ shapeIDs.insert( _borderFaces.begin(), _borderFaces.end() );
+ set<int>::const_iterator intS = shapeIDs.begin();
+ for ( ; intS != shapeIDs.end(); ++intS )
+ {
+ SMESH_subMesh* sm = _mesh.GetSubMeshContaining( *intS );
+ if ( sm->GetSubShape().ShapeType() != TopAbs_FACE ) continue;
+ intFaceSM.push_back( sm );
+ // add submeshes of not computed internal faces
+ if ( !sm->IsEmpty() ) continue;
+ SMESH_subMeshIteratorPtr smIt = sm->getDependsOnIterator(true,true);
+ while ( smIt->more() )
+ {
+ sm = smIt->next();
+ const TopoDS_Shape& s = sm->GetSubShape();
+ if ( sm->IsEmpty() )
+ {
+ // not yet meshed
+ switch ( s.ShapeType() ) {
+ case TopAbs_FACE: fmap.Add ( s ); break;
+ case TopAbs_EDGE: emap.Add ( s ); break;
+ default:;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( s.ShapeType() != TopAbs_FACE )
+ boundarySM.push_back( sm );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ * \brief Return true if given shape is to be precomputed in order to be correctly
+ * added to netgen mesh
+ */
+bool NETGENPlugin_Internals::isShapeToPrecompute(const TopoDS_Shape& s)
+ int shapeID = _mesh.GetMeshDS()->ShapeToIndex( s );
+ switch ( s.ShapeType() ) {
+ case TopAbs_FACE : return isInternalShape( shapeID ) || isBorderFace( shapeID );
+ case TopAbs_EDGE : return isInternalEdge( shapeID );
+ case TopAbs_VERTEX: return false; //isInternalVertex( shapeID );
+ default:;
+ }
+ return false;
+ * \brief Initialize netgen library
+ */
+ Ng_Init();
+ _ngMesh = Ng_NewMesh();
+ * \brief Finish using netgen library
+ */
+ Ng_DeleteMesh( _ngMesh );
+ Ng_Exit();
+ NETGENPlugin_Mesher::RemoveTmpFiles();
+ * \brief Set netgen mesh to delete at destruction
+ */
+void NETGENPlugin_NetgenLibWrapper::setMesh( Ng_Mesh* mesh )
+ if ( _ngMesh )
+ Ng_DeleteMesh( _ngMesh );
+ _ngMesh = mesh;
return isOk;
- //================================================================================
- /*!
- * \brief It correctly initializes netgen library at constructor and
- * correctly finishes using netgen library at destructor
- */
- //================================================================================
- struct TNetgenLibWrapper
- {
- Ng_Mesh* _ngMesh;
- TNetgenLibWrapper()
- {
- Ng_Init();
- _ngMesh = Ng_NewMesh();
- }
- ~TNetgenLibWrapper()
- {
- Ng_DeleteMesh( _ngMesh );
- Ng_Exit();
- NETGENPlugin_Mesher::RemoveTmpFiles();
- }
- };
- //================================================================================
- /*!
- * \brief Find mesh faces on non-internal geom faces sharing internal edge
- * some nodes of which are to be doubled to make the second border of the "crack"
- */
- //================================================================================
- void findBorders( const set<int>& internalShapeIds,
- SMESH_MesherHelper& helper,
- TIDSortedElemSet & borderElems,
- set<int> & borderFaceIds )
- {
- SMESH_Mesh* mesh = helper.GetMesh();
- SMESHDS_Mesh* meshDS = helper.GetMeshDS();
- // loop on internal geom edges
- set<int>::const_iterator intShapeId = internalShapeIds.begin();
- for ( ; intShapeId != internalShapeIds.end(); ++intShapeId )
- {
- const TopoDS_Shape& s = meshDS->IndexToShape( *intShapeId );
- if ( s.ShapeType() != TopAbs_EDGE ) continue;
- // get internal and non-internal geom faces sharing the internal edge <s>
- int intFace = 0;
- set<int>::iterator bordFace = borderFaceIds.end();
- TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape ancIt( mesh->GetAncestors( s ));
- for ( ; ancIt.More(); ancIt.Next() )
- {
- if ( ancIt.Value().ShapeType() != TopAbs_FACE ) continue;
- int faceID = meshDS->ShapeToIndex( ancIt.Value() );
- if ( internalShapeIds.count( faceID ))
- intFace = faceID;
- else
- bordFace = borderFaceIds.insert( faceID ).first;
- }
- if ( bordFace == borderFaceIds.end() || !intFace ) continue;
- // get all links of mesh faces on internal geom face sharing nodes on edge <s>
- set< SMESH_OrientedLink > links; //!< links of faces on internal geom face
- TIDSortedElemSet suspectFaces; //!< mesh faces on border geom faces
- SMESHDS_SubMesh* intFaceSM = meshDS->MeshElements( intFace );
- if ( !intFaceSM || intFaceSM->NbElements() == 0 ) continue;
- SMESH_subMeshIteratorPtr smIt = mesh->GetSubMesh( s )->getDependsOnIterator(true,true);
- while ( smIt->more() )
- {
- SMESHDS_SubMesh* sm = smIt->next()->GetSubMeshDS();
- if ( !sm ) continue;
- SMDS_NodeIteratorPtr nIt = sm->GetNodes();
- while ( nIt->more() )
- {
- const SMDS_MeshNode* nOnEdge = nIt->next();
- SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr fIt = nOnEdge->GetInverseElementIterator(SMDSAbs_Face);
- while ( fIt->more() )
- {
- const SMDS_MeshElement* f = fIt->next();
- if ( intFaceSM->Contains( f ))
- {
- int nbNodes = f->NbNodes() / ( f->IsQuadratic() ? 2 : 1 );
- for ( int i = 0; i < nbNodes; ++i )
- links.insert( SMESH_OrientedLink( f->GetNode(i), f->GetNode((i+1)%nbNodes)));
- }
- else
- {
- suspectFaces.insert( f );
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // <suspectFaces> having link with same orientation as mesh faces on
- // the internal geom face are <borderElems>.
- // Some of them have only one node on edge s, we collect them to decide
- // later by links of found <borderElems>
- TIDSortedElemSet posponedFaces;
- set< SMESH_OrientedLink > borderLinks;
- TIDSortedElemSet::iterator fIt = suspectFaces.begin();
- for ( ; fIt != suspectFaces.end(); ++fIt )
- {
- const SMDS_MeshElement* f = *fIt;
- bool linkFound = false, isBorder = false;
- list< SMESH_OrientedLink > faceLinks;
- int nbNodes = f->NbNodes() / ( f->IsQuadratic() ? 2 : 1 );
- for ( int i = 0; i < nbNodes; ++i )
- {
- SMESH_OrientedLink link( f->GetNode(i), f->GetNode((i+1)%nbNodes));
- faceLinks.push_back( link );
- if ( !linkFound )
- {
- set< SMESH_OrientedLink >::iterator foundLink = links.find( link );
- if ( foundLink != links.end() )
- {
- linkFound= true;
- isBorder = ( foundLink->_reversed == link._reversed );
- if ( !isBorder ) break;
- }
- }
- }
- if ( isBorder )
- {
- borderElems.insert( f );
- borderLinks.insert( faceLinks.begin(), faceLinks.end() );
- }
- else if ( !linkFound )
- {
- posponedFaces.insert( f );
- }
- }
- // decide on posponedFaces
- for ( fIt = posponedFaces.begin(); fIt != posponedFaces.end(); ++fIt )
- {
- const SMDS_MeshElement* f = *fIt;
- int nbNodes = f->NbNodes() / ( f->IsQuadratic() ? 2 : 1 );
- for ( int i = 0; i < nbNodes; ++i )
- {
- SMESH_OrientedLink link( f->GetNode(i), f->GetNode((i+1)%nbNodes));
- set< SMESH_OrientedLink >::iterator foundLink = borderLinks.find( link );
- if ( foundLink != borderLinks.end() )
- {
- if ( foundLink->_reversed != link._reversed )
- borderElems.insert( f );
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
*Here we are going to use the NETGEN mesher
int Netgen_triangle[3];
int Netgen_tetrahedron[4];
- TNetgenLibWrapper ngLib;
+ NETGENPlugin_NetgenLibWrapper ngLib;
Ng_Mesh * Netgen_mesh = ngLib._ngMesh;
// maps of 1) ordinary nodes and 2) doubled nodes on internal shapes
SMESH::Controls::Area areaControl;
SMESH::Controls::TSequenceOfXYZ nodesCoords;
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Issue 0020676 (StudyFiss_bugNetgen3D.hdf). Pb with internal face.
// Find internal geom faces, edges and vertices.
// Nodes and faces built on the found internal shapes
// will be doubled in Netgen input to make two borders of the "crack".
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- set<int> internalShapeIds;
- set<int> borderFaceIds; //!< non-internal geom faces sharing internal edge
+ NETGENPlugin_Internals internals( aMesh, aShape, /*is3D=*/true );
- // mesh faces on <borderFaceIds>, having nodes on internal edge that are
- // to be replaced by doubled nodes
+ // mesh faces on non-internal geom faces sharing internal edge, whose some nodes
+ // are on internal edge and are to be replaced by doubled nodes
TIDSortedElemSet borderElems;
- // find "internal" faces and edges
- TopExp_Explorer exFa(aShape,TopAbs_FACE), exEd, exVe;
- for ( ; exFa.More(); exFa.Next())
- {
- if ( exFa.Current().Orientation() == TopAbs_INTERNAL )
- {
- internalShapeIds.insert( meshDS->ShapeToIndex( exFa.Current() ));
- for ( exEd.Init( exFa.Current(), TopAbs_EDGE ); exEd.More(); exEd.Next())
- if ( helper.NbAncestors( exEd.Current(), aMesh, TopAbs_FACE ) > 1 )
- internalShapeIds.insert( meshDS->ShapeToIndex( exEd.Current() ));
- }
- }
- if ( !internalShapeIds.empty() )
- {
- // find internal vertices,
- // we consider vertex internal if it is shared by more than one internal edge
- TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape ancIt;
- set<int>::iterator intShapeId = internalShapeIds.begin();
- for ( ; intShapeId != internalShapeIds.end(); ++intShapeId )
- {
- const TopoDS_Shape& s = meshDS->IndexToShape( *intShapeId );
- if ( s.ShapeType() != TopAbs_EDGE ) continue;
- for ( exVe.Init( s, TopAbs_VERTEX ); exVe.More(); exVe.Next())
- {
- set<int> internalEdges;
- for ( ancIt.Initialize( aMesh.GetAncestors( exVe.Current() ));
- ancIt.More(); ancIt.Next() )
- {
- if ( ancIt.Value().ShapeType() != TopAbs_EDGE ) continue;
- int edgeID = meshDS->ShapeToIndex( ancIt.Value() );
- if ( internalShapeIds.count( edgeID ))
- internalEdges.insert( edgeID );
- }
- if ( internalEdges.size() > 1 )
- internalShapeIds.insert( meshDS->ShapeToIndex( exVe.Current() ));
- }
- }
- // find border shapes and mesh elements
- findBorders( internalShapeIds, helper, borderElems, borderFaceIds );
- }
+ internals.findBorderElements( borderElems );
// ---------------------------------
// Feed the Netgen with surface mesh
if ( aMesh.NbQuadrangles() > 0 )
- for ( exFa.ReInit(); exFa.More(); exFa.Next())
+ for ( TopExp_Explorer exFa( aShape, TopAbs_FACE ); exFa.More(); exFa.Next())
const TopoDS_Shape& aShapeFace = exFa.Current();
int faceID = meshDS->ShapeToIndex( aShapeFace );
- bool isInternalFace = internalShapeIds.count( faceID );
- bool isBorderFace = borderFaceIds.count( faceID );
+ bool isInternalFace = internals.isInternalShape( faceID );
+ bool isBorderFace = internals.isBorderFace( faceID );
bool isRev = false;
if ( checkReverse && !isInternalFace &&
helper.NbAncestors(aShapeFace, aMesh, aShape.ShapeType()) > 1 )
node = SMESH_Algo::VertexNode( TopoDS::Vertex( vertex ), meshDS );
hasDegen = true;
- bool isDblN = isDblF && internalShapeIds.count( shapeID );
+ bool isDblN = isDblF && internals.isInternalShape( shapeID );
int& ngID = nodeToNetgenID[isDblN].insert(TN2ID( node, invalid_ID )).first->second;
if ( ngID == invalid_ID )
int Netgen_triangle[3];
int Netgen_tetrahedron[4];
- TNetgenLibWrapper ngLib;
+ NETGENPlugin_NetgenLibWrapper ngLib;
Ng_Mesh * Netgen_mesh = ngLib._ngMesh;
// set nodes and remember thier netgen IDs