# See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
-import os, glob, string, sys, re
+import argparse
+import glob
+import os
+import re
+import sys
import xml.sax
-import optparse
-import types
from salome_utils import verbose, getPortNumber, getHomeDir
-from six import string_types
# names of tags in XML configuration file
doc_tag = "document"
files += glob.glob(os.path.join(getHomeDir(), filetmpl2.format(appname)))
- # ... loop through all files and find most appopriate file (with closest id)
+ # ... loop through all files and find most appropriate file (with closest id)
appr_id = -1
appr_file = ""
for f in files:
def boolValue( self, item):
strloc = item
- if isinstance(strloc, string_types):
+ if isinstance(strloc, str):
strloc = strloc.encode().strip()
if isinstance(strloc, bytes):
strlow = strloc.decode().lower()
- if strlow in ("1", "yes", "y", "on", "true", "ok"):
+ if strlow in ("1", "yes", "y", "on", "true", "ok"):
return True
elif strlow in ("0", "no", "n", "off", "false", "cancel"):
return False
def intValue( self, item):
strloc = item
- if isinstance(strloc, string_types):
+ if isinstance(strloc, str):
strloc = strloc.encode().strip()
if isinstance(strloc, bytes):
strlow = strloc.decode().lower()
- if strlow in ("1", "yes", "y", "on", "true", "ok"):
+ if strlow in ("1", "yes", "y", "on", "true", "ok"):
return 1
elif strlow in ("0", "no", "n", "off", "false", "cancel"):
return 0
# import file
imp = xml_parser(absfname, opts, self.importHistory)
# merge results
- for key in list(imp.opts.keys()):
+ for key in imp.opts:
if key not in self.opts:
self.opts[key] = imp.opts[key]
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-booleans = { '1': True , 'yes': True , 'y': True , 'on' : True , 'true' : True , 'ok' : True,
- '0': False, 'no' : False, 'n': False, 'off': False, 'false': False, 'cancel' : False }
+booleans = {'1': True , 'yes': True , 'y': True , 'on' : True , 'true' : True , 'ok' : True,
+ '0': False, 'no' : False, 'n': False, 'off': False, 'false': False, 'cancel' : False}
boolean_choices = list(booleans.keys())
-def check_embedded(option, opt, value, parser):
- from optparse import OptionValueError
- assert value is not None
- if parser.values.embedded:
- embedded = [a for a in re.split( "[:;,]", parser.values.embedded ) if a.strip()]
- else:
- embedded = []
- if parser.values.standalone:
- standalone = [a for a in re.split( "[:;,]", parser.values.standalone ) if a.strip()]
- else:
- standalone = []
- vals = [a for a in re.split( "[:;,]", value ) if a.strip()]
- for v in vals:
- if v not in embedded_choices:
- raise OptionValueError( "option %s: invalid choice: %r (choose from %s)" % ( opt, v, ", ".join( map( repr, embedded_choices ) ) ) )
- if v not in embedded:
- embedded.append( v )
- if v in standalone:
- del standalone[ standalone.index( v ) ]
- pass
- parser.values.embedded = ",".join( embedded )
- parser.values.standalone = ",".join( standalone )
- pass
-def check_standalone(option, opt, value, parser):
- from optparse import OptionValueError
- assert value is not None
- if parser.values.embedded:
- embedded = [a for a in re.split( "[:;,]", parser.values.embedded ) if a.strip()]
- else:
- embedded = []
- if parser.values.standalone:
- standalone = [a for a in re.split( "[:;,]", parser.values.standalone ) if a.strip()]
- else:
- standalone = []
- vals = [a for a in re.split( "[:;,]", value ) if a.strip()]
- for v in vals:
- if v not in standalone_choices:
- raise OptionValueError( "option %s: invalid choice: %r (choose from %s)" % ( opt, v, ", ".join( map( repr, standalone_choices ) ) ) )
- if v not in standalone:
- standalone.append( v )
- if v in embedded:
- del embedded[ embedded.index( v ) ]
- pass
- parser.values.embedded = ",".join( embedded )
- parser.values.standalone = ",".join( standalone )
- pass
+class CheckEmbeddedAction(argparse.Action):
+ def __call__(self, parser, namespace, value, option_string=None):
+ assert value is not None
+ if namespace.embedded:
+ embedded = [a for a in re.split("[:;,]", namespace.embedded) if a.strip()]
+ else:
+ embedded = []
+ if namespace.standalone:
+ standalone = [a for a in re.split("[:;,]", namespace.standalone) if a.strip()]
+ else:
+ standalone = []
+ vals = [a for a in re.split("[:;,]", value) if a.strip()]
+ for v in vals:
+ if v not in embedded_choices:
+ raise argparse.ArgumentError("option %s: invalid choice: %r (choose from %s)"
+ % (self.dest, v, ", ".join(map(repr, embedded_choices))))
+ if v not in embedded:
+ embedded.append(v)
+ if v in standalone:
+ del standalone[standalone.index(v)]
+ pass
+ namespace.embedded = ",".join(embedded)
+ namespace.standalone = ",".join(standalone)
+ pass
-def store_boolean (option, opt, value, parser, *args):
- if isinstance(value, bytes) or isinstance(value, str):
- try:
- value_conv = booleans[value.strip().lower()]
- for attribute in args:
- setattr(parser.values, attribute, value_conv)
- except KeyError:
- raise optparse.OptionValueError(
- "option %s: invalid boolean value: %s (choose from %s)"
- % (opt, value, boolean_choices))
- else:
- for attribute in args:
- setattr(parser.values, attribute, value)
-def CreateOptionParser (theAdditionalOptions=None, exeName=None):
- if theAdditionalOptions is None:
- theAdditionalOptions = []
+class CheckStandaloneAction(argparse.Action):
+ def __call__(self, parser, namespace, value, option_string=None):
+ assert value is not None
+ if namespace.embedded:
+ embedded = [a for a in re.split("[:;,]", namespace.embedded) if a.strip()]
+ else:
+ embedded = []
+ if namespace.standalone:
+ standalone = [a for a in re.split("[:;,]", namespace.standalone) if a.strip()]
+ else:
+ standalone = []
+ vals = [a for a in re.split("[:;,]", value) if a.strip()]
+ for v in vals:
+ if v not in standalone_choices:
+ raise argparse.ArgumentError("option %s: invalid choice: %r (choose from %s)"
+ % (self.dest, v, ", ".join(map(repr, standalone_choices))))
+ if v not in standalone:
+ standalone.append(v)
+ if v in embedded:
+ del embedded[embedded.index(v)]
+ pass
+ namespace.embedded = ",".join(embedded)
+ namespace.standalone = ",".join(standalone)
+class StoreBooleanAction(argparse.Action):
+ def __call__(self, parser, namespace, value, option_string=None):
+ if isinstance(value, bytes):
+ value = value.decode()
+ if isinstance(value, str):
+ try:
+ value_conv = booleans[value.strip().lower()]
+ setattr(namespace, self.dest, value_conv)
+ except KeyError:
+ raise argparse.ArgumentError(
+ "option %s: invalid boolean value: %s (choose from %s)"
+ % (self.dest, value, boolean_choices))
+ else:
+ setattr(namespace, self.dest, value)
+def CreateOptionParser(exeName=None):
+ if not exeName:
+ exeName = "%(prog)s"
+ a_usage = """%s [options] [STUDY_FILE] [PYTHON_FILE [args] [PYTHON_FILE [args]...]]
+Python file arguments, if any, must be comma-separated (without blank characters) and prefixed by "args:" (without quotes), e.g. myscript.py args:arg1,arg2=val,...
+""" % exeName
+ version_str = "Salome %s" % version()
+ pars = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage=a_usage)
+ # Version
+ pars.add_argument('-v', '--version', action='version', version=version_str)
# GUI/Terminal. Default: GUI
help_str = "Launch without GUI (in the terminal mode)."
- o_t = optparse.Option("-t",
- "--terminal",
- action="store_false",
- dest="gui",
- help=help_str)
+ pars.add_argument("-t",
+ "--terminal",
+ action="store_false",
+ dest="gui",
+ help=help_str)
help_str = "Launch in Batch Mode. (Without GUI on batch machine)"
- o_b = optparse.Option("-b",
- "--batch",
- action="store_true",
- dest="batch",
- help=help_str)
+ pars.add_argument("-b",
+ "--batch",
+ action="store_true",
+ dest="batch",
+ help=help_str)
help_str = "Launch in GUI mode [default]."
- o_g = optparse.Option("-g",
- "--gui",
- action="store_true",
- dest="gui",
- help=help_str)
+ pars.add_argument("-g",
+ "--gui",
+ action="store_true",
+ dest="gui",
+ help=help_str)
# Show Desktop (inly in GUI mode). Default: True
help_str = "1 to activate GUI desktop [default], "
help_str += "0 to not activate GUI desktop (Session_Server starts, but GUI is not shown). "
help_str += "Ignored in the terminal mode."
- o_d = optparse.Option("-d",
- "--show-desktop",
- metavar="<1/0>",
- #type="choice", choices=boolean_choices,
- type="string",
- action="callback", callback=store_boolean, callback_args=('desktop',),
- dest="desktop",
- help=help_str)
+ pars.add_argument("-d",
+ "--show-desktop",
+ metavar="<1/0>",
+ action=StoreBooleanAction,
+ dest="desktop",
+ help=help_str)
help_str = "Do not activate GUI desktop (Session_Server starts, but GUI is not shown). "
help_str += "The same as --show-desktop=0."
- o_o = optparse.Option("-o",
- "--hide-desktop",
- action="store_false",
- dest="desktop",
- help=help_str)
+ pars.add_argument("-o",
+ "--hide-desktop",
+ action="store_false",
+ dest="desktop",
+ help=help_str)
# Use logger or log-file. Default: nothing.
help_str = "Redirect messages to the CORBA collector."
- #o4 = optparse.Option("-l", "--logger", action="store_true", dest="logger", help=help_str)
- o_l = optparse.Option("-l",
- "--logger",
- action="store_const", const="CORBA",
- dest="log_file",
- help=help_str)
+ pars.add_argument("-l",
+ "--logger",
+ action="store_const", const="CORBA",
+ dest="log_file",
+ help=help_str)
help_str = "Redirect messages to the <log-file>"
- o_f = optparse.Option("-f",
- "--log-file",
- metavar="<log-file>",
- type="string",
- action="store",
- dest="log_file",
- help=help_str)
+ pars.add_argument("-f",
+ "--log-file",
+ metavar="<log-file>",
+ dest="log_file",
+ help=help_str)
# Configuration XML file. Default: see defaultUserFile() function
- help_str = "Parse application settings from the <file> "
+ help_str = "Parse application settings from the <file> "
help_str += "instead of default %s" % defaultUserFile()
- o_r = optparse.Option("-r",
- "--resources",
- metavar="<file>",
- type="string",
- action="store",
- dest="resources",
- help=help_str)
+ pars.add_argument("-r",
+ "--resources",
+ metavar="<file>",
+ dest="resources",
+ help=help_str)
# Use own xterm for each server. Default: False.
help_str = "Launch each SALOME server in own xterm console"
- o_x = optparse.Option("-x",
- "--xterm",
- action="store_true",
- dest="xterm",
- help=help_str)
+ pars.add_argument("-x",
+ "--xterm",
+ action="store_true",
+ dest="xterm",
+ help=help_str)
# Modules. Default: Like in configuration files.
help_str = "SALOME modules list (where <module1>, <module2> are the names "
help_str += "of SALOME modules which should be available in the SALOME session)"
- o_m = optparse.Option("-m",
- "--modules",
- metavar="<module1,module2,...>",
- type="string",
- action="append",
- dest="modules",
- help=help_str)
+ pars.add_argument("-m",
+ "--modules",
+ metavar="<module1,module2,...>",
+ action="append",
+ dest="modules",
+ help=help_str)
# Embedded servers. Default: Like in configuration files.
help_str = "CORBA servers to be launched in the Session embedded mode. "
help_str += "Valid values for <serverN>: %s " % ", ".join( embedded_choices )
help_str += "[by default the value from the configuration files is used]"
- o_e = optparse.Option("-e",
- "--embedded",
- metavar="<server1,server2,...>",
- type="string",
- action="callback",
- dest="embedded",
- callback=check_embedded,
- help=help_str)
+ pars.add_argument("-e",
+ "--embedded",
+ metavar="<server1,server2,...>",
+ action=CheckEmbeddedAction,
+ dest="embedded",
+ help=help_str)
# Standalone servers. Default: Like in configuration files.
help_str = "CORBA servers to be launched in the standalone mode (as separate processes). "
help_str += "Valid values for <serverN>: %s " % ", ".join( standalone_choices )
help_str += "[by default the value from the configuration files is used]"
- o_s = optparse.Option("-s",
- "--standalone",
- metavar="<server1,server2,...>",
- type="string",
- action="callback",
- dest="standalone",
- callback=check_standalone,
- help=help_str)
+ pars.add_argument("-s",
+ "--standalone",
+ metavar="<server1,server2,...>",
+ action=CheckStandaloneAction,
+ dest="standalone",
+ help=help_str)
# Kill with port. Default: False.
help_str = "Kill SALOME with the current port"
- o_p = optparse.Option("-p",
- "--portkill",
- action="store_true",
- dest="portkill",
- help=help_str)
+ pars.add_argument("-p",
+ "--portkill",
+ action="store_true",
+ dest="portkill",
+ help=help_str)
# Kill all. Default: False.
help_str = "Kill all running SALOME sessions"
- o_k = optparse.Option("-k",
- "--killall",
- action="store_true",
- dest="killall",
- help=help_str)
+ pars.add_argument("-k",
+ "--killall",
+ action="store_true",
+ dest="killall",
+ help=help_str)
# Additional python interpreters. Default: 0.
help_str = "The number of additional external python interpreters to run. "
help_str += "Each additional python interpreter is run in separate "
help_str += "xterm session with properly set SALOME environment"
- o_i = optparse.Option("-i",
- "--interp",
- metavar="<N>",
- type="int",
- action="store",
- dest="interp",
- help=help_str)
+ pars.add_argument("-i",
+ "--interp",
+ metavar="<N>",
+ type=int,
+ dest="interp",
+ help=help_str)
# Splash. Default: True.
help_str = "1 to display splash screen [default], "
help_str += "0 to disable splash screen. "
help_str += "This option is ignored in the terminal mode. "
help_str += "It is also ignored if --show-desktop=0 option is used."
- o_z = optparse.Option("-z",
- "--splash",
- metavar="<1/0>",
- #type="choice", choices=boolean_choices,
- type="string",
- action="callback", callback=store_boolean, callback_args=('splash',),
- dest="splash",
- help=help_str)
+ pars.add_argument("-z",
+ "--splash",
+ metavar="<1/0>",
+ action=StoreBooleanAction,
+ dest="splash",
+ help=help_str)
# Catch exceptions. Default: True.
help_str = "1 (yes,true,on,ok) to enable centralized exception handling [default], "
help_str += "0 (no,false,off,cancel) to disable centralized exception handling."
- o_c = optparse.Option("-c",
- "--catch-exceptions",
- metavar="<1/0>",
- #type="choice", choices=boolean_choices,
- type="string",
- action="callback", callback=store_boolean, callback_args=('catch_exceptions',),
- dest="catch_exceptions",
- help=help_str)
+ pars.add_argument("-c",
+ "--catch-exceptions",
+ metavar="<1/0>",
+ action=StoreBooleanAction,
+ dest="catch_exceptions",
+ help=help_str)
# Print free port and exit
help_str = "Print free port and exit"
- o_a = optparse.Option("--print-port",
- action="store_true",
- dest="print_port", default=False,
- help=help_str)
+ pars.add_argument("--print-port",
+ action="store_true",
+ dest="print_port",
+ help=help_str)
# Do not relink ${HOME}/.omniORB_last.cfg
help_str = "Do not save current configuration ${HOME}/.omniORB_last.cfg"
- o_n = optparse.Option("--nosave-config",
- action="store_false",
- dest="save_config", default=True,
- help=help_str)
+ pars.add_argument("--nosave-config",
+ action="store_false",
+ dest="save_config",
+ help=help_str)
# Launch with interactive python console. Default: False.
help_str = "Launch with interactive python console."
- o_pi = optparse.Option("--pinter",
- action="store_true",
- dest="pinter",
- help=help_str)
+ pars.add_argument("--pinter",
+ action="store_true",
+ dest="pinter",
+ help=help_str)
# Print Naming service port into a user file. Default: False.
help_str = "Print Naming Service Port into a user file."
- o_nspl = optparse.Option("--ns-port-log",
- metavar="<ns_port_log_file>",
- type="string",
- action="store",
- dest="ns_port_log_file",
- help=help_str)
+ pars.add_argument("--ns-port-log",
+ metavar="<ns_port_log_file>",
+ dest="ns_port_log_file",
+ help=help_str)
# Write/read test script file with help of TestRecorder. Default: False.
help_str = "Write/read test script file with help of TestRecorder."
- o_test = optparse.Option("--test",
- metavar="<test_script_file>",
- type="string",
- action="store",
- dest="test_script_file",
- help=help_str)
+ pars.add_argument("--test",
+ metavar="<test_script_file>",
+ dest="test_script_file",
+ help=help_str)
# Reproducing test script with help of TestRecorder. Default: False.
help_str = "Reproducing test script with help of TestRecorder."
- o_play = optparse.Option("--play",
- metavar="<play_script_file>",
- type="string",
- action="store",
- dest="play_script_file",
- help=help_str)
+ pars.add_argument("--play",
+ metavar="<play_script_file>",
+ dest="play_script_file",
+ help=help_str)
# gdb session
help_str = "Launch session with gdb"
- o_gdb = optparse.Option("--gdb-session",
- action="store_true",
- dest="gdb_session", default=False,
- help=help_str)
+ pars.add_argument("--gdb-session",
+ action="store_true",
+ dest="gdb_session",
+ help=help_str)
# ddd session
help_str = "Launch session with ddd"
- o_ddd = optparse.Option("--ddd-session",
- action="store_true",
- dest="ddd_session", default=False,
- help=help_str)
+ pars.add_argument("--ddd-session",
+ action="store_true",
+ dest="ddd_session",
+ help=help_str)
# valgrind session
help_str = "Launch session with valgrind $VALGRIND_OPTIONS"
- o_valgrind = optparse.Option("--valgrind-session",
- action="store_true",
- dest="valgrind_session", default=False,
- help=help_str)
+ pars.add_argument("--valgrind-session",
+ action="store_true",
+ dest="valgrind_session",
+ help=help_str)
# shutdown-servers. Default: False.
help_str = "1 to shutdown standalone servers when leaving python interpreter, "
help_str += "0 to keep the standalone servers as daemon [default]. "
help_str += "This option is only useful in batchmode "
help_str += "(terminal mode or without showing desktop)."
- o_shutdown = optparse.Option("-w",
- "--shutdown-servers",
- metavar="<1/0>",
- #type="choice", choices=boolean_choices,
- type="string",
- action="callback", callback=store_boolean, callback_args=('shutdown_servers',),
- dest="shutdown_servers",
- help=help_str)
+ pars.add_argument("-w",
+ "--shutdown-servers",
+ metavar="<1/0>",
+ action=StoreBooleanAction,
+ dest="shutdown_servers",
+ help=help_str)
# foreground. Default: True.
help_str = "0 and runSalome exits after have launched the gui, "
help_str += "1 to launch runSalome in foreground mode [default]."
- o_foreground = optparse.Option("--foreground",
- metavar="<1/0>",
- #type="choice", choices=boolean_choices,
- type="string",
- action="callback", callback=store_boolean, callback_args=('foreground',),
- dest="foreground",
- help=help_str)
+ pars.add_argument("--foreground",
+ metavar="<1/0>",
+ action=StoreBooleanAction,
+ dest="foreground",
+ help=help_str)
# wake up session
help_str = "Wake up a previously closed session. "
help_str += "The session object is found in the naming service pointed by the variable OMNIORB_CONFIG. "
help_str += "If this variable is not setted, the last configuration is taken. "
- o_wake_up = optparse.Option("--wake-up-session",
- action="store_true",
- dest="wake_up_session", default=False,
- help=help_str)
+ pars.add_argument("--wake-up-session",
+ action="store_true",
+ dest="wake_up_session",
+ help=help_str)
# server launch mode
help_str = "Mode used to launch server processes (daemon or fork)."
- o_slm = optparse.Option("--server-launch-mode",
- metavar="<server_launch_mode>",
- type="choice",
- choices=["daemon","fork"],
- action="store",
- dest="server_launch_mode",
- help=help_str)
+ pars.add_argument("--server-launch-mode",
+ metavar="<server_launch_mode>",
+ choices=["daemon", "fork"],
+ dest="server_launch_mode",
+ help=help_str)
# use port
help_str = "Preferable port SALOME to be started on. "
help_str += "If specified port is not busy, SALOME session will start on it; "
help_str += "otherwise, any available port will be searched and used."
- o_port = optparse.Option("--port",
- metavar="<port>",
- type="int",
- action="store",
- dest="use_port",
- help=help_str)
+ pars.add_argument("--port",
+ metavar="<port>",
+ type=int,
+ dest="use_port",
+ help=help_str)
+ # Language
help_str = "Force application language. By default, a language specified in "
help_str += "the user's preferences is used."
- o_lang = optparse.Option("-a",
- "--language",
- action="store",
- dest="language",
- help=help_str)
- # All options
- opt_list = [o_t,o_g, # GUI/Terminal
- o_d,o_o, # Desktop
- o_b, # Batch
- o_l,o_f, # Use logger or log-file
- o_r, # Configuration XML file
- o_x, # xterm
- o_m, # Modules
- o_e, # Embedded servers
- o_s, # Standalone servers
- o_p, # Kill with port
- o_k, # Kill all
- o_i, # Additional python interpreters
- o_z, # Splash
- o_c, # Catch exceptions
- o_a, # Print free port and exit
- o_n, # --nosave-config
- o_pi, # Interactive python console
- o_nspl,
- o_test, # Write/read test script file with help of TestRecorder
- o_play, # Reproducing test script with help of TestRecorder
- o_gdb,
- o_ddd,
- o_valgrind,
- o_shutdown,
- o_foreground,
- o_wake_up,
- o_slm, # Server launch mode
- o_port, # Use port
- o_lang, # Language
- ]
- #std_options = ["gui", "desktop", "log_file", "resources",
- # "xterm", "modules", "embedded", "standalone",
- # "portkill", "killall", "interp", "splash",
- # "catch_exceptions", "print_port", "save_config", "ns_port_log_file"]
- opt_list += theAdditionalOptions
- if not exeName:
- exeName = "%prog"
+ pars.add_argument("-a",
+ "--language",
+ dest="language",
+ help=help_str)
- a_usage = """%s [options] [STUDY_FILE] [PYTHON_FILE [args] [PYTHON_FILE [args]...]]
-Python file arguments, if any, must be comma-separated (without blank characters) and prefixed by "args:" (without quotes), e.g. myscript.py args:arg1,arg2=val,...
- version_str = "Salome %s" % version()
- pars = optparse.OptionParser(usage=a_usage, version=version_str, option_list=opt_list)
+ # Positional arguments (hdf file, python file)
+ pars.add_argument("arguments", nargs=argparse.REMAINDER)
return pars
args = {}
#def get_env():
#args = []
-def get_env(theAdditionalOptions=None, appname=salomeappname, cfgname=salomecfgname, exeName=None):
+def get_env(appname=salomeappname, cfgname=salomecfgname, exeName=None):
# Collect launch configuration files:
# - The environment variable "<appname>Config" (SalomeAppConfig) which can
# specified in configuration file(s)
- if theAdditionalOptions is None:
- theAdditionalOptions = []
global args
config_var = appname+'Config'
# parse command line options
- pars = CreateOptionParser(theAdditionalOptions, exeName=exeName)
- (cmd_opts, cmd_args) = pars.parse_args(sys.argv[1:])
+ pars = CreateOptionParser(exeName=exeName)
+ cmd_opts = pars.parse_args(sys.argv[1:])
# Process --print-port option
gui_available = False
if os.getenv("GUI_ROOT_DIR"):
gui_resources_dir = os.path.join(os.getenv("GUI_ROOT_DIR"),'share','salome','resources','gui')
- if os.path.isdir( gui_resources_dir ):
+ if os.path.isdir(gui_resources_dir):
gui_available = True
_opts = {} # associative array of options to be filled
# parse SalomeApp.xml files in directories specified by SalomeAppConfig env variable
- for dir in dirs:
- filename = os.path.join(dir, appname+'.xml')
+ for directory in dirs:
+ filename = os.path.join(directory, appname + '.xml')
if not os.path.exists(filename):
if verbose(): print("Configure parser: Warning : can not find configuration file %s" % filename)
args[aKey] = 0
if args[file_nam]:
- afile=args[file_nam]
+ afile = args[file_nam]
args[file_nam] = [afile]
args[appname_nam] = appname
# Naming Service port log file
if cmd_opts.ns_port_log_file is not None:
- args["ns_port_log_file"] = cmd_opts.ns_port_log_file
+ args["ns_port_log_file"] = cmd_opts.ns_port_log_file
# Study files
- for arg in cmd_args:
- if arg[-4:] == ".hdf" and not args["study_hdf"]:
+ for arg in cmd_opts.arguments:
+ file_extension = os.path.splitext(arg)[-1]
+ if file_extension == ".hdf" and not args["study_hdf"]:
args["study_hdf"] = arg
# Python scripts
from salomeContextUtils import getScriptsAndArgs, ScriptAndArgs
- args[script_nam] = getScriptsAndArgs(cmd_args)
+ args[script_nam] = getScriptsAndArgs(cmd_opts.arguments)
if args[gui_nam] and args["session_gui"]:
new_args = []
- for sa_obj in args[script_nam]: # args[script_nam] is a list of ScriptAndArgs objects
+ for sa_obj in args[script_nam]: # args[script_nam] is a list of ScriptAndArgs objects
script = re.sub(r'^python.*\s+', r'', sa_obj.script)
new_args.append(ScriptAndArgs(script=script, args=sa_obj.args, out=sa_obj.out))
args[script_nam] = new_args
# xterm
- if cmd_opts.xterm is not None: args[xterm_nam] = cmd_opts.xterm
+ if cmd_opts.xterm is not None:
+ args[xterm_nam] = cmd_opts.xterm
# Modules
if cmd_opts.modules is not None:
if cmd_opts.wake_up_session is not None:
args[wake_up_session_nam] = cmd_opts.wake_up_session
- ####################################################
- # Add <theAdditionalOptions> values to args
- for add_opt in theAdditionalOptions:
- cmd = "args[\"{0}\"] = cmd_opts.{0}".format(add_opt.dest)
- exec(cmd)
- ####################################################
# disable signals handling
if args[except_nam] == 1:
os.environ["NOT_INTERCEPT_SIGNALS"] = "1"
import os
import shutil
-import optparse
+import argparse
# Options of this script
def profileQuickStartParser() :
- parser = optparse.OptionParser( usage = "usage: python app-quickstart.py [options]" )
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( usage = "usage: python app-quickstart.py [options]" )
- parser.add_option('-p',
+ parser.add_argument('-p',
- type="string",
help="Where the application's sources will be generated. [Default : '.']")
- parser.add_option('-m',
+ parser.add_argument('-m',
- type="string",
help="List of the application's modules. [Default : KERNEL,GUI]")
- parser.add_option('-n',
+ parser.add_argument('-n',
- type="string",
help="Name of the application")
- parser.add_option('-v',
+ parser.add_argument('-v',
- type="string",
help="Version of the application. [Default : 1.0]")
- parser.add_option('-s',
+ parser.add_argument('-s',
- type="string",
help="Slogan of the application.")
- parser.add_option('-f',
+ parser.add_argument('-f',
import ImageDraw
import ImageFont
- uname = str(appname, 'UTF-8')
- uversion = str(version, 'UTF-8')
+ if isinstance(appname, bytes):
+ uname = str(appname, 'UTF-8')
+ else:
+ uname = appname
+ if isinstance(version, bytes):
+ uversion = str(version, 'UTF-8')
+ else:
+ uversion = version
# fonts
fontbig = ImageFont.truetype( os.path.join( resources_dir, 'Anita semi square.ttf' ), 64)
nbcar = len(uname)
width = 600
if nbcar > 12:
- width = min( width*nbcar/12, 1024) #a little more
+ width = min( width*nbcar//12, 1024) #a little more
height = 300
borderX = 30 #50
borderY = 3 #30
import Image
import ImageDraw
- uname = str(appname, 'UTF-8')
+ if isinstance(appname, bytes):
+ uname = str(appname, 'UTF-8')
+ else:
+ uname = appname
# evaluate size before deleting draw
im = Image.new( "RGBA", (1, 1), (0, 0, 0, 0) )
del draw
return im
+# Check if filename is a binary file
+def is_binary(filename):
+ """ returns True if filename is a binary file
+ (from https://stackoverflow.com/a/7392391/2531279)
+ """
+ textchars = bytearray({7,8,9,10,12,13,27} | set(range(0x20, 0x100)) - {0x7f})
+ with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
+ s = f.read(512)
+ return bool(s.translate(None, textchars))
#Replace strings in the template
-def profileReplaceStrings( src, dst, options ) :
- with open( dst, "wt" ) as fout:
- with open( src, "rt" ) as fin:
+def profileReplaceStrings( src, dst, args) :
+ if is_binary(src):
+ shutil.copyfile(src, dst)
+ else:
+ with open( dst, "w") as fout, \
+ open( src, "r") as fin:
for line in fin:
- if options.modules == '_NO_' and '[LIST_OF_MODULES]' in line:
+ if args.modules == '_NO_' and '[LIST_OF_MODULES]' in line:
line = ''
- l = line.replace( '[LIST_OF_MODULES]', options.modules )
- l = l.replace( '[VERSION]', options.version )
- l = l.replace( '[SLOGAN]', options.slogan )
- l = l.replace( '[NAME_OF_APPLICATION]', options.name.upper() )
- l = l.replace( '[Name_of_Application]', options.name )
- l = l.replace( '(name_of_application)', options.name.lower() )
+ l = line.replace( '[LIST_OF_MODULES]', args.modules )
+ l = l.replace( '[VERSION]', args.version )
+ l = l.replace( '[SLOGAN]', args.slogan )
+ l = l.replace( '[NAME_OF_APPLICATION]', args.name.upper() )
+ l = l.replace( '[Name_of_Application]', args.name )
+ l = l.replace( '(name_of_application)', args.name.lower() )
fout.write( l )
#Generation of a template profile sources
-def profileGenerateSources( options, args ) :
+def profileGenerateSources( args ) :
#Set name of several directories
- app_dir = options.prefix
+ app_dir = args.prefix
app_resources_dir = os.path.join( app_dir, "resources" )
kernel_root_dir = os.environ["KERNEL_ROOT_DIR"]
bin_salome_dir = os.path.join( kernel_root_dir, "bin", "salome" )
#Check if the directory of the sources already exists and delete it
if os.path.exists( app_dir ) :
- if not options.force :
+ if not args.force :
print("Directory %s already exists." %app_dir)
print("Use option --force to overwrite it.")
for d in dirs :
os.mkdir( os.path.join( dst_dir, d ) )
for f in files :
- profileReplaceStrings( os.path.join( root, f ), os.path.join( dst_dir, f ), options )
+ profileReplaceStrings( os.path.join( root, f ), os.path.join( dst_dir, f ), args)
#Complete source directory
contextFiles = [ "salomeContext.py", "salomeContextUtils.py", "parseConfigFile.py" ]
font = ImageFont.truetype( os.path.join( kernel_resources_dir, "Anita semi square.ttf" ) , 18 )
#Generate and save logo
- app_logo = profileGenerateLogo( options.name, font )
+ app_logo = profileGenerateLogo( args.name, font )
app_logo.save( logo_destination, "PNG" )
#Generate and splash screen and about image
- if options.slogan :
- subtext = options.slogan
+ if args.slogan :
+ subtext = args.slogan
else :
subtext = "Powered by SALOME"
- im = profileGenerateSplash( kernel_resources_dir, options.name, options.version, subtext )
+ im = profileGenerateSplash( kernel_resources_dir, args.name, args.version, subtext )
im.save( splash_destination, "PNG" )
im.save( about_destination, "PNG" )
else :
shutil.copy( about_name, splash_destination )
#End of script
- print("Sources of %s were generated in %s." %( options.name, app_dir ))
+ print("Sources of %s were generated in %s." %( args.name, app_dir ))
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
if __name__ == '__main__':
- #Get options and args
- (options, args) = profileQuickStartParser().parse_args()
+ #Get optional and positional args
+ args = profileQuickStartParser().parse_args()
#Check name of the application
- if not options.name :
+ if not args.name :
raise RuntimeError( "A name must be given to the application. Please use option --name." )
#Check if the prefix's parent is a directory
- if not os.path.isdir( os.path.dirname( options.prefix ) ) :
- raise RuntimeError( "%s is not a directory." % os.path.dirname( options.prefix ) )
+ if not os.path.isdir( os.path.dirname( args.prefix ) ) :
+ raise RuntimeError( "%s is not a directory." % os.path.dirname( args.prefix ) )
#Generate sources of the profile
- profileGenerateSources( options, args )
+ profileGenerateSources( args )