_('Optional: remove the build directory after successful compilation'), False)
-def get_children(config, p_name_p_info):
- l_res = []
- p_name, __ = p_name_p_info
- # Get all products of the application
- products = config.APPLICATION.products
- products_infos = src.product.get_products_infos(products, config)
- for p_name_potential_child, p_info_potential_child in products_infos:
- if ("depend" in p_info_potential_child and
- p_name in p_info_potential_child.depend):
- l_res.append(p_name_potential_child)
- return l_res
-def get_recursive_children(config, p_name_p_info, without_native_fixed=False):
- """ Get the recursive list of the product that depend on
- the product defined by prod_info
- :param config Config: The global configuration
- :param prod_info Config: The specific config of the product
- :param without_native_fixed boolean: If true, do not include the fixed
- or native products in the result
- :return: The list of product_informations.
- :rtype: List
- """
- p_name, __ = p_name_p_info
- # Initialization of the resulting list
- l_children = []
- # Get the direct children (not recursive)
- l_direct_children = get_children(config, p_name_p_info)
- # Minimal case : no child
- if l_direct_children == []:
- return []
- # Add the children and call the function to get the children of the
- # children
- for child_name in l_direct_children:
- l_children_name = [pn_pi[0] for pn_pi in l_children]
- if child_name not in l_children_name:
- if child_name not in config.APPLICATION.products:
- msg = _("The product %(child_name)s that is in %(product_nam"
- "e)s children is not present in application "
- "%(appli_name)s" % {"child_name" : child_name,
- "product_name" : p_name.name,
- "appli_name" : config.VARS.application})
- raise src.SatException(msg)
- prod_info_child = src.product.get_product_config(config,
- child_name)
- pname_pinfo_child = (prod_info_child.name, prod_info_child)
- # Do not append the child if it is native or fixed and
- # the corresponding parameter is called
- if without_native_fixed:
- if not(src.product.product_is_native(prod_info_child) or
- src.product.product_is_fixed(prod_info_child)):
- l_children.append(pname_pinfo_child)
- else:
- l_children.append(pname_pinfo_child)
- # Get the children of the children
- l_grand_children = get_recursive_children(config,
- pname_pinfo_child,
- without_native_fixed = without_native_fixed)
- l_children += l_grand_children
- return l_children
-def get_recursive_fathers(config, p_name_p_info, without_native_fixed=False):
- """ Get the recursive list of the dependencies of the product defined by
- prod_info
- :param config Config: The global configuration
- :param prod_info Config: The specific config of the product
- :param without_native_fixed boolean: If true, do not include the fixed
- or native products in the result
- :return: The list of product_informations.
- :rtype: List
- """
- p_name, p_info = p_name_p_info
- # Initialization of the resulting list
- l_fathers = []
- # Minimal case : no dependencies
- if "depend" not in p_info or p_info.depend == []:
- return []
- # Add the dependencies and call the function to get the dependencies of the
- # dependencies
- for father_name in p_info.depend:
- l_fathers_name = [pn_pi[0] for pn_pi in l_fathers]
- if father_name not in l_fathers_name:
- if father_name not in config.APPLICATION.products:
- msg = _("The product %(father_name)s that is in %(product_nam"
- "e)s dependencies is not present in application "
- "%(appli_name)s" % {"father_name" : father_name,
- "product_name" : p_name,
- "appli_name" : config.VARS.application})
- raise src.SatException(msg)
- prod_info_father = src.product.get_product_config(config,
- father_name)
- pname_pinfo_father = (prod_info_father.name, prod_info_father)
- # Do not append the father if it is native or fixed and
- # the corresponding parameter is called
- if without_native_fixed:
- if not(src.product.product_is_native(prod_info_father) or
- src.product.product_is_fixed(prod_info_father)):
- l_fathers.append(pname_pinfo_father)
- else:
- l_fathers.append(pname_pinfo_father)
- # Get the dependencies of the dependency
- l_grand_fathers = get_recursive_fathers(config,
- pname_pinfo_father,
- without_native_fixed = without_native_fixed)
- for item in l_grand_fathers:
- if item not in l_fathers:
- l_fathers.append(item)
- return l_fathers
-def sort_products(config, p_infos):
- """ Sort the p_infos regarding the dependencies between the products
+# from sat product infos, represent the product dependencies in a simple python graph
+# keys are nodes, the list of dependencies are values
+def get_dependencies_graph(p_infos):
+ graph={}
+ for (p_name,p_info) in p_infos:
+ graph[p_name]=p_info.depend
+ return graph
+# this recursive function calculates all the dependencies of node start
+def depth_search_graph(graph, start, visited=[]):
+ visited= visited+ [start]
+ for node in graph[start]: # for all nodes in start dependencies
+ if node not in visited:
+ visited=depth_search_graph(graph, node, visited)
+ return visited
+# find a path from start node to end (a group of nodes)
+def find_path_graph(graph, start, end, path=[]):
+ path = path + [start]
+ if start in end:
+ return path
+ if not graph.has_key(start):
+ return None
+ for node in graph[start]:
+ if node not in path:
+ newpath = find_path_graph(graph, node, end, path)
+ if newpath: return newpath
+ return None
+# Topological sorting algo
+# return in sorted_nodes the list of sorted nodes
+def depth_first_topo_graph(graph, start, visited=[], sorted_nodes=[]):
+ visited = visited + [start]
+ for node in graph[start]:
+ if node not in visited:
+ visited,sorted_nodes=depth_first_topo_graph(graph, node, visited,sorted_nodes)
+ else:
+ assert node in sorted_nodes, 'Error : cycle detection for node %s and %s !' % (start,node)
- :param config Config: The global configuration
- :param p_infos list: List of (str, Config) => (product_name, product_info)
- """
- l_prod_sorted = src.deepcopy_list(p_infos)
- for prod in p_infos:
- l_fathers = get_recursive_fathers(config,
- prod,
- without_native_fixed=True)
- l_fathers = [father for father in l_fathers if father in p_infos]
- if l_fathers == []:
- continue
- for p_sorted in l_prod_sorted:
- if p_sorted in l_fathers:
- l_fathers.remove(p_sorted)
- if l_fathers==[]:
- l_prod_sorted.remove(prod)
- l_prod_sorted.insert(l_prod_sorted.index(p_sorted)+1, prod)
- break
- return l_prod_sorted
-def extend_with_fathers(config, p_infos):
- p_infos_res = src.deepcopy_list(p_infos)
- for p_name_p_info in p_infos:
- fathers = get_recursive_fathers(config,
- p_name_p_info,
- without_native_fixed=True)
- for p_name_p_info_father in fathers:
- if p_name_p_info_father not in p_infos_res:
- p_infos_res.append(p_name_p_info_father)
- return p_infos_res
-def extend_with_children(config, p_infos):
- p_infos_res = src.deepcopy_list(p_infos)
- for p_name_p_info in p_infos:
- children = get_recursive_children(config,
- p_name_p_info,
- without_native_fixed=True)
- for p_name_p_info_child in children:
- if p_name_p_info_child not in p_infos_res:
- p_infos_res.append(p_name_p_info_child)
- return p_infos_res
-def check_dependencies(config, p_name_p_info):
+ sorted_nodes = sorted_nodes + [start]
+ return visited,sorted_nodes
+# check for p_name that all dependencies are installed
+def check_dependencies(config, p_name_p_info, all_products_dict):
l_depends_not_installed = []
- fathers = get_recursive_fathers(config, p_name_p_info, without_native_fixed=True)
- for p_name_father, p_info_father in fathers:
- if not(src.product.check_installation(p_info_father)):
- l_depends_not_installed.append(p_name_father)
- return l_depends_not_installed
+ for prod in p_name_p_info[1]["depend_all"]:
+ # for each dependency, check the install
+ prod_name, prod_info=all_products_dict[prod]
+ if not(src.product.check_installation(prod_info)):
+ l_depends_not_installed.append(prod_name)
+ return l_depends_not_installed # non installed deps
def log_step(logger, header, step):
logger.write("\r%s%s" % (header, " " * 30), 3)
logger.write("%s \n" % src.printcolors.printcError("KO"), 4)
-def compile_all_products(sat, config, options, products_infos, logger):
+def compile_all_products(sat, config, options, products_infos, all_products_dict, logger):
'''Execute the proper configuration commands
in each product build directory.
:param config Config: The global configuration
:param products_info list: List of
(str, Config) => (product_name, product_info)
+ :param all_products_dict: Dict of all products
:param logger Logger: The logger instance to use for the display and logging
:return: the number of failing commands.
:rtype: int
logger.write("\n", 3, False)
+ # Do nothing if the product is fixed (already compiled by third party)
+ if src.product.product_is_fixed(p_info):
+ log_step(logger, header, "native")
+ logger.write("\n", 3, False)
+ continue
# Clean the build and the install directories
# if the corresponding options was called
if options.clean_all:
check_source = True
# for configuration modules, check if sources are present
- for product_name, product_info in all_products_infos:
+ for prod in all_products_dict:
+ product_name, product_info = all_products_dict[prod]
if ("properties" in product_info and
"configure_dependency" in product_info.properties and
product_info.properties.configure_dependency == "yes"):
# Check if the dependencies are installed
- l_depends_not_installed = check_dependencies(config, p_name_info)
+ l_depends_not_installed = check_dependencies(config, p_name_info, all_products_dict)
if len(l_depends_not_installed) > 0:
log_step(logger, header, "")
- _("ERROR : the following product(s) is(are) mandatory: ")))
+ _("ERROR : the following mandatory product(s) is(are) not installed: ")))
for prod_name in l_depends_not_installed:
logger.write(src.printcolors.printcError(prod_name + " "))
src.print_info(logger, info)
- # Get the list of products to treat
+ # Get the list of all application products, and create its dependency graph
+ all_products_infos = src.product.get_products_infos(runner.cfg.APPLICATION.products,
+ runner.cfg)
+ all_products_graph=get_dependencies_graph(all_products_infos)
+ logger.write("Dependency graph of all application products : %s\n" % all_products_graph, 6)
+ # Get the list of products we have to compile
products_infos = src.product.get_products_list(options, runner.cfg, logger)
- products_infos = [pi for pi in products_infos if not(
- src.product.product_is_fixed(pi[1]))]
+ products_list = [pi[0] for pi in products_infos]
+ logger.write("Product we have to compile (as specified by user) : %s\n" % products_list, 5)
if options.fathers:
# Extend the list with all recursive dependencies of the given products
- products_infos = extend_with_fathers(runner.cfg, products_infos)
+ visited=[]
+ for p_name in products_list:
+ visited=depth_search_graph(all_products_graph, p_name, visited)
+ products_list = visited
+ logger.write("Product list to compile with fathers : %s\n" % products_list, 5)
if options.children:
- # Extend the list with all products that use the given products
- products_infos = extend_with_children(runner.cfg, products_infos)
- # Sort the list regarding the dependencies of the products
- products_infos = sort_products(runner.cfg, products_infos)
+ # Extend the list with all products that depends upon the given products
+ children=[]
+ for n in all_products_graph:
+ # for all products (that are not in products_list):
+ # if we we find a path from the product to the product list,
+ # then we product is a child and we add it to the children list
+ if (n not in children) and (n not in products_list):
+ if find_path_graph(all_products_graph, n, products_list):
+ children = children + [n]
+ # complete products_list (the products we have to compile) with the list of children
+ products_list = products_list + children
+ logger.write("Product list to compile with children : %s\n" % products_list, 5)
+ # Sort the list of all products (topological sort).
+ # the products listed first do not depend upon products listed after
+ visited_nodes=[]
+ sorted_nodes=[]
+ for n in all_products_graph:
+ if n not in visited_nodes:
+ visited_nodes,sorted_nodes=depth_first_topo_graph(all_products_graph, n, visited_nodes,sorted_nodes)
+ logger.write("Complete depndency graph topological search (sorting): %s\n" % sorted_nodes, 6)
+# use the sorted list of all products to sort the list of products we have to compile
+ sorted_product_list=[]
+ for n in sorted_nodes:
+ if n in products_list:
+ sorted_product_list.append(n)
+ logger.write("Sorted list of products to compile : %s\n" % sorted_product_list, 5)
+ # from the sorted list of products to compile, build a sorted list of products infos
+ # a- create a dict to facilitate products_infos sorting
+ all_products_dict={}
+ for (pname,pinfo) in all_products_infos:
+ all_products_dict[pname]=(pname,pinfo)
+ # b- build a sorted list of products infos in products_infos
+ products_infos=[]
+ for product in sorted_product_list:
+ products_infos.append(all_products_dict[product])
+ # for all products to compile, store in "depend_all" field the complete dependencies (recursive)
+ # (will be used by check_dependencies funvtion)
+ for pi in products_infos:
+ dep_prod=[]
+ dep_prod=depth_search_graph(all_products_graph,pi[0], dep_prod)
+ pi[1]["depend_all"]=dep_prod[1:]
# Call the function that will loop over all the products and execute
# the right command(s)
- res = compile_all_products(runner, runner.cfg, options, products_infos, logger)
+ res = compile_all_products(runner, runner.cfg, options, products_infos, all_products_dict, logger)
# Print the final state
nb_products = len(products_infos)