## Sets maximal allowed ratio between the lengths of two adjacent edges.
+ # @param toUseGradation to use gradation
# @param theVal value of maximal length ratio
def SetGradation(self, toUseGradation=True, theVal=_gradation):
if isinstance( toUseGradation, float ): ## backward compatibility
## Sets maximal allowed ratio between the lengths of two adjacent edges in 3D mesh.
+ # @param toUseGradation to use gradation
# @param theVal value of maximal length ratio
def SetVolumeGradation(self, toUseGradation=True, theVal=_gradation):
if self.Parameters().GetGeometricMesh() == 0: theVal = self._volume_gradation
for ( ; evsIt != evs.end() ; ++evsIt) {
enfVertex = (*evsIt);
MESSAGE("Name: " << enfVertex->name);
- double x, y, z = 0;
+ double x = 0, y = 0, z = 0;
if (enfVertex->coords.size()) {
x = enfVertex->coords[0];
y = enfVertex->coords[1];
h_data.myQuadraticMesh = h->GetQuadraticMesh();
h_data.myVerbosity = h->GetVerbosity();
//h_data.myTopology = (int) h->GetTopology();
- h_data.myPreCADMergeEdges = h->GetPreCADMergeEdges();
- h_data.myPreCADProcess3DTopology = h->GetPreCADProcess3DTopology();
- h_data.myPreCADDiscardInput = h->GetPreCADDiscardInput();
+ //h_data.myPreCADMergeEdges = h->GetPreCADMergeEdges();
+ // h_data.myPreCADProcess3DTopology = h->GetPreCADProcess3DTopology();
+ // h_data.myPreCADDiscardInput = h->GetPreCADDiscardInput();
BLSURFPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator* that = (BLSURFPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator*)this;
h->SetVerbosity( h_data.myVerbosity );
// if ( h->GetTopology() != h_data.myTopology )
// h->SetTopology( (int) h_data.myTopology );
- if ( h->GetPreCADMergeEdges() != h_data.myPreCADMergeEdges )
- h->SetPreCADMergeEdges( h_data.myPreCADMergeEdges );
- if ( h->GetPreCADProcess3DTopology() != h_data.myPreCADProcess3DTopology )
- h->SetPreCADProcess3DTopology( h_data.myPreCADProcess3DTopology );
- if ( h->GetPreCADDiscardInput() != h_data.myPreCADDiscardInput )
- h->SetPreCADDiscardInput( h_data.myPreCADDiscardInput );
+ // if ( h->GetPreCADMergeEdges() != h_data.myPreCADMergeEdges )
+ // h->SetPreCADMergeEdges( h_data.myPreCADMergeEdges );
+ // if ( h->GetPreCADProcess3DTopology() != h_data.myPreCADProcess3DTopology )
+ // h->SetPreCADProcess3DTopology( h_data.myPreCADProcess3DTopology );
+ // if ( h->GetPreCADDiscardInput() != h_data.myPreCADDiscardInput )
+ // h->SetPreCADDiscardInput( h_data.myPreCADDiscardInput );
// options are set in checkParams()
//h->SetOptionValues( myOptions ); // is set in readParamsFromWidgets()
guiHyp += tr("BLSURF_ELEMENT_ORDER") + " = " + QString(h_data.myQuadraticMesh ? "yes" : "no") + "; ";
- guiHyp += tr("BLSURF_TOPOLOGY") + " = " + QString::number( h_data.myTopology ) + "; ";
- guiHyp += tr("BLSURF_PRECAD_MERGE_EDGES") + " = " + QString(h_data.myPreCADMergeEdges ? "yes" : "no") + "; ";
- guiHyp += tr("BLSURF_PRECAD_REMOVE_NANO_EDGES") + " = " + QString(h_data.myPreCADProcess3DTopology ? "yes" : "no") + "; ";
- guiHyp += tr("BLSURF_PRECAD_DISCARD_INPUT") + " = " + QString(h_data.myPreCADDiscardInput ? "yes" : "no") + "; ";
+ // guiHyp += tr("BLSURF_TOPOLOGY") + " = " + QString::number( h_data.myTopology ) + "; ";
+ // guiHyp += tr("BLSURF_PRECAD_MERGE_EDGES") + " = " + QString(h_data.myPreCADMergeEdges ? "yes" : "no") + "; ";
+ // guiHyp += tr("BLSURF_PRECAD_REMOVE_NANO_EDGES") + " = " + QString(h_data.myPreCADProcess3DTopology ? "yes" : "no") + "; ";
+ // guiHyp += tr("BLSURF_PRECAD_DISCARD_INPUT") + " = " + QString(h_data.myPreCADDiscardInput ? "yes" : "no") + "; ";
h_data.myGMFFileName = myAdvWidget->myGMFFileName->text().toStdString();
// h_data.myGMFFileMode = myGMFFileMode->isChecked();
QString constDistString = QString::fromStdString(oss3.str());
QTreeWidgetItem* item;
- QTreeWidgetItem* child;
+ QTreeWidgetItem* child = 0;
TAttractor attParams( attEntry.c_str(), phySize, infDist, constDist );
if (modify) {
int rowToChange = findRowFromEntry(shapeEntry);
double myAnisotropicRatio, myTinyEdgeLength, myTinyEdgeOptimisLength, myBadElementAspectRatio, myCorrectSurfaceIntersectionMaxCost;
bool myOptimizeMesh, myQuadraticMesh;
bool myAllowQuadrangles, mySmpsurface,mySmpedge,mySmppoint,myEnforcedVertex,myInternalEnforcedVerticesAllFaces;
- bool myPreCADMergeEdges, myPreCADProcess3DTopology, myPreCADDiscardInput;
+ // bool myPreCADMergeEdges, myPreCADProcess3DTopology, myPreCADDiscardInput;
// bool myGMFFileMode;
std::string myGMFFileName, myInternalEnforcedVerticesAllFacesGroup;
TEnfVertexList enfVertexList;