__updated__ = "2015-03-17"
+def distancePointLine(point, line):
+ """
+ subroutine to calculate distance between point and line
+ result of calculated distance is has 10**-5 precision
+ """
+ aStartPoint = geomDataAPI_Point2D(line.attribute("StartPoint"))
+ aEndPoint = geomDataAPI_Point2D(line.attribute("EndPoint"))
+ # orthogonal direction
+ aDirX = -(aEndPoint.y() - aStartPoint.y())
+ aDirY = (aEndPoint.x() - aStartPoint.x())
+ aLen = math.sqrt(aDirX**2 + aDirY**2)
+ aDirX = aDirX / aLen
+ aDirY = aDirY / aLen
+ aVecX = point.x() - aStartPoint.x()
+ aVecY = point.y() - aStartPoint.y()
+ return round(math.fabs(aVecX * aDirX + aVecY * aDirY), 5)
aSession = ModelAPI_Session.get()
aDocument = aSession.moduleDocument()
aLen = aLen * math.sqrt(anArc3VecX**2 + anArc3VecY**2)
aCross = anArc1VecX * anArc3VecY - anArc1VecY * anArc3VecX
assert math.fabs(aCross) <= 2.e-6 * aLen, "Observed cross product: {0}".format(aCross)
+# TEST 5. Creating of tangency between line and circle
+aLine = aSketchFeature.addFeature("SketchLine")
+aLineStart = geomDataAPI_Point2D(aLine.attribute("StartPoint"))
+aLineEnd = geomDataAPI_Point2D(aLine.attribute("EndPoint"))
+aLineStart.setValue(100., 100.)
+aLineEnd.setValue(200., 200.)
+aCircle = aSketchFeature.addFeature("SketchCircle")
+aCircleCenter = geomDataAPI_Point2D(aCircle.attribute("CircleCenter"))
+aCircleRadius = aCircle.real("CircleRadius")
+aCircleCenter.setValue(150., 100.)
+aTangency = aSketchFeature.addFeature("SketchConstraintTangent")
+aRefObjectA = aTangency.refattr("ConstraintEntityA")
+aRefObjectB = aTangency.refattr("ConstraintEntityB")
+anObjectA = modelAPI_ResultConstruction(aLine.lastResult())
+anObjectB = modelAPI_ResultConstruction(aCircle.lastResult())
+assert (anObjectA is not None)
+assert (anObjectB is not None)
+assert(math.fabs(distancePointLine(aCircleCenter, aLine) - aCircleRadius.value()) < 1.e-10)
# End of test
aTangent = aSketchArcTangent.refattr("ArcTangentPoint")
anArcEndPoint.setValue(51., 1.)
anArcEndPoint.setValue(100., 25.)
anArcCenter = geomDataAPI_Point2D(aSketchArcTangent.attribute("ArcCenter"))
aTangent = aSketchArcTangent2.refattr("ArcTangentPoint")
anArcEndPoint2.setValue(anArcEndPoint.x() + 1, anArcEndPoint.y() + 1)
anArcEndPoint2.setValue(50., 50.)