SimanIO_Configuration aResult;
// for now use simple initial cfg file for testings purposes only
// in the future this file must be downloaded from the SIMAN server somehow
- //const char* aCFGFile = "/dn20/salome/mpv/siman/text1.conf";
char* aSimanHost = getenv("SIMAN_WS_HOST");
if (aSimanHost == NULL)
string aResponseFilePath = aCreateConfigFileResponse->get_return();
- //cout << "Response file path = " << aResponseFilePath << "\n";
string aResponseFileName = aResponseFilePath.substr(aResponseFilePath.find_last_of("/\\")+1);
//Get the created config file to client
int startUnderlineIndex = aFileName.find_first_of("_") + 1;
string aSourceFileName = aFileName.substr(startUnderlineIndex);
- //cout << "aURL = " << "http://" << aSimanWSHost << "/repository/" << aURL << "\n";
+ //cout << "aURL = " << aURL << "\n";
string aPathToVault = aResponseFilePath.substr(0, aResponseFilePath.find("download")) + "vault/";
//only for test only for WIN
//end only for test only for WIN
- //cout << "Path to vault" << aPathToVault + aURL << "\n";
//Get the files
//aGetFileRequest->setArgs0("http://" + aSimanWSHost + "/repository/" + aURL);
aGetFileRequest->setArgs0(aPathToVault + aURL);
delete[] aCopyBuffer;
//Set new URLs
- aFileIter.SetURL((aClientFileDir + aFileName).c_str());
+ aFileIter.SetURL((aClientFileDir + aSourceFileName).c_str());
//cout << "New location of the files " << aClientFileDir + aFileName << "\n";