--- /dev/null
+# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2007-2013 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2.1 of the License.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+# See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
+# Author Anthony GEAY (CEA/DEN/DM2S/STMF)
+from MEDLoader import *
+class PVDReader:
+ @classmethod
+ def New(cls,fileName):
+ """ Static constructor. """
+ return PVDReader(fileName)
+ pass
+ def __init__(self,fileName):
+ self._fileName=fileName
+ pass
+ def loadTopInfo(self):
+ fd=open(self._fileName,"r")
+ return self.__parseXML(fd)
+ def __parseXML(self,fd):
+ import xml.sax
+ class PVD_SAX_Reader(xml.sax.ContentHandler):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._tsteps=[]
+ pass
+ def startElement(self,name,attrs):
+ if name=="VTKFile":
+ if attrs["type"]!="Collection":
+ raise Exception("Mismatch between reader (PVD) type and file content !")
+ return
+ if name=="DataSet":
+ self._tsteps.append((float(attrs["timestep"]),str(attrs["file"])))
+ return
+ pass
+ pass
+ rd=PVD_SAX_Reader()
+ parser=xml.sax.make_parser()
+ parser.setContentHandler(rd)
+ parser.parse(fd)
+ return rd
+ pass
+class PVTUReader:
+ @classmethod
+ def New(cls,fileName):
+ """ Static constructor. """
+ return PVTUReader(fileName)
+ pass
+ def __init__(self,fileName):
+ self._fileName=fileName
+ pass
+ def loadParaInfo(self):
+ fd=open(self._fileName,"r")
+ return self.__parseXML(fd)
+ def __parseXML(self,fd):
+ import xml.sax
+ class PVTU_SAX_Reader(xml.sax.ContentHandler):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._data_array={2:self.DAPointData,3:self.DACellData}
+ self._node_fields=[]
+ self._cell_fields=[]
+ self._pfiles=[]
+ self._tmp=None
+ pass
+ def DAPointData(self,attrs):
+ self._node_fields.append((str(attrs["Name"]),int(attrs["NumberOfComponents"])))
+ pass
+ def DACellData(self,attrs):
+ self._cell_fields.append((str(attrs["Name"]),int(attrs["NumberOfComponents"])))
+ pass
+ def startElement(self,name,attrs):
+ if name=="VTKFile":
+ if attrs["type"]!="PUnstructuredGrid":
+ raise Exception("Mismatch between reader (PVTU) type and file content !")
+ return
+ if name=="Piece":
+ self._pfiles.append(str(attrs["Source"]))
+ return
+ if name=="PPointData":
+ self._tmp=2
+ return
+ if name=="PCellData":
+ self._tmp=3
+ return
+ if name=="PDataArray":
+ if self._tmp in self._data_array.keys():
+ self._data_array[self._tmp](attrs)
+ pass
+ return
+ pass
+ pass
+ rd=PVTU_SAX_Reader()
+ parser=xml.sax.make_parser()
+ parser.setContentHandler(rd)
+ parser.parse(fd)
+ return rd
+ pass
+class VTURawReader:
+ """ Converting a VTU file in raw mode into the MED format.
+ """
+ VTKTypes_2_MC=[-1,0,-1,1,33,3,-1,5,-1,4,14,-1,NORM_HEXA8,16,15,-1,22,-1,-1,-1,-1,2,6,8,20,30,25,23,9,27,-1,-1,-1,-1,7,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,31]
+ class NormalException(Exception):
+ pass
+ class NotRawVTUException(Exception):
+ pass
+ def loadInMEDFileDS(self):
+ import numpy as np
+ fd=open(self._fileName,"r")
+ ref,rd=self.__parseXML(fd)
+ #
+ ret=MEDFileData()
+ ms=MEDFileMeshes() ; ret.setMeshes(ms)
+ fs=MEDFileFields() ; ret.setFields(fs)
+ #
+ types=np.memmap(fd,dtype=rd._type_types,mode='r',offset=ref+rd._off_types,shape=(rd._nb_cells,))
+ types=self.__swapIfNecessary(rd._bo,types)
+ # mesh dimension detection
+ types2=types.copy() ; types2.sort() ; types2=np.unique(types2)
+ meshDim=MEDCouplingMesh.GetDimensionOfGeometricType(self.VTKTypes_2_MC[types2[0]])
+ for typ in types2[1:]:
+ md=MEDCouplingMesh.GetDimensionOfGeometricType(self.VTKTypes_2_MC[typ])
+ if md!=meshDim:
+ raise Exception("MultiLevel umeshes not managed yet !")
+ pass
+ m=MEDCouplingUMesh("mesh",meshDim)
+ # coordinates
+ coo=np.memmap(fd,dtype=rd._type_coords,mode='r',offset=ref+rd._off_coords,shape=(rd._nb_nodes*rd._space_dim,))
+ coo=self.__swapIfNecessary(rd._bo,coo) ; coo=DataArrayDouble(np.array(coo,dtype='float64')) ; coo.rearrange(rd._space_dim)
+ m.setCoords(coo)
+ # connectivity
+ offsets=np.memmap(fd,dtype=rd._type_off,mode='r',offset=ref+rd._off_off,shape=(rd._nb_cells,))
+ offsets=self.__swapIfNecessary(rd._bo,offsets) ; connLgth=offsets[-1] ; offsets2=DataArrayInt(rd._nb_cells+1) ; offsets2.setIJ(0,0,0)
+ offsets2[1:]=DataArrayInt(offsets)
+ offsets3=offsets2.deltaShiftIndex() ; offsets2=offsets3.deepCpy() ; offsets3+=1 ; offsets3.computeOffsets2()
+ offsets=offsets3
+ tmp1=DataArrayInt(len(offsets2),2) ; tmp1[:,0]=1 ; tmp1[:,1]=offsets2 ; tmp1.rearrange(1) ; tmp1.computeOffsets2()
+ tmp1=DataArrayInt.Range(1,2*len(offsets2),2).buildExplicitArrByRanges(tmp1)
+ conn=np.memmap(fd,dtype=rd._type_conn,mode='r',offset=ref+rd._off_conn,shape=(connLgth,))
+ conn=self.__swapIfNecessary(rd._bo,conn)
+ types=np.array(types,dtype='int32') ; types=DataArrayInt(types) ; types.transformWithIndArr(self.VTKTypes_2_MC)
+ conn2=DataArrayInt(offsets.back())
+ conn2[offsets[0:-1]]=types
+ conn2[tmp1]=DataArrayInt(conn)
+ m.setConnectivity(conn2,offsets,True)
+ m.checkCoherency() ; mm=MEDFileUMesh() ; mm.setMeshAtLevel(0,m) ; ms.pushMesh(mm)
+ # Fields on nodes and on cells
+ for spatialDisc,nbEnt,fields in [(ON_NODES,rd._nb_nodes,rd._node_fields),(ON_CELLS,rd._nb_cells,rd._cell_fields)]:
+ for name,typ,nbCompo,off in rd._node_fields:
+ ff=MEDFileFieldMultiTS()
+ f=MEDCouplingFieldDouble(spatialDisc,ONE_TIME)
+ f.setName(name) ; f.setMesh(m)
+ vals=np.memmap(fd,dtype=typ,mode='r',offset=ref+off,shape=(nbEnt*nbCompo))
+ arr=DataArrayDouble(np.array(vals,dtype='float64')) ; arr.rearrange(nbCompo)
+ f.setArray(arr) ; f.checkCoherency()
+ f.setTime(self._time[0],self._time[1],0)
+ ff.appendFieldNoProfileSBT(f)
+ fs.pushField(ff)
+ pass
+ pass
+ return ret
+ def __parseXML(self,fd):
+ import xml.sax
+ class VTU_SAX_Reader(xml.sax.ContentHandler):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._data_array={0:self.DAPoints,1:self.DACells,2:self.DAPointData,3:self.DACellData}
+ self._node_fields=[]
+ self._cell_fields=[]
+ pass
+ def DAPoints(self,attrs):
+ self._space_dim=int(attrs["NumberOfComponents"])
+ self._type_coords=str(attrs["type"]).lower()
+ self._off_coords=int(attrs["offset"])
+ pass
+ def DACells(self,attrs):
+ if attrs["Name"]=="connectivity":
+ self._type_conn=str(attrs["type"]).lower()
+ self._off_conn=int(attrs["offset"])
+ pass
+ if attrs["Name"]=="offsets":
+ self._type_off=str(attrs["type"]).lower()
+ self._off_off=int(attrs["offset"])
+ pass
+ if attrs["Name"]=="types":
+ self._type_types=str(attrs["type"]).lower()
+ self._off_types=int(attrs["offset"])
+ pass
+ pass
+ def DAPointData(self,attrs):
+ self._node_fields.append((str(attrs["Name"]),str(attrs["type"]).lower(),int(attrs["NumberOfComponents"]),int(attrs["offset"])))
+ pass
+ def DACellData(self,attrs):
+ self._cell_fields.append((str(attrs["Name"]),str(attrs["type"]).lower(),int(attrs["NumberOfComponents"]),int(attrs["offset"])))
+ pass
+ def startElement(self,name,attrs):
+ if name=="VTKFile":
+ if attrs["type"]!="UnstructuredGrid":
+ raise Exception("Mismatch between reader (VTU) type and file content !")
+ self._bo=bool(["LittleEndian","BigEndian"].index(attrs["byte_order"]))
+ pass
+ if name=="Piece":
+ self._nb_cells=int(attrs["NumberOfCells"])
+ self._nb_nodes=int(attrs["NumberOfPoints"])
+ return
+ if name=="Points":
+ self._tmp=0
+ return
+ if name=="Cells":
+ self._tmp=1
+ return
+ if name=="PointData":
+ self._tmp=2
+ return
+ if name=="CellData":
+ self._tmp=3
+ return
+ if name=="DataArray":
+ self._data_array[self._tmp](attrs)
+ return
+ if name=="AppendedData":
+ if str(attrs["encoding"])=="raw":
+ raise VTURawReader.NormalException("")
+ else:
+ raise VTURawReader.NotRawVTUException("The file is not a raw VTU ! Change reader !")
+ pass
+ pass
+ rd=VTU_SAX_Reader()
+ parser=xml.sax.make_parser()
+ parser.setContentHandler(rd)
+ isOK=False
+ try:
+ parser.parse(fd)
+ except self.NormalException as e:
+ isOK=True
+ fd.seek(0)
+ for i in xrange(31): fd.readline()
+ ref=fd.tell()+5
+ pass
+ if not isOK:
+ raise Exception("Error in VTURawReader : not a raw format ?")
+ return ref,rd
+ @classmethod
+ def New(cls,fileName,tim=(0.,0)):
+ """ Static constructor. """
+ return VTURawReader(fileName,tim)
+ pass
+ def __init__(self,fileName,tim=(0.,0)):
+ msg="The time specified in constructor as 2nd arg should be a tuple containing 2 values 1 float and 1 int !"
+ if type(tim)!=tuple:
+ raise Exception(msg)
+ if len(tim)!=2:
+ raise Exception(msg)
+ if type(tim[0])!=float or type(tim[1])!=int:
+ raise Exception(msg)
+ self._fileName=fileName
+ self._time=tim
+ pass
+ def __swapIfNecessary(self,b,arr):
+ if b:
+ ret=arr.copy()
+ ret.byteswap(True)
+ return ret
+ else:
+ return arr
+ pass
+ pass