--- /dev/null
+ListOfSalomeTestLabelsToBeOK file contains all "salome test" labels expected to be OK for tagged released versions.
+During DEV versions between tagged released versions all non passing tests should lead to a corrective action.
+Each line of ListOfSalomeTestLabelsToBeOK precises a salome test label launchable using :
+salome test -L <LABEL>
+The format of each line :
+<LABEL> <Parallelisable launch> <tests to exclude of the default list>
+<Parallelisable launch> can have 2 values :
+- SP : means sensible to parallelism. means that some tests in label launch several process/thread in paralle. Means that for some of them, overloaded machine test can lead to a false negative test. For these tests it's better for sustain result to launch it in sequential on a computer doing nothing else.
+- PP : parallelism proof. means that all tests in label launch monothread treatments so they can be launched in parallel safely
+<tests to exclude of the default list>
+A comma separated list containing tests to be excluded from the tests to be OK inside the corresponding label
+In python3 to read
+with open("ListOfSalomeTestLabelsToBeOK") as f:
+ li = f.readlines()
+listOfLabels = [elt.rstrip().split(" ")[0] for elt in li]
+parallelismOfLabels = [elt.rstrip().split(" ")[1] for elt in li]
+testsToSkipPerLabel = [elt.rstrip().split(" ")[2] for elt in li]
\ No newline at end of file