// grp_style group
- fillValue( is_defined_style, "is-defined-style", "Predefined Style", grp_style, Bool );
fillValue( defined_style, "defined-style", "Style:", grp_style, Selector );
// grp_colors group
fillValue( high_wdg_clr, "highlight-widget-color", "Widget center", grp_color );
fillValue( high_brd_wdg_clr, "highligh-brd-widget-color", "Widget border", grp_color );
+ fillValue( auto_raising_wdg, "is-raising-widget", "Auto raising widget", grp_color, Bool );
fillValue( pal_high_clr, "highlight-color", "Highlight", grp_color );
fillValue( pal_high_text_clr, "highlight-text-color", "Highlight text", grp_color );
// grp_col_values group
fillValue( lines_type, "lines-type", "Type", grp_lines, Selector );
fillValue( lines_clr, "lines-color", "Color", grp_lines, Color );
+ fillValue( lines_transp, "lines-transp", "Transparency", grp_lines, DblSpin );
// grp_font group
fillValue( font_value, "app-font", "Font", grp_font, Font );
// grp_values group
- fillValue( all_antialized, "all-antialized", "All borders antialized", grp_value, Bool );
- fillValue( auto_raising_wdg, "is-raising-widget", "Auto raising widget", grp_value, Bool );
fillValue( edit_rad, "edit-rad", "Rounding of edit", grp_value, DblSpin );
fillValue( btn_rad, "button-rad", "Rounding of button", grp_value, DblSpin );
+ fillValue( frame_rad, "frame-rad", "Rounding of frame", grp_value, DblSpin );
fillValue( slider_rad, "slider-rad", "Rounding of slider", grp_value, DblSpin );
fillValue( hor_handle_delta, "hor-hadle-delta", "Hor spacinig of handle ", grp_value, DblSpin );
fillValue( ver_handle_delta, "ver-handle-delta", "Ver spacing of handle", grp_value, DblSpin );
fillValue( split_handle_len, "split-handle-len", "Length of splitter handle", grp_value, DblSpin );
- fillValue( dock_wdg_sep_extent, "dock-widget-sep-extent", "DockWidget separator extent", grp_value, DblSpin );
+ fillValue( slider_increase, "slider-increase", "Slider increase", grp_value, IntSpin );
+ fillValue( all_antialized, "all-antialized", "All borders antialized", grp_value, Bool );
- fillGroup( grp_style, tab_value, "Predefined style", 2 );
+ fillGroup( grp_style, tab_value, "Predefined style", 1 );
fillGroup( grp_color, tab_color, "Colors", 3 );
fillGroup( grp_col_values, tab_color, "ColorValues", 2 );
- fillGroup( grp_lines, tab_value, "Lines", 3 );
+ fillGroup( grp_lines, tab_value, "Lines", 2 );
fillGroup( grp_font, tab_value, "Font", 1 );
fillGroup( grp_value, tab_value, "Values", 2 );
void Style_Model::setDefaults( QApplication* app )
- setDefValue( is_defined_style, QVariant( true ) );
setDefValue( defined_style, QVariant( 0 ) );
QPalette aPal = app->palette();
setDefValue( slider_rad, QVariant( 0 ) );
setDefValue( edit_rad, QVariant( 0 ) );
setDefValue( btn_rad, QVariant( 0 ) );
+ setDefValue( frame_rad, QVariant( 0 ) );
setDefValue( slider_increase,QVariant( 2 ) );
setDefValue( all_antialized, QVariant( false ) );
setDefValue( highlight_wdg, QVariant( false ) );
setDefValue( hor_handle_delta, QVariant( 3 ) );
setDefValue( ver_handle_delta, QVariant( 3 ) );
setDefValue( split_handle_len, QVariant( 20 ) );
- setDefValue( dock_wdg_sep_extent, QVariant( 8 ) );
void Style_Model::initFromResource( QtxResourceMgr* theResMgr )
ValuesMap::iterator anIt = myValues.begin(), anEnd = myValues.end();
for ( ; anIt != anEnd; ++anIt )
setValueFrom( theResMgr, anIt.key() );
- //setValue( is_defined_style, QVariant( false ) );
- if ( getBoolValue( is_defined_style ) )
- setPredefinedStyle( getIntValue( defined_style ) );
bool Style_Model::updateFromResource( QtxResourceMgr* theResMgr, const QString& thePropName )
return retrieve;
setValueFrom( theResMgr, anId );
- if ( ( anId == is_defined_style || anId == defined_style )
- && getBoolValue( is_defined_style ) ) {
+ if ( anId == defined_style ) {
setPredefinedStyle( getIntValue( defined_style ) );
retrieve = true;
// update for resources all datas
setValue( slider_rad, QVariant( 3 ) );
setValue( edit_rad, QVariant( 6 ) );
setValue( btn_rad, QVariant( 10 ) );
+ setValue( frame_rad, QVariant( 10 ) );
setValue( slider_increase, QVariant( 5 ) );
setValue( all_antialized, QVariant( false ) ); // true
setValue( slider_rad, QVariant( 3 ) );
setValue( edit_rad, QVariant( 6 ) );
+ setValue( frame_rad, QVariant( 10 ) );
setValue( btn_rad, QVariant( 10 ) );
setValue( slider_increase, QVariant( 6 ) );
setValue( all_antialized, QVariant( false ) );
static QString sectionName();
- typedef enum { tab_color, tab_value } Tabs;
+ typedef enum { tab_value, tab_color } Tabs;
typedef enum { grp_style, grp_color, grp_col_values, grp_lines, grp_font, grp_value } Groups;
typedef enum { None, Bool, Color, String, IntSpin, DblSpin, Selector, Font } PropType;
typedef enum { // grp_style
- is_defined_style, defined_style,
+ defined_style,
// grp colors
bg_clr, pal_base_clr, header_clr,
pal_text_clr, pal_btext_clr, pal_wtext_clr,
checked_clr, pointer_clr, tbl_grline_clr,
ttip_is_change, ttip_bg_clr, ttip_text_clr,
highlight_wdg, high_wdg_clr, high_brd_wdg_clr,
- pal_high_clr, pal_high_text_clr,
+ auto_raising_wdg, pal_high_clr, pal_high_text_clr,
// grp_col_values
fld_light_clr, fld_dark_clr, pal_light_clr, pal_dark_clr,
border_top_clr, border_bot_clr, border_tab_top_clr, border_tab_bot_clr,
// grp_lines
- is_lines, lines_type, lines_clr,
+ is_lines, lines_type, lines_clr, lines_transp,
// grp_font
// grp_values
- all_antialized, auto_raising_wdg,
- edit_rad, btn_rad, slider_rad, slider_increase,
- hor_handle_delta, ver_handle_delta, split_handle_len,
- dock_wdg_sep_extent } Properties;
+ edit_rad, btn_rad, frame_rad, slider_rad,
+ hor_handle_delta, ver_handle_delta,
+ split_handle_len, slider_increase, all_antialized } Properties;
void reset();
void setDefaults( QApplication* );