void SketchSolver_ConstraintAngle::adjustConstraint()
+ static const double aTol = 1000. * tolerance;
Slvs_Constraint aConstraint = myStorage->getConstraint(mySlvsConstraints.front());
bool isFixed[2][2];
std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Pnt2d> aPoints[2][2]; // start and end points of lines
Slvs_hConstraint aFixedConstraint;
- double aLineDir[2][2] = { {0.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 0.0} };
Slvs_hEntity anEnt[2] = {aConstraint.entityA, aConstraint.entityB};
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
const Slvs_Entity& aLine = myStorage->getEntity(anEnt[i]);
for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++, aCoef += 2.0) {
const Slvs_Entity& aPoint = myStorage->getEntity(aLine.point[j]);
double aCoords[2];
- for (int k = 0; k < 2; k++) {
+ for (int k = 0; k < 2; k++)
aCoords[k] = myStorage->getParameter(aPoint.param[k]).val;
- aLineDir[i][k] += aCoef * aCoords[k];
- }
isFixed[i][j] = myStorage->isPointFixed(aPoint.h, aFixedConstraint, true);
aPoints[i][j] = std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Pnt2d>(new GeomAPI_Pnt2d(aCoords[0], aCoords[1]));
- double aDot = aLineDir[0][0] * aLineDir[1][0] + aLineDir[0][1] * aLineDir[1][1];
- aConstraint.other = aDot * (90.0 - fabs(aConstraint.valA)) < 0.0;
- if ((90.0 - fabs(aConstraint.valA)) * (90.0 - fabs(myAngle)) < 0.0)
- aConstraint.other = !aConstraint.other;
- myStorage->updateConstraint(aConstraint);
- if (fabs(myAngle - aConstraint.valA) < tolerance)
- return; // the angle was not changed, no need to recalculate positions of lines
- myAngle = aConstraint.valA;
- if (isFixed[0][0] && isFixed[0][1] && isFixed[1][0] && isFixed[1][1])
- return; // both lines are fixed => no need to update them
- // Recalculate positions of lines to avoid conflicting constraints
- // while changing angle value several times
std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Lin2d> aLine[2] = {
std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Lin2d>(new GeomAPI_Lin2d(aPoints[0][0], aPoints[0][1])),
std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Lin2d>(new GeomAPI_Lin2d(aPoints[1][0], aPoints[1][1]))
aDir[i] = std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Dir2d>(new GeomAPI_Dir2d(
+ aConstraint.other = false;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
+ if (aLine[i]->direction()->dot(aDir[i]) < 0.0)
+ aConstraint.other = !aConstraint.other;
+ myStorage->updateConstraint(aConstraint);
+ bool isChanged = fabs(myAngle - aConstraint.valA) > aTol;
+ // myAngle should be updated even if the angle of constraint is changed too little
+ myAngle = aConstraint.valA;
+ if (!isChanged)
+ return; // the angle was not changed, no need to recalculate positions of lines
+ if (isFixed[0][0] && isFixed[0][1] && isFixed[1][0] && isFixed[1][1])
+ return; // both lines are fixed => no need to update them
+ // Recalculate positions of lines to avoid conflicting constraints
+ // while changing angle value several times
double cosA = cos(myAngle * PI / 180.0);
double sinA = sin(myAngle * PI / 180.0);
if (aDir[0]->cross(aDir[1]) < 0.0)