help=tr("catalogue a utiliser"))
parser.add_option(u"-o","--fichierOut", action="store", type="string",dest="fichierOut",
- help=tr("nom du fichier xml genere"))
+ help=tr("nom du fichier xml/comm genere"))
parser.add_option(u"-v","--label", action="store", type="string",dest="labelCode",
help=tr("version de catalogue a utiliser"))
parser.add_option(u"-x","--withXSD", action="store_true", dest="withXSD",
- help=tr("construit le .xml en meme temps que le .comm"))
+ help=tr("active la gestion XSD/XML du noyau eficas"))
parser.add_option(u"-a","--withEltAbstrait", action="store_true", dest="avecEltAbstrait",
-#!/usr/bin/env python
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2007-2021 EDF R&D
if debug : print ('------------------------------------------ ')
def fusionneDesMatrices(self,nomMC):
- print ('______fusionneDesMatrices ', nomMC, ' dans : ', self)
- print ('Pas d union des types complexes')
- if debug : print (self.texteComplexe)
+ #print ('______fusionneDesMatrices ', nomMC, ' dans : ', self)
+ #print ('Pas d union des types complexes')
+ #if debug : print (self.texteComplexe)
#self.texteComplexe = debutTypeSubstDsBlocFactorise.format(self.nomDuTypePyxb)
self.texteComplexe +=debutChoiceDsBloc
for mc in self.entites[nomMC]:
def dumpXsd(self, dansFactorisation=False, multiple=False, first=False, debug=False):
#debug = True
#if PourTraduction : print (self.nom)
- if self.nom == 'test_simp_2_5' : debug = True
if debug : print ('X_SIMP dumpXsd pour', self.nom, '___________________________')
# si inUnion la comparaison est fausse : on cree le nomDuType
if self.max > 1 or self.max == '**' or self.max == float('inf') :
for val in self.defaut : txtDefaut+=str(val) + " "
- print (self.defaut, txtDefaut)
# cela ne fonctionne pas tres bien. a revoir
txtDefaut =txtDefaut[0:-1]
if not('TXM' in (self.type)) :
# il faut ajouter les regles
# il faut gerer les types tuple et fichier
# on ne paut pas tester le type qui depend du cataloge
- if self.nom == "assembly_list" : debug=True
if hasattr(self.type[0], 'typElt') :
if debug : print ( self.nom , 'est une matrice')
self.suisUneMatrice = True
#import pprint
#if (not PourTraduction) and (dico != {}) : pprint.pprint(dico)
- print ('__________________________ decommenter pour le texteXSD________________________')
+ #print ('__________________________ decommenter pour le texteXSD________________________')
#print (dico)
#print (self.texteXSD)
self.texteXSD += texteFin
-#!/usr/bin/env python
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2007-2021 EDF R&D
-#!/usr/bin/env python
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2007-2021 EDF R&D
if ihmQTDir not in sys.path : sys.path.append(ihmQTDir)
if editeurDir not in sys.path : sys.path.append(editeurDir)
-if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
- print("Must be using Python 3")
+# if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
+# print('----------- sys.executable : ',sys.executable,' --------------')
+if sys.version_info[0]*10000+sys.version_info[1]*100 < EFICAS_PYTHON_VERSION_MIN:
+ print("Must be using at least Python 3.6")
def lanceEficas(code=None, multi=False, langue='en', labelCode=None):
from .editorSsIhm import JDCEditorSsIhm
if options.fichierOut == None : fichierCommOut=fichier[:fichier.rfind(".")]+'.comm'
- else : fichierCommOut = fichierXMLOut
+ else : fichierCommOut = options.fichierOut
# on ne sait lire que des xml valides
monEditeur.pythonGenerator.gener(monEditeur.jdc,format = 'beautifie')
-#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2007-2021 EDF R&D
-#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2007-2021 EDF R&D
if self.nbLigs <15 : taille = 50
- else : taille = 30
+ else : taille = 40
for i in range(self.nbLigs) :
for i in range(self.nbCols) :
-#!/usr/bin/env python
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2007-2021 EDF R&D
#print ('dans readerCata _________', dicoEltDif)
except :
- if self.appliEficas.ssIhm == False :print ('______________ poum import cata_genere ')
+ if self.appliEficas.ssIhm == False :print ('______________ unable to load xsd driver ')
self.QWParent.informe('XSD driver', 'unable to load xsd driver',critique=False)
modeleMetier = None
# $(subst .py,.xsd,cata_dependencies)
cata_files= \
xsd_files = $(
################# REGLES DE NETTOYAGE ########################
- rm -f *.pyc *~
+ rm -f *.pyc *~
rm -rf raw __pycache__
rm -f $(xsd_files) $(driver_files) *test_driver_?.py *test_driver_?.xml
--- /dev/null
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+"""Definition of the data model used by the integration bench.
+EFICAS will import this file as Python module with the ``__import__`` special
+function so, this module must not use relative import.
+# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
+# TODO: Create a main object that point on the different subobjects and force its name
+from Accas import OPER, BLOC, FACT, SIMP, ASSD, JDC_CATA, VerifTypeTuple, Matrice
+from Extensions.i18n import tr
+# Warning: The names of these variables are defined by EFICAS
+JdC = JDC_CATA(code="RN_EDG")
+# Define the minimum and the maximum number of elements (reflectors and fuel
+# assemblies) on the core's side
+class Tuple:
+ """Organize the data into a fixed size tuple.
+ Warnings
+ --------
+ This class respect the EFICAS conventions.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, ntuple):
+ self.ntuple = ntuple
+ def __convert__(self, valeur):
+ if len(valeur) != self.ntuple:
+ return None
+ return valeur
+ def info(self): # pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring
+ return "Tuple de %s elements" % self.ntuple
+class VerifPostTreatment(VerifTypeTuple):
+ """Validate the data comming from ``Scenario_data.post_processing``.
+ Warnings
+ --------
+ This class respect the EFICAS conventions.
+ """
+ # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+ # pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring
+ # pylint: disable=no-self-use
+ PHYSICS = ("Neutronics", "Thermalhydraulics")
+ FORMATS = ("MED", "SUM", "MIN", "MAX", "MEAN")
+ def __init__(self):
+ super().__init__(("TXM", "TXM"))
+ self.cata_info = ""
+ def info(self):
+ return tr(": vérifie les \ntypes dans un tuple")
+ def infoErreurListe(self):
+ return tr("Les types entres ne sont pas permis")
+ def default(self, valeur):
+ return valeur
+ def isList(self):
+ return 1
+ def convertItem(self, valeur):
+ if len(valeur) != len(self.typeDesTuples):
+ raise ValueError(
+ tr("%s devrait être de type %s ") % (valeur, self.typeDesTuples))
+ ok = self.verifType(valeur)
+ if ok == 0:
+ raise ValueError(
+ tr("%s devrait être de type %s (%d)") % (valeur, self.typeDesTuples, ok))
+ if ok < 0:
+ raise ValueError(
+ tr("%s devrait être dans %s ") % (valeur[1], self.FORMATS))
+ return valeur
+ def verifItem(self, valeur):
+ try:
+ if len(valeur) != len(self.typeDesTuples):
+ return 0
+ ok = self.verifType(valeur)
+ if ok != 1:
+ return 0
+ except: # pylint: disable=bare-except
+ return 0
+ return 1
+ def verifType(self, valeur): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
+ ok = 0
+ for v in valeur:
+ if isinstance(v, (bytes, str)):
+ ok += 1
+ if ok == len(self.typeDesTuples):
+ if valeur[1] in self.FORMATS:
+ return 1
+ return -1
+ return 0
+ def verif(self, valeur):
+ if type(valeur) in (list, tuple):
+ liste = list(valeur)
+ for val in liste:
+ if self.verifItem(val) != 1:
+ return 0
+ return 1
+ return 0
+class VerifNeutLib(VerifTypeTuple):
+ """Validate the data comming from ``Model_data.b_neutro_compo.library_map``.
+ Warnings
+ --------
+ This class respect the EFICAS conventions.
+ """
+ # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+ # pylint: disable=no-self-use
+ # pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring
+ def __init__(self):
+ super().__init__((_Assembly, "TXM"))
+ self.cata_info = ""
+ def info(self):
+ return tr(": vérifie les \ntypes dans un tuple")
+ def infoErreurListe(self):
+ return tr("Les types entres ne sont pas permis")
+ def default(self, valeur):
+ return valeur
+ def isList(self):
+ return 1
+ def convertItem(self, valeur):
+ if len(valeur) != len(self.typeDesTuples):
+ raise ValueError(
+ tr("%s devrait être de type %s ") % (valeur, self.typeDesTuples))
+ ok = self.verifType(valeur)
+ if ok == 0:
+ raise ValueError(
+ tr("%s devrait être de type %s (%d)") % (valeur, self.typeDesTuples, ok))
+ return valeur
+ def verifItem(self, valeur):
+ try:
+ if len(valeur) != len(self.typeDesTuples):
+ return 0
+ ok = self.verifType(valeur)
+ if ok != 1:
+ return 0
+ except: # pylint: disable=bare-except
+ return 0
+ return 1
+ def verifType(self, valeur): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
+ ok = 0
+ a, v = valeur
+ if isinstance(a, _Assembly):
+ ok += 1
+ if isinstance(v, (bytes, str)):
+ ok += 1
+ if ok == len(self.typeDesTuples):
+ return 1
+ return 0
+ def verif(self, valeur):
+ if type(valeur) in (list, tuple):
+ liste = list(valeur)
+ for val in liste:
+ if self.verifItem(val) != 1:
+ return 0
+ return 1
+ return 0
+class _Assembly(ASSD):
+ pass
+class _TechnoData(ASSD):
+ pass
+class _RodBank(ASSD):
+ pass
+class _ModelData(ASSD):
+ pass
+class _ScenarioData(ASSD):
+ pass
+Assembly = OPER(
+ nom="Assembly",
+ sd_prod=_Assembly,
+ fr="Description d'un élément du cœur",
+ ang="Core element description",
+ assembly_type=SIMP(
+ fr="Type d'élément cœur (assemblage combustible ou réflecteur",
+ ang="Type of the core element (fuel assembly or reflector",
+ statut="o",
+ typ="TXM",
+ into=("UOX", "MOX", "REF")),
+ description=BLOC(
+ condition="assembly_type != 'REF'",
+ fr="Description d'un assemblage combustible",
+ ang="Fuel assembly description",
+ assembly_width=SIMP(
+ fr="Pas inter-assemblage dans le cœur",
+ ang="Fuel assembly pitch in the core",
+ unite="m",
+ statut="o",
+ typ="R"),
+ fuel_density=SIMP(
+ fr=("Ratio entre masse volumique nominale et la masse volumique "
+ "théorique des pastilles combustible"),
+ ang=("Ratio between the nominal density and the theoretical "
+ "density of the fuel pellets"),
+ unite="g/cm3",
+ statut="o",
+ typ="R",
+ defaut=0.95),
+ radial_description=FACT(
+ fr="Description radiale de l'assemblage combustible",
+ ang="Fuel assembly radial description",
+ statut="o",
+ clad_outer_radius=SIMP(
+ fr="Rayon externe de la gaine des crayons combustible",
+ ang="Clad external radius of the fuel pins",
+ unite="m",
+ statut="o",
+ typ="R"),
+ guide_tube_outer_radius=SIMP(
+ fr="Rayon externe des tubes guides",
+ ang="Clad external radius of the guide tubes",
+ unite="m",
+ statut="o",
+ typ="R"),
+ fuel_rod_pitch=SIMP(
+ fr="Pas inter-crayon dans l'assemblage",
+ ang="Fuel pin pitch in the assembly",
+ unite="m",
+ statut="o",
+ typ="R"),
+ nfuel_rods=SIMP(
+ fr="Nombre de crayons combustibles dans l'assemblage",
+ ang="Number of fuel pins in the assembly",
+ statut="o",
+ typ="I")),
+ axial_description=FACT(
+ fr="Description axiale de l'assemblage combustible",
+ ang="Fuel assembly axial description",
+ statut="o",
+ active_length_start=SIMP(
+ fr="Altitude basse de la partie active",
+ ang="Lower altitude of the active part",
+ unite="m",
+ statut="o",
+ typ="R"),
+ active_length_end=SIMP(
+ fr="Altitude haute de la partie active",
+ ang="Upper altitude of the active part",
+ unite="m",
+ statut="o",
+ typ="R")),
+ grids=FACT(
+ fr="Description des grilles",
+ ang="Grids description",
+ statut="o",
+ mixing=FACT(
+ fr="Description des grilles de mélange",
+ ang="Mixing grids description",
+ statut="o",
+ positions=SIMP(
+ fr="Altitude basse de la grille",
+ ang="Grid lower altitude",
+ unite="m",
+ statut="f",
+ typ="R",
+ max="**"),
+ size=SIMP(
+ fr="Hauteur de la grille",
+ ang="Grid height",
+ unite="m",
+ statut="o",
+ typ="R")),
+ non_mixing=FACT(
+ fr="Description des grilles de maintien",
+ ang="Holding grids description",
+ statut="o",
+ positions=SIMP(
+ fr="Altitude basse de la grille",
+ ang="Grid lower altitude",
+ unite="m",
+ statut="f",
+ typ="R",
+ max="**"),
+ size=SIMP(
+ fr="Hauteur de la grille",
+ ang="Grid height",
+ unite="m",
+ statut="o",
+ typ="R")))))
+# TODO: Define the names of the possible compositions (Black, Grey, B4C, Hafnium and Pyrex)
+RodBank = OPER(
+ nom="RodBank",
+ sd_prod=_RodBank,
+ fr="Description d'un groupe de grappes absorbantes",
+ ang="Rod bank description",
+ rod_type=SIMP(
+ fr="Type de grappes absorbantes",
+ ang="Type of rod clusters",
+ statut="o",
+ typ="TXM",
+ into=("homogeneous", "heterogeneous")),
+ description_HOM=BLOC(
+ condition="rod_type == 'homogeneous'",
+ fr="Description d'un groupe de grappes absorbantes homogènes axialement",
+ ang="Axially homogeneous rod bank description",
+ rod_composition=SIMP(
+ fr="Type de matériau absorbant des grappes absorbantes",
+ ang="Absorbing material type of the rod clusters",
+ statut="o",
+ typ="TXM")),
+ description_HET=BLOC(
+ condition="rod_type == 'heterogeneous'",
+ fr="Description d'un groupe de grappes absorbantes hétérogène axialement",
+ ang="Axially heterogeneous rod bank description",
+ bottom_composition=SIMP(
+ fr="Type de matériau absorbant dans la partie basse des grappes absorantes",
+ ang="Absorbing material type in the lower part of the rod clusters",
+ statut="o",
+ typ="TXM"),
+ splitting_heigh=SIMP(
+ fr=("Altitude de séparation entre la partie haute et la partie "
+ "basse des grappes absorbantes"),
+ ang=("Splitting height between the upper part and the lower part "
+ "of the rod clusters"),
+ unite="m",
+ statut="o",
+ typ="R"),
+ upper_composition=SIMP(
+ fr="Type de matériau absorbant dans la partie haute des grappes absorantes",
+ ang="Absorbing material type in the upper part of the rod clusters",
+ statut="o",
+ typ="TXM")),
+ step_height=SIMP(
+ fr="Hauteur d'un pas",
+ ang="Step height",
+ unite="m",
+ statut="o",
+ typ="R"),
+ nsteps=SIMP(
+ fr="Nombre de pas du groupe de grappes",
+ ang="Rod bank steps number",
+ statut="o",
+ typ="I"))
+def gen_assembly_maps():
+ """Generate all the possible maps (one for each possible core size) for the
+ data cointained in ``Techno_data.radial_description.assembly_map``."""
+ # Build the default axes names
+ xsym_list = list("ABCDEFGHJKLNPRSTUVWXYZ")
+ xsym_list.reverse()
+ ysym_list = ["%02d" % i for i in range(NMIN_CORE_FUEL_ELTS, NMAX_CORE_FUEL_ELTS + 1)]
+ ysym_list.reverse()
+ def_xaxis = {}
+ def_yaxis = {}
+ def_xaxis[i] = ["RW"] + xsym_list[-i:] + ["RE"]
+ def_yaxis[i] = ["RS"] + ysym_list[-i:] + ["RN"]
+ dico = {}
+ dico["assembly_map_%d" % i] = BLOC(
+ condition="nb_assembly == %d" % i,
+ fr="Description radiale du cœur",
+ ang="Core radial description",
+ xaxis=SIMP(
+ fr="Nom des repères radiaux du cœur suivant l'axe ouest-est",
+ ang="Name of core radial marks following the west-east axis",
+ statut="o",
+ typ="TXM",
+ min=i + 2,
+ max=i + 2,
+ defaut=def_xaxis[i]),
+ yaxis=SIMP(
+ fr="Nom des repères radiaux du cœur suivant l'axe nord-sud",
+ ang="Name of core radial marks following the north-south axis",
+ statut="o",
+ typ="TXM",
+ min=i + 2,
+ max=i + 2,
+ defaut=def_yaxis[i]),
+ assembly_map=SIMP(
+ fr=("Répartition radiale des assemblages combustibles et des "
+ "réflecteurs dans le cœur"),
+ ang=("Radial repartition of the fuel assemblies and the "
+ "reflectors in the core"),
+ statut="o",
+ typ=Matrice(
+ nbLigs=i + 2,
+ nbCols=i + 2,
+ typElt=_Assembly,
+ listeHeaders=(
+ ("RW","S","R","P","N","L","K","J","H","G","F","E","D","C","B","A","RE",),
+ ("RS","15","14","13","12","11","10","09","08","07","06","05","04","03","02","01","RN",)),
+ defaut=(i + 2) * [(i + 2) * ["."]],
+ coloree=True)),
+ rod_map=SIMP(
+ fr="Répartition radiale des groupes de grappes dans le cœur",
+ ang="Rod banks radial repartition in the core",
+ statut="o",
+ typ=Matrice(
+ nbLigs=i + 2,
+ nbCols=i + 2,
+ valSup=1,
+ valMin=-1,
+ typElt="TXM",
+ listeHeaders=None,
+ coloree=True),
+ defaut=(i + 2) * [(i + 2) * ["."]]),
+ BU_map=SIMP(
+ fr="Taux de combustion moyen des assemblages combustibles en GW.j/t",
+ ang="Average burnup of the fuel assemblies in GW.d/t",
+ statut="o",
+ typ=Matrice(
+ nbLigs=i + 2,
+ nbCols=i + 2,
+ valSup=90000.,
+ valMin=0.,
+ typElt="R",
+ listeHeaders=None,
+ coloree=True),
+ defaut=(i + 2) * [(i + 2) * ["."]]))
+ return dico
+Techno_data = OPER(
+ nom="Techno_data",
+ sd_prod=_TechnoData,
+ fr="Description technologique du cœur",
+ ang="Core technological description",
+ assembly_list=SIMP(
+ fr="Sélection des assemblages combustible",
+ ang="Fuel assemblies selection",
+ statut="o",
+ typ=_Assembly,
+ min=1,
+ max="**"),
+ rodbank_list=SIMP(
+ fr="Sélection des groupes de grappes",
+ ang="Rod banks selection",
+ statut="o",
+ typ=_RodBank,
+ min=0,
+ max="**"),
+ radial_description=FACT(
+ fr="Description radiale du cœur",
+ ang="Radial description of the core",
+ statut="o",
+ nb_assembly=SIMP(
+ fr="Nombre d'éléments combustible sur la tranche du cœur",
+ ang="Number of fuel elements on one side of the core",
+ statut="o",
+ typ="I",
+ **(gen_assembly_maps())),
+ axial_description=FACT(
+ fr="Description axiale du cœur",
+ ang="Axial description of the core",
+ statut="o",
+ lower_refl_size=SIMP(
+ fr="Hauteur du réflecteur axial bas",
+ ang="Height of bottom axial reflector",
+ unite="m",
+ statut="o",
+ typ="R"),
+ upper_refl_size=SIMP(
+ fr="Hauteur du réflecteur axial haut",
+ ang="Height of top axial reflector",
+ unite="m",
+ statut="o",
+ typ="R")),
+ nominal_power=SIMP(
+ fr="Puissance thermique nominale du cœur",
+ ang="Nominal thermal power of the core",
+ unite="W",
+ statut="o",
+ typ="R"),
+ Fuel_power_fraction=SIMP(
+ fr="Fraction de la puissance dissipée dans le combustible",
+ ang="Power fraction dissipated in the fuel",
+ statut="o",
+ typ="R",
+ defaut=0.974),
+ by_pass=SIMP(
+ fr="Fraction du débit de bypass cœur",
+ ang="Bypass core flow fraction",
+ statut="o",
+ typ="R",
+ defaut=0.07),
+ core_volumic_flowrate=SIMP(
+ fr="Débit volumique cœur",
+ ang="Core volume flowrate",
+ unite="m3/h",
+ statut="o",
+ typ="R"))
+# TODO: Split this class in two: neutronic and thermalhydraulic)
+# TODO: Or split this class in N classes (one for each code)
+Model_data = OPER(
+ nom="Model_data",
+ sd_prod=_ModelData,
+ fr="Description de la modélisation physique",
+ ang="Physical modeling description",
+ physics=SIMP(
+ fr="Sélection de la physique du modèle",
+ ang="Physic model selection",
+ statut="o",
+ typ="TXM",
+ into=("Neutronics", "Thermalhydraulics")),
+ scale=SIMP(
+ fr="Sélection de l'échelle du modèle",
+ ang="Scale model selection",
+ statut="o",
+ typ="TXM",
+ into=("system", "component", "local")),
+ b_neutro_compo=BLOC(
+ condition="physics == 'Neutronics' and scale == 'component'",
+ fr="Description de la modélisation neutronique à l'échelle du composant",
+ ang="Neutronic modeling description at the component scale",
+ # TODO: Split this in two: fuel assemblies libraries and reflector libraries)
+ # TODO: Use a triplet (assembly, filename, pattern) instead of a doublet for the fuel assemblies libraries
+ # TODO: Use a doublet (reflector, filename) for the reflector libraries
+ library_map=SIMP(
+ fr=("Association des éléments du cœur aux bibliothèques neutroniques "
+ "sous la forme (assemblage combustible, nom du fichier@pattern) "
+ "pour les bibliothèques assemblages et sous la forme "
+ "(réflecteur, nom du fichier) pour les bibliothèques réflecteur"),
+ ang=("Association between the core elements and the neutronic libraries "
+ "in the form (fuel assembly, filename@pattern) for the fuel assembly "
+ "libraries and in the form of (reflector, filename) for the "
+ "reflector libraries"),
+ statut="f",
+ typ=Tuple(2),
+ validators=VerifNeutLib(),
+ max="**"),
+ code=SIMP(
+ fr="Sélection du code de neutronique cœur",
+ ang="Core neutronic code selection",
+ statut="o",
+ typ="TXM",
+ into=("COCAGNE", "APOLLO3")),
+ # TODO: Implement the *4x4* mesh
+ radial_meshing=FACT(
+ fr="Maillage radial du cœur",
+ ang="Core radial meshing",
+ statut="o",
+ flux_solver=SIMP(
+ fr="Type de maillage radial du solveur de flux",
+ ang="Radial mesh type for the flux solver",
+ statut="o",
+ typ="TXM",
+ into=("subdivision", "pin-by-pin")),
+ b_flux_subdivision=BLOC(
+ condition="flux_solver == 'subdivision'",
+ fr=("Paramètres pour les maillages radiaux de type subdivisé "
+ "pour le solveur de flux"),
+ ang=("Parameters for the subdivided radial meshes types for the "
+ "flux solver"),
+ flux_subdivision=SIMP(
+ fr=("Nombre de sous-divisions à appliquer à chaque maille "
+ "radiale pour le solveur de flux"),
+ ang=("Subdivision number to apply to all radial meshes for "
+ "the flux solver"),
+ statut="o",
+ typ="I")),
+ feedback_solver=SIMP(
+ fr="Type de maillage radial du solveur de contre-réaction",
+ ang="Radial mesh type for the feedback solver",
+ statut="o",
+ typ="TXM",
+ into=("subdivision", "pin-by-pin")),
+ b_feedback_subdivision=BLOC(
+ condition="feedback_solver == 'subdivision'",
+ fr=("Paramètres pour les maillages radiaux de type subdivisé "
+ "pour le solveur de contre-réaction"),
+ ang=("Parameters for the subdivided radial meshes types for the "
+ "feedback solver"),
+ feedback_subdivision=SIMP(
+ fr=("Nombre de sous-divisions à appliquer à chaque maille "
+ "radiale pour le solveur de contre-réaction"),
+ ang=("Subdivision number to apply to all radial meshes for "
+ "the feedback solver"),
+ statut="o",
+ typ="I")))),
+ b_thermo_compo=BLOC(
+ condition="physics == 'Thermalhydraulics' and scale == 'component'",
+ fr="Description de la modélisation thermohydraulique à l'échelle du composant",
+ ang="Thermalhydraulic modeling description at the component scale",
+ code=SIMP(
+ fr="Sélection du code de thermohydraulique cœur",
+ ang="Core thermalhydraulic code selection",
+ statut="o",
+ typ="TXM",
+ into=("THYC", "CATHARE3", "FLICA4")),
+ radial_meshing=FACT(
+ fr="Description du maillage radial thermohydraulique à l'échelle du composant",
+ ang="Thermalhydraulic radial meshing description at the component scale",
+ statut="o",
+ fluid=SIMP(
+ fr="Méthode de maillage radial",
+ ang="Radial meshing method",
+ statut="o",
+ typ="TXM",
+ into=("subdivision", "subchannel")),
+ b_fluid_subdivision=BLOC(
+ condition="fluid == 'subdivision'",
+ fr="Données spécifiques au maillage radial par subdivision",
+ ang="Specific data for the radial meshing by subdivision",
+ fluid_subdivision=SIMP(
+ fr="Nombre de mailles radiales dans les assemblages combustibles",
+ ang="Radial mesh number in the fuel assemblies",
+ statut="o",
+ typ="I")),
+ pellet=SIMP(
+ fr="Nombre de mailles radiales dans la pastille combustible",
+ ang="Radial mesh number in the fuel pellet",
+ statut="o",
+ typ="I"),
+ clad=SIMP(
+ fr="Nombre de mailles radiales dans la gaine des crayons combustibles",
+ ang="Radial mesh number in the clad of the fuel pins",
+ statut="o",
+ typ="I"))),
+ b_scale_compo=BLOC(
+ condition="scale == 'component'",
+ fr="Description de la modélisation à l'échelle du composant",
+ ang="Modeling description at the component scale",
+ axial_meshing=FACT(
+ fr="Maillage axial du cœur",
+ ang="Core axial meshing",
+ statut="o",
+ lower_refl=SIMP(
+ fr="Nombre de mailles axiales dans le réflecteur bas",
+ ang="Axial mesh number in the lower reflector",
+ statut="o",
+ typ="I"),
+ fuel=SIMP(
+ fr="Nombre de mailles axiales dans la partie active de l'assemblage combustible",
+ ang="Axial mesh number in the active part of the fuel assembly",
+ statut="o",
+ typ="I"),
+ upper_refl=SIMP(
+ fr="Nombre de mailles axiales dans le réflecteur haut",
+ ang="Axial mesh number in the upper reflector",
+ statut="o",
+ typ="I"))),
+ b_scale_local=BLOC(
+ condition="scale == 'local'",
+ fr="Description de la modélisation à l'échelle du locale",
+ ang="Modeling description at the local scale",
+ mesh_file=SIMP(
+ fr="Nom du fichier décrivant le maillage",
+ ang="Name of the file describing the mesh",
+ statut="o",
+ typ="Fichier")))
+Scenario_data = OPER(
+ nom="Scenario_data",
+ sd_prod=_ScenarioData,
+ fr="Description du transitoire",
+ ang="Transient description",
+ initial_power=SIMP(
+ fr="Puissance thermique initiale du cœur",
+ ang="Initial thermal power of the core",
+ statut="o",
+ typ="R",
+ val_min=0.,
+ defaut=100.),
+ initial_power_unit=SIMP(
+ fr="Unité de la puissance thermique initiale du cœur",
+ ang="Unit of the initial thermal power of the core",
+ statut="o",
+ typ="TXM",
+ into=("% Nominal power", "W"),
+ defaut="% Nominal power"),
+ initial_core_inlet_temperature=SIMP(
+ fr="Température initiale de l'eau à l'entrée du cœur",
+ ang="Initial water temperature at the inlet of the core",
+ unite="°C",
+ statut="o",
+ typ="R",
+ val_min=0.,
+ defaut=280.),
+ initial_boron_concentration=SIMP(
+ fr="Concentration en bore initiale",
+ ang="Initial boron concentration",
+ unite="ppm",
+ statut="o",
+ typ="R",
+ val_min=0.,
+ defaut=1300.),
+ initial_inlet_pressure=SIMP(
+ fr="Pression initiale de l'eau à l'entrée du cœur",
+ ang="Initial water pressure at the inlet of the core",
+ unite="bar",
+ statut="o",
+ typ="R",
+ val_min=0.,
+ defaut=160.2),
+ initial_outlet_pressure=SIMP(
+ fr="Pression initiale de l'eau à la sortie du cœur",
+ ang="Initial water pressure at the outlet of the core",
+ unite="bar",
+ statut="o",
+ typ="R",
+ val_min=0.,
+ defaut=157.2),
+ initial_rod_positions=SIMP(
+ fr=("Position initiale des groupes de grappes et des grappes dans le "
+ "cœur sous la forme (type@nom, position) "
+ "(ex. (Rodbank@RB, 62) pour le groupe de grappe RB positionné à 62 "
+ "pas extraits et (Rodcluster@H08, 0) pour la grappe H08 "
+ "complètement insérée)"),
+ ang=("Initial position of the rod banks and the rod clusters in the "
+ "core in the form (type@name, position) "
+ "(e.g. (Rodbank@RB, 62) for the RB rod bank placed at 62 "
+ "extracted steps and (Rodcluster@H08, 0) for the rod cluster H08 "
+ "completely inserted)"),
+ unite="extracted steps",
+ statut="o",
+ typ=Tuple(2), # TODO: Use a triplet (type, name, position) instead of a doublet
+ validators=VerifTypeTuple(("TXM", "I")),
+ max="**"),
+ scenario_type=SIMP(
+ fr="Type de transitoire à modéliser",
+ ang="Type of transient to model",
+ statut="o",
+ typ="TXM",
+ into=("RIA", )),
+ b_ria=BLOC(
+ condition="scenario_type == 'RIA'",
+ fr="Données du transitoire 'accident de réactivité'",
+ ang="Data of the 'Reactivity-initiated Accident' transient",
+ ejected_rod=SIMP(
+ fr="Nom de la grappe éjectée",
+ ang="Name of the ejected rod cluster",
+ statut="o",
+ typ="TXM"),
+ rod_position_program=SIMP(
+ fr="Loi d'éjection à appliquer à la grappe sous la forme (temps, position)",
+ ang="Ejection law to apply to the ejected rod cluster in the form (time, position)",
+ unite="s, extracted steps",
+ statut="o",
+ typ=Tuple(2),
+ validators=VerifTypeTuple(("R", "I")),
+ max="**"),
+ fr="Activation/désactivation de l'arrêt automatique du réacteur",
+ ang="Activation/deactivation of automatic reactor shutdown",
+ statut="o",
+ typ="TXM",
+ into=("YES", "NO")),
+ SCRAM_option=BLOC(
+ condition="SCRAM == 'YES'",
+ fr="Options relatives à l'arrêt automatique du réacteur",
+ ang="Options relative to the automatic reactor shutdown",
+ SCRAM_power=SIMP(
+ fr=("Puissance thermique du cœur déclenchant un arrêt "
+ "automatique du réacteur"),
+ ang="Core thermal power triggering an automatic reactor shutdown",
+ unite="MW",
+ statut="o",
+ typ="R"),
+ complete_SCRAM_time=SIMP(
+ fr="Temps de chute des grappes",
+ ang="Rod cluster fall time",
+ unite="s",
+ statut="o",
+ typ="R"))),
+ post_processing=SIMP(
+ # TODO: Give all the possible parameters depending of the physics
+ fr=("Données de sortie du calcul sous la forme (paramètre@physique, format). "
+ "'physique' peut valoir {physics!r} et 'format' peut valoir {formats!r}".format(
+ physics=VerifPostTreatment.PHYSICS,
+ formats=VerifPostTreatment.FORMATS)),
+ ang=("Output computed data in function of time in the form (parameter@physic, format). "
+ "'physic' can be {physics!r} and 'format' can be {formats!r})".format(
+ physics=VerifPostTreatment.PHYSICS,
+ formats=VerifPostTreatment.FORMATS)),
+ statut="f",
+ typ=Tuple(2), # TODO: Use a triplet (parameter, physic, format) instead of a doublet
+ validators=VerifPostTreatment(),
+ max="**"))
+++ /dev/null
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-"""Definition of the data model used by the integration bench.
-EFICAS will import this file as Python module with the ``__import__`` special
-function so, this module must not use relative import.
-# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
-# TODO: Create a main object that point on the different subobjects and force its name
-from Accas import OPER, BLOC, FACT, SIMP, ASSD, JDC_CATA, VerifTypeTuple, Matrice
-from Extensions.i18n import tr
-# Warning: The names of these variables are defined by EFICAS
-JdC = JDC_CATA(code="RN_EDG")
-# Define the minimum and the maximum number of elements (reflectors and fuel
-# assemblies) on the core's side
-class Tuple:
- """Organize the data into a fixed size tuple.
- Warnings
- --------
- This class respect the EFICAS conventions.
- """
- def __init__(self, ntuple):
- self.ntuple = ntuple
- def __convert__(self, valeur):
- if len(valeur) != self.ntuple:
- return None
- return valeur
- def info(self): # pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring
- return "Tuple de %s elements" % self.ntuple
-class VerifPostTreatment(VerifTypeTuple):
- """Validate the data comming from ``Scenario_data.post_processing``.
- Warnings
- --------
- This class respect the EFICAS conventions.
- """
- # pylint: disable=invalid-name
- # pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring
- # pylint: disable=no-self-use
- PHYSICS = ("Neutronics", "Thermalhydraulics")
- FORMATS = ("MED", "SUM", "MIN", "MAX", "MEAN")
- def __init__(self):
- super().__init__(("TXM", "TXM"))
- self.cata_info = ""
- def info(self):
- return tr(": vérifie les \ntypes dans un tuple")
- def infoErreurListe(self):
- return tr("Les types entres ne sont pas permis")
- def default(self, valeur):
- return valeur
- def isList(self):
- return 1
- def convertItem(self, valeur):
- if len(valeur) != len(self.typeDesTuples):
- raise ValueError(
- tr("%s devrait être de type %s ") % (valeur, self.typeDesTuples))
- ok = self.verifType(valeur)
- if ok == 0:
- raise ValueError(
- tr("%s devrait être de type %s (%d)") % (valeur, self.typeDesTuples, ok))
- if ok < 0:
- raise ValueError(
- tr("%s devrait être dans %s ") % (valeur[1], self.FORMATS))
- return valeur
- def verifItem(self, valeur):
- try:
- if len(valeur) != len(self.typeDesTuples):
- return 0
- ok = self.verifType(valeur)
- if ok != 1:
- return 0
- except: # pylint: disable=bare-except
- return 0
- return 1
- def verifType(self, valeur): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
- ok = 0
- for v in valeur:
- if isinstance(v, (bytes, str)):
- ok += 1
- if ok == len(self.typeDesTuples):
- if valeur[1] in self.FORMATS:
- return 1
- return -1
- return 0
- def verif(self, valeur):
- if type(valeur) in (list, tuple):
- liste = list(valeur)
- for val in liste:
- if self.verifItem(val) != 1:
- return 0
- return 1
- return 0
-class VerifNeutLib(VerifTypeTuple):
- """Validate the data comming from ``Model_data.b_neutro_compo.library_map``.
- Warnings
- --------
- This class respect the EFICAS conventions.
- """
- # pylint: disable=invalid-name
- # pylint: disable=no-self-use
- # pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring
- def __init__(self):
- super().__init__((_Assembly, "TXM"))
- self.cata_info = ""
- def info(self):
- return tr(": vérifie les \ntypes dans un tuple")
- def infoErreurListe(self):
- return tr("Les types entres ne sont pas permis")
- def default(self, valeur):
- return valeur
- def isList(self):
- return 1
- def convertItem(self, valeur):
- if len(valeur) != len(self.typeDesTuples):
- raise ValueError(
- tr("%s devrait être de type %s ") % (valeur, self.typeDesTuples))
- ok = self.verifType(valeur)
- if ok == 0:
- raise ValueError(
- tr("%s devrait être de type %s (%d)") % (valeur, self.typeDesTuples, ok))
- return valeur
- def verifItem(self, valeur):
- try:
- if len(valeur) != len(self.typeDesTuples):
- return 0
- ok = self.verifType(valeur)
- if ok != 1:
- return 0
- except: # pylint: disable=bare-except
- return 0
- return 1
- def verifType(self, valeur): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
- ok = 0
- a, v = valeur
- if isinstance(a, _Assembly):
- ok += 1
- if isinstance(v, (bytes, str)):
- ok += 1
- if ok == len(self.typeDesTuples):
- return 1
- return 0
- def verif(self, valeur):
- if type(valeur) in (list, tuple):
- liste = list(valeur)
- for val in liste:
- if self.verifItem(val) != 1:
- return 0
- return 1
- return 0
-class _Assembly(ASSD):
- pass
-class _TechnoData(ASSD):
- pass
-class _RodBank(ASSD):
- pass
-class _ModelData(ASSD):
- pass
-class _ScenarioData(ASSD):
- pass
-Assembly = OPER(
- nom="Assembly",
- sd_prod=_Assembly,
- fr="Description d'un élément du cœur",
- ang="Core element description",
- assembly_type=SIMP(
- fr="Type d'élément cœur (assemblage combustible ou réflecteur",
- ang="Type of the core element (fuel assembly or reflector",
- statut="o",
- typ="TXM",
- into=("UOX", "MOX", "REF")),
- description=BLOC(
- condition="assembly_type != 'REF'",
- fr="Description d'un assemblage combustible",
- ang="Fuel assembly description",
- assembly_width=SIMP(
- fr="Pas inter-assemblage dans le cœur",
- ang="Fuel assembly pitch in the core",
- unite="m",
- statut="o",
- typ="R"),
- fuel_density=SIMP(
- fr=("Ratio entre masse volumique nominale et la masse volumique "
- "théorique des pastilles combustible"),
- ang=("Ratio between the nominal density and the theoretical "
- "density of the fuel pellets"),
- unite="g/cm3",
- statut="o",
- typ="R",
- defaut=0.95),
- radial_description=FACT(
- fr="Description radiale de l'assemblage combustible",
- ang="Fuel assembly radial description",
- statut="o",
- clad_outer_radius=SIMP(
- fr="Rayon externe de la gaine des crayons combustible",
- ang="Clad external radius of the fuel pins",
- unite="m",
- statut="o",
- typ="R"),
- guide_tube_outer_radius=SIMP(
- fr="Rayon externe des tubes guides",
- ang="Clad external radius of the guide tubes",
- unite="m",
- statut="o",
- typ="R"),
- fuel_rod_pitch=SIMP(
- fr="Pas inter-crayon dans l'assemblage",
- ang="Fuel pin pitch in the assembly",
- unite="m",
- statut="o",
- typ="R"),
- nfuel_rods=SIMP(
- fr="Nombre de crayons combustibles dans l'assemblage",
- ang="Number of fuel pins in the assembly",
- statut="o",
- typ="I")),
- axial_description=FACT(
- fr="Description axiale de l'assemblage combustible",
- ang="Fuel assembly axial description",
- statut="o",
- active_length_start=SIMP(
- fr="Altitude basse de la partie active",
- ang="Lower altitude of the active part",
- unite="m",
- statut="o",
- typ="R"),
- active_length_end=SIMP(
- fr="Altitude haute de la partie active",
- ang="Upper altitude of the active part",
- unite="m",
- statut="o",
- typ="R")),
- grids=FACT(
- fr="Description des grilles",
- ang="Grids description",
- statut="o",
- mixing=FACT(
- fr="Description des grilles de mélange",
- ang="Mixing grids description",
- statut="o",
- positions=SIMP(
- fr="Altitude basse de la grille",
- ang="Grid lower altitude",
- unite="m",
- statut="f",
- typ="R",
- max="**"),
- size=SIMP(
- fr="Hauteur de la grille",
- ang="Grid height",
- unite="m",
- statut="o",
- typ="R")),
- non_mixing=FACT(
- fr="Description des grilles de maintien",
- ang="Holding grids description",
- statut="o",
- positions=SIMP(
- fr="Altitude basse de la grille",
- ang="Grid lower altitude",
- unite="m",
- statut="f",
- typ="R",
- max="**"),
- size=SIMP(
- fr="Hauteur de la grille",
- ang="Grid height",
- unite="m",
- statut="o",
- typ="R")))))
-# TODO: Define the names of the possible compositions (Black, Grey, B4C, Hafnium and Pyrex)
-RodBank = OPER(
- nom="RodBank",
- sd_prod=_RodBank,
- fr="Description d'un groupe de grappes absorbantes",
- ang="Rod bank description",
- rod_type=SIMP(
- fr="Type de grappes absorbantes",
- ang="Type of rod clusters",
- statut="o",
- typ="TXM",
- into=("homogeneous", "heterogeneous")),
- description_HOM=BLOC(
- condition="rod_type == 'homogeneous'",
- fr="Description d'un groupe de grappes absorbantes homogènes axialement",
- ang="Axially homogeneous rod bank description",
- rod_composition=SIMP(
- fr="Type de matériau absorbant des grappes absorbantes",
- ang="Absorbing material type of the rod clusters",
- statut="o",
- typ="TXM")),
- description_HET=BLOC(
- condition="rod_type == 'heterogeneous'",
- fr="Description d'un groupe de grappes absorbantes hétérogène axialement",
- ang="Axially heterogeneous rod bank description",
- bottom_composition=SIMP(
- fr="Type de matériau absorbant dans la partie basse des grappes absorantes",
- ang="Absorbing material type in the lower part of the rod clusters",
- statut="o",
- typ="TXM"),
- splitting_heigh=SIMP(
- fr=("Altitude de séparation entre la partie haute et la partie "
- "basse des grappes absorbantes"),
- ang=("Splitting height between the upper part and the lower part "
- "of the rod clusters"),
- unite="m",
- statut="o",
- typ="R"),
- upper_composition=SIMP(
- fr="Type de matériau absorbant dans la partie haute des grappes absorantes",
- ang="Absorbing material type in the upper part of the rod clusters",
- statut="o",
- typ="TXM")),
- step_height=SIMP(
- fr="Hauteur d'un pas",
- ang="Step height",
- unite="m",
- statut="o",
- typ="R"),
- nsteps=SIMP(
- fr="Nombre de pas du groupe de grappes",
- ang="Rod bank steps number",
- statut="o",
- typ="I"))
-def gen_assembly_maps():
- """Generate all the possible maps (one for each possible core size) for the
- data cointained in ``Techno_data.radial_description.assembly_map``."""
- # Build the default axes names
- xsym_list = list("ABCDEFGHJKLNPRSTUVWXYZ")
- xsym_list.reverse()
- ysym_list = ["%02d" % i for i in range(NMIN_CORE_FUEL_ELTS, NMAX_CORE_FUEL_ELTS + 1)]
- ysym_list.reverse()
- def_xaxis = {}
- def_yaxis = {}
- def_xaxis[i] = ["RW"] + xsym_list[-i:] + ["RE"]
- def_yaxis[i] = ["RS"] + ysym_list[-i:] + ["RN"]
- dico = {}
- dico["assembly_map_%d" % i] = BLOC(
- condition="nb_assembly == %d" % i,
- fr="Description radiale du cœur",
- ang="Core radial description",
- xaxis=SIMP(
- fr="Nom des repères radiaux du cœur suivant l'axe ouest-est",
- ang="Name of core radial marks following the west-east axis",
- statut="o",
- typ="TXM",
- min=i + 2,
- max=i + 2,
- defaut=def_xaxis[i]),
- yaxis=SIMP(
- fr="Nom des repères radiaux du cœur suivant l'axe nord-sud",
- ang="Name of core radial marks following the north-south axis",
- statut="o",
- typ="TXM",
- min=i + 2,
- max=i + 2,
- defaut=def_yaxis[i]),
- assembly_map=SIMP(
- fr=("Répartition radiale des assemblages combustibles et des "
- "réflecteurs dans le cœur"),
- ang=("Radial repartition of the fuel assemblies and the "
- "reflectors in the core"),
- statut="o",
- typ=Matrice(
- nbLigs=i + 2,
- nbCols=i + 2,
- typElt=_Assembly,
- listeHeaders=(
- ("RW","S","R","P","N","L","K","J","H","G","F","E","D","C","B","A","RE",),
- ("RS","15","14","13","12","11","10","09","08","07","06","05","04","03","02","01","RN",)),
- defaut=(i + 2) * [(i + 2) * ["."]],
- coloree=True)),
- rod_map=SIMP(
- fr="Répartition radiale des groupes de grappes dans le cœur",
- ang="Rod banks radial repartition in the core",
- statut="o",
- typ=Matrice(
- nbLigs=i + 2,
- nbCols=i + 2,
- valSup=1,
- valMin=-1,
- typElt="TXM",
- listeHeaders=None,
- coloree=True),
- defaut=(i + 2) * [(i + 2) * ["."]]),
- BU_map=SIMP(
- fr="Taux de combustion moyen des assemblages combustibles en GW.j/t",
- ang="Average burnup of the fuel assemblies in GW.d/t",
- statut="o",
- typ=Matrice(
- nbLigs=i + 2,
- nbCols=i + 2,
- valSup=90000.,
- valMin=0.,
- typElt="R",
- listeHeaders=None,
- coloree=True),
- defaut=(i + 2) * [(i + 2) * ["."]]))
- return dico
-Techno_data = OPER(
- nom="Techno_data",
- sd_prod=_TechnoData,
- fr="Description technologique du cœur",
- ang="Core technological description",
- assembly_list=SIMP(
- fr="Sélection des assemblages combustible",
- ang="Fuel assemblies selection",
- statut="o",
- typ=_Assembly,
- min=1,
- max="**"),
- rodbank_list=SIMP(
- fr="Sélection des groupes de grappes",
- ang="Rod banks selection",
- statut="o",
- typ=_RodBank,
- min=0,
- max="**"),
- radial_description=FACT(
- fr="Description radiale du cœur",
- ang="Radial description of the core",
- statut="o",
- nb_assembly=SIMP(
- fr="Nombre d'éléments combustible sur la tranche du cœur",
- ang="Number of fuel elements on one side of the core",
- statut="o",
- typ="I",
- **(gen_assembly_maps())),
- axial_description=FACT(
- fr="Description axiale du cœur",
- ang="Axial description of the core",
- statut="o",
- lower_refl_size=SIMP(
- fr="Hauteur du réflecteur axial bas",
- ang="Height of bottom axial reflector",
- unite="m",
- statut="o",
- typ="R"),
- upper_refl_size=SIMP(
- fr="Hauteur du réflecteur axial haut",
- ang="Height of top axial reflector",
- unite="m",
- statut="o",
- typ="R")),
- nominal_power=SIMP(
- fr="Puissance thermique nominale du cœur",
- ang="Nominal thermal power of the core",
- unite="W",
- statut="o",
- typ="R"),
- Fuel_power_fraction=SIMP(
- fr="Fraction de la puissance dissipée dans le combustible",
- ang="Power fraction dissipated in the fuel",
- statut="o",
- typ="R",
- defaut=0.974),
- by_pass=SIMP(
- fr="Fraction du débit de bypass cœur",
- ang="Bypass core flow fraction",
- statut="o",
- typ="R",
- defaut=0.07),
- core_volumic_flowrate=SIMP(
- fr="Débit volumique cœur",
- ang="Core volume flowrate",
- unite="m3/h",
- statut="o",
- typ="R"))
-# TODO: Split this class in two: neutronic and thermalhydraulic)
-# TODO: Or split this class in N classes (one for each code)
-Model_data = OPER(
- nom="Model_data",
- sd_prod=_ModelData,
- fr="Description de la modélisation physique",
- ang="Physical modeling description",
- physics=SIMP(
- fr="Sélection de la physique du modèle",
- ang="Physic model selection",
- statut="o",
- typ="TXM",
- into=("Neutronics", "Thermalhydraulics")),
- scale=SIMP(
- fr="Sélection de l'échelle du modèle",
- ang="Scale model selection",
- statut="o",
- typ="TXM",
- into=("system", "component", "local")),
- b_neutro_compo=BLOC(
- condition="physics == 'Neutronics' and scale == 'component'",
- fr="Description de la modélisation neutronique à l'échelle du composant",
- ang="Neutronic modeling description at the component scale",
- # TODO: Split this in two: fuel assemblies libraries and reflector libraries)
- # TODO: Use a triplet (assembly, filename, pattern) instead of a doublet for the fuel assemblies libraries
- # TODO: Use a doublet (reflector, filename) for the reflector libraries
- library_map=SIMP(
- fr=("Association des éléments du cœur aux bibliothèques neutroniques "
- "sous la forme (assemblage combustible, nom du fichier@pattern) "
- "pour les bibliothèques assemblages et sous la forme "
- "(réflecteur, nom du fichier) pour les bibliothèques réflecteur"),
- ang=("Association between the core elements and the neutronic libraries "
- "in the form (fuel assembly, filename@pattern) for the fuel assembly "
- "libraries and in the form of (reflector, filename) for the "
- "reflector libraries"),
- statut="f",
- typ=Tuple(2),
- validators=VerifNeutLib(),
- max="**"),
- code=SIMP(
- fr="Sélection du code de neutronique cœur",
- ang="Core neutronic code selection",
- statut="o",
- typ="TXM",
- into=("COCAGNE", "APOLLO3")),
- # TODO: Implement the *4x4* mesh
- radial_meshing=FACT(
- fr="Maillage radial du cœur",
- ang="Core radial meshing",
- statut="o",
- flux_solver=SIMP(
- fr="Type de maillage radial du solveur de flux",
- ang="Radial mesh type for the flux solver",
- statut="o",
- typ="TXM",
- into=("subdivision", "pin-by-pin")),
- b_flux_subdivision=BLOC(
- condition="flux_solver == 'subdivision'",
- fr=("Paramètres pour les maillages radiaux de type subdivisé "
- "pour le solveur de flux"),
- ang=("Parameters for the subdivided radial meshes types for the "
- "flux solver"),
- flux_subdivision=SIMP(
- fr=("Nombre de sous-divisions à appliquer à chaque maille "
- "radiale pour le solveur de flux"),
- ang=("Subdivision number to apply to all radial meshes for "
- "the flux solver"),
- statut="o",
- typ="I")),
- feedback_solver=SIMP(
- fr="Type de maillage radial du solveur de contre-réaction",
- ang="Radial mesh type for the feedback solver",
- statut="o",
- typ="TXM",
- into=("subdivision", "pin-by-pin")),
- b_feedback_subdivision=BLOC(
- condition="feedback_solver == 'subdivision'",
- fr=("Paramètres pour les maillages radiaux de type subdivisé "
- "pour le solveur de contre-réaction"),
- ang=("Parameters for the subdivided radial meshes types for the "
- "feedback solver"),
- feedback_subdivision=SIMP(
- fr=("Nombre de sous-divisions à appliquer à chaque maille "
- "radiale pour le solveur de contre-réaction"),
- ang=("Subdivision number to apply to all radial meshes for "
- "the feedback solver"),
- statut="o",
- typ="I")))),
- b_thermo_compo=BLOC(
- condition="physics == 'Thermalhydraulics' and scale == 'component'",
- fr="Description de la modélisation thermohydraulique à l'échelle du composant",
- ang="Thermalhydraulic modeling description at the component scale",
- code=SIMP(
- fr="Sélection du code de thermohydraulique cœur",
- ang="Core thermalhydraulic code selection",
- statut="o",
- typ="TXM",
- into=("THYC", "CATHARE3", "FLICA4")),
- radial_meshing=FACT(
- fr="Description du maillage radial thermohydraulique à l'échelle du composant",
- ang="Thermalhydraulic radial meshing description at the component scale",
- statut="o",
- fluid=SIMP(
- fr="Méthode de maillage radial",
- ang="Radial meshing method",
- statut="o",
- typ="TXM",
- into=("subdivision", "subchannel")),
- b_fluid_subdivision=BLOC(
- condition="fluid == 'subdivision'",
- fr="Données spécifiques au maillage radial par subdivision",
- ang="Specific data for the radial meshing by subdivision",
- fluid_subdivision=SIMP(
- fr="Nombre de mailles radiales dans les assemblages combustibles",
- ang="Radial mesh number in the fuel assemblies",
- statut="o",
- typ="I")),
- pellet=SIMP(
- fr="Nombre de mailles radiales dans la pastille combustible",
- ang="Radial mesh number in the fuel pellet",
- statut="o",
- typ="I"),
- clad=SIMP(
- fr="Nombre de mailles radiales dans la gaine des crayons combustibles",
- ang="Radial mesh number in the clad of the fuel pins",
- statut="o",
- typ="I"))),
- b_scale_compo=BLOC(
- condition="scale == 'component'",
- fr="Description de la modélisation à l'échelle du composant",
- ang="Modeling description at the component scale",
- axial_meshing=FACT(
- fr="Maillage axial du cœur",
- ang="Core axial meshing",
- statut="o",
- lower_refl=SIMP(
- fr="Nombre de mailles axiales dans le réflecteur bas",
- ang="Axial mesh number in the lower reflector",
- statut="o",
- typ="I"),
- fuel=SIMP(
- fr="Nombre de mailles axiales dans la partie active de l'assemblage combustible",
- ang="Axial mesh number in the active part of the fuel assembly",
- statut="o",
- typ="I"),
- upper_refl=SIMP(
- fr="Nombre de mailles axiales dans le réflecteur haut",
- ang="Axial mesh number in the upper reflector",
- statut="o",
- typ="I"))),
- b_scale_local=BLOC(
- condition="scale == 'local'",
- fr="Description de la modélisation à l'échelle du locale",
- ang="Modeling description at the local scale",
- mesh_file=SIMP(
- fr="Nom du fichier décrivant le maillage",
- ang="Name of the file describing the mesh",
- statut="o",
- typ="Fichier")))
-Scenario_data = OPER(
- nom="Scenario_data",
- sd_prod=_ScenarioData,
- fr="Description du transitoire",
- ang="Transient description",
- initial_power=SIMP(
- fr="Puissance thermique initiale du cœur",
- ang="Initial thermal power of the core",
- statut="o",
- typ="R",
- val_min=0.,
- defaut=100.),
- initial_power_unit=SIMP(
- fr="Unité de la puissance thermique initiale du cœur",
- ang="Unit of the initial thermal power of the core",
- statut="o",
- typ="TXM",
- into=("% Nominal power", "W"),
- defaut="% Nominal power"),
- initial_core_inlet_temperature=SIMP(
- fr="Température initiale de l'eau à l'entrée du cœur",
- ang="Initial water temperature at the inlet of the core",
- unite="°C",
- statut="o",
- typ="R",
- val_min=0.,
- defaut=280.),
- initial_boron_concentration=SIMP(
- fr="Concentration en bore initiale",
- ang="Initial boron concentration",
- unite="ppm",
- statut="o",
- typ="R",
- val_min=0.,
- defaut=1300.),
- initial_inlet_pressure=SIMP(
- fr="Pression initiale de l'eau à l'entrée du cœur",
- ang="Initial water pressure at the inlet of the core",
- unite="bar",
- statut="o",
- typ="R",
- val_min=0.,
- defaut=160.2),
- initial_outlet_pressure=SIMP(
- fr="Pression initiale de l'eau à la sortie du cœur",
- ang="Initial water pressure at the outlet of the core",
- unite="bar",
- statut="o",
- typ="R",
- val_min=0.,
- defaut=157.2),
- initial_rod_positions=SIMP(
- fr=("Position initiale des groupes de grappes et des grappes dans le "
- "cœur sous la forme (type@nom, position) "
- "(ex. (Rodbank@RB, 62) pour le groupe de grappe RB positionné à 62 "
- "pas extraits et (Rodcluster@H08, 0) pour la grappe H08 "
- "complètement insérée)"),
- ang=("Initial position of the rod banks and the rod clusters in the "
- "core in the form (type@name, position) "
- "(e.g. (Rodbank@RB, 62) for the RB rod bank placed at 62 "
- "extracted steps and (Rodcluster@H08, 0) for the rod cluster H08 "
- "completely inserted)"),
- unite="extracted steps",
- statut="o",
- typ=Tuple(2), # TODO: Use a triplet (type, name, position) instead of a doublet
- validators=VerifTypeTuple(("TXM", "I")),
- max="**"),
- scenario_type=SIMP(
- fr="Type de transitoire à modéliser",
- ang="Type of transient to model",
- statut="o",
- typ="TXM",
- into=("RIA", )),
- b_ria=BLOC(
- condition="scenario_type == 'RIA'",
- fr="Données du transitoire 'accident de réactivité'",
- ang="Data of the 'Reactivity-initiated Accident' transient",
- ejected_rod=SIMP(
- fr="Nom de la grappe éjectée",
- ang="Name of the ejected rod cluster",
- statut="o",
- typ="TXM"),
- rod_position_program=SIMP(
- fr="Loi d'éjection à appliquer à la grappe sous la forme (temps, position)",
- ang="Ejection law to apply to the ejected rod cluster in the form (time, position)",
- unite="s, extracted steps",
- statut="o",
- typ=Tuple(2),
- validators=VerifTypeTuple(("R", "I")),
- max="**"),
- fr="Activation/désactivation de l'arrêt automatique du réacteur",
- ang="Activation/deactivation of automatic reactor shutdown",
- statut="o",
- typ="TXM",
- into=("YES", "NO")),
- SCRAM_option=BLOC(
- condition="SCRAM == 'YES'",
- fr="Options relatives à l'arrêt automatique du réacteur",
- ang="Options relative to the automatic reactor shutdown",
- SCRAM_power=SIMP(
- fr=("Puissance thermique du cœur déclenchant un arrêt "
- "automatique du réacteur"),
- ang="Core thermal power triggering an automatic reactor shutdown",
- unite="MW",
- statut="o",
- typ="R"),
- complete_SCRAM_time=SIMP(
- fr="Temps de chute des grappes",
- ang="Rod cluster fall time",
- unite="s",
- statut="o",
- typ="R"))),
- post_processing=SIMP(
- # TODO: Give all the possible parameters depending of the physics
- fr=("Données de sortie du calcul sous la forme (paramètre@physique, format). "
- "'physique' peut valoir {physics!r} et 'format' peut valoir {formats!r}".format(
- physics=VerifPostTreatment.PHYSICS,
- formats=VerifPostTreatment.FORMATS)),
- ang=("Output computed data in function of time in the form (parameter@physic, format). "
- "'physic' can be {physics!r} and 'format' can be {formats!r})".format(
- physics=VerifPostTreatment.PHYSICS,
- formats=VerifPostTreatment.FORMATS)),
- statut="f",
- typ=Tuple(2), # TODO: Use a triplet (parameter, physic, format) instead of a doublet
- validators=VerifPostTreatment(),
- max="**"))
+++ /dev/null
- assembly_width=0.21504,
- fuel_density=0.95,
- radial_description=_F(clad_outer_radius=0.00475,
- guide_tube_outer_radius=0.006025,
- fuel_rod_pitch=0.0126,
- nfuel_rods=264,),
- axial_description=_F(active_length_start=0.21,
- active_length_end=4.4772,),
- grids=_F(mixing=_F(positions=(0.69216,1.19766,1.70316,2.20866,2.71416,3.20416,3.69416,4.18416,),
- size=0.033,),
- non_mixing=_F(positions=(0.026,4.2412,),
- size=0.033,),),);
- assembly_width=0.21504,
- fuel_density=0.95,
- radial_description=_F(clad_outer_radius=0.00475,
- guide_tube_outer_radius=0.006025,
- fuel_rod_pitch=0.0126,
- nfuel_rods=264,),
- axial_description=_F(active_length_start=0.21,
- active_length_end=4.4772,),
- grids=_F(mixing=_F(positions=(0.69216,1.19766,1.70316,2.20866,2.71416,3.20416,3.69416,4.18416,),
- size=0.033,),
- non_mixing=_F(positions=(0.026,),
- size=0.033,),),);
- bottom_composition='AIC',
- splitting_heigh=1.4224,
- upper_composition='B4C',
- step_height=0.016,
- nsteps=260,);
- bottom_composition='AIC',
- splitting_heigh=1.4224,
- upper_composition='B4C',
- step_height=0.016,
- nsteps=260,);
- bottom_composition='AIC',
- splitting_heigh=1.4226,
- upper_composition='B4C',
- step_height=0.016,
- nsteps=260,);
- rod_composition='Grey',
- step_height=0.016,
- nsteps=260,);
- rod_composition='Grey',
- step_height=0.016,
- nsteps=260,);
- rodbank_list=(RB,G1,G2,N1,N2,),
- radial_description=_F(nb_assembly=15,
- xaxis=('RW','S','R','P','N','L','K','J','H','G','F','E','D','C','B','A','RE',),
- yaxis=
- ('RS','15','14','13','12','11',
- '10','09','08','07','06','05','04','03','02','01','RN',),
- assembly_map=
- REF,REF,],[REF,REF,UGD,U1,U1,U1,U1,UGD,U1,UGD,U1,U1,U1,U1,
- U1,U1,U1,REF,REF,],[REF,U1,UGD,U1,UGD,U1,U1,UGD,U1,UGD,U1,
- U1,UGD,U1,UGD,UGD,UGD,UGD,U1,U1,REF,],[REF,U1,U1,U1,U1,U1,
- U1,UGD,UGD,UGD,U1,U1,U1,U1,U1,U1,REF,],[REF,U1,U1,UGD,UGD,
- U1,U1,U1,UGD,UGD,U1,UGD,UGD,U1,U1,U1,UGD,U1,REF,],[REF,U1,
- REF,],[REF,REF,UGD,U1,U1,U1,U1,UGD,U1,UGD,U1,U1,U1,U1,UGD,
- rod_map=
- (['#','#','#','#','#','#','#',
- '#','#','#','#','#','#','#','#','#','#'],['#','#','#','#','#','.',
- '.','.','.','.','.','.','#','#','#','#','#'],['#','#','#','.','.',
- '.','.','.','RB','.','.','.','.','.','#','#','#'],['#','#','.','.',
- '.','G2','.','N2','.','N2','.','G2','.','.','.','#','#'],['#','#',
- '.','.','N1','.','.','.','G1','.','.','.','N1','.','.','#','#'],
- ['#','.','.','G2','.','RB','.','.','.','.','.','RB','.','G2','.',
- '.','#'],['#','.','.','.','.','.','.','.','N1','.','.','.','.','.',
- '.','.','#'],['#','.','.','N2','.','.','.','.','.','.','.','.','.',
- 'N2','.','.','#'],['#','.','RB','.','G1','.','N1','.','RB','.','N1',
- '.','G1','.','RB','.','#'],['#','.','.','N2','.','.','.','.','.',
- '.','.','.','.','N2','.','.','#'],['#','.','.','.','.','.','.','.',
- 'N1','.','.','.','.','.','.','.','#'],['#','.','.','G2','.','RB',
- '.','.','.','.','.','RB','.','G2','.','.','#'],['#','#','.','.',
- 'N1','.','.','.','G1','.','.','.','N1','.','.','#','#'],['#','#',
- '.','.','.','G2','.','N2','.','N2','.','G2','.','.','.','#','#'],
- ['#','#','#','.','.','.','.','.','RB','.','.','.','.','.','#','#',
- '#'],['#','#','#','#','#','.','.','.','.','.','.','.','#','#','#',
- '#','#'],['#','#','#','#','#','#','#','#','#','#','#','#','#','#',
- '#','#','#'],),
- BU_map=
- ([0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,
- 0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0],[0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,
- 0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0],[0.0,0.0,0.0,40.0,0.0,0.0,
- 40.0,40.0,20.0,40.0,40.0,0.0,0.0,40.0,0.0,0.0,0.0],[0.0,0.0,40.0,0.0,
- 40.0,20.0,40.0,0.0,40.0,0.0,40.0,20.0,40.0,0.0,40.0,0.0,0.0],[0.0,0.0,
- 0.0,40.0,20.0,20.0,20.0,40.0,20.0,40.0,20.0,20.0,20.0,40.0,0.0,0.0,
- 0.0],[0.0,0.0,0.0,20.0,20.0,20.0,40.0,0.0,40.0,0.0,40.0,20.0,20.0,
- 20.0,0.0,0.0,0.0],[0.0,0.0,40.0,40.0,20.0,40.0,20.0,40.0,20.0,40.0,
- 20.0,40.0,20.0,40.0,40.0,0.0,0.0],[0.0,0.0,40.0,0.0,40.0,0.0,40.0,
- 20.0,20.0,20.0,40.0,0.0,40.0,0.0,40.0,0.0,0.0],[0.0,0.0,20.0,40.0,
- 20.0,40.0,20.0,20.0,60.0,20.0,20.0,40.0,20.0,40.0,20.0,0.0,0.0],[0.0,
- 0.0,40.0,0.0,40.0,0.0,40.0,20.0,20.0,20.0,40.0,0.0,40.0,0.0,40.0,0.0,
- 0.0],[0.0,0.0,40.0,40.0,20.0,40.0,20.0,40.0,20.0,40.0,20.0,40.0,20.0,
- 40.0,40.0,0.0,0.0],[0.0,0.0,0.0,20.0,20.0,20.0,40.0,0.0,40.0,0.0,40.0,
- 20.0,20.0,20.0,0.0,0.0,0.0],[0.0,0.0,0.0,40.0,20.0,20.0,20.0,40.0,
- 20.0,40.0,20.0,20.0,20.0,40.0,0.0,0.0,0.0],[0.0,0.0,40.0,0.0,40.0,
- 20.0,40.0,0.0,40.0,0.0,40.0,20.0,40.0,0.0,40.0,0.0,0.0],[0.0,0.0,0.0,
- 40.0,0.0,0.0,40.0,40.0,20.0,40.0,40.0,0.0,0.0,40.0,0.0,0.0,0.0],[0.0,
- 0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0],[0.0,
- 0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0],),),
- axial_description=_F(lower_refl_size=0.21,
- upper_refl_size=0.21,),
- nominal_power=4000000000.0,
- Fuel_power_fraction=0.974,
- by_pass=0.07,
- core_volumic_flowrate=90940.0,);
- scale='component',
- code='APOLLO3',
- radial_meshing=_F(flux_solver='subdivision',
- flux_subdivision=2,
- feedback_solver='subdivision',
- feedback_subdivision=1,),
- axial_meshing=_F(lower_refl=2,
- fuel=42,
- upper_refl=2,),);
- scale='component',
- code='FLICA4',
- radial_meshing=_F(fluid='subdivision',
- fluid_subdivision=1,
- pellet=8,
- clad=2,),
- axial_meshing=_F(lower_refl=1,
- fuel=40,
- upper_refl=1,),);
- initial_power_unit='% Nominal power',
- initial_core_inlet_temperature=290.0,
- initial_boron_concentration=1300.0,
- initial_inlet_pressure=160.2,
- initial_outlet_pressure=157.2,
- initial_rod_positions=(('Rodbank@RB',201),('Rodbank@N1',96),('Rodbank@N2',260),('Rodbank@G1',260),('Rodbank@G2',260),('Rodcluster@H08',260)),
- scenario_type='RIA',
- ejected_rod='H02',
- rod_position_program=((0.0,0),(0.1,260)),
- SCRAM_power=1130.0,
- complete_SCRAM_time=1.0,
- post_processing=(('Fuel temperature@Thermalhydraulics','MAX'),('Neutronic power@Neutronics','SUM'),('Fuel temperature@Thermalhydraulics','MED'),('Neutronic power@Neutronics','MED')),);
-#CHECKSUM:25881dd6462363b8aeb1384fa470b79e:FIN CHECKSUM
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+# fichier exemple pour modifier initial_power
+# Modules Python
+# Modules Eficas
+# la on peut mettre le EFICAS_DIR
+import sys,os
+from InterfaceQT4.eficas_go import getDicoPython
+from pprint import pprint
+pprint (monDico)
--- /dev/null
+# fichier exemple pour modifier initial_power
+# Modules Python
+# Modules Eficas
+# la on peut mettre le EFICAS_DIR
+import sys,os
+from InterfaceQT4.eficas_go import getObjectPython
+from InterfaceQT4.eficas_go import getObjectPython
+monScenarioData=monJdC.Scenario_data[0] # Au 1er niveau, on a toujours des listes en eficas
+print ('monScenarioData.initial_power', monScenarioData.initial_power) # ici on a la valeur directement (comme en pyxb et pas l objet
+monObjetInital_Power=monScenarioData.getChildOrChildInBloc('initial_power') # la on a l objet python
+OkPourChangement= monObjetInital_Power.validValeur('tototo') # on verifie que la valeur que l onj veut mettre est valide
+print ('toto est elle une valeur valide pour monScenarioData.initial_power ? ', OkPourChangement)
+OkPourChangement= monObjetInital_Power.validValeur(0.11) # on verifie que la valeur que l onj veut mettre est valide
+if OkPourChangement :
+ changementFait = monObjetInital_Power.setValeur(0.11)
+ print ('changementFait :' , changementFait)
+ print ('monScenarioData.initial_power' , monScenarioData.initial_power)
--- /dev/null
+#! /usr/bin/env python3
+# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
+import sys
+import cata_RN_EDG_driver as mdm
+import pyxb
+jdd = mdm.CreateFromDocument(open('cata_RN_EDG_test_driver_1.xml').read())
+assembly_type = jdd.Assembly[0].assembly_type
+txt += "assembly_type" + " = " +str( assembly_type)+"\n"
+assembly_type_1 = jdd.Assembly[1].assembly_type
+txt += "assembly_type_1" + " = " +str( assembly_type_1)+"\n"
+assembly_width = jdd.Assembly[1].assembly_width
+txt += "assembly_width" + " = " +str( assembly_width)+"\n"
+fuel_density = jdd.Assembly[1].fuel_density
+txt += "fuel_density" + " = " +str( fuel_density)+"\n"
+clad_outer_radius = jdd.Assembly[1].radial_description.clad_outer_radius
+txt += "clad_outer_radius" + " = " +str( clad_outer_radius)+"\n"
+guide_tube_outer_radius = jdd.Assembly[1].radial_description.guide_tube_outer_radius
+txt += "guide_tube_outer_radius" + " = " +str( guide_tube_outer_radius)+"\n"
+fuel_rod_pitch = jdd.Assembly[1].radial_description.fuel_rod_pitch
+txt += "fuel_rod_pitch" + " = " +str( fuel_rod_pitch)+"\n"
+nfuel_rods = jdd.Assembly[1].radial_description.nfuel_rods
+txt += "nfuel_rods" + " = " +str( nfuel_rods)+"\n"
+active_length_start = jdd.Assembly[1].axial_description.active_length_start
+txt += "active_length_start" + " = " +str( active_length_start)+"\n"
+active_length_end = jdd.Assembly[1].axial_description.active_length_end
+txt += "active_length_end" + " = " +str( active_length_end)+"\n"
+positions = jdd.Assembly[1].grids.mixing.positions
+txt += "positions" + " = " +str( positions)+"\n"
+size = jdd.Assembly[1].grids.mixing.size
+txt += "size" + " = " +str( size)+"\n"
+positions_1 = jdd.Assembly[1].grids.non_mixing.positions
+txt += "positions_1" + " = " +str( positions_1)+"\n"
+size_1 = jdd.Assembly[1].grids.non_mixing.size
+txt += "size_1" + " = " +str( size_1)+"\n"
+assembly_type_2 = jdd.Assembly[2].assembly_type
+txt += "assembly_type_2" + " = " +str( assembly_type_2)+"\n"
+assembly_width_1 = jdd.Assembly[2].assembly_width
+txt += "assembly_width_1" + " = " +str( assembly_width_1)+"\n"
+fuel_density_1 = jdd.Assembly[2].fuel_density
+txt += "fuel_density_1" + " = " +str( fuel_density_1)+"\n"
+clad_outer_radius_1 = jdd.Assembly[2].radial_description.clad_outer_radius
+txt += "clad_outer_radius_1" + " = " +str( clad_outer_radius_1)+"\n"
+guide_tube_outer_radius_1 = jdd.Assembly[2].radial_description.guide_tube_outer_radius
+txt += "guide_tube_outer_radius_1" + " = " +str( guide_tube_outer_radius_1)+"\n"
+fuel_rod_pitch_1 = jdd.Assembly[2].radial_description.fuel_rod_pitch
+txt += "fuel_rod_pitch_1" + " = " +str( fuel_rod_pitch_1)+"\n"
+nfuel_rods_1 = jdd.Assembly[2].radial_description.nfuel_rods
+txt += "nfuel_rods_1" + " = " +str( nfuel_rods_1)+"\n"
+active_length_start_1 = jdd.Assembly[2].axial_description.active_length_start
+txt += "active_length_start_1" + " = " +str( active_length_start_1)+"\n"
+active_length_end_1 = jdd.Assembly[2].axial_description.active_length_end
+txt += "active_length_end_1" + " = " +str( active_length_end_1)+"\n"
+positions_2 = jdd.Assembly[2].grids.mixing.positions
+txt += "positions_2" + " = " +str( positions_2)+"\n"
+size_2 = jdd.Assembly[2].grids.mixing.size
+txt += "size_2" + " = " +str( size_2)+"\n"
+positions_3 = jdd.Assembly[2].grids.non_mixing.positions
+txt += "positions_3" + " = " +str( positions_3)+"\n"
+size_3 = jdd.Assembly[2].grids.non_mixing.size
+txt += "size_3" + " = " +str( size_3)+"\n"
+rod_type = jdd.RodBank[0].rod_type
+txt += "rod_type" + " = " +str( rod_type)+"\n"
+bottom_composition = jdd.RodBank[0].bottom_composition
+txt += "bottom_composition" + " = " +str( bottom_composition)+"\n"
+splitting_heigh = jdd.RodBank[0].splitting_heigh
+txt += "splitting_heigh" + " = " +str( splitting_heigh)+"\n"
+upper_composition = jdd.RodBank[0].upper_composition
+txt += "upper_composition" + " = " +str( upper_composition)+"\n"
+step_height = jdd.RodBank[0].step_height
+txt += "step_height" + " = " +str( step_height)+"\n"
+nsteps = jdd.RodBank[0].nsteps
+txt += "nsteps" + " = " +str( nsteps)+"\n"
+rod_type_1 = jdd.RodBank[1].rod_type
+txt += "rod_type_1" + " = " +str( rod_type_1)+"\n"
+bottom_composition_1 = jdd.RodBank[1].bottom_composition
+txt += "bottom_composition_1" + " = " +str( bottom_composition_1)+"\n"
+splitting_heigh_1 = jdd.RodBank[1].splitting_heigh
+txt += "splitting_heigh_1" + " = " +str( splitting_heigh_1)+"\n"
+upper_composition_1 = jdd.RodBank[1].upper_composition
+txt += "upper_composition_1" + " = " +str( upper_composition_1)+"\n"
+step_height_1 = jdd.RodBank[1].step_height
+txt += "step_height_1" + " = " +str( step_height_1)+"\n"
+nsteps_1 = jdd.RodBank[1].nsteps
+txt += "nsteps_1" + " = " +str( nsteps_1)+"\n"
+rod_type_2 = jdd.RodBank[2].rod_type
+txt += "rod_type_2" + " = " +str( rod_type_2)+"\n"
+bottom_composition_2 = jdd.RodBank[2].bottom_composition
+txt += "bottom_composition_2" + " = " +str( bottom_composition_2)+"\n"
+splitting_heigh_2 = jdd.RodBank[2].splitting_heigh
+txt += "splitting_heigh_2" + " = " +str( splitting_heigh_2)+"\n"
+upper_composition_2 = jdd.RodBank[2].upper_composition
+txt += "upper_composition_2" + " = " +str( upper_composition_2)+"\n"
+step_height_2 = jdd.RodBank[2].step_height
+txt += "step_height_2" + " = " +str( step_height_2)+"\n"
+nsteps_2 = jdd.RodBank[2].nsteps
+txt += "nsteps_2" + " = " +str( nsteps_2)+"\n"
+rod_type_3 = jdd.RodBank[3].rod_type
+txt += "rod_type_3" + " = " +str( rod_type_3)+"\n"
+rod_composition = jdd.RodBank[3].rod_composition
+txt += "rod_composition" + " = " +str( rod_composition)+"\n"
+step_height_3 = jdd.RodBank[3].step_height
+txt += "step_height_3" + " = " +str( step_height_3)+"\n"
+nsteps_3 = jdd.RodBank[3].nsteps
+txt += "nsteps_3" + " = " +str( nsteps_3)+"\n"
+rod_type_4 = jdd.RodBank[4].rod_type
+txt += "rod_type_4" + " = " +str( rod_type_4)+"\n"
+rod_composition_1 = jdd.RodBank[4].rod_composition
+txt += "rod_composition_1" + " = " +str( rod_composition_1)+"\n"
+step_height_4 = jdd.RodBank[4].step_height
+txt += "step_height_4" + " = " +str( step_height_4)+"\n"
+nsteps_4 = jdd.RodBank[4].nsteps
+txt += "nsteps_4" + " = " +str( nsteps_4)+"\n"
+assembly_list = jdd.Techno_data[0].assembly_list
+txt += "assembly_list" + " = " +str( assembly_list)+"\n"
+rodbank_list = jdd.Techno_data[0].rodbank_list
+txt += "rodbank_list" + " = " +str( rodbank_list)+"\n"
+nb_assembly = jdd.Techno_data[0].radial_description.nb_assembly
+txt += "nb_assembly" + " = " +str( nb_assembly)+"\n"
+xaxis = jdd.Techno_data[0].radial_description.xaxis
+txt += "xaxis" + " = " +str( xaxis)+"\n"
+yaxis = jdd.Techno_data[0].radial_description.yaxis
+txt += "yaxis" + " = " +str( yaxis)+"\n"
+assembly_map = jdd.Techno_data[0].radial_description.assembly_map
+txt += "assembly_map" + " = " +"\n"
+for l in assembly_map.line : txt += str(l)+"\n"
+rod_map = jdd.Techno_data[0].radial_description.rod_map
+txt += "rod_map" + " = " +"\n"
+for l in rod_map.line : txt += str(l)+"\n"
+BU_map = jdd.Techno_data[0].radial_description.BU_map
+txt += "BU_map" + " = " +"\n"
+for l in BU_map.line : txt += str(l)+"\n"
+lower_refl_size = jdd.Techno_data[0].axial_description.lower_refl_size
+txt += "lower_refl_size" + " = " +str( lower_refl_size)+"\n"
+upper_refl_size = jdd.Techno_data[0].axial_description.upper_refl_size
+txt += "upper_refl_size" + " = " +str( upper_refl_size)+"\n"
+nominal_power = jdd.Techno_data[0].nominal_power
+txt += "nominal_power" + " = " +str( nominal_power)+"\n"
+Fuel_power_fraction = jdd.Techno_data[0].Fuel_power_fraction
+txt += "Fuel_power_fraction" + " = " +str( Fuel_power_fraction)+"\n"
+by_pass = jdd.Techno_data[0].by_pass
+txt += "by_pass" + " = " +str( by_pass)+"\n"
+core_volumic_flowrate = jdd.Techno_data[0].core_volumic_flowrate
+txt += "core_volumic_flowrate" + " = " +str( core_volumic_flowrate)+"\n"
+physics = jdd.Model_data[0].physics
+txt += "physics" + " = " +str( physics)+"\n"
+scale = jdd.Model_data[0].scale
+txt += "scale" + " = " +str( scale)+"\n"
+code = jdd.Model_data[0].code
+txt += "code" + " = " +str( code)+"\n"
+flux_solver = jdd.Model_data[0].radial_meshing.flux_solver
+txt += "flux_solver" + " = " +str( flux_solver)+"\n"
+flux_subdivision = jdd.Model_data[0].radial_meshing.flux_subdivision
+txt += "flux_subdivision" + " = " +str( flux_subdivision)+"\n"
+feedback_solver = jdd.Model_data[0].radial_meshing.feedback_solver
+txt += "feedback_solver" + " = " +str( feedback_solver)+"\n"
+feedback_subdivision = jdd.Model_data[0].radial_meshing.feedback_subdivision
+txt += "feedback_subdivision" + " = " +str( feedback_subdivision)+"\n"
+lower_refl = jdd.Model_data[0].axial_meshing.lower_refl
+txt += "lower_refl" + " = " +str( lower_refl)+"\n"
+fuel = jdd.Model_data[0].axial_meshing.fuel
+txt += "fuel" + " = " +str( fuel)+"\n"
+upper_refl = jdd.Model_data[0].axial_meshing.upper_refl
+txt += "upper_refl" + " = " +str( upper_refl)+"\n"
+physics_1 = jdd.Model_data[1].physics
+txt += "physics_1" + " = " +str( physics_1)+"\n"
+scale_1 = jdd.Model_data[1].scale
+txt += "scale_1" + " = " +str( scale_1)+"\n"
+code_1 = jdd.Model_data[1].code
+txt += "code_1" + " = " +str( code_1)+"\n"
+fluid = jdd.Model_data[1].radial_meshing.fluid
+txt += "fluid" + " = " +str( fluid)+"\n"
+fluid_subdivision = jdd.Model_data[1].radial_meshing.fluid_subdivision
+txt += "fluid_subdivision" + " = " +str( fluid_subdivision)+"\n"
+pellet = jdd.Model_data[1].radial_meshing.pellet
+txt += "pellet" + " = " +str( pellet)+"\n"
+clad = jdd.Model_data[1].radial_meshing.clad
+txt += "clad" + " = " +str( clad)+"\n"
+lower_refl_1 = jdd.Model_data[1].axial_meshing.lower_refl
+txt += "lower_refl_1" + " = " +str( lower_refl_1)+"\n"
+fuel_1 = jdd.Model_data[1].axial_meshing.fuel
+txt += "fuel_1" + " = " +str( fuel_1)+"\n"
+upper_refl_1 = jdd.Model_data[1].axial_meshing.upper_refl
+txt += "upper_refl_1" + " = " +str( upper_refl_1)+"\n"
+initial_power = jdd.Scenario_data[0].initial_power
+txt += "initial_power" + " = " +str( initial_power)+"\n"
+initial_power_unit = jdd.Scenario_data[0].initial_power_unit
+txt += "initial_power_unit" + " = " +str( initial_power_unit)+"\n"
+initial_core_inlet_temperature = jdd.Scenario_data[0].initial_core_inlet_temperature
+txt += "initial_core_inlet_temperature" + " = " +str( initial_core_inlet_temperature)+"\n"
+initial_boron_concentration = jdd.Scenario_data[0].initial_boron_concentration
+txt += "initial_boron_concentration" + " = " +str( initial_boron_concentration)+"\n"
+initial_inlet_pressure = jdd.Scenario_data[0].initial_inlet_pressure
+txt += "initial_inlet_pressure" + " = " +str( initial_inlet_pressure)+"\n"
+initial_outlet_pressure = jdd.Scenario_data[0].initial_outlet_pressure
+txt += "initial_outlet_pressure" + " = " +str( initial_outlet_pressure)+"\n"
+initial_rod_positions = jdd.Scenario_data[0].initial_rod_positions
+txt += "initial_rod_positions" + " = " + "\n"
+for t in initial_rod_positions: txt+="("+str(t.n1)+","+str(t.n2)+")"+"\n"
+scenario_type = jdd.Scenario_data[0].scenario_type
+txt += "scenario_type" + " = " +str( scenario_type)+"\n"
+ejected_rod = jdd.Scenario_data[0].ejected_rod
+txt += "ejected_rod" + " = " +str( ejected_rod)+"\n"
+rod_position_program = jdd.Scenario_data[0].rod_position_program
+txt += "rod_position_program" + " = " +"\n"
+for t in rod_position_program: txt+="("+str(t.n1)+","+str(t.n2)+")"+"\n"
+SCRAM = jdd.Scenario_data[0].SCRAM
+txt += "SCRAM" + " = " +str( SCRAM)+"\n"
+SCRAM_power = jdd.Scenario_data[0].SCRAM_power
+txt += "SCRAM_power" + " = " +str( SCRAM_power)+"\n"
+complete_SCRAM_time = jdd.Scenario_data[0].complete_SCRAM_time
+txt += "complete_SCRAM_time" + " = " +str( complete_SCRAM_time)+"\n"
+post_processing = jdd.Scenario_data[0].post_processing
+txt += "post_processing" + " = " + "\n"
+for t in post_processing: txt+="("+str(t.n1)+","+str(t.n2)+")"+"\n"
+print (txt)
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2007-2021 EDF R&D
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2.1 of the License.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+# See or email :
+ Ce module sert a lancer EFICAS configure pour MAP
+# Modules Python
+# Modules Eficas
+# la on peut mettre le EFICAS_DIR
+import sys,os
+from InterfaceQT4.eficas_go import validateFile
+print (validateFile("ReacteurNumerique","","edg_REP1300_FULL.comm"))
+++ /dev/null
-# fichier exemple pour modifier initial_power
-# Modules Python
-# Modules Eficas
-# la on peut mettre le EFICAS_DIR
-import sys,os
-from InterfaceQT4.eficas_go import getDicoPython
-from pprint import pprint
-pprint (monDico)
+++ /dev/null
-# fichier exemple pour modifier initial_power
-# Modules Python
-# Modules Eficas
-# la on peut mettre le EFICAS_DIR
-import sys,os
-from InterfaceQT4.eficas_go import getObjectPython
-from InterfaceQT4.eficas_go import getObjectPython
-monScenarioData=monJdC.Scenario_data[0] # Au 1er niveau, on a toujours des listes en eficas
-print ('monScenarioData.initial_power', monScenarioData.initial_power) # ici on a la valeur directement (comme en pyxb et pas l objet
-monObjetInital_Power=monScenarioData.getChildOrChildInBloc('initial_power') # la on a l objet python
-OkPourChangement= monObjetInital_Power.validValeur('tototo') # on verifie que la valeur que l onj veut mettre est valide
-print ('toto est elle une valeur valide pour monScenarioData.initial_power ? ', OkPourChangement)
-OkPourChangement= monObjetInital_Power.validValeur(0.11) # on verifie que la valeur que l onj veut mettre est valide
-if OkPourChangement :
- changementFait = monObjetInital_Power.setValeur(0.11)
- print ('changementFait :' , changementFait)
- print ('monScenarioData.initial_power' , monScenarioData.initial_power)
- ('ReacteurNumerique','Version Beta',os.path.join(repIni,''),'python','python'),
+ ('ReacteurNumerique','Version Beta',os.path.join(repIni,''),'python','python'),
+++ /dev/null
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2007-2021 EDF R&D
-# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-# version 2.1 of the License.
-# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# Lesser General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-# See or email :
- Ce module sert a lancer EFICAS configure pour MAP
-# Modules Python
-# Modules Eficas
-# la on peut mettre le EFICAS_DIR
-import sys,os
-from InterfaceQT4.eficas_go import validateFile
-print (validateFile("ReacteurNumerique","","edg_REP1300_FULL_PN.comm"))
-#!/usr/bin/env python
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2007-2013 EDF R&D
+++ /dev/null
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- </property>
- <property name="minimumSize">
- <size>
- <width>200</width>
- <height>0</height>
- </size>
- </property>
- <property name="maximumSize">
- <size>
- <width>1500</width>
- <height>16</height>
- </size>
- </property>
- <property name="orientation">
- <enum>Qt::Horizontal</enum>
- </property>
- </widget>
- </item>
- <item>
- <spacer name="horizontalSpacer_3">
- <property name="orientation">
- <enum>Qt::Horizontal</enum>
- </property>
- <property name="sizeType">
- <enum>QSizePolicy::Fixed</enum>
- </property>
- <property name="sizeHint" stdset="0">
- <size>
- <width>13</width>
- <height>20</height>
- </size>
- </property>
- </spacer>
- </item>
- <item>
- <layout class="QHBoxLayout" name="horizontalLayout_2">
- <property name="spacing">
- <number>0</number>
- </property>
- <property name="sizeConstraint">
- <enum>QLayout::SetFixedSize</enum>
- </property>
- <item>
- <widget class="QToolButton" name="RBRun">
- <property name="minimumSize">
- <size>
- <width>21</width>
- <height>31</height>
- </size>
- </property>
- <property name="maximumSize">
- <size>
- <width>21</width>
- <height>31</height>
- </size>
- </property>
- <property name="focusPolicy">
- <enum>Qt::ClickFocus</enum>
- </property>
- <property name="toolTip">
- <string>Lance un script associé à la commande</string>
- </property>
- <property name="styleSheet">
- <string notr="true">border : 0px</string>
- </property>
- <property name="text">
- <string>...</string>
- </property>
- <property name="icon">
- <iconset>
- <normaloff>../Editeur/icons/roue.png</normaloff>../Editeur/icons/roue.png</iconset>
- </property>
- <property name="iconSize">
- <size>
- <width>21</width>
- <height>31</height>
- </size>
- </property>
- </widget>
- </item>
- <item>
- <widget class="QToolButton" name="RBInfo">
- <property name="minimumSize">
- <size>
- <width>21</width>
- <height>25</height>
- </size>
- </property>
- <property name="maximumSize">
- <size>
- <width>21</width>
- <height>25</height>
- </size>
- </property>
- <property name="styleSheet">
- <string notr="true">border : 0px</string>
- </property>
- <property name="text">
- <string>...</string>
- </property>
- <property name="icon">
- <iconset>
- <normaloff>../Editeur/icons/point-interrogation30.png</normaloff>../Editeur/icons/point-interrogation30.png</iconset>
- </property>
- <property name="iconSize">
- <size>
- <width>21</width>
- <height>25</height>
- </size>
- </property>
- </widget>
- </item>
- <item>
- <widget class="QToolButton" name="RBRegle">
- <property name="minimumSize">
- <size>
- <width>21</width>
- <height>25</height>
- </size>
- </property>
- <property name="maximumSize">
- <size>
- <width>21</width>
- <height>25</height>
- </size>
- </property>
- <property name="styleSheet">
- <string notr="true">border : 0px</string>
- </property>
- <property name="text">
- <string>...</string>
- </property>
- <property name="icon">
- <iconset>
- <normaloff>../Editeur/icons/lettreRblanc30.png</normaloff>../Editeur/icons/lettreRblanc30.png</iconset>
- </property>
- <property name="iconSize">
- <size>
- <width>21</width>
- <height>25</height>
- </size>
- </property>
- </widget>
- </item>
- </layout>
- </item>
- <item>
- <spacer name="horizontalSpacer_2">
- <property name="orientation">
- <enum>Qt::Horizontal</enum>
- </property>
- <property name="sizeType">
- <enum>QSizePolicy::Fixed</enum>
- </property>
- <property name="sizeHint" stdset="0">
- <size>
- <width>13</width>
- <height>20</height>
- </size>
- </property>
- </spacer>
- </item>
- <item>
- <widget class="QToolButton" name="RBPoubelle">
- <property name="minimumSize">
- <size>
- <width>21</width>
- <height>25</height>
- </size>
- </property>
- <property name="maximumSize">
- <size>
- <width>21</width>
- <height>25</height>
- </size>
- </property>
- <property name="styleSheet">
- <string notr="true">border : 0px</string>
- </property>
- <property name="text">
- <string>...</string>
- </property>
- <property name="icon">
- <iconset>
- <normaloff>../Editeur/icons/deleteRond.png</normaloff>../Editeur/icons/deleteRond.png</iconset>
- </property>
- <property name="iconSize">
- <size>
- <width>21</width>
- <height>25</height>
- </size>
- </property>
- </widget>
- </item>
- </layout>
- </item>
- <item row="1" column="1">
- <layout class="QHBoxLayout" name="commandesLayout">
- <property name="spacing">
- <number>0</number>
- </property>
- <property name="topMargin">
- <number>2</number>
- </property>
- </layout>
- </item>
- </layout>
- </item>
- </layout>
- <zorder></zorder>
- <zorder></zorder>
- </widget>
- <customwidgets>
- <customwidget>
- <class>MonBoutonValide</class>
- <extends>QToolButton</extends>
- <header>monBoutonValide.h</header>
- </customwidget>
- <customwidget>
- <class>MonLabelClic</class>
- <extends>QLabel</extends>
- <header>monLabelClic.h</header>
- </customwidget>
- </customwidgets>
- <resources/>
- <connections/>
- <width>743</width>
- <height>31</height>
+ <width>563</width>
+ <height>58</height>
<property name="sizePolicy">
<property name="spacing">
+ <property name="topMargin">
+ <number>1</number>
+ </property>
+ <property name="bottomMargin">
+ <number>1</number>
+ </property>
<layout class="QHBoxLayout" name="horizontalLayout_2">
+ <property name="spacing">
+ <number>0</number>
+ </property>
<widget class="QLineEdit" name="lineEditVal">
<property name="sizePolicy">
<property name="sizeHint" stdset="0">
- <width>3</width>
+ <width>13</width>
+ <item>
+ <widget class="QCheckBox" name="checkBoxUQ">
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Fixed" vsizetype="Fixed">
+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
+ </property>
+ <property name="toolTip">
+ <string>Active le parametre comme variable UQ</string>
+ </property>
+ <property name="text">
+ <string/>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
<spacer name="horizontalSpacer_2">
<property name="orientation">
<property name="sizeHint" stdset="0">
- <width>5</width>
+ <width>13</width>
<property name="sizeHint" stdset="0">
- <height>1</height>
+ <height>13</height>
import @module@ as mdm
import pyxb
o1 = mdm.CreateFromDocument(open('@file@').read())
--- /dev/null
+#! /usr/bin/env python3
+# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
+import sys
+import @module@ as mdm
+import pyxb
+o1 = mdm.CreateFromDocument(open('@file@').read())