« Bloc Fissure » is not applicable every time. It is highly recommended to read the section on :ref:`general principles <general_principles>` to see how « Bloc Fissure » works. This section also gives the functional scope and the :ref:`limitations <recommendations>` of the tool. Finally, this part deals with cautions that the user must take using « Bloc Fissure ». The user can also refers himself to the :ref:`tutorial <tutorials>` to get some advice on how to make « Bloc Fissure » works.\r
-If « Bloc Fissure » can’t be used on a case, the user may switch to the other FEM insertion tool Zcracks in SALOME (soon available). It’s more robust and has less limitations but the result is a cracked free mesh with tetrahedral elements. Another possibility is the `X-FEM method <http://www.code-aster.org/doc/v11/fr/man_u/u2/u2.05.02.pdf>`_ method in SALOME_MECA.\r
+If « Bloc Fissure » can't be used on a case, the user may switch to the other FEM insertion tool Zcracks in SALOME (soon available). It's more robust and has less limitations but the result is a cracked free mesh with tetrahedral elements. Another possibility is the `X-FEM method <http://www.code-aster.org/doc/v11/fr/man_u/u2/u2.05.02.pdf>`_ method in SALOME_MECA.\r
Print screen of GUI of the extension *Meshed Pipe with a crack*\r
-The GUI is a window with mandatory and optional parameters. Optional parameters have to be activated by ticking the corresponding check box. Parameters are explained on the following figures and table. Angles are in degrees and lengths dimensions are all the same and shall then be consistent with each other’s.\r
+The GUI is a window with mandatory and optional parameters. Optional parameters have to be activated by ticking the corresponding check box. Parameters are explained on the following figures and table. Angles are in degrees and lengths dimensions are all the same and shall then be consistent with each other's.\r
|.. image:: images/schema_tube_sain.png | .. image:: images/schema_fis_ext2.png |\r
|**ORIEN** | Angle between the major axis of the crack and the axe of the pipe. |\r
|**ABS_CURV** | Longitudinal position of the crack centre defined from the interface between P1 and the bend.|\r
-| | It’s a curvilinear abscise and it can be negative or positive. |\r
+| | It's a curvilinear abscise and it can be negative or positive. |\r
|Or **POSI_ANGUL** | Longitudinal position of the crack centre (DO NOT USE) |\r
4) **Crack front edges must exceed from the structure:**\r
-For similar reasons, crack front edges must exceed from the structure mesh. The user shall be really careful when fusing crack front edges within the structure with edges outside of the structure because junction mustn’t be on the box external face. For example the following figure shows the bad and the good practice. In grew a 2D view of a structure to cut and in red the crack surface. Line 1 is the edge declared as the crack front. On the left case, Line 1 stops on the box boundary. Even if Line 1 is extended with Line 2 and 5, « Bloc Fissure» will fail. The good practice is to extend the Line 1 with the same shape. See how to extend the front edges in the :ref:`tutorials section <tutorials>`\r
+For similar reasons, crack front edges must exceed from the structure mesh. The user shall be really careful when fusing crack front edges within the structure with edges outside of the structure because junction mustn't be on the box external face. For example the following figure shows the bad and the good practice. In grew a 2D view of a structure to cut and in red the crack surface. Line 1 is the edge declared as the crack front. On the left case, Line 1 stops on the box boundary. Even if Line 1 is extended with Line 2 and 5, « Bloc Fissure» will fail. The good practice is to extend the Line 1 with the same shape. See how to extend the front edges in the :ref:`tutorials section <tutorials>`\r
.. image:: images/schema_lignes1.png\r
:scale: 80\r
5) **Loss of element groups:**\r
-Crack insertion with « Bloc Fissure» doesn’t ensure elements groups conservation. All the groups that are partially or totally in the Box mesh are impacted. Groups are not deleted but newly created elements are not added to the initial groups. Users must be really careful and verify their groups after crack insertion.\r
+Crack insertion with « Bloc Fissure» doesn't ensure elements groups conservation. All the groups that are partially or totally in the Box mesh are impacted. Groups are not deleted but newly created elements are not added to the initial groups. Users must be really careful and verify their groups after crack insertion.\r
|.. image:: images/recom_groupe_avant.png | .. image:: images/recom_groupe_apres.png |\r
7) **Element normal:**\r
-Elements normal orientation doesn’t always follow the outgoing rule. User must verify faces orientation if fluxes boundary conditions are to be applied to the mesh.\r
+Elements normal orientation doesn't always follow the outgoing rule. User must verify faces orientation if fluxes boundary conditions are to be applied to the mesh.\r
| Script parameters |\r
-| / **nomCas** | *[string, default=’casStandard’]* | Name of the problem |\r
+| / **nomCas** | *[string, default='casStandard']* | Name of the problem |\r
| **maillageSain** | *[string]* | Absolute address of the input structure 3D mesh |\r
| | | in MED format |\r
<item row="4" column="1">
<widget class="QDoubleSpinBox" name="dsb_epais">
<property name="toolTip">
- <string>Valeur de l’epaisseur du coude et des embouts</string>
+ <string>Valeur de l'epaisseur du coude et des embouts</string>
<property name="decimals">
<item row="3" column="1">
<widget class="QDoubleSpinBox" name="dsb_lTubeP2">
<property name="toolTip">
- <string>Valeur de la longueur de l’embout P2 a l’extremite duquel seront appliques les chargements</string>
+ <string>Valeur de la longueur de l'embout P2 a l'extremite duquel seront appliques les chargements</string>
<property name="decimals">
<item row="2" column="1">
<widget class="QDoubleSpinBox" name="dsb_lTubeP1">
<property name="toolTip">
- <string>Valeur de la longueur de l’embout P1 a l’extremite duquel seront appliques les chargements</string>
+ <string>Valeur de la longueur de l'embout P1 a l'extremite duquel seront appliques les chargements</string>
<property name="decimals">
<item row="0" column="1">
<widget class="QSpinBox" name="sb_nbAxeTubeP1">
<property name="toolTip">
- <string>Nombre d’elements le long de l’embout P1</string>
+ <string>Nombre d'elements le long de l'embout P1</string>
<property name="maximum">
<item row="1" column="1">
<widget class="QSpinBox" name="sb_nbAxeTubeP2">
<property name="toolTip">
- <string>Nombre d’elements le long de l’embout P2</string>
+ <string>Nombre d'elements le long de l'embout P2</string>
<property name="maximum">
<item row="2" column="1">
<widget class="QSpinBox" name="sb_nbAxeCoude">
<property name="toolTip">
- <string>Nombre d’elements le long de l’axe du coude</string>
+ <string>Nombre d'elements le long de l'axe du coude</string>
<property name="maximum">
<item row="3" column="1">
<widget class="QSpinBox" name="sb_nbCirconf">
<property name="toolTip">
- <string><html><head/><body><p>Nombre d’elements le long de la circonference</p><p>(nombre pair)</p></body></html></string>
+ <string><html><head/><body><p>Nombre d'elements le long de la circonference</p><p>(nombre pair)</p></body></html></string>
<property name="maximum">
<item row="2" column="1">
<widget class="QDoubleSpinBox" name="dsb_azimut">
<property name="toolTip">
- <string>Valeur de la position circonferentielle du centre de la fissure comptee positivement en degres a partir de l’extrados jusqu’a l’intrados en passant par le flanc gauche</string>
+ <string>Valeur de la position circonferentielle du centre de la fissure comptee positivement en degres a partir de l'extrados jusqu'a l'intrados en passant par le flanc gauche</string>
<property name="decimals">
<item row="3" column="1">
<widget class="QDoubleSpinBox" name="dsb_orientation">
<property name="toolTip">
- <string>Valeur de l’angle en degres forme par le grand axe de la fissure et la generatrice du coude donnant ainsi l’orientation du defaut</string>
+ <string>Valeur de l'angle en degres forme par le grand axe de la fissure et la generatrice du coude donnant ainsi l'orientation du defaut</string>
<property name="decimals">
supply a single tetrahedral mesh for concrete and as many segment-type
1D meshes as groups of steel reinforcement bars of different
diameters. The size (length) of segment-type steel reinforcement
-elements should correspond to the modelled bar’s
+elements should correspond to the modelled bar's
diameter. SpherePadder algorithm will create steel discrete elements
-by using the segment’s length as the DE diameter.
+by using the segment's length as the DE diameter.
Warning: The User should control that all steel bars of a given
diameter in a mesh belong to the same mesh group, and that different
- [1] J.-F.Jerier, V.Richefeu, D.Imbault, F.-V. Donze, “Packing spherical discrete elements for large scale simulations”, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 199 (2010) 1668–1676.
- [2] CGAL, Computational Geometry Algorithms Library. https://gforge.inria.fr.
-- [3] EUROPLEXUS: a computer program for the finite element simulation of fluid–structure systems under transient dynamic loading. http://europlexus.jrc.ec.europa.eu, (User’s Manual).
+- [3] EUROPLEXUS: a computer program for the finite element simulation of fluid–structure systems under transient dynamic loading. http://europlexus.jrc.ec.europa.eu, (User's Manual).
\section S2_PADDER The SpherePadder SALOME plugin