--- /dev/null
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# --------------------------------------------------
+# --------------------------------------------------
+import os
+import sys
+from Accas import *
+import types
+# --------------------------------------------------
+# definition d une classe pour les materiaux
+# definition d une classe pour les groupes de mailles
+# definition d une classe pour les laws non lineaires
+# --------------------------------------------------
+class materiau ( ASSD ) : pass
+class grmaille ( ASSD ) : pass
+class law ( ASSD ) : pass
+#CONTEXT.debug = 1
+# --------------------------------------------------
+# déclaration du jeu de commandes : 1ere instruction du catalogue obligatoire
+JdC = JDC_CATA ( code = 'CARMEL3D',
+# execmodul = None,
+ regles =(
+ ),
+ ) # Fin JDC_CATA
+# --------------------------------------------------
+# definition de groupe de mailles
+# et association du nom du materiau au groupe de mailles
+ op = None,
+ repetable = 'n',
+ UIinfo= {"groupes":("Definition",)},
+ fr= "definition du groupe de mailles",
+ ang = " mesh group definition",
+ sd_prod= grmaille,
+ MON_MATER = SIMP (statut="f",
+ typ=(materiau,),
+ ang="name of the linked material",
+ fr ="nom du materiau associe",
+ ),
+ )
+# le fichier .PHYS contient 3 blocs et jusqu'a 3 niveaux de sous-blocs
+# 1er bloc : bloc VERSION
+# ce bloc est volontairement cache dans l IHM
+ op = None,
+ repetable = 'n',
+ UIinfo= {"groupes":("CACHE",)},
+ ang= "version block definition",
+# Liste des parametres
+ NUM = SIMP (statut="o",
+ typ="I",
+ defaut=1,
+ ang="version number of the physical model",
+ into=( 1,),
+ ),
+ FILETYPE = SIMP (statut="o",
+ typ="TXM",
+ defaut="PHYS",
+ ang="file type",
+ into=( "PHYS",),
+ ),
+# 2eme bloc : bloc MATERIALS
+#definition des matériax utilisateurs
+# a partir des materiaux de reference
+ op = None,
+ repetable = 'n',
+ ang= "material block definition",
+ fr= "definition d un materiau",
+ sd_prod= materiau,
+ MAT_REF = SIMP(statut='o',
+ typ='TXM',
+ into=("MAT_REF_COND1","MAT_REF_DIEL1",
+ ),
+# sous bloc niveau 1 : CONDUCTOR
+# 1er materiau Conductor de reference
+ mat_ref_c1_properties = BLOC(condition="MAT_REF=='MAT_REF_COND1'",
+# sous bloc niveau 2 : CONDUCTIVITY
+ CONDUCTIVITY = FACT ( statut="o",
+ ang ="Conductivity properties",
+ fr ="proprietes du bloc CONDUCTIVITY",
+ HOMOGENEOUS = SIMP (statut="f",
+ typ="TXM",
+ defaut="TRUE",
+ into = ("TRUE","FALSE"),
+ ang = "the material is homogeneous",
+ fr = "le materiau est homogene",
+ ),
+ ISOTROPIC = SIMP (statut="f",
+ typ="TXM",
+ defaut="TRUE",
+ into = ("TRUE","FALSE"),
+ ang = "the material is isotropic",
+ fr = "le materiau est isotrope",
+ ),
+ LAW = SIMP (statut="o",
+ typ="TXM",
+ defaut="SIGMA1",
+ into = ("SIGMA1","SIGMA2"),
+ ang = "conductivity law",
+ fr = "loi de conductivite",
+ ),
+ param_sigma1 = BLOC(condition="LAW=='SIGMA1'",
+ TYPE_LAW = SIMP (statut="o",
+ typ="TXM",
+ defaut="LINEAR_COMPLEX",
+ into = ("LINEAR_COMPLEX"),
+ ang = "linear law",
+ fr = "loi lineaire",
+ ),
+ VALUE_COMPLEX = SIMP (statut="o",
+ typ="C",
+ defaut=('RI',1,0),
+ ang = "enter a complex relative value",
+ fr = "saisir une valeur complexe relative",
+ ),
+ ), # fin bloc sigma1
+ param_sigma2 = BLOC(condition="LAW=='SIGMA2'",
+ TYPE_LAW = SIMP (statut="o",
+ typ="TXM",
+ defaut="LINEAR_REAL",
+ into = ("LINEAR_REAL"),
+ ang = "linear law",
+ fr = "loi lineaire",
+ ),
+ VALUE_REAL = SIMP (statut="o",
+ typ="R",
+ defaut=1,
+ ang = "enter a real relative value",
+ fr = "saisir une valeur reelle relative",
+ ),
+ ), # fin bloc sigma2
+# sous bloc niveau 2 : PERMEABILITY
+ PERMEABILITY = FACT ( statut="o",
+ ang ="Permeability properties",
+ fr ="proprietes du bloc PERMEABILITY",
+ HOMOGENEOUS = SIMP (statut="f",
+ typ="TXM",
+ defaut="TRUE",
+ into = ("TRUE","FALSE"),
+ ang = "the material is homogeneous",
+ fr = "le materiau est homogene",
+ ),
+ ISOTROPIC = SIMP (statut="f",
+ typ="TXM",
+ defaut="TRUE",
+ into = ("TRUE","FALSE"),
+ ang = "the material is isotropic",
+ fr = "le materiau est isotrope",
+ ),
+ LAW = SIMP (statut="o",
+ typ="TXM",
+ defaut="MU2",
+ into = ("MU1","MU2"),
+ ang = "permeability law",
+ fr = "loi de permeabilite",
+ ),
+ param_mu1 = BLOC(condition="LAW=='MU1'",
+ TYPE_LAW = SIMP (statut="o",
+ typ="TXM",
+ defaut="LINEAR_REAL",
+ into = ("LINEAR_REAL"),
+ ang = "linear law",
+ fr = "loi lineaire",
+ ),
+ VALUE_REAL = SIMP (statut="o",
+ typ="R",
+ defaut=1,
+ ang = "enter a real relative value",
+ fr = "saisir une valeur reelle relative",
+ ),
+ ), # fin bloc mu1
+ param_mu2 = BLOC(condition="LAW=='MU2'",
+ TYPE_LAW = SIMP (statut="o",
+ typ="TXM",
+ defaut="LINEAR_COMPLEX",
+ into = ("LINEAR_COMPLEX"),
+ ang = "linear law",
+ fr = "loi lineaire",
+ ),
+ VALUE_COMPLEX = SIMP (statut="o",
+ typ="C",
+ defaut=('RI',1,0),
+ ang = "enter a complex relative value",
+ fr = "saisir une valeur complexe relative",
+ ),
+ ), # fin bloc mu2
+ ), # fin BLOC conductor1
+## sous bloc niveau 1 : DIELECTRIC
+# 1er materiau Dielectric de reference
+ mat_ref_d1_properties = BLOC(condition="MAT_REF=='MAT_REF_DIEL1'",
+# sous bloc niveau 2 : PERMITTIVITY
+ PERMITTIVITY = FACT ( statut="o",
+ ang ="Permittivity properties",
+ fr ="proprietes du bloc PERMITTIVITY",
+ HOMOGENEOUS = SIMP (statut="f",
+ typ="TXM",
+ defaut="TRUE",
+ into = ("TRUE","FALSE"),
+ ang = "the material is homogeneous",
+ fr = "le materiau est homogene",
+ ),
+ ISOTROPIC = SIMP (statut="f",
+ typ="TXM",
+ defaut="TRUE",
+ into = ("TRUE","FALSE"),
+ ang = "the material is isotropic",
+ fr = "le materiau est isotrope",
+ ),
+ LAW = SIMP (statut="o",
+ typ="TXM",
+ defaut="EPSILON1",
+ into = ("EPSILON1","EPSILON2"),
+ ang = "permittivity law",
+ fr = "loi de permittivite",
+ ),
+ param_epsilon1 = BLOC(condition="LAW=='EPSILON1'",
+ TYPE_LAW = SIMP (statut="o",
+ typ="TXM",
+ defaut="LINEAR_REAL",
+ into = ("LINEAR_REAL"),
+ ang = "linear law",
+ fr = "loi lineaire",
+ ),
+ VALUE_REAL = SIMP (statut="o",
+ typ="R",
+ defaut=1,
+ ang = "enter a real relative value",
+ fr = "saisir une valeur reelle relative",
+ ),
+ ), # fin bloc epsilon1
+ param_epsilon2 = BLOC(condition="LAW=='EPSILON2'",
+ TYPE_LAW = SIMP (statut="o",
+ typ="TXM",
+ defaut="LINEAR_COMPLEX",
+ into = ("LINEAR_COMPLEX"),
+ ang = "linear law",
+ fr = "loi lineaire",
+ ),
+ VALUE_COMPLEX = SIMP (statut="o",
+ typ="C",
+ defaut=('RI',1,0),
+ ang = "enter a complex relative value",
+ fr = "saisir une valeur complexe relative",
+ ),
+ ), # fin bloc epsilon2
+# sous bloc niveau 2 : PERMEABILITY
+ PERMEABILITY = FACT ( statut="o",
+ ang ="Permeability properties",
+ fr ="proprietes du bloc PERMEABILITY",
+ HOMOGENEOUS = SIMP (statut="f",
+ typ="TXM",
+ defaut="TRUE",
+ into = ("TRUE","FALSE"),
+ ang = "the material is homogeneous",
+ fr = "le materiau est homogene",
+ ),
+ ISOTROPIC = SIMP (statut="f",
+ typ="TXM",
+ defaut="TRUE",
+ into = ("TRUE","FALSE"),
+ ang = "the material is isotropic",
+ fr = "le materiau est isotrope",
+ ),
+ LAW = SIMP (statut="o",
+ typ="TXM",
+ defaut="MU4",
+ into = ("MU4","MU5","MU6","MU7","MU8"),
+ ang = "permeability law",
+ fr = "loi de permeabilite",
+ ),
+ param_mu4 = BLOC(condition="LAW=='MU4'",
+ TYPE_LAW = SIMP (statut="o",
+ typ="TXM",
+ defaut="LINEAR_REAL",
+ into = ("LINEAR_REAL"),
+ ang = "linear law",
+ fr = "loi lineaire",
+ ),
+ VALUE_REAL = SIMP (statut="o",
+ typ="R",
+ defaut=1,
+ ang = "enter a real relative value",
+ fr = "saisir une valeur reelle relative",
+ ),
+ ), # fin bloc mu4
+ param_mu5 = BLOC(condition="LAW=='MU5'",
+ TYPE_LAW = SIMP (statut="o",
+ typ="TXM",
+ defaut="LINEAR_COMPLEX",
+ into = ("LINEAR_COMPLEX"),
+ ang = "linear law",
+ fr = "loi lineaire",
+ ),
+ VALUE_COMPLEX = SIMP (statut="o",
+ typ="C",
+ defaut=('RI',1,0),
+ ang = "enter a complex relative value",
+ fr = "saisir une valeur complexe relative",
+ ),
+ ), # fin bloc mu5
+ param_mu6 = BLOC(condition="LAW=='MU6'",
+ TYPE_LAW = SIMP (statut="o",
+ typ="TXM",
+ defaut="SPLINE",
+ into = ("SPLINE"),
+ ang = "non linear law",
+ fr = "loi non lineaire",
+ ),
+ FILENAME = SIMP (statut="o",
+ typ=("Fichier",'All Files (*)',),
+ ang="data file name",
+ fr ="nom du fichier",
+ ),
+ APPLIEDTO = SIMP (statut="o",
+ typ="TXM",
+ into=("B(H)&H(B)","B(H)","H(B)"),
+ defaut="B(H)&H(B)",
+ ang="spline applied to",
+ fr ="spline appliquee a ",
+ ),
+ ), # fin BLOC mu6
+ param_mu7 = BLOC(condition="LAW=='MU7'",
+ TYPE_LAW = SIMP (statut="o",
+ typ="TXM",
+ defaut="MARROCCO",
+ into = ("MARROCCO"),
+ ang = "non linear law",
+ fr = "loi non lineaire",
+ ),
+ ALPHA = SIMP (statut="o",
+ typ="R",
+ defaut=0,
+ val_min=0,
+ ang="alpha parameter",
+ fr ="parametre alpha" ,
+ ),
+ TAU = SIMP (statut="o",
+ typ="R",
+ defaut=0,
+ val_min=0,
+ ang="tau parameter",
+ fr ="parametre tau" ,
+ ),
+ C = SIMP (statut="o",
+ typ="R",
+ defaut=0,
+ val_min=0,
+ ang="c parameter",
+ fr ="parametre c" ,
+ ),
+ EPSILON = SIMP (statut="o",
+ typ="R",
+ defaut=0,
+ val_min=0,
+ ang="epsilon parameter",
+ fr ="parametre epsilon" ,
+ ),
+ ), # fin BLOC mu7
+ param_mu8 = BLOC(condition="LAW=='MU8'",
+ TYPE_LAW = SIMP (statut="o",
+ typ="TXM",
+ ang = "non linear law",
+ fr = "loi non lineaire",
+ ),
+ ALPHA = SIMP (statut="o",
+ typ="R",
+ defaut=0,
+ val_min=0,
+ ang="alpha parameter",
+ fr ="parametre alpha" ,
+ ),
+ TAU = SIMP (statut="o",
+ typ="R",
+ defaut=0,
+ val_min=0,
+ ang="tau parameter",
+ fr ="parametre tau" ,
+ ),
+ C = SIMP (statut="o",
+ typ="R",
+ defaut=0,
+ val_min=0,
+ ang="c parameter",
+ fr ="parametre c" ,
+ ),
+ EPSILON = SIMP (statut="o",
+ typ="R",
+ defaut=0,
+ val_min=0,
+ ang="epsilon parameter",
+ fr ="parametre epsilon" ,
+ ),
+ BMAX = SIMP (statut="o",
+ typ="R",
+ defaut=0,
+ val_min=0,
+ ang="intersection B",
+ fr ="intersection B" ,
+ ),
+ HSAT = SIMP (statut="o",
+ typ="R",
+ defaut=0,
+ val_min=0,
+ ang="H value",
+ fr ="valeur H" ,
+ ),
+ BSAT = SIMP (statut="o",
+ typ="R",
+ defaut=0,
+ val_min=0,
+ ang="B value",
+ fr ="valeur B" ,
+ ),
+ JOIN = SIMP (statut="o",
+ typ="TXM",
+ defaut="SPLINE",
+ ang="type of join between laws",
+ fr ="type de jointure entre les 2 law" ,
+ ),
+ APPLIEDTO = SIMP (statut="o",
+ typ="TXM",
+ into=("B(H)&H(B)","B(H)","H(B)"),
+ defaut="B(H)&H(B)",
+ ang="join applied to",
+ fr ="jointure appliquee a ",
+ ),
+ ), # fin BLOC mu8
+ ), # fin BLOC dielectric1
+# ------------------------------------
+# sous bloc niveau 1 : ZSURFACIC
+# 1er materiau Zsurfasic de reference
+ mat_ref_z1_properties = BLOC(condition="MAT_REF=='MAT_REF_ZSURF1'",
+# sous bloc niveau 2 : CONDUCTIVITY
+ CONDUCTIVITY = FACT ( statut="o",
+ ang ="Conductivity properties",
+ fr ="proprietes du bloc CONDUCTIVITY",
+ HOMOGENEOUS = SIMP (statut="f",
+ typ="TXM",
+ defaut="TRUE",
+ into = ("TRUE","FALSE"),
+ ang = "the material is homogeneous",
+ fr = "le materiau est homogene",
+ ),
+ ISOTROPIC = SIMP (statut="f",
+ typ="TXM",
+ defaut="TRUE",
+ into = ("TRUE","FALSE"),
+ ang = "the material is isotropic",
+ fr = "le materiau est isotrope",
+ ),
+ LAW = SIMP (statut="o",
+ typ="TXM",
+ defaut="SIGMA3",
+ into = ("SIGMA3","SIGMA4"),
+ ang = "conductivity law",
+ fr = "loi de conductivite",
+ ),
+ param_sigma3 = BLOC(condition="LAW=='SIGMA3'",
+ TYPE_LAW = SIMP (statut="o",
+ typ="TXM",
+ defaut="LINEAR_REAL",
+ into = ("LINEAR_REAL"),
+ ang = "linear law",
+ fr = "loi lineaire",
+ ),
+ VALUE_REAL = SIMP (statut="o",
+ typ="R",
+ defaut=1,
+ ang = "enter a real relative value",
+ fr = "saisir une valeur reelle relative",
+ ),
+ ), # fin bloc sigma3
+ param_sigma4 = BLOC(condition="LAW=='SIGMA4'",
+ TYPE_LAW = SIMP (statut="o",
+ typ="TXM",
+ defaut="LINEAR_COMPLEX",
+ into = ("LINEAR_COMPLEX"),
+ ang = "linear law",
+ fr = "loi lineaire",
+ ),
+ VALUE_COMPLEX = SIMP (statut="o",
+ typ="C",
+ defaut=('RI',1,0),
+ ang = "enter a complex relative value",
+ fr = "saisir une valeur complexe relative",
+ ),
+ ), # fin bloc sigma4
+# sous bloc niveau 2 : PERMEABILITY
+ PERMEABILITY = FACT ( statut="o",
+ ang ="Permeability properties",
+ fr ="proprietes du bloc PERMEABILITY",
+ HOMOGENEOUS = SIMP (statut="f",
+ typ="TXM",
+ defaut="TRUE",
+ into = ("TRUE","FALSE"),
+ ang = "the material is homogeneous",
+ fr = "le materiau est homogene",
+ ),
+ ISOTROPIC = SIMP (statut="f",
+ typ="TXM",
+ defaut="TRUE",
+ into = ("TRUE","FALSE"),
+ ang = "the material is isotropic",
+ fr = "le materiau est isotrope",
+ ),
+ LAW = SIMP (statut="o",
+ typ="TXM",
+ defaut="MU1",
+ into = ("MU1","MU2"),
+ ang = "permeability law",
+ fr = "loi de permeabilite",
+ ),
+ param_mu1 = BLOC(condition="LAW=='MU1'",
+ TYPE_LAW = SIMP (statut="o",
+ typ="TXM",
+ defaut="LINEAR_REAL",
+ into = ("LINEAR_REAL"),
+ ang = "linear law",
+ fr = "loi lineaire",
+ ),
+ VALUE_REAL = SIMP (statut="o",
+ typ="R",
+ defaut=1,
+ ang = "enter a real relative value",
+ fr = "saisir une valeur reelle relative",
+ ),
+ ), # fin bloc mu1
+ param_mu2 = BLOC(condition="LAW=='MU2'",
+ TYPE_LAW = SIMP (statut="o",
+ typ="TXM",
+ defaut="LINEAR_COMPLEX",
+ into = ("LINEAR_COMPLEX"),
+ ang = "linear law",
+ fr = "loi lineaire",
+ ),
+ VALUE_COMPLEX = SIMP (statut="o",
+ typ="C",
+ defaut=('RI',1,0),
+ ang = "enter a complex relative value",
+ fr = "saisir une valeur complexe relative",
+ ),
+ ), # fin bloc mu2
+ ), # fin bloc ZSURFACIC1
+# 1 type de matériau fictif
+# sous bloc niveau 1 : materiau NILMAT
+# 1er materiau Nilmat de reference
+# aucun parametre a saisir pour ce materiau
+# 1 type de matériau isotropique non homogene
+# sous bloc niveau 1 : EM_ISOTROPIC_FILES
+# 1er materiau EM_isotropic de reference
+ mat_ref_i1_properties=BLOC(condition="MAT_REF=='MAT_REF_EM_ISOTROPIC1'",
+ CONDUCTIVITY_File = SIMP (statut="o",
+ typ=("Fichier",'MED Files (*.med)',),
+ ang="CONDUCTIVITY MED data file name",
+ fr ="nom du fichier MED CONDUCTIVITY",
+ ),
+ PERMEABILITY_File = SIMP (statut="o",
+ typ=("Fichier",'MED Files (*.med)',),
+ ang="PERMEABILITY MED data file name",
+ fr ="nom du fichier MED PERMEABILITY",
+ ),
+ ), # fin bloc EM_ISOTROPIC
+# 1 type de matériau non isotropique
+# sous bloc niveau 1 : EM_ANISOTROPIC_FILES
+# 1er materiau EM_anisotropic de reference
+ mat_ref_a1_properties=BLOC(condition="MAT_REF=='MAT_REF_EM_ANISOTROPIC1'",
+ CONDUCTIVITY_File = SIMP (statut="o",
+ typ=("Fichier",'.mater Files (*.mater)',),
+ ang="CONDUCTIVITY .mater data file name",
+ fr ="nom du fichier .mater CONDUCTIVITY",
+ ),
+ PERMEABILITY_File = SIMP (statut="o",
+ typ=("Fichier",'.mater Files (*.mater)',),
+ ang="PERMEABILITY .mater data file name",
+ fr ="nom du fichier .mater PERMEABILITY",
+ ),
+ ), # fin bloc EM_ANISOTROPIC
+ ) # fin OPER Materials
+# 3eme bloc : bloc SOURCES
+ op = None,
+ repetable = 'n',
+ ang = "sources block definition",
+ fr = "definition du bloc sources",
+ fr="stranded inductor source",
+ ang="stranded inductor source",
+ NAME = SIMP (statut="o",
+ typ="TXM",
+ ang="name of the source",
+ fr="nom de la source",
+ ),
+ NTURNS = SIMP (statut="o",
+ typ="I",
+ defaut=1,
+ ang="number of turns in the inductor",
+ fr="nombre de tours dans l inducteur",
+ ),
+ CURJ = SIMP (statut="o",
+ typ="R",
+ defaut=0,
+ ang="intensity",
+ fr="intensite",
+ ),
+ POLAR = SIMP (statut="o",
+ typ="R",
+ defaut=0,
+ fr="polarisation",
+ ang="polarization",
+ ),
+ ), # fin FACT inductor
+ EPORT = FACT (statut="f",
+ fr="eport source",
+ ang="eport source",
+ NAME = SIMP (statut="o",
+ typ="TXM",
+ ang="name of the source",
+ fr="nom de la source",
+ ),
+ TYPE = SIMP (statut="o",
+ typ="TXM",
+ into=("VOLTAGE","CURRENT"),
+ fr="type de eport source",
+ ang="type of eport source",
+ ),
+ AMP = SIMP (statut="o",
+ typ="R",
+ defaut=0,
+ fr="amplitude",
+ ang="amplitude",
+ ),
+ POLAR = SIMP (statut="o",
+ typ="R",
+ defaut=0,
+ fr="polarisation",
+ ang="polarization",
+ ),
+ ), # fin FACT eport
+ HPORT = FACT (statut="f",
+ fr="hport source",
+ ang="hport source",
+ NAME = SIMP (statut="o",
+ typ="TXM",
+ ang="name of the source",
+ fr="nom de la source",
+ ),
+ TYPE = SIMP (statut="o",
+ typ="TXM",
+ into=("VOLTAGE","CURRENT"),
+ fr="type de hport source",
+ ang="type of hport source",
+ ),
+ AMP = SIMP (statut="o",
+ typ="R",
+ defaut=0,
+ ang="amplitude",
+ fr="amplitude",
+ ),
+ POLAR = SIMP (statut="o",
+ typ="R",
+ defaut=0,
+ fr="polarisation",
+ ang="polarization",
+ ),
+ ), # fin FACT hport
+) # Fin PROC sources