COMPERR_ALGO_FAILED , // computation failed
COMPERR_BAD_SHAPE , // bad geometry
COMPERR_WARNING , // algo reports error but sub-mesh is computed anyway
- COMPERR_CANCELED // compute canceled
+ COMPERR_CANCELED , // compute canceled
+ COMPERR_NO_MESH_ON_SHAPE // no mesh elements assigned to sub-mesh
struct ComputeError
// If you modify it, pls update SMESH_ComputeError::CommonName() below.
// Positive values are for algo specific errors
- COMPERR_OK = -1,
- COMPERR_BAD_INPUT_MESH = -2, //!< wrong mesh on lower submesh
- COMPERR_STD_EXCEPTION = -3, //!< some std exception raised
- COMPERR_OCC_EXCEPTION = -4, //!< OCC exception raised
- COMPERR_SLM_EXCEPTION = -5, //!< SALOME exception raised
- COMPERR_EXCEPTION = -6, //!< other exception raised
- COMPERR_MEMORY_PB = -7, //!< std::bad_alloc exception
- COMPERR_ALGO_FAILED = -8, //!< algo failed for some reason
- COMPERR_BAD_SHAPE = -9, //!< bad geometry
- COMPERR_WARNING = -10, //!< algo reports error but sub-mesh is computed anyway
- COMPERR_CANCELED = -11 //!< compute canceled
+ COMPERR_OK = -1,
+ COMPERR_BAD_INPUT_MESH = -2, //!< wrong mesh on lower submesh
+ COMPERR_STD_EXCEPTION = -3, //!< some std exception raised
+ COMPERR_OCC_EXCEPTION = -4, //!< OCC exception raised
+ COMPERR_SLM_EXCEPTION = -5, //!< SALOME exception raised
+ COMPERR_EXCEPTION = -6, //!< other exception raised
+ COMPERR_MEMORY_PB = -7, //!< std::bad_alloc exception
+ COMPERR_ALGO_FAILED = -8, //!< algo failed for some reason
+ COMPERR_BAD_SHAPE = -9, //!< bad geometry
+ COMPERR_WARNING = -10, //!< algo reports error but sub-mesh is computed anyway
+ COMPERR_CANCELED = -11, //!< compute canceled
+ COMPERR_NO_MESH_ON_SHAPE = -12 //!< no mesh elements assigned to sub-shape
// =============================================================