]> SALOME platform Git repositories - modules/smesh.git/commitdiff
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Add dlg adding quadratic elements
authoreap <eap@opencascade.com>
Mon, 6 Mar 2006 10:33:03 +0000 (10:33 +0000)
committereap <eap@opencascade.com>
Mon, 6 Mar 2006 10:33:03 +0000 (10:33 +0000)
src/SMESHGUI/SMESHGUI_AddQuadraticElementDlg.cxx [new file with mode: 0644]
src/SMESHGUI/SMESHGUI_AddQuadraticElementDlg.h [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/src/SMESHGUI/SMESHGUI_AddQuadraticElementDlg.cxx b/src/SMESHGUI/SMESHGUI_AddQuadraticElementDlg.cxx
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..caf4ffc
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,1039 @@
+#include "SMESHGUI_AddQuadraticElementDlg.h"
+#include "SMESHGUI.h"
+#include "SMESHGUI_Utils.h"
+#include "SMESHGUI_VTKUtils.h"
+#include "SMESHGUI_MeshUtils.h"
+#include "SMESHGUI_IdValidator.h"
+#include "SMESH_ActorUtils.h"
+#include "SMDS_Mesh.hxx"
+#include "SMESH_Actor.h"
+#include "SUIT_Session.h"
+#include "SVTK_Selection.h"
+#include "SVTK_Selector.h"
+#include "SALOME_ListIO.hxx"
+#include "SALOME_ListIteratorOfListIO.hxx"
+#include "SalomeApp_Study.h"
+#include "SalomeApp_Application.h"
+#include "SVTK_ViewModel.h"
+#include "SVTK_ViewWindow.h"
+#include "utilities.h"
+// OCCT Includes
+#include <TColStd_MapOfInteger.hxx>
+#include <TColStd_IndexedMapOfInteger.hxx>
+// VTK Includes
+#include <vtkCell.h>
+#include <vtkIdList.h>
+#include <vtkIntArray.h>
+#include <vtkCellArray.h>
+#include <vtkUnsignedCharArray.h>
+#include <vtkUnstructuredGrid.h>
+#include <vtkDataSetMapper.h>
+#include <vtkQuadraticEdge.h>
+#include <vtkQuadraticTriangle.h>
+#include <vtkQuadraticQuad.h>
+#include <vtkQuadraticHexahedron.h>
+#include <vtkQuadraticTetra.h>
+// QT Includes
+#include <qbuttongroup.h>
+#include <qgroupbox.h>
+#include <qlabel.h>
+#include <qlineedit.h>
+#include <qpushbutton.h>
+#include <qradiobutton.h>
+#include <qlayout.h>
+#include <qpixmap.h>
+#include <qcheckbox.h>
+// STL includes
+#include <list>
+using namespace std;
+namespace SMESH {
+  void ReverseConnectivity( vector<int> & ids, int type )
+  {
+    // for reverse connectivity of other types keeping the first id, see
+    // void SMESH_VisualObjDef::buildElemPrs() in SMESH_Object.cxx:900
+    const int* conn = 0;
+    switch ( type ) {
+      static int aConn[] = {0,2,1,3,6,5,4,7,9,8};
+      conn = aConn;
+      break;
+    }
+    case QUAD_PYRAMID: {
+      static int aConn[] = {0,3,2,1,4,8,7,6,5,9,12,11,10};
+      conn = aConn;
+      break;
+    }
+      static int aConn[] = {0,2,1,3,5,4,8,7,6,11,10,9,12,14,13};
+      conn = aConn;
+      break;
+    }
+    case QUAD_HEXAHEDRON: {
+      static int aConn[] = {0,3,2,1,4,7,6,5,11,10,9,8,15,14,13,12,16,19,18,17};
+      conn = aConn;
+      break;
+    }
+    default:;
+    }
+    if ( !conn ) {
+      reverse( ids.begin(), ids.end() );
+    }
+    else {
+      vector<int> aRevIds( ids.size() );
+      for ( int i = 0; i < ids.size(); i++)
+        aRevIds[ i ] = ids[ conn[ i ]];
+      ids = aRevIds;
+    }
+  }
+  class TElementSimulation {
+    SalomeApp_Application* myApplication;
+    SUIT_ViewWindow* myViewWindow;
+    SVTK_ViewWindow* myVTKViewWindow;
+    SALOME_Actor* myPreviewActor;
+    vtkDataSetMapper* myMapper;
+    vtkUnstructuredGrid* myGrid;
+    //vtkProperty* myBackProp, *myProp;
+    float anRGB[3], aBackRGB[3];
+  public:
+    TElementSimulation (SalomeApp_Application* theApplication)
+    {
+      myApplication = theApplication;
+      SUIT_ViewManager* mgr = theApplication->activeViewManager();
+      if (!mgr) return;
+      myViewWindow = mgr->getActiveView();
+      myVTKViewWindow = GetVtkViewWindow(myViewWindow);
+      myGrid = vtkUnstructuredGrid::New();
+      // Create and display actor
+      myMapper = vtkDataSetMapper::New();
+      myMapper->SetInput(myGrid);
+      myPreviewActor = SALOME_Actor::New();
+      myPreviewActor->PickableOff();
+      myPreviewActor->VisibilityOff();
+      myPreviewActor->SetMapper(myMapper);
+      vtkProperty* myProp = vtkProperty::New();
+      GetColor( "SMESH", "fill_color", anRGB[0], anRGB[1], anRGB[2], QColor( 0, 170, 255 ) );
+      myProp->SetColor( anRGB[0], anRGB[1], anRGB[2] );
+      myPreviewActor->SetProperty( myProp );
+      myProp->Delete();
+      vtkProperty* myBackProp = vtkProperty::New();
+      GetColor( "SMESH", "backface_color", aBackRGB[0], aBackRGB[1], aBackRGB[2], QColor( 0, 0, 255 ) );
+      myBackProp->SetColor( aBackRGB[0], aBackRGB[1], aBackRGB[2] );
+      myPreviewActor->SetBackfaceProperty( myBackProp );
+      myBackProp->Delete();
+      myVTKViewWindow->AddActor(myPreviewActor);
+    }
+    typedef std::vector<vtkIdType> TVTKIds;
+    void SetPosition (SMESH_Actor* theActor,
+                      const int    theType,
+                      TVTKIds&     theIds,
+                     const int    theMode,
+                      const bool   theReverse)
+    {
+      vtkUnstructuredGrid *aGrid = theActor->GetUnstructuredGrid();
+      myGrid->SetPoints(aGrid->GetPoints());
+      //add points
+      vtkIdType aType = 0;
+      switch (theType) {
+      case QUAD_EDGE:
+        aType = VTK_QUADRATIC_EDGE;
+        break;
+      case QUAD_TRIANGLE:
+        break;
+      case QUAD_QUADRANGLE:
+        aType = VTK_QUADRATIC_QUAD; 
+        break;
+        aType = VTK_QUADRATIC_TETRA; 
+        break;
+      case QUAD_PYRAMID:
+        aType = VTK_CONVEX_POINT_SET;
+        break;
+        aType = VTK_CONVEX_POINT_SET;
+        break; 
+      case QUAD_HEXAHEDRON:
+        break;
+      }
+      // take care of orientation
+      if ( aType == VTK_CONVEX_POINT_SET ) {
+        if ( theReverse && theMode == VTK_SURFACE ) {
+          //myPreviewActor->GetProperty()->SetColor( aBackRGB[0], aBackRGB[1], aBackRGB[2] );
+        }
+      }
+      else {
+        // VTK cell connectivity opposites the MED one
+        if ( !theReverse ) {
+          ReverseConnectivity( theIds, theType );
+        }
+      }
+      myGrid->Reset();
+      vtkIdList *anIds = vtkIdList::New();
+      for (int i = 0, iEnd = theIds.size(); i < iEnd; i++) {
+        anIds->InsertId(i,theIds[i]);
+        //std::cout << i<< ": " << theIds[i] << std::endl;
+      }
+      myGrid->InsertNextCell(aType,anIds);
+      anIds->Delete();
+      myGrid->Modified();
+      myPreviewActor->GetMapper()->Update();
+      myPreviewActor->SetRepresentation( theMode );
+      SetVisibility(true);
+      // restore normal orientation
+      if ( aType == VTK_CONVEX_POINT_SET ) {
+        if ( theReverse  && theMode == VTK_SURFACE ) {
+          //myPreviewActor->GetProperty()->SetColor( anRGB[0], anRGB[1], anRGB[2] );
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    void SetVisibility (bool theVisibility)
+    {
+      myPreviewActor->SetVisibility(theVisibility);
+      RepaintCurrentView();
+    }
+    ~TElementSimulation()
+    {
+      if (FindVtkViewWindow(myApplication->activeViewManager(), myViewWindow)) {
+       myVTKViewWindow->RemoveActor(myPreviewActor);
+      }
+      myPreviewActor->Delete();
+      myMapper->RemoveAllInputs();
+      myMapper->Delete();
+      myGrid->Delete();
+//       myProp->Delete();
+//       myBackProp->Delete();
+    }
+  };
+// Define the sequences of ids
+static int FirstEdgeIds[] = {0};
+static int LastEdgeIds[] =  {1};
+static int FirstTriangleIds[] = {0,1,2};
+static int LastTriangleIds[] =  {1,2,0};
+static int FirstQuadrangleIds[] = {0,1,2,3};
+static int LastQuadrangleIds[] =  {1,2,3,0};
+static int FirstTetrahedronIds[] = {0,1,2,3,3,3};
+static int LastTetrahedronIds[] =  {1,2,0,0,1,2};
+static int FirstPyramidIds[] = {0,1,2,3,4,4,4,4};
+static int LastPyramidIds[] =  {1,2,3,0,0,1,2,3};
+static int FirstPentahedronIds[] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,0,1,2};
+static int LastPentahedronIds[] =  {1,2,0,4,5,3,3,4,5};
+static int FirstHexahedronIds[] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,0,1,2,3};
+static int LastHexahedronIds[] =  {1,2,3,0,5,6,7,4,4,5,6,7};
+// function : SMESHGUI_AddQuadraticElementDlg()
+// purpose  : constructor
+SMESHGUI_AddQuadraticElementDlg::SMESHGUI_AddQuadraticElementDlg( SMESHGUI* theModule,
+                                                                 const int theType,
+                                                                 const char* name,
+                                                                  bool modal, WFlags fl)
+     : QDialog( SMESH::GetDesktop( theModule ), name, modal, WStyle_Customize | WStyle_NormalBorder |
+                WStyle_Title | WStyle_SysMenu | Qt::WDestructiveClose),
+     mySMESHGUI( theModule ),
+     mySelectionMgr( SMESH::GetSelectionMgr( theModule ) ),
+     myType( theType )
+  SalomeApp_Application* anApp = dynamic_cast<SalomeApp_Application*>
+    (SUIT_Session::session()->activeApplication());
+  mySimulation = new SMESH::TElementSimulation (anApp);
+  mySelector = (SMESH::GetViewWindow( mySMESHGUI ))->GetSelector();
+  QString anElementName;
+  switch ( myType ) {
+  case QUAD_EDGE:
+    anElementName = QString("QUADRATIC_EDGE");
+    break;
+    anElementName = QString("QUADRATIC_TRIANGLE");
+    break; 
+    anElementName = QString("QUADRATIC_QUADRANGLE");
+    break;
+    anElementName = QString("QUADRATIC_TETRAHEDRON");
+    break;
+    anElementName = QString("QUADRATIC_PYRAMID");
+    break;
+    anElementName = QString("QUADRATIC_PENTAHEDRON");
+    break;
+    anElementName = QString("QUADRATIC_HEXAHEDRON");
+    break;
+  default:
+    myType = QUAD_EDGE;
+    anElementName = QString("QUADRATIC_EDGE");
+  }
+  QString iconName           = tr(QString("ICON_DLG_%1").arg(anElementName));
+  QString caption            = tr(QString("SMESH_ADD_%1_TITLE").arg(anElementName));
+  QString argumentsGrTitle   = tr(QString("SMESH_ADD_%1").arg(anElementName));
+  QString constructorGrTitle = tr(QString("SMESH_%1").arg(anElementName));
+  QPixmap image0 (SMESH::GetResourceMgr( mySMESHGUI )->loadPixmap("SMESH", iconName));
+  QPixmap image1 (SMESH::GetResourceMgr( mySMESHGUI )->loadPixmap("SMESH", tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+  if (!name)
+    setName("SMESHGUI_AddQuadraticElementDlg");
+  setCaption(caption);
+  setSizeGripEnabled(TRUE);
+  QGridLayout* aDialogLayout = new QGridLayout(this);
+  aDialogLayout->setSpacing(6);
+  aDialogLayout->setMargin(11);
+  /***************************************************************/
+  GroupConstructors = new QButtonGroup(this, "GroupConstructors");
+  GroupConstructors->setTitle(constructorGrTitle);
+  GroupConstructors->setExclusive(TRUE);
+  GroupConstructors->setColumnLayout(0, Qt::Vertical);
+  GroupConstructors->layout()->setSpacing(0);
+  GroupConstructors->layout()->setMargin(0);
+  GroupConstructors->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed));
+  QGridLayout* aGroupConstructorsLayout = new QGridLayout(GroupConstructors->layout());
+  aGroupConstructorsLayout->setAlignment(Qt::AlignTop);
+  aGroupConstructorsLayout->setSpacing(6);
+  aGroupConstructorsLayout->setMargin(11);
+  myRadioButton1 = new QRadioButton(GroupConstructors, "myRadioButton1");
+  myRadioButton1->setText(tr("" ));
+  myRadioButton1->setPixmap(image0);
+  myRadioButton1->setChecked(TRUE);
+  myRadioButton1->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy((QSizePolicy::SizeType)1, (QSizePolicy::SizeType)0, myRadioButton1->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth()));
+  aGroupConstructorsLayout->addWidget(myRadioButton1, 0, 0);
+  aGroupConstructorsLayout->addItem( new QSpacerItem(20, 20, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum), 0, 1);
+  aDialogLayout->addWidget(GroupConstructors, 0, 0);
+  /***************************************************************/
+  GroupArguments = new QGroupBox(this, "GroupArguments");
+  GroupArguments->setTitle(argumentsGrTitle);
+  GroupArguments->setColumnLayout(0, Qt::Vertical);
+  GroupArguments->layout()->setSpacing(0);
+  GroupArguments->layout()->setMargin(0);
+  GroupArguments->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding));
+  QGridLayout* aGroupArgumentsLayout = new QGridLayout(GroupArguments->layout());
+  aGroupArgumentsLayout->setAlignment(Qt::AlignTop);
+  aGroupArgumentsLayout->setSpacing(6);
+  aGroupArgumentsLayout->setMargin(11);
+  QLabel* aCornerNodesLabel = new QLabel(GroupArguments, "aCornerNodesLabel");
+  aCornerNodesLabel->setText(tr("SMESH_CORNER_NODES" ));
+  aGroupArgumentsLayout->addWidget(aCornerNodesLabel, 0, 0);
+  mySelectButton = new QPushButton(GroupArguments, "mySelectButton");
+  mySelectButton->setPixmap(image1);
+  aGroupArgumentsLayout->addWidget(mySelectButton, 0, 1);
+  myCornerNodes = new QLineEdit(GroupArguments, "myCornerNodes");
+  aGroupArgumentsLayout->addWidget(myCornerNodes, 0, 2);
+  myTable = new QTable(GroupArguments);
+  aGroupArgumentsLayout->addMultiCellWidget(myTable, 1, 1, 0, 2);
+  myReverseCB = new QCheckBox(GroupArguments, "myReverseCB");
+  myReverseCB->setText(tr("SMESH_REVERSE" ));
+  aGroupArgumentsLayout->addWidget(myReverseCB, 2, 0);
+  aDialogLayout->addWidget(GroupArguments, 1, 0);
+  /***************************************************************/
+  GroupButtons = new QGroupBox(this, "GroupButtons");
+  GroupButtons->setColumnLayout(0, Qt::Vertical);
+  GroupButtons->layout()->setSpacing(0);
+  GroupButtons->layout()->setMargin(0);
+  GroupButtons->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed));
+  QGridLayout* aGroupButtonsLayout = new QGridLayout(GroupButtons->layout());
+  aGroupButtonsLayout->setAlignment(Qt::AlignTop);
+  aGroupButtonsLayout->setSpacing(6);
+  aGroupButtonsLayout->setMargin(11);
+  buttonCancel = new QPushButton(GroupButtons, "buttonCancel");
+  buttonCancel->setText(tr("SMESH_BUT_CLOSE" ));
+  buttonCancel->setAutoDefault(TRUE);
+  aGroupButtonsLayout->addWidget(buttonCancel, 0, 3);
+  buttonApply = new QPushButton(GroupButtons, "buttonApply");
+  buttonApply->setText(tr("SMESH_BUT_APPLY" ));
+  buttonApply->setAutoDefault(TRUE);
+  aGroupButtonsLayout->addWidget(buttonApply, 0, 1);
+  aGroupButtonsLayout->addItem( new QSpacerItem(20, 20, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum), 0, 2);
+  buttonOk = new QPushButton(GroupButtons, "buttonOk");
+  buttonOk->setText(tr("SMESH_BUT_OK" ));
+  buttonOk->setAutoDefault(TRUE);
+  buttonOk->setDefault(TRUE);
+  aGroupButtonsLayout->addWidget(buttonOk, 0, 0);
+  aDialogLayout->addWidget(GroupButtons, 2, 0);
+  Init(); /* Initialisations */
+// function : ~SMESHGUI_AddQuadraticElementDlg()
+// purpose  : Destroys the object and frees any allocated resources
+  // no need to delete child widgets, Qt does it all for us
+  delete mySimulation;
+// function : Init()
+// purpose  :
+void SMESHGUI_AddQuadraticElementDlg::Init()
+  GroupArguments->show();
+  myRadioButton1->setChecked(TRUE);
+  myIsEditCorners = true;
+  mySMESHGUI->SetActiveDialogBox((QDialog*)this);
+  myActor = 0;
+  int aNumRows;
+  switch (myType) {
+  case QUAD_EDGE:
+    aNumRows = 1;
+    myNbCorners = 2;
+    break;
+    aNumRows = 3;
+    myNbCorners = 3;
+    break;
+    aNumRows = 4;
+    myNbCorners = 4;
+    break;
+    aNumRows = 6;
+    myNbCorners = 4;
+    break;
+    aNumRows = 8;
+    myNbCorners = 5;
+    break;
+    aNumRows = 9;
+    myNbCorners = 6;
+    break; 
+    aNumRows = 12;
+    myNbCorners = 8;
+    break;
+  }
+  myCornerNodes->setValidator(new SMESHGUI_IdValidator(this, "validator", myNbCorners));
+  /* initialize table */
+  myTable->setNumCols(3);
+  myTable->setNumRows(aNumRows);
+  QStringList aColLabels;
+  aColLabels.append(tr("SMESH_FIRST"));
+  aColLabels.append(tr("SMESH_MIDDLE"));
+  aColLabels.append(tr("SMESH_LAST"));
+  myTable->setColumnLabels(aColLabels);
+  for ( int col = 0; col < myTable->numCols(); col++ )
+    myTable->setColumnWidth(col, 80);
+  myTable->setColumnReadOnly(0, true);
+  myTable->setColumnReadOnly(2, true);
+  myTable->setEnabled( false );
+  for ( int row = 0; row < myTable->numRows(); row++ )
+    {
+      SMESHGUI_IdEditItem* anEditItem = new SMESHGUI_IdEditItem( myTable, QTableItem::OnTyping, "" );
+      anEditItem->setReplaceable(false);
+      myTable->setItem(row, 1, anEditItem);
+    }
+  /* signals and slots connections */
+  connect(mySelectButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(SetEditCorners()));
+  connect(mySelectionMgr, SIGNAL(currentSelectionChanged()), SLOT(SelectionIntoArgument()));
+  connect(myTable,        SIGNAL(doubleClicked(int, int, int, const QPoint&)), SLOT(onCellDoubleClicked(int, int, int, const QPoint&)));
+  connect(myTable,        SIGNAL(valueChanged (int, int)), SLOT(onCellTextChange(int, int)));
+  connect(myCornerNodes,  SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)), SLOT(onTextChange(const QString&)));
+  connect(myReverseCB,    SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), SLOT(onReverse(int)));
+  connect(buttonOk, SIGNAL(clicked()),     SLOT(ClickOnOk()));
+  connect(buttonCancel, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(ClickOnCancel()));
+  connect(buttonApply, SIGNAL(clicked()),  SLOT(ClickOnApply()));
+  connect(mySMESHGUI, SIGNAL (SignalDeactivateActiveDialog()), SLOT(DeactivateActiveDialog()));
+  connect(mySMESHGUI, SIGNAL (SignalStudyFrameChanged()), SLOT(ClickOnCancel()));
+  // Move widget on the botton right corner of main widget
+  int x, y;
+  mySMESHGUI->DefineDlgPosition(this, x, y);
+  this->move(x, y);
+  this->show(); // displays Dialog
+  // set selection mode
+  SMESH::SetPointRepresentation(true);
+  if ( SVTK_ViewWindow* aViewWindow = SMESH::GetViewWindow( mySMESHGUI ))
+    aViewWindow->SetSelectionMode( NodeSelection );
+  myBusy = false;
+  SetEditCorners();
+// function : ClickOnApply()
+// purpose  :
+void SMESHGUI_AddQuadraticElementDlg::ClickOnApply()
+  if (IsValid() && !mySMESHGUI->isActiveStudyLocked()) {
+    myBusy = true;
+    vector<int> anIds;
+    switch (myType) {
+    case QUAD_EDGE:
+      anIds.push_back(myTable->text(0, 0).toInt());
+      anIds.push_back(myTable->text(0, 2).toInt());
+      anIds.push_back(myTable->text(0, 1).toInt());
+      break;
+    case QUAD_TRIANGLE:
+    case QUAD_PYRAMID:
+      for ( int row = 0; row < myNbCorners; row++ )
+       anIds.push_back(myTable->text(row, 0).toInt());
+      for ( int row = 0; row < myTable->numRows(); row++ )
+       anIds.push_back(myTable->text(row, 1).toInt());
+      break;
+    }
+    if ( myReverseCB->isChecked())
+      SMESH::ReverseConnectivity( anIds, myType );
+    int aNumberOfIds =  anIds.size();
+    SMESH::long_array_var anArrayOfIdeces = new SMESH::long_array;
+    anArrayOfIdeces->length( aNumberOfIds );
+    for (int i = 0; i < aNumberOfIds; i++)
+      anArrayOfIdeces[i] = anIds[ i ];
+    SMESH::SMESH_MeshEditor_var aMeshEditor = myMesh->GetMeshEditor();
+    switch (myType) {
+    case QUAD_EDGE:
+      aMeshEditor->AddEdge(anArrayOfIdeces.inout()); break;
+    case QUAD_TRIANGLE:
+      aMeshEditor->AddFace(anArrayOfIdeces.inout()); break;
+    case QUAD_PYRAMID:
+      aMeshEditor->AddVolume(anArrayOfIdeces.inout()); break;
+    }
+    SALOME_ListIO aList; aList.Append( myActor->getIO() );
+    mySelector->ClearIndex();
+    mySelectionMgr->setSelectedObjects( aList, false );
+    SMESH::UpdateView();
+    mySimulation->SetVisibility(false);
+    buttonOk->setEnabled(false);
+    buttonApply->setEnabled(false);
+    UpdateTable();
+    SetEditCorners();
+    myBusy = false;
+  }
+// function : ClickOnOk()
+// purpose  :
+void SMESHGUI_AddQuadraticElementDlg::ClickOnOk()
+  ClickOnApply();
+  ClickOnCancel();
+  return;
+// function : ClickOnCancel()
+// purpose  :
+void SMESHGUI_AddQuadraticElementDlg::ClickOnCancel()
+  mySelectionMgr->clearSelected();
+  mySimulation->SetVisibility(false);
+  SMESH::SetPointRepresentation(false);
+  if ( SVTK_ViewWindow* aViewWindow = SMESH::GetViewWindow( mySMESHGUI ))
+    aViewWindow->SetSelectionMode( ActorSelection );
+  disconnect(mySelectionMgr, 0, this, 0);
+  mySMESHGUI->ResetState();
+  reject();
+  return;
+// function : onTextChange()
+// purpose  :
+void SMESHGUI_AddQuadraticElementDlg::onTextChange (const QString& theNewText)
+  if (myBusy) return;
+  myBusy = true;
+  buttonOk->setEnabled(false);
+  buttonApply->setEnabled(false);
+  mySimulation->SetVisibility(false);
+  // hilight entered nodes
+  SMDS_Mesh* aMesh = 0;
+  if (myActor)
+    aMesh = myActor->GetObject()->GetMesh();
+  if (aMesh) {
+    TColStd_MapOfInteger newIndices;
+    QStringList aListId = QStringList::split(" ", theNewText, false);
+    bool allOk = true;
+    for (int i = 0; i < aListId.count(); i++) {
+      if( const SMDS_MeshNode * n = aMesh->FindNode( aListId[ i ].toInt() ) )
+       newIndices.Add( n->GetID() );
+      else
+       {
+         allOk = false;
+         break;
+       }
+    }
+    mySelector->AddOrRemoveIndex( myActor->getIO(), newIndices, false );
+    if ( SVTK_ViewWindow* aViewWindow = SMESH::GetViewWindow( mySMESHGUI ))
+      aViewWindow->highlight( myActor->getIO(), true, true );
+    if ( sender() == myCornerNodes )
+      UpdateTable( allOk );
+  }
+  if( IsValid() ) {
+    buttonOk->setEnabled(true);
+    buttonApply->setEnabled(true);
+  }
+  if ( sender() == myTable )
+    displaySimulation();
+  myBusy = false;
+// function : SelectionIntoArgument()
+// purpose  : Called when selection has changed
+void SMESHGUI_AddQuadraticElementDlg::SelectionIntoArgument()
+  if (myBusy) return;
+  if ( myIsEditCorners )
+    {
+      // clear
+      myActor = 0;
+      myBusy = true;
+      myCornerNodes->setText("");
+      myBusy = false;
+      if (!GroupButtons->isEnabled()) // inactive
+       return;
+      buttonOk->setEnabled(false);
+      buttonApply->setEnabled(false);
+      mySimulation->SetVisibility(false);
+      // get selected mesh
+      SALOME_ListIO aList;
+      mySelectionMgr->selectedObjects(aList,SVTK_Viewer::Type());
+      if (aList.Extent() != 1)
+       {
+         UpdateTable();
+         return;
+       }
+      Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) anIO = aList.First();
+      myMesh = SMESH::GetMeshByIO(anIO);
+      if (myMesh->_is_nil())
+       return;
+      myActor = SMESH::FindActorByEntry(anIO->getEntry());
+    }
+  if (!myActor)
+    return;
+  // get selected nodes
+  QString aString = "";
+  int nbNodes = SMESH::GetNameOfSelectedNodes(mySelector,myActor->getIO(),aString);
+  if ( myIsEditCorners )
+    {
+      myBusy = true;
+      myCornerNodes->setText(aString);
+      myBusy = false;
+      UpdateTable();
+    }
+  else if ( myTable->isEnabled() && nbNodes == 1 )
+    {
+      myBusy = true;
+      int theRow = myTable->currentRow(), theCol = myTable->currentColumn();
+      if ( theCol == 1 )
+       myTable->setText(theRow, 1, aString);
+      myBusy = false;
+    }
+  if ( IsValid() )
+    {
+      buttonOk->setEnabled( true );
+      buttonApply->setEnabled( true );
+    }
+  displaySimulation();
+// function : displaySimulation()
+// purpose  :
+void SMESHGUI_AddQuadraticElementDlg::displaySimulation()
+  if (!myIsEditCorners) {
+    SMESH::TElementSimulation::TVTKIds anIds;
+    // Collect ids from the dialog
+    int anID;
+    bool ok;
+    int aDisplayMode = VTK_SURFACE;
+    if ( myType == QUAD_EDGE )
+      {
+       anIds.push_back( myActor->GetObject()->GetNodeVTKId( myTable->text(0, 0).toInt() ) );
+       anIds.push_back( myActor->GetObject()->GetNodeVTKId( myTable->text(0, 2).toInt() ) );
+       anID = (myTable->text(0, 1)).toInt(&ok);
+       if (!ok) anID = (myTable->text(0, 0)).toInt();
+       anIds.push_back( myActor->GetObject()->GetNodeVTKId(anID) );
+       aDisplayMode = VTK_WIREFRAME;
+      }
+    else
+      {
+       for ( int row = 0; row < myNbCorners; row++ )
+         anIds.push_back( myActor->GetObject()->GetNodeVTKId( myTable->text(row, 0).toInt() ) );
+       for ( int row = 0; row < myTable->numRows(); row++ )
+         {
+           anID = (myTable->text(row, 1)).toInt(&ok);
+           if (!ok) {
+             anID = (myTable->text(row, 0)).toInt();
+             aDisplayMode = VTK_WIREFRAME;
+           }
+           anIds.push_back( myActor->GetObject()->GetNodeVTKId(anID) );
+         }
+      }
+    mySimulation->SetPosition(myActor,myType,anIds,aDisplayMode,myReverseCB->isChecked());
+    SMESH::UpdateView();
+  }
+// function : SetEditCorners()
+// purpose  :
+void SMESHGUI_AddQuadraticElementDlg::SetEditCorners()
+  myCornerNodes->setFocus();
+  myIsEditCorners = true;
+  SelectionIntoArgument();
+// function : DeactivateActiveDialog()
+// purpose  :
+void SMESHGUI_AddQuadraticElementDlg::DeactivateActiveDialog()
+  if (GroupConstructors->isEnabled()) {
+    GroupConstructors->setEnabled(false);
+    GroupArguments->setEnabled(false);
+    GroupButtons->setEnabled(false);
+    mySimulation->SetVisibility(false);
+    mySMESHGUI->ResetState();
+    mySMESHGUI->SetActiveDialogBox(0);
+  }
+// function : ActivateThisDialog()
+// purpose  :
+void SMESHGUI_AddQuadraticElementDlg::ActivateThisDialog()
+  /* Emit a signal to deactivate the active dialog */
+  mySMESHGUI->EmitSignalDeactivateDialog();
+  GroupConstructors->setEnabled(true);
+  GroupArguments->setEnabled(true);
+  GroupButtons->setEnabled(true);
+  SMESH::SetPointRepresentation(true);
+  if ( SVTK_ViewWindow* aViewWindow = SMESH::GetViewWindow( mySMESHGUI ))
+    aViewWindow->SetSelectionMode( NodeSelection );
+  SelectionIntoArgument();
+// function : enterEvent()
+// purpose  :
+void SMESHGUI_AddQuadraticElementDlg::enterEvent (QEvent*)
+  if (GroupConstructors->isEnabled())
+    return;
+  ActivateThisDialog();
+  return;
+// function : closeEvent()
+// purpose  :
+void SMESHGUI_AddQuadraticElementDlg::closeEvent (QCloseEvent*)
+  /* same than click on cancel button */
+  ClickOnCancel();
+  return;
+// function : hideEvent()
+// purpose  : caused by ESC key
+void SMESHGUI_AddQuadraticElementDlg::hideEvent (QHideEvent*)
+  if (!isMinimized())
+    ClickOnCancel();
+// function : onReverse()
+// purpose  :
+void SMESHGUI_AddQuadraticElementDlg::onReverse (int state)
+  if (!IsValid())
+    return;
+  if (state >= 0) {
+    mySimulation->SetVisibility(false);
+    displaySimulation();
+  }
+// function : IsValid()
+// purpose  :
+bool SMESHGUI_AddQuadraticElementDlg::IsValid()
+  SMDS_Mesh* aMesh = 0;
+  if (myActor)
+    aMesh = myActor->GetObject()->GetMesh();
+  if (!aMesh)
+    return false;
+  bool ok;
+  for ( int row = 0; row < myTable->numRows(); row++ )
+    {
+      int anID =  (myTable->text(row, 1)).toInt(&ok);
+      if ( !ok )
+       return false;
+      const SMDS_MeshNode * aNode = aMesh->FindNode(anID);
+      if ( !aNode )
+       return false;
+    }
+  return true;
+// function : UpdateTable()
+// purpose  :
+void SMESHGUI_AddQuadraticElementDlg::UpdateTable( bool theConersValidity )
+  QStringList aListCorners = QStringList::split(" ", myCornerNodes->text(), false);
+  if ( aListCorners.count() == myNbCorners && theConersValidity )
+    {
+      myTable->setEnabled( true );
+      // clear the Middle column 
+      for ( int row = 0; row < myTable->numRows(); row++ )
+       myTable->setText( row, 1, "");
+      int* aFirstColIds;
+      int* aLastColIds;
+      switch (myType) {
+      case QUAD_EDGE:
+       aFirstColIds = FirstEdgeIds;
+       aLastColIds  = LastEdgeIds;
+       break;
+      case QUAD_TRIANGLE:
+       aFirstColIds = FirstTriangleIds;
+       aLastColIds  = LastTriangleIds;
+       break;
+      case QUAD_QUADRANGLE:
+       aFirstColIds = FirstQuadrangleIds;
+       aLastColIds  = LastQuadrangleIds;
+       break;
+       aFirstColIds = FirstTetrahedronIds;
+       aLastColIds  = LastTetrahedronIds;
+       break;
+      case QUAD_PYRAMID:
+       aFirstColIds = FirstPyramidIds;
+       aLastColIds  = LastPyramidIds;
+       break;
+       aFirstColIds = FirstPentahedronIds;
+       aLastColIds  = LastPentahedronIds;
+       break; 
+      case QUAD_HEXAHEDRON:
+       aFirstColIds = FirstHexahedronIds;
+       aLastColIds  = LastHexahedronIds;
+       break;
+      }
+      // fill the First and the Last columns
+      for (int i = 0, iEnd = myTable->numRows(); i < iEnd; i++)
+       myTable->setText( i, 0, aListCorners[ aFirstColIds[i] ] );
+      for (int i = 0, iEnd = myTable->numRows(); i < iEnd; i++)
+       myTable->setText( i, 2, aListCorners[ aLastColIds[i] ] );
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      // clear table
+      for ( int row = 0; row < myTable->numRows(); row++ )
+        for ( int col = 0; col < myTable->numCols(); col++ )
+         myTable->setText(row, col, "");
+      myTable->setEnabled( false );
+    }
+// function : onTableActivate()
+// purpose  :
+void SMESHGUI_AddQuadraticElementDlg::onCellDoubleClicked( int theRow, int theCol, int theButton, const QPoint& theMousePos )
+  if ( theButton == 1 && theCol == 1 )
+    myIsEditCorners = false;
+  displaySimulation();
+  return;
+// function : onCellTextChange()
+// purpose  :
+void SMESHGUI_AddQuadraticElementDlg::onCellTextChange(int theRow, int theCol)
+  onTextChange( myTable->text(theRow, theCol) );
+QWidget* SMESHGUI_IdEditItem::createEditor() const
+  QLineEdit *aLineEdit = new QLineEdit(text(), table()->viewport());
+  aLineEdit->setValidator( new SMESHGUI_IdValidator(table()->viewport(), "validator", 1) );
+  return aLineEdit;
diff --git a/src/SMESHGUI/SMESHGUI_AddQuadraticElementDlg.h b/src/SMESHGUI/SMESHGUI_AddQuadraticElementDlg.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..2d1fa86
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+#include "LightApp_SelectionMgr.h"
+// QT Includes
+#include <qdialog.h>
+#include <qtable.h>
+class QButtonGroup;
+class QGroupBox;
+class QLineEdit;
+class QPushButton;
+class QRadioButton;
+class QCheckBox;
+class QTable;
+class SMESHGUI;
+class SMESH_Actor;
+class SVTK_Selector;
+namespace SMESH{
+  struct TElementSimulation;
+// IDL Headers
+#include <SALOMEconfig.h>
+// class    : SMESHGUI_AddQuadraticElementDlg
+// purpose  :
+class SMESHGUI_AddQuadraticElementDlg : public QDialog
+    SMESHGUI_AddQuadraticElementDlg( SMESHGUI* theModule,
+                                    const int theType,
+                                    const char* = 0, 
+                                    bool modal = FALSE, WFlags fl = 0 );
+    ~SMESHGUI_AddQuadraticElementDlg();
+    void Init ();
+    void closeEvent (QCloseEvent*);
+    void hideEvent (QHideEvent*);                 /* ESC key */
+    void enterEvent (QEvent*);                    /* mouse enter the QWidget */
+    void displaySimulation();
+    void UpdateTable( bool theConersValidity = true );
+    bool IsValid();
+    SMESHGUI*                   mySMESHGUI;       /* Current SMESHGUI object */
+    LightApp_SelectionMgr*      mySelectionMgr;   /* User shape selection */
+    int                         myNbCorners;      /* The required number of corners */
+    bool                        myBusy;
+    SVTK_Selector*              mySelector;
+    SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var       myMesh;
+    SMESH_Actor*                myActor;
+    SMESH::TElementSimulation*  mySimulation;
+    int                         myType;
+    bool                        myIsEditCorners;
+    QButtonGroup* GroupConstructors;
+    QRadioButton* myRadioButton1;
+    QGroupBox*    GroupArguments;
+    QLineEdit*    myCornerNodes;
+    QPushButton*  mySelectButton;
+    QTable*       myTable;
+    QCheckBox*    myReverseCB;
+    QGroupBox*    GroupButtons;
+    QPushButton*  buttonOk;
+    QPushButton*  buttonCancel;
+    QPushButton*  buttonApply;
+private slots:
+    void onTextChange(const QString&);
+    void onCellTextChange(int, int);
+    void onReverse( int );
+    void onCellDoubleClicked(int, int, int, const QPoint&);
+    void ClickOnOk();
+    void ClickOnCancel();
+    void ClickOnApply();
+    void SetEditCorners() ;
+    void SelectionIntoArgument() ;
+    void DeactivateActiveDialog() ;
+    void ActivateThisDialog() ;
+class SMESHGUI_IdEditItem: public QTableItem
+    SMESHGUI_IdEditItem(QTable* table, EditType et, const QString& text ):
+      QTableItem(table, et, text) {};
+    ~SMESHGUI_IdEditItem() {};
+    QWidget* createEditor() const;