--- /dev/null
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2019 EDF R&D
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+# See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
+import inspect
+import pathlib
+import os
+import shutil
+class DefaultSchemaBuilder:
+ def __init__(self, prescript=None):
+ """
+ This object builds the YACS schema for the parametric computation.
+ prescript: contains python code that is executed before any evaluation.
+ """
+ self.prescript = prescript
+ def buildSchema(self, local_work_dir):
+ """
+ Create the YACS schema and copy it to local_work_dir.
+ local_work_dir : path where the schema will be created.
+ return:
+ path to the created file,
+ list of additional files needed for running.
+ """
+ # use generic schema
+ filename = inspect.getframeinfo(inspect.currentframe()).filename
+ install_directory = pathlib.Path(filename).resolve().parent
+ yacs_schema_path = os.path.join(install_directory, "schemas",
+ "idefix_pyschema.xml")
+ plugin_path = os.path.join(install_directory, "schemas", "plugin.py")
+ yacs_schema_path = shutil.copy(yacs_schema_path, local_work_dir)
+ plugin_path = shutil.copy(plugin_path, local_work_dir)
+ files = [plugin_path]
+ if self.prescript:
+ prescript_path = os.path.join(local_work_dir, "idefix_prescript.py")
+ with open(prescript_path, "w") as f:
+ f.write(self.prescript)
+ files.append(prescript_path)
+ return yacs_schema_path, files
from . import samplecsvmanager
from . import parameters
from . import configuration
+from . import defaultschemabuilder
def defaultSampleManager():
return samplecsvmanager.SampleManager()
-def prepareDirectoryForLaunch(sample, result_directory, nb_branches, script,
- sampleManager=None):
- """
- sample : Sample type
- result_directory : path to a result working directory.
- nb_branches : int
- script : script / pyscript type
- return:
- extra_in_files: list of files to add to salome_parameters.in_files
- yacs_schema_path: path to the yacs schema (xml file).
- """
- if sampleManager is None:
- sampleManager = defaultSampleManager()
- if not os.path.exists(result_directory):
- os.makedirs(result_directory)
- # export sample to result_directory
- inputFiles = sampleManager.prepareRun(script, sample, result_directory)
- # export nbbranches
- configpath = os.path.join(result_directory, "idefixconfig.json")
- dicconfig = {}
- dicconfig["nbbranches"] = nb_branches
- dicconfig["studymodule"] = "idefixstudy"
- dicconfig["sampleIterator"] = sampleManager.getModuleName()
- with open(configpath, "w") as f:
- json.dump(dicconfig, f, indent=2)
- studypath = os.path.join(result_directory, "idefixstudy.py")
- with open(studypath, "w") as f:
- f.write(script.script)
- # find generic schema
- filename = inspect.getframeinfo(inspect.currentframe()).filename
- install_directory = pathlib.Path(filename).resolve().parent
- yacs_schema_path = os.path.join(install_directory, "schemas",
- "idefix_pyschema.xml")
- plugin_path = os.path.join(install_directory, "schemas", "plugin.py")
- # create salome params
- extra_in_files = []
- extra_in_files.extend([configpath, studypath, plugin_path])
- extra_in_files.extend(inputFiles)
- return extra_in_files, yacs_schema_path
class PyStudy:
JOB_DUMP_NAME = "jobDump.xml"
- def __init__(self):
+ def __init__(self, sampleManager=None, schemaBuilder=None):
self.job_id = -1
+ if sampleManager is None:
+ self.sampleManager = defaultSampleManager()
+ else:
+ self.sampleManager = sampleManager
+ if schemaBuilder is None:
+ self.schemaBuilder = defaultschemabuilder.DefaultSchemaBuilder()
+ else:
+ self.schemaBuilder = schemaBuilder
# Study creation functions
- def createNewJob(self, script, sample, params, sampleManager=None):
+ def createNewJob(self, script, sample, params):
Create a new job out of those parameters:
script : script / pyscript type
self.sample = sample
self.params = params
self.params.salome_parameters.job_type = self.jobType()
- if sampleManager is None:
- self.sampleManager = defaultSampleManager()
- else:
- self.sampleManager = sampleManager
tmp_workdir = self.params.salome_parameters.result_directory
- extra_in_files, yacs_schema_path = prepareDirectoryForLaunch(self.sample,
- tmp_workdir,
- self.params.nb_branches,
- script,
- self.sampleManager)
- self.params.salome_parameters.in_files.extend(extra_in_files)
- self.params.salome_parameters.job_file = yacs_schema_path
+ schema_path, extra_files = self._prepareDirectoryForLaunch(tmp_workdir,
+ script)
+ self.params.salome_parameters.in_files.extend(extra_files)
+ self.params.salome_parameters.job_file = schema_path
launcher = salome.naming_service.Resolve('/SalomeLauncher')
self.job_id = launcher.createJob(self.params.salome_parameters)
return self.job_id
- def loadFromDirectory(self, path, sampleManager=None):
+ def loadFromDirectory(self, path):
Recover a study from a result directory where a previous study was launched.
- if sampleManager is None:
- sampleManager = defaultSampleManager()
- self.sampleManager = sampleManager
- self.sample = sampleManager.loadSample(path)
+ self.sample = self.sampleManager.loadSample(path)
job_string = loadJobString(path)
launcher = salome.naming_service.Resolve('/SalomeLauncher')
self.job_id = launcher.restoreJob(job_string)
return self.job_id
- def loadFromString(self, jobstring, sampleManager=None):
+ def loadFromString(self, jobstring):
Recover a study from a string which contains the description of the job.
This string can be obtained by launcher.dumpJob.
- if sampleManager is None:
- sampleManager = defaultSampleManager()
- self.sampleManager = sampleManager
launcher = salome.naming_service.Resolve('/SalomeLauncher')
self.job_id = launcher.restoreJob(jobstring)
self.params = None
if self.job_id >= 0:
salome_params = launcher.getJobParameters(self.job_id)
self.params = parameters.Parameters(salome_parameters=salome_params)
- self.sample = sampleManager.loadSample(salome_params.result_directory)
+ #TODO: sampleManager should be loaded from result_directory
+ self.sample = self.sampleManager.loadSample(
+ salome_params.result_directory)
raise Exception("Failed to restore the job.")
- def loadFromId(self, jobid, sampleManager=None):
+ def loadFromId(self, jobid):
Connect the study to an already created job.
The result directory of the job must be already prepared for launch.
if jobid < 0:
- if sampleManager is None:
- sampleManager = defaultSampleManager()
- self.sampleManager = sampleManager
self.job_id = jobid
launcher = salome.naming_service.Resolve('/SalomeLauncher')
salome_params = launcher.getJobParameters(job_id)
self.params = parameters.Parameters(salome_parameters=salome_params)
- self.sample = sampleManager.loadSample(salome_params.result_directory)
+ #TODO: sampleManager should be loaded from result_directory
+ self.sample = self.sampleManager.loadSample(salome_params.result_directory)
self.script = None
jobState = launcher.getJobState(job_id)
+ def _prepareDirectoryForLaunch(self, result_directory, script):
+ """
+ result_directory : path to a result working directory.
+ script : script / pyscript type
+ return:
+ yacs_schema_path: path to the yacs schema (xml file).
+ extra_in_files: list of files to add to salome_parameters.in_files
+ """
+ if not os.path.exists(result_directory):
+ os.makedirs(result_directory)
+ # export sample to result_directory
+ inputFiles = self.sampleManager.prepareRun(self.sample, result_directory)
+ # export nbbranches
+ configpath = os.path.join(result_directory, "idefixconfig.json")
+ dicconfig = {}
+ dicconfig["nbbranches"] = self.params.nb_branches
+ dicconfig["studymodule"] = "idefixstudy"
+ dicconfig["sampleIterator"] = self.sampleManager.getModuleName()
+ with open(configpath, "w") as f:
+ json.dump(dicconfig, f, indent=2)
+ studypath = os.path.join(result_directory, "idefixstudy.py")
+ with open(studypath, "w") as f:
+ f.write(script.script)
+ schema_path, extra_files = self.schemaBuilder.buildSchema(result_directory)
+ extra_files.extend([configpath, studypath])
+ extra_files.extend(inputFiles)
+ return schema_path, extra_files
### Deprecated!!!!
def dumpJob(result_directory, jobString):