-# coding: utf-8\r
-import types\r
-from Accas import *\r
-import lienDB\r
-import listesDB\r
-monDico= { 'Equation_Liste' : ('initiation', 'propagation', 'termination', 'stabilization'),\r
- 'Modele_TechnicalUse' : ('cable', 'coating', 'pipes'),\r
- 'Aging_Factor' : { 'predefinedSimulationTime' : ('40years BR top', '40years BR bottom')},\r
- 'Boundary_Conditions' : ('flux_volume','flux_surface','constant_constration','convection_flux'),\r
- 'posttraitement_Typ' : ('chimique','mecanique','physique'),\r
- }\r
-import types\r
-class Tuple:\r
- def __init__(self,ntuple):\r
- self.ntuple=ntuple\r
- def __convert__(self,valeur):\r
- if type(valeur) == types.StringType:\r
- return None\r
- if len(valeur) != self.ntuple:\r
- return None\r
- return valeur\r
- def info(self):\r
- return "Tuple de %s elements" % self.ntuple\r
-JdC = JDC_CATA(code='VP',\r
- execmodul=None,\r
- )\r
- \r
-DataBase = PROC (nom="DataBase",\r
- op=None,\r
- Equation_DB=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM', into=("Approved data base", "My data base") ),\r
- #b_suite = BLOC(condition = "Equation_DB == 'My data base' ",\r
- Equation_Type = SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM', into=("Show equation database", "Equation creation"),),\r
- #),\r
- #b_suite_2 = BLOC(condition = "Equation_DB == 'Approved data base' ",\r
- #Equation_Type = SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM', into=("Show equation database", ),),\r
- #),\r
- \r
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\r
- b_type_show = BLOC(condition = " Equation_Type == 'Show equation database'",\r
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\r
- Equation_Liste=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM', into=('reaction_type','aging_type')),\r
- b_reaction_type = BLOC(condition = " Equation_Liste == 'reaction_type'",\r
- Equation_reaction=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM', into=monDico['Equation_Liste'],siValide=lienDB.recupereDicoEquation),\r
- ), # Fin b_reaction_type\r
- b_aging_type = BLOC(condition = " Equation_Liste == 'aging_type'",\r
- Equation_reaction=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM', into=('All', 'thermo', 'radio'),siValide=lienDB.recupereDicoEquation),\r
- ), # Fin b_reaction_type\r
- ListeEquation = SIMP(statut='o', typ='TXM', homo='SansOrdreNiDoublon',siValide=lienDB.afficheValeurEquation),\r
- #ListeEquation = SIMP(statut='o', typ='TXM', homo='SansOrdreNiDoublon'),\r
- b_modification = BLOC(condition = " ListeEquation != None ",\r
- modification = SIMP(typ = bool, statut = 'o',defaut = False, fr='toto', ang='toto en anglais', siValide=lienDB.instancieChemicalFormulation),\r
- \r
- b_modif = BLOC(condition = "modification == True",\r
- Reaction_Type=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM', min=1,into=monDico['Equation_Liste'],),\r
- Aging_Type=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM', min=1,max='**', homo='SansOrdreNiDoublon', into=('All', 'thermo', 'radio'),),\r
- ChemicalFormulation = SIMP(statut='o', typ='TXM', defaut = 'POOH -> 2P'),\r
- OptionnelConstituant = FACT ( statut = 'f',max = '**',\r
- Constituant = SIMP (statut = 'o', typ = 'TXM'),\r
- Differential_Equation = SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM'),\r
- ), # fin Const_Equa\r
- OptionnelleConstante = FACT (statut = 'f', max = '**',\r
- ConstanteName= SIMP (statut = 'o', typ = 'TXM',),\r
- ConstanteType = SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM', min=1,into=('Arrhenius type','non Arrhenius type'),defaut='Arrhenius type'),\r
- ),# fin ConstanteOptionnelle\r
- Commentaire = SIMP (statut = 'f', typ = 'TXM', defaut = ' '),\r
- ),# fin b_modif\r
- \r
- ), # fin b_modification\r
- ), # Fin b_type_show\r
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\r
- b_type_creation = BLOC(condition = " Equation_Type == 'Equation creation'",\r
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\r
- Equation_Modification = FACT ( statut = 'o',\r
- \r
- ChemicalFormulation = SIMP(statut='o', typ='TXM', defaut = 'POOH -> 2P'),\r
- Reaction_Type=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM', min=1,into=monDico['Equation_Liste'],),\r
- Aging_Type=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM', min=1,max='**', homo='SansOrdreNiDoublon', into=('All', 'thermo', 'radio'),),\r
- Constituants = FACT ( statut = 'o',\r
- ConstituantPOOH = SIMP (statut = 'f', typ = 'TXM', into = ('POOH',)),\r
- b_pooh = BLOC(condition = " ConstituantPOOH == 'POOH'" ,\r
- Differential_Equation_POOH = SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM', defaut = '-ku1*POOH'),\r
- ), # Fin b_pooh\r
- #ConstituantP = SIMP (statut = 'f', typ = 'TXM', into = ('P',)),\r
- #b_p = BLOC(condition = " ConstituantP == 'P'" ,\r
- # Differential_Equation_P = SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM', defaut = '2*ku1*POOH'),\r
- #), # Fin b_p\r
- ConstituantP = FACT ( statut = 'f',\r
- ConstituantP = SIMP (statut = 'f', typ = 'TXM', into = ('P',)),\r
- Differential_Equation_P = SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM', defaut = '2*ku1*POOH'),\r
- ), # Fin ConstituantP\r
- OptionnelConstituant = FACT ( statut = 'f',max = '**',\r
- Constituant = SIMP (statut = 'o', typ = 'TXM'),\r
- Differential_Equation = SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM'),\r
- ), # fin Const_Equa\r
- ),# Fin Constituants\r
- Constante = FACT ( statut = 'o',\r
- Constanteku1 = SIMP (statut = 'f', typ = 'TXM', into = ('ku1',), defaut= 'ku1'),\r
- b_cku1 = BLOC(condition = "Constanteku1 == 'ku1'" ,\r
- ConstanteType = SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM', into=('Arrhenius type','non Arrhenius type'),defaut='Arrhenius type'),\r
- ),\r
- OptionnelleConstante = FACT (statut = 'f', max = '**',\r
- ConstanteName= SIMP (statut = 'o', typ = 'TXM',),\r
- ConstanteType = SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM', min=1,into=('Arrhenius type','non Arrhenius type'),defaut='Arrhenius type'),\r
- ),# fin ConstanteOptionnelle\r
- ), # fin constante\r
- Commentaire = SIMP (statut = 'f', typ = 'TXM', defaut = ' '),\r
- \r
- ), # Fin Equation_Modification\r
- ), # fin b_type_creation\r
- \r
- \r
-) # Fin Equation\r
-ODE = PROC (nom="ODE",\r
- op=None,\r
- Modele_DB=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM', into=("Approved data base", "My data base"),siValide=lienDB.recupereDicoModele ),\r
- Modele_Type = SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM', into=("Show modele database", "Modele creation"),siValide=lienDB.creeListeEquation),\r
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\r
- b_type_creation = BLOC(condition = " Modele_Type == 'Modele creation'",\r
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\r
- ID=FACT(statut='o',\r
- technicalUse= SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM',into=monDico['Modele_TechnicalUse'],defaut=monModele.technical_use ),\r
- modeleName=SIMP(statut='o',typ='TXM',defaut=monModele.nom,),\r
- material=SIMP(statut='o',typ='TXM',defaut=monModele.materiaux[0],),\r
- agingType=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ='TXM', min=1,max='**', homo='SansOrdreNiDoublon', into=('All', 'thermo', 'radio'), defaut=monModele.type_vieil),\r
- stabilizer = SIMP(typ = bool, statut = 'o',defaut = monModele.stabilise),\r
- material_thickness = SIMP(typ = 'TXM', statut = 'o',defaut = monModele.thickness, into = ['thin','thick']),\r
- # il faudrait que position=global_jdc fonctionne\r
- model_developed_by_for_EDF = SIMP(typ = bool, statut = 'o',defaut = monModele.dvt_EDF[0]),\r
- documentation=SIMP(statut='o',typ='TXM',defaut=monModele.reference,),\r
- \r
- ), # fin ID\r
- # ajouter la liste des equations et le remove (il faut garder ceux qu on a enlever)\r
- \r
- Chemical_Equation = FACT( statut='o',\r
- Initial_Equation_List=SIMP(statut='o',typ='TXM',max="**",homo='SansOrdreNiDoublon',into=[],defaut=[], siValide=lienDB.recupereModeleEquation),\r
- AjoutEquation=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= bool, defaut=False, siValide=lienDB.recupereModeleEquation),\r
- b_ajout_equation = BLOC(condition = " AjoutEquation == True",\r
- listeEquation_initiation=SIMP(statut='o', typ='TXM',homo='SansOrdreNiDoublon', max='**', min=0, defaut=[],siValide=lienDB.ajoutDUneEquation ),\r
- listeEquation_propagation=SIMP(statut='o', typ='TXM',homo='SansOrdreNiDoublon', max='**', min=0, defaut=[],siValide=lienDB.ajoutDUneEquation ),\r
- listeEquation_termination=SIMP(statut='o', typ='TXM',homo='SansOrdreNiDoublon', max='**', min=0, defaut=[],siValide=lienDB.ajoutDUneEquation ),\r
- listeEquation_stabilization=SIMP(statut='o',typ='TXM', homo='SansOrdreNiDoublon', max='**', min=0, defaut=[],siValide=lienDB.ajoutDUneEquation ),\r
- ),# fin b_ajout_equation\r
- \r
- ), # fin Equation\r
- # coefficients monModele.coef = liste de dictionnaire mais il faut prendre que le 0\r
- # on enleve ceux qui commence par D, S et B(casse imprtante)\r
- # la clef est le coef, puis les valeurs\r
- \r
- #b_material_thickness = BLOC(condition = "material_thickness == 'thick'",\r
- # si position=global fonctionne\r
- Transport = FACT( statut = 'o',\r
- #Diffusion = SIMP(typ = bool, statut = 'o',defaut = monModele.diffusion,siValide = lienDB.prepareDiffusion),\r
- Diffusion = SIMP(typ = bool, statut = 'o',defaut = False ,siValide = lienDB.prepareDiffusion),\r
- b_diffusion = BLOC(condition = " Diffusion == True",\r
- listeProduitPourLaDiffusion=SIMP(statut='o', typ='TXM', max='**', min=1,homo='SansOrdreNiDoublon', into = [],siValide=lienDB.ajouteDiffusion), \r
- ), # fin b_diffusion\r
- Evaporation = SIMP(typ = bool, statut = 'o',defaut = False ,siValide = lienDB.prepareDiffusion),\r
- b_evaporation = BLOC(condition = " Evaporation == True",\r
- listeProduitPourLEvaporation=SIMP(statut='o', typ='TXM', max='**', min=1,homo='SansOrdreNiDoublon', into = [],siValide=lienDB.ajouteEvaporation), \r
- ), # fin b_evaporation\r
- \r
- \r
- ), # fin TRANSPORT\r
- #), # fin b_material_thickness\r
- Coefficients = FACT( statut = 'o',\r
- Coef_k2 = SIMP (statut ='o', typ='R'),\r
- Coef_ku1 = SIMP (statut ='o', typ=Tuple(2),validators = VerifTypeTuple(('R','R')),),\r
- ),\r
- Parametres_Initiaux = FACT( statut = 'o',\r
- Param_POOH=SIMP (statut ='o', typ='R'),\r
- # La liste est la meme que le INTO des listeProduitsPourlaDiffusion\r
- # la valeur par defaut si elle existe est contenue dans modele.param_ini['POOH']\r
- ),\r
- #AjoutEquation=Fact(statut='f',\r
- # Reaction_Type=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM', min=1,into=monDico['Equation_Liste'],siValide=lienDB.recupereModeleEquation),\r
- #), # fin AjoutEquation\r
- ), # fin Creation\r
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\r
- b_type_modification = BLOC(condition = " Modele_Type == 'Show modele database'",\r
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\r
- technicalUse= SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM',into=monDico['Modele_TechnicalUse'],siValide=lienDB.creeListeMateriauxSelonModele),\r
- b_technicalUse = BLOC (condition = 'technicalUse != None and technicalUse != ""',\r
- material= SIMP (statut ='o', typ='TXM',siValide=lienDB.creeListeModelesPossibles),\r
- modele= SIMP (statut ='o', typ='TXM',siValide=lienDB.choisitModele),\r
- b_modele = BLOC (condition = 'modele != None and modele != ""',\r
- action = SIMP (statut ='o', typ='TXM',into = ['display','use','modify'], siValide=lienDB.choisitActionModele),\r
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\r
- b_type_modify = BLOC(condition = " action == 'modify'",\r
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\r
- ID=FACT(statut='o',\r
- modeleName=SIMP(statut='o',typ='TXM'),\r
- technicalUse= SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM', into=monDico['Modele_TechnicalUse'] ),\r
- material=SIMP(statut='o',typ='TXM'),\r
- agingType=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ='TXM', min=1,max='**', homo='SansOrdreNiDoublon', into=('All', 'thermo', 'radio')),\r
- stabilizer = SIMP(typ = bool, statut = 'o',),\r
- material_thickness = SIMP(typ = 'TXM', statut = 'o', into = ['thin','thick']),\r
- # il faudrait que position=global_jdc fonctionne\r
- model_developed_by_for_EDF = SIMP(typ = bool, statut = 'o',),\r
- documentation=SIMP(statut='o',typ='TXM',),\r
-# il faut recopier toute la suite en changeant eventuellement le nom du modele\r
-# il faut cocher toutes les equations par defaut\r
- \r
- ), # fin ID\r
- ), # fin b_type_modify\r
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\r
- b_type_use = BLOC(condition = " action == 'use'",\r
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\r
- simulationName=SIMP(statut='o',typ='TXM'),\r
- outputFolder = SIMP(statut="o", typ="Repertoire",siValide=lienDB.creeCoefAModifier),\r
- ), # fin b_type_use\r
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\r
- b_type_use2 = BLOC(condition = " action == 'use'",\r
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\r
- Aging_Factor = FACT(statut='o',\r
- predefinedSimulationTime = SIMP(statut='o',typ='TXM',into=monDico['Aging_Factor']['predefinedSimulationTime'],siValide=lienDB.remplirAgingFactor),\r
- simulationTime=SIMP(statut='o',typ='R',),\r
- numberOfNodes=SIMP(statut='o',typ='I',val_min=3,siValide=lienDB.creeInitialParameter),\r
- sampleThickness=SIMP(statut='o',typ='R',),\r
- #debitOfDose=SIMP(statut='o',typ='R',),\r
- temperature=SIMP(statut='o',typ='R',),\r
- oxygenPressure=SIMP(statut='o',typ='R',),\r
- polymerConcentration=SIMP(statut='o',typ='R',),\r
- ),\r
- Initial_Parameter = FACT(statut='o',\r
- max='**',\r
- ),\r
- Boundary_Conditions_Param = FACT(statut='o',\r
- diffusionSpecies=SIMP(statut='o',typ='TXM',defaut='O2', into=['O2',]),\r
- nodeNumber = SIMP(statut='o',typ='I',defaut=1, into=[1]), # tjours1\r
- Boundary_Conditions_O2_1 = SIMP(statut='o',typ='TXM',into=monDico['Boundary_Conditions']),\r
- BC_Value_Espece_1=SIMP(statut='o',typ='R'),\r
- nodeNumber_Espece_4 = SIMP(statut='o',typ='I',defaut=4, into=[4]), # numberOfNodes+1\r
- Boundary_Conditions_Espece_4 = SIMP(statut='o',typ='TXM',into=monDico['Boundary_Conditions']),\r
- BC_Value_Espece_4=SIMP(statut='o',typ='R'),\r
- ),\r
- ), # fin b_type_use2\r
- ), # fin b_modele\r
- ), # fin b_technicalUse\r
- ), # fin modification\r
- Commentaire = SIMP (statut = 'f', typ = 'TXM'),\r
-) # Fin Modele\r
-AnalyticModel = PROC (nom="AnalyticModel",\r
- op=None,\r
- posttraitement_DB=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM', into=("Approved data base", "My data base") ),\r
- posttraitement_Type = SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM', into=("Show post-traitement database", "post-traitement creation"),),\r
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\r
- b_post_creation = BLOC(condition = " posttraitement_Type == 'post-traitement creation'",\r
- posttraitement_Name=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM',defaut=monPost.nom,),\r
- generic=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= bool,defaut=monPost.general,),\r
- posttraitement_Typ = SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM', into=monDico['posttraitement_Typ'],homo='SansOrdreNiDoublon',max='**',defaut=monPost.type_post),\r
- calculation= FACT(statut='o',\r
- # il faut un fact horizontal\r
- calculation_results=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM', min=0,max='**', intoSug=monPost.calculation_results,defaut=monPost.calculation_results),\r
- results_units=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM', min=0,max='**', intoSug=monPost.results_units,defaut=monPost.results_units),\r
- #integrate=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM', min=0,max='**', intoSug=monPost.results_units,defaut=monPost.results_units),\r
- prerequisite=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM', min=0,max='**', intoSug=monPost.prerequisite,defaut=monPost.prerequisite),\r
- \r
- ),\r
- constituant=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM', min=0,max='**', intoSug=monPost.constituants,defaut=monPost.constituants) \r
- \r
- )# fin b_post_creation\r
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\r
-) #Posttraitement\r
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import types
+from Accas import *
+import lienDB
+import listesDB
+monDico= { 'Equation_Liste' : ('initiation', 'propagation', 'termination', 'stabilization'),
+ 'Modele_TechnicalUse' : ('cable', 'coating', 'pipes'),
+ 'Aging_Factor' : { 'predefinedSimulationTime' : ('40years BR top', '40years BR bottom')},
+ 'Boundary_Conditions' : ('flux_volume','flux_surface','constant_constration','convection_flux'),
+ 'posttraitement_Typ' : ('chimique','mecanique','physique'),
+ }
+import types
+class Tuple:
+ def __init__(self,ntuple):
+ self.ntuple=ntuple
+ def __convert__(self,valeur):
+ if type(valeur) == types.StringType:
+ return None
+ if len(valeur) != self.ntuple:
+ return None
+ return valeur
+ def info(self):
+ return "Tuple de %s elements" % self.ntuple
+JdC = JDC_CATA(code='VP',
+ execmodul=None,
+ )
+# ------------------------------------------
+Database = PROC (nom="Database", op=None,
+# ------------------------------------------
+ Database_Type = SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM', into=("Local database", "Standard database"),),
+ Model_Type = SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM', into=("master model", "analytic model" ,"mechanistic model") ),
+ AA= FACT(statut = 'o', max='**',
+ ChemicalFormulation = SIMP(statut='o', typ='TXM', defaut = 'POOH -> 2P'),
+ ),
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ b_Model_Mechanistic = BLOC(condition = "Model_Type == 'mechanistic model'",
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Type_chgt = SIMP (statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM',into=('modify equation', 'create equation', 'modify model', 'create model') ),
+ b_creation_equation = BLOC (condition = 'Type_chgt == "create equation"',
+ Creation = FACT ( statut = 'o',
+ ChemicalFormulation = SIMP(statut='o', typ='TXM', defaut = 'POOH -> 2P'),
+ Aging_Type=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM', min=1,max=1, into=('All', 'thermo', 'radio'),),
+ Constituants = FACT ( statut = 'o',
+ POOH = SIMP (statut = 'o', typ = bool, defaut=False),
+ b_pooh = BLOC(condition = " POOH == True" ,
+ Differential_Equation_POOH = SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM', defaut = '-ku1*POOH'),
+ ), # Fin b_pooh
+ PO = SIMP (statut = 'o', typ = bool, defaut=False),
+ b_po = BLOC(condition = " PO == True" ,
+ Differential_Equation_PO = SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM', defaut = '-ku1*POOH'),
+ ), # Fin b_po
+ New = SIMP (statut = 'o', typ = bool, defaut=False),
+ b_new = BLOC(condition = " New == True" ,
+ Constituant = FACT ( statut = 'o', min=1, max='**',
+ Name = SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM'),
+ Differential_Equation = SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM'),
+ ),
+ ), # b new
+ ), # fin constituants
+ Constantes = FACT ( statut = 'o', # self.const_cine_nom
+ KU1 = SIMP (statut = 'o', typ = bool, defaut=False),
+ New = SIMP (statut = 'o', typ = bool, defaut=False),
+ b_new = BLOC(condition = " New == True" ,
+ Constante = FACT ( statut = 'o', min=1, max='**',
+ Name = SIMP (statut = 'o', typ = 'TXM'),
+ ), # fin constante
+ ), #fin b_new
+ ), # fin constantes
+ Arrhenius = SIMP (statut = 'o', typ = bool, defaut=False),
+ Comment = SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM', defaut = ' '),
+ ), # fin creation mechanistic model
+ ), # fin b_create_equation
+ b_modify_equation = BLOC (condition = 'Type_chgt == "modify equation"',
+# les valeurs par defaut seront lues dans la base de données
+ Filtre = FACT (statut='o',
+ Reaction_Type=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM', min=1,into=monDico['Equation_Liste'],),
+# Filtre getMechanisticEquation(Reaction_Type)
+# diictionnaire key : nom de l equation / valeur classe instancies liste de nom d'equation
+ Equation_List=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM', min=1,into=['E','quation_Liste'],),
+ ),
+ # lorsque le choix est fait on peut recuperer les valeurs par defaut
+ #ChemicalFormulation = SIMP(statut='o', typ='TXM', defaut = 'POOH -> 2P'),
+ Modification = FACT (statut='o',
+ ChemicalFormulation = SIMP(statut='o', typ='TXM', ), # classe.representation
+ Reaction_Type=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM', min=1,into=monDico['Equation_Liste']), # classe.type_react
+ Aging_Type=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM', min=1,max=1, into=('All', 'thermo', 'radio'),), # classe.type_vieil
+ Constituants = FACT ( statut = 'o', # classe.constituants --> liste de nom. les equations sont dans le meme ordre self.equation
+ POOH = SIMP (statut = 'o', typ = bool, defaut=False),
+ b_pooh = BLOC(condition = " POOH == True" ,
+ Differential_Equation_POOH = SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM', defaut = '-ku1*POOH'),
+ ), # Fin b_pooh
+ PO = SIMP (statut = 'o', typ = bool, defaut=False),
+ b_po = BLOC(condition = " PO == True" ,
+ Differential_Equation_PO = SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM', defaut = '-ku1*POOH'),
+ ), # Fin b_po
+ New = SIMP (statut = 'o', typ = bool, defaut=False),
+ b_new = BLOC(condition = " New == True" ,
+ Constituant = FACT ( statut = 'o', min=1, max='**',
+ Name = SIMP (statut = 'o', typ = 'TXM'),
+ Differential_Equation = SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM'),
+ ), # Fin Constituant
+ ), # Fin b_new
+ ),# Fin Constituants
+ Constantes = FACT ( statut = 'o', # self.const_cine_nom
+ KU1 = SIMP (statut = 'o', typ = bool, defaut=False),
+ New = SIMP (statut = 'o', typ = bool, defaut=False),
+ b_new = BLOC(condition = " New == True" ,
+ Constante = FACT ( statut = 'o', min=1, max='**',
+ Name = SIMP (statut = 'o', typ = 'TXM'),
+ ), # fin constante
+ ), #fin b_new
+ ), # fin constantes
+ Arrhenius = SIMP (statut = 'o', typ = bool, ), # classe.arrhenius[0]
+ Comment = SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM',), # classe.comment
+ ), # fin modification
+ ), # fin b_modify_equation
+ b_create_model = BLOC (condition = 'Type_chgt == "create model"',
+# Filtre getMechanisticTechnicalUse(Filtre_TechnicalUse)
+# dictionnaire key : nom du modele / valeur classe instancies liste de nom modele
+# la classe par defaut getDefaultMechanistic
+# renvoie un obj instancie
+ Creation = FACT (statut='o',
+ ID=FACT (statut='o',
+ Name =SIMP(statut='o',typ='TXM'), # obj.nom
+ Material=SIMP(statut='o',typ='TXM',),# obj.materiaux[0]
+ TechnicalUse = SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM',into=monDico['Modele_TechnicalUse']),#defaut=obj.technical_use
+ Reference=SIMP(statut='o',typ='TXM',), # defaut=monModele.reference, momModele = obj par la suite
+ Model_Developed_For_EDF = SIMP(typ = bool, statut = 'o'), #defaut = monModele.dvt_EDF[0]
+ Aging_Type=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM', min=1,max=1, into=('all', 'thermo', 'radio'),), # defaut = monModele.type_vieil
+# attention c est une liste --> a reflechir
+ Stabilizer = SIMP(typ = bool, statut = 'o'), #,defaut = monModele.stabilise
+ material_thickness = SIMP(typ = 'TXM', statut = 'o', into = ['thin','thick']), # monModele.thickness
+ Diffusion = SIMP(typ = bool, statut = 'o'),# defaut = monModele.diffusion ,siValide = lienDB.prepareDiffusion
+ Evaporation = SIMP(typ = bool, statut = 'o'), # defaut monModele.evaporation
+ Comment = SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM',), # classe.comment
+ ), #fin id
+ Equations = FACT (statut = 'o',
+# remplir avec getEquation sur modele
+# dictionnaire avec comme clef 'base' puis initiation ...
+ Liste=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ='TXM', min=1,max='**', homo='SansOrdreNiDoublon',into =['POOH -> 2P [k]' , 'A [K5,Y5]', 'B', 'C']),
+# quand coche je recupere le nom entre crochet + split sur , attention sans blanc
+# et on cree le SIMP apres pour recuperer la valeur
+ K5=SIMP (statut = 'o', typ = 'R' ),
+ New = SIMP (statut = 'o', typ = bool, defaut=False),
+ b_new = BLOC(condition = " New == True" ,
+ Add=FACT(statut = 'o',max='**',
+ Filtre = SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM',into=monDico['Equation_Liste']),
+ Equations=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ='TXM', min=1,max='**', homo='SansOrdreNiDoublon',into =['POOH -> 2P' , 'A', 'B', 'C'])
+ )
+ ), # b new
+ ) # fin equations
+ ), #fin creation
+ ), # fin create model
+ b_modify_model = BLOC (condition = 'Type_chgt == "modify model"',
+# Filtre getMechanisticTechnicalUse(Filtre_TechnicalUse)
+# dictionnaire key : nom du modele / valeur classe instancies liste de nom modele
+# la classe par defaut getDefaultMechanistic
+# renvoie un obj instancie
+ Filtre = FACT (statut='o',
+ TechnicalUse=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM', min=1,into=monDico['Modele_TechnicalUse'],),
+# si valide
+ ModeleName=SIMP(statut='o',typ='TXM',into=['A','B']), # a choisir dans la liste des clefs
+ ),
+ Modification = FACT (statut='o',
+ ID=FACT (statut='o',
+ Name =SIMP(statut='o',typ='TXM'), # obj.nom
+ Material=SIMP(statut='o',typ='TXM',),# obj.materiaux[0]
+ TechnicalUse = SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM',into=monDico['Modele_TechnicalUse']),#defaut=obj.technical_use
+ Reference=SIMP(statut='o',typ='TXM',), # defaut=monModele.reference, momModele = obj par la suite
+ Model_Developed_For_EDF = SIMP(typ = bool, statut = 'o'), #defaut = monModele.dvt_EDF[0]
+ Aging_Type=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM', min=1,max=1, into=('all', 'thermo', 'radio'),), # defaut = monModele.type_vieil
+# attention c est une liste --> a reflechir
+ Stabilizer = SIMP(typ = bool, statut = 'o'), #,defaut = monModele.stabilise
+ material_thickness = SIMP(typ = 'TXM', statut = 'o', into = ['thin','thick']), # monModele.thickness
+ Diffusion = SIMP(typ = bool, statut = 'o'),# defaut = monModele.diffusion ,siValide = lienDB.prepareDiffusion
+ Evaporation = SIMP(typ = bool, statut = 'o'), # defaut monModele.evaporation
+ Comment = SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM',), # classe.comment
+ ), #fin id
+ Equations = FACT (statut = 'o',
+# remplir avec getEquation sur modele
+# dictionnaire avec comme clef 'base' puis initiation ...
+ Liste=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ='TXM', min=1,max='**', homo='SansOrdreNiDoublon',into =['POOH -> 2P [k]' , 'A [K5,Y5]', 'B', 'C']),
+# quand coche je recupere le nom entre crochet + split sur , attention sans blanc
+# et on cree le SIMP apres pour recuperer la valeur
+ K5=SIMP (statut = 'o', typ = 'R' ),
+ New = SIMP (statut = 'o', typ = bool, defaut=False),
+ b_new = BLOC(condition = " New == True" ,
+ Add=FACT(statut = 'o',max='**',
+ Filtre = SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM',into=monDico['Equation_Liste']),
+ Equations=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ='TXM', min=1,max='**', homo='SansOrdreNiDoublon',into =['POOH -> 2P' , 'A', 'B', 'C'])
+ )
+ ), # b new
+ ) # fin equations
+ ), #fin modification
+ ), # fin modify model
+ ), # Fin mechanistic
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ b_Model_Analytic = BLOC(condition = "Model_Type == 'analytic model'",
+ Type_chgt = SIMP (statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM',into=('modify equation', 'create equation', 'modify model', 'create model') ),
+ b_creation_equation = BLOC (condition = 'Type_chgt == "create equation"',
+ Creation = FACT(statut = 'o',
+ Name=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM',), # defaut o.nom
+ Equation_Type = SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM',into=monDico['posttraitement_Typ']), # defaut o.type_equa
+ PostProcessing = SIMP (statut = 'o', typ = bool,),# o.post_processing
+ Calculation_Result = SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM'), # defaut o.calculation_result
+# dans o.parameters on a une liste
+ Parameters=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ='TXM', min=1,max='**', homo='SansOrdreNiDoublon',into =['A', 'Ea', 'C']),
+ New = SIMP (statut = 'o', typ = bool, defaut=False),
+ b_new = BLOC(condition = " New == True" ,
+ Param = FACT(statut = 'o', max='**',
+ Name=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM',),
+ ), #param
+ ), # b_new
+ Equation = SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM'), # defaut o.equation
+ Universal_Constants=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ='TXM', min=1,max='**', homo='SansOrdreNiDoublon',into =['A', 'B', 'C']),
+ Results_Unit = SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM'), # defaut o.results_unit
+ Integrate = SIMP (statut = 'o', typ = bool),# defaut o.integrate
+ Comment = SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM'), # defaut o.comment
+ ),# Fact creation
+ ), #bloc b_creation_equation
+ b_modification_equation = BLOC (condition = 'Type_chgt == "modify equation"',
+ Filtre = FACT(statut = 'o',
+ Equation_Type = SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM',into=monDico['posttraitement_Typ']), # defaut o.type_equa
+ Equation_Choice = SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM',into=['A','B','C']),
+ ),
+ Modification = FACT(statut = 'o',
+ Name=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM',), # defaut o.nom
+ Equation_Type = SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM',into=monDico['posttraitement_Typ']), # defaut o.type_equa
+ PostProcessing = SIMP (statut = 'o', typ = bool,),# o.post_processing
+ Calculation_Result = SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM'), # defaut o.calculation_result
+# dans o.parameters on a une liste
+ Parameters=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ='TXM', min=1,max='**', homo='SansOrdreNiDoublon',into =['A', 'Ea', 'C']),
+ New = SIMP (statut = 'o', typ = bool, defaut=False),
+ b_new = BLOC(condition = " New == True" ,
+ Param = FACT(statut = 'o', max='**',
+ Name=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM',),
+ ), #param
+ ), # b_new
+ Equation = SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM'), # defaut o.equation
+ Universal_Constants=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ='TXM', min=1,max='**', homo='SansOrdreNiDoublon',into =['A', 'B', 'C']),
+ Results_Unit = SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM'), # defaut o.results_unit
+ Integrate = SIMP (statut = 'o', typ = bool),# defaut o.integrate
+ Comment = SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM'), # defaut o.comment
+ ),# Fact Modification
+ ), #bloc b_modification_equation
+ ), # Fin model analytic
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ b_model_master=BLOC(condition = 'Model_Type == "master model"',
+ Type_chgt = SIMP (statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM',into=('modify model', 'create model') ),
+ ),
+## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+## Est- un Bloc ?
+# Equation_Modification = FACT ( statut = 'f',
+# ChemicalFormulation = SIMP(statut='o', typ='TXM', defaut = 'POOH -> 2P'),
+# #Reaction_Type=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM', min=1,into=monDico['Equation_Liste'],),
+# #Aging_Type=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM', min=1,max='**', homo='SansOrdreNiDoublon', into=('All', 'thermo', 'radio'),),
+# Aging_Type=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM', min=1,max=1, into=('All', 'thermo', 'radio'),),
+## Si un constituant ou une constante est a false il faut faire une liste d elements supprimes en sortie
+# Constituants = FACT ( statut = 'o',
+# POOH = SIMP (statut = 'o', typ = bool, defaut=False),
+# b_pooh = BLOC(condition = " POOH == True" ,
+# Differential_Equation_POOH = SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM', defaut = '-ku1*POOH'),
+# ), # Fin b_pooh
+# PO = SIMP (statut = 'o', typ = bool, defaut=False),
+# b_po = BLOC(condition = " PO == True" ,
+# Differential_Equation_PO = SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM', defaut = '-ku1*POOH'),
+# ), # Fin b_po
+# New = SIMP (statut = 'o', typ = bool, defaut=False),
+# b_new = BLOC(condition = " New == True" ,
+# Constituant = FACT ( statut = 'o', min=1, max='**',
+# Name = SIMP (statut = 'o', typ = 'TXM'),
+# Differential_Equation = SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM'),
+# ), # Fin Constituant
+# ), # Fin b_new
+# ),# Fin Constituants
+# Constantes = FACT ( statut = 'o',
+# KU1 = SIMP (statut = 'o', typ = bool, defaut=False),
+# New = SIMP (statut = 'o', typ = bool, defaut=False),
+# b_new = BLOC(condition = " New == True" ,
+# Constante = FACT ( statut = 'o', min=1, max='**',
+# Name = SIMP (statut = 'o', typ = 'TXM'),
+# ), # fin constante
+# ), #fin b_new
+# ), # fin constantes
+# Arrhenius = SIMP (statut = 'o', typ = bool, defaut=False),
+# Comment = SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM', defaut = ' '),
+# ), # Fin Equation_Modification
+## _____________________________________________
+# Equation_Modification2 = FACT ( statut = 'f',
+# Name = SIMP (statut = 'o', typ = 'TXM', defaut = 'Arrhenuis'),
+# PostProcessing = SIMP (statut = 'o', typ = bool, defaut=False),
+# Parameters = FACT ( statut = 'o',
+# POOH = SIMP (statut = 'o', typ = bool, defaut=False),
+# PO = SIMP (statut = 'o', typ = bool, defaut=False),
+# New = SIMP (statut = 'o', typ = bool, defaut=False),
+# b_new = BLOC(condition = " New == True" ,
+# Parametre = FACT ( statut = 'o', min=1, max='**',
+# Name = SIMP (statut = 'o', typ = 'TXM'),
+# ),
+# ),
+# ),
+# Universal_Constantes = FACT ( statut = 'o',
+# R = SIMP (statut = 'o', typ = bool, defaut=False),
+# New = SIMP (statut = 'o', typ = bool, defaut=False),
+# b_new = BLOC(condition = " New == True" ,
+# Equation = FACT ( statut = 'o', min=1, max='**',
+# Name = SIMP (statut = 'o', typ = 'TXM'),
+# Equation = SIMP (statut = 'o', typ = 'TXM'),
+# Unit = SIMP (statut = 'o', typ = 'TXM', defaut = "mol.l-1"),
+# Integrate = SIMP (statut = 'o', typ = bool, defaut=True),
+# ),
+# ),
+# ),
+# Comment = SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM', defaut = ' '),
+# Reference = SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM', defaut = ' '),
+# ), # Fin Modification 2
+## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+## b_type_mechanistic_a = BLOC(condition = " Model_Type == 'mechanistic model'",
+## --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+## Model_Mechanistic = FACT ( statut = 'f',
+# ModeleName=SIMP(statut='o',typ='TXM',defaut=monModele.nom,),
+# Material=SIMP(statut='o',typ='TXM',defaut=monModele.materiaux[0],),
+# TechnicalUse = SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM',into=monDico['Modele_TechnicalUse'],defaut=monModele.technical_use ),
+# Documentation=SIMP(statut='o',typ='TXM',defaut=monModele.reference,),
+# Model_Developed_For_EDF = SIMP(typ = bool, statut = 'o',defaut = monModele.dvt_EDF[0]),
+# #Aging_Type=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ='TXM', min=1,max='**', homo='SansOrdreNiDoublon', into=('All', 'thermo', 'radio'), defaut=monModele.type_vieil),
+# Aging_Type=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM', min=1,max=1, into=('both', 'thermo', 'radio'),),
+# Stabilizer = SIMP(typ = bool, statut = 'o',defaut = monModele.stabilise),
+# Diffusion = SIMP(typ = bool, statut = 'o',defaut = False ,siValide = lienDB.prepareDiffusion),
+# b_diffusion = BLOC(condition = " Diffusion == True",
+# ForDiffusion=SIMP(statut='o', typ='TXM', max='**', min=1,homo='SansOrdreNiDoublon', into = [],siValide=lienDB.ajouteDiffusion),
+# ), # fin b_diffusion
+# Evaporation = SIMP(typ = bool, statut = 'o',defaut = False ,siValide = lienDB.prepareDiffusion),
+# b_evaporation = BLOC(condition = " Evaporation == True",
+# ForEvaporation=SIMP(statut='o', typ='TXM', max='**', min=1,homo='SansOrdreNiDoublon', into = [],siValide=lienDB.ajouteEvaporation),
+# ), # fin b_evaporation
+# ),
+# ), # fin bloc b_type_mechanistic
+# ----------------------------------------------
+Calculation = PROC (nom="Calculation", op=None,
+# ----------------------------------------------
+ Database=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM', into=("local database", "standard database") ),
+ Model=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM', into=("master model", "analytic model" ,"mechanistic model") ),
+ b_Model_Name = BLOC(condition = 'Model in ("master model","mechanistic model")',
+ TechnicalUse= SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM',into=monDico['Modele_TechnicalUse'],defaut=monModele.technical_use ),
+ ModeleName=SIMP(statut='o',typ='TXM',defaut=monModele.nom,),
+# filtre_calculation_mechanistic - > 3 dictionnaires
+# la clef du 1er niveau est le modele qui remplit SimulationName
+ ),
+ b_simulation_modele = BLOC(condition = 'Model == "master model"',
+ Analytical_Equations = FACT(statut= 'o', max='**',
+ Consigne = SIMP(statut ="o", homo="information", typ="TXM", defaut = "Equation A"),
+ Clef1=SIMP(statut='o',typ='R'),
+ Clef2=SIMP(statut='o',typ='R'),
+ ),
+ ChemicalKinetics = FACT ( statut = 'o',
+ SimulationName=SIMP(statut='o',typ='TXM'),
+ OutputFolder = SIMP(statut="o", typ="Repertoire"),
+ Time=SIMP(statut='o',typ='R',),
+ Temperature=SIMP(statut='o',typ='R',),
+ DebitOfDose=SIMP(statut='o',typ='R',),
+ Thickness=SIMP(statut='o',typ='R',),
+ Dicretization= SIMP(statut='o',typ='R',),
+# remplir les equations
+ InitialValue = SIMP(statut ='o', typ=Tuple(2),validators = VerifTypeTuple(('TXM','R')),max='**'),
+ Boundary_Conditions = FACT(statut='o',
+ Product=FACT(statut='o', max='**',
+# a remplir avec le filtre une liste des boundary
+# -----------------------------------
+ Consigne = SIMP(statut ="o", homo="information", typ="TXM", defaut = "Diffusion Product"),
+ Node_0 = FACT (statut='o',
+ Boundary_Condition_Type = SIMP(statut='o',typ='TXM',into=monDico['Boundary_Conditions']),
+ Value=SIMP(statut='o',typ='R',defaut=0),
+ ),
+ Node_N = FACT (statut='o',
+ Boundary_Condition_Type = SIMP(statut='o',typ='TXM',into=monDico['Boundary_Conditions']),
+ Value=SIMP(statut='o',typ='R',defaut=0),
+ ),
+ ),
+ ),
+ ),# fin ChemicalKinetics
+ Analytical_Equations_PostTreatment = FACT(statut= 'o', max='**',
+ Consigne = SIMP(statut ="o", homo="information", typ="TXM", defaut = "Equation A"),
+ Clef1=SIMP(statut='o',typ='R'),
+ Clef2=SIMP(statut='o',typ='R'),
+ ),
+ ), # fin bloc b_simulation_modele
+# filtre_calculation_mechanistic - > 3 dictionnaires
+# la clef du 1er niveau est le modele qui remplit SimulationName
+ b_mechanistic = BLOC(condition = 'Model == "mechanistic model"',
+ ChimicalKinetics = FACT ( statut = 'o',
+ SimulationName=SIMP(statut='o',typ='TXM'),
+ OutputFolder = SIMP(statut="o", typ="Repertoire"),
+ Time=SIMP(statut='o',typ='R',),
+ Temperature=SIMP(statut='o',typ='R',),
+# si dans le dictionnaire debit_of_dose = True je rentre la ligne suivante
+ DebitOfDose=SIMP(statut='o',typ='R',),
+ Thickness=SIMP(statut='o',typ='R',),
+ Dicretization= SIMP(statut='o',typ='R',),
+# initial_parameter pour remplir cela
+ InitialValue = SIMP(statut ='o', typ=Tuple(2),validators = VerifTypeTuple(('TXM','R')),max='**'),
+ ),
+# si la liste est vide pas de Boundary_Conditions_Param sinon on cree les products
+ Boundary_Conditions_Param = FACT(statut='o',
+ Product=FACT(statut='o', max='**',
+# a remplir avec le filtre une liste des boundary
+# -----------------------------------
+ Consigne = SIMP(statut ="o", homo="information", typ="TXM", defaut = "Diffusion Product"),
+ Node_0 = FACT (statut='o',
+ Boundary_Condition_Type = SIMP(statut='o',typ='TXM',into=monDico['Boundary_Conditions']),
+ Value=SIMP(statut='o',typ='R',defaut=0),
+ ),
+ Node_N = FACT (statut='o',
+ Boundary_Condition_Type = SIMP(statut='o',typ='TXM',into=monDico['Boundary_Conditions']),
+ Value=SIMP(statut='o',typ='R',defaut=0),
+ ),
+ ),
+ ),
+ ), # fin bloc b_simulation_modele
+ b_analytic_model = BLOC(condition = 'Model == "analytic model"',
+ Equation_Ty = SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM',into=monDico['Equation_Liste']),
+ ModeleName=SIMP(statut='o',typ='TXM',defaut=monModele.nom,),
+ ChimicalKinetics = FACT ( statut = 'o',
+ SimulationName=SIMP(statut='o',typ='TXM'),
+ OutputFolder = SIMP(statut="o", typ="Repertoire"),
+# remplir les equations
+ Equation = FACT(statut= 'o', max='**',
+ Consigne = SIMP(statut ="o", homo="information", typ="TXM", defaut = "Equation A"),
+# dictionnaire cief de filtre_calculation_analitic avec clef = clef1, clef2... et valeur = coef[cle1]
+ Clef1=SIMP(statut='o',typ='R'),
+ Clef2=SIMP(statut='o',typ='R'),
+ ),
+ ),
+ ), # fin bloc b_analytic_model
+# diffusionSpecies=SIMP(statut='o',typ='TXM',defaut='O2', into=['O2',]),
+# nodeNumber = SIMP(statut='o',typ='I',defaut=1, into=[1]), # tjours1
+# BC_Value_Espece_1=SIMP(statut='o',typ='R'),
+# nodeNumber_Espece_4 = SIMP(statut='o',typ='I',defaut=4, into=[4]), # numberOfNodes+1
+# Boundary_Conditions_Espece_4 = SIMP(statut='o',typ='TXM',into=monDico['Boundary_Conditions']),
+# BC_Value_Espece_4=SIMP(statut='o',typ='R'),
+#Equation = PROC (nom="Equation",
+# op=None,
+# Equation_DB=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM', into=("Approved data base", "My data base") ),
+# #b_suite = BLOC(condition = "Equation_DB == 'My data base' ",
+# Equation_Type = SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM', into=("Show equation database", "Equation creation"),),
+# #),
+# #b_suite_2 = BLOC(condition = "Equation_DB == 'Approved data base' ",
+# #Equation_Type = SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM', into=("Show equation database", ),),
+# #),
+## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# b_type_show = BLOC(condition = " Equation_Type == 'Show equation database'",
+## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Equation_Liste=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM', into=('reaction_type','aging_type')),
+# b_reaction_type = BLOC(condition = " Equation_Liste == 'reaction_type'",
+# Equation_reaction=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM', into=monDico['Equation_Liste'],siValide=lienDB.recupereDicoEquation),
+# ), # Fin b_reaction_type
+# b_aging_type = BLOC(condition = " Equation_Liste == 'aging_type'",
+# Equation_reaction=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ= 'TXM', into=('All', 'thermo', 'radio'),siValide=lienDB.recupereDicoEquation),
+# ), # Fin b_reaction_type
+# ListeEquation = SIMP(statut='o', typ='TXM', homo='SansOrdreNiDoublon',siValide=lienDB.afficheValeurEquation),
+# #ListeEquation = SIMP(statut='o', typ='TXM', homo='SansOrdreNiDoublon'),
+# b_modification = BLOC(condition = " ListeEquation != None ",