* This method expects that \b this and \b otherDimM1OnSameCoords share the same coordinates array.
* otherDimM1OnSameCoords->getMeshDimension() is expected to be equal to this->getMeshDimension()-1.
- * This method searches for nodes needed to be duplicated. These nodes are nodes fetched by \b otherDimM1OnSameCoords which are not part of the boundary of \b otherDimM1OnSameCoords.
- * If a node is in the boundary of \b this \b and in the boundary of \b otherDimM1OnSameCoords this node is considered as needed to be duplicated.
+ * This method searches for nodes needed to be duplicated. Those are the nodes fetched by \b otherDimM1OnSameCoords which are not part of the boundary of \b otherDimM1OnSameCoords.
+ * If a node is in the boundary of \b this \b and in the boundary of \b otherDimM1OnSameCoords, it will be duplicated.
* When the set of node ids \b nodeIdsToDuplicate is computed, cell ids in \b this is searched so that their connectivity includes at least 1 node in \b nodeIdsToDuplicate.
- * \param [in] otherDimM1OnSameCoords a mesh lying on the same coords than \b this and with a mesh dimension equal to those of \b this minus 1. WARNING this input
+ * \param [in] crackingMesh a mesh lying on the same coords than \b this and with a mesh dimension equal to those of \b this minus 1. WARNING this input
* parameter is altered during the call.
* \return node ids which need to be duplicated following the algorithm explained above.
-DataArrayIdType* MEDCouplingUMesh::findNodesToDuplicate(const MEDCouplingUMesh& otherDimM1OnSameCoords) const
+DataArrayIdType* MEDCouplingUMesh::findNodesToDuplicate(const MEDCouplingUMesh& crackingMesh) const
// DEBUG NOTE: in case of issue with the algorithm in this method, see Python script in resources/dev
// which mimicks the C++
using MCUMesh = MCAuto<MEDCouplingUMesh>;
- otherDimM1OnSameCoords.checkFullyDefined();
- if(getCoords()!=otherDimM1OnSameCoords.getCoords())
+ crackingMesh.checkFullyDefined();
+ if(getCoords()!=crackingMesh.getCoords())
throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("MEDCouplingUMesh::findNodesToDuplicate : meshes do not share the same coords array !");
- if(otherDimM1OnSameCoords.getMeshDimension()!=getMeshDimension()-1)
+ if(crackingMesh.getMeshDimension()!=getMeshDimension()-1)
throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("MEDCouplingUMesh::findNodesToDuplicate : the mesh given in other parameter must have this->getMeshDimension()-1 !");
+ // Clean the M1 group (cracking mesh): the M1 cells which are part of M0 boundary are irrelevant (we can't create a crack on the boundary of M0!)
+ MCUMesh m0skin = computeSkin();
+ DataArrayIdType *idsToKeepP;
+ m0skin->areCellsIncludedIn(&crackingMesh,2, idsToKeepP);
+ DAInt idsToKeep(idsToKeepP);
+ DAInt ids2 = idsToKeep->findIdsNotInRange(0, m0skin->getNumberOfCells()); // discard cells on the skin of M0
+ MCUMesh otherDimM1OnSameCoords =static_cast<MEDCouplingUMesh *>(crackingMesh.buildPartOfMySelf(ids2->begin(), ids2->end(), true));
+ if (!otherDimM1OnSameCoords->getNumberOfCells())
+ return MCAuto<DataArrayIdType>(DataArrayIdType::New()).retn();
// Checking star-shaped M1 group:
DAInt dt0=DataArrayIdType::New(),dit0=DataArrayIdType::New(),rdt0=DataArrayIdType::New(),rdit0=DataArrayIdType::New();
- MCUMesh meshM2 = otherDimM1OnSameCoords.buildDescendingConnectivity(dt0, dit0, rdt0, rdit0); // 2D: a mesh of points, 3D: a mesh of segs
+ MCUMesh meshM2 = otherDimM1OnSameCoords->buildDescendingConnectivity(dt0, dit0, rdt0, rdit0); // 2D: a mesh of points, 3D: a mesh of segs
DAInt dsi = rdit0->deltaShiftIndex();
DAInt idsTmp0 = dsi->findIdsNotInRange(-1, 3); // for 2D: if a point is connected to more than 2 segs. For 3D: if a seg is connected to more than two faces.
DAInt xtremIdsM2 = dsi->findIdsEqual(1); dsi = 0;
MCUMesh meshM2Part = static_cast<MEDCouplingUMesh *>(meshM2->buildPartOfMySelf(xtremIdsM2->begin(), xtremIdsM2->end(),true));
DAInt xtrem = meshM2Part->computeFetchedNodeIds();
- // Remove from the list points on the boundary of the M0 mesh (those need duplication!)
- dt0=DataArrayIdType::New(),dit0=DataArrayIdType::New(),rdt0=DataArrayIdType::New(),rdit0=DataArrayIdType::New();
- MCUMesh m0desc = buildDescendingConnectivity(dt0, dit0, rdt0, rdit0); dt0=0; dit0=0; rdt0=0;
- dsi = rdit0->deltaShiftIndex(); rdit0=0;
- DAInt boundSegs = dsi->findIdsEqual(1); dsi = 0; // boundary segs/faces of the M0 mesh
- MCUMesh m0descSkin = static_cast<MEDCouplingUMesh *>(m0desc->buildPartOfMySelf(boundSegs->begin(),boundSegs->end(), true));
- DAInt fNodes = m0descSkin->computeFetchedNodeIds();
- // In 3D, some points on the boundary of M0 will NOT be duplicated (where as in 2D, points on the boundary of M0 are always duplicated)
- // Think of a partial (plane) crack in a cube: the points at the tip of the crack and not located inside the volume of the cube are not duplicated
- // although they are technically on the skin of the cube.
+ // Remove from the list points on the boundary of the M0 mesh (those need duplication!).
+ // In 3D, some points on the boundary of M0 will NOT be duplicated (where as in 2D, points on the boundary of M0 are always duplicated)
+ // Think of a partial (plane) crack in a cube: the points at the tip of the crack and not located inside the volume of the cube are not duplicated
+ // although they are technically on the skin of the cube.
+ DAInt fNodes = m0skin->computeFetchedNodeIds();
DAInt notDup = 0;
if (getMeshDimension() == 3)
DAInt dnu1=DataArrayIdType::New(), dnu2=DataArrayIdType::New(), dnu3=DataArrayIdType::New(), dnu4=DataArrayIdType::New();
- MCUMesh m0descSkinDesc = m0descSkin->buildDescendingConnectivity(dnu1, dnu2, dnu3, dnu4); // all segments of the skin of the 3D (M0) mesh
+ MCUMesh m0skinDesc = m0skin->buildDescendingConnectivity(dnu1, dnu2, dnu3, dnu4); // all segments of the skin of the 3D (M0) mesh
DataArrayIdType * corresp=0;
- meshM2->areCellsIncludedIn(m0descSkinDesc,2,corresp);
+ meshM2->areCellsIncludedIn(m0skinDesc,2,corresp);
// validIds is the list of segments which are on both the skin of *this*, and in the segments of the M1 group
- // In the cube example above, this is a U shape polyline.
+ // In the cube example above, this is a U-shaped polyline.
DAInt validIds = corresp->findIdsInRange(0, meshM2->getNumberOfCells());
if (validIds->getNumberOfTuples())
// Build the set of segments which are: in the desc mesh of the skin of the 3D mesh (M0) **and** in the desc mesh of the M1 group:
// (the U-shaped polyline described above)
- MCUMesh m1IntersecSkin = static_cast<MEDCouplingUMesh *>(m0descSkinDesc->buildPartOfMySelf(validIds->begin(), validIds->end(), true));
+ MCUMesh m1IntersecSkin = static_cast<MEDCouplingUMesh *>(m0skinDesc->buildPartOfMySelf(validIds->begin(), validIds->end(), true));
// Its boundary nodes should no be duplicated (this is for example the tip of the crack inside the cube described above)
DAInt notDuplSkin = m1IntersecSkin->findBoundaryNodes();
DAInt fNodes1 = fNodes->buildSubstraction(notDuplSkin);
MCUMesh mAroundBNDesc = mAroundBN->buildDescendingConnectivity(descBN,descIBN,revDescBN,revDescIBN);
// 2. Identify cells in sub-mesh mAroundBN which have a face in common with M1
DataArrayIdType *idsOfM1BNt;
- mAroundBNDesc->areCellsIncludedIn(&otherDimM1OnSameCoords,2, idsOfM1BNt);
+ mAroundBNDesc->areCellsIncludedIn(otherDimM1OnSameCoords,2, idsOfM1BNt);
DAInt idsOfM1BN(idsOfM1BNt);
mcIdType nCells=mAroundBN->getNumberOfCells(), nCellsDesc=mAroundBNDesc->getNumberOfCells();
DAInt idsTouch=DataArrayIdType::New(); idsTouch->alloc(0,1);
else // if (3D ...)
notDup = xtrem->buildSubstraction(fNodes);
- DAInt m1Nodes = otherDimM1OnSameCoords.computeFetchedNodeIds();
+ DAInt m1Nodes = otherDimM1OnSameCoords->computeFetchedNodeIds();
DAInt dupl = m1Nodes->buildSubstraction(notDup);
return dupl.retn();
* Given a set of nodes to duplicate, this method identifies which cells should have their connectivity modified
* to produce the inner boundary. It is typically called after findNodesToDuplicate().
- * \param [in] otherDimM1OnSameCoords a mesh lying on the same coords than \b this and with a mesh dimension equal to those of \b this minus 1. WARNING this input
- * parameter is altered during the call.
+ * \param [in] otherDimM1OnSameCoords a mesh lying on the same coords than \b this and with a mesh dimension equal to those of \b this minus 1.
* \param [in] nodeIdsToDuplicateBg node ids needed to be duplicated, as returned by findNodesToDuplicate.
* \param [in] nodeIdsToDuplicateEnd node ids needed to be duplicated, as returned by findNodesToDuplicate.
* \param [out] cellIdsNeededToBeRenum cell ids in \b this in which the renumber of nodes should be performed.
throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("MEDCouplingUMesh::findCellsToRenumber: the mesh given in other parameter must have this->getMeshDimension()-1 !");
+ // Degenerated case - no nodes to duplicate
+ if (nodeIdsToDuplicateBg == nodeIdsToDuplicateEnd)
+ {
+ cellIdsNeededToBeRenum = DataArrayIdType::New(); cellIdsNeededToBeRenum->alloc(0,1);
+ cellIdsNotModified = DataArrayIdType::New(); cellIdsNotModified->alloc(0,1);
+ return;
+ }
// Compute cell IDs of the mesh with cells that touch the M1 group with a least one node:
DAInt cellsAroundGroupLarge = getCellIdsLyingOnNodes(nodeIdsToDuplicateBg, nodeIdsToDuplicateEnd, false); // false= take cell in, even if not all nodes are in dupl
MCUMesh mAroundGrpLarge=static_cast<MEDCouplingUMesh *>(buildPartOfMySelf(cellsAroundGroupLarge->begin(),cellsAroundGroupLarge->end(),true));
if (hitCellsLargeP[other])
if(val && hitCellsLargeP[other] != -val)
- throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("MEDCouplingUMesh::findCellsToRenumber: internal error #1 - conflictint values - should not happen!");;
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("MEDCouplingUMesh::findCellsToRenumber: internal error #1 - conflicting values - should not happen!");;
// We do not yet have a value, but other side has one. Use it!
if(!val) val = -hitCellsLargeP[other];