node_script += """# ==============================================\n"""
node_script +=
node_script += """# ==============================================\n"""
+ node_script += """__method = None\n"""
node_script += """for param in computation["specificParameters"]:\n"""
- node_script += """ if param["name"] == "method": method = param["value"]\n"""
- node_script += """ else: method = ""\n"""
- node_script += """"ComputationFunctionNode: Found method is \'%s\'"%method)\n"""
+ node_script += """ if param["name"] == "method": __method = param["value"]\n"""
+ node_script += """if __method not in ["Direct", "Tangent", "Adjoint"]:\n"""
+ node_script += """ raise ValueError("ComputationFunctionNode: no valid computation method is given, it has to be Direct, Tangent or Adjoint (\'%s\' given)."%__method)\n"""
+ node_script += """logging.debug("ComputationFunctionNode: Found method is \'%s\'"%__method)\n"""
node_script += """#\n"""
node_script += """#\n"""
- node_script += """if method == "Direct":\n"""
+ node_script += """__data = []\n"""
+ node_script += """if __method == "Direct":\n"""
node_script += """ try:\n"""
node_script += """ DirectOperator\n"""
node_script += """ except NameError:\n"""
node_script += """ raise ValueError("ComputationFunctionNode: DirectOperator not found in the imported user script file")\n"""
- node_script += """"ComputationFunctionNode: Direct computation")\n"""
- node_script += """ Xcurrent = computation["inputValues"][0][0][0]\n"""
- node_script += """ data = DirectOperator(numpy.matrix( Xcurrent ).T)\n"""
+ node_script += """ logging.debug("ComputationFunctionNode: Direct computation")\n"""
+ node_script += """ __Xcurrent = computation["inputValues"][0][0][0]\n"""
+ node_script += """ __data = DirectOperator(numpy.matrix( __Xcurrent ).T)\n"""
node_script += """#\n"""
- node_script += """if method == "Tangent":\n"""
+ node_script += """if __method == "Tangent":\n"""
node_script += """ try:\n"""
node_script += """ TangentOperator\n"""
node_script += """ except NameError:\n"""
node_script += """ raise ValueError("ComputationFunctionNode: TangentOperator not found in the imported user script file")\n"""
- node_script += """"ComputationFunctionNode: Tangent computation")\n"""
- node_script += """ Xcurrent = computation["inputValues"][0][0][0]\n"""
- node_script += """ dXcurrent = computation["inputValues"][0][0][1]\n"""
- node_script += """ data = TangentOperator((numpy.matrix( Xcurrent ).T, numpy.matrix( dXcurrent ).T))\n"""
+ node_script += """ logging.debug("ComputationFunctionNode: Tangent computation")\n"""
+ node_script += """ __Xcurrent = computation["inputValues"][0][0][0]\n"""
+ node_script += """ __dXcurrent = computation["inputValues"][0][0][1]\n"""
+ node_script += """ __data = TangentOperator((numpy.matrix( __Xcurrent ).T, numpy.matrix( __dXcurrent ).T))\n"""
node_script += """#\n"""
- node_script += """if method == "Adjoint":\n"""
+ node_script += """if __method == "Adjoint":\n"""
node_script += """ try:\n"""
node_script += """ AdjointOperator\n"""
node_script += """ except NameError:\n"""
node_script += """ raise ValueError("ComputationFunctionNode: AdjointOperator not found in the imported user script file")\n"""
- node_script += """"ComputationFunctionNode: Adjoint computation")\n"""
- node_script += """ Xcurrent = computation["inputValues"][0][0][0]\n"""
- node_script += """ Ycurrent = computation["inputValues"][0][0][1]\n"""
- node_script += """ data = AdjointOperator((numpy.matrix( Xcurrent ).T, numpy.matrix( Ycurrent ).T))\n"""
+ node_script += """ logging.debug("ComputationFunctionNode: Adjoint computation")\n"""
+ node_script += """ __Xcurrent = computation["inputValues"][0][0][0]\n"""
+ node_script += """ __Ycurrent = computation["inputValues"][0][0][1]\n"""
+ node_script += """ __data = AdjointOperator((numpy.matrix( __Xcurrent ).T, numpy.matrix( __Ycurrent ).T))\n"""
node_script += """#\n"""
- node_script += """"ComputationFunctionNode: Formatting the output")\n"""
- node_script += """it = data.flat\n"""
+ node_script += """logging.debug("ComputationFunctionNode: Formatting the output")\n"""
+ node_script += """it = numpy.ravel(__data)\n"""
node_script += """outputValues = [[[[]]]]\n"""
node_script += """for val in it:\n"""
node_script += """ outputValues[0][0][0].append(val)\n"""
node_script += " sys.path.insert(0,filepath)\n"
node_script +=
node_script += """# ==============================================\n"""
+ node_script += """__method = None\n"""
node_script += """for param in computation["specificParameters"]:\n"""
- node_script += """ if param["name"] == "method": method = param["value"]\n"""
- node_script += """ else: method = ""\n"""
- node_script += """"ComputationFunctionNode: Found method is \'%s\'"%method)\n"""
+ node_script += """ if param["name"] == "method": __method = param["value"]\n"""
+ node_script += """if __method not in ["Direct", "Tangent", "Adjoint"]:\n"""
+ node_script += """ raise ValueError("ComputationFunctionNode: no valid computation method is given, it has to be Direct, Tangent or Adjoint (\'%s\' given)."%__method)\n"""
+ node_script += """logging.debug("ComputationFunctionNode: Found method is \'%s\'"%__method)\n"""
node_script += """#\n"""
node_script += """#\n"""
- node_script += """if method == "Direct":\n"""
+ node_script += """__data = []\n"""
+ node_script += """if __method == "Direct":\n"""
node_script += """ try:\n"""
node_script += """ DirectOperator\n"""
node_script += """ except NameError:\n"""
node_script += """ raise ValueError("ComputationFunctionNode: mandatory DirectOperator not found in the imported user script file")\n"""
- node_script += """"ComputationFunctionNode: Direct computation")\n"""
- node_script += """ Xcurrent = computation["inputValues"][0][0][0]\n"""
- node_script += """ data = DirectOperator(numpy.matrix( Xcurrent ).T)\n"""
+ node_script += """ logging.debug("ComputationFunctionNode: Direct computation")\n"""
+ node_script += """ __Xcurrent = computation["inputValues"][0][0][0]\n"""
+ node_script += """ __data = DirectOperator(numpy.matrix( __Xcurrent ).T)\n"""
node_script += """#\n"""
- node_script += """if method == "Tangent":\n"""
+ node_script += """if __method == "Tangent":\n"""
node_script += """ try:\n"""
node_script += """ TangentOperator\n"""
node_script += """ except NameError:\n"""
node_script += """ raise ValueError("ComputationFunctionNode: mandatory TangentOperator not found in the imported user script file")\n"""
- node_script += """"ComputationFunctionNode: Tangent computation")\n"""
- node_script += """ Xcurrent = computation["inputValues"][0][0][0]\n"""
- node_script += """ dXcurrent = computation["inputValues"][0][0][1]\n"""
- node_script += """ data = TangentOperator((numpy.matrix( Xcurrent ).T, numpy.matrix( dXcurrent ).T))\n"""
+ node_script += """ logging.debug("ComputationFunctionNode: Tangent computation")\n"""
+ node_script += """ __Xcurrent = computation["inputValues"][0][0][0]\n"""
+ node_script += """ __dXcurrent = computation["inputValues"][0][0][1]\n"""
+ node_script += """ __data = TangentOperator((numpy.matrix( __Xcurrent ).T, numpy.matrix( __dXcurrent ).T))\n"""
node_script += """#\n"""
- node_script += """if method == "Adjoint":\n"""
+ node_script += """if __method == "Adjoint":\n"""
node_script += """ try:\n"""
node_script += """ AdjointOperator\n"""
node_script += """ except NameError:\n"""
node_script += """ raise ValueError("ComputationFunctionNode: mandatory AdjointOperator not found in the imported user script file")\n"""
- node_script += """"ComputationFunctionNode: Adjoint computation")\n"""
- node_script += """ Xcurrent = computation["inputValues"][0][0][0]\n"""
- node_script += """ Ycurrent = computation["inputValues"][0][0][1]\n"""
- node_script += """ data = AdjointOperator((numpy.matrix( Xcurrent ).T, numpy.matrix( Ycurrent ).T))\n"""
+ node_script += """ logging.debug("ComputationFunctionNode: Adjoint computation")\n"""
+ node_script += """ __Xcurrent = computation["inputValues"][0][0][0]\n"""
+ node_script += """ __Ycurrent = computation["inputValues"][0][0][1]\n"""
+ node_script += """ __data = AdjointOperator((numpy.matrix( __Xcurrent ).T, numpy.matrix( __Ycurrent ).T))\n"""
node_script += """#\n"""
- node_script += """"ComputationFunctionNode: Formatting the output")\n"""
- node_script += """it = data.flat\n"""
+ node_script += """logging.debug("ComputationFunctionNode: Formatting the output")\n"""
+ node_script += """it = numpy.ravel(__data)\n"""
node_script += """outputValues = [[[[]]]]\n"""
node_script += """for val in it:\n"""
node_script += """ outputValues[0][0][0].append(val)\n"""