- The \b dimension \b of \b a \b mesh is characterized by two parameters: the size of the space wherein the mesh is immersed, and the (maximum) size of the mesh cells.
Examples: 3D surface mesh (3D space, 2D cells), 3D mesh (3D space, 3D cells), curved 2D mesh (2D space, 1D cells)...
-- \b Field: physical quantity whose value varies in space and time. Represented by a result vector V obtained from one or more tables of values A, at any point of space covered by a mesh and in time defined by its temporal resolution. The size of V is called the number of \b components (equal to the number of components of A).
+- \b Field: physical quantity whose value varies in space and time. Represented by a result vector V obtained from one or more tables of values A, at any point of space covered by a mesh and in time defined by its temporal resolution. The size of V is called the number of \b components (equal to the number of components of A).
A <b>P1 field</b> is a field where values are stored at node level, a <b>P0 field</b> is a field where values are stored
at cell level.
- \b Intensive \b field: represents intensive physical data (i.e. which do not depend on the amount of material).
- \b Conservativity: preservation of conservation laws governing physical quantities during their discretization or their interpolation.
- \b Projection: modification (by interpolation) of the entity on which a field is defined. The projection is called \b conservative if the interpolation uses intersection detection. The projection is said \b not \b conservative if the interpolation localizes a cloud of points in a mesh.
- The \b Gauss \b integration \b points are the geometrical points where the numerical integration of a given quantity is performed. Precise location of these nodes and a sufficient number (related to the approximation order of the integration term) allow for an exact integration in the case of polynomial functions integration.
-- \b Kriging: a linear estimation method guaranteeing minimum variance. The estimate at a given point P is obtained locally from the point values on a neighbourhood of P.
+- \b Kriging: a linear estimation method guaranteeing minimum variance. The estimate at a given point P is obtained locally from the point values on a neighbourhood of P.
- \b Code \b coupling: run of two numerical codes (or two instances of the same code) in such a way that information
is passed from one instance to the other.