if (theGroup.myConstraintMap.empty())
return ;
- // NOTE: The possibility, that some elements are placed into both groups, is around 0,
- // so the objects should be copied with changing the indexes
- // Maps between old and new indexes of SolveSpace elements:
- std::map<Slvs_hParam, Slvs_hParam> aParamMap;
- std::map<Slvs_hEntity, Slvs_hEntity> anEntityMap;
+ // Map between old and new indexes of SolveSpace constraints
std::map<Slvs_hConstraint, Slvs_hConstraint> aConstrMap;
- // Go through copying constraints
- std::vector<Slvs_Constraint>::const_iterator aConstrIter = theGroup.myConstraints.begin();
- for ( ; aConstrIter != theGroup.myConstraints.end(); aConstrIter++)
- {
- Slvs_Constraint aConstraintCopy = *aConstrIter;
- // Go through constraint entities
- Slvs_hEntity* anEntities[CONSTRAINT_ATTR_SIZE] = {
- &(aConstraintCopy.ptA), &(aConstraintCopy.ptB),
- &(aConstraintCopy.entityA), &(aConstraintCopy.entityB)
- };
- for (int indEnt = 0; indEnt < CONSTRAINT_ATTR_SIZE; indEnt++)
- {
- if (*(anEntities[indEnt]) == 0)
- continue;
- if (anEntityMap.find(*(anEntities[indEnt])) != anEntityMap.end())
- { // entity is already copied
- *(anEntities[indEnt]) = anEntityMap[*(anEntities[indEnt])];
- continue;
- }
- // Copy entity
- Slvs_Entity anEntityCopy = theGroup.myEntities[Search(*(anEntities[indEnt]), theGroup.myEntities)];
- // Go through entity parameters
- const int aNbEntParams = 4; // maximal number of entity parameters
- for (int indPrm = 0; indPrm < aNbEntParams; indPrm++)
- {
- if (anEntityCopy.param[indPrm] == 0)
- continue;
- if (aParamMap.find(anEntityCopy.param[indPrm]) != aParamMap.end())
- {
- anEntityCopy.param[indPrm] = aParamMap[anEntityCopy.param[indPrm]];
- continue;
- }
- Slvs_Param aParamCopy = theGroup.myParams[Search(anEntityCopy.param[indPrm], theGroup.myParams)];
- aParamMap[aParamCopy.h] = ++myParamMaxID;
- aParamCopy.h = myParamMaxID;
- myParams.push_back(aParamCopy);
- }
- anEntityMap[anEntityCopy.h] = ++myEntityMaxID;
- anEntityCopy.h = myEntityMaxID;
- myEntities.push_back(anEntityCopy);
- *(anEntities[indEnt]) = anEntityCopy.h;
- }
- aConstraintCopy.h = ++myConstrMaxID;
- myConstraints.push_back(aConstraintCopy);
- aConstrMap[aConstrIter->h] = aConstraintCopy.h;
- }
- // Append maps of SketchPlugin to SolveSpace parameters
+ // Add all constraints from theGroup to the current group
std::map<boost::shared_ptr<SketchPlugin_Constraint>, Slvs_hConstraint>::const_iterator
- aSPConstrMapIter = theGroup.myConstraintMap.begin();
- for ( ; aSPConstrMapIter!= theGroup.myConstraintMap.end(); aSPConstrMapIter++)
- {
- std::map<Slvs_hConstraint, Slvs_hConstraint>::iterator aFind = aConstrMap.find(aSPConstrMapIter->second);
- if (aFind != aConstrMap.end())
- myConstraintMap[aSPConstrMapIter->first] = aFind->second;
- }
+ aConstrIter = theGroup.myConstraintMap.begin();
+ for ( ; aConstrIter != theGroup.myConstraintMap.end(); aConstrIter++)
+ if (changeConstraint(aConstrIter->first))
+ aConstrMap[aConstrIter->second] = myConstrMaxID; // the constraint was added => store its ID
- std::map<boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Attribute>, Slvs_hEntity>::const_iterator
- aSPEntMapIter = theGroup.myEntityMap.begin();
- for ( ; aSPEntMapIter != theGroup.myEntityMap.end(); aSPEntMapIter++) {
- std::map<Slvs_hEntity, Slvs_hEntity>::iterator aFind = anEntityMap.find(aSPEntMapIter->second);
- if (aFind != anEntityMap.end())
- myEntityMap[aSPEntMapIter->first] = aFind->second;
- }
- // Add temporary constraints
+ // Add temporary constraints from theGroup
std::list<Slvs_hConstraint>::const_iterator aTempConstrIter = theGroup.myTempConstraints.begin();
for ( ; aTempConstrIter != theGroup.myTempConstraints.end(); aTempConstrIter++)
if (aFind != aConstrMap.end())
- myTempConstraints.sort();
if (myTempPointWhereDragged.empty())
myTempPointWhereDragged = theGroup.myTempPointWhereDragged;
- // Merge the lists of coincidence points. As the groups were separated, there was
- // no coincidence constraint, so each two points from different groups don't coincide
- myCoincidentPoints.insert(myCoincidentPoints.end(),
- theGroup.myCoincidentPoints.begin(),
- theGroup.myCoincidentPoints.end());
myNeedToSolve = myNeedToSolve || theGroup.myNeedToSolve;