QString vtlt = tr( QString( "NEW_WINDOW_%1" ).arg( suffix ).toLatin1().constData() );
QString tip = tr( "CREATING_NEW_WINDOW" ).arg( vtlt.remove( "&" ) );
QAction* a = createAction( id, // menu action id
- tip, // status tip
- QIcon(), // icon
- vtlt, // menu text
+ tip, // status tip
+ QIcon(), // icon
+ vtlt, // menu text
tip, // tooltip
accel, // shortcut
- desktop(), // parent
+ desktop(), // parent
false, // toggle flag
- this, // receiver
+ this, // receiver
SLOT( onNewWindow() ) ); // slot
createMenu( a, parentId, -1 );
QString helpFileName = fileIt.key();
// remove all '//' occurances
while ( helpFileName.contains( "//" ) )
- helpFileName.replace( "//", "" );
+ helpFileName.replace( "//", "" );
// obtain submenus hierarchy if given
QStringList smenus = helpFileName.split( "/" );
helpFileName = smenus.last();
0, desk, false, this, SLOT( onHelpContentsModule() ) );
a->setData( fileIt.value() );
if ( !helpSubMenu.isEmpty() ) {
- smenus.prepend( helpSubMenu );
+ smenus.prepend( helpSubMenu );
// create sub-menus hierarchy
int menuId = helpMenu;
// is defined. On Linux platform QWebKit doesn't work correctly without 'file://' protocol.
- QtxWebBrowser::loadUrl(QString("file://%1").arg(helpFile));
+ QtxWebBrowser::loadUrl(QString("file://%1").arg(helpFile));
#ifdef WIN32
// On Win32 platform QWebKit of the Qt 4.6.3 hang up in case 'file://' protocol
// is defined. On Linux platform QWebKit doesn't work correctly without 'file://' protocol.
- QtxWebBrowser::loadUrl(helpFile, context);
+ QtxWebBrowser::loadUrl(helpFile, context);
- QtxWebBrowser::loadUrl(QString("file://%1").arg(helpFile),context);
+ QtxWebBrowser::loadUrl(QString("file://%1").arg(helpFile),context);
vm = new OCCViewer_Viewer( true );
vm->setBackground( OCCViewer_ViewFrame::TOP_LEFT,
- resMgr->backgroundValue( "OCCViewer", "xz_background", vm->background(OCCViewer_ViewFrame::TOP_LEFT) ) );
+ resMgr->backgroundValue( "OCCViewer", "xz_background", vm->background(OCCViewer_ViewFrame::TOP_LEFT) ) );
vm->setBackground( OCCViewer_ViewFrame::TOP_RIGHT,
- resMgr->backgroundValue( "OCCViewer", "yz_background", vm->background(OCCViewer_ViewFrame::TOP_RIGHT) ) );
+ resMgr->backgroundValue( "OCCViewer", "yz_background", vm->background(OCCViewer_ViewFrame::TOP_RIGHT) ) );
vm->setBackground( OCCViewer_ViewFrame::BOTTOM_LEFT,
- resMgr->backgroundValue( "OCCViewer", "xy_background", vm->background(OCCViewer_ViewFrame::BOTTOM_LEFT) ) );
+ resMgr->backgroundValue( "OCCViewer", "xy_background", vm->background(OCCViewer_ViewFrame::BOTTOM_LEFT) ) );
vm->setBackground( OCCViewer_ViewFrame::BOTTOM_RIGHT,
- resMgr->backgroundValue( "OCCViewer", "background", vm->background(OCCViewer_ViewFrame::MAIN_VIEW) ) );
+ resMgr->backgroundValue( "OCCViewer", "background", vm->background(OCCViewer_ViewFrame::MAIN_VIEW) ) );
vm->setTrihedronSize( resMgr->doubleValue( "OCCViewer", "trihedron_size", vm->trihedronSize() ),
resMgr->booleanValue( "OCCViewer", "relative_size", vm->trihedronRelative() ));
SUIT_ProxyModel* proxyModel = dynamic_cast<SUIT_ProxyModel*>(treeModel);
if ( proxyModel ) {
connect( proxyModel, SIGNAL( dropped( const QList<SUIT_DataObject*>&, SUIT_DataObject*, int, Qt::DropAction ) ),
- this, SLOT( onDropped( const QList<SUIT_DataObject*>&, SUIT_DataObject*, int, Qt::DropAction ) ) );
+ this, SLOT( onDropped( const QList<SUIT_DataObject*>&, SUIT_DataObject*, int, Qt::DropAction ) ) );
// temporary commented
foreach( int gid, idList ) anIndicesList << gid;
// .... -> 3D viewer background
int bgId = pref->addPreference( tr( "PREF_3DVIEWER_BACKGROUND" ), bgGroup,
- LightApp_Preferences::Background, "OCCViewer", "background" );
+ LightApp_Preferences::Background, "OCCViewer", "background" );
pref->setItemProperty( "gradient_names", aValuesList, bgId );
pref->setItemProperty( "gradient_ids", anIndicesList, bgId );
pref->setItemProperty( "texture_enabled", !txtList.isEmpty(), bgId );
pref->setItemProperty( "image_formats", formats, bgId );
// .... -> XZ viewer background
bgId = pref->addPreference( tr( "PREF_XZVIEWER_BACKGROUND" ), bgGroup,
- LightApp_Preferences::Background, "OCCViewer", "xz_background" );
+ LightApp_Preferences::Background, "OCCViewer", "xz_background" );
pref->setItemProperty( "gradient_names", aValuesList, bgId );
pref->setItemProperty( "gradient_ids", anIndicesList, bgId );
pref->setItemProperty( "texture_enabled", !txtList.isEmpty(), bgId );
pref->setItemProperty( "image_formats", formats, bgId );
// .... -> YZ viewer background
bgId = pref->addPreference( tr( "PREF_YZVIEWER_BACKGROUND" ), bgGroup,
- LightApp_Preferences::Background, "OCCViewer", "yz_background" );
+ LightApp_Preferences::Background, "OCCViewer", "yz_background" );
pref->setItemProperty( "gradient_names", aValuesList, bgId );
pref->setItemProperty( "gradient_ids", anIndicesList, bgId );
pref->setItemProperty( "texture_enabled", !txtList.isEmpty(), bgId );
pref->setItemProperty( "image_formats", formats, bgId );
// .... -> XY viewer background
bgId = pref->addPreference( tr( "PREF_XYVIEWER_BACKGROUND" ), bgGroup,
- LightApp_Preferences::Background, "OCCViewer", "xy_background" );
+ LightApp_Preferences::Background, "OCCViewer", "xy_background" );
pref->setItemProperty( "gradient_names", aValuesList, bgId );
pref->setItemProperty( "gradient_ids", anIndicesList, bgId );
pref->setItemProperty( "texture_enabled", !txtList.isEmpty(), bgId );
formats = SVTK_Viewer::backgroundData( aValuesList, idList, txtList );
foreach( int gid, idList ) anIndicesList << gid;
bgId = pref->addPreference( tr( "PREF_VIEWER_BACKGROUND" ), vtkGen,
- LightApp_Preferences::Background, "VTKViewer", "background" );
+ LightApp_Preferences::Background, "VTKViewer", "background" );
pref->setItemProperty( "gradient_names", aValuesList, bgId );
pref->setItemProperty( "gradient_ids", anIndicesList, bgId );
pref->setItemProperty( "texture_enabled", !txtList.isEmpty(), bgId );
// scroll to each entry in the list
// (in optimized mode - to the last entry only)
QString anEntry;
- LightApp_DataObject* anObject;
+ LightApp_DataObject* anObject = 0;
while( anIter.hasNext() )
anEntry = anIter.next();
LightApp_Module* sMod = 0;
CAM_Module* mod = module( msgType );
if ( !mod )
- mod = module( moduleTitle( msgType ) );
+ mod = module( moduleTitle( msgType ) );
if ( mod && mod->inherits( "LightApp_Module" ) )
- sMod = (LightApp_Module*)mod;
+ sMod = (LightApp_Module*)mod;
if ( msgType.toLower() == "preferences" ) {
- // requested preferences change: should be given as "preferences/<section>/<name>/<value>"
- // for example "preferences/Study/multi_file_dump/true"
- if ( data.count() > 3 ) {
- QString section = data[1].trimmed();
- QString param = data[2].trimmed();
- QString value = QStringList( data.mid(3) ).join( sectionSeparator );
- resourceMgr()->setValue( section, param, value );
- }
+ // requested preferences change: should be given as "preferences/<section>/<name>/<value>"
+ // for example "preferences/Study/multi_file_dump/true"
+ if ( data.count() > 3 ) {
+ QString section = data[1].trimmed();
+ QString param = data[2].trimmed();
+ QString value = QStringList( data.mid(3) ).join( sectionSeparator );
+ resourceMgr()->setValue( section, param, value );
+ }
else if ( sMod ) {
- // received message for the module
- QString msg = QStringList( data.mid(1) ).join( sectionSeparator );
- sMod->message( msg );
+ // received message for the module
+ QString msg = QStringList( data.mid(1) ).join( sectionSeparator );
+ sMod->message( msg );