+double ComposedEdge::normalizeMe(double& xBary, double& yBary)
+ Bounds b;
+ b.prepareForAggregation();
+ fillBounds(b);
+ double dimChar=b.getCaracteristicDim();
+ b.getBarycenter(xBary,yBary);
+ applyGlobalSimilarity(xBary,yBary,dimChar);
+ return dimChar;
double ComposedEdge::normalize(ComposedEdge *other, double& xBary, double& yBary)
Bounds b;
+ * \sa ComposedEdge::isInOrOut2
+ */
bool ComposedEdge::isInOrOut(Node *nodeToTest) const
Bounds b; b.prepareForAggregation();
return ret;
+ * This method is close to ComposedEdge::isInOrOut behaviour except that here EPSILON is taken into account to detect if it is IN or OUT.
+ * If \a nodeToTest is close to an edge in \a this, true will be returned even if it is outside informatically from \a this.
+ * This method makes the hypothesis that
+ *
+ * \sa ComposedEdge::isInOrOut
+ */
+bool ComposedEdge::isInOrOut2(Node *nodeToTest) const
+ Bounds b; b.prepareForAggregation();
+ fillBounds(b);
+ if(b.nearlyWhere((*nodeToTest)[0],(*nodeToTest)[1])==OUT)
+ return false;
+ // searching for e1
+ std::set<Node *> nodes;
+ getAllNodes(nodes);
+ std::set<double> radialDistributionOfNodes;
+ std::set<Node *>::const_iterator iter;
+ for(iter=nodes.begin();iter!=nodes.end();iter++)
+ radialDistributionOfNodes.insert(nodeToTest->getSlope(*(*iter)));
+ std::vector<double> radialDistrib(radialDistributionOfNodes.begin(),radialDistributionOfNodes.end());
+ radialDistributionOfNodes.clear();
+ std::vector<double> radialDistrib2(radialDistrib.size());
+ copy(radialDistrib.begin()+1,radialDistrib.end(),radialDistrib2.begin());
+ radialDistrib2.back()=M_PI+radialDistrib.front();
+ std::vector<double> radialDistrib3(radialDistrib.size());
+ std::transform(radialDistrib2.begin(),radialDistrib2.end(),radialDistrib.begin(),radialDistrib3.begin(),std::minus<double>());
+ std::vector<double>::iterator iter3=max_element(radialDistrib3.begin(),radialDistrib3.end());
+ int i=iter3-radialDistrib3.begin();
+ // ok for e1 - Let's go.
+ EdgeInfLin *e1=new EdgeInfLin(nodeToTest,radialDistrib[i]+radialDistrib3[i]/2.);
+ double ref=e1->getCharactValue(*nodeToTest);
+ std::set< IntersectElement > inOutSwitch;
+ for(std::list<ElementaryEdge *>::const_iterator iter4=_sub_edges.begin();iter4!=_sub_edges.end();iter4++)
+ {
+ ElementaryEdge *val=(*iter4);
+ if(val)
+ {
+ Edge *e=val->getPtr();
+ std::auto_ptr<EdgeIntersector> intersc(Edge::BuildIntersectorWith(e1,e));
+ bool obviousNoIntersection,areOverlapped;
+ intersc->areOverlappedOrOnlyColinears(0,obviousNoIntersection,areOverlapped);
+ if(obviousNoIntersection)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(!areOverlapped)
+ {
+ std::list< IntersectElement > listOfIntesc=intersc->getIntersectionsCharacteristicVal();
+ for(std::list< IntersectElement >::iterator iter2=listOfIntesc.begin();iter2!=listOfIntesc.end();iter2++)
+ if((*iter2).isIncludedByBoth())
+ inOutSwitch.insert(*iter2);
+ }
+ //if overlapped we can forget
+ }
+ else
+ throw Exception("Invalid use of ComposedEdge::isInOrOut : only one level supported !");
+ }
+ e1->decrRef();
+ bool ret=false;
+ for(std::set< IntersectElement >::iterator iter4=inOutSwitch.begin();iter4!=inOutSwitch.end();iter4++)
+ {
+ double val((*iter4).getVal1());
+ if(fabs(val-ref)>=QUADRATIC_PLANAR::_precision)
+ {
+ if(val<ref)
+ {
+ if((*iter4).getNodeOnly()->getLoc()==ON_1)
+ ret=!ret;
+ }
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ return true;
+ }
+ return ret;
/*bool ComposedEdge::isInOrOut(Node *aNodeOn, Node *nodeToTest) const
INTERPKERNEL_EXPORT double getHydraulicDiameter() const;
INTERPKERNEL_EXPORT void getBarycenter(double *bary) const;
INTERPKERNEL_EXPORT void getBarycenterGeneral(double *bary) const;
+ INTERPKERNEL_EXPORT double normalizeMe(double& xBary, double& yBary);
INTERPKERNEL_EXPORT double normalize(ComposedEdge *other, double& xBary, double& yBary);
INTERPKERNEL_EXPORT double normalizeExt(ComposedEdge *other, double& xBary, double& yBary);
INTERPKERNEL_EXPORT void unApplyGlobalSimilarityExt(ComposedEdge& other, double xBary, double yBary, double fact);
INTERPKERNEL_EXPORT bool changeStartNodeWith(Node *node) const;
INTERPKERNEL_EXPORT void dumpInXfigFile(std::ostream& stream, int resolution, const Bounds& box) const;
INTERPKERNEL_EXPORT bool isInOrOut(Node *nodeToTest) const;
+ INTERPKERNEL_EXPORT bool isInOrOut2(Node *nodeToTest) const;
INTERPKERNEL_EXPORT bool getDirection() const;
INTERPKERNEL_EXPORT bool intresincEqCoarse(const Edge *other) const;
* Finds cells in contact with a ball (i.e. a point with precision).
+ * For speed reasons, the INTERP_KERNEL::NORM_QUAD4, INTERP_KERNEL::NORM_TRI6 and INTERP_KERNEL::NORM_QUAD8 cells are considered as convex cells to detect if a point is IN or OUT.
+ * If it is not the case, please change their types to INTERP_KERNEL::NORM_POLYGON or INTERP_KERNEL::NORM_QPOLYG before invoking this method.
+ *
* \warning This method is suitable if the caller intends to evaluate only one
* point, for more points getCellsContainingPoints() is recommended as it is
* faster.
* Finds cells in contact with a ball (i.e. a point with precision).
+ * For speed reasons, the INTERP_KERNEL::NORM_QUAD4, INTERP_KERNEL::NORM_TRI6 and INTERP_KERNEL::NORM_QUAD8 cells are considered as convex cells to detect if a point is IN or OUT.
+ * If it is not the case, please change their types to INTERP_KERNEL::NORM_POLYGON or INTERP_KERNEL::NORM_QPOLYG before invoking this method.
* \warning This method is suitable if the caller intends to evaluate only one
* point, for more points getCellsContainingPoints() is recommended as it is
* faster.
for(std::vector<int>::const_iterator iter=candidates.begin();iter!=candidates.end();iter++)
- int sz=connI[(*iter)+1]-connI[*iter]-1;
- if(INTERP_KERNEL::PointLocatorAlgos<DummyClsMCUG<SPACEDIM> >::isElementContainsPoint(pos+i*SPACEDIM,
- (INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType)conn[connI[*iter]],
- coords,conn+connI[*iter]+1,sz,eps))
+ int sz(connI[(*iter)+1]-connI[*iter]-1);
+ INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType ct((INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType)conn[connI[*iter]]);
+ bool status(false);
+ status=INTERP_KERNEL::PointLocatorAlgos<DummyClsMCUG<SPACEDIM> >::isElementContainsPoint(pos+i*SPACEDIM,ct,coords,conn+connI[*iter]+1,sz,eps);
+ else
+ {
+ if(SPACEDIM!=2)
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("MEDCouplingUMesh::getCellsContainingPointsAlg : not implemented yet for POLYGON and QPOLYGON in spaceDim 3 !");
+ INTERP_KERNEL::QUADRATIC_PLANAR::_arc_detection_precision=eps;
+ std::vector<INTERP_KERNEL::Node *> nodes(sz);
+ INTERP_KERNEL::QuadraticPolygon *pol(0);
+ for(int j=0;j<sz;j++)
+ {
+ int nodeId(conn[connI[*iter]+1+j]);
+ nodes[j]=new INTERP_KERNEL::Node(coords[nodeId*SPACEDIM],coords[nodeId*SPACEDIM+1]);
+ }
+ if(!INTERP_KERNEL::CellModel::GetCellModel(ct).isQuadratic())
+ pol=INTERP_KERNEL::QuadraticPolygon::BuildLinearPolygon(nodes);
+ else
+ pol=INTERP_KERNEL::QuadraticPolygon::BuildArcCirclePolygon(nodes);
+ INTERP_KERNEL::Node *n(new INTERP_KERNEL::Node(pos[i*SPACEDIM],pos[i*SPACEDIM+1]));
+ double a(0.),b(0.),c(0.);
+ a=pol->normalizeMe(b,c); n->applySimilarity(b,c,a);
+ status=pol->isInOrOut2(n);
+ delete pol; n->decrRef();
+ }
+ if(status)
* Finds cells in contact with several balls (i.e. points with precision).
* This method is an extension of getCellContainingPoint() and
* getCellsContainingPoint() for the case of multiple points.
+ * For speed reasons, the INTERP_KERNEL::NORM_QUAD4, INTERP_KERNEL::NORM_TRI6 and INTERP_KERNEL::NORM_QUAD8 cells are considered as convex cells to detect if a point is IN or OUT.
+ * If it is not the case, please change their types to INTERP_KERNEL::NORM_POLYGON or INTERP_KERNEL::NORM_QPOLYG before invoking this method.
* \param [in] pos - an array of coordinates of points in full interlace mode :
* X0,Y0,Z0,X1,Y1,Z1,... Size of the array must be \a
* this->getSpaceDimension() * \a nbOfPoints
+ def testSwig2GetCellsContainingPointsForNonConvexPolygon(self):
+ coo=DataArrayDouble([-0.5,-0.5,-0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,-0.5,0.,-0.5,0.,0.,0.5,0.],7,2)
+ m=MEDCouplingUMesh("Intersect2D",2) ; m.setCoords(coo) ; m.allocateCells()
+ m.insertNextCell(NORM_POLYGON,[6,3,4,5])
+ m.insertNextCell(NORM_POLYGON,[4,0,1,2,6,5])
+ m.checkCoherency2()
+ #
+ self.assertTrue(m.getCellsContainingPoint((0.4,-0.4),1e-12).isEqual(DataArrayInt([0])))
+ self.assertTrue(m.getCellsContainingPoint((-0.4,-0.4),1e-12).isEqual(DataArrayInt([1])))
+ self.assertTrue(m.getCellsContainingPoint((0.,-0.4),1e-12).isEqual(DataArrayInt([0,1])))
+ pass
def setUp(self):