do {
aName = aBaseName + (++objectCounter);
} while (theObjectNames.IsBound(aName));
- seqRemoved.Append(aName);
+ if ( !aRemovedObjIDs.count( anEntry ))
+ seqRemoved.Append(aName);
mapRemoved.Bind(anEntry, "1");
theObjectNames.Bind(anEntry, aName);
anUpdatedScript += "\n\taStudyBuilder = theStudy.NewBuilder()";
for (int ir = 1; ir <= seqRemoved.Length(); ir++) {
- if ( aRemovedObjIDs.count( seqRemoved.Value(ir) )) continue;
anUpdatedScript += "\n\tSO = theStudy.FindObjectIOR(theStudy.ConvertObjectToIOR(";
anUpdatedScript += seqRemoved.Value(ir);
// for object wrapped by class of
// Set object names
- anUpdatedScript += "\n\t## set object names";
-// anUpdatedScript += "\n\t\tsmeshgui = salome.ImportComponentGUI(\"SMESH\")";
-// anUpdatedScript += "\n\t\tsmeshgui.Init(theStudy._get_StudyId())";
-// anUpdatedScript += "\n";
- TCollection_AsciiString aGUIName;
+ TCollection_AsciiString aGUIName, aSetNameScriptPart;
Resource_DataMapOfAsciiStringAsciiString mapEntries;
for (Standard_Integer i = 1; i <= aLen; i += 2)
aName = theObjectNames.Find(anEntry);
aGUIName = theNames.Find(anEntry);
mapEntries.Bind(anEntry, aName);
- anUpdatedScript += helper + "\n\t" + aSMESHGen + ".SetName(" + aName;
+ aSetNameScriptPart += helper + "\n\t" + aSMESHGen + ".SetName(" + aName;
if ( anEntry2AccessorMethod.IsBound( anEntry ) )
- anUpdatedScript += helper + "." + anEntry2AccessorMethod( anEntry );
- anUpdatedScript += helper + ", '" + aGUIName + "')";
+ aSetNameScriptPart += helper + "." + anEntry2AccessorMethod( anEntry );
+ aSetNameScriptPart += helper + ", '" + aGUIName + "')";
- // Issue 0021249: removed (a similar block is dumped by SALOMEDSImpl_Study)
- //anUpdatedScript += "\n\tif";
- //anUpdatedScript += "\n\t\";
+ if ( !aSetNameScriptPart.IsEmpty() )
+ {
+ anUpdatedScript += "\n\t## set object names";
+ anUpdatedScript += aSetNameScriptPart;
+ }
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// store visual properties of displayed objects