#include <QToolBar>
#include <QPaintEvent>
#include <QActionGroup>
+#include <QPainter>
+#include <QPrinter>
+#include <QPrintDialog>
+#include <qwt_plot_curve.h>
\class Plot2d_ViewWindow
connect( aAction, SIGNAL( triggered( bool ) ), this, SIGNAL( cloneView() ) );
myActionsMap[ CloneId ] = aAction;
+ // 10. Print
+ aAction = new QtxAction( tr( "MNU_PRINT_VIEW" ),
+ aResMgr->loadPixmap( "Plot2d", tr( "ICON_PLOT2D_PRINT" ) ),
+ tr( "MNU_PRINT_VIEW" ),
+ 0, this);
+ aAction->setStatusTip( tr( "DSC_PRINT_VIEW" ) );
+ connect( aAction, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( onPrintView() ) );
+ myActionsMap[ PrintId ] = aAction;
// Set initial values
myToolBar->addAction( myActionsMap[ LegendId ] );
myToolBar->addAction( myActionsMap[ CurvSettingsId ] );
myToolBar->addAction( myActionsMap[ CloneId ] );
+ myToolBar->addAction( myActionsMap[ PrintId ] );
return filters.join( ";;" );
+ \brief Called when the "Print view" action is activated.
+void Plot2d_ViewWindow::onPrintView()
+ if ( !myViewFrame )
+ return;
+ Plot2d_Plot2d* aPlot = myViewFrame->getPlot();
+ if ( !aPlot )
+ return;
+ // stored settings for further starts
+ static QString aPrinterName;
+ static int aColorMode = -1;
+ static int anOrientation = -1;
+ QPrinter aPrinter;
+ // restore settinds from previous launching
+ // printer name
+ if ( !aPrinterName.isEmpty() )
+ aPrinter.setPrinterName( aPrinterName );
+ else
+ {
+ // Nothing to do for the first printing. aPrinter contains default printer name by default
+ }
+ // color mode
+ if ( aColorMode >= 0 )
+ aPrinter.setColorMode( (QPrinter::ColorMode)aColorMode );
+ else
+ {
+ // Black-and-wight printers are often used
+ aPrinter.setColorMode( QPrinter::GrayScale );
+ }
+ if ( anOrientation >= 0 )
+ aPrinter.setOrientation( (QPrinter::Orientation)anOrientation );
+ else
+ aPrinter.setOrientation( QPrinter::Landscape );
+ QPrintDialog printDlg( &aPrinter, this );
+ printDlg.setPrintRange( QAbstractPrintDialog::AllPages );
+ if ( printDlg.exec() != QDialog::Accepted )
+ return;
+ // store printer settings for further starts
+ aPrinterName = aPrinter.printerName();
+ aColorMode = aPrinter.colorMode();
+ anOrientation = aPrinter.orientation();
+ int W, H;
+ QPainter aPainter;
+ bool needColorCorrection = aPrinter.colorMode() == QPrinter::GrayScale;
+ // work arround for printing on real printer
+ if ( aPrinter.outputFileName().isEmpty() && aPrinter.orientation() == QPrinter::Landscape )
+ {
+ aPrinter.setFullPage( false );
+ // set paper orientation and rotate painter
+ aPrinter.setOrientation( QPrinter::Portrait );
+ W = aPrinter.height();
+ H = aPrinter.width();
+ aPainter.begin( &aPrinter );
+ aPainter.translate( QPoint( H, 0 ) );
+ aPainter.rotate( 90 );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aPrinter.setFullPage( false );
+ aPainter.begin( &aPrinter );
+ W = aPrinter.width();
+ H = aPrinter.height();
+ }
+ QMap< QwtPlotCurve*, QPen > aCurvToPen;
+ QMap< QwtPlotCurve*, QwtSymbol > aCurvToSymbol;
+ if ( needColorCorrection )
+ {
+ // Iterate through, store temporary their parameters and assign
+ // parameters proper for printing
+ CurveDict& aCurveDict = aPlot->getCurves();
+ CurveDict::iterator it;
+ for ( it = aCurveDict.begin(); it != aCurveDict.end(); it++ )
+ {
+ QwtPlotCurve* aCurve = it.key();
+ if ( !aCurve )
+ continue;
+ // pen
+ QPen aPen = aCurve->pen();
+ aCurvToPen[ aCurve ] = aPen;
+ aPen.setColor( QColor( 0, 0, 0 ) );
+ aPen.setWidthF( 1.5 );
+ aCurve->setPen( aPen );
+ // symbol
+ QwtSymbol aSymbol = aCurve->symbol();
+ aCurvToSymbol[ aCurve ] = aSymbol;
+ aPen = aSymbol.pen();
+ aPen.setColor( QColor( 0, 0, 0 ) );
+ aPen.setWidthF( 1.5 );
+ aSymbol.setPen( aPen );
+ aCurve->setSymbol( aSymbol );
+ }
+ }
+ aPlot->print( &aPainter, QRect( 0, 0, W, H ) );
+ aPainter.end();
+ // restore old pens and symbols
+ if ( needColorCorrection && !aCurvToPen.isEmpty() )
+ {
+ CurveDict& aCurveDict = aPlot->getCurves();
+ CurveDict::iterator it;
+ for ( it = aCurveDict.begin(); it != aCurveDict.end(); it++ )
+ {
+ QwtPlotCurve* aCurve = it.key();
+ if ( !aCurve ||
+ !aCurvToPen.contains( aCurve ) ||
+ !aCurvToSymbol.contains( aCurve ) )
+ continue;
+ aCurve->setPen( aCurvToPen[ aCurve ] );
+ aCurve->setSymbol( aCurvToSymbol[ aCurve ] );
+ }
+ }
\fn void Plot2d_ViewWindow::cloneView();
\brief Emitted when the "Clone View" action is activated.
#include "SALOME_Actor.h"
#include <QImage>
+#include <QPainter>
+#include <QPrinter>
+#include <QPrintDialog>
+#include <QApplication>
#include <vtkGenericRenderWindowInteractor.h>
#include <vtkRenderer.h>
theResourceMgr->loadPixmap( "VTKViewer", tr( "ICON_VTKVIEWER_VIEW_DUMP" ) ),
tr( "MNU_DUMP_VIEW" ), 0, this);
- connect(anAction, SIGNAL( triggered( bool ) ), myViewWindow, SLOT(onDumpView()));
+ connect(anAction, SIGNAL(activated()), myViewWindow, SLOT(onDumpView()));
myActionsMap[ DumpId ] = anAction;
// FitAll
theResourceMgr->loadPixmap( "VTKViewer", tr( "ICON_VTKVIEWER_VIEW_FITALL" ) ),
tr( "MNU_FITALL" ), 0, this);
- connect(anAction, SIGNAL(triggered( bool )), this, SLOT(onFitAll()));
+ connect(anAction, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(onFitAll()));
myActionsMap[ FitAllId ] = anAction;
// FitRect
theResourceMgr->loadPixmap( "VTKViewer", tr( "ICON_VTKVIEWER_VIEW_FITAREA" ) ),
tr( "MNU_FITRECT" ), 0, this);
- connect(anAction, SIGNAL(triggered( bool )), this, SLOT(activateWindowFit()));
+ connect(anAction, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(activateWindowFit()));
myActionsMap[ FitRectId ] = anAction;
// Zoom
theResourceMgr->loadPixmap( "VTKViewer", tr( "ICON_VTKVIEWER_VIEW_ZOOM" ) ),
tr( "MNU_ZOOM_VIEW" ), 0, this);
- connect(anAction, SIGNAL(triggered( bool )), this, SLOT(activateZoom()));
+ connect(anAction, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(activateZoom()));
myActionsMap[ ZoomId ] = anAction;
// Panning
theResourceMgr->loadPixmap( "VTKViewer", tr( "ICON_VTKVIEWER_VIEW_PAN" ) ),
tr( "MNU_PAN_VIEW" ), 0, this);
- connect(anAction, SIGNAL(triggered( bool )), this, SLOT(activatePanning()));
+ connect(anAction, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(activatePanning()));
myActionsMap[ PanId ] = anAction;
// Global Panning
theResourceMgr->loadPixmap( "VTKViewer", tr( "ICON_VTKVIEWER_VIEW_GLOBALPAN" ) ),
tr( "MNU_GLOBALPAN_VIEW" ), 0, this);
- connect(anAction, SIGNAL(triggered( bool )), this, SLOT(activateGlobalPanning()));
+ connect(anAction, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(activateGlobalPanning()));
myActionsMap[ GlobalPanId ] = anAction;
// Change rotation point
theResourceMgr->loadPixmap( "VTKViewer", tr( "ICON_VTKVIEWER_VIEW_ROTATE" ) ),
tr( "MNU_ROTATE_VIEW" ), 0, this);
- connect(anAction, SIGNAL(triggered( bool )), this, SLOT(activateRotation()));
+ connect(anAction, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(activateRotation()));
myActionsMap[ RotationId ] = anAction;
// Projections
theResourceMgr->loadPixmap( "VTKViewer", tr( "ICON_VTKVIEWER_VIEW_FRONT" ) ),
tr( "MNU_FRONT_VIEW" ), 0, this);
- connect(anAction, SIGNAL(triggered( bool )), this, SLOT(onFrontView()));
+ connect(anAction, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(onFrontView()));
myActionsMap[ FrontId ] = anAction;
anAction = new QtxAction(tr("MNU_BACK_VIEW"),
theResourceMgr->loadPixmap( "VTKViewer", tr( "ICON_VTKVIEWER_VIEW_BACK" ) ),
tr( "MNU_BACK_VIEW" ), 0, this);
- connect(anAction, SIGNAL(triggered( bool )), this, SLOT(onBackView()));
+ connect(anAction, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(onBackView()));
myActionsMap[ BackId ] = anAction;
anAction = new QtxAction(tr("MNU_TOP_VIEW"),
theResourceMgr->loadPixmap( "VTKViewer", tr( "ICON_VTKVIEWER_VIEW_TOP" ) ),
tr( "MNU_TOP_VIEW" ), 0, this);
- connect(anAction, SIGNAL(triggered( bool )), this, SLOT(onTopView()));
+ connect(anAction, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(onTopView()));
myActionsMap[ TopId ] = anAction;
anAction = new QtxAction(tr("MNU_BOTTOM_VIEW"),
theResourceMgr->loadPixmap( "VTKViewer", tr( "ICON_VTKVIEWER_VIEW_BOTTOM" ) ),
tr( "MNU_BOTTOM_VIEW" ), 0, this);
- connect(anAction, SIGNAL(triggered( bool )), this, SLOT(onBottomView()));
+ connect(anAction, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(onBottomView()));
myActionsMap[ BottomId ] = anAction;
anAction = new QtxAction(tr("MNU_LEFT_VIEW"),
theResourceMgr->loadPixmap( "VTKViewer", tr( "ICON_VTKVIEWER_VIEW_LEFT" ) ),
tr( "MNU_LEFT_VIEW" ), 0, this);
- connect(anAction, SIGNAL(triggered( bool )), this, SLOT(onLeftView()));
+ connect(anAction, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(onLeftView()));
myActionsMap[ LeftId ] = anAction;
anAction = new QtxAction(tr("MNU_RIGHT_VIEW"),
theResourceMgr->loadPixmap( "VTKViewer", tr( "ICON_VTKVIEWER_VIEW_RIGHT" ) ),
tr( "MNU_RIGHT_VIEW" ), 0, this);
- connect(anAction, SIGNAL(triggered( bool )), this, SLOT(onRightView()));
+ connect(anAction, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(onRightView()));
myActionsMap[ RightId ] = anAction;
// Reset
theResourceMgr->loadPixmap( "VTKViewer", tr( "ICON_VTKVIEWER_VIEW_RESET" ) ),
tr( "MNU_RESET_VIEW" ), 0, this);
- connect(anAction, SIGNAL(triggered( bool )), this, SLOT(onResetView()));
+ connect(anAction, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(onResetView()));
myActionsMap[ ResetId ] = anAction;
// onViewTrihedron: Shows - Hides Trihedron
theResourceMgr->loadPixmap( "VTKViewer", tr( "ICON_VTKVIEWER_VIEW_TRIHEDRON" ) ),
tr( "MNU_SHOW_TRIHEDRON" ), 0, this);
- connect(anAction, SIGNAL(triggered( bool )), this, SLOT(onViewTrihedron()));
+ connect(anAction, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(onViewTrihedron()));
myActionsMap[ ViewTrihedronId ] = anAction;
// onNonIsometric: Manage non-isometric params
connect(anAction, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(onUpdateRate(bool)));
myActionsMap[ UpdateRate ] = anAction;
+ // print view
+ anAction = new QtxAction(tr("MNU_PRINT_VIEW"),
+ theResourceMgr->loadPixmap( "VTKViewer", tr( "ICON_PRINT_VIEW" ) ),
+ tr( "MNU_PRINT_VIEW" ), 0, this);
+ anAction->setStatusTip(tr("DSC_PRINT_VIEW"));
+ connect(anAction, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(onPrintView()));
+ myActionsMap[ PrintId ] = anAction;
#if defined(WIN32) && !defined(_DEBUG)
myToolBar->addAction( myActionsMap[UpdateRate] );
myToolBar->addAction( myActionsMap[NonIsometric] );
myToolBar->addAction( myActionsMap[GraduatedAxes] );
+ myToolBar->addAction( myActionsMap[PrintId] );
QPixmap px = QPixmap::grabWindow( GetInteractor()->winId() );
return px.toImage();
+ \brief Called when the "Print view" action is activated.
+void SVTK_MainWindow::onPrintView()
+ QImage img = dumpView();
+ if ( img.isNull() )
+ return;
+ // stored settings for further starts
+ static QString aPrinterName;
+ static int anOrientation = -1;
+ QPrinter aPrinter;
+ // restore settinds from previous launching
+ // printer name
+ if ( !aPrinterName.isEmpty() )
+ aPrinter.setPrinterName( aPrinterName );
+ else
+ {
+ // Nothing to do for the first printing. aPrinter contains default printer name by default
+ }
+ if ( anOrientation >= 0 )
+ aPrinter.setOrientation( (QPrinter::Orientation)anOrientation );
+ else
+ aPrinter.setOrientation( QPrinter::Landscape );
+ QPrintDialog printDlg( &aPrinter, this );
+ printDlg.setPrintRange( QAbstractPrintDialog::AllPages );
+ if ( printDlg.exec() != QDialog::Accepted )
+ return;
+ // store printer settings for further starts
+ aPrinterName = aPrinter.printerName();
+ anOrientation = aPrinter.orientation();
+ int W, H;
+ QPainter aPainter;
+ // work arround for printing on real printer
+ if ( aPrinter.outputFileName().isEmpty() && aPrinter.orientation() == QPrinter::Landscape )
+ {
+ aPrinter.setFullPage( true );
+ // set paper orientation and rotate painter
+ aPrinter.setOrientation( QPrinter::Portrait );
+ W = aPrinter.height();
+ H = aPrinter.width();
+ int wBorder = aPrinter.paperRect().height() - W;
+ int hBorder = aPrinter.paperRect().width() - H;
+ aPainter.begin( &aPrinter );
+ aPainter.translate( QPoint( H + hBorder, wBorder ) );
+ aPainter.rotate( 90 );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aPrinter.setFullPage( false );
+ aPainter.begin( &aPrinter );
+ W = aPrinter.width();
+ H = aPrinter.height();
+ }
+ if ( img.width() > W || img.height() > H )
+ img = img.scaled( W, H, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation );
+ // place image in the center of page
+ int offsetW = ( W - img.width() ) / 2;
+ int offsetH = ( H - img.height() ) / 2;
+ aPainter.drawImage( offsetW, offsetH, img );
+ aPainter.end();