+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright (C) 2012-2013 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
-# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-# version 2.1 of the License.
-# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# Lesser General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-# See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
- INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/adm_local_without_kernel)
- MED_Structures.cxx
- MED_Wrapper.cxx
- MED_Algorithm.cxx
- MED_GaussUtils.cxx
- MED_CoordUtils.cxx
- MED_Utilities.cxx
- MED_GaussDef.cxx
- )
+++ /dev/null
-// Copyright (C) 2007-2013 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE
-// Copyright (C) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
-// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-// version 2.1 of the License.
-// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// Lesser General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
-// File :
-// Author :
-// Module :
-// $Header$
-#include "MED_Algorithm.hxx"
-#include "MED_Wrapper.hxx"
-#include "MED_Utilities.hxx"
-#ifdef _DEBUG_
-static int MYDEBUG = 0;
-static int MYVALUEDEBUG = 0;
-// static int MYDEBUG = 0;
-// static int MYVALUEDEBUG = 0;
-namespace MED
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- TEntity2TGeom2ElemInfo
- GetEntity2TGeom2ElemInfo(const PWrapper& theWrapper,
- const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- const MED::TEntityInfo& theEntityInfo)
- {
- MSG(MYDEBUG,"GetElemsByEntity(...)");
- TEntity2TGeom2ElemInfo anEntity2TGeom2ElemInfo;
- MED::TEntityInfo::const_iterator anIter = theEntityInfo.begin();
- PElemInfo anElemInfo;
- TErr anErr;
- for(; anIter != theEntityInfo.end(); anIter++){
- const EEntiteMaillage& anEntity = anIter->first;
- const TGeom2Size& aGeom2Size = anIter->second;
- TGeom2ElemInfo& aGeom2ElemInfo = anEntity2TGeom2ElemInfo[anEntity];
- if(anEntity == eNOEUD){
- aGeom2ElemInfo[ePOINT1] = theWrapper->GetPElemInfo(theMeshInfo);
- continue;
- }
- TGeom2Size::const_iterator anIter2 = aGeom2Size.begin();
- for(; anIter2 != aGeom2Size.end(); anIter2++){
- const EGeometrieElement& aGeom = anIter2->first;
- aGeom2ElemInfo[aGeom] = theWrapper->GetPElemInfo(theMeshInfo,anEntity,aGeom,MED::eNOD,&anErr);
- }
- }
- return anEntity2TGeom2ElemInfo;
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- TFamilyInfoSet
- GetFamilyInfoSet(const PWrapper& theWrapper,
- const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo)
- {
- MSG(MYDEBUG,"GetFamilies(...)");
- TErr anErr;
- TFamilyInfoSet aFamilyInfoSet;
- TInt aNbFam = theWrapper->GetNbFamilies(*theMeshInfo);
- INITMSG(MYDEBUG,"GetNbFamilies() = "<<aNbFam<<"\n");
- for(TInt iFam = 1; iFam <= aNbFam; iFam++){
- PFamilyInfo aFamilyInfo = theWrapper->GetPFamilyInfo(theMeshInfo,iFam,&anErr);
- if(anErr >= 0)
- aFamilyInfoSet.insert(aFamilyInfo);
- }
- return aFamilyInfoSet;
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- TGroupInfo
- GetGroupInfo(const TFamilyInfoSet& theFamilyInfoSet)
- {
- MSG(MYDEBUG,"GetFamiliesByGroup(...)");
- TGroupInfo aGroup;
- TFamilyInfoSet::const_iterator anIter = theFamilyInfoSet.begin();
- for(; anIter != theFamilyInfoSet.end(); anIter++){
- const PFamilyInfo& aFamilyInfo = *anIter;
- TInt aNbGroup = aFamilyInfo->GetNbGroup();
- for(TInt iGroup = 0; iGroup < aNbGroup; iGroup++){
- aGroup[aFamilyInfo->GetGroupName(iGroup)].insert(aFamilyInfo);
- }
- }
-#ifdef _DEBUG_
- if(MYDEBUG){
- TGroupInfo::const_iterator anIter = aGroup.begin();
- for(; anIter != aGroup.end(); anIter++){
- const std::string& aName = anIter->first;
- INITMSG(MYDEBUG,"aGroupName = '"<<aName<<"'\n");
- const TFamilyInfoSet& aFamilyInfoSet = anIter->second;
- TFamilyInfoSet::const_iterator anFamIter = aFamilyInfoSet.begin();
- for(; anFamIter != aFamilyInfoSet.end(); anFamIter++){
- const PFamilyInfo& aFamilyInfo = *anFamIter;
- INITMSG(MYDEBUG,"aFamilyName = '"<<aFamilyInfo->GetName()<<"'\n");
- }
- }
- }
- return aGroup;
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- TFieldInfo2TimeStampInfoSet
- GetFieldInfo2TimeStampInfoSet(const PWrapper& theWrapper,
- const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- const MED::TEntityInfo& theEntityInfo)
- {
- MSG(MYDEBUG,"GetFieldsByEntity(...)");
- TFieldInfo2TimeStampInfoSet aFieldInfo2TimeStampInfoSet;
- TInt aNbFields = theWrapper->GetNbFields();
- INITMSG(MYDEBUG,"GetNbFields() = "<<aNbFields<<"\n");
- for(TInt iField = 1; iField <= aNbFields; iField++){
- PFieldInfo aFieldInfo = theWrapper->GetPFieldInfo(theMeshInfo,iField);
- INITMSG(MYDEBUG,"aFieldName = '"<<aFieldInfo->GetName()<<
- "'; aNbComp = "<<aFieldInfo->GetNbComp()<<"; ");
- TGeom2Size aGeom2Size;
- EEntiteMaillage anEntity = EEntiteMaillage(-1);
- TInt aNbTimeStamps = theWrapper->GetNbTimeStamps(aFieldInfo,theEntityInfo,anEntity,aGeom2Size);
- ADDMSG(MYDEBUG,"anEntity = "<<anEntity<<"; GetNbTimeStamps = "<<aNbTimeStamps<<"\n");
- for(TInt iTimeStamp = 1; iTimeStamp <= aNbTimeStamps; iTimeStamp++){
- PTimeStampInfo aTimeStamp =
- theWrapper->GetPTimeStampInfo(aFieldInfo,anEntity,aGeom2Size,iTimeStamp);
- aFieldInfo2TimeStampInfoSet[aFieldInfo].insert(aTimeStamp);
- "aDt = "<<aTimeStamp->GetDt()<<
- ", Unit = \'"<<aTimeStamp->GetUnitDt()<<"\n");
- }
- }
- return aFieldInfo2TimeStampInfoSet;
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- TEntite2TFieldInfo2TimeStampInfoSet
- GetEntite2TFieldInfo2TimeStampInfoSet(const TFieldInfo2TimeStampInfoSet& theFieldInfo2TimeStampInfoSet)
- {
- TEntite2TFieldInfo2TimeStampInfoSet anEntite2TFieldInfo2TimeStampInfoSet;
- TFieldInfo2TimeStampInfoSet::const_iterator anIter = theFieldInfo2TimeStampInfoSet.begin();
- for(; anIter != theFieldInfo2TimeStampInfoSet.end(); anIter++){
- const TTimeStampInfoSet& aTimeStampInfoSet = anIter->second;
- //const PFieldInfo& aFieldInfo = anIter->first;
- if(aTimeStampInfoSet.empty())
- continue;
- const PTimeStampInfo& aTimeStampInfo = *aTimeStampInfoSet.begin();
- anEntite2TFieldInfo2TimeStampInfoSet[ConvertEntity(aTimeStampInfo->GetEntity())].insert(*anIter);
- }
- return anEntite2TFieldInfo2TimeStampInfoSet;
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- bool
- operator<(const TFamilyTSize& theLeft, const TFamilyTSize& theRight)
- {
- const MED::PFamilyInfo& aLeftInfo = boost::get<0>(theLeft);
- const MED::PFamilyInfo& aRightInfo = boost::get<0>(theRight);
- return aLeftInfo->GetId() < aRightInfo->GetId();
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- TEntity2FamilySet
- GetEntity2FamilySet(const PWrapper& theWrapper,
- const TEntity2TGeom2ElemInfo& theEntity2TGeom2ElemInfo,
- const TFamilyInfoSet& theFamilyInfoSet)
- {
- MSG(MYDEBUG,"GetFamiliesByEntity(...)");
- TEntity2FamilySet anEntity2FamilySet;
- typedef std::map<TInt,PFamilyInfo> TId2Family;
- TId2Family anId2Family;
- TFamilyInfoSet::const_iterator anIter = theFamilyInfoSet.begin();
- for(; anIter != theFamilyInfoSet.end(); anIter++){
- const PFamilyInfo& aFamilyInfo = *anIter;
- anId2Family.insert(TId2Family::value_type(aFamilyInfo->GetId(),aFamilyInfo));
- }
- if(!anId2Family.empty()){
- typedef std::map<TInt,TInt> TFamilyID2Size;
- typedef std::map<EEntiteMaillage,TFamilyID2Size> TEntity2FamilyID;
- TEntity2FamilyID anEntity2FamilyID;
- if(!theEntity2TGeom2ElemInfo.empty()){
- TEntity2TGeom2ElemInfo::const_iterator anIter = theEntity2TGeom2ElemInfo.begin();
- for(; anIter != theEntity2TGeom2ElemInfo.end(); anIter++){
- const EEntiteMaillage& anEntity = anIter->first;
- TFamilyID2Size& aFamilyID2Size = anEntity2FamilyID[anEntity];
- const TGeom2ElemInfo& aGeom2ElemInfo = anIter->second;
- TGeom2ElemInfo::const_iterator aGeom2ElemInfoIter = aGeom2ElemInfo.begin();
- for(; aGeom2ElemInfoIter != aGeom2ElemInfo.end(); aGeom2ElemInfoIter++){
- const PElemInfo& aElemInfo = aGeom2ElemInfoIter->second;
- if(TInt aNbElem = aElemInfo->GetNbElem()){
- for(TInt i = 0; i < aNbElem; i++){
- aFamilyID2Size[aElemInfo->GetFamNum(i)] += 1;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(!anEntity2FamilyID.empty()){
- TEntity2FamilyID::const_iterator anIter = anEntity2FamilyID.begin();
- for(; anIter != anEntity2FamilyID.end(); anIter++){
- const EEntiteMaillage& anEntity = anIter->first;
- INITMSG(MYDEBUG,"anEntity = "<<anEntity<<":\n");
- const TFamilyID2Size& aFamilyID2Size = anIter->second;
- TFamilyID2Size::const_iterator anIter2 = aFamilyID2Size.begin();
- for(; anIter2 != aFamilyID2Size.end(); anIter2++){
- TInt anId = anIter2->first;
- TInt aSize = anIter2->second;
- TId2Family::const_iterator anIter3 = anId2Family.find(anId);
- if(anIter3 != anId2Family.end()){
- const PFamilyInfo& aFamilyInfo = anIter3->second;
- anEntity2FamilySet[anEntity].insert(TFamilyTSize(aFamilyInfo,aSize));
- "aFamilyName = '"<<aFamilyInfo->GetName()<<
- "' anId = "<<aFamilyInfo->GetId()<<"\n");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return anEntity2FamilySet;
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- TKey2Gauss
- GetKey2Gauss(const PWrapper& theWrapper,
- TErr* theErr,
- EModeSwitch theMode)
- {
- INITMSG(MYDEBUG,"GetKey2Gauss - theMode = "<<theMode<<std::endl);
- TKey2Gauss aKey2Gauss;
- TInt aNbGauss = theWrapper->GetNbGauss(theErr);
- for(TInt anId = 1; anId <= aNbGauss; anId++){
- TGaussInfo::TInfo aPreInfo = theWrapper->GetGaussPreInfo(anId);
- PGaussInfo anInfo = theWrapper->CrGaussInfo(aPreInfo,theMode);
- theWrapper->GetGaussInfo(anId,anInfo,theErr);
- TGaussInfo::TKey aKey = boost::get<0>(aPreInfo);
- aKey2Gauss[aKey] = anInfo;
-#ifdef _DEBUG_
- const EGeometrieElement& aGeom = boost::get<0>(aKey);
- const std::string& aName = boost::get<1>(aKey);
- "- aGeom = "<<aGeom<<
- "; aName = '"<<aName<<"'"<<
- std::endl);
- }
- return aKey2Gauss;
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- PProfileInfo
- GetProfileInfo(const PWrapper& theWrapper,
- const std::string& theProfileName,
- TErr* theErr,
- EModeProfil theMode)
- {
- PProfileInfo anInfo;
- TInt aNbProfiles = theWrapper->GetNbProfiles(theErr);
- for(TInt anId = 1; anId <= aNbProfiles; anId++){
- TProfileInfo::TInfo aPreInfo = theWrapper->GetProfilePreInfo(anId);
- const std::string& aName = boost::get<0>(aPreInfo);
- if(aName == theProfileName)
- return theWrapper->GetPProfileInfo(anId,theMode,theErr);
- }
- return anInfo;
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- TMKey2Profile
- GetMKey2Profile(const PWrapper& theWrapper,
- TErr* theErr,
- EModeProfil theMode)
- {
- INITMSG(MYDEBUG,"GetMKey2Profile - theMode = "<<theMode<<std::endl);
- TKey2Profile aKey2Profile;
- TInt aNbProfiles = theWrapper->GetNbProfiles(theErr);
- for(TInt anId = 1; anId <= aNbProfiles; anId++){
- TProfileInfo::TInfo aPreInfo = theWrapper->GetProfilePreInfo(anId);
- PProfileInfo anInfo = theWrapper->GetPProfileInfo(anId,theMode,theErr);
- const std::string& aName = boost::get<0>(aPreInfo);
- aKey2Profile[aName] = anInfo;
-#ifdef _DEBUG_
- "- aName = '"<<aName<<"'"<<
- " : "<<
- std::endl);
- TInt aNbElem = anInfo->GetSize();
- for(TInt iElem = 0; iElem < aNbElem; iElem++){
- ADDMSG(MYVALUEDEBUG,anInfo->GetElemNum(iElem)<<", ");
- }
- }
- return TMKey2Profile(theMode,aKey2Profile);
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- EEntiteMaillage
- GetEntityByFamilyId(PGrilleInfo& theInfo,TInt theId){
- TElemNum::iterator aNodeFamIter = (theInfo->myFamNumNode).begin();
- for(;aNodeFamIter != (theInfo->myFamNumNode).end(); aNodeFamIter++){
- if(theId == *aNodeFamIter)
- return eNOEUD;
- }
- TElemNum::iterator aCellFamIter = (theInfo->myFamNum).begin();
- for(;aCellFamIter != (theInfo->myFamNum).end(); aCellFamIter++){
- if(theId == *aCellFamIter)
- return eMAILLE;
- }
- EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error, "GetEntityByFamilyId - fails");
- return EEntiteMaillage(-1);
- }
- TFamilyID2NbCells
- GetFamilyID2NbCells(PGrilleInfo& theInfo){
- TFamilyID2NbCells aFamily2NbCells;
- TInt aNbNodes = theInfo->myFamNumNode.size();
- TInt aNbCells = theInfo->myFamNum.size();
- for(TInt i=0; i<aNbNodes; i++) aFamily2NbCells[theInfo->GetFamNumNode(i)] = 0;
- for(TInt i=0; i<aNbCells; i++) aFamily2NbCells[theInfo->GetFamNum(i)] = 0;
- for(TInt i=0; i<aNbNodes; i++) aFamily2NbCells[theInfo->GetFamNumNode(i)] += 1;
- for(TInt i=0; i<aNbCells; i++) aFamily2NbCells[theInfo->GetFamNum(i)] += 1;
- return aFamily2NbCells;
- }
- EEntiteMaillage ConvertEntity(const EEntiteMaillage& aEntity){
- switch( aEntity ){
- case eMAILLE: return eMAILLE; //eNOEUD_ELEMENT it is eMAILLE
- case eFACE:
- case eARETE:
- case eNOEUD: return aEntity; break;
- default: return EEntiteMaillage(-1);
- }
- }
+++ /dev/null
-// Copyright (C) 2007-2013 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE
-// Copyright (C) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
-// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-// version 2.1 of the License.
-// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// Lesser General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
-// File :
-// Author :
-// Module :
-// $Header$
-#ifndef MED_Algorithm_HeaderFile
-#define MED_Algorithm_HeaderFile
-#include "MED_WrapperBase.hxx"
-#include "MED_Structures.hxx"
-#include <set>
-namespace MED
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- typedef std::map<EGeometrieElement,PElemInfo> TGeom2ElemInfo;
- typedef std::map<EEntiteMaillage,TGeom2ElemInfo> TEntity2TGeom2ElemInfo;
- //! Get set of TElemInfo by its geometrical type and corresponding MED ENTITY
- TEntity2TGeom2ElemInfo
- GetEntity2TGeom2ElemInfo(const PWrapper& theWrapper,
- const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- const MED::TEntityInfo& theEntityInfo);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- typedef std::set<PFamilyInfo> TFamilyInfoSet;
- //! Read set of MED FAMILIES for defined MED file
- TFamilyInfoSet
- GetFamilyInfoSet(const PWrapper& theWrapper,
- const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- typedef boost::tuple<PFamilyInfo,TInt> TFamilyTSize;
- bool
- operator<(const TFamilyTSize& theLeft, const TFamilyTSize& theRight);
- typedef std::set<TFamilyTSize> TFamilyTSizeSet;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- typedef std::map<EEntiteMaillage,TFamilyTSizeSet> TEntity2FamilySet;
- //! Split set of MED FAMILIES by corresponding MED ENTITY
- TEntity2FamilySet
- GetEntity2FamilySet(const PWrapper& theWrapper,
- const TEntity2TGeom2ElemInfo& theEntity2TGeom2ElemInfo,
- const TFamilyInfoSet& theFamilyInfoSet);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- typedef std::map<std::string,TFamilyInfoSet> TGroupInfo;
- //! Split the input set of MED FAMILIES by corresponding MED GROUPS
- TGroupInfo
- GetGroupInfo(const TFamilyInfoSet& theFamilyInfoSet);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- typedef std::set<PTimeStampInfo> TTimeStampInfoSet;
- typedef std::map<PFieldInfo,TTimeStampInfoSet> TFieldInfo2TimeStampInfoSet;
- //! Read set of MED TIMESTAMPS groupped by corresponding MED FIELDS
- TFieldInfo2TimeStampInfoSet
- GetFieldInfo2TimeStampInfoSet(const PWrapper& theWrapper,
- const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- const MED::TEntityInfo& theEntityInfo);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- typedef std::map<EEntiteMaillage,TFieldInfo2TimeStampInfoSet> TEntite2TFieldInfo2TimeStampInfoSet;
- //! Split the input set of MED TIMESTAMPS by corresponding MED FIELDS and MED ENTITIES
- TEntite2TFieldInfo2TimeStampInfoSet
- GetEntite2TFieldInfo2TimeStampInfoSet(const TFieldInfo2TimeStampInfoSet& theFieldInfo2TimeStampInfoSet);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- typedef std::map<TGaussInfo::TKey,PGaussInfo,TGaussInfo::TLess> TKey2Gauss;
- //! Read set of MED GAUSS
- TKey2Gauss
- GetKey2Gauss(const PWrapper& theWrapper,
- TErr* theErr = NULL,
- EModeSwitch theMode = eFULL_INTERLACE);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- //! Get MED PROFILE by its name
- PProfileInfo
- GetProfileInfo(const PWrapper& theWrapper,
- const std::string& theProfileName,
- TErr* theErr = NULL,
- EModeProfil theMode = eCOMPACT);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- typedef std::map<TProfileInfo::TKey,PProfileInfo> TKey2Profile;
- typedef boost::tuple<EModeProfil,TKey2Profile> TMKey2Profile;
- //! Read set of MED PROFILES
- TMKey2Profile
- GetMKey2Profile(const PWrapper& theWrapper,
- TErr* theErr = NULL,
- EModeProfil theMode = eCOMPACT);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- //! Get Entity for Grille by family id.
- EEntiteMaillage
- GetEntityByFamilyId(PGrilleInfo& theInfo,
- TInt theId);
- typedef std::map<TInt,TInt> TFamilyID2NbCells;
- //! Get Number of cells for theId family, for Grille
- TFamilyID2NbCells
- GetFamilyID2NbCells(PGrilleInfo& theInfo);
- //! Convert eNOEUD_ELEMENT to eMAILLE
- EEntiteMaillage
- ConvertEntity(const EEntiteMaillage& aEntity);
+++ /dev/null
-// Copyright (C) 2007-2013 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE
-// Copyright (C) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
-// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-// version 2.1 of the License.
-// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// Lesser General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
-#ifndef MED_Common_HeaderFile
-#define MED_Common_HeaderFile
-#include "MED_WrapperBase.hxx"
-#include <string>
-#include <set>
-#include <map>
-#include <hdf5.h>
-#include <boost/tuple/tuple.hpp>
-#include "SALOMEconfig.h"
-#include "MED_Vector.hxx"
-#include "MED_SharedPtr.hxx"
-#include "MED_SliceArray.hxx"
-#ifdef WIN32
-#pragma warning(disable:4099)
-namespace MED{
- enum EVersion {eVUnknown = -1, eV2_1, eV2_2};
- typedef enum {eFAUX, eVRAI} EBooleen ;
- typedef double TFloat;
-#if defined(HAVE_F77INT64)
- typedef long TInt;
- typedef int TInt;
- typedef hid_t TIdt;
- typedef herr_t TErr;
- typedef enum {eFULL_INTERLACE, eNO_INTERLACE} EModeSwitch;
- typedef enum {eFLOAT64=6, eINT=26} ETypeChamp;
- typedef enum {eNON_STRUCTURE, eSTRUCTURE} EMaillage;
- typedef enum {eCART, eCYL, eSPHER} ERepere;
- typedef enum {eNOD, eDESC} EConnectivite ;
- typedef enum {ePOINT1=1, eSEG2=102, eSEG3=103, eTRIA3=203,
- eQUAD4=204, eTRIA6=206, eTRIA7=207, eQUAD8=208, eQUAD9=209,eTETRA4=304,
- ePYRA5=305, ePENTA6=306, eHEXA8=308, eOCTA12=312, eTETRA10=310,
- ePYRA13=313, ePENTA15=315, eHEXA20=320, eHEXA27=327,
- ePOLYGONE=400, ePOLYEDRE=500, eNONE=0,
- eBALL=1101 /*no such a type in med.h, it's just a trick*/,
- eAllGeoType=-1 } EGeometrieElement;
- typedef enum {eMAILLE, eFACE, eARETE, eNOEUD, eNOEUD_ELEMENT, eSTRUCT_ELEMENT} EEntiteMaillage;
- typedef enum {eNO_PFLMOD, eGLOBAL, eCOMPACT} EModeProfil;
- typedef enum {eCOOR, eCONN, eNOM, eNUM, eFAM, eCOOR_IND1, eCOOR_IND2, eCOOR_IND3} ETable;
- typedef TVector<TFloat> TFloatVector;
- typedef TVector<std::string> TStringVector;
- typedef TVector<TInt> TIntVector;
- typedef std::set<std::string> TStringSet;
- typedef std::map<EGeometrieElement,TInt> TGeom2Size;
- typedef std::map<EEntiteMaillage,TGeom2Size> TEntityInfo;
- typedef std::set<EGeometrieElement> TGeomSet;
- typedef std::map<EEntiteMaillage,TGeomSet> TEntity2GeomSet;
- const TEntity2GeomSet&
- GetEntity2GeomSet();
- template<EVersion>
- GetDESCLength();
- template<EVersion>
- GetIDENTLength();
- template<EVersion>
- GetNOMLength();
- template<EVersion>
- GetLNOMLength();
- template<EVersion>
- GetPNOMLength();
- template<EVersion>
- GetVersionRelease(TInt& majeur, TInt& mineur, TInt& release);
- template<EVersion>
- TInt
- GetNbConn(EGeometrieElement typmai,
- EEntiteMaillage typent,
- TInt mdim);
- TInt
- GetNbNodes(EGeometrieElement typmai);
- struct TNameInfo;
- typedef SharedPtr<TNameInfo> PNameInfo;
- struct TMeshInfo;
- typedef SharedPtr<TMeshInfo> PMeshInfo;
- struct TFamilyInfo;
- typedef SharedPtr<TFamilyInfo> PFamilyInfo;
- struct TElemInfo;
- typedef SharedPtr<TElemInfo> PElemInfo;
- struct TNodeInfo;
- typedef SharedPtr<TNodeInfo> PNodeInfo;
- struct TPolygoneInfo;
- typedef SharedPtr<TPolygoneInfo> PPolygoneInfo;
- struct TPolyedreInfo;
- typedef SharedPtr<TPolyedreInfo> PPolyedreInfo;
- struct TCellInfo;
- typedef SharedPtr<TCellInfo> PCellInfo;
- struct TBallInfo;
- typedef SharedPtr<TBallInfo> PBallInfo;
- struct TFieldInfo;
- typedef SharedPtr<TFieldInfo> PFieldInfo;
- struct TTimeStampInfo;
- typedef SharedPtr<TTimeStampInfo> PTimeStampInfo;
- struct TProfileInfo;
- typedef SharedPtr<TProfileInfo> PProfileInfo;
- struct TGaussInfo;
- typedef SharedPtr<TGaussInfo> PGaussInfo;
- class TGrilleInfo;
- typedef SharedPtr<TGrilleInfo> PGrilleInfo;
- struct TTimeStampValueBase;
- typedef SharedPtr<TTimeStampValueBase> PTimeStampValueBase;
- struct TWrapper;
- typedef SharedPtr<TWrapper> PWrapper;
+++ /dev/null
-// Copyright (C) 2007-2013 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE
-// Copyright (C) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
-// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-// version 2.1 of the License.
-// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// Lesser General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
-// File :
-// Author :
-// Module :
-// $Header$
-#include "MED_CoordUtils.hxx"
-#include "MED_Utilities.hxx"
-namespace MED
- enum ECoordName{eX, eY, eZ, eNone};
- template<ECoordName TCoordId>
- TFloat
- GetCoord(const TCCoordSlice& theCoordSlice)
- {
- return theCoordSlice[TCoordId];
- }
- template<>
- TFloat
- GetCoord<eNone>(const TCCoordSlice& theCoordSlice)
- {
- return 0.0;
- }
- TGetCoord
- aXYZGetCoord[3] = {
- &GetCoord<eX>,
- &GetCoord<eY>,
- &GetCoord<eZ>
- };
- TGetCoord
- aXYGetCoord[3] = {
- &GetCoord<eX>,
- &GetCoord<eY>,
- &GetCoord<eNone>
- };
- TGetCoord
- aYZGetCoord[3] = {
- &GetCoord<eNone>,
- &GetCoord<eX>,
- &GetCoord<eY>
- };
- TGetCoord
- aXZGetCoord[3] = {
- &GetCoord<eX>,
- &GetCoord<eNone>,
- &GetCoord<eY>
- };
- TGetCoord
- aXGetCoord[3] = {
- &GetCoord<eX>,
- &GetCoord<eNone>,
- &GetCoord<eNone>
- };
- TGetCoord
- aYGetCoord[3] = {
- &GetCoord<eNone>,
- &GetCoord<eX>,
- &GetCoord<eNone>
- };
- TGetCoord
- aZGetCoord[3] = {
- &GetCoord<eNone>,
- &GetCoord<eNone>,
- &GetCoord<eX>
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- TCoordHelper
- ::TCoordHelper(TGetCoord* theGetCoord):
- myGetCoord(theGetCoord)
- {}
- TFloat
- TCoordHelper
- ::GetCoord(TCCoordSlice& theCoordSlice,
- TInt theCoordId)
- {
- return (*myGetCoord[theCoordId])(theCoordSlice);
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- PCoordHelper
- GetCoordHelper(PNodeInfo theNodeInfo)
- {
- PCoordHelper aCoordHelper;
- {
- PMeshInfo aMeshInfo = theNodeInfo->GetMeshInfo();
- TInt aMeshDimension = aMeshInfo->GetDim();
- bool anIsDimPresent[3] = {false, false, false};
- for(int iDim = 0; iDim < aMeshDimension; iDim++){
- // PAL16857(SMESH not conform to the MED convention) ->
- // 1D - always along X
- // 2D - always in XOY plane
- anIsDimPresent[iDim] = iDim < aMeshDimension;
-// std::string aName = theNodeInfo->GetCoordName(iDim);
-// if ( aName.size() > 1 ) // PAL12148, aName has size 8 or 16
-// aName = aName.substr(0,1);
-// if(aName == "x" || aName == "X")
-// anIsDimPresent[eX] = true;
-// else if(aName == "y" || aName == "Y")
-// anIsDimPresent[eY] = true;
-// else if(aName == "z" || aName == "Z")
-// anIsDimPresent[eZ] = true;
- }
- switch(aMeshDimension){
- case 3:
- aCoordHelper.reset(new TCoordHelper(aXYZGetCoord));
- break;
- case 2:
- if(anIsDimPresent[eY] && anIsDimPresent[eZ])
- aCoordHelper.reset(new TCoordHelper(aYZGetCoord));
- else if(anIsDimPresent[eX] && anIsDimPresent[eZ])
- aCoordHelper.reset(new TCoordHelper(aXZGetCoord));
- else
- aCoordHelper.reset(new TCoordHelper(aXYGetCoord));
- break;
- case 1:
- if(anIsDimPresent[eY])
- aCoordHelper.reset(new TCoordHelper(aYGetCoord));
- else if(anIsDimPresent[eZ])
- aCoordHelper.reset(new TCoordHelper(aZGetCoord));
- else
- aCoordHelper.reset(new TCoordHelper(aXGetCoord));
- break;
- }
- }
- return aCoordHelper;
- }
+++ /dev/null
-// Copyright (C) 2007-2013 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE
-// Copyright (C) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
-// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-// version 2.1 of the License.
-// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// Lesser General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
-// File :
-// Author :
-// Module :
-// $Header$
-#ifndef MED_CoordUtils_HeaderFile
-#define MED_CoordUtils_HeaderFile
-#include "MED_WrapperBase.hxx"
-#include "MED_Structures.hxx"
-namespace MED
- typedef TFloat (*TGetCoord)(const TCCoordSlice& theCoordSlice);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- class MEDWRAPPER_EXPORT TCoordHelper
- {
- TGetCoord* myGetCoord;
- public:
- TCoordHelper(TGetCoord* theGetCoord);
- TFloat
- GetCoord(TCCoordSlice& theCoordSlice,
- TInt theCoordId);
- };
- typedef SharedPtr<TCoordHelper> PCoordHelper;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- PCoordHelper
- GetCoordHelper(PNodeInfo theNodeInfo);
+++ /dev/null
-// Copyright (C) 2007-2013 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE
-// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-// version 2.1 of the License.
-// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// Lesser General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
-// File : MED_GaussDef.hxx
-// Module : MED
-// Author : Edward AGAPOV (eap)
-// $Header:
-#include "MED_GaussDef.hxx"
-#include "MED_Utilities.hxx"
-#include "MED_GaussUtils.hxx"
-namespace MED
- using namespace std;
- using namespace MED;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- void TGaussDef::add(const double x, const double weight)
- {
- if ( dim() != 1 )
- EXCEPTION( logic_error,"dim() != 1");
- if ( myWeights.capacity() == myWeights.size() )
- EXCEPTION( logic_error,"Extra gauss point");
- myCoords.push_back( x );
- myWeights.push_back( weight );
- }
- void TGaussDef::add(const double x, const double y, const double weight)
- {
- if ( dim() != 2 )
- EXCEPTION( logic_error,"dim() != 2");
- if ( myWeights.capacity() == myWeights.size() )
- EXCEPTION( logic_error,"Extra gauss point");
- myCoords.push_back( x );
- myCoords.push_back( y );
- myWeights.push_back( weight );
- }
- void TGaussDef::add(const double x, const double y, const double z, const double weight)
- {
- if ( dim() != 3 )
- EXCEPTION( logic_error,"dim() != 3");
- if ( myWeights.capacity() == myWeights.size() )
- EXCEPTION( logic_error,"Extra gauss point");
- myCoords.push_back( x );
- myCoords.push_back( y );
- myCoords.push_back( z );
- myWeights.push_back( weight );
- }
- void TGaussDef::setRefCoords(const TShapeFun& aShapeFun)
- {
- myRefCoords.reserve( aShapeFun.myRefCoord.size() );
- myRefCoords.assign( aShapeFun.myRefCoord.begin(),
- aShapeFun.myRefCoord.end() );
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- /*!
- * \brief Fill definition of gauss points family
- */
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- TGaussDef::TGaussDef(const int geom, const int nbGauss, const int variant)
- {
- myType = geom;
- myCoords .reserve( nbGauss * dim() );
- myWeights.reserve( nbGauss );
- switch ( geom ) {
- case eSEG2:
- case eSEG3:
- if (geom == eSEG2) setRefCoords( TSeg2a() );
- else setRefCoords( TSeg3a() );
- switch ( nbGauss ) {
- case 1: {
- add( 0.0, 2.0 ); break;
- }
- case 2: {
- const double a = 0.577350269189626;
- add( a, 1.0 );
- add( -a, 1.0 ); break;
- }
- case 3: {
- const double a = 0.774596669241;
- const double P1 = 1./1.8;
- const double P2 = 1./1.125;
- add( -a, P1 );
- add( 0, P2 );
- add( a, P1 ); break;
- }
- case 4: {
- const double a = 0.339981043584856, b = 0.861136311594053;
- const double P1 = 0.652145154862546, P2 = 0.347854845137454 ;
- add( a, P1 );
- add( -a, P1 );
- add( b, P2 );
- add( -b, P2 ); break;
- }
- default:
- EXCEPTION( logic_error,"Invalid nb of gauss points for SEG"<<nbGauss);
- }
- break;
- case eTRIA3:
- case eTRIA6:
- if ( variant == 1 ) {
- if (geom == eTRIA3) setRefCoords( TTria3b() );
- else setRefCoords( TTria6b() );
- switch ( nbGauss ) {
- case 1: { // FPG1
- add( 1/3., 1/3., 1/2. ); break;
- }
- case 3: { // FPG3
- // what about COT3 ???
- add( 1/6., 1/6., 1/6. );
- add( 2/3., 1/6., 1/6. );
- add( 1/6., 2/3., 1/6. ); break;
- }
- case 4: { // FPG4
- add( 1/5., 1/5., 25/(24*4.) );
- add( 3/5., 1/5., 25/(24*4.) );
- add( 1/5., 3/5., 25/(24*4.) );
- add( 1/3., 1/3., -27/(24*4.) ); break;
- }
- case 6: { // FPG6
- const double P1 = 0.11169079483905, P2 = 0.0549758718227661;
- const double a = 0.445948490915965, b = 0.091576213509771;
- add( b, b, P2 );
- add( 1-2*b, b, P2 );
- add( b, 1-2*b, P2 );
- add( a, 1-2*a, P1 );
- add( a, a, P1 );
- add( 1-2*a, a, P1 ); break;
- }
- case 7: { // FPG7
- const double A = 0.470142064105115;
- const double B = 0.101286507323456;
- const double P1 = 0.066197076394253;
- const double P2 = 0.062969590272413;
- add( 1/3., 1/3., 9/80. );
- add( A, A, P1 );
- add( 1-2*A, A, P1 );
- add( A, 1-2*A, P1 );
- add( B, B, P2 );
- add( 1-2*B, B, P2 );
- add( B, 1-2*B, P2 ); break;
- }
- case 12: { // FPG12
- const double A = 0.063089014491502;
- const double B = 0.249286745170910;
- const double C = 0.310352451033785;
- const double D = 0.053145049844816;
- const double P1 = 0.025422453185103;
- const double P2 = 0.058393137863189;
- const double P3 = 0.041425537809187;
- add( A, A, P1 );
- add( 1-2*A, A, P1 );
- add( A, 1-2*A, P1 );
- add( B, B, P2 );
- add( 1-2*B, B, P2 );
- add( B, 1-2*B, P2 );
- add( C, D, P3 );
- add( D, C, P3 );
- add( 1-C-D, C, P3 );
- add( 1-C-D, D, P3 );
- add( C, 1-C-D, P3 );
- add( D, 1-C-D, P3 ); break;
- }
- default:
- EXCEPTION( logic_error,"Invalid nb of gauss points for TRIA, variant 1: "
- <<nbGauss);
- }
- }
- else if ( variant == 2 ) {
- if (geom == eTRIA3) setRefCoords( TTria3a() );
- else setRefCoords( TTria6a() );
- switch ( nbGauss ) {
- case 1: {
- add( -1/3., -1/3., 2. ); break;
- }
- case 3: {
- add( -2/3., 1/3., 2/3. );
- add( -2/3., -2/3., 2/3. );
- add( 1/3., -2/3., 2/3. ); break;
- }
- case 6: {
- const double P1 = 0.11169079483905, P2 = 0.0549758718227661;
- const double A = 0.445948490915965, B = 0.091576213509771;
- add( 2*B-1, 1-4*B, 4*P2 );
- add( 2*B-1, 2*B-1, 4*P2 );
- add( 1-4*B, 2*B-1, 4*P2 );
- add( 1-4*A, 2*A-1, 4*P1 );
- add( 2*A-1, 1-4*A, 4*P1 );
- add( 2*A-1, 2*A-1, 4*P1 ); break;
- }
- default:
- EXCEPTION( logic_error,"Invalid nb of gauss points for TRIA, variant 2: "
- <<nbGauss);
- }
- }
- else if ( variant == 3 ) {
- if (geom == eTRIA3) setRefCoords( TTria3b() );
- else setRefCoords( TTria6b() );
- switch ( nbGauss ) {
- case 4: {
- add( 1/3., 1/3., -27/96 );
- add( 0.2 , 0.2 , 25/96 );
- add( 0.6 , 0.2 , 25/96 );
- add( 0.2 , 0.6 , 25/96 ); break;
- }
- default:
- EXCEPTION( logic_error,"Invalid nb of gauss points for TRIA, variant 3: "
- <<nbGauss);
- }
- }
- break;
- case eQUAD4:
- case eQUAD8:
- if ( variant == 1 ) {
- if (geom == eQUAD4) setRefCoords( TQuad4b() );
- else setRefCoords( TQuad8b() );
- switch ( nbGauss ) {
- case 1: { // FPG1
- add( 0, 0, 4 ); break;
- }
- case 4: { // FPG4
- const double a = 1/sqrt(3.);
- add( -a, -a, 1 );
- add( a, -a, 1 );
- add( a, a, 1 );
- add( -a, a, 1 ); break;
- }
- case 9: { // FPG9
- const double a = 0.774596669241483;
- add( -a, -a, 25/81. );
- add( a, -a, 25/81. );
- add( a, a, 25/81. );
- add( -a, a, 25/81. );
- add( 0., -a, 40/81. );
- add( a, 0., 40/81. );
- add( 0., a, 40/81. );
- add( -a, 0., 40/81. );
- add( 0., 0., 64/81. ); break;
- }
- default:
- EXCEPTION( logic_error,"Invalid nb of gauss points for QUAD, variant 1: "
- <<nbGauss);
- }
- }
- else if ( variant == 2 ) {
- if (geom == eQUAD4) setRefCoords( TQuad4a() );
- else setRefCoords( TQuad8a() );
- switch ( nbGauss ) {
- case 4: {
- const double a = 1/sqrt(3.);
- add( -a, a, 1 );
- add( -a, -a, 1 );
- add( a, -a, 1 );
- add( a, a, 1 ); break;
- }
- case 9: {
- const double a = 0.774596669241483;
- add( -a, a, 25/81. );
- add( -a, -a, 25/81. );
- add( a, -a, 25/81. );
- add( a, a, 25/81. );
- add( -a, 0., 40/81. );
- add( 0., -a, 40/81. );
- add( a, 0., 40/81. );
- add( 0., a, 40/81. );
- add( 0., 0., 64/81. ); break;
- }
- default:
- EXCEPTION( logic_error,"Invalid nb of gauss points for QUAD, variant 1: "
- <<nbGauss);
- }
- }
- else if ( variant == 3 ) {
- if (geom == eQUAD4) setRefCoords( TQuad4b() );
- else setRefCoords( TQuad8b() );
- switch ( nbGauss ) {
- case 4: {
- const double a = 3/sqrt(3.);
- add( -a, -a, 1 );
- add( -a, a, 1 );
- add( a, -a, 1 );
- add( a, a, 1 ); break;
- }
- case 9: {
- const double a = sqrt(3/5.), c1 = 5/9., c2 = 8/9.;
- const double c12 = c1*c2, c22 = c2*c2, c1c2 = c1*c2;
- add( -a, -a, c12 );
- add( -a, 0., c1c2 );
- add( -a, a, c12 );
- add( 0., -a, c1c2 );
- add( 0., 0., c22 );
- add( 0., a, c1c2 );
- add( a, -a, c12 );
- add( a, 0., c1c2 );
- add( a, a, c12 ); break;
- }
- default:
- EXCEPTION( logic_error,"Invalid nb of gauss points for QUAD, variant 3: "
- <<nbGauss);
- }
- }
- break;
- case eTETRA4:
- case eTETRA10:
- if (geom == eTETRA4) setRefCoords( TTetra4a() );
- else setRefCoords( TTetra10a() );
- switch ( nbGauss ) {
- case 4: { // FPG4
- const double a = (5 - sqrt(5.))/20., b = (5 + 3*sqrt(5.))/20.;
- add( a, a, a, 1/24. );
- add( a, a, b, 1/24. );
- add( a, b, a, 1/24. );
- add( b, a, a, 1/24. ); break;
- }
- case 5: { // FPG5
- const double a = 0.25, b = 1/6., c = 0.5;
- add( a, a, a, -2/15. );
- add( b, b, b, 3/40. );
- add( b, b, c, 3/40. );
- add( b, c, b, 3/40. );
- add( c, b, b, 3/40. ); break;
- }
- case 15: { // FPG15
- const double a = 0.25;
- const double b1 = (7 + sqrt(15.))/34., c1 = (13 + 3*sqrt(15.))/34., d = (5 - sqrt(15.))/20.;
- const double b2 = (7 - sqrt(15.))/34., c2 = (13 - 3*sqrt(15.))/34., e = (5 + sqrt(15.))/20.;
- const double P1 = (2665 - 14*sqrt(15.))/226800.;
- const double P2 = (2665 + 14*sqrt(15.))/226800.;
- add( a, a, a, 8/405.);//_____
- add( b1, b1, b1, P1 );
- add( b1, b1, c1, P1 );
- add( b1, c1, b1, P1 );
- add( c1, b1, b1, P1 );//_____
- add( b2, b2, b2, P2 );
- add( b2, b2, c2, P2 );
- add( b2, c2, b2, P2 );
- add( c2, b2, b2, P2 );//_____
- add( d, d, e, 5/567.);
- add( d, e, d, 5/567.);
- add( e, d, d, 5/567.);
- add( d, e, e, 5/567.);
- add( e, d, e, 5/567.);
- add( e, e, d, 5/567.);
- break;
- }
- default:
- EXCEPTION( logic_error,"Invalid nb of gauss points for TETRA: "<<nbGauss);
- }
- break;
- case ePYRA5:
- case ePYRA13:
- if (geom == ePYRA5) setRefCoords( TPyra5a() );
- else setRefCoords( TPyra13a() );
- switch ( nbGauss ) {
- case 5: { // FPG5
- const double h1 = 0.1531754163448146;
- const double h2 = 0.6372983346207416;
- add( .5, 0., h1, 2/15. );
- add( 0., .5, h1, 2/15. );
- add( -.5, 0., h1, 2/15. );
- add( 0., -.5, h1, 2/15. );
- add( 0., 0., h2, 2/15. ); break;
- }
- case 6: { // FPG6
- const double p1 = 0.1024890634400000 ;
- const double p2 = 0.1100000000000000 ;
- const double p3 = 0.1467104129066667 ;
- const double a = 0.5702963741068025 ;
- const double h1 = 0.1666666666666666 ;
- const double h2 = 0.08063183038464675;
- const double h3 = 0.6098484849057127 ;
- add( a, 0., h1, p1 );
- add( 0., a, h1, p1 );
- add( -a, 0., h1, p1 );
- add( 0., -a, h1, p1 );
- add( 0., 0., h2, p2 );
- add( 0., 0., h3, p3 ); break;
- }
- case 27: { // FPG27
- const double a1 = 0.788073483;
- const double b6 = 0.499369002;
- const double b1 = 0.848418011;
- const double c8 = 0.478508449;
- const double c1 = 0.652816472;
- const double d12 = 0.032303742;
- const double d1 = 1.106412899;
- double z = 1/2., fz = b1/2*(1 - z);
- add( 0., 0., z, a1 ); // 1
- add( fz, fz, z, b6 ); // 2
- add( -fz, fz, z, b6 ); // 3
- add( -fz, -fz, z, b6 ); // 4
- add( fz, -fz, z, b6 ); // 5
- z = (1 - b1)/2.;
- add( 0., 0., z, b6 ); // 6
- z = (1 + b1)/2.;
- add( 0., 0., z, b6 ); // 7
- z = (1 - c1)/2.; fz = c1*(1 - z);
- add( fz, 0., z, c8 ); // 8
- add( 0., fz, z, c8 ); // 9
- add( -fz, 0., z, c8 ); // 10
- add( 0., -fz, z, c8 ); // 11
- z = (1 + c1)/2.; fz = c1*(1 - z);
- add( fz, 0., z, c8 ); // 12
- add( 0., fz, z, c8 ); // 13
- add( -fz, 0., z, c8 ); // 14
- add( 0., -fz, z, c8 ); // 15
- z = (1 - d1)/2., fz = d1/2*(1 - z);
- add( fz, fz, z, d12); // 16
- add( -fz, fz, z, d12); // 17
- add( -fz, -fz, z, d12); // 18
- add( fz, -fz, z, d12); // 19
- z = 1/2.; fz = d1*(1 - z);
- add( fz, 0., z, d12); // 20
- add( 0., fz, z, d12); // 21
- add( -fz, 0., z, d12); // 22
- add( 0., -fz, z, d12); // 23
- z = (1 + d1)/2., fz = d1/2*(1 - z);
- add( fz, fz, z, d12); // 24
- add( -fz, fz, z, d12); // 25
- add( -fz, -fz, z, d12); // 26
- add( fz, -fz, z, d12); // 27
- break;
- }
- default:
- EXCEPTION( logic_error,"Invalid nb of gauss points for PYRA: "<<nbGauss);
- }
- break;
- case ePENTA6:
- case ePENTA15:
- if (geom == ePENTA6) setRefCoords( TPenta6a() );
- else setRefCoords( TPenta15a() );
- switch ( nbGauss ) {
- case 6: { // FPG6
- const double a = sqrt(3.)/3.;
- add( -a, .5, .5, 1/6. );
- add( -a, 0., .5, 1/6. );
- add( -a, .5, 0., 1/6. );
- add( a, .5, .5, 1/6. );
- add( a, 0., .5, 1/6. );
- add( a, .5, 0., 1/6. ); break;
- }
- case 8: { // FPG8
- const double a = 0.577350269189626;
- add( -a, 1/3., 1/3., -27/96. );
- add( -a, 0.6, 0.2, 25/96. );
- add( -a, 0.2, 0.6, 25/96. );
- add( -a, 0.2, 0.2, 25/96. );
- add( +a, 1/3., 1/3., -27/96. );
- add( +a, 0.6, 0.2, 25/96. );
- add( +a, 0.2, 0.6, 25/96. );
- add( +a, 0.2, 0.2, 25/96. ); break;
- }
- case 21: { // FPG21
- const double d = sqrt(3/5.), c1 = 5/9., c2 = 8/9.; // d <=> alfa
- const double a = (6 + sqrt(15.))/21.;
- const double b = (6 - sqrt(15.))/21.;
- const double P1 = (155 + sqrt(15.))/2400.;
- const double P2 = (155 - sqrt(15.))/2400.; //___
- add( -d, 1/3., 1/3., c1*9/80. );//___
- add( -d, a, a, c1*P1 );
- add( -d, 1-2*a, a, c1*P1 );
- add( -d, a, 1-2*a, c1*P1 );//___
- add( -d, b, b, c1*P2 );
- add( -d, 1-2*b, b, c1*P2 );
- add( -d, b, 1-2*b, c1*P2 );//___
- add( 0., 1/3., 1/3., c2*9/80. );//___
- add( 0., a, a, c2*P1 );
- add( 0., 1-2*a, a, c2*P1 );
- add( 0., a, 1-2*a, c2*P1 );//___
- add( 0., b, b, c2*P2 );
- add( 0., 1-2*b, b, c2*P2 );
- add( 0., b, 1-2*b, c2*P2 );//___
- add( d, 1/3., 1/3., c1*9/80. );//___
- add( d, a, a, c1*P1 );
- add( d, 1-2*a, a, c1*P1 );
- add( d, a, 1-2*a, c1*P1 );//___
- add( d, b, b, c1*P2 );
- add( d, 1-2*b, b, c1*P2 );
- add( d, b, 1-2*b, c1*P2 );//___
- break;
- }
- default:
- EXCEPTION( logic_error,"Invalid nb of gauss points for PENTA: " <<nbGauss);
- }
- break;
- case eHEXA8:
- case eHEXA20:
- if (geom == eHEXA8) setRefCoords( THexa8a() );
- else setRefCoords( THexa20a() );
- switch ( nbGauss ) {
- case 8: { // FPG8
- const double a = sqrt(3.)/3.;
- add( -a, -a, -a, 1. );
- add( -a, -a, a, 1. );
- add( -a, a, -a, 1. );
- add( -a, a, a, 1. );
- add( a, -a, -a, 1. );
- add( a, -a, a, 1. );
- add( a, a, -a, 1. );
- add( a, a, a, 1. ); break;
- }
- case 27: { // FPG27
- const double a = sqrt(3/5.), c1 = 5/9., c2 = 8/9.;
- const double c12 = c1*c1, c13 = c1*c1*c1;
- const double c22 = c2*c2, c23 = c2*c2*c2;
- add( -a, -a, -a, c13 ); // 1
- add( -a, -a, 0., c12*c2 ); // 2
- add( -a, -a, a, c13 ); // 3
- add( -a, 0., -a, c12*c2 ); // 4
- add( -a, 0., 0., c1*c22 ); // 5
- add( -a, 0., a, c12*c2 ); // 6
- add( -a, a, -a, c13 ); // 7
- add( -a, a, 0., c12*c2 ); // 8
- add( -a, a, a, c13 ); // 9
- add( 0., -a, -a, c12*c2 ); // 10
- add( 0., -a, 0., c1*c22 ); // 11
- add( 0., -a, a, c12*c2 ); // 12
- add( 0., 0., -a, c1*c22 ); // 13
- add( 0., 0., 0., c23 ); // 14
- add( 0., 0., a, c1*c22 ); // 15
- add( 0., a, -a, c12*c2 ); // 16
- add( 0., a, 0., c1*c22 ); // 17
- add( 0., a, a, c12*c2 ); // 18
- add( a, -a, -a, c13 ); // 19
- add( a, -a, 0., c12*c2 ); // 20
- add( a, -a, a, c13 ); // 21
- add( a, 0., -a, c12*c2 ); // 22
- add( a, 0., 0., c1*c22 ); // 23
- add( a, 0., a, c12*c2 ); // 24
- add( a, a, -a, c13 ); // 25
- add( a, a, 0., c12*c2 ); // 26
- add( a, a, a, c13 ); // 27
- break;
- }
- default:
- EXCEPTION( logic_error,"Invalid nb of gauss points for PENTA: " <<nbGauss);
- }
- break;
- default:
- EXCEPTION( logic_error,"unexpected EGeometrieElement: "<< geom);
- }
- if ( myWeights.capacity() != myWeights.size() )
- EXCEPTION( logic_error,"Not all gauss points defined");
- }
+++ /dev/null
-// Copyright (C) 2007-2013 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE
-// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-// version 2.1 of the License.
-// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// Lesser General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
-// File : MED_GaussDef.hxx
-// Module : MED
-// Author : Edward AGAPOV (eap)
-// $Header:
-#ifndef MED_GaussDef_HeaderFile
-#define MED_GaussDef_HeaderFile
-#include "MED_WrapperBase.hxx"
-//#include "MED_GaussUtils.hxx" <<<---- avoid dependence on boost
-#include <vector>
-namespace MED
- class TShapeFun;
- typedef std::vector<double> TDoubleVector;
- /*!
- * \brief Description of family of integration points
- */
- struct TGaussDef
- {
- int myType; //!< element geometry (EGeometrieElement or med_geometrie_element)
- TDoubleVector myRefCoords; //!< description of reference points
- TDoubleVector myCoords; //!< coordinates of Gauss points
- TDoubleVector myWeights; //!< weights, len(weights)==<nb of gauss points>
- /*!
- * \brief Creates definition of gauss points family
- * \param geomType - element geometry (EGeometrieElement or med_geometrie_element)
- * \param nbPoints - nb gauss point
- * \param variant - [1-3] to choose the variant of definition
- *
- * Throws in case of invalid parameters
- * variant == 1 refers to "Fonctions de forme et points d'integration
- * des elements finis" v7.4 by J. PELLET, X. DESROCHES, 15/09/05
- * variant == 2 refers to the same doc v6.4 by J.P. LEFEBVRE, X. DESROCHES, 03/07/03
- * variant == 3 refers to the same doc v6.4, second variant for 2D elements
- */
- MEDWRAPPER_EXPORT TGaussDef(const int geomType, const int nbPoints, const int variant=1);
- MEDWRAPPER_EXPORT int dim() const { return myType/100; }
- MEDWRAPPER_EXPORT int nbPoints() const { return myWeights.capacity(); }
- private:
- void add(const double x, const double weight);
- void add(const double x, const double y, const double weight);
- void add(const double x, const double y, const double z, const double weight);
- void setRefCoords(const TShapeFun& aShapeFun);
- };
+++ /dev/null
-// Copyright (C) 2007-2013 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE
-// Copyright (C) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
-// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-// version 2.1 of the License.
-// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// Lesser General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
-// File :
-// Author :
-// Module :
-// $Header$
-#include "MED_GaussUtils.hxx"
-#include "MED_Utilities.hxx"
-#ifdef _DEBUG_
-static int MYDEBUG = 0;
-static int MYVALUEDEBUG = 0;
-// static int MYDEBUG = 0;
-// static int MYVALUEDEBUG = 0;
-//#define _DEBUG_REF_COORDS_
-namespace MED
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- TGaussCoord
- ::TGaussCoord():
- TModeSwitchInfo(eFULL_INTERLACE),
- myNbElem(0),
- myNbGauss(0),
- myDim(0),
- myGaussStep(0)
- {
- }
- void
- TGaussCoord
- ::Init(TInt theNbElem,
- TInt theNbGauss,
- TInt theDim,
- EModeSwitch theMode)
- {
- myModeSwitch = theMode;
- myNbElem = theNbElem;
- myNbGauss = theNbGauss;
- myDim = theDim;
- myGaussStep = myNbGauss*myDim;
- myGaussCoord.resize(theNbElem*myGaussStep);
- }
- TInt
- TGaussCoord
- ::GetNbElem() const
- {
- return myNbElem;
- }
- TInt
- TGaussCoord
- ::GetNbGauss() const
- {
- return myNbGauss;
- }
- TInt
- TGaussCoord
- ::GetDim() const
- {
- return myDim;
- }
- unsigned char*
- TGaussCoord
- ::GetValuePtr()
- {
- return (unsigned char*)&(myGaussCoord[0]);
- }
- TCCoordSliceArr
- TGaussCoord
- ::GetCoordSliceArr(TInt theElemId) const
- {
- TCCoordSliceArr aCoordSliceArr(myNbGauss);
- if(GetModeSwitch() == eFULL_INTERLACE){
- TInt anId = theElemId*myGaussStep;
- for(TInt anGaussId = 0; anGaussId < myNbGauss; anGaussId++){
- aCoordSliceArr[anGaussId] =
- TCCoordSlice(myGaussCoord,std::slice(anId,myDim,1));
- anId += myDim;
- }
- }
- else{
- for(TInt anGaussId = 0; anGaussId < myNbGauss; anGaussId++){
- aCoordSliceArr[anGaussId] =
- TCCoordSlice(myGaussCoord,std::slice(theElemId,myDim,myGaussStep));
- }
- }
- return aCoordSliceArr;
- }
- TCoordSliceArr
- TGaussCoord
- ::GetCoordSliceArr(TInt theElemId)
- {
- TCoordSliceArr aCoordSliceArr(myNbGauss);
- if(GetModeSwitch() == eFULL_INTERLACE){
- TInt anId = theElemId*myGaussStep;
- for(TInt anGaussId = 0; anGaussId < myNbGauss; anGaussId++){
- aCoordSliceArr[anGaussId] =
- TCoordSlice(myGaussCoord,std::slice(anId,myDim,1));
- anId += myDim;
- }
- }
- else{
- for(TInt anGaussId = 0; anGaussId < myNbGauss; anGaussId++){
- aCoordSliceArr[anGaussId] =
- TCoordSlice(myGaussCoord,std::slice(theElemId,myDim,myGaussStep));
- }
- }
- return aCoordSliceArr;
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- inline
- bool
- IsEqual(TFloat theLeft, TFloat theRight)
- {
- static TFloat EPS = 1.0E-3;
- if(fabs(theLeft) + fabs(theRight) > EPS)
- return fabs(theLeft-theRight)/(fabs(theLeft)+fabs(theRight)) < EPS;
- return true;
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- class TShapeFun::TFun
- {
- TFloatVector myFun;
- TInt myNbRef;
- public:
- void
- Init(TInt theNbGauss,
- TInt theNbRef)
- {
- myFun.resize(theNbGauss*theNbRef);
- myNbRef = theNbRef;
- }
- TCFloatVecSlice
- GetFunSlice(TInt theGaussId) const
- {
- return TCFloatVecSlice(myFun,std::slice(theGaussId*myNbRef,myNbRef,1));
- }
- TFloatVecSlice
- GetFunSlice(TInt theGaussId)
- {
- return TFloatVecSlice(myFun,std::slice(theGaussId*myNbRef,myNbRef,1));
- }
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- TShapeFun::TShapeFun(TInt theDim, TInt theNbRef):
- myRefCoord(theNbRef*theDim),
- myDim(theDim),
- myNbRef(theNbRef)
- {}
- TCCoordSlice
- TShapeFun::GetCoord(TInt theRefId) const
- {
- return TCCoordSlice(myRefCoord,std::slice(theRefId*myDim,myDim,1));
- }
- TCoordSlice
- TShapeFun::GetCoord(TInt theRefId)
- {
- return TCoordSlice(myRefCoord,std::slice(theRefId*myDim,myDim,1));
- }
- void
- TShapeFun::GetFun(const TCCoordSliceArr& theRef,
- const TCCoordSliceArr& theGauss,
- TFun& theFun) const
- {
- TInt aNbRef = theRef.size();
- TInt aNbGauss = theGauss.size();
- theFun.Init(aNbGauss,aNbRef);
- }
- bool
- TShapeFun::IsSatisfy(const TCCoordSliceArr& theRefCoord) const
- {
- TInt aNbRef = theRefCoord.size();
- TInt aNbRef2 = GetNbRef();
- INITMSG(MYDEBUG,"TShapeFun::IsSatisfy "<<
- "- aNbRef("<<aNbRef<<")"<<
- "; aNbRef2("<<aNbRef2<<")\n");
- bool anIsSatisfy = (aNbRef == aNbRef2);
- if(anIsSatisfy){
- for(TInt aRefId = 0; aRefId < aNbRef; aRefId++){
- const TCCoordSlice& aCoord2 = theRefCoord[aRefId];
- TCCoordSlice aCoord = GetCoord(aRefId);
- TInt aDim = aCoord.size();
- bool anIsEqual = false;
- for(TInt anId = 0; anId < aDim; anId++){
- anIsEqual = IsEqual(aCoord[anId],aCoord2[anId]);
- if(!anIsEqual){
- anIsSatisfy = false;
- break;
- }
- }
- if(!anIsEqual){
-#ifdef _DEBUG_
- TCCoordSlice aCoord = GetCoord(aRefId);
- INITMSG(MYDEBUG,aRefId + 1<<": aCoord = {");
- TInt aDim = aCoord.size();
- for(TInt anId = 0; anId < aDim; anId++)
- ADDMSG(MYDEBUG,"\t"<<aCoord[anId]);
- const TCCoordSlice& aCoord2 = theRefCoord[aRefId];
- ADDMSG(MYDEBUG,"}\t!=\taCoord2 = {");
- for(TInt anId = 0; anId < aDim; anId++)
- ADDMSG(MYDEBUG,"\t"<<aCoord2[anId]);
-#ifndef _DEBUG_
- BEGMSG(MYDEBUG,"anIsSatisfy = "<<anIsSatisfy<<"\n");
- return anIsSatisfy;
- }
- }
- }
- BEGMSG(MYDEBUG,"anIsSatisfy = "<<anIsSatisfy<<"\n");
- return anIsSatisfy;
- }
- bool
- TShapeFun::Eval(const TCellInfo& theCellInfo,
- const TNodeInfo& theNodeInfo,
- const TElemNum& theElemNum,
- const TCCoordSliceArr& theRef,
- const TCCoordSliceArr& theGauss,
- TGaussCoord& theGaussCoord,
- EModeSwitch theMode)
- {
- INITMSG(MYDEBUG,"TShapeFun::Eval"<<std::endl);
- if(IsSatisfy(theRef)){
- const PMeshInfo& aMeshInfo = theCellInfo.GetMeshInfo();
- TInt aDim = aMeshInfo->GetDim();
- TInt aNbGauss = theGauss.size();
- bool anIsSubMesh = !theElemNum.empty();
- TInt aNbElem;
- if(anIsSubMesh)
- aNbElem = theElemNum.size();
- else
- aNbElem = theCellInfo.GetNbElem();
- theGaussCoord.Init(aNbElem,aNbGauss,aDim,theMode);
- TFun aFun;
- InitFun(theRef,theGauss,aFun);
- TInt aConnDim = theCellInfo.GetConnDim();
- INITMSG(MYDEBUG,"aDim = "<<aDim<<
- "; aNbGauss = "<<aNbGauss<<
- "; aNbElem = "<<aNbElem<<
- "; aNbNodes = "<<theNodeInfo.GetNbElem()<<
- std::endl);
- for(TInt anElemId = 0; anElemId < aNbElem; anElemId++){
- TInt aCellId = anIsSubMesh? theElemNum[anElemId]-1: anElemId;
- TCConnSlice aConnSlice = theCellInfo.GetConnSlice(aCellId);
- TCoordSliceArr aCoordSliceArr = theGaussCoord.GetCoordSliceArr(anElemId);
- for(TInt aGaussId = 0; aGaussId < aNbGauss; aGaussId++){
- TCoordSlice& aGaussCoordSlice = aCoordSliceArr[aGaussId];
- TCFloatVecSlice aFunSlice = aFun.GetFunSlice(aGaussId);
- for(TInt aConnId = 0; aConnId < aConnDim; aConnId++){
- TInt aNodeId = aConnSlice[aConnId] - 1;
- TCCoordSlice aNodeCoordSlice = theNodeInfo.GetCoordSlice(aNodeId);
- for(TInt aDimId = 0; aDimId < aDim; aDimId++){
- aGaussCoordSlice[aDimId] += aNodeCoordSlice[aDimId]*aFunSlice[aConnId];
- }
- }
- }
- }
-#ifdef _DEBUG_
- {
- for(TInt aGaussId = 0; aGaussId < aNbGauss; aGaussId++){
- TCCoordSlice aCoordSlice = theGauss[aGaussId];
- for(TInt aDimId = 0; aDimId < aDim; aDimId++){
- ADDMSG(MYVALUEDEBUG,aCoordSlice[aDimId]<<" ");
- }
- }
- }
- for(TInt anElemId = 0; anElemId < aNbElem; anElemId++){
- TCCoordSliceArr aCoordSliceArr = theGaussCoord.GetCoordSliceArr(anElemId);
- for(TInt aGaussId = 0; aGaussId < aNbGauss; aGaussId++){
- TCCoordSlice aCoordSlice = aCoordSliceArr[aGaussId];
- for(TInt aDimId = 0; aDimId < aDim; aDimId++){
- ADDMSG(MYVALUEDEBUG,aCoordSlice[aDimId]<<" ");
- }
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- TSeg2a::TSeg2a():TShapeFun(1,2)
- {
- TInt aNbRef = GetNbRef();
- for(TInt aRefId = 0; aRefId < aNbRef; aRefId++){
- TCoordSlice aCoord = GetCoord(aRefId);
- switch(aRefId){
- case 0: aCoord[0] = -1.0; break;
- case 1: aCoord[0] = 1.0; break;
- }
- }
- }
- void
- TSeg2a::InitFun(const TCCoordSliceArr& theRef,
- const TCCoordSliceArr& theGauss,
- TFun& theFun) const
- {
- GetFun(theRef,theGauss,theFun);
- TInt aNbGauss = theGauss.size();
- for(TInt aGaussId = 0; aGaussId < aNbGauss; aGaussId++){
- const TCCoordSlice& aCoord = theGauss[aGaussId];
- TFloatVecSlice aSlice = theFun.GetFunSlice(aGaussId);
- aSlice[0] = 0.5*(1.0 - aCoord[0]);
- aSlice[1] = 0.5*(1.0 + aCoord[0]);
- }
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- TSeg3a::TSeg3a():TShapeFun(1,3)
- {
- TInt aNbRef = GetNbRef();
- for(TInt aRefId = 0; aRefId < aNbRef; aRefId++){
- TCoordSlice aCoord = GetCoord(aRefId);
- switch(aRefId){
- case 0: aCoord[0] = -1.0; break;
- case 1: aCoord[0] = 1.0; break;
- case 2: aCoord[0] = 0.0; break;
- }
- }
- }
- void
- TSeg3a::InitFun(const TCCoordSliceArr& theRef,
- const TCCoordSliceArr& theGauss,
- TFun& theFun) const
- {
- GetFun(theRef,theGauss,theFun);
- TInt aNbGauss = theGauss.size();
- for(TInt aGaussId = 0; aGaussId < aNbGauss; aGaussId++){
- const TCCoordSlice& aCoord = theGauss[aGaussId];
- TFloatVecSlice aSlice = theFun.GetFunSlice(aGaussId);
- aSlice[0] = 0.5*(1.0 - aCoord[0])*aCoord[0];
- aSlice[1] = 0.5*(1.0 + aCoord[0])*aCoord[0];
- aSlice[2] = (1.0 + aCoord[0])*(1.0 - aCoord[0]);
- }
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- TTria3a::TTria3a():
- TShapeFun(2,3)
- {
- TInt aNbRef = GetNbRef();
- for(TInt aRefId = 0; aRefId < aNbRef; aRefId++){
- TCoordSlice aCoord = GetCoord(aRefId);
- switch(aRefId){
- case 0: aCoord[0] = -1.0; aCoord[1] = 1.0; break;
- case 1: aCoord[0] = -1.0; aCoord[1] = -1.0; break;
- case 2: aCoord[0] = 1.0; aCoord[1] = -1.0; break;
- }
- }
- }
- void
- TTria3a::InitFun(const TCCoordSliceArr& theRef,
- const TCCoordSliceArr& theGauss,
- TFun& theFun) const
- {
- GetFun(theRef,theGauss,theFun);
- TInt aNbGauss = theGauss.size();
- for(TInt aGaussId = 0; aGaussId < aNbGauss; aGaussId++){
- const TCCoordSlice& aCoord = theGauss[aGaussId];
- TFloatVecSlice aSlice = theFun.GetFunSlice(aGaussId);
- aSlice[0] = 0.5*(1.0 + aCoord[1]);
- aSlice[1] = -0.5*(aCoord[0] + aCoord[1]);
- aSlice[2] = 0.5*(1.0 + aCoord[0]);
- }
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- TTria6a::TTria6a():TShapeFun(2,6)
- {
- TInt aNbRef = GetNbRef();
- for(TInt aRefId = 0; aRefId < aNbRef; aRefId++){
- TCoordSlice aCoord = GetCoord(aRefId);
- switch(aRefId){
- case 0: aCoord[0] = -1.0; aCoord[1] = 1.0; break;
- case 1: aCoord[0] = -1.0; aCoord[1] = -1.0; break;
- case 2: aCoord[0] = 1.0; aCoord[1] = -1.0; break;
- case 3: aCoord[0] = -1.0; aCoord[1] = 1.0; break;
- case 4: aCoord[0] = 0.0; aCoord[1] = -1.0; break;
- case 5: aCoord[0] = 0.0; aCoord[1] = 0.0; break;
- }
- }
- }
- void
- TTria6a::InitFun(const TCCoordSliceArr& theRef,
- const TCCoordSliceArr& theGauss,
- TFun& theFun) const
- {
- GetFun(theRef,theGauss,theFun);
- TInt aNbGauss = theGauss.size();
- for(TInt aGaussId = 0; aGaussId < aNbGauss; aGaussId++){
- const TCCoordSlice& aCoord = theGauss[aGaussId];
- TFloatVecSlice aSlice = theFun.GetFunSlice(aGaussId);
- aSlice[0] = 0.5*(1.0 + aCoord[1])*aCoord[1];
- aSlice[1] = 0.5*(aCoord[0] + aCoord[1])*(aCoord[0] + aCoord[1] + 1);
- aSlice[2] = 0.5*(1.0 + aCoord[0])*aCoord[0];
- aSlice[3] = -1.0*(1.0 + aCoord[1])*(aCoord[0] + aCoord[1]);
- aSlice[4] = -1.0*(1.0 + aCoord[0])*(aCoord[0] + aCoord[1]);
- aSlice[5] = (1.0 + aCoord[1])*(1.0 + aCoord[1]);
- }
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- TTria3b::TTria3b():
- TShapeFun(2,3)
- {
- TInt aNbRef = GetNbRef();
- for(TInt aRefId = 0; aRefId < aNbRef; aRefId++){
- TCoordSlice aCoord = GetCoord(aRefId);
- switch(aRefId){
- case 0: aCoord[0] = 0.0; aCoord[1] = 0.0; break;
- case 1: aCoord[0] = 1.0; aCoord[1] = 0.0; break;
- case 2: aCoord[0] = 0.0; aCoord[1] = 1.0; break;
- }
- }
- }
- void
- TTria3b::InitFun(const TCCoordSliceArr& theRef,
- const TCCoordSliceArr& theGauss,
- TFun& theFun) const
- {
- GetFun(theRef,theGauss,theFun);
- TInt aNbGauss = theGauss.size();
- for(TInt aGaussId = 0; aGaussId < aNbGauss; aGaussId++){
- const TCCoordSlice& aCoord = theGauss[aGaussId];
- TFloatVecSlice aSlice = theFun.GetFunSlice(aGaussId);
- aSlice[0] = 1.0 - aCoord[0] - aCoord[1];
- aSlice[1] = aCoord[0];
- aSlice[2] = aCoord[1];
- }
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- TTria6b::TTria6b():
- TShapeFun(2,6)
- {
- TInt aNbRef = GetNbRef();
- for(TInt aRefId = 0; aRefId < aNbRef; aRefId++){
- TCoordSlice aCoord = GetCoord(aRefId);
- switch(aRefId){
- case 0: aCoord[0] = 0.0; aCoord[1] = 0.0; break;
- case 1: aCoord[0] = 1.0; aCoord[1] = 0.0; break;
- case 2: aCoord[0] = 0.0; aCoord[1] = 1.0; break;
- case 3: aCoord[0] = 0.5; aCoord[1] = 0.0; break;
- case 4: aCoord[0] = 0.5; aCoord[1] = 0.5; break;
- case 5: aCoord[0] = 0.0; aCoord[1] = 0.5; break;
- }
- }
- }
- void
- TTria6b::InitFun(const TCCoordSliceArr& theRef,
- const TCCoordSliceArr& theGauss,
- TFun& theFun) const
- {
- GetFun(theRef,theGauss,theFun);
- TInt aNbGauss = theGauss.size();
- for(TInt aGaussId = 0; aGaussId < aNbGauss; aGaussId++){
- const TCCoordSlice& aCoord = theGauss[aGaussId];
- TFloatVecSlice aSlice = theFun.GetFunSlice(aGaussId);
- aSlice[0] = (1.0 - aCoord[0] - aCoord[1])*(1.0 - 2.0*aCoord[0] - 2.0*aCoord[1]);
- aSlice[1] = aCoord[0]*(2.0*aCoord[0] - 1.0);
- aSlice[2] = aCoord[1]*(2.0*aCoord[1] - 1.0);
- aSlice[3] = 4.0*aCoord[0]*(1.0 - aCoord[0] - aCoord[1]);
- aSlice[4] = 4.0*aCoord[0]*aCoord[1];
- aSlice[5] = 4.0*aCoord[1]*(1.0 - aCoord[0] - aCoord[1]);
- }
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- TQuad4a::TQuad4a():
- TShapeFun(2,4)
- {
- TInt aNbRef = GetNbRef();
- for(TInt aRefId = 0; aRefId < aNbRef; aRefId++){
- TCoordSlice aCoord = GetCoord(aRefId);
- switch(aRefId){
- case 0: aCoord[0] = -1.0; aCoord[1] = 1.0; break;
- case 1: aCoord[0] = -1.0; aCoord[1] = -1.0; break;
- case 2: aCoord[0] = 1.0; aCoord[1] = -1.0; break;
- case 3: aCoord[0] = 1.0; aCoord[1] = 1.0; break;
- }
- }
- }
- void
- TQuad4a::InitFun(const TCCoordSliceArr& theRef,
- const TCCoordSliceArr& theGauss,
- TFun& theFun) const
- {
- GetFun(theRef,theGauss,theFun);
- TInt aNbGauss = theGauss.size();
- for(TInt aGaussId = 0; aGaussId < aNbGauss; aGaussId++){
- const TCCoordSlice& aCoord = theGauss[aGaussId];
- TFloatVecSlice aSlice = theFun.GetFunSlice(aGaussId);
- aSlice[0] = 0.25*(1.0 + aCoord[1])*(1.0 - aCoord[0]);
- aSlice[1] = 0.25*(1.0 - aCoord[1])*(1.0 - aCoord[0]);
- aSlice[2] = 0.25*(1.0 - aCoord[1])*(1.0 + aCoord[0]);
- aSlice[3] = 0.25*(1.0 + aCoord[0])*(1.0 + aCoord[1]);
- }
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- TQuad8a::TQuad8a():
- TShapeFun(2,8)
- {
- TInt aNbRef = GetNbRef();
- for(TInt aRefId = 0; aRefId < aNbRef; aRefId++){
- TCoordSlice aCoord = GetCoord(aRefId);
- switch(aRefId){
- case 0: aCoord[0] = -1.0; aCoord[1] = 1.0; break;
- case 1: aCoord[0] = -1.0; aCoord[1] = -1.0; break;
- case 2: aCoord[0] = 1.0; aCoord[1] = -1.0; break;
- case 3: aCoord[0] = 1.0; aCoord[1] = 1.0; break;
- case 4: aCoord[0] = -1.0; aCoord[1] = 0.0; break;
- case 5: aCoord[0] = 0.0; aCoord[1] = -1.0; break;
- case 6: aCoord[0] = 1.0; aCoord[1] = 0.0; break;
- case 7: aCoord[0] = 0.0; aCoord[1] = 1.0; break;
- }
- }
- }
- void
- TQuad8a::InitFun(const TCCoordSliceArr& theRef,
- const TCCoordSliceArr& theGauss,
- TFun& theFun) const
- {
- GetFun(theRef,theGauss,theFun);
- TInt aNbGauss = theGauss.size();
- for(TInt aGaussId = 0; aGaussId < aNbGauss; aGaussId++){
- const TCCoordSlice& aCoord = theGauss[aGaussId];
- TFloatVecSlice aSlice = theFun.GetFunSlice(aGaussId);
- aSlice[0] = 0.25*(1.0 + aCoord[1])*(1.0 - aCoord[0])*(aCoord[1] - aCoord[0] - 1.0);
- aSlice[1] = 0.25*(1.0 - aCoord[1])*(1.0 - aCoord[0])*(-aCoord[1] - aCoord[0] - 1.0);
- aSlice[2] = 0.25*(1.0 - aCoord[1])*(1.0 + aCoord[0])*(-aCoord[1] + aCoord[0] - 1.0);
- aSlice[3] = 0.25*(1.0 + aCoord[1])*(1.0 + aCoord[0])*(aCoord[1] + aCoord[0] - 1.0);
- aSlice[4] = 0.5*(1.0 - aCoord[0])*(1.0 - aCoord[1])*(1.0 + aCoord[1]);
- aSlice[5] = 0.5*(1.0 - aCoord[1])*(1.0 - aCoord[0])*(1.0 + aCoord[0]);
- aSlice[6] = 0.5*(1.0 + aCoord[0])*(1.0 - aCoord[1])*(1.0 + aCoord[1]);
- aSlice[7] = 0.5*(1.0 + aCoord[1])*(1.0 - aCoord[0])*(1.0 + aCoord[0]);
- }
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- TQuad9a::TQuad9a():
- TShapeFun(2,9)
- {
- TInt aNbRef = GetNbRef();
- for(TInt aRefId = 0; aRefId < aNbRef; aRefId++){
- TCoordSlice aCoord = GetCoord(aRefId);
- switch(aRefId){
- case 0: aCoord[0] = -1.0; aCoord[1] = 1.0; break;
- case 1: aCoord[0] = -1.0; aCoord[1] = -1.0; break;
- case 2: aCoord[0] = 1.0; aCoord[1] = -1.0; break;
- case 3: aCoord[0] = 1.0; aCoord[1] = 1.0; break;
- case 4: aCoord[0] = -1.0; aCoord[1] = 0.0; break;
- case 5: aCoord[0] = 0.0; aCoord[1] = -1.0; break;
- case 6: aCoord[0] = 1.0; aCoord[1] = 0.0; break;
- case 7: aCoord[0] = 0.0; aCoord[1] = 1.0; break;
- case 8: aCoord[0] = 0.0; aCoord[1] = 0.0; break;
- }
- }
- }
- void
- TQuad9a::InitFun(const TCCoordSliceArr& theRef,
- const TCCoordSliceArr& theGauss,
- TFun& theFun) const
- {
- GetFun(theRef,theGauss,theFun);
- TInt aNbGauss = theGauss.size();
- for(TInt aGaussId = 0; aGaussId < aNbGauss; aGaussId++){
- const TCCoordSlice& aCoord = theGauss[aGaussId];
- TFloatVecSlice aSlice = theFun.GetFunSlice(aGaussId);
- aSlice[0] = 0.25*aCoord[0]*aCoord[1]*(aCoord[0] + 1.0)*(aCoord[1] - 1.0);
- aSlice[1] = 0.25*aCoord[0]*aCoord[1]*(aCoord[0] + 1.0)*(aCoord[1] + 1.0);
- aSlice[2] = 0.25*aCoord[0]*aCoord[1]*(aCoord[0] - 1.0)*(aCoord[1] + 1.0);
- aSlice[3] = 0.25*aCoord[0]*aCoord[1]*(aCoord[0] - 1.0)*(aCoord[1] - 1.0);
- aSlice[4] = 0.5*aCoord[0]*(aCoord[0] + 1.0)*(1.0 - aCoord[1]*aCoord[1]);
- aSlice[5] = 0.5*(1.0 - aCoord[0]*aCoord[0])*aCoord[1]*(aCoord[1] + 1.0);
- aSlice[6] = 0.5*aCoord[0]*(aCoord[0] - 1.0)*(1.0 - aCoord[1]*aCoord[1]);
- aSlice[7] = 0.5*(1.0 - aCoord[0]*aCoord[0])*aCoord[1]*(aCoord[1] - 1.0);
- aSlice[8] = (1.0 - aCoord[0]*aCoord[0])*(1.0 - aCoord[1]*aCoord[1]);
- }
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- TQuad4b::TQuad4b():
- TShapeFun(2,4)
- {
- TInt aNbRef = GetNbRef();
- for(TInt aRefId = 0; aRefId < aNbRef; aRefId++){
- TCoordSlice aCoord = GetCoord(aRefId);
- switch(aRefId){
- case 0: aCoord[0] = -1.0; aCoord[1] = -1.0; break;
- case 1: aCoord[0] = 1.0; aCoord[1] = -1.0; break;
- case 2: aCoord[0] = 1.0; aCoord[1] = 1.0; break;
- case 3: aCoord[0] = -1.0; aCoord[1] = 1.0; break;
- }
- }
- }
- void
- TQuad4b::InitFun(const TCCoordSliceArr& theRef,
- const TCCoordSliceArr& theGauss,
- TFun& theFun) const
- {
- GetFun(theRef,theGauss,theFun);
- TInt aNbGauss = theGauss.size();
- for(TInt aGaussId = 0; aGaussId < aNbGauss; aGaussId++){
- const TCCoordSlice& aCoord = theGauss[aGaussId];
- TFloatVecSlice aSlice = theFun.GetFunSlice(aGaussId);
- aSlice[0] = 0.25*(1.0 - aCoord[0])*(1.0 - aCoord[1]);
- aSlice[1] = 0.25*(1.0 + aCoord[0])*(1.0 - aCoord[1]);
- aSlice[2] = 0.25*(1.0 + aCoord[0])*(1.0 + aCoord[1]);
- aSlice[3] = 0.25*(1.0 - aCoord[0])*(1.0 + aCoord[1]);
- }
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- TQuad8b::TQuad8b():
- TShapeFun(2,8)
- {
- TInt aNbRef = GetNbRef();
- for(TInt aRefId = 0; aRefId < aNbRef; aRefId++){
- TCoordSlice aCoord = GetCoord(aRefId);
- switch(aRefId){
- case 0: aCoord[0] = -1.0; aCoord[1] = -1.0; break;
- case 1: aCoord[0] = 1.0; aCoord[1] = -1.0; break;
- case 2: aCoord[0] = 1.0; aCoord[1] = 1.0; break;
- case 3: aCoord[0] = -1.0; aCoord[1] = 1.0; break;
- case 4: aCoord[0] = 0.0; aCoord[1] = -1.0; break;
- case 5: aCoord[0] = 1.0; aCoord[1] = 0.0; break;
- case 6: aCoord[0] = 0.0; aCoord[1] = 1.0; break;
- case 7: aCoord[0] = -1.0; aCoord[1] = 0.0; break;
- }
- }
- }
- void
- TQuad8b::InitFun(const TCCoordSliceArr& theRef,
- const TCCoordSliceArr& theGauss,
- TFun& theFun) const
- {
- GetFun(theRef,theGauss,theFun);
- TInt aNbGauss = theGauss.size();
- for(TInt aGaussId = 0; aGaussId < aNbGauss; aGaussId++){
- const TCCoordSlice& aCoord = theGauss[aGaussId];
- TFloatVecSlice aSlice = theFun.GetFunSlice(aGaussId);
- aSlice[0] = 0.25*(1.0 - aCoord[0])*(1.0 - aCoord[1])*(-1.0 - aCoord[0] - aCoord[1]);
- aSlice[1] = 0.25*(1.0 + aCoord[0])*(1.0 - aCoord[1])*(-1.0 + aCoord[0] - aCoord[1]);
- aSlice[2] = 0.25*(1.0 + aCoord[0])*(1.0 + aCoord[1])*(-1.0 + aCoord[0] + aCoord[1]);
- aSlice[3] = 0.25*(1.0 - aCoord[0])*(1.0 + aCoord[1])*(-1.0 - aCoord[0] + aCoord[1]);
- aSlice[4] = 0.5*(1.0 - aCoord[0]*aCoord[0])*(1.0 - aCoord[1]);
- aSlice[5] = 0.5*(1.0 - aCoord[1]*aCoord[1])*(1.0 + aCoord[0]);
- aSlice[6] = 0.5*(1.0 - aCoord[0]*aCoord[0])*(1.0 + aCoord[1]);
- aSlice[7] = 0.5*(1.0 - aCoord[1]*aCoord[1])*(1.0 - aCoord[0]);
- //aSlice[4] = 0.5*(1.0 - aCoord[0])*(1.0 - aCoord[0])*(1.0 - aCoord[1]);
- //aSlice[5] = 0.5*(1.0 + aCoord[0])*(1.0 - aCoord[1])*(1.0 - aCoord[1]);
- //aSlice[6] = 0.5*(1.0 - aCoord[0])*(1.0 - aCoord[0])*(1.0 + aCoord[1]);
- //aSlice[7] = 0.5*(1.0 - aCoord[0])*(1.0 - aCoord[1])*(1.0 - aCoord[1]);
- }
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- TQuad9b::TQuad9b():
- TShapeFun(2,9)
- {
- TInt aNbRef = GetNbRef();
- for(TInt aRefId = 0; aRefId < aNbRef; aRefId++){
- TCoordSlice aCoord = GetCoord(aRefId);
- switch(aRefId){
- case 0: aCoord[0] = -1.0; aCoord[1] = -1.0; break;
- case 1: aCoord[0] = 1.0; aCoord[1] = -1.0; break;
- case 2: aCoord[0] = 1.0; aCoord[1] = 1.0; break;
- case 3: aCoord[0] = -1.0; aCoord[1] = 1.0; break;
- case 4: aCoord[0] = 0.0; aCoord[1] = -1.0; break;
- case 5: aCoord[0] = 1.0; aCoord[1] = 0.0; break;
- case 6: aCoord[0] = 0.0; aCoord[1] = 1.0; break;
- case 7: aCoord[0] = -1.0; aCoord[1] = 0.0; break;
- case 8: aCoord[0] = 0.0; aCoord[1] = 0.0; break;
- }
- }
- }
- void
- TQuad9b::InitFun(const TCCoordSliceArr& theRef,
- const TCCoordSliceArr& theGauss,
- TFun& theFun) const
- {
- GetFun(theRef,theGauss,theFun);
- TInt aNbGauss = theGauss.size();
- for(TInt aGaussId = 0; aGaussId < aNbGauss; aGaussId++){
- const TCCoordSlice& aCoord = theGauss[aGaussId];
- TFloatVecSlice aSlice = theFun.GetFunSlice(aGaussId);
- aSlice[0] = 0.25*aCoord[0]*aCoord[1]*(aCoord[0] - 1.0)*(aCoord[1] - 1.0);
- aSlice[1] = 0.25*aCoord[0]*aCoord[1]*(aCoord[0] + 1.0)*(aCoord[1] - 1.0);
- aSlice[2] = 0.25*aCoord[0]*aCoord[1]*(aCoord[0] + 1.0)*(aCoord[1] + 1.0);
- aSlice[3] = 0.25*aCoord[0]*aCoord[1]*(aCoord[0] - 1.0)*(aCoord[1] + 1.0);
- aSlice[4] = 0.5*(1.0 - aCoord[0]*aCoord[0])*aCoord[1]*(aCoord[1] - 1.0);
- aSlice[5] = 0.5*aCoord[0]*(aCoord[0] + 1.0)*(1.0 - aCoord[1]*aCoord[1]);
- aSlice[6] = 0.5*(1.0 - aCoord[0]*aCoord[0])*aCoord[1]*(aCoord[1] + 1.0);
- aSlice[7] = 0.5*aCoord[0]*(aCoord[0] - 1.0)*(1.0 - aCoord[1]*aCoord[1]);
- aSlice[8] = (1.0 - aCoord[0]*aCoord[0])*(1.0 - aCoord[1]*aCoord[1]);
- }
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- TTetra4a::TTetra4a():
- TShapeFun(3,4)
- {
- TInt aNbRef = GetNbRef();
- for(TInt aRefId = 0; aRefId < aNbRef; aRefId++){
- TCoordSlice aCoord = GetCoord(aRefId);
- switch(aRefId){
- case 0: aCoord[0] = 0.0; aCoord[1] = 1.0; aCoord[2] = 0.0; break;
- case 1: aCoord[0] = 0.0; aCoord[1] = 0.0; aCoord[2] = 1.0; break;
- case 2: aCoord[0] = 0.0; aCoord[1] = 0.0; aCoord[2] = 0.0; break;
- case 3: aCoord[0] = 1.0; aCoord[1] = 0.0; aCoord[2] = 0.0; break;
- }
- }
- }
- void
- TTetra4a::InitFun(const TCCoordSliceArr& theRef,
- const TCCoordSliceArr& theGauss,
- TFun& theFun) const
- {
- GetFun(theRef,theGauss,theFun);
- TInt aNbGauss = theGauss.size();
- for(TInt aGaussId = 0; aGaussId < aNbGauss; aGaussId++){
- const TCCoordSlice& aCoord = theGauss[aGaussId];
- TFloatVecSlice aSlice = theFun.GetFunSlice(aGaussId);
- aSlice[0] = aCoord[1];
- aSlice[1] = aCoord[2];
- aSlice[2] = 1.0 - aCoord[0] - aCoord[1] - aCoord[2];
- aSlice[3] = aCoord[0];
- }
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- TTetra10a::TTetra10a():
- TShapeFun(3,10)
- {
- TInt aNbRef = GetNbRef();
- for(TInt aRefId = 0; aRefId < aNbRef; aRefId++){
- TCoordSlice aCoord = GetCoord(aRefId);
- switch(aRefId){
- case 0: aCoord[0] = 0.0; aCoord[1] = 1.0; aCoord[2] = 0.0; break;
- case 1: aCoord[0] = 0.0; aCoord[1] = 0.0; aCoord[2] = 1.0; break;
- case 2: aCoord[0] = 0.0; aCoord[1] = 0.0; aCoord[2] = 0.0; break;
- case 3: aCoord[0] = 1.0; aCoord[1] = 0.0; aCoord[2] = 0.0; break;
- case 4: aCoord[0] = 0.0; aCoord[1] = 0.5; aCoord[2] = 0.5; break;
- case 5: aCoord[0] = 0.0; aCoord[1] = 0.0; aCoord[2] = 0.5; break;
- case 6: aCoord[0] = 0.0; aCoord[1] = 0.5; aCoord[2] = 0.0; break;
- case 7: aCoord[0] = 0.5; aCoord[1] = 0.5; aCoord[2] = 0.0; break;
- case 8: aCoord[0] = 0.5; aCoord[1] = 0.0; aCoord[2] = 0.5; break;
- case 9: aCoord[0] = 0.5; aCoord[1] = 0.0; aCoord[2] = 0.0; break;
- }
- }
- }
- void
- TTetra10a::InitFun(const TCCoordSliceArr& theRef,
- const TCCoordSliceArr& theGauss,
- TFun& theFun) const
- {
- GetFun(theRef,theGauss,theFun);
- TInt aNbGauss = theGauss.size();
- for(TInt aGaussId = 0; aGaussId < aNbGauss; aGaussId++){
- const TCCoordSlice& aCoord = theGauss[aGaussId];
- TFloatVecSlice aSlice = theFun.GetFunSlice(aGaussId);
- aSlice[0] = aCoord[1]*(2.0*aCoord[1] - 1.0);
- aSlice[1] = aCoord[2]*(2.0*aCoord[2] - 1.0);
- aSlice[2] = (1.0 - aCoord[0] - aCoord[1] - aCoord[2])*(1.0 - 2.0*aCoord[0] - 2.0*aCoord[1] - 2.0*aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[3] = aCoord[0]*(2.0*aCoord[0] - 1.0);
- aSlice[4] = 4.0*aCoord[1]*aCoord[2];
- aSlice[5] = 4.0*aCoord[2]*(1.0 - aCoord[0] - aCoord[1] - aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[6] = 4.0*aCoord[1]*(1.0 - aCoord[0] - aCoord[1] - aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[7] = 4.0*aCoord[0]*aCoord[1];
- aSlice[8] = 4.0*aCoord[0]*aCoord[2];
- aSlice[9] = 4.0*aCoord[0]*(1.0 - aCoord[0] - aCoord[1] - aCoord[2]);
- }
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- TTetra4b::TTetra4b():
- TShapeFun(3,4)
- {
- TInt aNbRef = GetNbRef();
- for(TInt aRefId = 0; aRefId < aNbRef; aRefId++){
- TCoordSlice aCoord = GetCoord(aRefId);
- switch(aRefId){
- case 0: aCoord[0] = 0.0; aCoord[1] = 1.0; aCoord[2] = 0.0; break;
- case 2: aCoord[0] = 0.0; aCoord[1] = 0.0; aCoord[2] = 1.0; break;
- case 1: aCoord[0] = 0.0; aCoord[1] = 0.0; aCoord[2] = 0.0; break;
- case 3: aCoord[0] = 1.0; aCoord[1] = 0.0; aCoord[2] = 0.0; break;
- }
- }
- }
- void
- TTetra4b::InitFun(const TCCoordSliceArr& theRef,
- const TCCoordSliceArr& theGauss,
- TFun& theFun) const
- {
- GetFun(theRef,theGauss,theFun);
- TInt aNbGauss = theGauss.size();
- for(TInt aGaussId = 0; aGaussId < aNbGauss; aGaussId++){
- const TCCoordSlice& aCoord = theGauss[aGaussId];
- TFloatVecSlice aSlice = theFun.GetFunSlice(aGaussId);
- aSlice[0] = aCoord[1];
- aSlice[2] = aCoord[2];
- aSlice[1] = 1.0 - aCoord[0] - aCoord[1] - aCoord[2];
- aSlice[3] = aCoord[0];
- }
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- TTetra10b::TTetra10b():
- TShapeFun(3,10)
- {
- TInt aNbRef = GetNbRef();
- for(TInt aRefId = 0; aRefId < aNbRef; aRefId++){
- TCoordSlice aCoord = GetCoord(aRefId);
- switch(aRefId){
- case 0: aCoord[0] = 0.0; aCoord[1] = 1.0; aCoord[2] = 0.0; break;
- case 2: aCoord[0] = 0.0; aCoord[1] = 0.0; aCoord[2] = 1.0; break;
- case 1: aCoord[0] = 0.0; aCoord[1] = 0.0; aCoord[2] = 0.0; break;
- case 3: aCoord[0] = 1.0; aCoord[1] = 0.0; aCoord[2] = 0.0; break;
- case 6: aCoord[0] = 0.0; aCoord[1] = 0.5; aCoord[2] = 0.5; break;
- case 5: aCoord[0] = 0.0; aCoord[1] = 0.0; aCoord[2] = 0.5; break;
- case 4: aCoord[0] = 0.0; aCoord[1] = 0.5; aCoord[2] = 0.0; break;
- case 7: aCoord[0] = 0.5; aCoord[1] = 0.5; aCoord[2] = 0.0; break;
- case 9: aCoord[0] = 0.5; aCoord[1] = 0.0; aCoord[2] = 0.5; break;
- case 8: aCoord[0] = 0.5; aCoord[1] = 0.0; aCoord[2] = 0.0; break;
- }
- }
- }
- void
- TTetra10b::InitFun(const TCCoordSliceArr& theRef,
- const TCCoordSliceArr& theGauss,
- TFun& theFun) const
- {
- GetFun(theRef,theGauss,theFun);
- TInt aNbGauss = theGauss.size();
- for(TInt aGaussId = 0; aGaussId < aNbGauss; aGaussId++){
- const TCCoordSlice& aCoord = theGauss[aGaussId];
- TFloatVecSlice aSlice = theFun.GetFunSlice(aGaussId);
- aSlice[0] = aCoord[1]*(2.0*aCoord[1] - 1.0);
- aSlice[2] = aCoord[2]*(2.0*aCoord[2] - 1.0);
- aSlice[1] = (1.0 - aCoord[0] - aCoord[1] - aCoord[2])*(1.0 - 2.0*aCoord[0] - 2.0*aCoord[1] - 2.0*aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[3] = aCoord[0]*(2.0*aCoord[0] - 1.0);
- aSlice[6] = 4.0*aCoord[1]*aCoord[2];
- aSlice[5] = 4.0*aCoord[2]*(1.0 - aCoord[0] - aCoord[1] - aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[4] = 4.0*aCoord[1]*(1.0 - aCoord[0] - aCoord[1] - aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[7] = 4.0*aCoord[0]*aCoord[1];
- aSlice[9] = 4.0*aCoord[0]*aCoord[2];
- aSlice[8] = 4.0*aCoord[0]*(1.0 - aCoord[0] - aCoord[1] - aCoord[2]);
- }
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- THexa8a::THexa8a():
- TShapeFun(3,8)
- {
- TInt aNbRef = GetNbRef();
- for(TInt aRefId = 0; aRefId < aNbRef; aRefId++){
- TCoordSlice aCoord = GetCoord(aRefId);
- switch(aRefId){
- case 0: aCoord[0] = -1.0; aCoord[1] = -1.0; aCoord[2] = -1.0; break;
- case 1: aCoord[0] = 1.0; aCoord[1] = -1.0; aCoord[2] = -1.0; break;
- case 2: aCoord[0] = 1.0; aCoord[1] = 1.0; aCoord[2] = -1.0; break;
- case 3: aCoord[0] = -1.0; aCoord[1] = 1.0; aCoord[2] = -1.0; break;
- case 4: aCoord[0] = -1.0; aCoord[1] = -1.0; aCoord[2] = 1.0; break;
- case 5: aCoord[0] = 1.0; aCoord[1] = -1.0; aCoord[2] = 1.0; break;
- case 6: aCoord[0] = 1.0; aCoord[1] = 1.0; aCoord[2] = 1.0; break;
- case 7: aCoord[0] = -1.0; aCoord[1] = 1.0; aCoord[2] = 1.0; break;
- }
- }
- }
- void
- THexa8a::InitFun(const TCCoordSliceArr& theRef,
- const TCCoordSliceArr& theGauss,
- TFun& theFun) const
- {
- GetFun(theRef,theGauss,theFun);
- TInt aNbGauss = theGauss.size();
- for(TInt aGaussId = 0; aGaussId < aNbGauss; aGaussId++){
- const TCCoordSlice& aCoord = theGauss[aGaussId];
- TFloatVecSlice aSlice = theFun.GetFunSlice(aGaussId);
- aSlice[0] = 0.125*(1.0 - aCoord[0])*(1.0 - aCoord[1])*(1.0 - aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[1] = 0.125*(1.0 + aCoord[0])*(1.0 - aCoord[1])*(1.0 - aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[2] = 0.125*(1.0 + aCoord[0])*(1.0 + aCoord[1])*(1.0 - aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[3] = 0.125*(1.0 - aCoord[0])*(1.0 + aCoord[1])*(1.0 - aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[4] = 0.125*(1.0 - aCoord[0])*(1.0 - aCoord[1])*(1.0 + aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[5] = 0.125*(1.0 + aCoord[0])*(1.0 - aCoord[1])*(1.0 + aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[6] = 0.125*(1.0 + aCoord[0])*(1.0 + aCoord[1])*(1.0 + aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[7] = 0.125*(1.0 - aCoord[0])*(1.0 + aCoord[1])*(1.0 + aCoord[2]);
- }
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- THexa20a::THexa20a(TInt theDim, TInt theNbRef):
- TShapeFun(theDim,theNbRef)
- {
- TInt aNbRef = myRefCoord.size();
- for(TInt aRefId = 0; aRefId < aNbRef; aRefId++){
- TCoordSlice aCoord = GetCoord(aRefId);
- switch(aRefId){
- case 0: aCoord[0] = -1.0; aCoord[1] = -1.0; aCoord[2] = -1.0; break;
- case 1: aCoord[0] = 1.0; aCoord[1] = -1.0; aCoord[2] = -1.0; break;
- case 2: aCoord[0] = 1.0; aCoord[1] = 1.0; aCoord[2] = -1.0; break;
- case 3: aCoord[0] = -1.0; aCoord[1] = 1.0; aCoord[2] = -1.0; break;
- case 4: aCoord[0] = -1.0; aCoord[1] = -1.0; aCoord[2] = 1.0; break;
- case 5: aCoord[0] = 1.0; aCoord[1] = -1.0; aCoord[2] = 1.0; break;
- case 6: aCoord[0] = 1.0; aCoord[1] = 1.0; aCoord[2] = 1.0; break;
- case 7: aCoord[0] = -1.0; aCoord[1] = 1.0; aCoord[2] = 1.0; break;
- case 8: aCoord[0] = 0.0; aCoord[1] = -1.0; aCoord[2] = -1.0; break;
- case 9: aCoord[0] = 1.0; aCoord[1] = 0.0; aCoord[2] = -1.0; break;
- case 10: aCoord[0] = 0.0; aCoord[1] = 1.0; aCoord[2] = -1.0; break;
- case 11: aCoord[0] = -1.0; aCoord[1] = 0.0; aCoord[2] = -1.0; break;
- case 12: aCoord[0] = -1.0; aCoord[1] = -1.0; aCoord[2] = 0.0; break;
- case 13: aCoord[0] = 1.0; aCoord[1] = -1.0; aCoord[2] = 0.0; break;
- case 14: aCoord[0] = 1.0; aCoord[1] = 1.0; aCoord[2] = 0.0; break;
- case 15: aCoord[0] = -1.0; aCoord[1] = 1.0; aCoord[2] = 0.0; break;
- case 16: aCoord[0] = 0.0; aCoord[1] = -1.0; aCoord[2] = 1.0; break;
- case 17: aCoord[0] = 1.0; aCoord[1] = 0.0; aCoord[2] = 1.0; break;
- case 18: aCoord[0] = 0.0; aCoord[1] = 1.0; aCoord[2] = 1.0; break;
- case 19: aCoord[0] = -1.0; aCoord[1] = 0.0; aCoord[2] = 1.0; break;
- }
- }
- }
- void
- THexa20a::InitFun(const TCCoordSliceArr& theRef,
- const TCCoordSliceArr& theGauss,
- TFun& theFun) const
- {
- GetFun(theRef,theGauss,theFun);
- TInt aNbGauss = theGauss.size();
- for(TInt aGaussId = 0; aGaussId < aNbGauss; aGaussId++){
- const TCCoordSlice& aCoord = theGauss[aGaussId];
- TFloatVecSlice aSlice = theFun.GetFunSlice(aGaussId);
- aSlice[0] = 0.125*(1.0 - aCoord[0])*(1.0 - aCoord[1])*(1.0 - aCoord[2])*
- (-2.0 - aCoord[0] - aCoord[1] - aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[1] = 0.125*(1.0 + aCoord[0])*(1.0 - aCoord[1])*(1.0 - aCoord[2])*
- (-2.0 + aCoord[0] - aCoord[1] - aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[2] = 0.125*(1.0 + aCoord[0])*(1.0 + aCoord[1])*(1.0 - aCoord[2])*
- (-2.0 + aCoord[0] + aCoord[1] - aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[3] = 0.125*(1.0 - aCoord[0])*(1.0 + aCoord[1])*(1.0 - aCoord[2])*
- (-2.0 - aCoord[0] + aCoord[1] - aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[4] = 0.125*(1.0 - aCoord[0])*(1.0 - aCoord[1])*(1.0 + aCoord[2])*
- (-2.0 - aCoord[0] - aCoord[1] + aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[5] = 0.125*(1.0 + aCoord[0])*(1.0 - aCoord[1])*(1.0 + aCoord[2])*
- (-2.0 + aCoord[0] - aCoord[1] + aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[6] = 0.125*(1.0 + aCoord[0])*(1.0 + aCoord[1])*(1.0 + aCoord[2])*
- (-2.0 + aCoord[0] + aCoord[1] + aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[7] = 0.125*(1.0 - aCoord[0])*(1.0 + aCoord[1])*(1.0 + aCoord[2])*
- (-2.0 - aCoord[0] + aCoord[1] + aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[8] = 0.25*(1.0 - aCoord[0]*aCoord[0])*(1.0 - aCoord[1])*(1.0 - aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[9] = 0.25*(1.0 - aCoord[1]*aCoord[1])*(1.0 + aCoord[0])*(1.0 - aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[10] = 0.25*(1.0 - aCoord[0]*aCoord[0])*(1.0 + aCoord[1])*(1.0 - aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[11] = 0.25*(1.0 - aCoord[1]*aCoord[1])*(1.0 - aCoord[0])*(1.0 - aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[12] = 0.25*(1.0 - aCoord[2]*aCoord[2])*(1.0 - aCoord[0])*(1.0 - aCoord[1]);
- aSlice[13] = 0.25*(1.0 - aCoord[2]*aCoord[2])*(1.0 + aCoord[0])*(1.0 - aCoord[1]);
- aSlice[14] = 0.25*(1.0 - aCoord[2]*aCoord[2])*(1.0 + aCoord[0])*(1.0 + aCoord[1]);
- aSlice[15] = 0.25*(1.0 - aCoord[2]*aCoord[2])*(1.0 - aCoord[0])*(1.0 + aCoord[1]);
- aSlice[16] = 0.25*(1.0 - aCoord[0]*aCoord[0])*(1.0 - aCoord[1])*(1.0 + aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[17] = 0.25*(1.0 - aCoord[1]*aCoord[1])*(1.0 + aCoord[0])*(1.0 + aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[18] = 0.25*(1.0 - aCoord[0]*aCoord[0])*(1.0 + aCoord[1])*(1.0 + aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[19] = 0.25*(1.0 - aCoord[1]*aCoord[1])*(1.0 - aCoord[0])*(1.0 + aCoord[2]);
- }
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- THexa27a::THexa27a():
- THexa20a(3,27)
- {
- TInt aNbRef = myRefCoord.size();
- for(TInt aRefId = 0; aRefId < aNbRef; aRefId++){
- TCoordSlice aCoord = GetCoord(aRefId);
- switch(aRefId){
- case 20: aCoord[0] = 0.0; aCoord[1] = 0.0; aCoord[2] = -1.0; break;
- case 21: aCoord[0] = 0.0; aCoord[1] = -1.0; aCoord[2] = 0.0; break;
- case 22: aCoord[0] = 1.0; aCoord[1] = 0.0; aCoord[2] = 0.0; break;
- case 23: aCoord[0] = 0.0; aCoord[1] = 1.0; aCoord[2] = 0.0; break;
- case 24: aCoord[0] = -1.0; aCoord[1] = 0.0; aCoord[2] = 0.0; break;
- case 25: aCoord[0] = 0.0; aCoord[1] = 0.0; aCoord[2] = 1.0; break;
- case 26: aCoord[0] = 0.0; aCoord[1] = 0.0; aCoord[2] = 0.0; break;
- }
- }
- }
- void
- THexa27a::InitFun(const TCCoordSliceArr& theRef,
- const TCCoordSliceArr& theGauss,
- TFun& theFun) const
- {
- GetFun(theRef,theGauss,theFun);
- TInt aNbGauss = theGauss.size();
- for(TInt aGaussId = 0; aGaussId < aNbGauss; aGaussId++){
- const TCCoordSlice& aCoord = theGauss[aGaussId];
- TFloatVecSlice aSlice = theFun.GetFunSlice(aGaussId);
- aSlice[0] = 0.125*aCoord[0]*(aCoord[0] - 1.0)*aCoord[1]*(aCoord[1] - 1.0)*aCoord[2]*(aCoord[2] - 1.0);
- aSlice[1] = 0.125*aCoord[0]*(aCoord[0] + 1.0)*aCoord[1]*(aCoord[1] - 1.0)*aCoord[2]*(aCoord[2] - 1.0);
- aSlice[2] = 0.125*aCoord[0]*(aCoord[0] + 1.0)*aCoord[1]*(aCoord[1] + 1.0)*aCoord[2]*(aCoord[2] - 1.0);
- aSlice[3] = 0.125*aCoord[0]*(aCoord[0] - 1.0)*aCoord[1]*(aCoord[1] + 1.0)*aCoord[2]*(aCoord[2] - 1.0);
- aSlice[4] = 0.125*aCoord[0]*(aCoord[0] + 1.0)*aCoord[1]*(aCoord[1] - 1.0)*aCoord[2]*(aCoord[2] + 1.0);
- aSlice[5] = 0.125*aCoord[0]*(aCoord[0] + 1.0)*aCoord[1]*(aCoord[1] - 1.0)*aCoord[2]*(aCoord[2] + 1.0);
- aSlice[6] = 0.125*aCoord[0]*(aCoord[0] + 1.0)*aCoord[1]*(aCoord[1] + 1.0)*aCoord[2]*(aCoord[2] + 1.0);
- aSlice[7] = 0.125*aCoord[0]*(aCoord[0] - 1.0)*aCoord[1]*(aCoord[1] + 1.0)*aCoord[2]*(aCoord[2] + 1.0);
- aSlice[8] = 0.25*(1.0 - aCoord[0]*aCoord[0])*aCoord[1]*(aCoord[1] - 1.0)*aCoord[2]*(aCoord[2] - 1.0);
- aSlice[9] = 0.25*aCoord[0]*(aCoord[0] + 1.0)*(1.0 - aCoord[1]*aCoord[1])*aCoord[2]*(aCoord[2] - 1.0);
- aSlice[10]= 0.25*aCoord[0]*(aCoord[0] + 1.0)*(1.0 - aCoord[1]*aCoord[1])*aCoord[2]*(aCoord[2] - 1.0);
- aSlice[11]= 0.25*aCoord[0]*(aCoord[0] - 1.0)*(1.0 - aCoord[1]*aCoord[1])*aCoord[2]*(aCoord[2] - 1.0);
- aSlice[12]= 0.25*aCoord[0]*(aCoord[0] - 1.0)*aCoord[1]*(aCoord[1] - 1.0)*(1.0 - aCoord[2]*aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[13]= 0.25*aCoord[0]*(aCoord[0] + 1.0)*aCoord[1]*(aCoord[1] - 1.0)*(1.0 - aCoord[2]*aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[14]= 0.25*aCoord[0]*(aCoord[0] + 1.0)*aCoord[1]*(aCoord[1] + 1.0)*(1.0 - aCoord[2]*aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[15]= 0.25*aCoord[0]*(aCoord[0] - 1.0)*aCoord[1]*(aCoord[1] + 1.0)*(1.0 - aCoord[2]*aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[16]= 0.25*(1.0 - aCoord[0]*aCoord[0])*aCoord[1]*(aCoord[1] - 1.0)*aCoord[2]*(aCoord[2] + 1.0);
- aSlice[17]= 0.25*aCoord[0]*(aCoord[0] + 1.0)*(1.0 - aCoord[1]*aCoord[1])*aCoord[2]*(aCoord[2] + 1.0);
- aSlice[18]= 0.25*(1.0 - aCoord[0]*aCoord[0])*aCoord[1]*(aCoord[1] + 1.0)*aCoord[2]*(aCoord[2] + 1.0);
- aSlice[19]= 0.25*aCoord[0]*(aCoord[0] - 1.0)*(1.0 - aCoord[1]*aCoord[1])*aCoord[2]*(aCoord[2] + 1.0);
- aSlice[20]= 0.25*(1.0 - aCoord[0]*aCoord[0])*(1.0 - aCoord[1]*aCoord[1])*aCoord[2]*(aCoord[2] - 1.0);
- aSlice[21]= 0.25*(1.0 - aCoord[0]*aCoord[0])*aCoord[1]*(aCoord[1] - 1.0)*(1.0 - aCoord[2]*aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[22]= 0.25*aCoord[0]*(aCoord[0] + 1.0)*(1.0 - aCoord[1]*aCoord[1])*(1.0 - aCoord[2]*aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[23]= 0.25*(1.0 - aCoord[0]*aCoord[0])*aCoord[1]*(aCoord[1] + 1.0)*(1.0 - aCoord[2]*aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[24]= 0.25*aCoord[0]*(aCoord[0] - 1.0)*(1.0 - aCoord[1]*aCoord[1])*(1.0 - aCoord[2]*aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[25]= 0.25*(1.0 - aCoord[0]*aCoord[0])*(1.0 - aCoord[1]*aCoord[1])*aCoord[2]*(aCoord[2] + 1.0);
- aSlice[26]= 0.25*(1.0 - aCoord[0]*aCoord[0])*(1.0 - aCoord[1]*aCoord[1])*(1.0 - aCoord[1]*aCoord[1]);
- }
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- THexa8b::THexa8b():
- TShapeFun(3,8)
- {
- TInt aNbRef = GetNbRef();
- for(TInt aRefId = 0; aRefId < aNbRef; aRefId++){
- TCoordSlice aCoord = GetCoord(aRefId);
- switch(aRefId){
- case 0: aCoord[0] = -1.0; aCoord[1] = -1.0; aCoord[2] = -1.0; break;
- case 3: aCoord[0] = 1.0; aCoord[1] = -1.0; aCoord[2] = -1.0; break;
- case 2: aCoord[0] = 1.0; aCoord[1] = 1.0; aCoord[2] = -1.0; break;
- case 1: aCoord[0] = -1.0; aCoord[1] = 1.0; aCoord[2] = -1.0; break;
- case 4: aCoord[0] = -1.0; aCoord[1] = -1.0; aCoord[2] = 1.0; break;
- case 7: aCoord[0] = 1.0; aCoord[1] = -1.0; aCoord[2] = 1.0; break;
- case 6: aCoord[0] = 1.0; aCoord[1] = 1.0; aCoord[2] = 1.0; break;
- case 5: aCoord[0] = -1.0; aCoord[1] = 1.0; aCoord[2] = 1.0; break;
- }
- }
- }
- void
- THexa8b::InitFun(const TCCoordSliceArr& theRef,
- const TCCoordSliceArr& theGauss,
- TFun& theFun) const
- {
- GetFun(theRef,theGauss,theFun);
- TInt aNbGauss = theGauss.size();
- for(TInt aGaussId = 0; aGaussId < aNbGauss; aGaussId++){
- const TCCoordSlice& aCoord = theGauss[aGaussId];
- TFloatVecSlice aSlice = theFun.GetFunSlice(aGaussId);
- aSlice[0] = 0.125*(1.0 - aCoord[0])*(1.0 - aCoord[1])*(1.0 - aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[3] = 0.125*(1.0 + aCoord[0])*(1.0 - aCoord[1])*(1.0 - aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[2] = 0.125*(1.0 + aCoord[0])*(1.0 + aCoord[1])*(1.0 - aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[1] = 0.125*(1.0 - aCoord[0])*(1.0 + aCoord[1])*(1.0 - aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[4] = 0.125*(1.0 - aCoord[0])*(1.0 - aCoord[1])*(1.0 + aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[7] = 0.125*(1.0 + aCoord[0])*(1.0 - aCoord[1])*(1.0 + aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[6] = 0.125*(1.0 + aCoord[0])*(1.0 + aCoord[1])*(1.0 + aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[5] = 0.125*(1.0 - aCoord[0])*(1.0 + aCoord[1])*(1.0 + aCoord[2]);
- }
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- THexa20b::THexa20b(TInt theDim, TInt theNbRef):
- TShapeFun(theDim,theNbRef)
- {
- TInt aNbRef = myRefCoord.size();
- for(TInt aRefId = 0; aRefId < aNbRef; aRefId++){
- TCoordSlice aCoord = GetCoord(aRefId);
- switch(aRefId){
- case 0: aCoord[0] = -1.0; aCoord[1] = -1.0; aCoord[2] = -1.0; break;
- case 3: aCoord[0] = 1.0; aCoord[1] = -1.0; aCoord[2] = -1.0; break;
- case 2: aCoord[0] = 1.0; aCoord[1] = 1.0; aCoord[2] = -1.0; break;
- case 1: aCoord[0] = -1.0; aCoord[1] = 1.0; aCoord[2] = -1.0; break;
- case 4: aCoord[0] = -1.0; aCoord[1] = -1.0; aCoord[2] = 1.0; break;
- case 7: aCoord[0] = 1.0; aCoord[1] = -1.0; aCoord[2] = 1.0; break;
- case 6: aCoord[0] = 1.0; aCoord[1] = 1.0; aCoord[2] = 1.0; break;
- case 5: aCoord[0] = -1.0; aCoord[1] = 1.0; aCoord[2] = 1.0; break;
- case 11: aCoord[0] = 0.0; aCoord[1] = -1.0; aCoord[2] = -1.0; break;
- case 10: aCoord[0] = 1.0; aCoord[1] = 0.0; aCoord[2] = -1.0; break;
- case 9: aCoord[0] = 0.0; aCoord[1] = 1.0; aCoord[2] = -1.0; break;
- case 8: aCoord[0] = -1.0; aCoord[1] = 0.0; aCoord[2] = -1.0; break;
- case 16: aCoord[0] = -1.0; aCoord[1] = -1.0; aCoord[2] = 0.0; break;
- case 19: aCoord[0] = 1.0; aCoord[1] = -1.0; aCoord[2] = 0.0; break;
- case 18: aCoord[0] = 1.0; aCoord[1] = 1.0; aCoord[2] = 0.0; break;
- case 17: aCoord[0] = -1.0; aCoord[1] = 1.0; aCoord[2] = 0.0; break;
- case 15: aCoord[0] = 0.0; aCoord[1] = -1.0; aCoord[2] = 1.0; break;
- case 14: aCoord[0] = 1.0; aCoord[1] = 0.0; aCoord[2] = 1.0; break;
- case 13: aCoord[0] = 0.0; aCoord[1] = 1.0; aCoord[2] = 1.0; break;
- case 12: aCoord[0] = -1.0; aCoord[1] = 0.0; aCoord[2] = 1.0; break;
- }
- }
- }
- void
- THexa20b::InitFun(const TCCoordSliceArr& theRef,
- const TCCoordSliceArr& theGauss,
- TFun& theFun) const
- {
- GetFun(theRef,theGauss,theFun);
- TInt aNbGauss = theGauss.size();
- for(TInt aGaussId = 0; aGaussId < aNbGauss; aGaussId++){
- const TCCoordSlice& aCoord = theGauss[aGaussId];
- TFloatVecSlice aSlice = theFun.GetFunSlice(aGaussId);
- aSlice[0] = 0.125*(1.0 - aCoord[0])*(1.0 - aCoord[1])*(1.0 - aCoord[2])*
- (-2.0 - aCoord[0] - aCoord[1] - aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[3] = 0.125*(1.0 + aCoord[0])*(1.0 - aCoord[1])*(1.0 - aCoord[2])*
- (-2.0 + aCoord[0] - aCoord[1] - aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[2] = 0.125*(1.0 + aCoord[0])*(1.0 + aCoord[1])*(1.0 - aCoord[2])*
- (-2.0 + aCoord[0] + aCoord[1] - aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[1] = 0.125*(1.0 - aCoord[0])*(1.0 + aCoord[1])*(1.0 - aCoord[2])*
- (-2.0 - aCoord[0] + aCoord[1] - aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[4] = 0.125*(1.0 - aCoord[0])*(1.0 - aCoord[1])*(1.0 + aCoord[2])*
- (-2.0 - aCoord[0] - aCoord[1] + aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[7] = 0.125*(1.0 + aCoord[0])*(1.0 - aCoord[1])*(1.0 + aCoord[2])*
- (-2.0 + aCoord[0] - aCoord[1] + aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[6] = 0.125*(1.0 + aCoord[0])*(1.0 + aCoord[1])*(1.0 + aCoord[2])*
- (-2.0 + aCoord[0] + aCoord[1] + aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[5] = 0.125*(1.0 - aCoord[0])*(1.0 + aCoord[1])*(1.0 + aCoord[2])*
- (-2.0 - aCoord[0] + aCoord[1] + aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[11] = 0.25*(1.0 - aCoord[0]*aCoord[0])*(1.0 - aCoord[1])*(1.0 - aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[10] = 0.25*(1.0 - aCoord[1]*aCoord[1])*(1.0 + aCoord[0])*(1.0 - aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[9] = 0.25*(1.0 - aCoord[0]*aCoord[0])*(1.0 + aCoord[1])*(1.0 - aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[8] = 0.25*(1.0 - aCoord[1]*aCoord[1])*(1.0 - aCoord[0])*(1.0 - aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[16] = 0.25*(1.0 - aCoord[2]*aCoord[2])*(1.0 - aCoord[0])*(1.0 - aCoord[1]);
- aSlice[19] = 0.25*(1.0 - aCoord[2]*aCoord[2])*(1.0 + aCoord[0])*(1.0 - aCoord[1]);
- aSlice[18] = 0.25*(1.0 - aCoord[2]*aCoord[2])*(1.0 + aCoord[0])*(1.0 + aCoord[1]);
- aSlice[17] = 0.25*(1.0 - aCoord[2]*aCoord[2])*(1.0 - aCoord[0])*(1.0 + aCoord[1]);
- aSlice[15] = 0.25*(1.0 - aCoord[0]*aCoord[0])*(1.0 - aCoord[1])*(1.0 + aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[14] = 0.25*(1.0 - aCoord[1]*aCoord[1])*(1.0 + aCoord[0])*(1.0 + aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[13] = 0.25*(1.0 - aCoord[0]*aCoord[0])*(1.0 + aCoord[1])*(1.0 + aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[12] = 0.25*(1.0 - aCoord[1]*aCoord[1])*(1.0 - aCoord[0])*(1.0 + aCoord[2]);
- }
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- TPenta6a::TPenta6a():
- TShapeFun(3,6)
- {
- TInt aNbRef = myRefCoord.size();
- for(TInt aRefId = 0; aRefId < aNbRef; aRefId++){
- TCoordSlice aCoord = GetCoord(aRefId);
- switch(aRefId){
- case 0: aCoord[0] = -1.0; aCoord[1] = 1.0; aCoord[2] = 0.0; break;
- case 1: aCoord[0] = -1.0; aCoord[1] = -0.0; aCoord[2] = 1.0; break;
- case 2: aCoord[0] = -1.0; aCoord[1] = 0.0; aCoord[2] = 0.0; break;
- case 3: aCoord[0] = 1.0; aCoord[1] = 1.0; aCoord[2] = 0.0; break;
- case 4: aCoord[0] = 1.0; aCoord[1] = 0.0; aCoord[2] = 1.0; break;
- case 5: aCoord[0] = 1.0; aCoord[1] = 0.0; aCoord[2] = 0.0; break;
- }
- }
- }
- void
- TPenta6a::InitFun(const TCCoordSliceArr& theRef,
- const TCCoordSliceArr& theGauss,
- TFun& theFun) const
- {
- GetFun(theRef,theGauss,theFun);
- TInt aNbGauss = theGauss.size();
- for(TInt aGaussId = 0; aGaussId < aNbGauss; aGaussId++){
- const TCCoordSlice& aCoord = theGauss[aGaussId];
- TFloatVecSlice aSlice = theFun.GetFunSlice(aGaussId);
- aSlice[0] = 0.5*aCoord[1]*(1.0 - aCoord[0]);
- aSlice[1] = 0.5*aCoord[2]*(1.0 - aCoord[0]);
- aSlice[2] = 0.5*(1.0 - aCoord[1] - aCoord[2])*(1.0 - aCoord[0]);
- aSlice[3] = 0.5*aCoord[1]*(aCoord[0] + 1.0);
- aSlice[4] = 0.5*aCoord[2]*(aCoord[0] + 1.0);
- aSlice[5] = 0.5*(1.0 - aCoord[1] - aCoord[2])*(1.0 + aCoord[0]);
- }
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- TPenta6b::TPenta6b():
- TShapeFun(3,6)
- {
- TInt aNbRef = myRefCoord.size();
- for(TInt aRefId = 0; aRefId < aNbRef; aRefId++){
- TCoordSlice aCoord = GetCoord(aRefId);
- switch(aRefId){
- case 0: aCoord[0] = -1.0; aCoord[1] = 1.0; aCoord[2] = 0.0; break;
- case 2: aCoord[0] = -1.0; aCoord[1] = -0.0; aCoord[2] = 1.0; break;
- case 1: aCoord[0] = -1.0; aCoord[1] = 0.0; aCoord[2] = 0.0; break;
- case 3: aCoord[0] = 1.0; aCoord[1] = 1.0; aCoord[2] = 0.0; break;
- case 5: aCoord[0] = 1.0; aCoord[1] = 0.0; aCoord[2] = 1.0; break;
- case 4: aCoord[0] = 1.0; aCoord[1] = 0.0; aCoord[2] = 0.0; break;
- }
- }
- }
- void
- TPenta6b::InitFun(const TCCoordSliceArr& theRef,
- const TCCoordSliceArr& theGauss,
- TFun& theFun) const
- {
- GetFun(theRef,theGauss,theFun);
- TInt aNbGauss = theGauss.size();
- for(TInt aGaussId = 0; aGaussId < aNbGauss; aGaussId++){
- const TCCoordSlice& aCoord = theGauss[aGaussId];
- TFloatVecSlice aSlice = theFun.GetFunSlice(aGaussId);
- aSlice[0] = 0.5*aCoord[1]*(1.0 - aCoord[0]);
- aSlice[2] = 0.5*aCoord[2]*(1.0 - aCoord[0]);
- aSlice[1] = 0.5*(1.0 - aCoord[1] - aCoord[2])*(1.0 - aCoord[0]);
- aSlice[3] = 0.5*aCoord[1]*(aCoord[0] + 1.0);
- aSlice[5] = 0.5*aCoord[2]*(aCoord[0] + 1.0);
- aSlice[4] = 0.5*(1.0 - aCoord[1] - aCoord[2])*(1.0 + aCoord[0]);
- }
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- TPenta15a::TPenta15a():
- TShapeFun(3,15)
- {
- TInt aNbRef = myRefCoord.size();
- for(TInt aRefId = 0; aRefId < aNbRef; aRefId++){
- TCoordSlice aCoord = GetCoord(aRefId);
- switch(aRefId){
- case 0: aCoord[0] = -1.0; aCoord[1] = 1.0; aCoord[2] = 0.0; break;
- case 1: aCoord[0] = -1.0; aCoord[1] = -0.0; aCoord[2] = 1.0; break;
- case 2: aCoord[0] = -1.0; aCoord[1] = 0.0; aCoord[2] = 0.0; break;
- case 3: aCoord[0] = 1.0; aCoord[1] = 1.0; aCoord[2] = 0.0; break;
- case 4: aCoord[0] = 1.0; aCoord[1] = 0.0; aCoord[2] = 1.0; break;
- case 5: aCoord[0] = 1.0; aCoord[1] = 0.0; aCoord[2] = 0.0; break;
- case 6: aCoord[0] = -1.0; aCoord[1] = 0.5; aCoord[2] = 0.5; break;
- case 7: aCoord[0] = -1.0; aCoord[1] = 0.0; aCoord[2] = 0.5; break;
- case 8: aCoord[0] = -1.0; aCoord[1] = 0.5; aCoord[2] = 0.0; break;
- case 9: aCoord[0] = 0.0; aCoord[1] = 1.0; aCoord[2] = 0.0; break;
- case 10: aCoord[0] = 0.0; aCoord[1] = 0.0; aCoord[2] = 1.0; break;
- case 11: aCoord[0] = 0.0; aCoord[1] = 0.0; aCoord[2] = 0.0; break;
- case 12: aCoord[0] = 1.0; aCoord[1] = 0.5; aCoord[2] = 0.5; break;
- case 13: aCoord[0] = 1.0; aCoord[1] = 0.0; aCoord[2] = 0.5; break;
- case 14: aCoord[0] = 1.0; aCoord[1] = 0.5; aCoord[2] = 0.0; break;
- }
- }
- }
- void
- TPenta15a::InitFun(const TCCoordSliceArr& theRef,
- const TCCoordSliceArr& theGauss,
- TFun& theFun) const
- {
- GetFun(theRef,theGauss,theFun);
- TInt aNbGauss = theGauss.size();
- for(TInt aGaussId = 0; aGaussId < aNbGauss; aGaussId++){
- const TCCoordSlice& aCoord = theGauss[aGaussId];
- TFloatVecSlice aSlice = theFun.GetFunSlice(aGaussId);
- aSlice[0] = 0.5*aCoord[1]*(1.0 - aCoord[0])*(2.0*aCoord[1] - 2.0 - aCoord[0]);
- aSlice[1] = 0.5*aCoord[2]*(1.0 - aCoord[0])*(2.0*aCoord[2] - 2.0 - aCoord[0]);
- aSlice[2] = 0.5*(aCoord[0] - 1.0)*(1.0 - aCoord[1] - aCoord[2])*(aCoord[0] + 2.0*aCoord[1] + 2.0*aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[3] = 0.5*aCoord[1]*(1.0 + aCoord[0])*(2.0*aCoord[1] - 2.0 + aCoord[0]);
- aSlice[4] = 0.5*aCoord[2]*(1.0 + aCoord[0])*(2.0*aCoord[2] - 2.0 + aCoord[0]);
- aSlice[5] = 0.5*(-aCoord[0] - 1.0)*(1.0 - aCoord[1] - aCoord[2])*(-aCoord[0] + 2.0*aCoord[1] + 2.0*aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[6] = 2.0*aCoord[1]*aCoord[2]*(1.0 - aCoord[0]);
- aSlice[7] = 2.0*aCoord[2]*(1.0 - aCoord[1] - aCoord[2])*(1.0 - aCoord[0]);
- aSlice[8] = 2.0*aCoord[1]*(1.0 - aCoord[1] - aCoord[2])*(1.0 - aCoord[0]);
- aSlice[9] = aCoord[1]*(1.0 - aCoord[0]*aCoord[0]);
- aSlice[10] = aCoord[2]*(1.0 - aCoord[0]*aCoord[0]);
- aSlice[11] = (1.0 - aCoord[1] - aCoord[2])*(1.0 - aCoord[0]*aCoord[0]);
- aSlice[12] = 2.0*aCoord[1]*aCoord[2]*(1.0 + aCoord[0]);
- aSlice[13] = 2.0*aCoord[2]*(1.0 - aCoord[1] - aCoord[2])*(1.0 + aCoord[0]);
- aSlice[14] = 2.0*aCoord[1]*(1.0 - aCoord[1] - aCoord[2])*(1.0 + aCoord[0]);
- }
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- TPenta15b::TPenta15b():
- TShapeFun(3,15)
- {
- TInt aNbRef = myRefCoord.size();
- for(TInt aRefId = 0; aRefId < aNbRef; aRefId++){
- TCoordSlice aCoord = GetCoord(aRefId);
- switch(aRefId){
- case 0: aCoord[0] = -1.0; aCoord[1] = 1.0; aCoord[2] = 0.0; break;
- case 2: aCoord[0] = -1.0; aCoord[1] = -0.0; aCoord[2] = 1.0; break;
- case 1: aCoord[0] = -1.0; aCoord[1] = 0.0; aCoord[2] = 0.0; break;
- case 3: aCoord[0] = 1.0; aCoord[1] = 1.0; aCoord[2] = 0.0; break;
- case 5: aCoord[0] = 1.0; aCoord[1] = 0.0; aCoord[2] = 1.0; break;
- case 4: aCoord[0] = 1.0; aCoord[1] = 0.0; aCoord[2] = 0.0; break;
- case 8: aCoord[0] = -1.0; aCoord[1] = 0.5; aCoord[2] = 0.5; break;
- case 7: aCoord[0] = -1.0; aCoord[1] = 0.0; aCoord[2] = 0.5; break;
- case 6: aCoord[0] = -1.0; aCoord[1] = 0.5; aCoord[2] = 0.0; break;
- case 12: aCoord[0] = 0.0; aCoord[1] = 1.0; aCoord[2] = 0.0; break;
- case 14: aCoord[0] = 0.0; aCoord[1] = 0.0; aCoord[2] = 1.0; break;
- case 13: aCoord[0] = 0.0; aCoord[1] = 0.0; aCoord[2] = 0.0; break;
- case 11: aCoord[0] = 1.0; aCoord[1] = 0.5; aCoord[2] = 0.5; break;
- case 10: aCoord[0] = 1.0; aCoord[1] = 0.0; aCoord[2] = 0.5; break;
- case 9: aCoord[0] = 1.0; aCoord[1] = 0.5; aCoord[2] = 0.0; break;
- }
- }
- }
- void
- TPenta15b::InitFun(const TCCoordSliceArr& theRef,
- const TCCoordSliceArr& theGauss,
- TFun& theFun) const
- {
- GetFun(theRef,theGauss,theFun);
- TInt aNbGauss = theGauss.size();
- for(TInt aGaussId = 0; aGaussId < aNbGauss; aGaussId++){
- const TCCoordSlice& aCoord = theGauss[aGaussId];
- TFloatVecSlice aSlice = theFun.GetFunSlice(aGaussId);
- aSlice[0] = 0.5*aCoord[1]*(1.0 - aCoord[0])*(2.0*aCoord[1] - 2.0 - aCoord[0]);
- aSlice[2] = 0.5*aCoord[2]*(1.0 - aCoord[0])*(2.0*aCoord[2] - 2.0 - aCoord[0]);
- aSlice[1] = 0.5*(aCoord[0] - 1.0)*(1.0 - aCoord[1] - aCoord[2])*(aCoord[0] + 2.0*aCoord[1] + 2.0*aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[3] = 0.5*aCoord[1]*(1.0 + aCoord[0])*(2.0*aCoord[1] - 2.0 + aCoord[0]);
- aSlice[5] = 0.5*aCoord[2]*(1.0 + aCoord[0])*(2.0*aCoord[2] - 2.0 + aCoord[0]);
- aSlice[4] = 0.5*(-aCoord[0] - 1.0)*(1.0 - aCoord[1] - aCoord[2])*(-aCoord[0] + 2.0*aCoord[1] + 2.0*aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[8] = 2.0*aCoord[1]*aCoord[2]*(1.0 - aCoord[0]);
- aSlice[7] = 2.0*aCoord[2]*(1.0 - aCoord[1] - aCoord[2])*(1.0 - aCoord[0]);
- aSlice[6] = 2.0*aCoord[1]*(1.0 - aCoord[1] - aCoord[2])*(1.0 - aCoord[0]);
- aSlice[12] = aCoord[1]*(1.0 - aCoord[0]*aCoord[0]);
- aSlice[14] = aCoord[2]*(1.0 - aCoord[0]*aCoord[0]);
- aSlice[13] = (1.0 - aCoord[1] - aCoord[2])*(1.0 - aCoord[0]*aCoord[0]);
- aSlice[11] = 2.0*aCoord[1]*aCoord[2]*(1.0 + aCoord[0]);
- aSlice[10] = 2.0*aCoord[2]*(1.0 - aCoord[1] - aCoord[2])*(1.0 + aCoord[0]);
- aSlice[9] = 2.0*aCoord[1]*(1.0 - aCoord[1] - aCoord[2])*(1.0 + aCoord[0]);
- }
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- TPyra5a::TPyra5a():
- TShapeFun(3,5)
- {
- TInt aNbRef = myRefCoord.size();
- for(TInt aRefId = 0; aRefId < aNbRef; aRefId++){
- TCoordSlice aCoord = GetCoord(aRefId);
- switch(aRefId){
- case 0: aCoord[0] = 1.0; aCoord[1] = 0.0; aCoord[2] = 0.0; break;
- case 1: aCoord[0] = 0.0; aCoord[1] = 1.0; aCoord[2] = 0.0; break;
- case 2: aCoord[0] = -1.0; aCoord[1] = 0.0; aCoord[2] = 0.0; break;
- case 3: aCoord[0] = 0.0; aCoord[1] = -1.0; aCoord[2] = 0.0; break;
- case 4: aCoord[0] = 0.0; aCoord[1] = 0.0; aCoord[2] = 1.0; break;
- }
- }
- }
- void
- TPyra5a::InitFun(const TCCoordSliceArr& theRef,
- const TCCoordSliceArr& theGauss,
- TFun& theFun) const
- {
- GetFun(theRef,theGauss,theFun);
- TInt aNbGauss = theGauss.size();
- for(TInt aGaussId = 0; aGaussId < aNbGauss; aGaussId++){
- const TCCoordSlice& aCoord = theGauss[aGaussId];
- TFloatVecSlice aSlice = theFun.GetFunSlice(aGaussId);
- // APO & RNV:
- // Fix for 0019920: EDF 788 VISU: Bad localisation of gauss points for pyramids
- // Seems shape function for ePYRA5 elements is:
- // w0 = 0.25*(-X + Y - 1.0)*(-X - Y - 1.0)*(1.0 - Z);
- // w1 = 0.25*(-X - Y - 1.0)*(+X - Y - 1.0)*(1.0 - Z);
- // w2 = 0.25*(+X + Y - 1.0)*(+X - Y - 1.0)*(1.0 - Z);
- // w3 = 0.25*(+X + Y - 1.0)*(-X + Y - 1.0)*(1.0 - Z);
- // w4 = +Z;
- aSlice[0] = 0.25*(-aCoord[0] + aCoord[1] - 1.0)*(-aCoord[0] - aCoord[1] - 1.0)*(1.0 - aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[1] = 0.25*(-aCoord[0] - aCoord[1] - 1.0)*(+aCoord[0] - aCoord[1] - 1.0)*(1.0 - aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[2] = 0.25*(+aCoord[0] + aCoord[1] - 1.0)*(+aCoord[0] - aCoord[1] - 1.0)*(1.0 - aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[3] = 0.25*(+aCoord[0] + aCoord[1] - 1.0)*(-aCoord[0] + aCoord[1] - 1.0)*(1.0 - aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[4] = aCoord[2];
- }
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- TPyra5b::TPyra5b():
- TShapeFun(3,5)
- {
- TInt aNbRef = myRefCoord.size();
- for(TInt aRefId = 0; aRefId < aNbRef; aRefId++){
- TCoordSlice aCoord = GetCoord(aRefId);
- switch(aRefId){
- case 0: aCoord[0] = 1.0; aCoord[1] = 0.0; aCoord[2] = 0.0; break;
- case 3: aCoord[0] = 0.0; aCoord[1] = 1.0; aCoord[2] = 0.0; break;
- case 2: aCoord[0] = -1.0; aCoord[1] = 0.0; aCoord[2] = 0.0; break;
- case 1: aCoord[0] = 0.0; aCoord[1] = -1.0; aCoord[2] = 0.0; break;
- case 4: aCoord[0] = 0.0; aCoord[1] = 0.0; aCoord[2] = 1.0; break;
- }
- }
- }
- void
- TPyra5b::InitFun(const TCCoordSliceArr& theRef,
- const TCCoordSliceArr& theGauss,
- TFun& theFun) const
- {
- GetFun(theRef,theGauss,theFun);
- TInt aNbGauss = theGauss.size();
- for(TInt aGaussId = 0; aGaussId < aNbGauss; aGaussId++){
- const TCCoordSlice& aCoord = theGauss[aGaussId];
- TFloatVecSlice aSlice = theFun.GetFunSlice(aGaussId);
- // APO & RNV:
- // Fix for 0019920: EDF 788 VISU: Bad localisation of gauss points for pyramids
- // Seems shape function for ePYRA5 elements is:
- // w0 = 0.25*(-X + Y - 1.0)*(-X - Y - 1.0)*(1.0 - Z);
- // w1 = 0.25*(-X - Y - 1.0)*(+X - Y - 1.0)*(1.0 - Z);
- // w2 = 0.25*(+X + Y - 1.0)*(+X - Y - 1.0)*(1.0 - Z);
- // w3 = 0.25*(+X + Y - 1.0)*(-X + Y - 1.0)*(1.0 - Z);
- // w4 = +Z;
- aSlice[0] = 0.25*(-aCoord[0] + aCoord[1] - 1.0)*(-aCoord[0] - aCoord[1] - 1.0)*(1.0 - aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[3] = 0.25*(-aCoord[0] - aCoord[1] - 1.0)*(+aCoord[0] - aCoord[1] - 1.0)*(1.0 - aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[2] = 0.25*(+aCoord[0] + aCoord[1] - 1.0)*(+aCoord[0] - aCoord[1] - 1.0)*(1.0 - aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[1] = 0.25*(+aCoord[0] + aCoord[1] - 1.0)*(-aCoord[0] + aCoord[1] - 1.0)*(1.0 - aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[4] = aCoord[2];
- }
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- TPyra13a::TPyra13a():
- TShapeFun(3,13)
- {
- TInt aNbRef = myRefCoord.size();
- for(TInt aRefId = 0; aRefId < aNbRef; aRefId++){
- TCoordSlice aCoord = GetCoord(aRefId);
- switch(aRefId){
- case 0: aCoord[0] = 1.0; aCoord[1] = 0.0; aCoord[2] = 0.0; break;
- case 1: aCoord[0] = 0.0; aCoord[1] = 1.0; aCoord[2] = 0.0; break;
- case 2: aCoord[0] = -1.0; aCoord[1] = 0.0; aCoord[2] = 0.0; break;
- case 3: aCoord[0] = 0.0; aCoord[1] = -1.0; aCoord[2] = 0.0; break;
- case 4: aCoord[0] = 0.0; aCoord[1] = 0.0; aCoord[2] = 1.0; break;
- case 5: aCoord[0] = 0.5; aCoord[1] = 0.5; aCoord[2] = 0.0; break;
- case 6: aCoord[0] = -0.5; aCoord[1] = 0.5; aCoord[2] = 0.0; break;
- case 7: aCoord[0] = -0.5; aCoord[1] = -0.5; aCoord[2] = 0.0; break;
- case 8: aCoord[0] = 0.5; aCoord[1] = -0.5; aCoord[2] = 0.0; break;
- case 9: aCoord[0] = 0.5; aCoord[1] = 0.0; aCoord[2] = 0.5; break;
- case 10: aCoord[0] = 0.0; aCoord[1] = 0.5; aCoord[2] = 0.5; break;
- case 11: aCoord[0] = -0.5; aCoord[1] = 0.0; aCoord[2] = 0.5; break;
- case 12: aCoord[0] = 0.0; aCoord[1] = -0.5; aCoord[2] = 0.5; break;
- }
- }
- }
- void
- TPyra13a::InitFun(const TCCoordSliceArr& theRef,
- const TCCoordSliceArr& theGauss,
- TFun& theFun) const
- {
- GetFun(theRef,theGauss,theFun);
- TInt aNbGauss = theGauss.size();
- for(TInt aGaussId = 0; aGaussId < aNbGauss; aGaussId++){
- const TCCoordSlice& aCoord = theGauss[aGaussId];
- TFloatVecSlice aSlice = theFun.GetFunSlice(aGaussId);
- aSlice[0] = 0.5*(-aCoord[0] + aCoord[1] + aCoord[2] - 1.0)*(-aCoord[0] - aCoord[1] + aCoord[2] - 1.0)*
- (aCoord[0] - 0.5)/(1.0 - aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[1] = 0.5*(-aCoord[0] - aCoord[1] + aCoord[2] - 1.0)*(+aCoord[0] - aCoord[1] + aCoord[2] - 1.0)*
- (aCoord[1] - 0.5)/(1.0 - aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[2] = 0.5*(+aCoord[0] - aCoord[1] + aCoord[2] - 1.0)*(+aCoord[0] + aCoord[1] + aCoord[2] - 1.0)*
- (-aCoord[0] - 0.5)/(1.0 - aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[3] = 0.5*(+aCoord[0] + aCoord[1] + aCoord[2] - 1.0)*(-aCoord[0] + aCoord[1] + aCoord[2] - 1.0)*
- (-aCoord[1] - 0.5)/(1.0 - aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[4] = 2.0*aCoord[2]*(aCoord[2] - 0.5);
- aSlice[5] = 0.5*(-aCoord[0] + aCoord[1] + aCoord[2] - 1.0)*(-aCoord[0] - aCoord[1] + aCoord[2] - 1.0)*
- (aCoord[0] - aCoord[1] + aCoord[2] - 1.0)/(1.0 - aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[6] = 0.5*(-aCoord[0] - aCoord[1] + aCoord[2] - 1.0)*(aCoord[0] - aCoord[1] + aCoord[2] - 1.0)*
- (aCoord[0] + aCoord[1] + aCoord[2] - 1.0)/(1.0 - aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[7] = 0.5*(aCoord[0] - aCoord[1] + aCoord[2] - 1.0)*(aCoord[0] + aCoord[1] + aCoord[2] - 1.0)*
- (-aCoord[0] + aCoord[1] + aCoord[2] - 1.0)/(1.0 - aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[8] = 0.5*(aCoord[0] + aCoord[1] + aCoord[2] - 1.0)*(-aCoord[0] + aCoord[1] + aCoord[2] - 1.0)*
- (-aCoord[0] - aCoord[1] + aCoord[2] - 1.0)/(1.0 - aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[9] = 0.5*aCoord[2]*(-aCoord[0] + aCoord[1] + aCoord[2] - 1.0)*(-aCoord[0] - aCoord[1] + aCoord[2] - 1.0)/
- (1.0 - aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[10] = 0.5*aCoord[2]*(-aCoord[0] - aCoord[1] + aCoord[2] - 1.0)*(aCoord[0] - aCoord[1] + aCoord[2] - 1.0)/
- (1.0 - aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[11] = 0.5*aCoord[2]*(aCoord[0] - aCoord[1] + aCoord[2] - 1.0)*(aCoord[0] + aCoord[1] + aCoord[2] - 1.0)/
- (1.0 - aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[12] = 0.5*aCoord[2]*(aCoord[0] + aCoord[1] + aCoord[2] - 1.0)*(-aCoord[0] + aCoord[1] + aCoord[2] - 1.0)/
- (1.0 - aCoord[2]);
- }
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- TPyra13b::TPyra13b():
- TShapeFun(3,13)
- {
- TInt aNbRef = myRefCoord.size();
- for(TInt aRefId = 0; aRefId < aNbRef; aRefId++){
- TCoordSlice aCoord = GetCoord(aRefId);
- switch(aRefId){
- case 0: aCoord[0] = 1.0; aCoord[1] = 0.0; aCoord[2] = 0.0; break;
- case 3: aCoord[0] = 0.0; aCoord[1] = 1.0; aCoord[2] = 0.0; break;
- case 2: aCoord[0] = -1.0; aCoord[1] = 0.0; aCoord[2] = 0.0; break;
- case 1: aCoord[0] = 0.0; aCoord[1] = -1.0; aCoord[2] = 0.0; break;
- case 4: aCoord[0] = 0.0; aCoord[1] = 0.0; aCoord[2] = 1.0; break;
- case 8: aCoord[0] = 0.5; aCoord[1] = 0.5; aCoord[2] = 0.0; break;
- case 7: aCoord[0] = -0.5; aCoord[1] = 0.5; aCoord[2] = 0.0; break;
- case 6: aCoord[0] = -0.5; aCoord[1] = -0.5; aCoord[2] = 0.0; break;
- case 5: aCoord[0] = 0.5; aCoord[1] = -0.5; aCoord[2] = 0.0; break;
- case 9: aCoord[0] = 0.5; aCoord[1] = 0.0; aCoord[2] = 0.5; break;
- case 12: aCoord[0] = 0.0; aCoord[1] = 0.5; aCoord[2] = 0.5; break;
- case 11: aCoord[0] = -0.5; aCoord[1] = 0.0; aCoord[2] = 0.5; break;
- case 10: aCoord[0] = 0.0; aCoord[1] = -0.5; aCoord[2] = 0.5; break;
- }
- }
- }
- void
- TPyra13b::InitFun(const TCCoordSliceArr& theRef,
- const TCCoordSliceArr& theGauss,
- TFun& theFun) const
- {
- GetFun(theRef,theGauss,theFun);
- TInt aNbGauss = theGauss.size();
- for(TInt aGaussId = 0; aGaussId < aNbGauss; aGaussId++){
- const TCCoordSlice& aCoord = theGauss[aGaussId];
- TFloatVecSlice aSlice = theFun.GetFunSlice(aGaussId);
- aSlice[0] = 0.5*(-aCoord[0] + aCoord[1] + aCoord[2] - 1.0)*(-aCoord[0] - aCoord[1] + aCoord[2] - 1.0)*
- (aCoord[0] - 0.5)/(1.0 - aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[3] = 0.5*(-aCoord[0] - aCoord[1] + aCoord[2] - 1.0)*(+aCoord[0] - aCoord[1] + aCoord[2] - 1.0)*
- (aCoord[1] - 0.5)/(1.0 - aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[2] = 0.5*(+aCoord[0] - aCoord[1] + aCoord[2] - 1.0)*(+aCoord[0] + aCoord[1] + aCoord[2] - 1.0)*
- (-aCoord[0] - 0.5)/(1.0 - aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[1] = 0.5*(+aCoord[0] + aCoord[1] + aCoord[2] - 1.0)*(-aCoord[0] + aCoord[1] + aCoord[2] - 1.0)*
- (-aCoord[1] - 0.5)/(1.0 - aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[4] = 2.0*aCoord[2]*(aCoord[2] - 0.5);
- aSlice[8] = 0.5*(-aCoord[0] + aCoord[1] + aCoord[2] - 1.0)*(-aCoord[0] - aCoord[1] + aCoord[2] - 1.0)*
- (aCoord[0] - aCoord[1] + aCoord[2] - 1.0)/(1.0 - aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[7] = 0.5*(-aCoord[0] - aCoord[1] + aCoord[2] - 1.0)*(aCoord[0] - aCoord[1] + aCoord[2] - 1.0)*
- (aCoord[0] + aCoord[1] + aCoord[2] - 1.0)/(1.0 - aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[6] = 0.5*(aCoord[0] - aCoord[1] + aCoord[2] - 1.0)*(aCoord[0] + aCoord[1] + aCoord[2] - 1.0)*
- (-aCoord[0] + aCoord[1] + aCoord[2] - 1.0)/(1.0 - aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[5] = 0.5*(aCoord[0] + aCoord[1] + aCoord[2] - 1.0)*(-aCoord[0] + aCoord[1] + aCoord[2] - 1.0)*
- (-aCoord[0] - aCoord[1] + aCoord[2] - 1.0)/(1.0 - aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[9] = 0.5*aCoord[2]*(-aCoord[0] + aCoord[1] + aCoord[2] - 1.0)*(-aCoord[0] - aCoord[1] + aCoord[2] - 1.0)/
- (1.0 - aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[12] = 0.5*aCoord[2]*(-aCoord[0] - aCoord[1] + aCoord[2] - 1.0)*(aCoord[0] - aCoord[1] + aCoord[2] - 1.0)/
- (1.0 - aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[11] = 0.5*aCoord[2]*(aCoord[0] - aCoord[1] + aCoord[2] - 1.0)*(aCoord[0] + aCoord[1] + aCoord[2] - 1.0)/
- (1.0 - aCoord[2]);
- aSlice[10] = 0.5*aCoord[2]*(aCoord[0] + aCoord[1] + aCoord[2] - 1.0)*(-aCoord[0] + aCoord[1] + aCoord[2] - 1.0)/
- (1.0 - aCoord[2]);
- }
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- bool
- GetGaussCoord3D(const TGaussInfo& theGaussInfo,
- const TCellInfo& theCellInfo,
- const TNodeInfo& theNodeInfo,
- TGaussCoord& theGaussCoord,
- const TElemNum& theElemNum,
- EModeSwitch theMode)
- {
- INITMSG(MYDEBUG,"GetGaussCoord3D\n");
- if(theGaussInfo.myGeom == theCellInfo.myGeom){
- EGeometrieElement aGeom = theGaussInfo.myGeom;
- TInt aNbRef = theGaussInfo.GetNbRef();
- TCCoordSliceArr aRefSlice(aNbRef);
- for(TInt anId = 0; anId < aNbRef; anId++)
- aRefSlice[anId] = theGaussInfo.GetRefCoordSlice(anId);
- TInt aNbGauss = theGaussInfo.GetNbGauss();
- TCCoordSliceArr aGaussSlice(aNbGauss);
- for(TInt anId = 0; anId < aNbGauss; anId++)
- aGaussSlice[anId] = theGaussInfo.GetGaussCoordSlice(anId);
- switch(aGeom){
- case eSEG2: {
- INITMSG(MYDEBUG,"eSEG2"<<std::endl);
- if(TSeg2a().Eval(theCellInfo,theNodeInfo,theElemNum,aRefSlice,aGaussSlice,theGaussCoord,theMode))
- return true;
- break;
- }
- case eSEG3: {
- INITMSG(MYDEBUG,"eSEG3"<<std::endl);
- if(TSeg3a().Eval(theCellInfo,theNodeInfo,theElemNum,aRefSlice,aGaussSlice,theGaussCoord,theMode))
- return true;
- break;
- }
- case eTRIA3: {
- INITMSG(MYDEBUG,"eTRIA3"<<std::endl);
- if(TTria3a().Eval(theCellInfo,theNodeInfo,theElemNum,aRefSlice,aGaussSlice,theGaussCoord,theMode))
- return true;
- if(TTria3b().Eval(theCellInfo,theNodeInfo,theElemNum,aRefSlice,aGaussSlice,theGaussCoord,theMode))
- return true;
- break;
- }
- case eTRIA6: {
- INITMSG(MYDEBUG,"eTRIA6"<<std::endl);
- if(TTria6a().Eval(theCellInfo,theNodeInfo,theElemNum,aRefSlice,aGaussSlice,theGaussCoord,theMode))
- return true;
- if(TTria6b().Eval(theCellInfo,theNodeInfo,theElemNum,aRefSlice,aGaussSlice,theGaussCoord,theMode))
- return true;
- break;
- }
- case eQUAD4: {
- INITMSG(MYDEBUG,"eQUAD4"<<std::endl);
- if(TQuad4a().Eval(theCellInfo,theNodeInfo,theElemNum,aRefSlice,aGaussSlice,theGaussCoord,theMode))
- return true;
- if(TQuad4b().Eval(theCellInfo,theNodeInfo,theElemNum,aRefSlice,aGaussSlice,theGaussCoord,theMode))
- return true;
- break;
- }
- case eQUAD8: {
- INITMSG(MYDEBUG,"eQUAD8"<<std::endl);
- if(TQuad8a().Eval(theCellInfo,theNodeInfo,theElemNum,aRefSlice,aGaussSlice,theGaussCoord,theMode))
- return true;
- if(TQuad8b().Eval(theCellInfo,theNodeInfo,theElemNum,aRefSlice,aGaussSlice,theGaussCoord,theMode))
- return true;
- break;
- }
- case eQUAD9: {
- INITMSG(MYDEBUG,"eQUAD9"<<std::endl);
- if(TQuad9a().Eval(theCellInfo,theNodeInfo,theElemNum,aRefSlice,aGaussSlice,theGaussCoord,theMode))
- return true;
- if(TQuad9b().Eval(theCellInfo,theNodeInfo,theElemNum,aRefSlice,aGaussSlice,theGaussCoord,theMode))
- return true;
- break;
- }
- case eTETRA4: {
- INITMSG(MYDEBUG,"eTETRA4"<<std::endl);
- if(TTetra4a().Eval(theCellInfo,theNodeInfo,theElemNum,aRefSlice,aGaussSlice,theGaussCoord,theMode))
- return true;
- if(TTetra4b().Eval(theCellInfo,theNodeInfo,theElemNum,aRefSlice,aGaussSlice,theGaussCoord,theMode))
- return true;
- break;
- }
- case ePYRA5: {
- INITMSG(MYDEBUG,"ePYRA5"<<std::endl);
- if(TPyra5a().Eval(theCellInfo,theNodeInfo,theElemNum,aRefSlice,aGaussSlice,theGaussCoord,theMode))
- return true;
- if(TPyra5b().Eval(theCellInfo,theNodeInfo,theElemNum,aRefSlice,aGaussSlice,theGaussCoord,theMode))
- return true;
- break;
- }
- case ePENTA6: {
- INITMSG(MYDEBUG,"ePENTA6"<<std::endl);
- if(TPenta6a().Eval(theCellInfo,theNodeInfo,theElemNum,aRefSlice,aGaussSlice,theGaussCoord,theMode))
- return true;
- if(TPenta6b().Eval(theCellInfo,theNodeInfo,theElemNum,aRefSlice,aGaussSlice,theGaussCoord,theMode))
- return true;
- break;
- }
- case eHEXA8: {
- INITMSG(MYDEBUG,"eHEXA8"<<std::endl);
- if(THexa8a().Eval(theCellInfo,theNodeInfo,theElemNum,aRefSlice,aGaussSlice,theGaussCoord,theMode))
- return true;
- if(THexa8b().Eval(theCellInfo,theNodeInfo,theElemNum,aRefSlice,aGaussSlice,theGaussCoord,theMode))
- return true;
- break;
- }
- case eTETRA10: {
- INITMSG(MYDEBUG,"eTETRA10"<<std::endl);
- if(TTetra10a().Eval(theCellInfo,theNodeInfo,theElemNum,aRefSlice,aGaussSlice,theGaussCoord,theMode))
- return true;
- if(TTetra10b().Eval(theCellInfo,theNodeInfo,theElemNum,aRefSlice,aGaussSlice,theGaussCoord,theMode))
- return true;
- break;
- }
- case ePYRA13: {
- INITMSG(MYDEBUG,"ePYRA13"<<std::endl);
- if(TPyra13a().Eval(theCellInfo,theNodeInfo,theElemNum,aRefSlice,aGaussSlice,theGaussCoord,theMode))
- return true;
- if(TPyra13b().Eval(theCellInfo,theNodeInfo,theElemNum,aRefSlice,aGaussSlice,theGaussCoord,theMode))
- return true;
- break;
- }
- case ePENTA15: {
- INITMSG(MYDEBUG,"ePENTA15"<<std::endl);
- if(TPenta15a().Eval(theCellInfo,theNodeInfo,theElemNum,aRefSlice,aGaussSlice,theGaussCoord,theMode))
- return true;
- if(TPenta15b().Eval(theCellInfo,theNodeInfo,theElemNum,aRefSlice,aGaussSlice,theGaussCoord,theMode))
- return true;
- break;
- }
- case eHEXA20: {
- INITMSG(MYDEBUG,"eHEXA20"<<std::endl);
- if(THexa20a().Eval(theCellInfo,theNodeInfo,theElemNum,aRefSlice,aGaussSlice,theGaussCoord,theMode))
- return true;
- if(THexa20b().Eval(theCellInfo,theNodeInfo,theElemNum,aRefSlice,aGaussSlice,theGaussCoord,theMode))
- return true;
- break;
- }
- default:
- INITMSG(MYDEBUG,"eNONE"<<std::endl);
- return false;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- bool
- GetBaryCenter(const TCellInfo& theCellInfo,
- const TNodeInfo& theNodeInfo,
- TGaussCoord& theGaussCoord,
- const TElemNum& theElemNum,
- EModeSwitch theMode)
- {
- INITMSG(MYDEBUG,"GetBaryCenter\n");
- const PMeshInfo& aMeshInfo = theCellInfo.GetMeshInfo();
- TInt aDim = aMeshInfo->GetDim();
- static TInt aNbGauss = 1;
- bool anIsSubMesh = !theElemNum.empty();
- TInt aNbElem;
- if(anIsSubMesh)
- aNbElem = theElemNum.size();
- else
- aNbElem = theCellInfo.GetNbElem();
- theGaussCoord.Init(aNbElem,aNbGauss,aDim,theMode);
- TInt aConnDim = theCellInfo.GetConnDim();
- "- aDim = "<<aDim<<
- "; aNbGauss = "<<aNbGauss<<
- "; aNbElem = "<<aNbElem<<
- "; aNbNodes = "<<theNodeInfo.GetNbElem()<<
- std::endl);
- for(TInt anElemId = 0; anElemId < aNbElem; anElemId++){
- TInt aCellId = anIsSubMesh? theElemNum[anElemId]-1: anElemId;
- TCConnSlice aConnSlice = theCellInfo.GetConnSlice(aCellId);
- TCoordSliceArr aCoordSliceArr = theGaussCoord.GetCoordSliceArr(anElemId);
- for(TInt aGaussId = 0; aGaussId < aNbGauss; aGaussId++){
- TCoordSlice& aGaussCoordSlice = aCoordSliceArr[aGaussId];
- for(TInt aConnId = 0; aConnId < aConnDim; aConnId++){
- TInt aNodeId = aConnSlice[aConnId] - 1;
- TCCoordSlice aNodeCoordSlice = theNodeInfo.GetCoordSlice(aNodeId);
- for(TInt aDimId = 0; aDimId < aDim; aDimId++){
- aGaussCoordSlice[aDimId] += aNodeCoordSlice[aDimId];
- }
- }
- for(TInt aDimId = 0; aDimId < aDim; aDimId++){
- aGaussCoordSlice[aDimId] /= aConnDim;
- }
- }
- }
-#ifdef _DEBUG_
- for(TInt anElemId = 0; anElemId < aNbElem; anElemId++){
- TCoordSliceArr aCoordSliceArr = theGaussCoord.GetCoordSliceArr(anElemId);
- for(TInt aGaussId = 0; aGaussId < aNbGauss; aGaussId++){
- TCoordSlice& aCoordSlice = aCoordSliceArr[aGaussId];
- for(TInt aDimId = 0; aDimId < aDim; aDimId++){
- ADDMSG(MYVALUEDEBUG,aCoordSlice[aDimId]<<" ");
- }
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- bool
- GetBaryCenter(const TPolygoneInfo& thePolygoneInfo,
- const TNodeInfo& theNodeInfo,
- TGaussCoord& theGaussCoord,
- const TElemNum& theElemNum,
- EModeSwitch theMode)
- {
- INITMSG(MYDEBUG,"GetBaryCenter\n");
- const PMeshInfo& aMeshInfo = thePolygoneInfo.GetMeshInfo();
- TInt aDim = aMeshInfo->GetDim();
- static TInt aNbGauss = 1;
- bool anIsSubMesh = !theElemNum.empty();
- TInt aNbElem;
- if(anIsSubMesh)
- aNbElem = theElemNum.size();
- else
- aNbElem = thePolygoneInfo.GetNbElem();
- theGaussCoord.Init(aNbElem,aNbGauss,aDim,theMode);
- "- aDim = "<<aDim<<
- "; aNbGauss = "<<aNbGauss<<
- "; aNbElem = "<<aNbElem<<
- "; aNbNodes = "<<theNodeInfo.GetNbElem()<<
- std::endl);
- for(TInt anElemId = 0; anElemId < aNbElem; anElemId++){
- TInt aCellId = anIsSubMesh? theElemNum[anElemId]-1: anElemId;
- TCoordSliceArr aCoordSliceArr = theGaussCoord.GetCoordSliceArr(anElemId);
- TCConnSlice aConnSlice = thePolygoneInfo.GetConnSlice(aCellId);
- TInt aNbConn = thePolygoneInfo.GetNbConn(aCellId);
- TInt aNbNodes = thePolygoneInfo.GetNbConn(aCellId);
- for(TInt aGaussId = 0; aGaussId < aNbGauss; aGaussId++){
- TCoordSlice& aGaussCoordSlice = aCoordSliceArr[aGaussId];
- for(TInt aConnId = 0; aConnId < aNbConn; aConnId++){
- TInt aNodeId = aConnSlice[aConnId] - 1;
- TCCoordSlice aNodeCoordSlice = theNodeInfo.GetCoordSlice(aNodeId);
- for(TInt aDimId = 0; aDimId < aDim; aDimId++){
- aGaussCoordSlice[aDimId] += aNodeCoordSlice[aDimId];
- }
- }
- for(TInt aDimId = 0; aDimId < aDim; aDimId++){
- aGaussCoordSlice[aDimId] /= aNbNodes;
- }
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- bool
- GetBaryCenter(const TPolyedreInfo& thePolyedreInfo,
- const TNodeInfo& theNodeInfo,
- TGaussCoord& theGaussCoord,
- const TElemNum& theElemNum,
- EModeSwitch theMode)
- {
- INITMSG(MYDEBUG,"GetBaryCenter\n");
- const PMeshInfo& aMeshInfo = thePolyedreInfo.GetMeshInfo();
- TInt aDim = aMeshInfo->GetDim();
- static TInt aNbGauss = 1;
- bool anIsSubMesh = !theElemNum.empty();
- TInt aNbElem;
- if(anIsSubMesh)
- aNbElem = theElemNum.size();
- else
- aNbElem = thePolyedreInfo.GetNbElem();
- theGaussCoord.Init(aNbElem,aNbGauss,aDim,theMode);
- "- aDim = "<<aDim<<
- "; aNbGauss = "<<aNbGauss<<
- "; aNbElem = "<<aNbElem<<
- "; aNbNodes = "<<theNodeInfo.GetNbElem()<<
- std::endl);
- for(TInt anElemId = 0; anElemId < aNbElem; anElemId++){
- TInt aCellId = anIsSubMesh? theElemNum[anElemId]-1: anElemId;
- TCoordSliceArr aCoordSliceArr = theGaussCoord.GetCoordSliceArr(anElemId);
- TCConnSliceArr aConnSliceArr = thePolyedreInfo.GetConnSliceArr(aCellId);
- TInt aNbFaces = aConnSliceArr.size();
- TInt aNbNodes = thePolyedreInfo.GetNbNodes(aCellId);
- for(TInt aGaussId = 0; aGaussId < aNbGauss; aGaussId++){
- TCoordSlice& aGaussCoordSlice = aCoordSliceArr[aGaussId];
- for(TInt aFaceId = 0; aFaceId < aNbFaces; aFaceId++){
- TCConnSlice aConnSlice = aConnSliceArr[aFaceId];
- TInt aNbConn = aConnSlice.size();
- for(TInt aConnId = 0; aConnId < aNbConn; aConnId++){
- TInt aNodeId = aConnSlice[aConnId] - 1;
- TCCoordSlice aNodeCoordSlice = theNodeInfo.GetCoordSlice(aNodeId);
- for(TInt aDimId = 0; aDimId < aDim; aDimId++){
- aGaussCoordSlice[aDimId] += aNodeCoordSlice[aDimId];
- }
- }
- }
- for(TInt aDimId = 0; aDimId < aDim; aDimId++){
- aGaussCoordSlice[aDimId] /= aNbNodes;
- }
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
+++ /dev/null
-// Copyright (C) 2007-2013 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE
-// Copyright (C) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
-// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-// version 2.1 of the License.
-// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// Lesser General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
-// File :
-// Author :
-// Module :
-// $Header$
-#ifndef MED_GaussUtils_HeaderFile
-#define MED_GaussUtils_HeaderFile
-#include "MED_WrapperBase.hxx"
-#include "MED_Structures.hxx"
-namespace MED
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- typedef TVector<TCCoordSlice> TCCoordSliceArr;
- typedef TVector<TCoordSlice> TCoordSliceArr;
- //! Define a helper class to handle Gauss Points coordinates
- class MEDWRAPPER_EXPORT TGaussCoord:
- virtual TModeSwitchInfo
- {
- TInt myNbElem;
- TInt myNbGauss;
- TInt myDim;
- TInt myGaussStep;
- TNodeCoord myGaussCoord;
- public:
- TGaussCoord();
- //! To init the class
- void
- Init(TInt theNbElem,
- TInt theNbGauss,
- TInt theDim,
- EModeSwitch theMode = eFULL_INTERLACE);
- TInt
- GetNbElem() const;
- TInt
- GetNbGauss() const;
- TInt
- GetDim() const;
- unsigned char*
- GetValuePtr();
- //! Get slice of the coordinate that corresponds to defined cell (const version)
- TCCoordSliceArr
- GetCoordSliceArr(TInt theElemId) const;
- //! Get slice of the coordinate that corresponds to defined cell
- TCoordSliceArr
- GetCoordSliceArr(TInt theElemId);
- };
- typedef SharedPtr<TGaussCoord> PGaussCoord;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- //! To calculate Gauss Points coordinates
- bool
- GetGaussCoord3D(const TGaussInfo& theGaussInfo,
- const TCellInfo& theCellInfo,
- const TNodeInfo& theNodeInfo,
- TGaussCoord& theGaussCoord,
- const TElemNum& theElemNum = TElemNum(),
- EModeSwitch theMode = eFULL_INTERLACE);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- //! To calculate Gauss Points coordinates for defined TCellInfo as its bary center
- bool
- GetBaryCenter(const TCellInfo& theCellInfo,
- const TNodeInfo& theNodeInfo,
- TGaussCoord& theGaussCoord,
- const TElemNum& theElemNum = TElemNum(),
- EModeSwitch theMode = eFULL_INTERLACE);
- //! To calculate Gauss Points coordinates for defined TPolygoneInfo as its bary center
- bool
- GetBaryCenter(const TPolygoneInfo& thePolygoneInfo,
- const TNodeInfo& theNodeInfo,
- TGaussCoord& theGaussCoord,
- const TElemNum& theElemNum = TElemNum(),
- EModeSwitch theMode = eFULL_INTERLACE);
- //! To calculate Gauss Points coordinates for defined TPolyedreInfo as its bary center
- bool
- GetBaryCenter(const TPolyedreInfo& thePolyedreInfo,
- const TNodeInfo& theNodeInfo,
- TGaussCoord& theGaussCoord,
- const TElemNum& theElemNum = TElemNum(),
- EModeSwitch theMode = eFULL_INTERLACE);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- //! Shape function definitions
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- {
- class TFun;
- TFloatVector myRefCoord;
- TInt myDim;
- TInt myNbRef;
- TShapeFun(TInt theDim = 0, TInt theNbRef = 0);
- TInt GetNbRef() const { return myNbRef; }
- TCCoordSlice GetCoord(TInt theRefId) const;
- TCoordSlice GetCoord(TInt theRefId);
- void GetFun(const TCCoordSliceArr& theRef,
- const TCCoordSliceArr& theGauss,
- TFun& theFun) const;
- virtual
- void InitFun(const TCCoordSliceArr& theRef,
- const TCCoordSliceArr& theGauss,
- TFun& theFun) const = 0;
- virtual
- bool IsSatisfy(const TCCoordSliceArr& theRefCoord) const;
- bool Eval(const TCellInfo& theCellInfo,
- const TNodeInfo& theNodeInfo,
- const TElemNum& theElemNum,
- const TCCoordSliceArr& theRef,
- const TCCoordSliceArr& theGauss,
- TGaussCoord& theGaussCoord,
- EModeSwitch theMode);
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- struct TSeg2a: TShapeFun {
- TSeg2a();
- virtual void InitFun(const TCCoordSliceArr& theRef,
- const TCCoordSliceArr& theGauss,
- TFun& theFun) const;
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- struct TSeg3a: TShapeFun {
- TSeg3a();
- virtual void InitFun(const TCCoordSliceArr& theRef,
- const TCCoordSliceArr& theGauss,
- TFun& theFun) const;
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- struct TTria3a: TShapeFun {
- TTria3a();
- virtual void InitFun(const TCCoordSliceArr& theRef,
- const TCCoordSliceArr& theGauss,
- TFun& theFun) const;
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- struct TTria6a: TShapeFun {
- TTria6a();
- virtual void InitFun(const TCCoordSliceArr& theRef,
- const TCCoordSliceArr& theGauss,
- TFun& theFun) const;
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- struct TTria3b: TShapeFun {
- TTria3b();
- virtual void InitFun(const TCCoordSliceArr& theRef,
- const TCCoordSliceArr& theGauss,
- TFun& theFun) const;
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- struct TTria6b: TShapeFun {
- TTria6b();
- virtual void InitFun(const TCCoordSliceArr& theRef,
- const TCCoordSliceArr& theGauss,
- TFun& theFun) const;
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- struct TQuad4a: TShapeFun {
- TQuad4a();
- virtual void InitFun(const TCCoordSliceArr& theRef,
- const TCCoordSliceArr& theGauss,
- TFun& theFun) const;
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- struct TQuad8a: TShapeFun {
- TQuad8a();
- virtual void InitFun(const TCCoordSliceArr& theRef,
- const TCCoordSliceArr& theGauss,
- TFun& theFun) const;
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- struct TQuad9a: TShapeFun {
- TQuad9a();
- virtual void InitFun(const TCCoordSliceArr& theRef,
- const TCCoordSliceArr& theGauss,
- TFun& theFun) const;
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- struct TQuad4b: TShapeFun {
- TQuad4b();
- virtual void InitFun(const TCCoordSliceArr& theRef,
- const TCCoordSliceArr& theGauss,
- TFun& theFun) const;
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- struct TQuad8b: TShapeFun {
- TQuad8b();
- virtual void InitFun(const TCCoordSliceArr& theRef,
- const TCCoordSliceArr& theGauss,
- TFun& theFun) const;
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- struct TQuad9b: TShapeFun {
- TQuad9b();
- virtual void InitFun(const TCCoordSliceArr& theRef,
- const TCCoordSliceArr& theGauss,
- TFun& theFun) const;
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- struct TTetra4a: TShapeFun {
- TTetra4a();
- virtual void InitFun(const TCCoordSliceArr& theRef,
- const TCCoordSliceArr& theGauss,
- TFun& theFun) const;
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- struct TTetra10a: TShapeFun {
- TTetra10a();
- virtual void InitFun(const TCCoordSliceArr& theRef,
- const TCCoordSliceArr& theGauss,
- TFun& theFun) const;
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- struct TTetra4b: TShapeFun {
- TTetra4b();
- virtual void InitFun(const TCCoordSliceArr& theRef,
- const TCCoordSliceArr& theGauss,
- TFun& theFun) const;
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- struct TTetra10b: TShapeFun {
- TTetra10b();
- virtual void InitFun(const TCCoordSliceArr& theRef,
- const TCCoordSliceArr& theGauss,
- TFun& theFun) const;
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- struct THexa8a: TShapeFun {
- THexa8a();
- virtual void InitFun(const TCCoordSliceArr& theRef,
- const TCCoordSliceArr& theGauss,
- TFun& theFun) const;
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- struct THexa20a: TShapeFun {
- THexa20a(TInt theDim = 3, TInt theNbRef = 20);
- virtual void InitFun(const TCCoordSliceArr& theRef,
- const TCCoordSliceArr& theGauss,
- TFun& theFun) const;
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- struct THexa27a: THexa20a {
- THexa27a();
- virtual void InitFun(const TCCoordSliceArr& theRef,
- const TCCoordSliceArr& theGauss,
- TFun& theFun) const;
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- struct THexa8b: TShapeFun {
- THexa8b();
- virtual void InitFun(const TCCoordSliceArr& theRef,
- const TCCoordSliceArr& theGauss,
- TFun& theFun) const;
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- struct THexa20b: TShapeFun {
- THexa20b(TInt theDim = 3, TInt theNbRef = 20);
- virtual void InitFun(const TCCoordSliceArr& theRef,
- const TCCoordSliceArr& theGauss,
- TFun& theFun) const;
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- struct TPenta6a: TShapeFun {
- TPenta6a();
- virtual void InitFun(const TCCoordSliceArr& theRef,
- const TCCoordSliceArr& theGauss,
- TFun& theFun) const;
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- struct TPenta6b: TShapeFun {
- TPenta6b();
- virtual void InitFun(const TCCoordSliceArr& theRef,
- const TCCoordSliceArr& theGauss,
- TFun& theFun) const;
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- struct TPenta15a: TShapeFun {
- TPenta15a();
- virtual void InitFun(const TCCoordSliceArr& theRef,
- const TCCoordSliceArr& theGauss,
- TFun& theFun) const;
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- struct TPenta15b: TShapeFun {
- TPenta15b();
- virtual void InitFun(const TCCoordSliceArr& theRef,
- const TCCoordSliceArr& theGauss,
- TFun& theFun) const;
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- struct TPyra5a: TShapeFun {
- TPyra5a();
- virtual void InitFun(const TCCoordSliceArr& theRef,
- const TCCoordSliceArr& theGauss,
- TFun& theFun) const;
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- struct TPyra5b: TShapeFun {
- TPyra5b();
- virtual void InitFun(const TCCoordSliceArr& theRef,
- const TCCoordSliceArr& theGauss,
- TFun& theFun) const;
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- struct TPyra13a: TShapeFun {
- TPyra13a();
- virtual void InitFun(const TCCoordSliceArr& theRef,
- const TCCoordSliceArr& theGauss,
- TFun& theFun) const;
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- struct TPyra13b: TShapeFun {
- TPyra13b();
- virtual void InitFun(const TCCoordSliceArr& theRef,
- const TCCoordSliceArr& theGauss,
- TFun& theFun) const;
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
+++ /dev/null
-// Copyright (C) 2007-2013 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE
-// Copyright (C) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
-// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-// version 2.1 of the License.
-// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// Lesser General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
-// File :
-// Author :
-// Module :
-// $Header$
-#ifndef MED_SharedPtr_HeaderFile
-#define MED_SharedPtr_HeaderFile
-#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
-namespace MED
- //! To extend the boost::shared_ptr to support such features automatic dynamic cast
- /*!
- All entities of the MEDWrapper package are handled as pointer.
- This class was introduced to provide correct and flexible memory management
- for all of the MEDWrapper objects.
- */
- template<class T> class SharedPtr: public boost::shared_ptr<T>
- {
- public:
- //! Default constructor
- SharedPtr() {}
- //! Construct the class by any type of a pointer
- template<class Y>
- explicit SharedPtr(Y * p):
- boost::shared_ptr<T>(p)
- {}
- //! Construct the class by any specialisation of the class
- template<class Y>
- SharedPtr(SharedPtr<Y> const & r):
- boost::shared_ptr<T>(r,boost::detail::dynamic_cast_tag())
- {}
- //! Copy-constructor
- template<class Y>
- SharedPtr&
- operator=(SharedPtr<Y> const & r)
- {
- boost::shared_ptr<T>(r,boost::detail::dynamic_cast_tag()).swap(*this);
- return *this;
- }
- //! Introduce a flexible way to reset the wrapped pointer
- template<class Y>
- SharedPtr&
- operator()(Y * p) // Y must be complete
- {
- return operator=<Y>(SharedPtr<Y>(p));
- }
- //! Introduce a flexible way to reset the wrapped pointer
- template<class Y>
- SharedPtr&
- operator()(SharedPtr<Y> const & r) // Y must be complete
- {
- return operator=<Y>(SharedPtr<Y>(r));
- }
- //! To provide a flexible way to use reference to the wrapped pointer (const version)
- operator const T& () const
- {
- return *(this->get());
- }
- //! To provide a flexible way to use reference to the wrapped pointer
- operator T& ()
- {
- return *(this->get());
- }
- };
+++ /dev/null
-// Copyright (C) 2007-2013 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE
-// Copyright (C) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
-// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-// version 2.1 of the License.
-// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// Lesser General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
-// File :
-// Author :
-// Module :
-// $Header$
-#ifndef MED_SliceArray_HeaderFile
-#define MED_SliceArray_HeaderFile
-#ifdef WIN32 // for correctly compiling "valarray" in modules, which are includes this file
- #undef max
- #undef min
-#include <valarray>
-#include <stdexcept>
-//#if defined(_DEBUG_)
-namespace MED
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- //! This class intends to provide an uniform way to handle multy-dimention data (const version)
- /*!
- It just contains pointer to real sequence and implement proper calcultion of its indexes.
- This class deal with constant pointer to the sources data and provide const method to
- read the them (data).
- */
- template<class TValueType>
- class TCSlice
- {
- const TValueType* myCValuePtr; //!< Reference to source multy-dimension data
- size_t mySourceSize; //!< Size of the source multy-dimension data
- std::slice mySlice; //!< Defines algorithm of index calculation
- protected:
- void
- check_id(size_t theId) const
- {
- long int anId = -1;
- if(theId < mySlice.size()){
- anId = mySlice.start() + theId*mySlice.stride();
- if(anId < (long int)mySourceSize)
- return;
- }
- throw std::out_of_range("TCSlice::check_id");
- }
- //! Calculate internal index to get proper element from the source multy-dimension data
- size_t
- calculate_id(size_t theId) const
- {
- return mySlice.start() + theId*mySlice.stride();
- }
- size_t
- get_id(size_t theId) const
- {
- check_id(theId);
- return calculate_id(theId);
- }
- size_t
- get_id_at(size_t theId) const
- {
- check_id(theId);
- return calculate_id(theId);
- }
- public:
- typedef TValueType value_type;
- //! Construct the class from bare pointer
- TCSlice(const value_type* theValuePtr,
- size_t theSourceSize,
- const std::slice& theSlice):
- myCValuePtr(theValuePtr),
- mySourceSize(theSourceSize),
- mySlice(theSlice)
- {}
- //! Construct the class from corresponding container
- TCSlice(const TVector<value_type>& theContainer,
- const std::slice& theSlice):
- myCValuePtr(&theContainer[0]),
- mySourceSize(theContainer.size()),
- mySlice(theSlice)
- {}
- //! Default constructor (dangerous)
- TCSlice():
- myCValuePtr(NULL)
- {}
- //! Get element by its number (const version)
- const value_type&
- operator[](size_t theId) const
- {
- return *(myCValuePtr + get_id(theId));
- }
- const value_type&
- at(size_t theId) const
- {
- return *(myCValuePtr + get_id_at(theId));
- }
- //! Get range of the order numbers
- size_t
- size() const
- {
- return mySlice.size();
- }
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- //! This class extend TCSlice functionality for non-constant case
- template<class TValueType>
- class TSlice: public TCSlice<TValueType>
- {
- TValueType* myValuePtr;
- public:
- typedef TValueType value_type;
- typedef TCSlice<TValueType> TSupperClass;
- //! Construct the class from bare pointer
- TSlice(value_type* theValuePtr,
- size_t theSourceSize,
- const std::slice& theSlice):
- TSupperClass(theValuePtr, theSourceSize, theSlice),
- myValuePtr(theValuePtr)
- {}
- //! Construct the class from corresponding container
- TSlice(TVector<value_type>& theContainer,
- const std::slice& theSlice):
- TSupperClass(theContainer, theSlice),
- myValuePtr(&theContainer[0])
- {}
- //! Default constructor (dangerous)
- TSlice():
- myValuePtr(NULL)
- {}
- //! Get element by its number
- value_type&
- operator[](size_t theId)
- {
- return *(myValuePtr + this->get_id(theId));
- }
- value_type&
- at(size_t theId)
- {
- return *(myValuePtr + this->get_id_at(theId));
- }
- };
+++ /dev/null
-// Copyright (C) 2007-2013 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE
-// Copyright (C) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
-// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-// version 2.1 of the License.
-// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// Lesser General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
-// File : MED_Structure.cxx
-// Author : Eugeny NIKOLAEV
-// Module : MED
-#include "MED_Structures.hxx"
-#include "MED_Utilities.hxx"
-#include <cstring>
-using namespace MED;
-namespace MED
- TInt
- GetNbNodes(EGeometrieElement typmai)
- {
- return typmai%100;
- }
- std::string
- GetString(TInt theId,
- TInt theStep,
- const TString& theString)
- {
- const char* aPos = &theString[theId*theStep];
- TInt aSize = std::min(TInt(strlen(aPos)),theStep);
- return std::string(aPos,aSize);
- }
- void
- SetString(TInt theId,
- TInt theStep,
- TString& theString,
- const std::string& theValue)
- {
- TInt aSize = std::min(TInt(theValue.size()+1),theStep);
- char* aPos = &theString[theId*theStep];
- strncpy(aPos,theValue.c_str(),aSize);
- }
- void
- SetString(TInt theId,
- TInt theStep,
- TString& theString,
- const TString& theValue)
- {
- TInt aSize = std::min(TInt(theValue.size()+1),theStep);
- char* aPos = &theString[theId*theStep];
- const char* aValue = &theValue[0];
- strncpy(aPos,aValue,aSize);
- }
- TInt
- GetDimGaussCoord(EGeometrieElement theGeom)
- {
- return theGeom/100;
- }
- TInt
- GetNbRefCoord(EGeometrieElement theGeom)
- {
- return (theGeom%100);
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- PFloatTimeStampValue
- CastToFloatTimeStampValue(const PTimeStampValueBase& theTimeStampValue)
- {
- return theTimeStampValue;
- }
- PIntTimeStampValue
- CastToIntTimeStampValue(const PTimeStampValueBase& theTimeStampValue)
- {
- return theTimeStampValue;
- }
-::GetAttrId(TInt theId) const
- return myAttrId[theId];
-::GetAttrVal(TInt theId) const
- return myAttrVal[theId];
-::SetAttrId(TInt theId,TInt theVal)
- myAttrId[theId] = theVal;
-::SetAttrVal(TInt theId,TInt theVal)
- myAttrVal[theId] = theVal;
-::GetFamNum(TInt theId) const
- return (*myFamNum)[theId];
-::SetFamNum(TInt theId, TInt theVal)
- (*myFamNum)[theId] = theVal;
- myIsFamNum = eVRAI;
-::GetElemNum(TInt theId) const
- return (*myElemNum)[theId];
-::SetElemNum(TInt theId, TInt theVal)
- (*myElemNum)[theId] = theVal;
-::GetCoordSlice(TInt theId) const
- TInt aDim = myMeshInfo->GetSpaceDim();
- if(GetModeSwitch() == eFULL_INTERLACE)
- return TCCoordSlice(*myCoord, std::slice(theId*aDim, aDim, 1));
- else
- return TCCoordSlice(*myCoord, std::slice(theId, aDim, aDim));
-::GetCoordSlice(TInt theId)
- TInt aDim = myMeshInfo->GetSpaceDim();
- if(GetModeSwitch() == eFULL_INTERLACE)
- return TCoordSlice(*myCoord, std::slice(theId*aDim,aDim,1));
- else
- return TCoordSlice(*myCoord, std::slice(theId,aDim,aDim));
-::GetConnSlice(TInt theElemId) const
- if(GetModeSwitch() == eFULL_INTERLACE)
- return TCConnSlice(*myConn, std::slice(GetConnDim()*theElemId, GetNbNodes(myGeom), 1));
- else
- return TCConnSlice(*myConn, std::slice(theElemId, GetNbNodes(myGeom), GetConnDim()));
-::GetConnSlice(TInt theElemId)
- if(GetModeSwitch() == eFULL_INTERLACE)
- return TConnSlice(*myConn, std::slice(GetConnDim()*theElemId, GetNbNodes(myGeom), 1));
- else
- return TConnSlice(*myConn, std::slice(theElemId, GetNbNodes(myGeom), GetConnDim()));
-::GetNbConn(TInt theElemId) const
- return (*myIndex)[theElemId + 1] - (*myIndex)[theElemId];
-::GetConnSlice(TInt theElemId) const
- return TCConnSlice(*myConn, std::slice((*myIndex)[theElemId] - 1, GetNbConn(theElemId), 1));
-::GetConnSlice(TInt theElemId)
- return TConnSlice(*myConn, std::slice((*myIndex)[theElemId] - 1, GetNbConn(theElemId), 1));
-::GetNbFaces(TInt theElemId) const
- return (*myIndex)[theElemId+1] - (*myIndex)[theElemId];
-::GetNbNodes(TInt theElemId) const
- TInt aNbNodes = 0;
- TInt aNbFaces = GetNbFaces(theElemId);
- TInt aStartFaceId = (*myIndex)[theElemId] - 1;
- for(TInt aFaceId = 0; aFaceId < aNbFaces; aFaceId++, aStartFaceId++){
- TInt aCurrentId = (*myFaces)[aStartFaceId];
- TInt aDiff = (*myFaces)[aStartFaceId + 1] - aCurrentId;
- aNbNodes += aDiff;
- }
- return aNbNodes;
-::GetConnSliceArr(TInt theElemId) const
- TInt aNbFaces = GetNbFaces(theElemId);
- TCConnSliceArr aConnSliceArr(aNbFaces);
- TInt aStartFaceId = (*myIndex)[theElemId] - 1;
- for(TInt aFaceId = 0; aFaceId < aNbFaces; aFaceId++, aStartFaceId++){
- TInt aCurrentId = (*myFaces)[aStartFaceId];
- TInt aDiff = (*myFaces)[aStartFaceId + 1] - aCurrentId;
- aConnSliceArr[aFaceId] =
- TCConnSlice(*myConn, std::slice(aCurrentId - 1, aDiff, 1));
- }
- return aConnSliceArr;
-::GetConnSliceArr(TInt theElemId)
- TInt aNbFaces = GetNbFaces(theElemId);
- TConnSliceArr aConnSliceArr(aNbFaces);
- TInt aStartFaceId = (*myIndex)[theElemId] - 1;
- for(TInt aFaceId = 0; aFaceId < aNbFaces; aFaceId++, aStartFaceId++){
- TInt aCurrentId = (*myFaces)[aStartFaceId];
- TInt aDiff = (*myFaces)[aStartFaceId + 1] - aCurrentId;
- aConnSliceArr[aFaceId] =
- TConnSlice(*myConn, std::slice(aCurrentId - 1, aDiff, 1));
- }
- return aConnSliceArr;
- myNbElem(0),
- myNbComp(0),
- myNbGauss(0),
- myStep(0)
-::Allocate(TInt theNbElem,
- TInt theNbGauss,
- TInt theNbComp,
- EModeSwitch theMode)
- myModeSwitch = theMode;
- myNbElem = theNbElem;
- myNbGauss = theNbGauss;
- myNbComp = theNbComp;
- myStep = theNbComp*theNbGauss;
-::GetSize() const
- return myNbElem * myStep;
-::GetNbVal() const
- return myNbElem * myNbGauss;
-::GetNbGauss() const
- return myNbGauss;
-::GetStep() const
- return myStep;
-::GetElemNum(TInt theId) const
- return (*myElemNum)[theId];
-::SetElemNum(TInt theId,TInt theVal)
- (*myElemNum)[theId] = theVal;
-::operator()(const TKey& theLeft, const TKey& theRight) const
- EGeometrieElement aLGeom = boost::get<0>(theLeft);
- EGeometrieElement aRGeom = boost::get<0>(theRight);
- if(aLGeom != aRGeom)
- return aLGeom < aRGeom;
- const std::string& aLStr = boost::get<1>(theLeft);
- const std::string& aRStr = boost::get<1>(theRight);
- return aLStr < aRStr;
-::operator()(const TGaussInfo& theLeft, const TGaussInfo& theRight) const
- if(!&theLeft)
- return true;
- if(!&theRight)
- return false;
- if(theLeft.myGeom != theRight.myGeom)
- return theLeft.myGeom < theRight.myGeom;
- if(theLeft.myRefCoord != theRight.myRefCoord)
- return theLeft.myRefCoord < theRight.myRefCoord;
- return theLeft.myGaussCoord < theRight.myGaussCoord;
-::GetRefCoordSlice(TInt theId) const
- if(GetModeSwitch() == eFULL_INTERLACE)
- return TCCoordSlice(myRefCoord,std::slice(theId*GetDim(),GetDim(),1));
- else
- return TCCoordSlice(myRefCoord,std::slice(theId,GetDim(),GetDim()));
-::GetRefCoordSlice(TInt theId)
- if(GetModeSwitch() == eFULL_INTERLACE)
- return TCoordSlice(myRefCoord,std::slice(theId*GetDim(),GetDim(),1));
- else
- return TCoordSlice(myRefCoord,std::slice(theId,GetDim(),GetDim()));
-::GetGaussCoordSlice(TInt theId) const
- if(GetModeSwitch() == eFULL_INTERLACE)
- return TCCoordSlice(myGaussCoord,std::slice(theId*GetDim(),GetDim(),1));
- else
- return TCCoordSlice(myGaussCoord,std::slice(theId,GetDim(),GetDim()));
-::GetGaussCoordSlice(TInt theId)
- if(GetModeSwitch() == eFULL_INTERLACE)
- return TCoordSlice(myGaussCoord,std::slice(theId*GetDim(),GetNbGauss(),1));
- else
- return TCoordSlice(myGaussCoord,std::slice(theId,GetNbGauss(),GetDim()));
-::GetNbGauss(EGeometrieElement theGeom) const
- TGeom2NbGauss::const_iterator anIter = myGeom2NbGauss.find(theGeom);
- if(anIter == myGeom2NbGauss.end())
- return 1;//EXCEPTION(runtime_error,"TTimeStampInfo::GetNbGauss - myGeom2NbGauss.find(theGeom) fails");
- return anIter->second;
-// TGrilleInfo structure methods
-const EGrilleType&
-::GetGrilleType() const
- return myGrilleType;
- return myGrilleType;
-::SetGrilleType(EGrilleType theGrilleType)
- myGrilleType = theGrilleType;
-::GetMapOfIndexes() const
- return myIndixes;
- return myIndixes;
-::GetIndexes(TInt theAxisNumber) const
- TIndexes::const_iterator aIter=myIndixes.find(theAxisNumber);
- if(aIter==myIndixes.end())
- EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error, "const TGrilleInfo::GetIndexes - myIndixes.find(theAxisNumber); fails");
- return aIter->second;
-::GetIndexes(TInt theAxisNumber)
- TIndexes::iterator aIter=myIndixes.find(theAxisNumber);
- if(aIter==myIndixes.end())
- EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error, "TGrilleInfo::GetIndexes - myIndixes.find(theAxisNumber="<<theAxisNumber<<"); fails");
- return aIter->second;
-::GetNbIndexes(TInt theAxisNumber)
- const TFloatVector& aVector=GetIndexes(theAxisNumber);
- return aVector.size();
- TInt nbNodes=0;
- TInt aDim = myMeshInfo->GetDim();
- for(int i=0;i<aDim;i++)
- if(nbNodes == 0)
- nbNodes = this->GetGrilleStructure()[i];
- else
- nbNodes = nbNodes*this->GetGrilleStructure()[i];
- return nbNodes;
- TInt nbCells=0;
- TInt aDim = myMeshInfo->GetDim();
- for(int i=0;i<aDim;i++)
- if(nbCells == 0)
- nbCells = this->GetGrilleStructure()[i]-1;
- else
- nbCells = nbCells*(this->GetGrilleStructure()[i]-1);
- return nbCells;
- TInt nb=0;
- TInt aDim = myMeshInfo->GetDim();
- switch (aDim) {
- case 3:
- nb =
- (myGrilleStructure[0] ) * (myGrilleStructure[1]-1) * (myGrilleStructure[2]-1) +
- (myGrilleStructure[0]-1) * (myGrilleStructure[1] ) * (myGrilleStructure[2]-1) +
- (myGrilleStructure[0]-1) * (myGrilleStructure[1]-1) * (myGrilleStructure[2] );
- break;
- case 2:
- nb =
- (myGrilleStructure[0] ) * (myGrilleStructure[1]-1) +
- (myGrilleStructure[0]-1) * (myGrilleStructure[1] );
- break;
- }
- return nb;
- TInt aDim = myMeshInfo->GetDim();
- switch(aDim){
- case 1:
- return eSEG2;
- case 2:
- return eQUAD4;
- case 3:
- return eHEXA8;
- default:
- return eNONE;
- }
- TInt aDim = myMeshInfo->GetDim();
- switch(aDim){
- case 2:
- return eSEG2;
- case 3:
- return eQUAD4;
- }
- return eNONE;
- return eMAILLE;
- TInt aDim = myMeshInfo->GetDim();
- switch(aDim){
- case 2:
- return eARETE;
- case 3:
- return eFACE;
- }
- return EEntiteMaillage(-1);
-::GetGrilleStructure() const
- return myGrilleStructure;
- return myGrilleStructure;
-::SetGrilleStructure(TInt theAxis,TInt theNb)
- if(theAxis >= 0 && theAxis <=2 && theNb >= 0)
- myGrilleStructure[theAxis]=theNb;
-::GetNodeCoord() const
- return myCoord;
- return myCoord;
-::GetCoord(TInt theId)
- TNodeCoord aCoord;
- TInt aDim = myMeshInfo->GetDim();
- TInt aNbNodes = this->GetNbNodes();
- aCoord.resize(aDim);
- if(theId >= aNbNodes)
- EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error, "TGrilleInfo::GetCoord - theId out of range");
- if(myGrilleType == eGRILLE_STANDARD){
- switch(aDim){
- case 3:
- aCoord[2] = myCoord[aDim*theId+2];
- case 2:
- aCoord[1] = myCoord[aDim*theId+1];
- case 1:{
- aCoord[0] = myCoord[aDim*theId];
- break;
- }
- }
- } else {
- TFloatVector aVecX = this->GetIndexes(0);
- TInt nbIndxX = this->GetNbIndexes(0);
- switch(aDim){
- case 1:{
- aCoord[0] = aVecX[theId];
- break;
- }
- case 2:{
- TFloatVector aVecY = this->GetIndexes(1);
- TInt i,j,k;
- i = j = k = 0;
- i = theId % nbIndxX;
- j = theId / nbIndxX;
- if(myGrilleType == eGRILLE_CARTESIENNE){
- aCoord[0] = aVecX[i];
- aCoord[1] = aVecY[j];
- } else { // eGRILLE_POLAIRE (cylindrical)
- aCoord[0] = aVecX[i] * cos(aVecY[j]);
- aCoord[1] = aVecX[i] * sin(aVecY[j]);
- }
- break;
- }
- case 3:{
- TFloatVector aVecY = this->GetIndexes(1);
- TInt nbIndxY = this->GetNbIndexes(1);
- TFloatVector aVecZ = this->GetIndexes(2);
- TInt i,j,k;
- i = j = k = 0;
- i = theId % nbIndxX;
- j = (theId / nbIndxX) % nbIndxY;
- k = theId / (nbIndxX*nbIndxY);
- if(myGrilleType == eGRILLE_CARTESIENNE){
- aCoord[0] = aVecX[i];
- aCoord[1] = aVecY[j];
- aCoord[2] = aVecZ[k];
- } else { // eGRILLE_POLAIRE (cylindrical)
- aCoord[0] = aVecX[i] * cos(aVecY[j]);
- aCoord[1] = aVecX[i] * sin(aVecY[j]);
- aCoord[2] = aVecZ[k];
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return aCoord;
-::GetConn(TInt theId, const bool isSub)
- TIntVector anIndexes;
- TInt aDim = myMeshInfo->GetDim();
- TInt idx;
- TInt iMin, jMin, kMin, iMax, jMax, kMax;
- TInt loc[3];
- loc[0] = loc[1] = loc[2] = 0;
- iMin = iMax = jMin = jMax = kMin = kMax = 0;
- switch(aDim) {
- case 3:
- {
- TInt nbX = this->GetGrilleStructure()[0];
- TInt nbY = this->GetGrilleStructure()[1];
- TInt nbZ = this->GetGrilleStructure()[2];
- TInt d01 = nbX*nbY, dX = 1, dY = 1, dZ = 1;
- if ( isSub )
- {
- if ( theId < nbX * (nbY-1) * (nbZ-1))
- { // face is normal to X axis
- dX = 0;
- }
- else if ( theId < nbX * (nbY-1) * (nbZ-1) + (nbX-1) * nbY * (nbZ-1))
- { // face is normal to Y axis
- theId -= nbX * (nbY-1) * (nbZ-1);
- dY = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- theId -= nbX * (nbY-1) * (nbZ-1) + (nbX-1) * nbY * (nbZ-1);
- dZ = 0;
- }
- }
- //else
- {
- iMin = theId % (nbX - dX);
- jMin = (theId / (nbX - dX)) % (nbY - dY);
- kMin = theId / ((nbX - dX) * (nbY - dY));
- iMax = iMin+dX;
- jMax = jMin+dY;
- kMax = kMin+dZ;
- }
- for (loc[2]=kMin; loc[2]<=kMax; loc[2]++)
- for (loc[1]=jMin; loc[1]<=jMax; loc[1]++)
- for (loc[0]=iMin; loc[0]<=iMax; loc[0]++)
- {
- idx = loc[0] + loc[1]*nbX + loc[2]*d01;
- anIndexes.push_back(idx);
- }
- break;
- }
- case 2:
- {
- TInt nbX = this->GetGrilleStructure()[0];
- TInt nbY = this->GetGrilleStructure()[1];
- TInt dX = 1, dY = 1;
- if ( isSub )
- {
- if ( theId < nbX * (nbY-1))
- { // edge is normal to X axis
- dX = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- theId -= nbX * (nbY-1);
- dY = 0;
- }
- }
- iMin = theId % (nbX-dX);
- jMin = theId / (nbX-dX);
- iMax = iMin+dX;
- jMax = jMin+dY;
- for (loc[1]=jMin; loc[1]<=jMax; loc[1]++)
- for (loc[0]=iMin; loc[0]<=iMax; loc[0]++)
- {
- idx = loc[0] + loc[1]*nbX;
- anIndexes.push_back(idx);
- }
- break;
- }
- case 1:
- {
- iMin = theId;
- for (loc[0]=iMin; loc[0]<=iMin+1; loc[0]++)
- {
- idx = loc[0];
- anIndexes.push_back(idx);
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- return anIndexes;
-::GetFamNumNode(TInt theId) const
- return myFamNumNode[theId];
-::SetFamNumNode(TInt theId,TInt theVal)
- myFamNumNode[theId] = theVal;
-::GetFamNum(TInt theId) const
- return myFamNum[theId];
-::SetFamNum(TInt theId,TInt theVal)
- myFamNum[theId] = theVal;
-::GetFamSubNum(TInt theId) const
- return myFamSubNum[theId];
-::SetFamSubNum(TInt theId,TInt theVal)
- myFamSubNum[theId] = theVal;
+++ /dev/null
-// Copyright (C) 2007-2013 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE
-// Copyright (C) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
-// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-// version 2.1 of the License.
-// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// Lesser General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
-#ifndef MED_Structures_HeaderFile
-#define MED_Structures_HeaderFile
-#include "MED_Common.hxx"
-#include "MED_Utilities.hxx"
-#ifdef WIN32
-#pragma warning(disable:4251)
-namespace MED
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- //! Defines a type for managing sequence of strings
- typedef TVector<char> TString;
- typedef SharedPtr<TString> PString;
- //! Extract a substring from the sequence of the strings
- std::string
- GetString(TInt theId, TInt theStep,
- const TString& theString);
- //! Set a substring in the sequence of the strings
- void
- SetString(TInt theId, TInt theStep,
- TString& theString,
- const std::string& theValue);
- //! Set a substring in the sequence of the strings
- void
- SetString(TInt theId, TInt theStep,
- TString& theString,
- const TString& theValue);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- //! Define a parent class for all MEDWrapper classes
- {
- virtual ~TBase() {}
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- //! Define a parent class for all named MED entities
- struct MEDWRAPPER_EXPORT TNameInfo: virtual TBase
- {
- TString myName; //!< Keeps its name
- virtual std::string GetName() const = 0; //!< Gets its name
- virtual void SetName(const std::string& theValue) = 0; //!< Set a new name
- virtual void SetName(const TString& theValue) = 0; //!< Set a new name
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- //! Define a parent class for all MED entities that contains a sequence of numbers
- /*!
- It defines through corresponding enumeration (EModeSwitch) how the sequence
- should be interpreted in C or Fortran mode (eFULL_INTERLACE or eNON_INTERLACE).
- */
- struct MEDWRAPPER_EXPORT TModeSwitchInfo: virtual TBase
- {
- //! To construct instance of the class by default
- TModeSwitchInfo():
- myModeSwitch(eFULL_INTERLACE)
- {}
- //! To construct instance of the class
- TModeSwitchInfo(EModeSwitch theModeSwitch):
- myModeSwitch(theModeSwitch)
- {}
- EModeSwitch myModeSwitch; //!< Keeps the
- EModeSwitch GetModeSwitch() const { return myModeSwitch;}
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- //! Define a base class which represents MED Mesh entity
- struct MEDWRAPPER_EXPORT TMeshInfo: virtual TNameInfo
- {
- TInt myDim; //!< Dimension of the mesh (0, 1, 2 or 3)
- TInt GetDim() const { return myDim;} //!< Gets dimension of the mesh
- TInt mySpaceDim;
- TInt GetSpaceDim() const { return mySpaceDim; }
- EMaillage myType; //!< Type of the mesh
- EMaillage GetType() const { return myType;} //!< Gets type of the mesh
- TString myDesc; //!< Description of the mesh
- virtual std::string GetDesc() const = 0; //!< Get description for the mesh
- virtual void SetDesc(const std::string& theValue) = 0; //!< Sets description for the mesh
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- typedef TVector<TInt> TIntVector;
- typedef TSlice<TInt> TIntVecSlice;
- typedef TCSlice<TInt> TCIntVecSlice;
- typedef TIntVector TFamAttr;
- //! Define a base class which represents MED Family entity
- struct MEDWRAPPER_EXPORT TFamilyInfo: virtual TNameInfo
- {
- PMeshInfo myMeshInfo; //!< A reference to correspondig MED Mesh
- //! Get a reference to corresponding MED Mesh
- const PMeshInfo& GetMeshInfo() const { return myMeshInfo;}
- TInt myId; //!< An unique index of the MED FAMILY
- TInt GetId() const { return myId;} //!< Gets number of the MED FAMILY
- void SetId(TInt theId) { myId = theId;} //! Define number of the MED FAMILY
- TInt myNbGroup; //!< Defines number MED Groups connected to
- //! Gets number of MED GROUPS the MED FAMILY is bound to
- TInt GetNbGroup() const { return myNbGroup;}
- //! Contains sequence of the names for the MED Groups connected to
- TString myGroupNames;
- //! Gets name of a bound MED GROUP by its number
- virtual std::string GetGroupName(TInt theId) const = 0;
- //! Sets name of the defined MED GROUP by its number
- virtual void SetGroupName(TInt theId, const std::string& theValue) = 0;
- TInt myNbAttr; //!< Defines number of the MED Family attributes
- //! Gets number of attached attributes for the MED FAMILY
- TInt GetNbAttr() const { return myNbAttr;}
- //! Defines sequence of the indexes of the MED Family attributes
- TFamAttr myAttrId;
- //! Get MED FAMILY attribute by its number
- TInt GetAttrId(TInt theId) const;
- //! Set MED FAMILY attribute by its number
- void SetAttrId(TInt theId, TInt theVal);
- //! Defines sequence of the values of the MED Family attributes
- TFamAttr myAttrVal;
- //! Get MED FAMILY attribute by its number
- TInt GetAttrVal(TInt theId) const;
- //! Set MED FAMILY attribute by its number
- void SetAttrVal(TInt theId, TInt theVal);
- //! Defines sequence of the names of the MED Family attributes
- TString myAttrDesc;
- //! Get value of the MED FAMILY attribute by its number
- virtual std::string GetAttrDesc(TInt theId) const = 0;
- //! Set value of the MED FAMILY attribute by its number
- virtual void SetAttrDesc(TInt theId, const std::string& theValue) = 0;
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- typedef TIntVector TElemNum;
- typedef SharedPtr<TElemNum> PElemNum;
- //! Define a parent class for all MED entities that describes mesh entites such as nodes and cells.
- struct MEDWRAPPER_EXPORT TElemInfo: virtual TBase
- {
- PMeshInfo myMeshInfo; //!< A reference to correspondig MED Mesh
- //! Get a reference to corresponding MED Mesh
- const PMeshInfo& GetMeshInfo() const { return myMeshInfo;}
- TInt myNbElem; //<! Number of corresponding mesh entities
- TInt GetNbElem() const { return myNbElem;} //! Get number of mesh elements
- //! Defines sequence MED Family indexes for corresponding mesh entites
- PElemNum myFamNum;
- //! Get number of a MED FAMILY by order number of the mesh element
- TInt GetFamNum(TInt theId) const;
- //! Set number of a MED FAMILY for the mesh element with the order number
- void SetFamNum(TInt theId, TInt theVal);
- //! Defines if the mesh elements are indexed
- EBooleen myIsElemNum;
- //! Let know if the mesh elements are indexed
- EBooleen IsElemNum() const { return myIsElemNum;}
- //! Defines if the mesh elements family are indexed
- EBooleen myIsFamNum;
- //! Let know if the mesh elements family are indexed
- EBooleen IsFamNum() const { return myIsFamNum;}
- //! Contains sequence of the indexes for the mesh elements
- PElemNum myElemNum;
- //! Get a reference number of the mesh element by its order number
- TInt GetElemNum(TInt theId) const;
- //! Set a reference number for the mesh element by its order number
- void SetElemNum(TInt theId, TInt theVal);
- //! Defines if the mesh elements are named
- EBooleen myIsElemNames;
- //! Let know if the mesh elements havew names
- EBooleen IsElemNames() const { return myIsElemNames;}
- //! Contains sequence of the names for the mesh elements
- PString myElemNames;
- //! Get name of the mesh element by its order number
- virtual std::string GetElemName(TInt theId) const = 0;
- //! Set name of the mesh element by its order number
- virtual void SetElemName(TInt theId, const std::string& theValue) = 0;
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- typedef TVector<TFloat> TFloatVector;
- typedef TSlice<TFloat> TFloatVecSlice;
- typedef TCSlice<TFloat> TCFloatVecSlice;
- typedef TFloatVector TNodeCoord;
- typedef SharedPtr<TNodeCoord> PNodeCoord;
- typedef TFloatVecSlice TCoordSlice;
- typedef TCFloatVecSlice TCCoordSlice;
- //! Define a base class which represents MED Nodes entity
- virtual TElemInfo,
- virtual TModeSwitchInfo
- {
- PNodeCoord myCoord; //!< Contains all nodal coordinates
- //! Gives coordinates for mesh node by its number (const version)
- TCCoordSlice GetCoordSlice(TInt theId) const;
- //! Gives coordinates for mesh node by its number
- TCoordSlice GetCoordSlice(TInt theId);
- ERepere mySystem; //!< Defines, which coordinate system is used
- //! Get which coordinate system is used for the node describing
- ERepere GetSystem() const { return mySystem;}
- //! Set coordinate system to be used for the node describing
- void SetSystem(ERepere theSystem) { mySystem = theSystem;}
- TString myCoordNames; //!< Contains names for the coordinate dimensions
- //! Get name of the coordinate dimension by its order number
- virtual std::string GetCoordName(TInt theId) const = 0;
- //! Set name of the coordinate dimension by its order number
- virtual void SetCoordName(TInt theId, const std::string& theValue) = 0;
- TString myCoordUnits; //!< Contains units for the coordinate dimensions
- //! Get name of unit for the coordinate dimension by its order number
- virtual std::string GetCoordUnit(TInt theId) const = 0;
- //! Set name of unit for the coordinate dimension by its order number
- virtual void SetCoordUnit(TInt theId, const std::string& theValue) = 0;
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- typedef TIntVecSlice TConnSlice;
- typedef TCIntVecSlice TCConnSlice;
- //! Define a base class which represents MED Cells entity
- virtual TElemInfo,
- virtual TModeSwitchInfo
- {
- EEntiteMaillage myEntity; //!< Defines the MED Entity where the mesh cells belongs to
- //! Let known what MED ENTITY the cells belong to
- EEntiteMaillage GetEntity() const { return myEntity;}
- EGeometrieElement myGeom; //!< Defines the MED Geometric type of the instance
- //! Let known what MED geometrical type the cells belong to
- EGeometrieElement GetGeom() const { return myGeom;}
- EConnectivite myConnMode; //!< Defines connectivity mode
- //! Let known in what connectivity the cells are writen
- EConnectivite GetConnMode() const { return myConnMode;}
- virtual TInt GetConnDim() const = 0; //!< Gives step in the connectivity sequence
- PElemNum myConn; //!< Defines sequence which describe connectivity for each of mesh cell
- //! Gives connectivities for mesh cell by its number (const version)
- TCConnSlice GetConnSlice(TInt theElemId) const;
- //! Gives connectivities for mesh cell by its number
- TConnSlice GetConnSlice(TInt theElemId);
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- //! Define a base class which represents MED Polygon entity
- struct MEDWRAPPER_EXPORT TPolygoneInfo:
- virtual TElemInfo
- {
- //! Defines the MED Entity where the polygons belongs to
- EEntiteMaillage myEntity; // MED_FACE|MED_MAILLE
- //! Let known what MED ENTITY the MED Polygons belong to
- EEntiteMaillage GetEntity() const { return myEntity;}
- //! Defines the MED Geometric type of the instance
- EGeometrieElement myGeom; // ePOLYGONE
- //! Let known what MED geometrical type the MED Polygons belong to
- EGeometrieElement GetGeom() const { return ePOLYGONE;}
- //! Defines connectivity mode
- EConnectivite myConnMode; // eNOD|eDESC(eDESC not used)
- //! Let known in what connectivity the cells are writen
- EConnectivite GetConnMode() const { return myConnMode;}
- PElemNum myConn; //!< Table de connectivities
- PElemNum myIndex; //!< Table de indexes
- //! Gives number of the connectivities for the defined polygon
- TInt GetNbConn(TInt theElemId) const;
- //! Gives connectivities for polygon by its number (const version)
- TCConnSlice GetConnSlice(TInt theElemId) const;
- //! Gives connectivities for polygon by its number
- TConnSlice GetConnSlice(TInt theElemId);
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- //! Define a class representing MED_BALL structure element.
- //
- // This could be a generic class for any structure element
- // holding any number of contant and variable attributes
- // but it's too hard to implement
- //
- virtual TCellInfo
- {
- TFloatVector myDiameters;
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- typedef TVector<TCConnSlice> TCConnSliceArr;
- typedef TVector<TConnSlice> TConnSliceArr;
- //! Define a base class which represents MED Polyedre entity
- struct MEDWRAPPER_EXPORT TPolyedreInfo:
- virtual TElemInfo
- {
- //! Defines the MED Entity where the polyedres belongs to
- EEntiteMaillage myEntity; // MED_FACE|MED_MAILLE
- //! Let known what MED ENTITY the MED Polyedres belong to
- EEntiteMaillage GetEntity() const { return myEntity;}
- //! Defines the MED Geometric type of the instance
- EGeometrieElement myGeom; // ePOLYEDRE
- //! Let known what MED geometrical type the MED Polyedres belong to
- EGeometrieElement GetGeom() const { return ePOLYEDRE;}
- //! Defines connectivity mode
- EConnectivite myConnMode; // eNOD|eDESC(eDESC not used)
- //! Let known in what connectivity the cells are writen
- EConnectivite GetConnMode() const { return myConnMode;}
- PElemNum myConn; //!< Table de connectivities
- PElemNum myFaces; //!< Table de faces indexes
- PElemNum myIndex; //!< Table de indexes
- //! Gives number of the faces for the defined polyedre (const version)
- TInt GetNbFaces(TInt theElemId) const;
- //! Gives number of the nodes for the defined polyedre
- TInt GetNbNodes(TInt theElemId) const;
- //! Gives sequence of the face connectivities for polyedre by its number (const version)
- TCConnSliceArr GetConnSliceArr(TInt theElemId) const;
- //! Gives sequence of the face connectivities for polyedre by its number
- TConnSliceArr GetConnSliceArr(TInt theElemId);
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- //! Define a base class which represents MED Field entity
- struct MEDWRAPPER_EXPORT TFieldInfo:
- virtual TNameInfo
- {
- PMeshInfo myMeshInfo; //!< A reference to correspondig MED Mesh
- //! Get a reference to corresponding MED Mesh
- const PMeshInfo& GetMeshInfo() const { return myMeshInfo;}
- ETypeChamp myType; //!< Defines type of the MED Field
- //! Let known what type of the MED FIELD is used
- ETypeChamp GetType() const { return myType;}
- TInt myNbComp; //!< Defines number of components stored in the field
- //! Get number of components for the MED FIELD
- TInt GetNbComp() const { return myNbComp;}
- EBooleen myIsLocal; //!< Defines if the MED Field is local
- //! Let known is the MED FIELD is local or not
- EBooleen GetIsLocal() const { return myIsLocal;}
- TInt myNbRef; //!< Defines number of refereces of the field
- //! Let known number of references for the MED FIELD
- TInt GetNbRef() const { return myNbRef;}
- TString myCompNames; //!< Contains names for each of MED Field components
- //! Get name of the component by its order number
- virtual std::string GetCompName(TInt theId) const = 0;
- //! Set name for the component by its order number
- virtual void SetCompName(TInt theId, const std::string& theValue) = 0;
- TString myUnitNames; //!< Contains units for each of MED Field components
- //! Get unit of the component by its order number
- virtual std::string GetUnitName(TInt theId) const = 0;
- //! Set unit for the component by its order number
- virtual void SetUnitName(TInt theId, const std::string& theValue) = 0;
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- //! Get dimension of the Gauss coordinates for the defined type of mesh cell
- TInt
- GetDimGaussCoord(EGeometrieElement theGeom);
- //! Get number of referenced nodes for the defined type of mesh cell
- TInt
- GetNbRefCoord(EGeometrieElement theGeom);
- typedef TFloatVector TWeight;
- //! The class represents MED Gauss entity
- struct MEDWRAPPER_EXPORT TGaussInfo:
- virtual TNameInfo,
- virtual TModeSwitchInfo
- {
- typedef boost::tuple<EGeometrieElement,std::string> TKey;
- typedef boost::tuple<TKey,TInt> TInfo;
- {
- bool
- operator()(const TKey& theLeft, const TKey& theRight) const;
- bool
- operator()(const TGaussInfo& theLeft, const TGaussInfo& theRight) const;
- };
- //! Defines, which geometrical type the MED Gauss entity belongs to
- EGeometrieElement myGeom;
- //! Let known what MED geometrical type the MED GAUSS entity belong to
- EGeometrieElement GetGeom() const { return myGeom;}
- //! Contains coordinates for the refereced nodes
- TNodeCoord myRefCoord;
- //! Gives coordinates for the referenced node by its number
- TCCoordSlice GetRefCoordSlice(TInt theId) const;
- //! Gives coordinates for the referenced node by its number
- TCoordSlice GetRefCoordSlice(TInt theId);
- //! Contains coordinates for the Gauss points
- TNodeCoord myGaussCoord;
- //! Gives coordinates for the Gauss points by its number
- TCCoordSlice GetGaussCoordSlice(TInt theId) const;
- //! Gives coordinates for the Gauss points by its number
- TCoordSlice GetGaussCoordSlice(TInt theId);
- //! Contains wheights for the Gauss points
- TWeight myWeight;
- //! Gives number of the referenced nodes
- TInt GetNbRef() const { return GetNbRefCoord(GetGeom());}
- //! Gives dimension of the referenced nodes
- TInt GetDim() const { return GetDimGaussCoord(GetGeom());}
- //! Gives number of the Gauss Points
- TInt GetNbGauss() const { return (TInt)(myGaussCoord.size()/GetDim());}
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- typedef std::map<EGeometrieElement,PGaussInfo> TGeom2Gauss;
- typedef std::map<EGeometrieElement,TInt> TGeom2NbGauss;
- //! Define a base class which represents MED TimeStamp
- struct MEDWRAPPER_EXPORT TTimeStampInfo:
- virtual TBase
- {
- PFieldInfo myFieldInfo; //!< A reference to correspondig MED Field
- //! Get a reference to corresponding MED Field
- const PFieldInfo& GetFieldInfo() const { return myFieldInfo;}
- //! Defines the MED Entity where the MED TimeStamp belongs to
- EEntiteMaillage myEntity;
- //! Let known to what MED Entity the MED TimeStamp belong to
- EEntiteMaillage GetEntity() const { return myEntity;}
- //! Keeps map of number of cells per geometric type where the MED TimeStamp belongs to
- TGeom2Size myGeom2Size;
- //! Get map of number of cells per geometric type where the MED TimeStamp belongs to
- const TGeom2Size& GetGeom2Size() const { return myGeom2Size;}
- TGeom2NbGauss myGeom2NbGauss; //!< Keeps number of the Gauss Points for the MED TimeStamp
- TInt GetNbGauss(EGeometrieElement theGeom) const; //!< Gives number of the Gauss Points for the MED TimeStamp
- TInt myNumDt; //!< Keeps number in time for the MED TimeStamp
- TInt GetNumDt() const { return myNumDt;} //!< Defines number in time for the MED TimeStamp
- TInt myNumOrd; //!< Keeps number for the MED TimeStamp
- TInt GetNumOrd() const { return myNumOrd;} //!< Defines number for the MED TimeStamp
- TFloat myDt; //!< Keeps time for the MED TimeStamp
- TFloat GetDt() const { return myDt;} //!< Defines time for the MED TimeStamp
- //! Keeps map of MED Gauss entityes per geometric type
- TGeom2Gauss myGeom2Gauss;
- //! Gets a map of MED Gauss entityes per geometric type
- const TGeom2Gauss& GetGeom2Gauss() const { return myGeom2Gauss;}
- TString myUnitDt; //!< Defines unit for the time for the MED TimeStamp
- //! Get unit of time for the MED TimeStamp
- virtual std::string GetUnitDt() const = 0;
- //! Set unit of time for the MED TimeStamp
- virtual void SetUnitDt(const std::string& theValue) = 0;
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- //! The class represents MED Profile entity
- struct MEDWRAPPER_EXPORT TProfileInfo:
- virtual TNameInfo
- {
- typedef std::string TKey;
- typedef boost::tuple<TKey,TInt> TInfo;
- EModeProfil myMode; //!< Keeps mode for the MED Profile
- //! Let known what mode of MED Profile is used
- EModeProfil GetMode() const { return myMode;}
- //! Set mode for the MED Profile
- void SetMode(EModeProfil theMode) { myMode = theMode;}
- PElemNum myElemNum; //!< Keeps sequence of cell by its number which belong to the profile
- //! Get number of mesh elelemts by its order number
- TInt GetElemNum(TInt theId) const;
- //! Set number of mesh elelemts by its order number
- void SetElemNum(TInt theId, TInt theVal);
- //! Let known is the MED Profile defined
- bool IsPresent() const { return GetName() != "";}
- //! Let known size of the MED Profile
- TInt GetSize() const { return (TInt)myElemNum->size();}
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- //! The class is a helper one. It provide safe and flexible way to get access to values for a MED TimeStamp
- struct MEDWRAPPER_EXPORT TMeshValueBase:
- virtual TModeSwitchInfo
- {
- TInt myNbElem;
- TInt myNbComp;
- TInt myNbGauss;
- TInt myStep;
- TMeshValueBase();
- //! Initialize the class
- void
- Allocate(TInt theNbElem,
- TInt theNbGauss,
- TInt theNbComp,
- EModeSwitch theMode = eFULL_INTERLACE);
- //! Returns size of the value container
- size_t
- GetSize() const;
- //! Returns MED interpetation of the value size
- size_t
- GetNbVal() const;
- //! Returns number of Gauss Points bounded with the value
- size_t
- GetNbGauss() const;
- //! Returns step inside of the data array
- size_t
- GetStep() const;
- //! Returns bare pointer on the internal value representation
- virtual
- unsigned char*
- GetValuePtr() = 0;
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- //! The class is a helper one. It provide safe and flexible way to get access to values for a MED TimeStamp
- template<class TValueType>
- struct TTMeshValue:
- virtual TMeshValueBase
- {
- typedef TValueType TValue;
- typedef typename TValueType::value_type TElement;
- typedef TSlice<TElement> TValueSlice;
- typedef TCSlice<TElement> TCValueSlice;
- typedef TVector<TCValueSlice> TCValueSliceArr;
- typedef TVector<TValueSlice> TValueSliceArr;
- TValue myValue;
- //! Initialize the class
- void
- Allocate(TInt theNbElem,
- TInt theNbGauss,
- TInt theNbComp,
- EModeSwitch theMode = eFULL_INTERLACE)
- {
- TMeshValueBase::Allocate(theNbElem, theNbGauss, theNbComp, theMode);
- myValue.resize(theNbElem * this->GetStep());
- }
- //! Returns bare pointer on the internal value representation
- virtual
- unsigned char*
- GetValuePtr()
- {
- return (unsigned char*)&myValue[0];
- }
- //! Returns bare pointer on the internal value representation
- virtual
- TElement*
- GetPointer()
- {
- return &myValue[0];
- }
- //! Returns bare pointer on the internal value representation
- virtual
- const TElement*
- GetPointer() const
- {
- return &myValue[0];
- }
- //! Iteration through Gauss Points by their components
- TCValueSliceArr
- GetGaussValueSliceArr(TInt theElemId) const
- {
- TCValueSliceArr aValueSliceArr(myNbGauss);
- if(GetModeSwitch() == eFULL_INTERLACE){
- TInt anId = theElemId * myStep;
- for(TInt aGaussId = 0; aGaussId < myNbGauss; aGaussId++){
- aValueSliceArr[aGaussId] =
- TCValueSlice(myValue, std::slice(anId, myNbComp, 1));
- anId += myNbComp;
- }
- }
- else{
- for(TInt aGaussId = 0; aGaussId < myNbGauss; aGaussId++){
- aValueSliceArr[aGaussId] =
- TCValueSlice(myValue, std::slice(theElemId, myNbComp, myStep));
- }
- }
- return aValueSliceArr;
- }
- //! Iteration through Gauss Points by their components
- TValueSliceArr
- GetGaussValueSliceArr(TInt theElemId)
- {
- TValueSliceArr aValueSliceArr(myNbGauss);
- if(GetModeSwitch() == eFULL_INTERLACE){
- TInt anId = theElemId*myStep;
- for(TInt aGaussId = 0; aGaussId < myNbGauss; aGaussId++){
- aValueSliceArr[aGaussId] =
- TValueSlice(myValue, std::slice(anId, myNbComp, 1));
- anId += myNbComp;
- }
- }
- else{
- for(TInt aGaussId = 0; aGaussId < myNbGauss; aGaussId++){
- aValueSliceArr[aGaussId] =
- TValueSlice(myValue, std::slice(theElemId, myNbComp, myStep));
- }
- }
- return aValueSliceArr;
- }
- //! Iteration through components by corresponding Gauss Points
- TCValueSliceArr
- GetCompValueSliceArr(TInt theElemId) const
- {
- TCValueSliceArr aValueSliceArr(myNbComp);
- if(GetModeSwitch() == eFULL_INTERLACE){
- TInt anId = theElemId*myStep;
- for(TInt aCompId = 0; aCompId < myNbComp; aCompId++){
- aValueSliceArr[aCompId] =
- TCValueSlice(myValue, std::slice(anId, myNbGauss, myNbComp));
- anId += 1;
- }
- }
- else{
- for(TInt aCompId = 0; aCompId < myNbComp; aCompId++){
- aValueSliceArr[aCompId] =
- TCValueSlice(myValue, std::slice(theElemId, myNbGauss, myStep));
- }
- }
- return aValueSliceArr;
- }
- //! Iteration through components by corresponding Gauss Points
- TValueSliceArr
- GetCompValueSliceArr(TInt theElemId)
- {
- if(GetModeSwitch() == eFULL_INTERLACE){
- TValueSliceArr aValueSliceArr(myNbComp);
- TInt anId = theElemId*myStep;
- for(TInt aCompId = 0; aCompId < myNbComp; aCompId++){
- aValueSliceArr[aCompId] =
- TValueSlice(myValue, std::slice(anId, myNbGauss, myNbComp));
- anId += 1;
- }
- return aValueSliceArr;
- }
- else{
- TValueSliceArr aValueSliceArr(myNbGauss);
- for(TInt aGaussId = 0; aGaussId < myNbGauss; aGaussId++){
- aValueSliceArr[aGaussId] =
- TValueSlice(myValue,std::slice(theElemId, myNbComp, myStep));
- }
- return aValueSliceArr;
- }
- }
- };
- typedef TTMeshValue<TFloatVector> TFloatMeshValue;
- typedef TTMeshValue<TIntVector> TIntMeshValue;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- // Backward compatibility declarations
- typedef TFloatVector TValue;
- typedef TSlice<TFloat> TValueSlice;
- typedef TCSlice<TFloat> TCValueSlice;
- typedef TVector<TCValueSlice> TCValueSliceArr;
- typedef TVector<TValueSlice> TValueSliceArr;
- typedef TFloatMeshValue TMeshValue;
- typedef std::map<EGeometrieElement,TMeshValue> TGeom2Value;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- typedef std::map<EGeometrieElement,PProfileInfo> TGeom2Profile;
- typedef std::set<EGeometrieElement> TGeom;
- //! The class is a base class for MED TimeStamp values holder
- struct MEDWRAPPER_EXPORT TTimeStampValueBase:
- virtual TModeSwitchInfo
- {
- //! A reference to correspondig MED TimeStamp
- PTimeStampInfo myTimeStampInfo;
- //!< Get a reference to correspondig MED TimeStamp
- const PTimeStampInfo& GetTimeStampInfo() const { return myTimeStampInfo;}
- //! Keeps set of MED EGeometrieElement which contains values for the timestamp
- TGeomSet myGeomSet;
- const TGeomSet& GetGeomSet() const { return myGeomSet;}
- //! Keeps map of MED Profiles per geometric type
- TGeom2Profile myGeom2Profile;
- //! Gets a map of MED Profiles per geometric type
- const TGeom2Profile& GetGeom2Profile() const { return myGeom2Profile;}
- //! Gets type of the champ
- virtual
- ETypeChamp
- GetTypeChamp() const = 0;
- //! Allocates values for the given geometry
- virtual
- void
- AllocateValue(EGeometrieElement theGeom,
- TInt theNbElem,
- TInt theNbGauss,
- TInt theNbComp,
- EModeSwitch theMode = eFULL_INTERLACE) = 0;
- virtual
- size_t
- GetValueSize(EGeometrieElement theGeom) const = 0;
- virtual
- size_t
- GetNbVal(EGeometrieElement theGeom) const = 0;
- virtual
- size_t
- GetNbGauss(EGeometrieElement theGeom) const = 0;
- virtual
- unsigned char*
- GetValuePtr(EGeometrieElement theGeom) = 0;
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- //! The class implements a container for MED TimeStamp values
- template<class TMeshValueType>
- struct TTimeStampValue:
- virtual TTimeStampValueBase
- {
- typedef TMeshValueType TTMeshValue;
- typedef SharedPtr<TMeshValueType> PTMeshValue;
- typedef typename TMeshValueType::TElement TElement;
- typedef std::map<EGeometrieElement, PTMeshValue> TTGeom2Value;
- ETypeChamp myTypeChamp; //<! Keeps type of the champ
- //! Gets type of the champ
- virtual
- ETypeChamp
- GetTypeChamp() const
- {
- return myTypeChamp;
- }
- //! Keeps map of MED TimeStamp values per geometric type (const version)
- TTGeom2Value myGeom2Value;
- const TTGeom2Value&
- GetGeom2Value() const
- {
- return myGeom2Value;
- }
- //! Gets MED TimeStamp values for the given geometric type (const version)
- const PTMeshValue&
- GetMeshValuePtr(EGeometrieElement theGeom) const
- {
- typename TTGeom2Value::const_iterator anIter = myGeom2Value.find(theGeom);
- if(anIter == myGeom2Value.end())
- EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error,"TTimeStampValue::GetMeshValuePtr - myGeom2Value.find(theGeom) fails");
- return anIter->second;
- }
- //! Gets MED TimeStamp values for the given geometric type
- PTMeshValue&
- GetMeshValuePtr(EGeometrieElement theGeom)
- {
- myGeomSet.insert(theGeom);
- if(myGeom2Value.find(theGeom) == myGeom2Value.end()){
- myGeom2Value[theGeom] = PTMeshValue(new TTMeshValue());
- return myGeom2Value[theGeom];
- }
- return myGeom2Value[theGeom];
- }
- //! Gets MED TimeStamp values for the given geometric type (const version)
- const TTMeshValue&
- GetMeshValue(EGeometrieElement theGeom) const
- {
- return *(this->GetMeshValuePtr(theGeom));
- }
- //! Gets MED TimeStamp values for the given geometric type
- TTMeshValue&
- GetMeshValue(EGeometrieElement theGeom)
- {
- return *(this->GetMeshValuePtr(theGeom));
- }
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- typedef TTimeStampValue<TFloatMeshValue> TFloatTimeStampValue;
- typedef SharedPtr<TFloatTimeStampValue> PFloatTimeStampValue;
- CastToFloatTimeStampValue(const PTimeStampValueBase& theTimeStampValue);
- typedef TTimeStampValue<TIntMeshValue> TIntTimeStampValue;
- typedef SharedPtr<TIntTimeStampValue> PIntTimeStampValue;
- CastToIntTimeStampValue(const PTimeStampValueBase& theTimeStampValue);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- template<class TMeshValueTypeFrom, class TMeshValueTypeTo>
- void
- CopyTimeStampValue(SharedPtr<TTimeStampValue<TMeshValueTypeFrom> > theTimeStampValueFrom,
- SharedPtr<TTimeStampValue<TMeshValueTypeTo> > theTimeStampValueTo)
- {
- typedef TTimeStampValue<TMeshValueTypeFrom> TimeStampValueTypeFrom;
- typedef TTimeStampValue<TMeshValueTypeTo> TimeStampValueTypeTo;
- typedef typename TMeshValueTypeTo::TElement TElementTo;
- typename TimeStampValueTypeFrom::TTGeom2Value& aGeom2Value = theTimeStampValueFrom->myGeom2Value;
- typename TimeStampValueTypeFrom::TTGeom2Value::const_iterator anIter = aGeom2Value.begin();
- for(; anIter != aGeom2Value.end(); anIter++){
- const EGeometrieElement& aGeom = anIter->first;
- const typename TimeStampValueTypeFrom::TTMeshValue& aMeshValue = *anIter->second;
- typename TimeStampValueTypeTo::TTMeshValue& aMeshValue2 = theTimeStampValueTo->GetMeshValue(aGeom);
- aMeshValue2.Allocate(aMeshValue.myNbElem,
- aMeshValue.myNbGauss,
- aMeshValue.myNbComp,
- aMeshValue.myModeSwitch);
- const typename TimeStampValueTypeFrom::TTMeshValue::TValue& aValue = aMeshValue.myValue;
- typename TimeStampValueTypeTo::TTMeshValue::TValue& aValue2 = aMeshValue2.myValue;
- TInt aSize = aValue.size();
- for(TInt anId = 0; anId < aSize; anId++)
- aValue2[anId] = TElementTo(aValue[anId]);
- }
- }
- template<class TMeshValueType>
- void
- CopyTimeStampValue(SharedPtr<TTimeStampValue<TMeshValueType> > theTimeStampValueFrom,
- SharedPtr<TTimeStampValue<TMeshValueType> > theTimeStampValueTo)
- {
- typedef TTimeStampValue<TMeshValueType> TimeStampValueType;
- typename TimeStampValueType::TTGeom2Value& aGeom2Value = theTimeStampValueFrom->myGeom2Value;
- typename TimeStampValueType::TTGeom2Value::const_iterator anIter = aGeom2Value.begin();
- for(; anIter != aGeom2Value.end(); anIter++){
- const EGeometrieElement& aGeom = anIter->first;
- const typename TimeStampValueType::TTMeshValue& aMeshValue = *anIter->second;
- typename TimeStampValueType::TTMeshValue& aMeshValue2 = theTimeStampValueTo->GetMeshValue(aGeom);
- aMeshValue2 = aMeshValue;
- }
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- inline
- void
- CopyTimeStampValueBase(const PTimeStampValueBase& theValueFrom,
- const PTimeStampValueBase& theValueTo)
- {
- if(theValueFrom->GetTypeChamp() == theValueTo->GetTypeChamp()){
- if(theValueFrom->GetTypeChamp() == eFLOAT64)
- CopyTimeStampValue<TFloatMeshValue>(theValueFrom, theValueTo);
- else if(theValueFrom->GetTypeChamp() == eINT)
- CopyTimeStampValue<TIntMeshValue>(theValueFrom, theValueTo);
- }else{
- if(theValueFrom->GetTypeChamp() == eFLOAT64 && theValueTo->GetTypeChamp() == eINT)
- CopyTimeStampValue<TFloatMeshValue, TIntMeshValue>(theValueFrom, theValueTo);
- else if(theValueFrom->GetTypeChamp() == eINT && theValueTo->GetTypeChamp() == eFLOAT64)
- CopyTimeStampValue<TIntMeshValue, TFloatMeshValue>(theValueFrom, theValueTo);
- }
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- // Backward compatibility declarations
- typedef TFloatTimeStampValue TTimeStampVal;
- typedef PFloatTimeStampValue PTimeStampVal;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- typedef std::map<TInt,TFloatVector> TIndexes;
- typedef std::map<TInt,TString> TNames;
- //! Define a base class which represents MED Grille (structured mesh)
- struct MEDWRAPPER_EXPORT TGrilleInfo:
- virtual TModeSwitchInfo
- {
- PMeshInfo myMeshInfo;
- const PMeshInfo& GetMeshInfo() const { return myMeshInfo;}
- TNodeCoord myCoord; //!< Contains all nodal coordinates, now used only for eGRILLE_STANDARD
- //! Gives coordinates for mesh nodes (const version)
- const TNodeCoord& GetNodeCoord() const;
- TNodeCoord& GetNodeCoord();
- //! Gives coordinates for mesh node by its number, array index from 0
- TNodeCoord GetCoord(TInt theId);
- //! Gives ids of nodes for mesh cell or sub-cell by its number, array index from 0
- TIntVector GetConn(TInt theId, const bool isSub=false);
- EGrilleType myGrilleType; //!< Defines grille type (eGRILLE_CARTESIENNE,eGRILLE_POLAIRE,eGRILLE_STANDARD)
- //!Gets grille type (const version)
- const EGrilleType& GetGrilleType() const;
- //!Gets grille type
- EGrilleType GetGrilleType();
- //!Sets grille type
- void SetGrilleType(EGrilleType theGrilleType);
- TString myCoordNames; //!< Contains names for the coordinate dimensions
- //! Get name of the coordinate dimension by its order number
- virtual std::string GetCoordName(TInt theId) const = 0 ;
- //! Set name of the coordinate dimension by its order number
- virtual void SetCoordName(TInt theId, const std::string& theValue) = 0;
- TString myCoordUnits; //!< Contains units for the coordinate dimensions
- //! Get name of unit for the coordinate dimension by its order number
- virtual std::string GetCoordUnit(TInt theId) const = 0;
- //! Set name of unit for the coordinate dimension by its order number
- virtual void SetCoordUnit(TInt theId, const std::string& theValue) = 0;
- //! Map of index of axes and Table of indexes for certain axe, now used for eGRILLE_CARTESIENNE and eGRILLE_POLAIRE
- TIndexes myIndixes;
- //!Gets a map of Tables (const version)
- const TIndexes& GetMapOfIndexes() const ;
- //!Gets a map of Tables
- TIndexes& GetMapOfIndexes();
- //!Gets a Table of indexes for certain axe(const version)
- const TFloatVector& GetIndexes(TInt theAxisNumber) const;
- //!Gets a Table of indexes for certain axe
- TFloatVector& GetIndexes(TInt theAxisNumber);
- //!Gets a number of indices per axe
- TInt GetNbIndexes(TInt theAxisNumber);
- TInt GetNbNodes();//! Return count of all points
- TInt GetNbCells();//! Return count of all cells
- TInt GetNbSubCells();//! Return count of all entities of <mesh dimension-1>
- EGeometrieElement GetGeom();//! Return geometry of cells (calculated from mesh dimension)
- EGeometrieElement GetSubGeom();//! Return geometry of subcells (calculated from mesh dimension)
- EEntiteMaillage GetEntity();//! Return entity (eMAILLE)
- EEntiteMaillage GetSubEntity();//! Return sub entity
- /*!
- *Vector of grille structure (Example: {3,4,5}, 3 nodes in X axe, 4 nodes in Y axe, ...)
- */
- TIntVector myGrilleStructure;
- //!Gets grille structure(const version)
- const TIntVector& GetGrilleStructure() const;
- //!Gets grille structure
- TIntVector GetGrilleStructure();
- //!Sets the grille structure of theAxis axe to theNb.
- void SetGrilleStructure(TInt theAxis,TInt theNb);
- /*!
- *Defines sequence MED Family indexes for corresponding mesh entites
- */
- TElemNum myFamNum;
- //! Get number of a MED FAMILY by order number of the mesh element
- TInt GetFamNum(TInt theId) const;
- //! Set number of a MED FAMILY for the mesh element with the order number
- void SetFamNum(TInt theId, TInt theVal);
- /*!
- *Defines sequence MED Family indexes for sub entites
- */
- TElemNum myFamSubNum;
- //! Get number of a MED FAMILY by order number of sub element
- TInt GetFamSubNum(TInt theId) const;
- //! Set number of a MED FAMILY for theId-th sub element
- void SetFamSubNum(TInt theId, TInt theVal);
- /*!
- *Defines sequence MED Family indexes for corresponding mesh nodes
- */
- TElemNum myFamNumNode;
- //! Get number of a MED FAMILY by order number of the mesh node
- TInt GetFamNumNode(TInt theId) const;
- //! Set number of a MED FAMILY for the mesh node with the order number
- void SetFamNumNode(TInt theId, TInt theVal);
- };
+++ /dev/null
-// Copyright (C) 2007-2013 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE
-// Copyright (C) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
-// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-// version 2.1 of the License.
-// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// Lesser General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
-// File :
-// Author :
-// Module :
-#ifndef MED_TStructures_HeaderFile
-#define MED_TStructures_HeaderFile
-#include "MED_Structures.hxx"
-#ifdef WIN32
-#pragma warning(disable:4250)
-namespace MED
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- //! To provide a common way to handle values of MEDWrapper types as native MED types
- template<class TValue, class TRepresentation>
- struct TValueHolder
- {
- TValue& myValue;
- TRepresentation myRepresentation;
- TValueHolder(TValue& theValue):
- myValue(theValue),
- myRepresentation(TRepresentation(theValue))
- {}
- ~TValueHolder()
- {
- myValue = TValue(myRepresentation);
- }
- TRepresentation*
- operator& ()
- {
- return &myRepresentation;
- }
- operator TRepresentation () const
- {
- return myRepresentation;
- }
- const TValue&
- operator() () const
- {
- return myValue;
- }
- };
- //! To customize TValueHolder common template definition for TVector
- template<class TVal, class TRepresentation>
- struct TValueHolder<TVector<TVal>, TRepresentation>
- {
- typedef TVector<TVal> TValue;
- TValue& myValue;
- TRepresentation* myRepresentation;
- TValueHolder(TValue& theValue):
- myValue(theValue)
- {
- if(theValue.empty())
- myRepresentation = (TRepresentation*)NULL;
- else
- myRepresentation = (TRepresentation*)&theValue[0];
- }
- TRepresentation*
- operator& ()
- {
- return myRepresentation;
- }
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- template<EVersion eVersion>
- struct TTNameInfo: virtual TNameInfo
- {
- TTNameInfo(const std::string& theValue)
- {
- myName.resize(GetNOMLength<eVersion>()+1);
- SetName(theValue);
- }
- virtual
- std::string
- GetName() const
- {
- return GetString(0, GetNOMLength<eVersion>(), myName);
- }
- virtual
- void
- SetName(const std::string& theValue)
- {
- SetString(0, GetNOMLength<eVersion>(), myName, theValue);
- }
- virtual
- void
- SetName(const TString& theValue)
- {
- SetString(0, GetNOMLength<eVersion>(), myName, theValue);
- }
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- template<EVersion eVersion>
- struct TTMeshInfo:
- virtual TMeshInfo,
- virtual TTNameInfo<eVersion>
- {
- typedef TTNameInfo<eVersion> TNameInfoBase;
- TTMeshInfo(const PMeshInfo& theInfo):
- TNameInfoBase(theInfo->GetName())
- {
- myDim = theInfo->GetDim();
- mySpaceDim = theInfo->GetSpaceDim();
- myType = theInfo->GetType();
- myDesc.resize(GetDESCLength<eVersion>()+1);
- SetDesc(theInfo->GetDesc());
- }
- TTMeshInfo(TInt theDim, TInt theSpaceDim,
- const std::string& theValue,
- EMaillage theType,
- const std::string& theDesc):
- TNameInfoBase(theValue)
- {
- myDim = theDim;
- mySpaceDim = theSpaceDim;
- myType = theType;
- myDesc.resize(GetDESCLength<eVersion>()+1);
- SetDesc(theDesc);
- }
- virtual
- std::string
- GetDesc() const
- {
- return GetString(0, GetDESCLength<eVersion>(), myDesc);
- }
- virtual
- void
- SetDesc(const std::string& theValue)
- {
- SetString(0, GetDESCLength<eVersion>(), myDesc, theValue);
- }
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- template<EVersion eVersion>
- struct TTFamilyInfo:
- virtual TFamilyInfo,
- virtual TTNameInfo<eVersion>
- {
- typedef TTNameInfo<eVersion> TNameInfoBase;
- TTFamilyInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo, const PFamilyInfo& theInfo):
- TNameInfoBase(theInfo->GetName())
- {
- myMeshInfo = theMeshInfo;
- myId = theInfo->GetId();
- myNbGroup = theInfo->GetNbGroup();
- myGroupNames.resize(myNbGroup*GetLNOMLength<eVersion>()+1);
- if(myNbGroup){
- for(TInt anId = 0; anId < myNbGroup; anId++){
- SetGroupName(anId,theInfo->GetGroupName(anId));
- }
- }
- myNbAttr = theInfo->GetNbAttr();
- myAttrId.resize(myNbAttr);
- myAttrVal.resize(myNbAttr);
- myAttrDesc.resize(myNbAttr*GetDESCLength<eVersion>()+1);
- if(myNbAttr){
- for(TInt anId = 0; anId < myNbAttr; anId++){
- SetAttrDesc(anId,theInfo->GetAttrDesc(anId));
- myAttrVal[anId] = theInfo->GetAttrVal(anId);
- myAttrId[anId] = theInfo->GetAttrId(anId);
- }
- }
- }
- TTFamilyInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- TInt theNbGroup,
- TInt theNbAttr,
- TInt theId,
- const std::string& theValue):
- TNameInfoBase(theValue)
- {
- myMeshInfo = theMeshInfo;
- myId = theId;
- myNbGroup = theNbGroup;
- myGroupNames.resize(theNbGroup*GetLNOMLength<eVersion>()+1);
- myNbAttr = theNbAttr;
- myAttrId.resize(theNbAttr);
- myAttrVal.resize(theNbAttr);
- myAttrDesc.resize(theNbAttr*GetDESCLength<eVersion>()+1);
- }
- TTFamilyInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- const std::string& theValue,
- TInt theId,
- const TStringSet& theGroupNames,
- const TStringVector& theAttrDescs,
- const TIntVector& theAttrIds,
- const TIntVector& theAttrVals):
- TNameInfoBase(theValue)
- {
- myMeshInfo = theMeshInfo;
- myId = theId;
- myNbGroup = (TInt)theGroupNames.size();
- myGroupNames.resize(myNbGroup*GetLNOMLength<eVersion>()+1);
- if(myNbGroup){
- TStringSet::const_iterator anIter = theGroupNames.begin();
- for(TInt anId = 0; anIter != theGroupNames.end(); anIter++, anId++){
- const std::string& aVal = *anIter;
- SetGroupName(anId,aVal);
- }
- }
- myNbAttr = (TInt)theAttrDescs.size();
- myAttrId.resize(myNbAttr);
- myAttrVal.resize(myNbAttr);
- myAttrDesc.resize(myNbAttr*GetDESCLength<eVersion>()+1);
- if(myNbAttr){
- for(TInt anId = 0, anEnd = (TInt)theAttrDescs.size(); anId < anEnd; anId++){
- SetAttrDesc(anId,theAttrDescs[anId]);
- myAttrVal[anId] = theAttrVals[anId];
- myAttrId[anId] = theAttrIds[anId];
- }
- }
- }
- virtual
- std::string
- GetGroupName(TInt theId) const
- {
- return GetString(theId, GetLNOMLength<eVersion>(), myGroupNames);
- }
- virtual
- void
- SetGroupName(TInt theId, const std::string& theValue)
- {
- SetString(theId, GetLNOMLength<eVersion>(), myGroupNames, theValue);
- }
- virtual
- std::string
- GetAttrDesc(TInt theId) const
- {
- return GetString(theId, GetDESCLength<eVersion>(), myAttrDesc);
- }
- virtual
- void
- SetAttrDesc(TInt theId, const std::string& theValue)
- {
- SetString(theId, GetDESCLength<eVersion>(), myAttrDesc, theValue);
- }
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- template<EVersion eVersion>
- struct TTElemInfo: virtual TElemInfo
- {
- TTElemInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo, const PElemInfo& theInfo)
- {
- myMeshInfo = theMeshInfo;
- myNbElem = theInfo->GetNbElem();
- myFamNum.reset(new TElemNum(myNbElem));
- myIsFamNum = eFAUX; // is set to eVRAI in SetFamNum()
- myIsElemNum = theInfo->IsElemNum();
- if(theInfo->IsElemNum())
- myElemNum.reset(new TElemNum(myNbElem));
- else
- myElemNum.reset(new TElemNum());
- myIsElemNames = theInfo->IsElemNames();
- if(theInfo->IsElemNames())
- myElemNames.reset(new TString(myNbElem*GetPNOMLength<eVersion>() + 1));
- else
- myElemNames.reset(new TString());
- if(theInfo->GetNbElem()){
- for(TInt anId = 0; anId < myNbElem; anId++){
- SetFamNum(anId, theInfo->GetFamNum(anId));
- }
- if(theInfo->IsElemNum() == eVRAI){
- for(TInt anId = 0; anId < myNbElem; anId++){
- SetElemNum(anId, theInfo->GetElemNum(anId));
- }
- }
- if(theInfo->IsElemNames() == eVRAI){
- for(TInt anId = 0; anId < myNbElem; anId++){
- SetElemName(anId,theInfo->GetElemName(anId));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- TTElemInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- TInt theNbElem,
- EBooleen theIsElemNum,
- EBooleen theIsElemNames)
- {
- myMeshInfo = theMeshInfo;
- myNbElem = theNbElem;
- myFamNum.reset(new TElemNum(theNbElem));
- myIsFamNum = eFAUX; // is set to eVRAI in SetFamNum()
- myIsElemNum = theIsElemNum;
- if(theIsElemNum)
- myElemNum.reset(new TElemNum(theNbElem));
- else
- myElemNum.reset(new TElemNum());
- myIsElemNames = theIsElemNames;
- if(theIsElemNames)
- myElemNames.reset(new TString(theNbElem*GetPNOMLength<eVersion>() + 1));
- else
- myElemNames.reset(new TString());
- }
- TTElemInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- TInt theNbElem,
- const TIntVector& theFamilyNums,
- const TIntVector& theElemNums,
- const TStringVector& theElemNames)
- {
- myMeshInfo = theMeshInfo;
- myNbElem = theNbElem;
- myFamNum.reset(new TElemNum(theNbElem));
- myIsFamNum = eFAUX; // is set to eVRAI in SetFamNum()
- myIsElemNum = theElemNums.size()? eVRAI: eFAUX;
- if(myIsElemNum)
- myElemNum.reset(new TElemNum(theNbElem));
- else
- myElemNum.reset(new TElemNum());
- myIsElemNames = theElemNames.size()? eVRAI: eFAUX;
- if(myIsElemNames)
- myElemNames.reset(new TString(theNbElem*GetPNOMLength<eVersion>() + 1));
- else
- myElemNames.reset(new TString());
- if(theNbElem){
- if(theFamilyNums.size())
- *myFamNum = theFamilyNums;
- if(myIsElemNum)
- *myElemNum = theElemNums;
- if(myIsElemNames){
- for(TInt anId = 0; anId < theNbElem; anId++){
- const std::string& aVal = theElemNames[anId];
- SetElemName(anId,aVal);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- virtual
- std::string
- GetElemName(TInt theId) const
- {
- return GetString(theId,GetPNOMLength<eVersion>(), *myElemNames);
- }
- virtual
- void
- SetElemName(TInt theId, const std::string& theValue)
- {
- SetString(theId,GetPNOMLength<eVersion>(), *myElemNames, theValue);
- }
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- template<EVersion eVersion>
- struct TTNodeInfo:
- virtual TNodeInfo,
- virtual TTElemInfo<eVersion>
- {
- typedef TTElemInfo<eVersion> TElemInfoBase;
- TTNodeInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo, const PNodeInfo& theInfo):
- TNodeInfo(theInfo),
- TElemInfoBase(theMeshInfo, theInfo)
- {
- myModeSwitch = theInfo->GetModeSwitch();
- mySystem = theInfo->GetSystem();
- myCoord.reset(new TNodeCoord(*theInfo->myCoord));
- TInt aSpaceDim = theMeshInfo->GetSpaceDim();
- myCoordNames.resize(aSpaceDim*GetPNOMLength<eVersion>()+1);
- for(TInt anId = 0; anId < aSpaceDim; anId++)
- SetCoordName(anId,theInfo->GetCoordName(anId));
- myCoordUnits.resize(aSpaceDim*GetPNOMLength<eVersion>()+1);
- for(TInt anId = 0; anId < aSpaceDim; anId++)
- SetCoordUnit(anId,theInfo->GetCoordUnit(anId));
- }
- TTNodeInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- TInt theNbElem,
- EModeSwitch theMode,
- ERepere theSystem,
- EBooleen theIsElemNum,
- EBooleen theIsElemNames):
- TModeSwitchInfo(theMode),
- TElemInfoBase(theMeshInfo,
- theNbElem,
- theIsElemNum,
- theIsElemNames)
- {
- mySystem = theSystem;
- myCoord.reset(new TNodeCoord(theNbElem * theMeshInfo->mySpaceDim));
- myCoordUnits.resize(theMeshInfo->mySpaceDim*GetPNOMLength<eVersion>()+1);
- myCoordNames.resize(theMeshInfo->mySpaceDim*GetPNOMLength<eVersion>()+1);
- }
- TTNodeInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- const TFloatVector& theNodeCoords,
- EModeSwitch theMode,
- ERepere theSystem,
- const TStringVector& theCoordNames,
- const TStringVector& theCoordUnits,
- const TIntVector& theFamilyNums,
- const TIntVector& theElemNums,
- const TStringVector& theElemNames):
- TModeSwitchInfo(theMode),
- TElemInfoBase(theMeshInfo,
- (TInt)theNodeCoords.size()/theMeshInfo->GetDim(),
- theFamilyNums,
- theElemNums,
- theElemNames)
- {
- mySystem = theSystem;
- myCoord.reset(new TNodeCoord(theNodeCoords));
- TInt aSpaceDim = theMeshInfo->GetSpaceDim();
- myCoordNames.resize(aSpaceDim*GetPNOMLength<eVersion>()+1);
- if(!theCoordNames.empty())
- for(TInt anId = 0; anId < aSpaceDim; anId++)
- SetCoordName(anId,theCoordNames[anId]);
- myCoordUnits.resize(aSpaceDim*GetPNOMLength<eVersion>() + 1);
- if(!theCoordUnits.empty())
- for(TInt anId = 0; anId < aSpaceDim; anId++)
- SetCoordUnit(anId, theCoordUnits[anId]);
- }
- virtual
- std::string
- GetCoordName(TInt theId) const
- {
- return GetString(theId,GetPNOMLength<eVersion>(),myCoordNames);
- }
- virtual
- void
- SetCoordName(TInt theId, const std::string& theValue)
- {
- SetString(theId,GetPNOMLength<eVersion>(),myCoordNames,theValue);
- }
- virtual
- std::string
- GetCoordUnit(TInt theId) const
- {
- return GetString(theId,GetPNOMLength<eVersion>(),myCoordUnits);
- }
- virtual
- void
- SetCoordUnit(TInt theId, const std::string& theValue)
- {
- SetString(theId,GetPNOMLength<eVersion>(),myCoordUnits,theValue);
- }
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- template<EVersion eVersion>
- struct TTPolygoneInfo:
- virtual TPolygoneInfo,
- virtual TTElemInfo<eVersion>
- {
- typedef TTElemInfo<eVersion> TElemInfoBase;
- TTPolygoneInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo, const PPolygoneInfo& theInfo):
- TElemInfoBase(theMeshInfo,theInfo)
- {
- myEntity = theInfo->GetEntity();
- myGeom = theInfo->GetGeom();
- myIndex.reset(new TElemNum(*theInfo->myIndex));
- myConn.reset(new TElemNum(*theInfo->myConn));
- myConnMode = theInfo->GetConnMode();
- }
- TTPolygoneInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- EEntiteMaillage theEntity,
- EGeometrieElement theGeom,
- TInt theNbElem,
- TInt theConnSize,
- EConnectivite theConnMode,
- EBooleen theIsElemNum,
- EBooleen theIsElemNames):
- TElemInfoBase(theMeshInfo,
- theNbElem,
- theIsElemNum,
- theIsElemNames)
- {
- myEntity = theEntity;
- myGeom = theGeom;
- myIndex.reset(new TElemNum(theNbElem + 1));
- myConn.reset(new TElemNum(theConnSize));
- myConnMode = theConnMode;
- }
- TTPolygoneInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- EEntiteMaillage theEntity,
- EGeometrieElement theGeom,
- const TIntVector& theIndexes,
- const TIntVector& theConnectivities,
- EConnectivite theConnMode,
- const TIntVector& theFamilyNums,
- const TIntVector& theElemNums,
- const TStringVector& theElemNames):
- TElemInfoBase(theMeshInfo,
- (TInt)theIndexes.size() - 1,
- theFamilyNums,
- theElemNums,
- theElemNames)
- {
- myEntity = theEntity;
- myGeom = theGeom;
- myIndex.reset(new TElemNum(theIndexes));
- myConn.reset(new TElemNum(theConnectivities));
- myConnMode = theConnMode;
- }
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- template<EVersion eVersion>
- struct TTPolyedreInfo:
- virtual TPolyedreInfo,
- virtual TTElemInfo<eVersion>
- {
- typedef TTElemInfo<eVersion> TElemInfoBase;
- TTPolyedreInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo, const PPolyedreInfo& theInfo):
- TElemInfoBase(theMeshInfo,theInfo)
- {
- myEntity = theInfo->GetEntity();
- myGeom = theInfo->GetGeom();
- myIndex.reset(new TElemNum(*theInfo->myIndex));
- myFaces.reset(new TElemNum(*theInfo->myFaces));
- myConn.reset(new TElemNum(*theInfo->myConn));
- myConnMode = theInfo->GetConnMode();
- }
- TTPolyedreInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- EEntiteMaillage theEntity,
- EGeometrieElement theGeom,
- TInt theNbElem,
- TInt theNbFaces,
- TInt theConnSize,
- EConnectivite theConnMode,
- EBooleen theIsElemNum,
- EBooleen theIsElemNames):
- TElemInfoBase(theMeshInfo,
- theNbElem,
- theIsElemNum,
- theIsElemNames)
- {
- myEntity = theEntity;
- myGeom = theGeom;
- myIndex.reset(new TElemNum(theNbElem + 1));
- myFaces.reset(new TElemNum(theNbFaces));
- myConn.reset(new TElemNum(theConnSize));
- myConnMode = theConnMode;
- }
- TTPolyedreInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- EEntiteMaillage theEntity,
- EGeometrieElement theGeom,
- const TIntVector& theIndexes,
- const TIntVector& theFaces,
- const TIntVector& theConnectivities,
- EConnectivite theConnMode,
- const TIntVector& theFamilyNums,
- const TIntVector& theElemNums,
- const TStringVector& theElemNames):
- TElemInfoBase(theMeshInfo,
- (TInt)theIndexes.size()-1,
- theFamilyNums,
- theElemNums,
- theElemNames)
- {
- myEntity = theEntity;
- myGeom = theGeom;
- myIndex.reset(new TElemNum(theIndexes));
- myFaces.reset(new TElemNum(theFaces));
- myConn.reset(new TElemNum(theConnectivities));
- myConnMode = theConnMode;
- }
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- template<EVersion eVersion>
- struct TTCellInfo:
- virtual TCellInfo,
- virtual TTElemInfo<eVersion>
- {
- typedef TTElemInfo<eVersion> TElemInfoBase;
- TTCellInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo, const PCellInfo& theInfo):
- TElemInfoBase(theMeshInfo,theInfo)
- {
- myEntity = theInfo->GetEntity();
- myGeom = theInfo->GetGeom();
- myConnMode = theInfo->GetConnMode();
- TInt aConnDim = GetNbNodes(myGeom);
- TInt aNbConn = GetNbConn<eVersion>(myGeom, myEntity, myMeshInfo->myDim);
- myConn.reset(new TElemNum(myNbElem * aNbConn));
- for(TInt anElemId = 0; anElemId < myNbElem; anElemId++){
- TConnSlice aConnSlice = GetConnSlice(anElemId);
- TCConnSlice aConnSlice2 = theInfo->GetConnSlice(anElemId);
- for(TInt anConnId = 0; anConnId < aConnDim; anConnId++){
- aConnSlice[anConnId] = aConnSlice2[anConnId];
- }
- }
- }
- TTCellInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- EEntiteMaillage theEntity,
- EGeometrieElement theGeom,
- TInt theNbElem,
- EConnectivite theConnMode,
- EBooleen theIsElemNum,
- EBooleen theIsElemNames,
- EModeSwitch theMode):
- TModeSwitchInfo(theMode),
- TElemInfoBase(theMeshInfo,
- theNbElem,
- theIsElemNum,
- theIsElemNames)
- {
- myEntity = theEntity;
- myGeom = theGeom;
- myConnMode = theConnMode;
- TInt aNbConn = GetNbConn<eVersion>(theGeom, myEntity, theMeshInfo->myDim);
- myConn.reset(new TElemNum(theNbElem * aNbConn));
- }
- TTCellInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- EEntiteMaillage theEntity,
- EGeometrieElement theGeom,
- const TIntVector& theConnectivities,
- EConnectivite theConnMode,
- const TIntVector& theFamilyNums,
- const TIntVector& theElemNums,
- const TStringVector& theElemNames,
- EModeSwitch theMode):
- TModeSwitchInfo(theMode),
- TElemInfoBase(theMeshInfo,
- (TInt)theConnectivities.size() / GetNbNodes(theGeom),
- theFamilyNums,
- theElemNums,
- theElemNames)
- {
- myEntity = theEntity;
- myGeom = theGeom;
- myConnMode = theConnMode;
- TInt aConnDim = GetNbNodes(myGeom);
- TInt aNbConn = GetNbConn<eVersion>(myGeom, myEntity, myMeshInfo->myDim);
- myConn.reset(new TElemNum(myNbElem * aNbConn));
- for(TInt anElemId = 0; anElemId < myNbElem; anElemId++){
- TConnSlice aConnSlice = GetConnSlice(anElemId);
- for(TInt anConnId = 0; anConnId < aConnDim; anConnId++){
- aConnSlice[anConnId] = theConnectivities[anElemId*aConnDim + anConnId];
- }
- }
- }
- virtual
- TInt
- GetConnDim() const
- {
- return GetNbConn<eVersion>(myGeom, myEntity, myMeshInfo->myDim);
- }
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- template<EVersion eVersion>
- struct TTBallInfo:
- virtual TBallInfo,
- virtual TTCellInfo<eVersion>
- {
- typedef TTCellInfo<eVersion> TCellInfoBase;
- TTBallInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo, const PBallInfo& theInfo):
- TCellInfoBase::TElemInfoBase(theMeshInfo, theInfo),
- TCellInfoBase(theMeshInfo,theInfo)
- {
- myDiameters = theInfo->myDiameters;
- }
- TTBallInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- TInt theNbElem,
- EBooleen theIsElemNum ):
- TCellInfoBase::TElemInfoBase(theMeshInfo,
- theNbElem,
- theIsElemNum,
- /*theIsElemNames=*/eFAUX),
- TCellInfoBase(theMeshInfo,
- eBALL,
- theNbElem,
- /*EConnectivite=*/eNOD,
- theIsElemNum,
- /*theIsElemNames=*/eFAUX,
- {
- myDiameters.resize( theNbElem );
- }
- TTBallInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- const TIntVector& theNodes,
- TFloatVector& theDiameters,
- const TIntVector& theFamilyNums,
- const TIntVector& theElemNums):
- TCellInfoBase::TElemInfoBase(theMeshInfo,
- (TInt)std::max(theNodes.size(),theDiameters.size() ),
- theFamilyNums,
- theElemNums,
- TStringVector()),
- TCellInfoBase(theMeshInfo,
- eBALL,
- theNodes,
- /*EConnectivite=*/eNOD,
- theFamilyNums,
- theElemNums,
- TStringVector(),
- {
- myDiameters.swap( theDiameters );
- }
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- template<EVersion eVersion>
- struct TTFieldInfo:
- virtual TFieldInfo,
- virtual TTNameInfo<eVersion>
- {
- typedef TTNameInfo<eVersion> TNameInfoBase;
- TTFieldInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo, const PFieldInfo& theInfo):
- TNameInfoBase(theInfo->GetName())
- {
- myMeshInfo = theMeshInfo;
- myNbComp = theInfo->GetNbComp();
- myCompNames.resize(myNbComp*GetPNOMLength<eVersion>()+1);
- for(TInt anId = 0; anId < myNbComp; anId++){
- SetCompName(anId,theInfo->GetCompName(anId));
- }
- myUnitNames.resize(myNbComp*GetPNOMLength<eVersion>()+1);
- for(TInt anId = 0; anId < myNbComp; anId++){
- SetUnitName(anId,theInfo->GetUnitName(anId));
- }
- myType = theInfo->GetType();
- myIsLocal = theInfo->GetIsLocal();
- myNbRef = theInfo->GetNbRef();
- }
- TTFieldInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- TInt theNbComp,
- ETypeChamp theType,
- const std::string& theValue,
- EBooleen theIsLocal,
- TInt theNbRef):
- TNameInfoBase(theValue)
- {
- myMeshInfo = theMeshInfo;
- myNbComp = theNbComp;
- myCompNames.resize(theNbComp*GetPNOMLength<eVersion>()+1);
- myUnitNames.resize(theNbComp*GetPNOMLength<eVersion>()+1);
- myType = theType;
- myIsLocal = theIsLocal;
- myNbRef = theNbRef;
- }
- virtual
- std::string
- GetCompName(TInt theId) const
- {
- return GetString(theId,GetPNOMLength<eVersion>(),myCompNames);
- }
- virtual
- void
- SetCompName(TInt theId, const std::string& theValue)
- {
- SetString(theId,GetPNOMLength<eVersion>(),myCompNames,theValue);
- }
- virtual
- std::string
- GetUnitName(TInt theId) const
- {
- return GetString(theId,GetPNOMLength<eVersion>(),myUnitNames);
- }
- virtual
- void
- SetUnitName(TInt theId, const std::string& theValue)
- {
- SetString(theId,GetPNOMLength<eVersion>(),myUnitNames,theValue);
- }
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- template<EVersion eVersion>
- struct TTGaussInfo:
- virtual TGaussInfo,
- virtual TTNameInfo<eVersion>
- {
- typedef TTNameInfo<eVersion> TNameInfoBase;
- TTGaussInfo(const TGaussInfo::TInfo& theInfo,
- EModeSwitch theMode):
- TModeSwitchInfo(theMode),
- TNameInfoBase(boost::get<1>(boost::get<0>(theInfo)))
- {
- const TGaussInfo::TKey& aKey = boost::get<0>(theInfo);
- myGeom = boost::get<0>(aKey);
- myRefCoord.resize(GetNbRef()*GetDim());
- TInt aNbGauss = boost::get<1>(theInfo);
- myGaussCoord.resize(aNbGauss*GetDim());
- myWeight.resize(aNbGauss);
- }
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- template<EVersion eVersion>
- struct TTTimeStampInfo: virtual TTimeStampInfo
- {
- TTTimeStampInfo(const PFieldInfo& theFieldInfo, const PTimeStampInfo& theInfo)
- {
- myFieldInfo = theFieldInfo;
- myEntity = theInfo->GetEntity();
- myGeom2Size = theInfo->GetGeom2Size();
- myNumDt = theInfo->GetNumDt();
- myNumOrd = theInfo->GetNumOrd();
- myDt = theInfo->GetDt();
- myUnitDt.resize(GetPNOMLength<eVersion>()+1);
- SetUnitDt(theInfo->GetUnitDt());
- myGeom2NbGauss = theInfo->myGeom2NbGauss;
- myGeom2Gauss = theInfo->GetGeom2Gauss();
- }
- TTTimeStampInfo(const PFieldInfo& theFieldInfo,
- EEntiteMaillage theEntity,
- const TGeom2Size& theGeom2Size,
- const TGeom2NbGauss& theGeom2NbGauss,
- TInt theNumDt,
- TInt theNumOrd,
- TFloat theDt,
- const std::string& theUnitDt,
- const TGeom2Gauss& theGeom2Gauss)
- {
- myFieldInfo = theFieldInfo;
- myEntity = theEntity;
- myGeom2Size = theGeom2Size;
- myNumDt = theNumDt;
- myNumOrd = theNumDt;
- myDt = theDt;
- myUnitDt.resize(GetPNOMLength<eVersion>()+1);
- SetUnitDt(theUnitDt);
- myGeom2NbGauss = theGeom2NbGauss;
- myGeom2Gauss = theGeom2Gauss;
- }
- virtual
- std::string
- GetUnitDt() const
- {
- return GetString(0,GetPNOMLength<eVersion>(),myUnitDt);
- }
- virtual
- void
- SetUnitDt(const std::string& theValue)
- {
- SetString(0,GetPNOMLength<eVersion>(),myUnitDt,theValue);
- }
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- template<EVersion eVersion>
- struct TTProfileInfo:
- virtual TProfileInfo,
- virtual TTNameInfo<eVersion>
- {
- typedef TTNameInfo<eVersion> TNameInfoBase;
- TTProfileInfo(const TProfileInfo::TInfo& theInfo,
- EModeProfil theMode):
- TNameInfoBase(boost::get<0>(theInfo))
- {
- TInt aSize = boost::get<1>(theInfo);
- myElemNum.reset(new TElemNum(aSize));
- myMode = aSize > 0? theMode: eNO_PFLMOD;
- }
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- template<EVersion eVersion, class TMeshValueType>
- struct TTTimeStampValue: virtual TTimeStampValue<TMeshValueType>
- {
- TTTimeStampValue(const PTimeStampInfo& theTimeStampInfo,
- const PTimeStampValueBase& theInfo,
- ETypeChamp theTypeChamp)
- {
- typedef TTimeStampValue<TMeshValueType> TCompatible;
- if(TCompatible* aCompatible = dynamic_cast<TCompatible*>(theInfo.get())){
- this->myTimeStampInfo = theTimeStampInfo;
- this->myTypeChamp = theTypeChamp;
- this->myGeom2Profile = aCompatible->GetGeom2Profile();
- this->myGeom2Value = aCompatible->myGeom2Value;
- this->myGeomSet = aCompatible->GetGeomSet();
- }else
- EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error,"TTTimeStampValue::TTTimeStampValue - use incompatible arguments!");
- }
- TTTimeStampValue(const PTimeStampInfo& theTimeStampInfo,
- ETypeChamp theTypeChamp,
- const TGeom2Profile& theGeom2Profile,
- EModeSwitch theMode):
- TModeSwitchInfo(theMode)
- {
- this->myTimeStampInfo = theTimeStampInfo;
- this->myTypeChamp = theTypeChamp;
- this->myGeom2Profile = theGeom2Profile;
- TInt aNbComp = theTimeStampInfo->myFieldInfo->myNbComp;
- const TGeom2Size& aGeom2Size = theTimeStampInfo->GetGeom2Size();
- TGeom2Size::const_iterator anIter = aGeom2Size.begin();
- for(; anIter != aGeom2Size.end(); anIter++){
- const EGeometrieElement& aGeom = anIter->first;
- TInt aNbElem = anIter->second;
- MED::PProfileInfo aProfileInfo;
- MED::TGeom2Profile::const_iterator anIter = theGeom2Profile.find(aGeom);
- if(anIter != theGeom2Profile.end())
- aProfileInfo = anIter->second;
- if(aProfileInfo && aProfileInfo->IsPresent())
- aNbElem = aProfileInfo->GetSize();
- TInt aNbGauss = theTimeStampInfo->GetNbGauss(aGeom);
- this->GetMeshValue(aGeom).Allocate(aNbElem,aNbGauss,aNbComp);
- }
- }
- virtual
- size_t
- GetValueSize(EGeometrieElement theGeom) const
- {
- return this->GetMeshValue(theGeom).GetSize();
- }
- virtual
- size_t
- GetNbVal(EGeometrieElement theGeom) const
- {
- return this->GetMeshValue(theGeom).GetNbVal();
- }
- virtual
- size_t
- GetNbGauss(EGeometrieElement theGeom) const
- {
- return this->GetMeshValue(theGeom).GetNbGauss();
- }
- virtual
- void
- AllocateValue(EGeometrieElement theGeom,
- TInt theNbElem,
- TInt theNbGauss,
- TInt theNbComp,
- EModeSwitch theMode = eFULL_INTERLACE)
- {
- this->GetMeshValue(theGeom).Allocate(theNbElem,theNbGauss,theNbComp,theMode);
- }
- virtual
- unsigned char*
- GetValuePtr(EGeometrieElement theGeom)
- {
- return this->GetMeshValue(theGeom).GetValuePtr();
- }
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- template<EVersion eVersion>
- struct TTGrilleInfo:
- virtual TGrilleInfo
- {
- TTGrilleInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- const PGrilleInfo& theInfo)
- {
- myMeshInfo = theMeshInfo;
- myCoord = theInfo->GetNodeCoord();
- myGrilleType = theInfo->GetGrilleType();
- myCoordNames = theInfo->myCoordNames;
- myCoordUnits = theInfo->myCoordUnits;
- myIndixes = theInfo->GetMapOfIndexes();
- myGrilleStructure = theInfo->GetGrilleStructure();
- myGrilleType = theInfo->GetGrilleType();
- myFamNumNode.resize(theInfo->GetNbNodes());
- myFamNumNode = theInfo->myFamNumNode;
- myFamNum = theInfo->myFamNum;
- }
- TTGrilleInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- const EGrilleType& type,
- const TInt nnoeuds)
- {
- myMeshInfo = theMeshInfo;
- TInt aSpaceDim = theMeshInfo->GetSpaceDim();
- if(type == eGRILLE_STANDARD){
- myCoord.resize(aSpaceDim*nnoeuds);
- myCoordNames.resize(aSpaceDim*GetPNOMLength<eVersion>()+1);
- myCoordUnits.resize(aSpaceDim*GetPNOMLength<eVersion>()+1);
- } else { //if(type == eGRILLE_CARTESIENNE){
- myCoordNames.resize(aSpaceDim*GetPNOMLength<eVersion>()+aSpaceDim);
- myCoordUnits.resize(aSpaceDim*GetPNOMLength<eVersion>()+aSpaceDim);
- }
- myGrilleStructure.resize(aSpaceDim);
- myFamNumNode.resize(nnoeuds);
- }
- TTGrilleInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- const EGrilleType& type)
- {
- myMeshInfo = theMeshInfo;
- TInt aSpaceDim = theMeshInfo->GetSpaceDim();
- if(type == eGRILLE_STANDARD){
- myCoordNames.resize(aSpaceDim*GetPNOMLength<eVersion>()+1);
- myCoordUnits.resize(aSpaceDim*GetPNOMLength<eVersion>()+1);
- } else {// if(type == eGRILLE_CARTESIENNE){
- myCoordNames.resize(aSpaceDim*GetPNOMLength<eVersion>()+aSpaceDim);
- myCoordUnits.resize(aSpaceDim*GetPNOMLength<eVersion>()+aSpaceDim);
- }
- myGrilleStructure.resize(aSpaceDim);
- }
- TTGrilleInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- const EGrilleType& type,
- const MED::TIntVector& nbNodeVec)
- {
- myMeshInfo = theMeshInfo;
- TInt aSpaceDim = theMeshInfo->GetSpaceDim();
- if(type == eGRILLE_STANDARD){
- myCoordNames.resize(aSpaceDim*GetPNOMLength<eVersion>()+1);
- myCoordUnits.resize(aSpaceDim*GetPNOMLength<eVersion>()+1);
- } else {// if(type == eGRILLE_CARTESIENNE){
- myCoordNames.resize(aSpaceDim*GetPNOMLength<eVersion>()+aSpaceDim);
- myCoordUnits.resize(aSpaceDim*GetPNOMLength<eVersion>()+aSpaceDim);
- }
- if(type != eGRILLE_STANDARD)
- for(unsigned int aAxe=0;aAxe<nbNodeVec.size();aAxe++){
- myIndixes[aAxe].resize(nbNodeVec[aAxe]);
- }
- myGrilleStructure.resize(aSpaceDim);
- }
- virtual
- std::string
- GetCoordName(TInt theId) const
- {
- return GetString(theId,GetPNOMLength<eVersion>(),myCoordNames);
- }
- virtual
- void
- SetCoordName(TInt theId, const std::string& theValue)
- {
- SetString(theId,GetPNOMLength<eVersion>(),myCoordNames,theValue);
- }
- virtual
- std::string
- GetCoordUnit(TInt theId) const
- {
- return GetString(theId,GetPNOMLength<eVersion>(),myCoordUnits);
- }
- virtual
- void
- SetCoordUnit(TInt theId, const std::string& theValue)
- {
- SetString(theId,GetPNOMLength<eVersion>(),myCoordUnits,theValue);
- }
- };
+++ /dev/null
-// Copyright (C) 2007-2013 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE
-// Copyright (C) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
-// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-// version 2.1 of the License.
-// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// Lesser General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
-// File :
-// Author :
-// Module :
-// $Header$
-#ifndef MED_TWrapper_HeaderFile
-#define MED_TWrapper_HeaderFile
-#include "MED_TStructures.hxx"
-#include "MED_Wrapper.hxx"
-namespace MED
- template<EVersion eVersion>
- class TTWrapper: public TWrapper
- {
- public:
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //! Gets version of the MED library used for the MED file
- virtual
- EVersion
- GetVersion()
- {
- return eVersion;
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual
- PMeshInfo
- CrMeshInfo(TInt theDim = 0, TInt theSpaceDim = 0,
- const std::string& theValue = "",
- EMaillage theType = eNON_STRUCTURE,
- const std::string& theDesc = "")
- {
- return PMeshInfo(new TTMeshInfo<eVersion>
- (theDim,
- theSpaceDim,
- theValue,
- theType,
- theDesc));
- }
- virtual
- PMeshInfo
- CrMeshInfo(const PMeshInfo& theInfo)
- {
- return PMeshInfo(new TTMeshInfo<eVersion>(theInfo));
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual
- PFamilyInfo
- CrFamilyInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- TInt theNbGroup = 0,
- TInt theNbAttr = 0,
- TInt theId = 0,
- const std::string& theValue = "")
- {
- return PFamilyInfo(new TTFamilyInfo<eVersion>
- (theMeshInfo,
- theNbGroup,
- theNbAttr,
- theId,
- theValue));
- }
- virtual
- PFamilyInfo
- CrFamilyInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- const std::string& theValue,
- TInt theId,
- const MED::TStringSet& theGroupNames,
- const MED::TStringVector& theAttrDescs = MED::TStringVector(),
- const MED::TIntVector& theAttrIds = MED::TIntVector(),
- const MED::TIntVector& theAttrVals = MED::TIntVector())
- {
- return PFamilyInfo(new TTFamilyInfo<eVersion>
- (theMeshInfo,
- theValue,
- theId,
- theGroupNames,
- theAttrDescs,
- theAttrIds,
- theAttrVals));
- }
- virtual
- PFamilyInfo
- CrFamilyInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- const PFamilyInfo& theInfo)
- {
- return PFamilyInfo(new TTFamilyInfo<eVersion>
- (theMeshInfo,
- theInfo));
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual
- PElemInfo
- CrElemInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- TInt theNbElem,
- EBooleen theIsElemNum = eVRAI,
- EBooleen theIsElemNames = eVRAI)
- {
- return PElemInfo(new TTElemInfo<eVersion>
- (theMeshInfo,
- theNbElem,
- theIsElemNum,
- theIsElemNames));
- }
- virtual
- PElemInfo
- CrElemInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- TInt theNbElem,
- const TIntVector& theFamNum,
- const TIntVector& aElemNum,
- const TStringVector& aElemNames)
- {
- return PElemInfo(new TTElemInfo<eVersion>
- (theMeshInfo,
- theNbElem,
- theFamNum,
- aElemNum,
- aElemNames));
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual
- PNodeInfo
- CrNodeInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- TInt theNbElem,
- EModeSwitch theMode = eFULL_INTERLACE,
- ERepere theSystem = eCART,
- EBooleen theIsElemNum = eVRAI,
- EBooleen theIsElemNames = eVRAI)
- {
- return PNodeInfo(new TTNodeInfo<eVersion>
- (theMeshInfo,
- theNbElem,
- theMode,
- theSystem,
- theIsElemNum,
- theIsElemNames));
- }
- virtual
- PNodeInfo
- CrNodeInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- const TFloatVector& theNodeCoords,
- EModeSwitch theMode = eFULL_INTERLACE,
- ERepere theSystem = eCART,
- const TStringVector& theCoordNames = TStringVector(),
- const TStringVector& theCoordUnits = TStringVector(),
- const TIntVector& theFamilyNums = TIntVector(),
- const TIntVector& theElemNums = TIntVector(),
- const TStringVector& theElemNames = TStringVector())
- {
- return PNodeInfo(new TTNodeInfo<eVersion>
- (theMeshInfo,
- theNodeCoords,
- theMode,
- theSystem,
- theCoordNames,
- theCoordUnits,
- theFamilyNums,
- theElemNums,
- theElemNames));
- }
- virtual
- PNodeInfo
- CrNodeInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- const PNodeInfo& theInfo)
- {
- return PNodeInfo(new TTNodeInfo<eVersion>
- (theMeshInfo,
- theInfo));
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual
- PPolygoneInfo
- CrPolygoneInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- EEntiteMaillage theEntity,
- EGeometrieElement theGeom,
- TInt theNbElem,
- TInt theConnSize,
- EConnectivite theConnMode = eNOD,
- EBooleen theIsElemNum = eVRAI,
- EBooleen theIsElemNames = eVRAI)
- {
- return PPolygoneInfo(new TTPolygoneInfo<eVersion>
- (theMeshInfo,
- theEntity,
- theGeom,
- theNbElem,
- theConnSize,
- theConnMode,
- theIsElemNum,
- theIsElemNames));
- }
- virtual
- PPolygoneInfo
- CrPolygoneInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- EEntiteMaillage theEntity,
- EGeometrieElement theGeom,
- const TIntVector& theIndexes,
- const TIntVector& theConnectivities,
- EConnectivite theConnMode = eNOD,
- const TIntVector& theFamilyNums = TIntVector(),
- const TIntVector& theElemNums = TIntVector(),
- const TStringVector& theElemNames = TStringVector())
- {
- return PPolygoneInfo(new TTPolygoneInfo<eVersion>
- (theMeshInfo,
- theEntity,
- theGeom,
- theIndexes,
- theConnectivities,
- theConnMode,
- theFamilyNums,
- theElemNums,
- theElemNames));
- }
- virtual
- PPolygoneInfo
- CrPolygoneInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- const PPolygoneInfo& theInfo)
- {
- return PPolygoneInfo(new TTPolygoneInfo<eVersion>
- (theMeshInfo,
- theInfo));
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual
- PPolyedreInfo
- CrPolyedreInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- EEntiteMaillage theEntity,
- EGeometrieElement theGeom,
- TInt theNbElem,
- TInt theNbFaces,
- TInt theConnSize,
- EConnectivite theConnMode = eNOD,
- EBooleen theIsElemNum = eVRAI,
- EBooleen theIsElemNames = eVRAI)
- {
- return PPolyedreInfo(new TTPolyedreInfo<eVersion>
- (theMeshInfo,
- theEntity,
- theGeom,
- theNbElem,
- theNbFaces,
- theConnSize,
- theConnMode,
- theIsElemNum,
- theIsElemNames));
- }
- virtual
- PPolyedreInfo
- CrPolyedreInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- EEntiteMaillage theEntity,
- EGeometrieElement theGeom,
- const TIntVector& theIndexes,
- const TIntVector& theFaces,
- const TIntVector& theConnectivities,
- EConnectivite theConnMode = eNOD,
- const TIntVector& theFamilyNums = TIntVector(),
- const TIntVector& theElemNums = TIntVector(),
- const TStringVector& theElemNames = TStringVector())
- {
- return PPolyedreInfo(new TTPolyedreInfo<eVersion>
- (theMeshInfo,
- theEntity,
- theGeom,
- theIndexes,
- theFaces,
- theConnectivities,
- theConnMode,
- theFamilyNums,
- theElemNums,
- theElemNames));
- }
- virtual
- PPolyedreInfo
- CrPolyedreInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- const PPolyedreInfo& theInfo)
- {
- return PPolyedreInfo(new TTPolyedreInfo<eVersion>
- (theMeshInfo,
- theInfo));
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual
- PCellInfo
- CrCellInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- EEntiteMaillage theEntity,
- EGeometrieElement theGeom,
- TInt theNbElem,
- EConnectivite theConnMode = eNOD,
- EBooleen theIsElemNum = eVRAI,
- EBooleen theIsElemNames = eVRAI,
- EModeSwitch theMode = eFULL_INTERLACE)
- {
- return PCellInfo(new TTCellInfo<eVersion>
- (theMeshInfo,
- theEntity,
- theGeom,
- theNbElem,
- theConnMode,
- theIsElemNum,
- theIsElemNames,
- theMode));
- }
- virtual
- PCellInfo
- CrCellInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- EEntiteMaillage theEntity,
- EGeometrieElement theGeom,
- const TIntVector& theConnectivities,
- EConnectivite theConnMode = eNOD,
- const TIntVector& theFamilyNums = TIntVector(),
- const TIntVector& theElemNums = TIntVector(),
- const TStringVector& theElemNames = TStringVector(),
- EModeSwitch theMode = eFULL_INTERLACE)
- {
- return PCellInfo(new TTCellInfo<eVersion>
- (theMeshInfo,
- theEntity,
- theGeom,
- theConnectivities,
- theConnMode,
- theFamilyNums,
- theElemNums,
- theElemNames,
- theMode));
- }
- virtual
- PCellInfo
- CrCellInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- const PCellInfo& theInfo)
- {
- return PCellInfo(new TTCellInfo<eVersion>
- (theMeshInfo,
- theInfo));
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //! Creates a MEDWrapper MED Balls representation
- virtual PBallInfo CrBallInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- TInt theNbBalls,
- EBooleen theIsElemNum = eVRAI)
- {
- return PBallInfo( new TTBallInfo<eVersion>( theMeshInfo, theNbBalls, theIsElemNum ));
- }
- //! Creates a MEDWrapper MED Balls representation
- virtual PBallInfo CrBallInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- const TIntVector& theNodes,
- TFloatVector& theDiameters,
- const TIntVector& theFamilyNums = TIntVector(),
- const TIntVector& theElemNums = TIntVector())
- {
- return PBallInfo( new TTBallInfo<eVersion>( theMeshInfo, theNodes, theDiameters,
- theFamilyNums, theElemNums));
- }
- //! A copy-constructor for the MEDWrapper MED Balls representation
- virtual PBallInfo CrBallInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- const PBallInfo& theInfo)
- {
- return PBallInfo( new TTBallInfo<eVersion>( theMeshInfo, theInfo ));
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual
- PFieldInfo
- CrFieldInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- TInt theNbComp = 0,
- ETypeChamp theType = eFLOAT64,
- const std::string& theValue = "",
- EBooleen theIsLocal = eVRAI,
- TInt theNbRef = 1)
- {
- return PFieldInfo(new TTFieldInfo<eVersion>
- (theMeshInfo,
- theNbComp,
- theType,
- theValue,
- theIsLocal,
- theNbRef));
- }
- virtual
- PFieldInfo
- CrFieldInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- const PFieldInfo& theInfo)
- {
- return PFieldInfo(new TTFieldInfo<eVersion>
- (theMeshInfo,
- theInfo));
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual
- PTimeStampInfo
- CrTimeStampInfo(const PFieldInfo& theFieldInfo,
- EEntiteMaillage theEntity,
- const TGeom2Size& theGeom2Size,
- const TGeom2NbGauss& theGeom2NbGauss = TGeom2NbGauss(),
- TInt theNumDt = 0,
- TInt theNumOrd = 0,
- TFloat theDt = 0,
- const std::string& theUnitDt = "",
- const TGeom2Gauss& theGeom2Gauss = TGeom2Gauss())
- {
- return PTimeStampInfo(new TTTimeStampInfo<eVersion>
- (theFieldInfo,
- theEntity,
- theGeom2Size,
- theGeom2NbGauss,
- theNumDt,
- theNumOrd,
- theDt,
- theUnitDt,
- theGeom2Gauss));
- }
- virtual
- PTimeStampInfo
- CrTimeStampInfo(const PFieldInfo& theFieldInfo,
- const PTimeStampInfo& theInfo)
- {
- return PTimeStampInfo(new TTTimeStampInfo<eVersion>
- (theFieldInfo,
- theInfo));
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual
- PGaussInfo
- CrGaussInfo(const TGaussInfo::TInfo& theInfo,
- EModeSwitch theMode = eFULL_INTERLACE)
- {
- return PGaussInfo(new TTGaussInfo<eVersion>
- (theInfo,
- theMode));
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual
- PProfileInfo
- CrProfileInfo(const TProfileInfo::TInfo& theInfo,
- EModeProfil theMode = eCOMPACT)
- {
- return PProfileInfo(new TTProfileInfo<eVersion>
- (theInfo,
- theMode));
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual
- PTimeStampValueBase
- CrTimeStampValue(const PTimeStampInfo& theTimeStampInfo,
- ETypeChamp theTypeChamp,
- const TGeom2Profile& theGeom2Profile = TGeom2Profile(),
- EModeSwitch theMode = eFULL_INTERLACE)
- {
- if(theTypeChamp == eFLOAT64)
- return PTimeStampValueBase(new TTTimeStampValue<eVersion, TFloatMeshValue>
- (theTimeStampInfo,
- theTypeChamp,
- theGeom2Profile,
- theMode));
- return PTimeStampValueBase(new TTTimeStampValue<eVersion, TIntMeshValue>
- (theTimeStampInfo,
- theTypeChamp,
- theGeom2Profile,
- theMode));
- }
- virtual
- PTimeStampValueBase
- CrTimeStampValue(const PTimeStampInfo& theTimeStampInfo,
- const PTimeStampValueBase& theInfo,
- ETypeChamp theTypeChamp)
- {
- if(theTypeChamp == eFLOAT64)
- return PTimeStampValueBase(new TTTimeStampValue<eVersion, TFloatMeshValue>
- (theTimeStampInfo,
- theInfo,
- theTypeChamp));
- return PTimeStampValueBase(new TTTimeStampValue<eVersion, TIntMeshValue>
- (theTimeStampInfo,
- theInfo,
- theTypeChamp));
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual
- PGrilleInfo
- CrGrilleInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- const PGrilleInfo& theInfo)
- {
- return PGrilleInfo(new TTGrilleInfo<eVersion>
- (theMeshInfo,
- theInfo));
- }
- virtual
- PGrilleInfo
- CrGrilleInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- const EGrilleType& type)
- {
- return PGrilleInfo(new TTGrilleInfo<eVersion>
- (theMeshInfo,
- type));
- }
- virtual
- PGrilleInfo
- CrGrilleInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- const EGrilleType& type,
- const TInt& nbNodes)
- {
- return PGrilleInfo(new TTGrilleInfo<eVersion>
- (theMeshInfo,
- type,
- nbNodes));
- }
- virtual
- PGrilleInfo
- CrGrilleInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- const EGrilleType& type,
- const MED::TIntVector& nbNodeVec)
- {
- return PGrilleInfo(new TTGrilleInfo<eVersion>
- (theMeshInfo,
- type,
- nbNodeVec));
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- };
+++ /dev/null
-// Copyright (C) 2007-2013 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE
-// Copyright (C) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
-// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-// version 2.1 of the License.
-// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// Lesser General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
-#include "MED_Utilities.hxx"
-#include "MED_Common.hxx"
-using namespace std;
-#ifdef _DEBUG_
-static int MYDEBUG = 0;
-// static int MYDEBUG = 0;
-int MED::PrefixPrinter::myCounter = 0;
-MED::PrefixPrinter::PrefixPrinter(bool theIsActive):
- myIsActive(theIsActive)
- if(myIsActive)
- myCounter++;
- MSG(MYDEBUG,"MED::PrefixPrinter::PrefixPrinter(...)- "<<myCounter);
- if(myIsActive){
- myCounter--;
- if(myCounter < 0)
- EXCEPTION(runtime_error,"PrefixPrinter::~PrefixPrinter() - myCounter("<<myCounter<<") < 0");
- }
-string MED::PrefixPrinter::GetPrefix()
- if(myCounter){
- if(myCounter < 0)
- EXCEPTION(runtime_error,"PrefixPrinter::~PrefixPrinter() - myCounter("<<myCounter<<") < 0");
- return string(myCounter*2,' ');
- }
- return "";
-static MED::TEntity2GeomSet Entity2GeomSet;
-bool InitEntity2GeomSet()
- using namespace MED;
- TGeomSet& aGeomARETESet = Entity2GeomSet[eARETE];
- aGeomARETESet.insert(eSEG2);
- aGeomARETESet.insert(eSEG3);
- TGeomSet& aGeomFACESet = Entity2GeomSet[eFACE];
- aGeomFACESet.insert(eTRIA3);
- aGeomFACESet.insert(eQUAD4);
- aGeomFACESet.insert(eTRIA6);
- aGeomFACESet.insert(eTRIA7);
- aGeomFACESet.insert(eQUAD8);
- aGeomFACESet.insert(eQUAD9);
- aGeomFACESet.insert(ePOLYGONE);
- TGeomSet& aGeomMAILLESet = Entity2GeomSet[eMAILLE];
- aGeomMAILLESet.insert(ePOINT1);
- aGeomMAILLESet.insert(aGeomARETESet.begin(),aGeomARETESet.end());
- aGeomMAILLESet.insert(aGeomFACESet.begin(),aGeomFACESet.end());
- aGeomMAILLESet.insert(eTETRA4);
- aGeomMAILLESet.insert(ePYRA5);
- aGeomMAILLESet.insert(ePENTA6);
- aGeomMAILLESet.insert(eHEXA8);
- aGeomMAILLESet.insert(eOCTA12);
- aGeomMAILLESet.insert(eTETRA10);
- aGeomMAILLESet.insert(ePYRA13);
- aGeomMAILLESet.insert(ePENTA15);
- aGeomMAILLESet.insert(eHEXA20);
- aGeomMAILLESet.insert(eHEXA27);
- aGeomMAILLESet.insert(ePOLYEDRE);
- /* This combination allows reading nb of models of structure elements */
- Entity2GeomSet[eSTRUCT_ELEMENT].insert(eAllGeoType);
- return true;
-static bool anIsInited = InitEntity2GeomSet();
-const MED::TEntity2GeomSet& MED::GetEntity2GeomSet()
- return Entity2GeomSet;
+++ /dev/null
-// Copyright (C) 2007-2013 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE
-// Copyright (C) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
-// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-// version 2.1 of the License.
-// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// Lesser General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
-// File :
-// Author :
-// Module :
-// $Header$
-#ifndef MED_Utilities_HeaderFile
-#define MED_Utilities_HeaderFile
-#include "MED_WrapperBase.hxx"
-#include <iostream>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdexcept>
-namespace MED
- class MEDWRAPPER_EXPORT PrefixPrinter
- {
- static int myCounter;
- bool myIsActive;
- public:
- PrefixPrinter(bool theIsActive = true);
- ~PrefixPrinter();
- static std::string GetPrefix();
- };
-#ifdef _DEBUG_
- #define MSG(deb,msg) if(deb) std::cout<<MED::PrefixPrinter::GetPrefix()<<msg<<" ("<<__FILE__<<" ["<<__LINE__<<"])\n"
- #define BEGMSG(deb,msg) if(deb) std::cout<<MED::PrefixPrinter::GetPrefix()<<msg
- #define INITMSGA(deb,lev,msg) MED::PrefixPrinter aPrefixPrinter_##lev(deb); BEGMSG(deb,msg)
- #define INITMSG(deb,msg) INITMSGA(deb,,msg)
- #define ADDMSG(deb,msg) if(deb) std::cout<<msg
- #define MSG(deb,msg)
- #define BEGMSG(deb,msg)
- #define INITMSGA(deb,lev,msg)
- #define INITMSG(deb,msg)
- #define ADDMSG(deb,msg)
-#ifndef EXCEPTION
-#define EXCEPTION(TYPE, MSG) {\
- std::ostringstream aStream;\
- aStream<<__FILE__<<"["<<__LINE__<<"]::"<<MSG;\
- throw TYPE(aStream.str().c_str());\
+++ /dev/null
-// Copyright (C) 2007-2013 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE
-// Copyright (C) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
-// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-// version 2.1 of the License.
-// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// Lesser General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
-// File :
-// Author :
-// Module :
-// $Header$
-#ifndef MED_Vector_HeaderFile
-#define MED_Vector_HeaderFile
-#include <vector>
-#include <stdexcept>
-//#if defined(_DEBUG_)
-namespace MED
- //! Main purpose to introduce the class was to customize operator []
- template<typename _Tp, typename _Alloc = std::allocator<_Tp> >
- class TVector : public std::vector<_Tp, _Alloc>
- {
- public:
- typedef size_t size_type;
- typedef std::vector<_Tp, _Alloc> superclass;
- typedef typename superclass::allocator_type allocator_type;
- typedef _Tp value_type;
- typedef value_type& reference;
- typedef const value_type& const_reference;
- protected:
- void
- check_range(size_type __n) const
- {
- if (__n >= this->size())
- throw std::out_of_range("TVector [] access out of range");
- }
- const_reference
- get_value(size_type __n) const
- {
- return superclass::operator[](__n);
- }
- reference
- get_value(size_type __n)
- {
- return superclass::operator[](__n);
- }
- public:
- explicit
- TVector(const allocator_type& __a = allocator_type()):
- superclass(__a)
- {}
- TVector(size_type __n, const value_type& __val,
- const allocator_type& __a = allocator_type()):
- superclass(__n, __val, __a)
- {}
- explicit
- TVector(size_type __n):
- superclass(__n)
- {}
- TVector(const TVector& __x):
- superclass(__x)
- {}
- template<typename _InputIterator>
- TVector(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last,
- const allocator_type& __a = allocator_type()):
- superclass(__first, __last, __a)
- {}
- template<typename _Yp, typename _Al>
- TVector(TVector<_Yp, _Al> __y):
- superclass(__y.begin(), __y.end())
- {}
- TVector&
- operator=(const TVector& __x)
- {
- superclass::operator=(__x);
- return *this;
- }
- template<typename _Yp, typename _Al>
- TVector&
- operator=(TVector<_Yp, _Al> __y)
- {
- this->assign(__y.begin(), __y.end());
- return *this;
- }
- reference
- operator[](size_type __n)
- {
- check_range(__n);
- return get_value(__n);
- }
- const_reference
- operator[](size_type __n) const
- {
- check_range(__n);
- return get_value(__n);
- }
- reference
- at(size_type __n)
- {
- check_range(__n);
- return get_value(__n);
- }
- const_reference
- at(size_type __n) const
- {
- check_range(__n);
- return get_value(__n);
- }
- };
+++ /dev/null
-// Copyright (C) 2007-2013 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE
-// Copyright (C) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
-// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-// version 2.1 of the License.
-// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// Lesser General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
-// File : MED_Wrapper.cxx
-// Author : Alexey PETROV
-// Module : MED
-#include "MED_Wrapper.hxx"
-#include "MED_Utilities.hxx"
-#include <boost/version.hpp>
-#ifdef _DEBUG_
-static int MYDEBUG = 0;
-static int MYVALUEDEBUG = 0;
-// static int MYDEBUG = 0;
-// static int MYVALUEDEBUG = 0;
-namespace MED
- TLockProxy
- ::TLockProxy(TWrapper* theWrapper):
- myWrapper(theWrapper)
- {
-#if BOOST_VERSION >= 103500
- myWrapper->myMutex.lock();
- boost::detail::thread::lock_ops<TWrapper::TMutex>::lock(myWrapper->myMutex);
- INITMSG(MYDEBUG,"TLockProxy() - this -"<<this<<"; myWrapper = "<<myWrapper<<std::endl);
- }
- TLockProxy
- ::~TLockProxy()
- {
- INITMSG(MYDEBUG,"~TLockProxy() - this -"<<this<<"; myWrapper = "<<myWrapper<<std::endl);
-#if BOOST_VERSION >= 103500
- myWrapper->myMutex.unlock();
- boost::detail::thread::lock_ops<TWrapper::TMutex>::unlock(myWrapper->myMutex);
- }
- TWrapper*
- TLockProxy
- ::operator-> () const // never throws
- {
- return myWrapper;
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- TWrapper::~TWrapper()
- {
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- PMeshInfo
- TWrapper
- ::GetPMeshInfo(TInt theId,
- TErr* theErr)
- {
- PMeshInfo anInfo = CrMeshInfo();
- GetMeshInfo(theId,*anInfo,theErr);
- return anInfo;
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- PFamilyInfo
- TWrapper
- ::GetPFamilyInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- TInt theId,
- TErr* theErr)
- {
- // must be reimplemented in connection with mesh type eSTRUCTURE
- // if(theMeshInfo->GetType() != eNON_STRUCTURE)
- // return PFamilyInfo();
- TInt aNbAttr = GetNbFamAttr(theId,*theMeshInfo);
- TInt aNbGroup = GetNbFamGroup(theId,*theMeshInfo);
- PFamilyInfo anInfo = CrFamilyInfo(theMeshInfo,aNbGroup,aNbAttr);
- GetFamilyInfo(theId,*anInfo,theErr);
-#ifdef _DEBUG_
- std::string aName = anInfo->GetName();
- INITMSG(MYDEBUG,"GetPFamilyInfo - aFamilyName = '"<<aName<<
- "'; andId = "<<anInfo->GetId()<<
- "; aNbAttr = "<<aNbAttr<<
- "; aNbGroup = "<<aNbGroup<<"\n");
- for(TInt iGroup = 0; iGroup < aNbGroup; iGroup++){
- aName = anInfo->GetGroupName(iGroup);
- INITMSG(MYDEBUG,"aGroupName = '"<<aName<<"'\n");
- }
- return anInfo;
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- PNodeInfo
- TWrapper
- ::GetPNodeInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- TErr* theErr)
- {
- TInt aNbElems = GetNbNodes(*theMeshInfo);
- if(aNbElems == 0){
- return PNodeInfo();
- }
- PNodeInfo anInfo = CrNodeInfo(theMeshInfo,aNbElems);
- GetNodeInfo(*anInfo,theErr);
-#ifdef _DEBUG_
- TInt aDim = theMeshInfo->myDim;
- TInt aNbElem = anInfo->GetNbElem();
- INITMSG(MYDEBUG,"GetPNodeInfo: ");
- {
- INITMSG(MYDEBUG,"aCoords: "<<aNbElem<<": ");
- TNodeCoord& aCoord = anInfo->myCoord;
- for(TInt iElem = 0; iElem < aNbElem; iElem++){
- for(TInt iDim = 0, anId = iElem*aDim; iDim < aDim; iDim++, anId++){
- ADDMSG(MYVALUEDEBUG,aCoord[anId]<<",");
- }
- }
- ADDMSG(MYDEBUG, std::endl);
- for(TInt iElem = 0; iElem < aNbElem; iElem++){
- ADDMSG(MYVALUEDEBUG,anInfo->GetFamNum(iElem)<<", ");
- }
- if(anInfo->IsElemNum()){
- for(TInt iElem = 0; iElem < aNbElem; iElem++){
- ADDMSG(MYVALUEDEBUG,anInfo->GetElemNum(iElem)<<", ");
- }
- }
- }
- ADDMSG(MYDEBUG, std::endl);
- return anInfo;
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- PPolygoneInfo
- TWrapper
- ::GetPPolygoneInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- EEntiteMaillage theEntity,
- EGeometrieElement theGeom,
- EConnectivite theConnMode)
- {
- if(theMeshInfo->GetType() != eNON_STRUCTURE)
- return PPolygoneInfo();
- TInt aNbElem = GetNbPolygones(theMeshInfo,theEntity,theGeom,theConnMode);
- TInt aConnSize = GetPolygoneConnSize(theMeshInfo,theEntity,theGeom,theConnMode);
- PPolygoneInfo anInfo = CrPolygoneInfo(theMeshInfo,theEntity,theGeom,aNbElem,aConnSize,theConnMode);
- GetPolygoneInfo(anInfo);
-#ifdef _DEBUG_
- INITMSG(MYDEBUG,"GetPPolygoneInfo"<<
- " - theGeom = "<<theGeom<<
- "; aNbElem = "<<aNbElem<<": ");
- for(TInt iElem = 1; iElem < aNbElem; iElem++){
- TCConnSlice aConnSlice = anInfo->GetConnSlice(iElem);
- TInt aConnDim = aConnSlice.size();
- for(TInt iConn = 0; iConn < aConnDim; iConn++){
- ADDMSG(MYVALUEDEBUG,aConnSlice[iConn]<<",");
- }
- }
- ADDMSG(MYDEBUG, std::endl);
- return anInfo;
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- PPolyedreInfo
- TWrapper
- ::GetPPolyedreInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- EEntiteMaillage theEntity,
- EGeometrieElement theGeom,
- EConnectivite theConnMode)
- {
- if(theMeshInfo->GetType() != eNON_STRUCTURE)
- return PPolyedreInfo();
- TInt aNbElem = GetNbPolyedres(theMeshInfo,theEntity,theGeom,theConnMode);
- TInt aNbFaces, aConnSize;
- GetPolyedreConnSize(theMeshInfo,aNbFaces,aConnSize,theConnMode);
- PPolyedreInfo anInfo = CrPolyedreInfo(theMeshInfo,theEntity,theGeom,aNbElem,aNbFaces,aConnSize,theConnMode);
- GetPolyedreInfo(anInfo);
-#ifdef _DEBUG_
- INITMSG(MYDEBUG,"GetPPolyedreInfo"<<
- " - theGeom = "<<theGeom<<
- "; aNbElem = "<<aNbElem<<": ");
- for(TInt iElem = 0; iElem < aNbElem; iElem++){
- TCConnSliceArr aConnSliceArr = anInfo->GetConnSliceArr(iElem);
- TInt aNbFaces = aConnSliceArr.size();
- for(TInt iFace = 0; iFace < aNbFaces; iFace++){
- TCConnSlice aConnSlice = aConnSliceArr[iFace];
- TInt aNbConn = aConnSlice.size();
- for(TInt iConn = 0; iConn < aNbConn; iConn++){
- ADDMSG(MYVALUEDEBUG,aConnSlice[iConn]<<",");
- }
- }
- }
- ADDMSG(MYDEBUG, std::endl);
- return anInfo;
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- PElemInfo
- TWrapper
- ::GetPElemInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- EEntiteMaillage theEntity,
- EGeometrieElement theGeom,
- EConnectivite theConnMode,
- TErr* theErr)
- {
- EMaillage aType = theMeshInfo->GetType();
- if(aType == eNON_STRUCTURE){
- switch(theGeom){
- case ePOINT1:
- if(theEntity == eNOEUD)
- return GetPNodeInfo(theMeshInfo,theErr);
- return GetPCellInfo(theMeshInfo,theEntity,theGeom,theConnMode,theErr);
- break;
- case ePOLYGONE:
- return GetPPolygoneInfo(theMeshInfo,theEntity,theGeom,theConnMode);
- break;
- case ePOLYEDRE:
- return GetPPolyedreInfo(theMeshInfo,theEntity,theGeom,theConnMode);
- break;
- default:
- return GetPCellInfo(theMeshInfo,theEntity,theGeom,theConnMode,theErr);
- }
- } else {
- PGrilleInfo aGrille = GetPGrilleInfo(theMeshInfo);
- TInt nbElems;
- EBooleen theIsElemNum = eFAUX;
- // nodes
- switch(theGeom){
- case ePOINT1:
- nbElems = aGrille->GetNbNodes();
- theIsElemNum = eVRAI;
- break;
- case eSEG2:
- case eQUAD4:
- case eHEXA8:
- nbElems = aGrille->GetNbCells();
- break;
- default:
- nbElems = 0;
- }
- TIntVector aFamNum;
- TIntVector aElemNum;
- TStringVector aElemNames;
- PElemInfo aElemInfo;
- if(theGeom == ePOINT1){
- aElemInfo = CrElemInfo(theMeshInfo,
- nbElems,
- theIsElemNum);
- MED::TElemInfo &aTElemInfo = *aElemInfo;
- // must be reimplemente in connection with mesh type eSTRUCTURE
-// GetNumeration(aTElemInfo,
-// nbElems,
-// theEntity,
-// theGeom,
-// theErr);
- GetFamilies(aTElemInfo,
- nbElems,
- theEntity,
- theGeom,
- theErr);
- // must be reimplemente in connection with mesh type eSTRUCTURE
-// GetNames(aTElemInfo,
-// nbElems,
-// theEntity,
-// theGeom,
-// theErr);
- } else {
- aElemInfo = CrElemInfo(theMeshInfo,
- nbElems,
- aFamNum,
- aElemNum,
- aElemNames);
- }
- return aElemInfo;
- }
- return PElemInfo();
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- PCellInfo
- TWrapper
- ::GetPCellInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- EEntiteMaillage theEntity,
- EGeometrieElement theGeom,
- EConnectivite theConnMode,
- TErr* theErr)
- {
- if(theMeshInfo->GetType() != eNON_STRUCTURE)
- return PCellInfo();
- TInt aNbElem = GetNbCells(theMeshInfo,theEntity,theGeom,theConnMode);
- PCellInfo anInfo = CrCellInfo(theMeshInfo,theEntity,theGeom,aNbElem,theConnMode);
- GetCellInfo(anInfo,theErr);
-#ifdef _DEBUG_
- TInt aConnDim = anInfo->GetConnDim();
- INITMSG(MYDEBUG,"GetPCellInfo - theEntity = "<<theEntity<<"; theGeom = "<<theGeom<<"; aConnDim: "<<aConnDim<<"\n");
- BEGMSG(MYDEBUG,"GetPCellInfo - aNbElem: "<<aNbElem<<": ");
- for(TInt iElem = 0; iElem < aNbElem; iElem++){
- TCConnSlice aConnSlice = anInfo->GetConnSlice(iElem);
- for(TInt iConn = 0; iConn < aConnDim; iConn++){
- ADDMSG(MYVALUEDEBUG,aConnSlice[iConn]<<",");
- }
- }
- ADDMSG(MYDEBUG, std::endl);
- BEGMSG(MYVALUEDEBUG,"GetPCellInfo - GetFamNum: ");
- for(TInt iElem = 0; iElem < aNbElem; iElem++){
- ADDMSG(MYVALUEDEBUG,anInfo->GetFamNum(iElem)<<", ");
- }
- if(anInfo->IsElemNum()){
- BEGMSG(MYVALUEDEBUG,"GetPCellInfo - GetElemNum: ");
- for(TInt iElem = 0; iElem < aNbElem; iElem++){
- ADDMSG(MYVALUEDEBUG,anInfo->GetElemNum(iElem)<<", ");
- }
- }
- ADDMSG(MYDEBUG, std::endl);
- return anInfo;
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //! Read a MEDWrapped representation of MED Balls from the MED file
- PBallInfo
- TWrapper
- ::GetPBallInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo)
- {
- TInt nbBalls = GetNbBalls(theMeshInfo);
- if ( nbBalls < 1 ) return PBallInfo();
- PBallInfo anInfo = CrBallInfo( theMeshInfo, nbBalls );
- GetBallInfo(anInfo);
- return anInfo;
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- PFieldInfo
- TWrapper
- ::GetPFieldInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- TInt theId,
- TErr* theErr)
- {
- TInt aNbComp = GetNbComp(theId);
- PFieldInfo anInfo = CrFieldInfo(theMeshInfo,aNbComp);
- GetFieldInfo(theId,*anInfo,theErr);
-#ifdef _DEBUG_
- "GetPFieldInfo "<<
- "- aName = '"<<anInfo->GetName()<<"'"<<
- "; aType = "<<anInfo->GetType()<<
- "; aNbComp = "<<aNbComp<<
- std::endl);
- return anInfo;
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- PTimeStampInfo
- TWrapper
- ::GetPTimeStampInfo(const PFieldInfo& theFieldInfo,
- EEntiteMaillage theEntity,
- const TGeom2Size& theGeom2Size,
- TInt theId,
- TErr* theErr)
- {
- PTimeStampInfo anInfo = CrTimeStampInfo(theFieldInfo,theEntity,theGeom2Size);
- GetTimeStampInfo(theId,*anInfo,theErr);
-#ifdef _DEBUG_
- INITMSG(MYDEBUG,"GetPTimeStampInfo - anEntity = "<<anInfo->GetEntity()<<"\n");
- TGeom2NbGauss& aGeom2NbGauss = anInfo->myGeom2NbGauss;
- TGeom2NbGauss::const_iterator anIter = aGeom2NbGauss.begin();
- for(; anIter != aGeom2NbGauss.end(); anIter++){
- const EGeometrieElement& aGeom = anIter->first;
- INITMSG(MYDEBUG,"aGeom = "<<aGeom<<" - "<<aGeom2NbGauss[aGeom]<<";\n");
- }
- return anInfo;
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- PProfileInfo
- TWrapper
- ::GetPProfileInfo(TInt theId,
- EModeProfil theMode,
- TErr* theErr)
- {
- TProfileInfo::TInfo aPreInfo = GetProfilePreInfo(theId);
- PProfileInfo anInfo = CrProfileInfo(aPreInfo,theMode);
- GetProfileInfo(theId,*anInfo,theErr);
- return anInfo;
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- PTimeStampValueBase
- TWrapper
- ::CrTimeStampValue(const PTimeStampInfo& theTimeStampInfo,
- const TGeom2Profile& theGeom2Profile,
- EModeSwitch theMode)
- {
- PFieldInfo aFieldInfo = theTimeStampInfo->GetFieldInfo();
- return CrTimeStampValue(theTimeStampInfo,
- aFieldInfo->GetType(),
- theGeom2Profile,
- theMode);
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- PTimeStampValueBase
- TWrapper
- ::CrTimeStampValue(const PTimeStampInfo& theTimeStampInfo,
- const PTimeStampValueBase& theInfo)
- {
- PFieldInfo aFieldInfo = theTimeStampInfo->GetFieldInfo();
- return CrTimeStampValue(theTimeStampInfo,
- theInfo,
- aFieldInfo->GetType());
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template<class TimeStampValueType>
- void
- Print(SharedPtr<TimeStampValueType> theTimeStampValue)
- {
- INITMSG(MYDEBUG,"Print - TimeStampValue\n");
- typename TimeStampValueType::TTGeom2Value& aGeom2Value = theTimeStampValue->myGeom2Value;
- typename TimeStampValueType::TTGeom2Value::const_iterator anIter = aGeom2Value.begin();
- for(; anIter != aGeom2Value.end(); anIter++){
- const EGeometrieElement& aGeom = anIter->first;
- const typename TimeStampValueType::TTMeshValue& aMeshValue = anIter->second;
- TInt aNbElem = aMeshValue.myNbElem;
- TInt aNbGauss = aMeshValue.myNbGauss;
- TInt aNbComp = aMeshValue.myNbComp;
- INITMSG(MYDEBUG,"aGeom = "<<aGeom<<" - "<<aNbElem<<": ");
- for(TInt iElem = 0; iElem < aNbElem; iElem++){
- typename TimeStampValueType::TTMeshValue::TCValueSliceArr aValueSliceArr = aMeshValue.GetGaussValueSliceArr(iElem);
- for(TInt iGauss = 0; iGauss < aNbGauss; iGauss++){
- const typename TimeStampValueType::TTMeshValue::TCValueSlice& aValueSlice = aValueSliceArr[iGauss];
- for(TInt iComp = 0; iComp < aNbComp; iComp++){
- ADDMSG(MYVALUEDEBUG,aValueSlice[iComp]<<" ");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- PTimeStampValueBase
- TWrapper
- ::GetPTimeStampValue(const PTimeStampInfo& theTimeStampInfo,
- const TMKey2Profile& theMKey2Profile,
- const TKey2Gauss& theKey2Gauss,
- TErr* theErr)
- {
- PFieldInfo aFieldInfo = theTimeStampInfo->GetFieldInfo();
- PTimeStampValueBase anInfo = CrTimeStampValue(theTimeStampInfo,
- aFieldInfo->GetType());
- GetTimeStampValue(anInfo,
- theMKey2Profile,
- theKey2Gauss,
- theErr);
-#ifdef _DEBUG_
- if(aFieldInfo->GetType() == eFLOAT64)
- Print<TFloatTimeStampValue>(anInfo);
- else
- Print<TIntTimeStampValue>(anInfo);
- return anInfo;
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void
- TWrapper
- ::GetTimeStampVal(const PTimeStampVal& theVal,
- const TMKey2Profile& theMKey2Profile,
- const TKey2Gauss& theKey2Gauss,
- TErr* theErr)
- {
- PTimeStampInfo aTimeStampInfo = theVal->GetTimeStampInfo();
- PFieldInfo aFieldInfo = aTimeStampInfo->GetFieldInfo();
- if(aFieldInfo->GetType() == eFLOAT64)
- GetTimeStampValue(theVal,
- theMKey2Profile,
- theKey2Gauss,
- theErr);
- else{
- PTimeStampValueBase aVal = CrTimeStampValue(aTimeStampInfo,
- theVal,
- eINT);
- GetTimeStampValue(aVal,
- theMKey2Profile,
- theKey2Gauss,
- theErr);
- CopyTimeStampValueBase(aVal, theVal);
- }
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void
- TWrapper
- ::SetTimeStamp(const PTimeStampVal& theVal,
- TErr* theErr)
- {
- PTimeStampInfo aTimeStampInfo = theVal->GetTimeStampInfo();
- PFieldInfo aFieldInfo = aTimeStampInfo->GetFieldInfo();
- if(aFieldInfo->GetType() == eFLOAT64)
- SetTimeStampValue(theVal, theErr);
- else{
- PTimeStampValueBase aVal = CrTimeStampValue(aTimeStampInfo,
- eINT,
- theVal->GetGeom2Profile(),
- theVal->GetModeSwitch());
- CopyTimeStampValueBase(theVal, aVal);
- SetTimeStampValue(aVal, theErr);
- }
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- PTimeStampVal
- TWrapper
- ::CrTimeStampVal(const PTimeStampInfo& theTimeStampInfo,
- const TGeom2Profile& theGeom2Profile,
- EModeSwitch theMode)
- {
- return CrTimeStampValue(theTimeStampInfo,
- eFLOAT64,
- theGeom2Profile,
- theMode);
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- PTimeStampVal
- TWrapper
- ::CrTimeStampVal(const PTimeStampInfo& theTimeStampInfo,
- const PTimeStampVal& theInfo)
- {
- return CrTimeStampValue(theTimeStampInfo,
- theInfo,
- eFLOAT64);
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- PTimeStampVal
- TWrapper
- ::GetPTimeStampVal(const PTimeStampInfo& theTimeStampInfo,
- const TMKey2Profile& theMKey2Profile,
- const TKey2Gauss& theKey2Gauss,
- TErr* theErr)
- {
- PTimeStampVal anInfo = CrTimeStampVal(theTimeStampInfo);
- GetTimeStampVal(anInfo,
- theMKey2Profile,
- theKey2Gauss,
- theErr);
- return anInfo;
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- PGrilleInfo
- TWrapper
- ::GetPGrilleInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo)
- {
- if(theMeshInfo->GetType() != eSTRUCTURE)
- return PGrilleInfo();
- EGrilleType type;
- GetGrilleType(*theMeshInfo,type);
- PGrilleInfo anInfo;
- if(type == eGRILLE_STANDARD){
- const TInt nnoeuds = GetNbNodes(*theMeshInfo);
- anInfo = CrGrilleInfo(theMeshInfo,type,nnoeuds);
- }
- else {
- TIntVector aVec;
- aVec.resize(theMeshInfo->GetDim());
- for(int aAxe=0;aAxe<theMeshInfo->GetDim();aAxe++){
- ETable aATable;
- switch(aAxe){
- case 0:
- aATable = eCOOR_IND1;
- break;
- case 1:
- aATable = eCOOR_IND2;
- break;
- case 2:
- aATable = eCOOR_IND3;
- break;
- }
- aVec[aAxe] = GetNbNodes(*theMeshInfo,aATable);
- }
- anInfo = CrGrilleInfo(theMeshInfo,type,aVec);
- }
- GetGrilleInfo(anInfo);
- anInfo->SetGrilleType(type);
-#ifdef _DEBUG_
- INITMSG(MYDEBUG,"GetPGrilleInfo: ");
- {
- TInt aNbElem = anInfo->GetNbNodes();
- for(TInt iElem = 0; iElem < aNbElem; iElem++){
- ADDMSG(MYVALUEDEBUG,anInfo->GetFamNumNode(iElem)<<", ");
- }
- TInt aNbCells = anInfo->GetNbCells();
- for(TInt iElem = 0; iElem < aNbCells; iElem++){
- ADDMSG(MYVALUEDEBUG,anInfo->GetFamNum(iElem)<<", ");
- }
- for(TInt iElem = 0; iElem < theMeshInfo->GetDim(); iElem++){
- ADDMSG(MYVALUEDEBUG,anInfo->GetCoordName(iElem)<<", ");
- }
- for(TInt iElem = 0; iElem < theMeshInfo->GetDim(); iElem++){
- ADDMSG(MYVALUEDEBUG,anInfo->GetCoordUnit(iElem)<<", ");
- }
- }
- return anInfo;
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- PGrilleInfo
- TWrapper
- ::GetPGrilleInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- const PGrilleInfo& theInfo)
- {
- PGrilleInfo anInfo = CrGrilleInfo(theMeshInfo,theInfo);
- return anInfo;
- }
+++ /dev/null
-// Copyright (C) 2007-2013 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE
-// Copyright (C) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
-// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-// version 2.1 of the License.
-// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// Lesser General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
-#ifndef MED_Wrapper_HeaderFile
-#define MED_Wrapper_HeaderFile
-#include "MED_WrapperBase.hxx"
-#include "MED_Structures.hxx"
-#include "MED_Algorithm.hxx"
-#include <boost/thread/mutex.hpp>
-namespace MED
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //! Define a base class that wraps the MED API
- {
- typedef boost::mutex TMutex;
- //! This is a syncronization primitive which allow to support thread safety for the MED access
- TMutex myMutex;
- virtual
- ~TWrapper();
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //! Gets version of the MED library used for the MED file
- virtual
- EVersion
- GetVersion() = 0;
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //! Creates a MEDWrapper MED Mesh representation
- virtual
- PMeshInfo
- CrMeshInfo(TInt theDim = 0, TInt theSpaceDim = 0,
- const std::string& theValue = "",
- EMaillage theType = eNON_STRUCTURE,
- const std::string& theDesc = "") = 0;
- //! A copy-constructor for the MEDWrapper MED Mesh representation
- virtual
- PMeshInfo
- CrMeshInfo(const PMeshInfo& theInfo) = 0;
- //! Read number of MED Mesh entities in the defined MED file
- virtual
- TInt
- GetNbMeshes(TErr* theErr = NULL) = 0;
- //! Read a MEDWrapper MED Mesh representation by its number
- virtual
- void
- GetMeshInfo(TInt theMeshId,
- TMeshInfo& theInfo,
- TErr* theErr = NULL) = 0;
- //! Write the MEDWrapper MED Mesh representation in the defined MED file
- virtual
- void
- SetMeshInfo(const TMeshInfo& theInfo,
- TErr* theErr = NULL) = 0;
- //! Read a MEDWrapper MED Mesh representation by its number
- virtual
- PMeshInfo
- GetPMeshInfo(TInt theId,
- TErr* theErr = NULL);
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //! Read number of MED Family entities in the defined MED file
- virtual
- TInt
- GetNbFamilies(const TMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- TErr* theErr = NULL) = 0;
- //! Read number of attributes for defined MED Family
- virtual
- TInt
- GetNbFamAttr(TInt theFamId,
- const TMeshInfo& theInfo,
- TErr* theErr = NULL) = 0;
- //! Read number of MED Groups where MED Family with the number belong to
- virtual
- TInt
- GetNbFamGroup(TInt theFamId,
- const TMeshInfo& theInfo,
- TErr* theErr = NULL) = 0;
- //! Read a MEDWrapper MED Family representation by its number
- virtual
- void
- GetFamilyInfo(TInt theFamId,
- TFamilyInfo& theInfo,
- TErr* theErr = NULL) = 0;
- //! Write a MEDWrapper MED Family representation by its number
- virtual
- void
- SetFamilyInfo(const TFamilyInfo& theInfo,
- TErr* theErr = NULL) = 0;
- //! Creates a MEDWrapper MED Family representation
- virtual
- PFamilyInfo
- CrFamilyInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- TInt theNbGroup = 0,
- TInt theNbAttr = 0,
- TInt theId = 0,
- const std::string& theValue = "") = 0;
- //! Creates a MEDWrapper MED Family representation
- virtual
- PFamilyInfo
- CrFamilyInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- const std::string& theValue,
- TInt theId,
- const TStringSet& theGroupNames,
- const TStringVector& theAttrDescs = TStringVector(),
- const TIntVector& theAttrIds = TIntVector(),
- const TIntVector& theAttrVals = TIntVector()) = 0;
- //! A copy-constructor for the MEDWrapper MED Family representation
- virtual
- PFamilyInfo
- CrFamilyInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- const PFamilyInfo& theInfo) = 0;
- //! Write a MEDWrapper MED Family representation by its number
- PFamilyInfo
- GetPFamilyInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- TInt theId,
- TErr* theErr = NULL);
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //! Read sequence of names for any descendant of TElemInfo
- virtual
- void
- GetNames(TElemInfo& theInfo,
- TInt theNb,
- EEntiteMaillage theEntity,
- EGeometrieElement theGeom,
- TErr* theErr = NULL)
- {}
- //! Read sequence of numerous for any descendant of TElemInfo
- virtual
- void
- GetNumeration(TElemInfo& theInfo,
- TInt theNb,
- EEntiteMaillage theEntity,
- EGeometrieElement theGeom,
- TErr* theErr = NULL)
- {}
- //! Read sequence MED Family indexes for any descendant of TElemInfo
- virtual
- void
- GetFamilies(TElemInfo& theInfo,
- TInt theNb,
- EEntiteMaillage theEntity,
- EGeometrieElement theGeom,
- TErr* theErr = NULL)
- {}
- //! Write sequence of names for any descendant of TElemInfo
- virtual
- void
- SetNames(const TElemInfo& theInfo,
- EEntiteMaillage theEntity,
- EGeometrieElement theGeom,
- TErr* theErr = NULL)
- {}
- //! Write sequence of numerous for any descendant of TElemInfo
- virtual
- void
- SetNumeration(const TElemInfo& theInfo,
- EEntiteMaillage theEntity,
- EGeometrieElement theGeom,
- TErr* theErr = NULL)
- {}
- //! Write sequence MED Family indexes for any descendant of TElemInfo
- virtual
- void
- SetFamilies(const TElemInfo& theInfo,
- EEntiteMaillage theEntity,
- EGeometrieElement theGeom,
- TErr* theErr = NULL)
- {}
- //! Read a MEDWrapper MED Element representation from defined MED file
- PElemInfo
- GetPElemInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- EEntiteMaillage theEntity = eNOEUD,
- EGeometrieElement theGeom = ePOINT1,
- EConnectivite theConnMode = eNOD,
- TErr* theErr = NULL);
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //! Read number of nodes in defined MED Mesh
- virtual
- TInt
- GetNbNodes(const TMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- TErr* theErr = NULL) = 0;
- virtual
- TInt
- GetNbNodes(const TMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- ETable theTable,
- TErr* theErr = NULL)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- //! Read a MEDWrapper MED Nodes representation from defined MED file
- virtual
- void
- GetNodeInfo(TNodeInfo& theInfo,
- TErr* theErr = NULL) = 0;
- //! Write the MEDWrapper MED Nodes representation into defined MED file
- virtual
- void
- SetNodeInfo(const TNodeInfo& theInfo,
- TErr* theErr = NULL) = 0;
- //! Creates a MEDWrapper MED Nodes representation
- virtual
- PElemInfo
- CrElemInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- TInt theNbElem,
- EBooleen theIsElemNum = eVRAI,
- EBooleen theIsElemNames = eVRAI)
- {
- return PElemInfo();
- }
- //! Creates a MEDWrapper MED Nodes representation
- virtual
- PElemInfo
- CrElemInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- TInt theNbElem,
- const TIntVector& theFamNum,
- const TIntVector& aElemNum,
- const TStringVector& aElemNames)
- {
- return PElemInfo();
- }
- //! Creates a MEDWrapper MED Nodes representation
- virtual
- PNodeInfo
- CrNodeInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- TInt theNbElem,
- EModeSwitch theMode = eFULL_INTERLACE,
- ERepere theSystem = eCART,
- EBooleen theIsElemNum = eVRAI,
- EBooleen theIsElemNames = eVRAI) = 0;
- //! Creates a MEDWrapper MED Nodes representation
- virtual
- PNodeInfo
- CrNodeInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- const TFloatVector& theNodeCoords,
- EModeSwitch theMode = eFULL_INTERLACE,
- ERepere theSystem = eCART,
- const TStringVector& theCoordNames = TStringVector(),
- const TStringVector& theCoordUnits = TStringVector(),
- const TIntVector& theFamilyNums = TIntVector(),
- const TIntVector& theElemNums = TIntVector(),
- const TStringVector& theElemNames = TStringVector()) = 0;
- //! A copy-constructor for the MEDWrapper MED Nodes representation
- virtual
- PNodeInfo
- CrNodeInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- const PNodeInfo& theInfo) = 0;
- //! Read a MEDWrapper MED Nodes representation from defined MED file
- PNodeInfo
- GetPNodeInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- TErr* theErr = NULL);
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //! Read a MEDWrapper MED Polygones representation from defined MED file
- /*! This feature is supported only for version of 2.2 and higher */
- virtual
- void
- GetPolygoneInfo(TPolygoneInfo& theInfo,
- TErr* theErr = NULL)
- {}
- //! Write a MEDWrapper MED Polygones representation from defined MED file
- /*! This feature is supported only for version of 2.2 and higher */
- virtual
- void
- SetPolygoneInfo(const TPolygoneInfo& theInfo,
- TErr* theErr = NULL)
- {}
- //! Read number of MED Polygones in defined MED Mesh
- /*! This feature is supported only for version of 2.2 and higher */
- virtual
- TInt
- GetNbPolygones(const TMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- EEntiteMaillage theEntity,
- EGeometrieElement theGeom,
- EConnectivite theConnMode = eNOD,
- TErr* theErr = NULL)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- //! Read connectivity infroamtion for the MED Polygones in defined MED Mesh
- /*! This feature is supported only for version of 2.2 and higher */
- virtual
- TInt
- GetPolygoneConnSize(const TMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- EEntiteMaillage theEntity,
- EGeometrieElement theGeom,
- EConnectivite theConnMode = eNOD,
- TErr* theErr = NULL)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- //! Creates a MEDWrapper MED Polygones representation
- /*! This feature is supported only for version of 2.2 and higher */
- virtual
- PPolygoneInfo
- CrPolygoneInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- EEntiteMaillage theEntity,
- EGeometrieElement theGeom,
- TInt theNbElem,
- TInt theConnSize,
- EConnectivite theConnMode = eNOD,
- EBooleen theIsElemNum = eVRAI,
- EBooleen theIsElemNames = eVRAI)
- {
- return PPolygoneInfo();
- }
- //! Creates a MEDWrapper MED Polygones representation
- /*! This feature is supported only for version of 2.2 and higher */
- virtual
- PPolygoneInfo
- CrPolygoneInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- EEntiteMaillage theEntity,
- EGeometrieElement theGeom,
- const TIntVector& theIndexes,
- const TIntVector& theConnectivities,
- EConnectivite theConnMode = eNOD,
- const TIntVector& theFamilyNums = TIntVector(),
- const TIntVector& theElemNums = TIntVector(),
- const TStringVector& theElemNames = TStringVector())
- {
- return PPolygoneInfo();
- }
- //! A copy-constructor for the MEDWrapper MED Polygones representation
- virtual
- PPolygoneInfo
- CrPolygoneInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- const PPolygoneInfo& theInfo)
- {
- return PPolygoneInfo();
- }
- //! Read a MEDWrapper MED Polygones representation from defined MED file
- /*! This feature is support only for version of 2.2 and higher */
- PPolygoneInfo
- GetPPolygoneInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- EEntiteMaillage theEntity,
- EGeometrieElement theGeom,
- EConnectivite theConnMode = eNOD);
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //! Read a MEDWrapper MED Polyedres representation from defined MED file
- /*! This feature is support only for version of 2.2 and higher */
- virtual
- void
- GetPolyedreInfo(TPolyedreInfo& theInfo,
- TErr* theErr = NULL)
- {}
- //! Write a MEDWrapper MED Polyedres representation from defined MED file
- /*! This feature is support only for version of 2.2 and higher */
- virtual
- void
- SetPolyedreInfo(const TPolyedreInfo& theInfo,
- TErr* theErr = NULL)
- {}
- //! Read number of MED Polyedres in defined MED Mesh
- /*! This feature is support only for version of 2.2 and higher */
- virtual
- TInt
- GetNbPolyedres(const TMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- EEntiteMaillage theEntity,
- EGeometrieElement theGeom,
- EConnectivite theConnMode = eNOD,
- TErr* theErr = NULL)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- //! Read connectivity infroamtion for the MED Polyedres in defined MED Mesh
- /*! This feature is support only for version of 2.2 and higher */
- virtual
- void
- GetPolyedreConnSize(const TMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- TInt& theNbFaces,
- TInt& theConnSize,
- EConnectivite theConnMode = eNOD,
- TErr* theErr = NULL)
- {
- theNbFaces = theConnSize = 0;
- }
- virtual
- PPolyedreInfo
- CrPolyedreInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- EEntiteMaillage theEntity,
- EGeometrieElement theGeom,
- TInt theNbElem,
- TInt theNbFaces,
- TInt theConnSize,
- EConnectivite theConnMode = eNOD,
- EBooleen theIsElemNum = eVRAI,
- EBooleen theIsElemNames = eVRAI)
- {
- return PPolyedreInfo();
- }
- //! Creates a MEDWrapper MED Polyedres representation
- /*! This feature is support only for version of 2.2 and higher */
- virtual
- PPolyedreInfo
- CrPolyedreInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- EEntiteMaillage theEntity,
- EGeometrieElement theGeom,
- const TIntVector& theIndexes,
- const TIntVector& theFaces,
- const TIntVector& theConnectivities,
- EConnectivite theConnMode = eNOD,
- const TIntVector& theFamilyNums = TIntVector(),
- const TIntVector& theElemNums = TIntVector(),
- const TStringVector& theElemNames = TStringVector())
- {
- return PPolyedreInfo();
- }
- //! A copy-constructor for the MEDWrapper MED Polyedres representation
- virtual
- PPolyedreInfo
- CrPolyedreInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- const PPolyedreInfo& theInfo)
- {
- return PPolyedreInfo();
- }
- //! Read a MEDWrapper MED Polyedres representation from defined MED file
- /*! This feature is support only for version of 2.2 and higher */
- PPolyedreInfo
- GetPPolyedreInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- EEntiteMaillage theEntity,
- EGeometrieElement theGeom,
- EConnectivite theConnMode = eNOD);
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //! Get TEntityInfo which contains brief information about existing cells and their destribution among MED ENTITIES
- virtual
- TEntityInfo
- GetEntityInfo(const TMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- EConnectivite theConnMode = eNOD,
- TErr* theErr = NULL) = 0;
- //! Read number of cells for defined MED Mesh, ENTITY and geometrical type with define mode of connectivity
- virtual
- TInt
- GetNbCells(const TMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- EEntiteMaillage theEntity,
- EGeometrieElement theGeom,
- EConnectivite theConnMode = eNOD,
- TErr* theErr = NULL) = 0;
- //! Read a MEDWrapper MED Cells representation from defined MED file
- virtual
- void
- GetCellInfo(TCellInfo& theInfo,
- TErr* theErr = NULL) = 0;
- //! Write the MEDWrapper MED Cells representation into defined MED file
- virtual
- void
- SetCellInfo(const TCellInfo& theInfo,
- TErr* theErr = NULL) = 0;
- //! Creates a MEDWrapper MED Cells representation
- virtual
- PCellInfo
- CrCellInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- EEntiteMaillage theEntity,
- EGeometrieElement theGeom,
- TInt theNbElem,
- EConnectivite theConnMode = eNOD,
- EBooleen theIsElemNum = eVRAI,
- EBooleen theIsElemNames = eVRAI,
- EModeSwitch theMode = eFULL_INTERLACE) = 0;
- //! Creates a MEDWrapper MED Cells representation
- virtual
- PCellInfo
- CrCellInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- EEntiteMaillage theEntity,
- EGeometrieElement theGeom,
- const TIntVector& theConnectivities,
- EConnectivite theConnMode = eNOD,
- const TIntVector& theFamilyNums = TIntVector(),
- const TIntVector& theElemNums = TIntVector(),
- const TStringVector& theElemNames = TStringVector(),
- EModeSwitch theMode = eFULL_INTERLACE) = 0;
- //! A copy-constructor for the MEDWrapper MED Cells representation
- virtual
- PCellInfo
- CrCellInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- const PCellInfo& theInfo) = 0;
- //! Read a MEDWrapper MED Cells representation from defined MED file
- PCellInfo
- GetPCellInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- EEntiteMaillage theEntity,
- EGeometrieElement theGeom,
- EConnectivite theConnMode = eNOD,
- TErr* theErr = NULL);
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //! Read number of balls in the Mesh
- /*! This feature is supported since version 3.0 */
- virtual
- TInt
- GetNbBalls(const TMeshInfo& theMeshInfo)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- //! Read a MEDWrapped representation of MED_BALL from the MED file
- /*! This feature is supported since version 3.0 */
- virtual
- void
- GetBallInfo(TBallInfo& theInfo,
- TErr* theErr = NULL)
- {}
- //! Write a MEDWrapped representation of MED_BALL to the MED file
- /*! This feature is supported since version 3.0 */
- virtual
- void
- SetBallInfo(const TBallInfo& theInfo,
- TErr* theErr = NULL)
- {}
- //! Creates a MEDWrapper MED Balls representation
- /*! This feature is supported since version 3.0 */
- virtual
- PBallInfo
- CrBallInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- TInt theNbBalls,
- EBooleen theIsElemNum = eVRAI)
- {
- return PBallInfo();
- }
- //! Creates a MEDWrapper MED Balls representation
- /*! This feature is supported since version 3.0 */
- virtual
- PBallInfo
- CrBallInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- const TIntVector& theNodes,
- TFloatVector& theDiameters,
- const TIntVector& theFamilyNums = TIntVector(),
- const TIntVector& theElemNums = TIntVector())
- {
- return PBallInfo();
- }
- //! A copy-constructor for the MEDWrapped MED Balls representation
- virtual
- PBallInfo
- CrBallInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- const PBallInfo& theInfo)
- {
- return PBallInfo();
- }
- //! Read a MEDWrapped MED Balls representation from defined MED file
- /*! This feature is supported since version 3.0 */
- virtual
- PBallInfo
- GetPBallInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo);
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //! Read number of MED FIELDS in defined MED Mesh
- virtual
- TInt
- GetNbFields(TErr* theErr = NULL) = 0;
- //! Read number of components for the defined MED FIELD by its order number
- virtual
- TInt
- GetNbComp(TInt theFieldId,
- TErr* theErr = NULL) = 0;
- //! Read MEDWrapper MED FIELD representation by its order number
- virtual
- void
- GetFieldInfo(TInt theFieldId,
- TFieldInfo& theInfo,
- TErr* theErr = NULL) = 0;
- //! Write MEDWrapper MED FIELD representation into defined MED file
- virtual
- void
- SetFieldInfo(const TFieldInfo& theInfo,
- TErr* theErr = NULL) = 0;
- //! Creates a MEDWrapper MED FIELD representation
- virtual
- PFieldInfo
- CrFieldInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- TInt theNbComp = 0,
- ETypeChamp theType = eFLOAT64,
- const std::string& theValue = "",
- EBooleen theIsLocal = eVRAI,
- TInt theNbRef = 1) = 0;
- //! A copy-constructor for the MEDWrapper MED FIELD representation
- virtual
- PFieldInfo
- CrFieldInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- const PFieldInfo& theInfo) = 0;
- //! Read a MEDWrapper MED FIELD representation from defined MED file
- PFieldInfo
- GetPFieldInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- TInt theId,
- TErr* theErr = NULL);
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //! Read number of MED GAUSS in defined MED Mesh
- /*! This feature is support only for version of 2.2 and higher */
- virtual
- TInt
- GetNbGauss(TErr* theErr = NULL)
- {
- return TInt();
- }
- //! Read brief MED GAUSS information by its order number from defined MED Mesh
- /*! This feature is support only for version of 2.2 and higher */
- virtual
- TGaussInfo::TInfo
- GetGaussPreInfo(TInt theId,
- TErr* theErr = NULL)
- {
- return TGaussInfo::TInfo( TGaussInfo::TKey(ePOINT1,""),0 );
- }
- //! Read a MEDWrapper MED GAUSS representation by its order number from defined MED file
- /*! This feature is support only for version of 2.2 and higher */
- virtual
- void
- GetGaussInfo(TInt theId,
- TGaussInfo& theInfo,
- TErr* theErr = NULL)
- {}
- //! Creates a MEDWrapper MED GAUSS representation
- /*! This feature is support only for version of 2.2 and higher */
- virtual
- PGaussInfo
- CrGaussInfo(const TGaussInfo::TInfo& theInfo,
- EModeSwitch theMode = eFULL_INTERLACE) = 0;
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //! Read number of MED TIMESTAMPS in defined MED Mesh
- /*!
- By the way some additional information can be obtained:
- - to what MED ENTITY the MED TIMESTAMP conntected to;
- - on what geometrical types the MED TIMESTAMP defined to.
- */
- virtual
- TInt
- GetNbTimeStamps(const TFieldInfo& theInfo,
- const TEntityInfo& theEntityInfo,
- EEntiteMaillage& theEntity,
- TGeom2Size& theGeom2Size,
- TErr* theErr = NULL) = 0;
- //! Read MEDWrapper MED TIMESTAMP representation by its order number
- virtual
- void
- GetTimeStampInfo(TInt theTimeStampId,
- TTimeStampInfo& theInfo,
- TErr* theErr = NULL) = 0;
- //! Creates a MEDWrapper MED TIMESTAMP representation
- virtual
- PTimeStampInfo
- CrTimeStampInfo(const PFieldInfo& theFieldInfo,
- EEntiteMaillage theEntity,
- const TGeom2Size& theGeom2Size,
- const TGeom2NbGauss& theGeom2NbGauss = TGeom2NbGauss(),
- TInt theNumDt = 0,
- TInt theNumOrd = 0,
- TFloat theDt = 0,
- const std::string& theUnitDt = "",
- const TGeom2Gauss& theGeom2Gauss = TGeom2Gauss()) = 0;
- //! A copy-constructor for the MEDWrapper MED TIMESTAMP representation
- virtual
- PTimeStampInfo
- CrTimeStampInfo(const PFieldInfo& theFieldInfo,
- const PTimeStampInfo& theInfo) = 0;
- //! Read MEDWrapper MED TIMESTAMP representation by its order number
- PTimeStampInfo
- GetPTimeStampInfo(const PFieldInfo& theFieldInfo,
- EEntiteMaillage theEntity,
- const TGeom2Size& theGeom2Size,
- TInt theId,
- TErr* theErr = NULL);
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //! Read number of MED PROFILES in defined MED Mesh
- virtual
- TInt
- GetNbProfiles(TErr* theErr = NULL) = 0;
- //! Read brief MED PROFILE information by its order number from defined MED Mesh
- virtual
- TProfileInfo::TInfo
- GetProfilePreInfo(TInt theId,
- TErr* theErr = NULL) = 0;
- //! Read a MEDWrapper MED PROFILE representation by its order number from defined MED file
- virtual
- void
- GetProfileInfo(TInt theId,
- TProfileInfo& theInfo,
- TErr* theErr = NULL) = 0;
- //! Creates a MEDWrapper MED PROFILE representation
- virtual
- PProfileInfo
- CrProfileInfo(const TProfileInfo::TInfo& theInfo,
- EModeProfil theMode = eCOMPACT) = 0;
- //! Write a MEDWrapper MED PROFILE representation
- virtual
- void
- SetProfileInfo(const TProfileInfo& theInfo,
- TErr* theErr = NULL) = 0;
- //! Read a MEDWrapper MED PROFILE representation by its order number from defined MED file
- PProfileInfo
- GetPProfileInfo(TInt theId,
- EModeProfil theMode = eCOMPACT,
- TErr* theErr = NULL);
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //! Read the values for MEDWrapper MED TIEMSTAMP from defined MED file
- virtual
- void
- GetTimeStampValue(const PTimeStampValueBase& theTimeStampValue,
- const TMKey2Profile& theMKey2Profile,
- const TKey2Gauss& theKey2Gauss,
- TErr* theErr = NULL) = 0;
- //! Write the values for MEDWrapper MED TIEMSTAMP to defined MED file
- virtual
- void
- SetTimeStampValue(const PTimeStampValueBase& theTimeStampValue,
- TErr* theErr = NULL) = 0;
- //! Creates the values for MEDWrapper MED TIEMSTAMP representation
- virtual
- PTimeStampValueBase
- CrTimeStampValue(const PTimeStampInfo& theTimeStampInfo,
- ETypeChamp theTypeChamp,
- const TGeom2Profile& theGeom2Profile = TGeom2Profile(),
- EModeSwitch theMode = eFULL_INTERLACE) = 0;
- //! Creates the values for MEDWrapper MED TIEMSTAMP representation
- virtual
- PTimeStampValueBase
- CrTimeStampValue(const PTimeStampInfo& theTimeStampInfo,
- const TGeom2Profile& theGeom2Profile = TGeom2Profile(),
- EModeSwitch theMode = eFULL_INTERLACE);
- //! A copy-constructor for the values for MEDWrapper MED TIEMSTAMP representation
- virtual
- PTimeStampValueBase
- CrTimeStampValue(const PTimeStampInfo& theTimeStampInfo,
- const PTimeStampValueBase& theInfo,
- ETypeChamp theTypeChamp) = 0;
- //! A copy-constructor for the values for MEDWrapper MED TIEMSTAMP representation
- virtual
- PTimeStampValueBase
- CrTimeStampValue(const PTimeStampInfo& theTimeStampInfo,
- const PTimeStampValueBase& theInfo);
- //! Read the values for MEDWrapper MED TIEMSTAMP from defined MED file
- PTimeStampValueBase
- GetPTimeStampValue(const PTimeStampInfo& theTimeStampInfo,
- const TMKey2Profile& theMKey2Profile,
- const TKey2Gauss& theKey2Gauss,
- TErr* theErr = NULL);
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Backward compatibility declarations
- //! Read the values for MEDWrapper MED TIEMSTAMP from defined MED file
- virtual
- void
- GetTimeStampVal(const PTimeStampVal& theVal,
- const TMKey2Profile& theMKey2Profile,
- const TKey2Gauss& theKey2Gauss,
- TErr* theErr = NULL);
- //! Write the values for MEDWrapper MED TIEMSTAMP to defined MED file
- virtual
- void
- SetTimeStamp(const PTimeStampVal& theVal,
- TErr* theErr = NULL);
- //! Creates the values for MEDWrapper MED TIEMSTAMP representation
- virtual
- PTimeStampVal
- CrTimeStampVal(const PTimeStampInfo& theTimeStampInfo,
- const TGeom2Profile& theGeom2Profile = TGeom2Profile(),
- EModeSwitch theMode = eFULL_INTERLACE);
- //! A copy-constructor for the values for MEDWrapper MED TIEMSTAMP representation
- virtual
- PTimeStampVal
- CrTimeStampVal(const PTimeStampInfo& theTimeStampInfo,
- const PTimeStampVal& theInfo);
- //! Read the values for MEDWrapper MED TIEMSTAMP from defined MED file
- PTimeStampVal
- GetPTimeStampVal(const PTimeStampInfo& theTimeStampInfo,
- const TMKey2Profile& theMKey2Profile,
- const TKey2Gauss& theKey2Gauss,
- TErr* theErr = NULL);
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //! Read a MEDWrapper MED Grille representation from defined MED file
- /*! This feature is support only for version of 2.2 and higher */
- PGrilleInfo
- GetPGrilleInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo);
- //! Read a MEDWrapper MED Grille representation from defined MED file
- /*! This feature is support only for version of 2.2 and higher */
- PGrilleInfo
- GetPGrilleInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- const PGrilleInfo& theInfo);
- //! Read a MEDWrapper MED Grille representation from defined MED file
- /*! This feature is support only for version of 2.2 and higher */
- virtual
- void
- GetGrilleInfo(TGrilleInfo& theInfo,
- TErr* theErr = NULL)
- {}
- //! Write the MEDWrapper MED Grille representation into defined MED file
- /*! This feature is support only for version of 2.2 and higher */
- virtual
- void
- SetGrilleInfo(const TGrilleInfo& theInfo,
- TErr* theErr = NULL)
- {}
- /*! This feature is support only for version of 2.2 and higher */
- virtual
- PGrilleInfo
- CrGrilleInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- const PGrilleInfo& theGrilleInfo)
- {
- return PGrilleInfo();
- }
- /*! This feature is support only for version of 2.2 and higher */
- virtual
- PGrilleInfo
- CrGrilleInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo)
- {
- return PGrilleInfo();
- }
- /*! This feature is support only for version of 2.2 and higher */
- virtual
- PGrilleInfo
- CrGrilleInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- const EGrilleType& type)
- {
- return PGrilleInfo();
- }
- /*! This feature is support only for version of 2.2 and higher */
- virtual
- PGrilleInfo
- CrGrilleInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- const EGrilleType& type,
- const TInt& nbNodes)
- {
- return PGrilleInfo();
- }
- /*! This feature is support only for version of 2.2 and higher */
- virtual
- PGrilleInfo
- CrGrilleInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- const EGrilleType& type,
- const MED::TIntVector& nbNodeVec)
- {
- return PGrilleInfo();
- }
- /*! This feature is support only for version of 2.2 and higher */
- virtual
- void
- GetGrilleType(const TMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- EGrilleType& type,
- TErr* theErr = NULL)
- {
- }
- };
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //! This class provide thread-safety for MEDWrapper interaction
- {
- TLockProxy& operator=(const TLockProxy& );
- TWrapper* myWrapper;
- public:
- TLockProxy(TWrapper* theWrapper);
- ~TLockProxy();
- TWrapper * operator-> () const;
- };
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //! To specialize the SharedPtr for TWrapper
- template<>
- class MEDWRAPPER_EXPORT SharedPtr<TWrapper>: public boost::shared_ptr<TWrapper>
- {
- public:
- SharedPtr() {}
- template<class Y>
- explicit SharedPtr(Y * p):
- boost::shared_ptr<TWrapper>(p)
- {}
- template<class Y>
- SharedPtr(SharedPtr<Y> const & r):
- boost::shared_ptr<TWrapper>(r,boost::detail::dynamic_cast_tag())
- {}
- template<class Y>
- SharedPtr&
- operator=(SharedPtr<Y> const & r)
- {
- boost::shared_ptr<TWrapper>(r,boost::detail::dynamic_cast_tag()).swap(*this);
- return *this;
- }
- template<class Y>
- SharedPtr&
- operator()(Y * p) // Y must be complete
- {
- return operator=<Y>(SharedPtr<Y>(p));
- }
- template<class Y>
- SharedPtr&
- operator()(SharedPtr<Y> const & r) // Y must be complete
- {
- return operator=<Y>(SharedPtr<Y>(r));
- }
- TLockProxy operator-> () const // never throws
- {
- return TLockProxy(this->get());
- }
- protected:
- operator const TWrapper& () const;
- operator TWrapper& ();
- TWrapper& operator* () const;
- TWrapper * get() const // never throws
- {
- return boost::shared_ptr<TWrapper>::get();
- }
- };
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- typedef SharedPtr<TWrapper> PWrapper;
+++ /dev/null
-// Copyright (C) 2007-2013 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE
-// Copyright (C) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
-// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-// version 2.1 of the License.
-// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// Lesser General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
-// File : MED_WrapperBase.hxx
-// Author : Alexander A. BORODIN
-// Module : MED
-#ifndef _MED_WrapperBase_HXX_
-#define _MED_WrapperBase_HXX_
-#ifdef WIN32
- #if defined MEDWRAPPER_BASE_EXPORTS || defined MEDWrapperBase_EXPORTS
- #if defined WIN32
- #define MEDWRAPPER_EXPORT __declspec( dllexport )
- #else
- #endif
- #else
- #if defined WIN32
- #define MEDWRAPPER_EXPORT __declspec( dllimport )
- #else
- #endif
- #endif
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright (C) 2007-2013 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE
-# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-# version 2.1 of the License.
-# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# Lesser General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-# See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
-# File :
-# Author :
-# Module :
-# $Header$
-include $(top_srcdir)/adm_local/unix/make_common_starter.am
-lib_LTLIBRARIES= libMEDWrapperBase.la
-salomeinclude_HEADERS= \
- MED_Common.hxx \
- MED_Vector.hxx \
- MED_SharedPtr.hxx \
- MED_SliceArray.hxx \
- MED_Wrapper.hxx \
- MED_TWrapper.hxx \
- MED_Structures.hxx \
- MED_TStructures.hxx \
- MED_Algorithm.hxx \
- MED_GaussUtils.hxx \
- MED_CoordUtils.hxx \
- MED_Utilities.hxx \
- MED_GaussDef.hxx \
- MED_WrapperBase.hxx
-dist_libMEDWrapperBase_la_SOURCES= \
- MED_Structures.cxx \
- MED_Wrapper.cxx \
- MED_Algorithm.cxx \
- MED_GaussUtils.cxx \
- MED_CoordUtils.cxx \
- MED_Utilities.cxx \
- MED_GaussDef.cxx
- libMEDWrapperBase_la_CPPFLAGS+= -I$(KERNEL_ROOT_DIR)/include/salome
- libMEDWrapperBase_la_CPPFLAGS+= -I$(top_builddir)/adm_local_without_kernel/unix
-libMEDWrapperBase_la_CPPFLAGS+= $(MED_CPPFLAGS)
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright (C) 2012-2013 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
-# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-# version 2.1 of the License.
-# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# Lesser General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-# See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright (C) 2012-2013 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
-# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-# version 2.1 of the License.
-# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# Lesser General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-# See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
- )
- INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/adm_local_without_kernel)
- MED_Factory.cxx
- mprint_version.cxx
- )
-ADD_EXECUTABLE(mprint_version ${mprint_version_SOURCES})
-TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(mprint_version MEDWrapper MEDWrapper_V2_2 MEDWrapperBase ${BOOST_LIBS} ${MED3_LIBS_C_ONLY})
-ADD_EXECUTABLE(MED_Test ${mprint_version_SOURCES})
-INSTALL(TARGETS mprint_version MED_Test DESTINATION ${MED_salomebin_BINS})
+++ /dev/null
-// Copyright (C) 2007-2013 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE
-// Copyright (C) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
-// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-// version 2.1 of the License.
-// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// Lesser General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
-#include "MED_Factory.hxx"
-#include "MED_Utilities.hxx"
-#include "MED_V2_2_Wrapper.hxx"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <sstream>
-extern "C"
-#include <med.h>
-#ifndef WIN32
- #include <unistd.h>
-#ifdef _DEBUG_
-static int MYDEBUG = 0;
-static int MYDEBUG = 0;
-namespace MED
- EVersion GetVersionId(const std::string& theFileName,
- bool theDoPreCheckInSeparateProcess)
- {
- INITMSG(MYDEBUG,"GetVersionId - theFileName = '"<<theFileName<<"'"<<std::endl);
- EVersion aVersion = eVUnknown;
-#ifndef WIN32
- if (access(theFileName.c_str(),F_OK))
- return aVersion;
- if(theDoPreCheckInSeparateProcess){
- // First check, is it possible to deal with the file
- std::ostringstream aStr;
- // File name is in quotes for the case of space(s) inside it (PAL13009)
- aStr<<"bash -c \""<<getenv("MED_ROOT_DIR")<<"/bin/salome/mprint_version \'"<<theFileName<<"\'\"";
- if(!MYDEBUG)
- aStr<<" 2>&1 > /dev/null";
- std::string aCommand = aStr.str();
- int aStatus = system(aCommand.c_str());
- BEGMSG(MYDEBUG,"aCommand = '"<<aCommand<<"'; aStatus = "<<aStatus<<std::endl);
- if(aStatus != 0)
- return aVersion;
- }
- // check compatibility of hdf and med versions
- med_bool hdfok, medok;
- MEDfileCompatibility(theFileName.c_str(), &hdfok, &medok);
- if ((!hdfok) /*|| (!medok)*/) // med-2.1 is KO since med-3.0.0
- return aVersion;
- // Next, try to open the file trough the MED API
- const char* aFileName = theFileName.c_str();
- med_idt aFid = MEDfileOpen(aFileName,MED_ACC_RDONLY);
- MSG(MYDEBUG,"GetVersionId - theFileName = '"<<theFileName<<"'; aFid = "<<aFid<<std::endl);
- if(aFid >= 0){
- med_int aMajor, aMinor, aRelease;
- med_err aRet = MEDfileNumVersionRd(aFid,&aMajor,&aMinor,&aRelease);
- INITMSG(MYDEBUG,"GetVersionId - theFileName = '"<<theFileName<<"'; aRet = "<<aRet<<std::endl);
- if(aRet >= 0){
- if(aMajor == 2 && aMinor == 1)
- aVersion = eV2_1;
- else
- aVersion = eV2_2;
- }
- else {
- // VSR: simulate med 2.3.6 behavior, med file version is assumed to 2.1
- aVersion = eV2_1;
- }
- }
- MEDfileClose(aFid);
- BEGMSG(MYDEBUG,"GetVersionId - theFileName = '"<<theFileName<<"'; aVersion = "<<aVersion<<std::endl);
- return aVersion;
- }
- bool getMEDVersion( const std::string& fname, int& major, int& minor, int& release )
- {
- med_idt f = MEDfileOpen(fname.c_str(), MED_ACC_RDONLY );
- if( f<0 )
- return false;
- med_int aMajor, aMinor, aRelease;
- med_err aRet = MEDfileNumVersionRd( f, &aMajor, &aMinor, &aRelease );
- major = aMajor;
- minor = aMinor;
- release = aRelease;
- MEDfileClose( f );
- if( aRet<0 ) {
- // VSR: simulate med 2.3.6 behavior, med file version is assumed to 2.1
- major = 2; minor = release = -1;
- //return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- PWrapper CrWrapper(const std::string& theFileName,
- bool theDoPreCheckInSeparateProcess)
- {
- PWrapper aWrapper;
- EVersion aVersion = GetVersionId(theFileName,theDoPreCheckInSeparateProcess);
- switch(aVersion){
- case eV2_2:
- aWrapper.reset(new MED::V2_2::TVWrapper(theFileName));
- break;
- case eV2_1:
- EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error,"Cannot open file '"<<theFileName<<"'. Med version 2.1 is not supported any more.");
- //aWrapper.reset(new MED::V2_1::TVWrapper(theFileName));
- break;
- default:
- EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error,"MED::CrWrapper - theFileName = '"<<theFileName<<"'");
- }
- return aWrapper;
- }
- PWrapper CrWrapper(const std::string& theFileName, EVersion theId)
- {
- EVersion aVersion = GetVersionId(theFileName);
- if(aVersion != theId)
- remove(theFileName.c_str());
- PWrapper aWrapper;
- switch(theId){
- case eV2_2:
- aWrapper.reset(new MED::V2_2::TVWrapper(theFileName));
- break;
- case eV2_1:
- EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error,"Cannot open file '"<<theFileName<<"'. Med version 2.1 is not supported any more.");
- //aWrapper.reset(new MED::V2_1::TVWrapper(theFileName));
- break;
- default:
- aWrapper.reset(new MED::V2_2::TVWrapper(theFileName));
- }
- return aWrapper;
- }
+++ /dev/null
-// Copyright (C) 2007-2013 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE
-// Copyright (C) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
-// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-// version 2.1 of the License.
-// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// Lesser General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
-#ifndef MED_Factory_HeaderFile
-#define MED_Factory_HeaderFile
-#include "MED_WrapperFactory.hxx"
-#include "MED_Wrapper.hxx"
-namespace MED
- EVersion
- GetVersionId(const std::string& theFileName,
- bool theDoPreCheckInSeparateProcess = false);
- bool getMEDVersion( const std::string&, int&, int&, int& );
- PWrapper
- CrWrapper(const std::string& theFileName,
- bool theDoPreCheckInSeparateProcess = false);
- PWrapper
- CrWrapper(const std::string& theFileName, EVersion theId);
+++ /dev/null
-// Copyright (C) 2007-2013 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE
-// Copyright (C) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
-// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-// version 2.1 of the License.
-// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// Lesser General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
-// File :
-// Author :
-// Module :
-// $Header$
-#include "MED_Utilities.hxx"
-#include "MED_Algorithm.hxx"
-#include "MED_GaussUtils.hxx"
-#include "MED_Factory.hxx"
-#ifdef _DEBUG_
-static int MYDEBUG = 1;
-// static int MYDEBUG = 0;
-static int MYWRITEDEBUG = 1;
-using namespace MED;
-#undef _DEBUG_
-void CheckMed(const std::string& theFileName)
- MSG(MYDEBUG,"CheckMed - theFileName = '"<<theFileName<<"'");
- {
- //TErr anErr;
- PWrapper aMed = CrWrapper(theFileName);
- TKey2Gauss aKey2Gauss = GetKey2Gauss(aMed);
- TMKey2Profile aMKey2Profile = GetMKey2Profile(aMed);
- INITMSG(MYDEBUG,"aMed->GetNbProfiles() = "<<aMed->GetNbProfiles()<<std::endl);
- TInt aNbMeshes = aMed->GetNbMeshes();
- BEGMSG(MYDEBUG,"GetNbMeshes() = "<<aNbMeshes<<std::endl);
- for(TInt iMesh = 1; iMesh <= aNbMeshes; iMesh++){
- PMeshInfo aMeshInfo = aMed->GetPMeshInfo(iMesh);
- INITMSG(MYDEBUG,"aMeshInfo->GetName() = '"<<aMeshInfo->GetName()<<"'"<<std::endl);
- TEntityInfo aEntityInfo = aMed->GetEntityInfo(aMeshInfo);
- TEntity2TGeom2ElemInfo anEntity2TGeom2ElemInfo =
- GetEntity2TGeom2ElemInfo(aMed,aMeshInfo,aEntityInfo);
- TFieldInfo2TimeStampInfoSet aFieldInfo2TimeStampInfoSet =
- GetFieldInfo2TimeStampInfoSet(aMed,aMeshInfo,aEntityInfo);
- TEntite2TFieldInfo2TimeStampInfoSet anEntite2TFieldInfo2TimeStampInfoSet =
- GetEntite2TFieldInfo2TimeStampInfoSet(aFieldInfo2TimeStampInfoSet);
- TEntite2TFieldInfo2TimeStampInfoSet::const_iterator anEntite2TFieldInfo2TimeStampInfoSetIter =
- anEntite2TFieldInfo2TimeStampInfoSet.begin();
- for(; anEntite2TFieldInfo2TimeStampInfoSetIter != anEntite2TFieldInfo2TimeStampInfoSet.end(); anEntite2TFieldInfo2TimeStampInfoSetIter++){
- const TFieldInfo2TimeStampInfoSet& aFieldInfo2TimeStampInfoSet = anEntite2TFieldInfo2TimeStampInfoSetIter->second;
- TFieldInfo2TimeStampInfoSet::const_iterator aFieldInfo2TimeStampInfoSetIter = aFieldInfo2TimeStampInfoSet.begin();
- for(; aFieldInfo2TimeStampInfoSetIter != aFieldInfo2TimeStampInfoSet.end(); aFieldInfo2TimeStampInfoSetIter++){
- PFieldInfo aFieldInfo = aFieldInfo2TimeStampInfoSetIter->first;
- "GetPFieldInfo "<<
- "- aName = '"<<aFieldInfo->GetName()<<"'"<<
- "; aType = "<<aFieldInfo->GetType()<<
- "; aNbComp = "<<aFieldInfo->GetNbComp()<<
- std::endl);
- const TTimeStampInfoSet& aTimeStampInfoSet = aFieldInfo2TimeStampInfoSetIter->second;
- TTimeStampInfoSet::const_iterator aTimeStampInfoSettIter = aTimeStampInfoSet.begin();
- for(; aTimeStampInfoSettIter != aTimeStampInfoSet.end(); aTimeStampInfoSettIter++){
- PTimeStampInfo aTimeStampInfo = *aTimeStampInfoSettIter;
- "GetPTimeStampInfo "<<
- "- anEntity = "<<aTimeStampInfo->GetEntity()<<
- "; aNumDt = "<<aTimeStampInfo->GetNumDt()<<
- std::endl);
- PTimeStampValueBase aTimeStampValue =
- aMed->GetPTimeStampValue(aTimeStampInfo,
- aMKey2Profile,
- aKey2Gauss);
- }
- }
- }
- continue;
- TFamilyInfoSet aFamilyInfoSet = GetFamilyInfoSet(aMed,aMeshInfo);
- TEntity2FamilySet aEntity2FamilySet =
- GetEntity2FamilySet(aMed,anEntity2TGeom2ElemInfo,aFamilyInfoSet);
- TGroupInfo aGroupInfo = GetGroupInfo(aFamilyInfoSet);
- PNodeInfo aNodeInfo = aMed->GetPNodeInfo(aMeshInfo);
- TEntity2TGeom2ElemInfo::const_iterator anIter = anEntity2TGeom2ElemInfo.begin();
- for(; anIter != anEntity2TGeom2ElemInfo.end(); anIter++){
- const EEntiteMaillage& anEntity = anIter->first;
- if(anEntity != eNOEUD){
- const TGeom2ElemInfo& aGeom2ElemInfo = anIter->second;
- TKey2Gauss::const_iterator anIter2 = aKey2Gauss.begin();
- for(; anIter2 != aKey2Gauss.end(); anIter2++){
- const TGaussInfo::TKey& aKey = anIter2->first;
- EGeometrieElement aGeom = boost::get<0>(aKey);
- TGeom2ElemInfo::const_iterator anIter3 = aGeom2ElemInfo.find(aGeom);
- if(anIter3 != aGeom2ElemInfo.end()){
- if(PCellInfo aCellInfo = anIter3->second){
- PGaussInfo aGaussInfo = anIter2->second;
- TGaussCoord aGaussCoord;
- GetGaussCoord3D(aGaussInfo,aCellInfo,aNodeInfo,aGaussCoord);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
-void CopyMed(const PWrapper& theMed,
- const PWrapper& theMed2,
- int theIncr)
- TKey2Gauss aKey2Gauss = GetKey2Gauss(theMed);
- TMKey2Profile aMKey2Profile = GetMKey2Profile(theMed);
- TInt aNbMeshes = theMed->GetNbMeshes();
- MSG(MYDEBUG,"aNbMeshes = "<<aNbMeshes);
- std::string aName;
- for(TInt iMesh = 0; iMesh < aNbMeshes; iMesh++){
- PMeshInfo aMeshInfo = theMed->GetPMeshInfo(iMesh+1);
-#ifdef _DEBUG_
- TInt aDim = aMeshInfo->myDim;
- aName = aMeshInfo->GetName();
- INITMSG(MYDEBUG,"GetMeshInfo - aName = '"<<aName<<"'; aDim = "<<aDim<<"\n");
- PMeshInfo aMeshInfo2 = theMed2->CrMeshInfo(aMeshInfo);
- aName = aMeshInfo2->GetName();
- aName[0] += theIncr;
- aMeshInfo2->SetName(aName);
- theMed2->SetMeshInfo(aMeshInfo2);
- BEGMSG(MYDEBUG,"aNbMeshes2 = "<<theMed2->GetNbMeshes()<<"\n");
- }
- TEntityInfo aEntityInfo = theMed->GetEntityInfo(aMeshInfo);
- //continue;
- TInt aNbFields = theMed->GetNbFields();
- MSG(MYDEBUG,"GetNbFields() = "<<aNbFields);
- for(TInt iField = 0; iField < aNbFields; iField++){
- PFieldInfo aFieldInfo = theMed->GetPFieldInfo(aMeshInfo,iField+1);
-#ifdef _DEBUG_
- TInt aNbComp = aFieldInfo->GetNbComp();
- INITMSG(MYDEBUG,"aName = '"<<aFieldInfo->GetName()<<"'; aNbComp = "<<aNbComp<<";\n");
- PFieldInfo aFieldInfo2 = theMed->CrFieldInfo(aMeshInfo2,aFieldInfo);
- aName = aFieldInfo->GetName();
- aName[0] += theIncr;
- aFieldInfo2->SetName(aName);
- theMed2->SetFieldInfo(aFieldInfo2);
- }
- EEntiteMaillage anEntity;
- TGeom2Size aGeom2Size;
- TInt aNbTimeStamps =
- theMed->GetNbTimeStamps(aFieldInfo,aEntityInfo,anEntity,aGeom2Size);
- {
- INITMSG(MYDEBUG,"GetNbTimeStamps = "<<aNbTimeStamps<<std::endl);
- for(TInt iTimeStamp = 0; iTimeStamp < aNbTimeStamps; iTimeStamp++){
- PTimeStampInfo aTimeStampInfo =
- theMed->GetPTimeStampInfo(aFieldInfo,anEntity,aGeom2Size,iTimeStamp+1);
-#ifdef _DEBUG_
- TInt aNumDt = aTimeStampInfo->GetNumDt();
- INITMSG(MYDEBUG,"aNumDt = "<<aNumDt<<"\n");
- PTimeStampInfo aTimeStampInfo2 =
- theMed->CrTimeStampInfo(aFieldInfo2,aTimeStampInfo);
- PTimeStampValueBase aTimeStampValue =
- theMed->GetPTimeStampValue(aTimeStampInfo,
- aMKey2Profile,
- aKey2Gauss);
- PTimeStampValueBase aTimeStampValue2 =
- theMed->CrTimeStampValue(aTimeStampInfo2,
- aTimeStampValue);
- if(MYWRITEDEBUG) theMed2->SetTimeStamp(aTimeStampValue2);
- }
- }
- }
- TInt aNbFam = theMed->GetNbFamilies(aMeshInfo);
- MSG(MYDEBUG,"GetNbFamilies() = "<<aNbFam);
- for(TInt iFam = 0; iFam < aNbFam; iFam++){
- PFamilyInfo aFamilyInfo = theMed->GetPFamilyInfo(aMeshInfo,iFam+1);
- TInt aNbGroup = aFamilyInfo->GetNbGroup();
-#ifdef _DEBUG_
- TInt aNbAttr = aFamilyInfo->GetNbAttr();
- TInt anId = aFamilyInfo->GetId();
- if(anId == 0)
- continue;
- aName = aFamilyInfo->GetName();
-#ifdef _DEBUG_
- INITMSG(MYDEBUG,"aName = '"<<aName<<"'; anId = "<<anId<<
- "; aNbAttr = "<<aNbAttr<<"; aNbGroup = "<<aNbGroup<<"\n");
- PFamilyInfo aFamilyInfo2 = theMed->CrFamilyInfo(aMeshInfo2,aFamilyInfo);
- for(TInt iGroup = 0; iGroup < aNbGroup; iGroup++){
- aName = aFamilyInfo->GetGroupName(iGroup);
- INITMSG(MYDEBUG,"aGroupName = '"<<aName<<"'\n");
- aName[0] += theIncr;
- aFamilyInfo2->SetGroupName(iGroup,aName);
- }
- aName = aFamilyInfo->GetName();
- aName[0] += theIncr;
- aFamilyInfo2->SetName(aName);
- theMed2->SetFamilyInfo(aFamilyInfo2);
- INITMSG(MYDEBUG,"GetNbFamilies = "<<theMed2->GetNbFamilies(aMeshInfo2)<<std::endl);
- }
- }
- MSG(MYDEBUG,"GetEntityInfo - aNbEntities = "<<aEntityInfo.size());
- TEntityInfo::iterator anEntityInfoIter = aEntityInfo.begin();
- for(; anEntityInfoIter != aEntityInfo.end(); anEntityInfoIter++){
- const EEntiteMaillage& anEntity = anEntityInfoIter->first;
- INITMSG(MYDEBUG,"anEntity = "<<anEntity<<"\n");
- if(anEntity == eNOEUD){
- PNodeInfo aNodeInfo = theMed->GetPNodeInfo(aMeshInfo);
- PNodeInfo aNodeInfo2 = theMed->CrNodeInfo(aMeshInfo2,aNodeInfo);
- if(MYWRITEDEBUG) theMed2->SetNodeInfo(aNodeInfo2);
- continue;
- }
- TGeom2Size& aGeom2Size = anEntityInfoIter->second;
- TGeom2Size::iterator aGeomIter = aGeom2Size.begin();
- for(; aGeomIter != aGeom2Size.end(); aGeomIter++){
- const EGeometrieElement& aGeom = aGeomIter->first;
-#ifdef _DEBUG_
- const TInt& aNbElem = aGeomIter->second;
- INITMSG(MYDEBUG,"aGeom = "<<aGeom<<"; aNbElem = "<<aNbElem<<": ");
- switch(aGeom){
- case ePOLYGONE: {
- PPolygoneInfo aPolygoneInfo = theMed->GetPPolygoneInfo(aMeshInfo,anEntity,aGeom);
- PPolygoneInfo aPolygoneInfo2 = theMed->CrPolygoneInfo(aMeshInfo2,aPolygoneInfo);
- if(MYWRITEDEBUG) theMed2->SetPolygoneInfo(aPolygoneInfo2);
- break;
- }
- case ePOLYEDRE: {
- PPolyedreInfo aPolyedreInfo = theMed->GetPPolyedreInfo(aMeshInfo,anEntity,aGeom);
- PPolyedreInfo aPolyedreInfo2 = theMed->CrPolyedreInfo(aMeshInfo2,aPolyedreInfo);
- if(MYWRITEDEBUG) theMed2->SetPolyedreInfo(aPolyedreInfo2);
- break;
- }
- default:
- PCellInfo aCellInfo = theMed->GetPCellInfo(aMeshInfo,anEntity,aGeom);
- PCellInfo aCellInfo2 = theMed2->CrCellInfo(aMeshInfo2,aCellInfo);
- if(MYWRITEDEBUG) theMed2->SetCellInfo(aCellInfo2);
- }
- }
- }
- }
-void CopyMed(const std::string& theFileName,
- const std::string& theFileName2,
- MED::EVersion theVersion,
- int theNbCopy)
- MSG(MYDEBUG,"CopyMed - theFileName = '"<<theFileName<<"'; theFileName2 = '"<<theFileName2<<"', theVersion = "<<theVersion);
- PWrapper aMed = CrWrapper(theFileName);
- PWrapper aMed2 = CrWrapper(theFileName2,theVersion);
- for(int i = 0; i < theNbCopy; i++)
- CopyMed(aMed,aMed2,i);
-void ReadMed(const char* theFileName,
- const char* theFileName2,
- MED::EVersion theVersion = eV2_2,
- int theNbCopy = 1)
- MSG(MYDEBUG,"theFileName = '"<<theFileName<<"'; "<<
- "theFileName2 = '"<<theFileName2<<"'; "<<
- "theVersion = "<<theVersion<<"; "<<
- "theNbCopy = "<<theNbCopy);
- CopyMed(theFileName,theFileName2,theVersion,theNbCopy);
-#ifdef WIN32
-#pragma warning(disable:4101) // exc unreferenced ... ??
-int main(int argc, char** argv){
-#ifndef _DEBUG_
- try{
- if(argc == 2)
- CheckMed(argv[1]);
- if(argc == 3)
- ReadMed(argv[1],argv[2]);
- if(argc == 4)
- ReadMed(argv[1],argv[2],MED::EVersion(atoi(argv[3])));
- if(argc == 5)
- ReadMed(argv[1],argv[2],MED::EVersion(atoi(argv[3])),atoi(argv[4]));
- return 0;
-#ifndef _DEBUG_
- }catch(std::exception& exc){
- MSG(MYDEBUG,"Follow exception was accured :\n"<<exc.what());
- }catch(...){
- MSG(MYDEBUG,"Unknown exception was accured");
- }
- return 1;
+++ /dev/null
-// Copyright (C) 2007-2013 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE
-// Copyright (C) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
-// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-// version 2.1 of the License.
-// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// Lesser General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
-// File : MED_WrapperFactory.hxx
-// Author : Alexander A. BORODIN
-// Module : MED
-#ifndef _MED_WrapperFactory_HXX_
-#define _MED_WrapperFactory_HXX_
-#ifdef WIN32
- #if defined MEDWRAPPER_FACTORY_EXPORTS || defined MEDWrapper_EXPORTS
- #if defined WIN32
- #define MEDWRAPPER_FACTORY_EXPORT __declspec( dllexport )
- #else
- #endif
- #else
- #if defined WIN32
- #define MEDWRAPPER_FACTORY_EXPORT __declspec( dllimport )
- #else
- #endif
- #endif
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright (C) 2007-2013 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE
-# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-# version 2.1 of the License.
-# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# Lesser General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-# See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
-# File :
-# Author :
-# Module :
-include $(top_srcdir)/adm_local/unix/make_common_starter.am
-lib_LTLIBRARIES= libMEDWrapper.la
-salomeinclude_HEADERS= \
- MED_Factory.hxx \
- MED_WrapperFactory.hxx
-dist_libMEDWrapper_la_SOURCES= \
- MED_Factory.cxx
- -I$(srcdir)/../Base
- libMEDWrapper_la_CPPFLAGS+= -I$(KERNEL_ROOT_DIR)/include/salome
- libMEDWrapper_la_CPPFLAGS+= -I$(top_builddir)/adm_local_without_kernel/unix
-libMEDWrapper_la_CPPFLAGS+= -I$(srcdir)/../V2_2
-libMEDWrapper_la_LDFLAGS= ../V2_2/libMEDWrapper_V2_2.la
-# Executables targets
-bin_PROGRAMS = MED_Test mprint_version
-dist_MED_Test_SOURCES= MED_Test.cxx
-MED_Test_CPPFLAGS= $(libMEDWrapper_la_CPPFLAGS)
-MED_Test_LDADD= $(libMEDWrapper_la_LDFLAGS) ../Base/libMEDWrapperBase.la \
-dist_mprint_version_SOURCES= mprint_version.cxx
-mprint_version_CPPFLAGS= $(libMEDWrapper_la_CPPFLAGS)
-mprint_version_LDADD= $(libMEDWrapper_la_LDFLAGS) ../Base/libMEDWrapperBase.la \
+++ /dev/null
-// Copyright (C) 2007-2013 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE
-// Copyright (C) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
-// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-// version 2.1 of the License.
-// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// Lesser General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
-#include <med.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-int main (int argc, char **argv)
- med_idt aFid = MEDfileOpen(argv[1],MED_ACC_RDONLY);
- if(aFid < 0)
- exit(1);
- med_int aMajor, aMinor, aRelease;
- med_err aRet = MEDfileNumVersionRd(aFid,&aMajor,&aMinor,&aRelease);
- MEDfileClose(aFid);
- if(aRet < 0) {
- // VSR: simulate med 2.3.6 behavior, med file version is assumed to 2.1
- aMajor=2;
- aMinor=aRelease=-1;
- }
- printf("%d.%d.%d\n",aMajor,aMinor,aRelease);
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright (C) 2007-2013 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE
-# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-# version 2.1 of the License.
-# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# Lesser General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-# See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
-include $(top_srcdir)/adm_local/unix/make_common_starter.am
- SUBDIRS = Base V2_2 Factory
- SUBDIRS = Base
-DIST_SUBDIRS = Base V2_2 Factory
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright (C) 2012-2013 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
-# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-# version 2.1 of the License.
-# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# Lesser General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-# See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
- )
- MED_V2_2_Wrapper.cxx
- )
- INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/adm_local_without_kernel)
+++ /dev/null
-// Copyright (C) 2007-2013 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE
-// Copyright (C) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
-// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-// version 2.1 of the License.
-// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// Lesser General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
-#include "MED_V2_2_Wrapper.hxx"
-#include "MED_Algorithm.hxx"
-#include "MED_Utilities.hxx"
-extern "C"
-#include <med.h>
-#include <med_err.h>
-#ifdef _DEBUG_
-static int MYDEBUG = 0;
-// #else
-// static int MYDEBUG = 0;
-namespace MED
- template<>
- TInt
- GetDESCLength<eV2_2>()
- {
- return 200;
- }
- template<>
- TInt
- GetIDENTLength<eV2_2>()
- {
- return 8;
- }
- template<>
- TInt
- GetNOMLength<eV2_2>()
- {
- return 64;
- }
- template<>
- TInt
- GetLNOMLength<eV2_2>()
- {
- return 80;
- }
- template<>
- TInt
- GetPNOMLength<eV2_2>()
- {
- return 16;
- }
- template<>
- void
- GetVersionRelease<eV2_2>(TInt& majeur, TInt& mineur, TInt& release)
- {
- majeur=MED_MAJOR_NUM;
- mineur=MED_MINOR_NUM;
- release=MED_RELEASE_NUM;
- }
- template<>
- TInt
- GetNbConn<eV2_2>(EGeometrieElement typmai,
- EEntiteMaillage typent,
- TInt mdim)
- {
- return typmai%100;
- }
- namespace V2_2
- {
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- class TFile{
- TFile();
- TFile(const TFile&);
- public:
- TFile(const std::string& theFileName):
- myCount(0),
- myFid(0),
- myFileName(theFileName)
- {}
- ~TFile()
- {
- Close();
- }
- void
- Open(EModeAcces theMode, TErr* theErr = NULL)
- {
- if(myCount++ == 0){
- const char* aFileName = myFileName.c_str();
- myFid = MEDfileOpen(aFileName,med_access_mode(theMode));
- }
- if(theErr)
- *theErr = TErr(myFid);
- else if(myFid < 0)
- EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error,"TFile - MEDfileOpen('"<<myFileName<<"',"<<theMode<<")");
- }
- const TIdt& Id() const
- {
- if(myFid < 0)
- EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error,"TFile - GetFid() < 0");
- return myFid;
- }
- void Close()
- {
- if(--myCount == 0)
- MEDfileClose(myFid);
- }
- protected:
- TInt myCount;
- TIdt myFid;
- std::string myFileName;
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- class TFileWrapper
- {
- PFile myFile;
- public:
- TFileWrapper(const PFile& theFile, EModeAcces theMode, TErr* theErr = NULL):
- myFile(theFile)
- {
- myFile->Open(theMode,theErr);
- }
- ~TFileWrapper()
- {
- myFile->Close();
- }
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- TVWrapper::TVWrapper(const std::string& theFileName):
- myFile(new TFile(theFileName))
- {}
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- TInt
- TVWrapper
- ::GetNbMeshes(TErr* theErr)
- {
- TFileWrapper aFileWrapper(myFile,eLECTURE,theErr);
- if(theErr && *theErr < 0)
- return -1;
- return MEDnMesh(myFile->Id());
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void
- TVWrapper
- ::GetMeshInfo(TInt theMeshId,
- MED::TMeshInfo& theInfo,
- TErr* theErr)
- {
- TFileWrapper aFileWrapper(myFile,eLECTURE,theErr);
- if(theErr && *theErr < 0)
- return;
- TValueHolder<TString, char> aMeshName(theInfo.myName);
- TValueHolder<TInt, med_int> aDim(theInfo.myDim);
- TValueHolder<TInt, med_int> aSpaceDim(theInfo.mySpaceDim);
- TValueHolder<EMaillage, med_mesh_type> aType(theInfo.myType);
- char dtunit[MED_SNAME_SIZE+1];
- med_sorting_type sorttype;
- med_int nstep;
- med_axis_type at;
- int naxis=MEDmeshnAxis(myFile->Id(),theMeshId);
- char *axisname=new char[naxis*MED_SNAME_SIZE+1];
- char *axisunit=new char[naxis*MED_SNAME_SIZE+1];
- TErr aRet = MEDmeshInfo(myFile->Id(),
- theMeshId,
- &aMeshName,
- &aSpaceDim,
- &aDim,
- &aType,
- &theInfo.myDesc[0],
- dtunit,
- &sorttype,
- &nstep,
- &at,
- axisname,
- axisunit);
- delete [] axisname;
- delete [] axisunit;
- if(aRet < 0)
- EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error,"GetMeshInfo - MEDmeshInfo(...)");
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void
- TVWrapper
- ::SetMeshInfo(const MED::TMeshInfo& theInfo,
- EModeAcces theMode,
- TErr* theErr)
- {
- TFileWrapper aFileWrapper(myFile,theMode,theErr);
- if(theErr && *theErr < 0)
- return;
- MED::TMeshInfo& anInfo = const_cast<MED::TMeshInfo&>(theInfo);
- TValueHolder<TString, char> aMeshName(anInfo.myName);
- TValueHolder<TInt, med_int> aDim(anInfo.myDim);
- TValueHolder<TInt, med_int> aSpaceDim(anInfo.mySpaceDim);
- TValueHolder<EMaillage, med_mesh_type> aType(anInfo.myType);
- TValueHolder<TString, char> aDesc(anInfo.myDesc);
- char *nam=new char[aSpaceDim*MED_SNAME_SIZE+1];
- std::fill(nam,nam+aSpaceDim*MED_SNAME_SIZE+1,'\0');
- char *unit=new char[aSpaceDim*MED_SNAME_SIZE+1];
- std::fill(unit,unit+aSpaceDim*MED_SNAME_SIZE+1,'\0');
- TErr aRet = MEDmeshCr(myFile->Id(),
- &aMeshName,
- aSpaceDim,
- aDim,
- aType,
- &aDesc,
- "",
- nam,
- unit);
- delete [] nam;
- delete [] unit;
- //if(aRet == 0)
- // aRet = MEDunvCr(myFile->Id(),&aMeshName);
- INITMSG(MYDEBUG,"TVWrapper::SetMeshInfo - MED_MODE_ACCES = "<<theMode<<"; aRet = "<<aRet<<std::endl);
- if(theErr)
- *theErr = aRet;
- else if(aRet < 0)
- EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error,"SetMeshInfo - MEDmeshCr(...)");
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void
- TVWrapper
- ::SetMeshInfo(const MED::TMeshInfo& theInfo,
- TErr* theErr)
- {
- TErr aRet;
- SetMeshInfo(theInfo,eLECTURE_ECRITURE,&aRet);
- if(aRet < 0)
- SetMeshInfo(theInfo,eLECTURE_AJOUT,&aRet);
- if(aRet < 0)
- SetMeshInfo(theInfo,eCREATION,&aRet);
- if(theErr)
- *theErr = aRet;
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- TInt
- TVWrapper
- ::GetNbFamilies(const MED::TMeshInfo& theInfo,
- TErr* theErr)
- {
- TFileWrapper aFileWrapper(myFile,eLECTURE,theErr);
- if(theErr && *theErr < 0)
- return -1;
- MED::TMeshInfo& anInfo = const_cast<MED::TMeshInfo&>(theInfo);
- TValueHolder<TString, char> aName(anInfo.myName);
- return MEDnFamily(myFile->Id(),&aName);
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- TInt
- TVWrapper
- ::GetNbFamAttr(TInt theFamId,
- const MED::TMeshInfo& theInfo,
- TErr* theErr)
- {
- TFileWrapper aFileWrapper(myFile,eLECTURE,theErr);
- if(theErr && *theErr < 0)
- return -1;
- MED::TMeshInfo& anInfo = const_cast<MED::TMeshInfo&>(theInfo);
- TValueHolder<TString, char> aName(anInfo.myName);
- return MEDnFamily23Attribute(myFile->Id(),&aName,theFamId);
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- TInt
- TVWrapper
- ::GetNbFamGroup(TInt theFamId,
- const MED::TMeshInfo& theInfo,
- TErr* theErr)
- {
- TFileWrapper aFileWrapper(myFile,eLECTURE,theErr);
- if(theErr && *theErr < 0)
- return -1;
- MED::TMeshInfo& anInfo = const_cast<MED::TMeshInfo&>(theInfo);
- TValueHolder<TString, char> aName(anInfo.myName);
- return MEDnFamilyGroup(myFile->Id(),&aName,theFamId);
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void
- TVWrapper
- ::GetFamilyInfo(TInt theFamId,
- MED::TFamilyInfo& theInfo,
- TErr* theErr)
- {
- TFileWrapper aFileWrapper(myFile,eLECTURE,theErr);
- if(theErr && *theErr < 0)
- return;
- MED::TMeshInfo& aMeshInfo = *theInfo.myMeshInfo;
- TValueHolder<TString, char> aMeshName(aMeshInfo.myName);
- TValueHolder<TString, char> aFamilyName(theInfo.myName);
- TValueHolder<TInt, med_int> aFamilyId(theInfo.myId);
- TValueHolder<TFamAttr, med_int> anAttrId(theInfo.myAttrId);
- TValueHolder<TFamAttr, med_int> anAttrVal(theInfo.myAttrVal);
- TValueHolder<TString, char> anAttrDesc(theInfo.myAttrDesc);
- TValueHolder<TString, char> aGroupNames(theInfo.myGroupNames);
- TErr aRet = MEDfamily23Info(myFile->Id(),
- &aMeshName,
- theFamId,
- &aFamilyName,
- &anAttrId,
- &anAttrVal,
- &anAttrDesc,
- &aFamilyId,
- &aGroupNames);
- if(theErr)
- *theErr = aRet;
- else if(aRet < 0)
- EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error,"GetFamilyInfo - MEDfamily23Info(...) - "<<
- " aMeshInfo.myName = '"<<&aMeshName<<
- "'; theFamId = "<<theFamId<<
- "; theInfo.myNbGroup = "<<theInfo.myNbGroup<<
- "; theInfo.myNbAttr = "<<theInfo.myNbAttr);
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void
- TVWrapper
- ::SetFamilyInfo(const MED::TFamilyInfo& theInfo,
- EModeAcces theMode,
- TErr* theErr)
- {
- TFileWrapper aFileWrapper(myFile,theMode,theErr);
- if(theErr && *theErr < 0)
- return;
- MED::TFamilyInfo& anInfo = const_cast<MED::TFamilyInfo&>(theInfo);
- MED::TMeshInfo& aMeshInfo = *anInfo.myMeshInfo;
- TValueHolder<TString, char> aMeshName(aMeshInfo.myName);
- TValueHolder<TString, char> aFamilyName(anInfo.myName);
- TValueHolder<TInt, med_int> aFamilyId(anInfo.myId);
- TValueHolder<TFamAttr, med_int> anAttrId(anInfo.myAttrId);
- TValueHolder<TFamAttr, med_int> anAttrVal(anInfo.myAttrVal);
- TValueHolder<TInt, med_int> aNbAttr(anInfo.myNbAttr);
- TValueHolder<TString, char> anAttrDesc(anInfo.myAttrDesc);
- TValueHolder<TInt, med_int> aNbGroup(anInfo.myNbGroup);
- TValueHolder<TString, char> aGroupNames(anInfo.myGroupNames);
- TErr aRet = MEDfamilyCr(myFile->Id(),
- &aMeshName,
- &aFamilyName,
- aFamilyId,
- aNbGroup,
- &aGroupNames);
- INITMSG(MYDEBUG,"TVWrapper::SetFamilyInfo - MED_MODE_ACCES = "<<theMode<<"; aRet = "<<aRet<<std::endl);
- if(theErr)
- *theErr = aRet;
- else if(aRet < 0)
- EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error,"SetFamilyInfo - MEDfamilyCr(...)");
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void
- TVWrapper
- ::SetFamilyInfo(const MED::TFamilyInfo& theInfo,
- TErr* theErr)
- {
- TErr aRet;
- SetFamilyInfo(theInfo,eLECTURE_ECRITURE,&aRet);
- if(aRet < 0)
- SetFamilyInfo(theInfo,eLECTURE_AJOUT,&aRet);
- if(theErr)
- *theErr = aRet;
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void
- TVWrapper
- ::GetNames(TElemInfo& theInfo,
- TInt theNb,
- EEntiteMaillage theEntity,
- EGeometrieElement theGeom,
- TErr* theErr)
- {
- TFileWrapper aFileWrapper(myFile,eLECTURE,theErr);
- if(theErr && *theErr < 0)
- return;
- if ( theGeom == eBALL )
- theGeom = GetBallGeom( theInfo.myMeshInfo );
- MED::TMeshInfo& aMeshInfo = *theInfo.myMeshInfo;
- TValueHolder<TString, char> aMeshName (aMeshInfo.myName);
- TValueHolder<TString, char> anElemNames(theInfo.myElemNames);
- TValueHolder<EEntiteMaillage, med_entity_type> anEntity (theEntity);
- TValueHolder<EGeometrieElement, med_geometry_type> aGeom (theGeom);
- TErr aRet = MEDmeshEntityNameRd(myFile->Id(),
- &aMeshName,
- anEntity,
- aGeom,
- &anElemNames);
- theInfo.myIsElemNames = aRet != 0? eFAUX : eVRAI ;
- if(theErr)
- *theErr = aRet;
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void
- TVWrapper
- ::GetNumeration(TElemInfo& theInfo,
- TInt theNb,
- EEntiteMaillage theEntity,
- EGeometrieElement theGeom,
- TErr* theErr)
- {
- TFileWrapper aFileWrapper(myFile,eLECTURE,theErr);
- if(theErr && *theErr < 0)
- return;
- if ( theGeom == eBALL )
- theGeom = GetBallGeom( theInfo.myMeshInfo );
- MED::TMeshInfo& aMeshInfo = *theInfo.myMeshInfo;
- TValueHolder<TString, char> aMeshName(aMeshInfo.myName);
- TValueHolder<TElemNum, med_int> anElemNum(theInfo.myElemNum);
- TValueHolder<EEntiteMaillage, med_entity_type> anEntity (theEntity);
- TValueHolder<EGeometrieElement, med_geometry_type> aGeom (theGeom);
- TErr aRet = MEDmeshEntityNumberRd(myFile->Id(),
- &aMeshName,
- anEntity,
- aGeom,
- &anElemNum);
- theInfo.myIsElemNum = aRet != 0? eFAUX : eVRAI;
- if(theErr)
- *theErr = aRet;
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void
- TVWrapper
- ::GetFamilies(TElemInfo& theInfo,
- TInt theNb,
- EEntiteMaillage theEntity,
- EGeometrieElement theGeom,
- TErr* theErr)
- {
- TFileWrapper aFileWrapper(myFile,eLECTURE,theErr);
- if(theErr && *theErr < 0)
- return;
- if ( theGeom == eBALL )
- theGeom = GetBallGeom( theInfo.myMeshInfo );
- MED::TMeshInfo& aMeshInfo = *theInfo.myMeshInfo;
- TValueHolder<TString, char> aMeshName(aMeshInfo.myName);
- TValueHolder<TElemNum, med_int> aFamNum (theInfo.myFamNum);
- TValueHolder<EEntiteMaillage, med_entity_type> anEntity (theEntity);
- TValueHolder<EGeometrieElement, med_geometry_type> aGeom (theGeom);
- TErr aRet = MEDmeshEntityFamilyNumberRd(myFile->Id(),
- &aMeshName,
- anEntity,
- aGeom,
- &aFamNum);
- if(aRet < 0)
- {
-// if (aRet == MED_ERR_DOESNTEXIST) // --- only valid with MED3.x files
- {
- int aSize = (int)theInfo.myFamNum->size();
- theInfo.myFamNum->clear();
- theInfo.myFamNum->resize(aSize,0);
- aRet = 0;
- }
-// else
-// EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error,"GetGrilleInfo - MEDmeshEntityFamilyNumberRd(...) of CELLS");
- }
- if(theErr)
- *theErr = aRet;
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void
- TVWrapper
- ::SetNames(const TElemInfo& theInfo,
- EEntiteMaillage theEntity,
- EGeometrieElement theGeom,
- TErr* theErr)
- {
- SetNames(theInfo,eLECTURE_ECRITURE,theEntity,theGeom,theErr);
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void
- TVWrapper
- ::SetNames(const TElemInfo& theInfo,
- EModeAcces theMode,
- EEntiteMaillage theEntity,
- EGeometrieElement theGeom,
- TErr* theErr)
- {
- TFileWrapper aFileWrapper(myFile,theMode,theErr);
- if(theErr && *theErr < 0)
- return;
- if ( theGeom == eBALL )
- theGeom = GetBallGeom( theInfo.myMeshInfo );
- MED::TElemInfo& anInfo = const_cast<MED::TElemInfo&>(theInfo);
- MED::TMeshInfo& aMeshInfo = *anInfo.myMeshInfo;
- TErr aRet = 0;
- if(theInfo.myIsElemNames)
- {
- TValueHolder<TString, char> aMeshName (aMeshInfo.myName);
- TValueHolder<TString, char> anElemNames(anInfo.myElemNames);
- TValueHolder<EEntiteMaillage, med_entity_type> anEntity (theEntity);
- TValueHolder<EGeometrieElement, med_geometry_type> aGeom (theGeom);
- aRet = MEDmeshEntityNameWr(myFile->Id(),
- &aMeshName,
- anEntity,
- aGeom,
- (TInt)anInfo.myElemNames->size(),
- &anElemNames);
- if(theErr)
- *theErr = aRet;
- else if(aRet < 0)
- EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error,"SetNames - MEDmeshEntityNameWr(...)");
- }
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void
- TVWrapper
- ::SetNumeration(const TElemInfo& theInfo,
- EEntiteMaillage theEntity,
- EGeometrieElement theGeom,
- TErr* theErr)
- {
- SetNumeration(theInfo,eLECTURE_ECRITURE,theEntity,theGeom,theErr);
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void
- TVWrapper
- ::SetNumeration(const TElemInfo& theInfo,
- EModeAcces theMode,
- EEntiteMaillage theEntity,
- EGeometrieElement theGeom,
- TErr* theErr)
- {
- TFileWrapper aFileWrapper(myFile,theMode,theErr);
- if(theErr && *theErr < 0)
- return;
- if ( theGeom == eBALL )
- theGeom = GetBallGeom( theInfo.myMeshInfo );
- MED::TElemInfo& anInfo = const_cast<MED::TElemInfo&>(theInfo);
- MED::TMeshInfo& aMeshInfo = *anInfo.myMeshInfo;
- TErr aRet = 0;
- if(theInfo.myIsElemNum)
- {
- TValueHolder<TString, char> aMeshName(aMeshInfo.myName);
- TValueHolder<TElemNum, med_int> anElemNum(anInfo.myElemNum);
- TValueHolder<EEntiteMaillage, med_entity_type> anEntity (theEntity);
- TValueHolder<EGeometrieElement, med_geometry_type> aGeom (theGeom);
- aRet = MEDmeshEntityNumberWr(myFile->Id(),
- &aMeshName,
- anEntity,
- aGeom,
- (TInt)anInfo.myElemNum->size(),
- &anElemNum);
- if(theErr)
- *theErr = aRet;
- else if(aRet < 0)
- EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error,"SetNumeration - MEDmeshEntityNumberWr(...)");
- }
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void
- TVWrapper
- ::SetFamilies(const TElemInfo& theInfo,
- EEntiteMaillage theEntity,
- EGeometrieElement theGeom,
- TErr* theErr)
- {
- SetFamilies(theInfo,eLECTURE_ECRITURE,theEntity,theGeom,theErr);
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void
- TVWrapper
- ::SetFamilies(const TElemInfo& theInfo,
- EModeAcces theMode,
- EEntiteMaillage theEntity,
- EGeometrieElement theGeom,
- TErr* theErr)
- {
- TFileWrapper aFileWrapper(myFile,theMode,theErr);
- if(theErr && *theErr < 0)
- return;
- if ( theGeom == eBALL )
- theGeom = GetBallGeom( theInfo.myMeshInfo );
- MED::TElemInfo& anInfo = const_cast<MED::TElemInfo&>(theInfo);
- MED::TMeshInfo& aMeshInfo = *anInfo.myMeshInfo;
- TValueHolder<TString, char> aMeshName(aMeshInfo.myName);
- TValueHolder<TElemNum, med_int> aFamNum (anInfo.myFamNum);
- TValueHolder<EEntiteMaillage, med_entity_type> anEntity (theEntity);
- TValueHolder<EGeometrieElement, med_geometry_type> aGeom (theGeom);
- TErr aRet = MEDmeshEntityFamilyNumberWr(myFile->Id(),
- &aMeshName,
- anEntity,
- aGeom,
- (TInt)anInfo.myFamNum->size(),
- &aFamNum);
- if(theErr)
- *theErr = aRet;
- else if(aRet < 0)
- EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error,"SetFamilies - MEDmeshEntityFamilyNumberWr(...)");
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- TInt
- TVWrapper
- ::GetNbNodes(const MED::TMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- ETable theTable,
- TErr* theErr)
- {
- TFileWrapper aFileWrapper(myFile,eLECTURE,theErr);
- if(theErr && *theErr < 0)
- return -1;
- MED::TMeshInfo& aMeshInfo = const_cast<MED::TMeshInfo&>(theMeshInfo);
- TValueHolder<TString, char> aMeshName(aMeshInfo.myName);
- TValueHolder<ETable, med_data_type > aTable(theTable);
- med_bool chgt,trsf;
- return MEDmeshnEntity(myFile->Id(),
- &aMeshName,
- aTable,
- &chgt,
- &trsf);
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void
- TVWrapper
- ::GetNodeInfo(MED::TNodeInfo& theInfo,
- TErr* theErr)
- {
- TFileWrapper aFileWrapper(myFile,eLECTURE,theErr);
- if(theErr && *theErr < 0)
- return;
- MED::TMeshInfo& aMeshInfo = *theInfo.myMeshInfo;
- TValueHolder<TString, char> aMeshName(aMeshInfo.myName);
- TValueHolder<TInt, med_int> aDim(aMeshInfo.myDim);
- TValueHolder<TNodeCoord, med_float> aCoord(theInfo.myCoord);
- TValueHolder<EModeSwitch, med_switch_mode> aModeSwitch(theInfo.myModeSwitch);
- TValueHolder<ERepere, med_axis_type> aSystem(theInfo.mySystem);
- TValueHolder<TString, char> aCoordNames(theInfo.myCoordNames);
- TValueHolder<TString, char> aCoordUnits(theInfo.myCoordUnits);
- TValueHolder<TString, char> anElemNames(theInfo.myElemNames);
- //TValueHolder<EBooleen, med_bool> anIsElemNames(theInfo.myIsElemNames);
- TValueHolder<TElemNum, med_int> anElemNum(theInfo.myElemNum);
- //TValueHolder<EBooleen, med_bool> anIsElemNum(theInfo.myIsElemNum);
- TValueHolder<TElemNum, med_int> aFamNum(theInfo.myFamNum);
- TValueHolder<TInt, med_int> aNbElem(theInfo.myNbElem);
- TErr aRet = MEDmeshNodeCoordinateRd(myFile->Id(),
- &aMeshName,
- aModeSwitch,
- &aCoord);
- TErr aRet2 =MEDmeshEntityFamilyNumberRd(myFile->Id(),
- &aMeshName,
- &aFamNum);
- if (aRet2 < 0)
- {
-// if (aRet2 == MED_ERR_DOESNTEXIST) // --- only valid with MED3.x files
- {
- int mySize = (int)theInfo.myFamNum->size();
- theInfo.myFamNum->clear();
- theInfo.myFamNum->resize(mySize,0);
- }
-// else
-// EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error,"GetNodeInfo - MEDmeshEntityFamilyNumberRd(...)");
- }
- if ( MEDmeshEntityNameRd(myFile->Id(),
- &aMeshName,
- &anElemNames) < 0) theInfo.myIsElemNames=eFAUX;
- if ( MEDmeshEntityNumberRd(myFile->Id(),
- &aMeshName,
- &anElemNum) < 0 ) theInfo.myIsElemNum=eFAUX;
- if(theErr)
- *theErr = aRet;
- else if(aRet < 0)
- EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error,"GetNodeInfo - MEDmeshNodeCoordinateRd(...)");
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void
- TVWrapper
- ::SetNodeInfo(const MED::TNodeInfo& theInfo,
- EModeAcces theMode,
- TErr* theErr)
- {
- TFileWrapper aFileWrapper(myFile,theMode,theErr);
- if(theErr && *theErr < 0)
- return;
- MED::TNodeInfo& anInfo = const_cast<MED::TNodeInfo&>(theInfo);
- MED::TMeshInfo& aMeshInfo = *anInfo.myMeshInfo;
- TValueHolder<TString, char> aMeshName (aMeshInfo.myName);
- TValueHolder<TNodeCoord, med_float> aCoord (anInfo.myCoord);
- TValueHolder<EModeSwitch, med_switch_mode> aModeSwitch (anInfo.myModeSwitch);
- TValueHolder<ERepere, med_axis_type> aSystem (anInfo.mySystem);
- TValueHolder<TString, char> aCoordNames (anInfo.myCoordNames);
- TValueHolder<TString, char> aCoordUnits (anInfo.myCoordUnits);
- TValueHolder<TString, char> anElemNames (anInfo.myElemNames);
- TValueHolder<EBooleen, med_bool> anIsElemNames(anInfo.myIsElemNames);
- TValueHolder<TElemNum, med_int> anElemNum (anInfo.myElemNum);
- TValueHolder<EBooleen, med_bool> anIsElemNum (anInfo.myIsElemNum);
- TValueHolder<TElemNum, med_int> aFamNum (anInfo.myFamNum);
- TValueHolder<TInt, med_int> aNbElem (anInfo.myNbElem);
- TErr aRet = MEDmeshNodeCoordinateWr(myFile->Id(),
- &aMeshName,
- aModeSwitch,
- aNbElem,
- &aCoord);
- MEDmeshEntityFamilyNumberWr(myFile->Id(),
- &aMeshName,
- aNbElem,
- &aFamNum);
- if(anIsElemNames)
- MEDmeshEntityNameWr(myFile->Id(),
- &aMeshName,
- aNbElem,
- &anElemNames);
- if(anIsElemNum)
- MEDmeshEntityNumberWr(myFile->Id(),
- &aMeshName,
- aNbElem,
- &anElemNum);
- if(theErr)
- *theErr = aRet;
- else if(aRet < 0)
- EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error,"SetNodeInfo - MEDmeshNodeCoordinateWr(...)");
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void
- TVWrapper
- ::SetNodeInfo(const MED::TNodeInfo& theInfo,
- TErr* theErr)
- {
- TErr aRet;
- SetNodeInfo(theInfo,eLECTURE_ECRITURE,&aRet);
- if(aRet < 0)
- SetNodeInfo(theInfo,eLECTURE_AJOUT,&aRet);
- if(theErr)
- *theErr = aRet;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------
- void
- TVWrapper
- ::GetPolygoneInfo(MED::TPolygoneInfo& theInfo,
- TErr* theErr)
- {
- TFileWrapper aFileWrapper(myFile,eLECTURE,theErr);
- if(theErr && *theErr < 0)
- return;
- MED::TMeshInfo& aMeshInfo = *theInfo.myMeshInfo;
- TValueHolder<TString, char> aMeshName(aMeshInfo.myName);
- TValueHolder<TElemNum, med_int> anIndex(theInfo.myIndex);
- TInt aNbElem = (TInt)theInfo.myElemNum->size();
- TValueHolder<TElemNum, med_int> aConn(theInfo.myConn);
- TValueHolder<EEntiteMaillage, med_entity_type> anEntity(theInfo.myEntity);
- TValueHolder<EConnectivite, med_connectivity_mode> aConnMode(theInfo.myConnMode);
- TErr aRet;
- aRet = MEDmeshPolygonRd(myFile->Id(),
- &aMeshName,
- anEntity,
- aConnMode,
- &anIndex,
- &aConn);
- if(theErr)
- *theErr = aRet;
- else if(aRet < 0)
- EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error,"GetPolygoneInfo - MEDmeshPolygonRd(...)");
- if(theInfo.myIsElemNames){
- GetNames(theInfo,aNbElem,theInfo.myEntity,ePOLYGONE,&aRet);
- if(theErr)
- *theErr = aRet;
- }
- if(theInfo.myIsElemNum){
- GetNumeration(theInfo,aNbElem,theInfo.myEntity,ePOLYGONE,&aRet);
- if(theErr)
- *theErr = aRet;
- }
- GetFamilies(theInfo,aNbElem,theInfo.myEntity,ePOLYGONE,&aRet);
- if(theErr)
- *theErr = aRet;
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void
- TVWrapper
- ::SetPolygoneInfo(const MED::TPolygoneInfo& theInfo,
- TErr* theErr)
- {
- SetPolygoneInfo(theInfo,eLECTURE_ECRITURE,theErr);
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void
- TVWrapper
- ::SetPolygoneInfo(const MED::TPolygoneInfo& theInfo,
- EModeAcces theMode,
- TErr* theErr)
- {
- TFileWrapper aFileWrapper(myFile,theMode,theErr);
- if(theErr && *theErr < 0)
- return;
- MED::TPolygoneInfo& anInfo = const_cast<MED::TPolygoneInfo&>(theInfo);
- MED::TMeshInfo& aMeshInfo = *anInfo.myMeshInfo;
- TValueHolder<TString, char> aMeshName(aMeshInfo.myName);
- TValueHolder<TElemNum, med_int> anIndex(anInfo.myIndex);
- TValueHolder<TElemNum, med_int> aConn(anInfo.myConn);
- TValueHolder<EEntiteMaillage, med_entity_type> anEntity(anInfo.myEntity);
- TValueHolder<EConnectivite, med_connectivity_mode> aConnMode(anInfo.myConnMode);
- TErr aRet = MEDmeshPolygonWr(myFile->Id(),
- &aMeshName,
- anEntity,
- aConnMode,
- anInfo.myNbElem + 1,
- &anIndex,
- &aConn);
- if(theErr)
- *theErr = aRet;
- else if(aRet < 0)
- EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error,"SetPolygoneInfo - MEDmeshPolygonWr(...)");
- SetNames(anInfo,theInfo.myEntity,ePOLYGONE,&aRet);
- if(theErr)
- *theErr = aRet;
- SetNumeration(anInfo,theInfo.myEntity,ePOLYGONE,&aRet);
- if(theErr)
- *theErr = aRet;
- SetFamilies(anInfo,theInfo.myEntity,ePOLYGONE,&aRet);
- if(theErr)
- *theErr = aRet;
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- TInt
- TVWrapper
- ::GetNbPolygones(const MED::TMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- EEntiteMaillage theEntity,
- EGeometrieElement theGeom,
- EConnectivite theConnMode,
- TErr* theErr)
- {
- return GetNbCells(theMeshInfo,theEntity,theGeom,theConnMode,theErr);
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- TInt
- TVWrapper
- ::GetPolygoneConnSize(const MED::TMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- EEntiteMaillage theEntity,
- EGeometrieElement theGeom,
- EConnectivite theConnMode,
- TErr* theErr)
- {
- TFileWrapper aFileWrapper(myFile,eLECTURE,theErr);
- if(theErr && *theErr < 0)
- return 0;
- MED::TMeshInfo& aMeshInfo = const_cast<MED::TMeshInfo&>(theMeshInfo);
- TValueHolder<TString, char> aMeshName(aMeshInfo.myName);
- med_int aTaille = 0;
- med_bool chgt,trsf;
- aTaille=MEDmeshnEntity(myFile->Id(),
- &aMeshName,
- med_entity_type(theEntity),
- med_connectivity_mode(theConnMode),
- &chgt,
- &trsf);
- if(aTaille < 0)
- EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error,"GetPolygoneInfo - MEDmeshnEntity(...)");
- return TInt(aTaille);
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------
- void
- TVWrapper
- ::GetPolyedreInfo(TPolyedreInfo& theInfo,
- TErr* theErr)
- {
- TFileWrapper aFileWrapper(myFile,eLECTURE,theErr);
- if(theErr && *theErr < 0)
- return;
- MED::TMeshInfo& aMeshInfo = *theInfo.myMeshInfo;
- TValueHolder<TString, char> aMeshName(aMeshInfo.myName);
- TInt aNbElem = (TInt)theInfo.myElemNum->size();
- TValueHolder<TElemNum, med_int> anIndex(theInfo.myIndex);
- TValueHolder<TElemNum, med_int> aFaces(theInfo.myFaces);
- TValueHolder<TElemNum, med_int> aConn(theInfo.myConn);
- TValueHolder<EConnectivite, med_connectivity_mode> aConnMode(theInfo.myConnMode);
- TErr aRet;
- aRet = MEDmeshPolyhedronRd(myFile->Id(),
- &aMeshName,
- aConnMode,
- &anIndex,
- &aFaces,
- &aConn);
- if(theErr)
- *theErr = aRet;
- else if(aRet < 0)
- EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error,"GetPolygoneInfo - MEDmeshPolyhedronRd(...)");
- if(theInfo.myIsElemNames){
- GetNames(theInfo,aNbElem,theInfo.myEntity,ePOLYEDRE,&aRet);
- if(theErr)
- *theErr = aRet;
- }
- if(theInfo.myIsElemNum){
- GetNumeration(theInfo,aNbElem,theInfo.myEntity,ePOLYEDRE,&aRet);
- if(theErr)
- *theErr = aRet;
- }
- GetFamilies(theInfo,aNbElem,theInfo.myEntity,ePOLYEDRE,&aRet);
- if(theErr)
- *theErr = aRet;
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void
- TVWrapper
- ::SetPolyedreInfo(const TPolyedreInfo& theInfo,
- TErr* theErr)
- {
- SetPolyedreInfo(theInfo,eLECTURE_ECRITURE,theErr);
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void
- TVWrapper
- ::SetPolyedreInfo(const MED::TPolyedreInfo& theInfo,
- EModeAcces theMode,
- TErr* theErr)
- {
- TFileWrapper aFileWrapper(myFile,theMode,theErr);
- if(theErr && *theErr < 0)
- return;
- MED::TPolyedreInfo& anInfo = const_cast<MED::TPolyedreInfo&>(theInfo);
- MED::TMeshInfo& aMeshInfo = *anInfo.myMeshInfo;
- TValueHolder<TString, char> aMeshName(aMeshInfo.myName);
- TValueHolder<TElemNum, med_int> anIndex(anInfo.myIndex);
- TValueHolder<TElemNum, med_int> aFaces(anInfo.myFaces);
- TValueHolder<TElemNum, med_int> aConn(anInfo.myConn);
- TValueHolder<EConnectivite, med_connectivity_mode> aConnMode(anInfo.myConnMode);
- TErr aRet;
- aRet = MEDmeshPolyhedronWr(myFile->Id(),
- &aMeshName,
- aConnMode,
- anInfo.myNbElem+1,
- &anIndex,
- (TInt)anInfo.myFaces->size(),
- &aFaces,
- &aConn);
- if(theErr)
- *theErr = aRet;
- else if(aRet < 0)
- EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error,"SetPolyedreInfo - MEDmeshPolyhedronWr(...)");
- TValueHolder<EEntiteMaillage, med_entity_type> anEntity(anInfo.myEntity);
- if(theInfo.myIsElemNames){
- TValueHolder<TString, char> anElemNames(anInfo.myElemNames);
- aRet = MEDmeshEntityNameWr(myFile->Id(),
- &aMeshName,
- anEntity,
- (TInt)anInfo.myElemNames->size(),
- &anElemNames);
- if(theErr)
- *theErr = aRet;
- else if(aRet < 0)
- EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error,"SetPolyedreInfo - MEDmeshEntityNameWr(...)");
- }
- if(theInfo.myIsElemNum){
- TValueHolder<TElemNum, med_int> anElemNum(anInfo.myElemNum);
- aRet = MEDmeshEntityNumberWr(myFile->Id(),
- &aMeshName,
- anEntity,
- (TInt)anInfo.myElemNum->size(),
- &anElemNum);
- if(theErr)
- *theErr = aRet;
- else if(aRet < 0)
- EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error,"SetPolyedreInfo - MEDmeshEntityNumberWr(...)");
- }
- TValueHolder<TElemNum, med_int> aFamNum(anInfo.myFamNum);
- aRet = MEDmeshEntityFamilyNumberWr(myFile->Id(),
- &aMeshName,
- anEntity,
- (TInt)anInfo.myFamNum->size(),
- &aFamNum);
- if(theErr)
- *theErr = aRet;
- else if(aRet < 0)
- EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error,"SetPolyedreInfo - MEDmeshEntityFamilyNumberWr(...)");
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- TInt
- TVWrapper
- ::GetNbPolyedres(const MED::TMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- EEntiteMaillage theEntity,
- EGeometrieElement theGeom,
- EConnectivite theConnMode,
- TErr* theErr)
- {
- return GetNbCells(theMeshInfo,theEntity,theGeom,theConnMode,theErr);
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void
- TVWrapper ::GetPolyedreConnSize(const TMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- TInt& theNbFaces,
- TInt& theConnSize,
- EConnectivite theConnMode,
- TErr* theErr)
- {
- TFileWrapper aFileWrapper(myFile,eLECTURE,theErr);
- if(theErr && *theErr < 0)
- EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error,"GetPolyedreConnSize - (...)");
- MED::TMeshInfo& aMeshInfo = const_cast<MED::TMeshInfo&>(theMeshInfo);
- TValueHolder<TString, char> aMeshName(aMeshInfo.myName);
- TValueHolder<EConnectivite, med_connectivity_mode> aConnMode(theConnMode);
- //TValueHolder<TInt, med_int> aNbFaces(theNbFaces);
- //TValueHolder<TInt, med_int> aConnSize(theConnSize);
- med_bool chgt,trsf;
- theNbFaces = MEDmeshnEntity(myFile->Id(),
- &aMeshName,
- aConnMode,
- &chgt,
- &trsf);
- theConnSize = MEDmeshnEntity(myFile->Id(),
- &aMeshName,
- aConnMode,
- &chgt,
- &trsf);
- if(theNbFaces < 0 || theConnSize<0)
- EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error,"GetPolygoneInfo - MEDmeshnEntity(...)");
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------
- TEntityInfo
- TVWrapper
- ::GetEntityInfo(const MED::TMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- EConnectivite theConnMode,
- TErr* theErr)
- {
- TEntityInfo anInfo;
- TFileWrapper aFileWrapper(myFile,eLECTURE,theErr);
- if(theErr && *theErr < 0)
- return anInfo;
- if(theMeshInfo.GetType() == eNON_STRUCTURE) {
- TInt aNbElem = GetNbNodes(theMeshInfo);
- if(aNbElem > 0){
- anInfo[eNOEUD][ePOINT1] = aNbElem;
- const TEntity2GeomSet& anEntity2GeomSet = GetEntity2GeomSet();
- TEntity2GeomSet::const_iterator anIter = anEntity2GeomSet.begin();
- TEntity2GeomSet::const_iterator anIterEnd = anEntity2GeomSet.end();
- for(; anIter != anIterEnd; anIter++){
- const EEntiteMaillage& anEntity = anIter->first;
- const TGeomSet& aGeomSet = anIter->second;
- TGeomSet::const_iterator anIter2 = aGeomSet.begin();
- TGeomSet::const_iterator anIterEnd2 = aGeomSet.end();
- for(; anIter2 != anIterEnd2; anIter2++){
- const EGeometrieElement& aGeom = *anIter2;
- aNbElem = GetNbCells(theMeshInfo,anEntity,aGeom,theConnMode,theErr);
- if(aNbElem > 0) {
- if ( anEntity == eSTRUCT_ELEMENT ) {
- const TInt nbStructTypes = aNbElem;
- for ( TInt structType = 0; structType < nbStructTypes; ++structType ) {
- // check type name to keep only "MED_BALL" structured element
- TValueHolder<TString, char> aMeshName((TString&) theMeshInfo.myName );
- char geotypename[ MED_NAME_SIZE + 1] = "";
- med_geometry_type geotype;
- MEDmeshEntityInfo( myFile->Id(), &aMeshName, MED_NO_DT, MED_NO_IT,
- med_entity_type(anEntity), structType+1,
- geotypename, &geotype);
- if ( strcmp( geotypename, MED_BALL_NAME ) == 0 ) {
- aNbElem = GetNbCells( theMeshInfo, anEntity, EGeometrieElement(geotype),
- theConnMode, theErr);
- if ( aNbElem > 0 )
- anInfo[anEntity][EGeometrieElement(geotype)] = aNbElem;
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- anInfo[anEntity][aGeom] = aNbElem;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- } else { // eSTRUCTURE
- EGrilleType aGrilleType;
- TInt aNbNodes = 1;
- TInt aNbElem = 1;
- TInt aNbSub = 0;
- TInt aDim = theMeshInfo.GetDim();
- EGeometrieElement aGeom, aSubGeom;
- EEntiteMaillage aSubEntity = eMAILLE;
- GetGrilleType(theMeshInfo, aGrilleType);
- TIntVector aStruct(aDim);
- if(aGrilleType == eGRILLE_STANDARD)
- {
- GetGrilleStruct(theMeshInfo, aStruct, theErr);
- }
- else
- ETable aTable[3] = { eCOOR_IND1, eCOOR_IND2, eCOOR_IND3 };
- for(med_int anAxis = 0; anAxis < aDim; anAxis++)
- aStruct[ anAxis ] = GetNbNodes(theMeshInfo, aTable[anAxis]);
- }
- for(med_int i = 0; i < aDim; i++){
- aNbNodes = aNbNodes * aStruct[i];
- aNbElem = aNbElem * (aStruct[i] - 1);
- }
- switch(aDim){
- case 1:
- aGeom = eSEG2;
- break;
- case 2:
- aGeom = eQUAD4;
- aSubGeom = eSEG2;
- aSubEntity = eARETE;
- aNbSub =
- (aStruct[0] ) * (aStruct[1]-1) +
- (aStruct[0]-1) * (aStruct[1] );
- break;
- case 3:
- aGeom = eHEXA8;
- aSubGeom = eQUAD4;
- aSubEntity = eFACE;
- aNbSub =
- (aStruct[0] ) * (aStruct[1]-1) * (aStruct[2]-1) +
- (aStruct[0]-1) * (aStruct[1] ) * (aStruct[2]-1) +
- (aStruct[0]-1) * (aStruct[1]-1) * (aStruct[2] );
- break;
- }
- anInfo[eNOEUD][ePOINT1] = aNbNodes;
- anInfo[eMAILLE][aGeom] = aNbElem;
- if ( aDim > 1 )
- anInfo[aSubEntity][aSubGeom] = aNbSub;
- }
- return anInfo;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------
- TInt
- TVWrapper
- ::GetNbCells(const MED::TMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- EEntiteMaillage theEntity,
- EGeometrieElement theGeom,
- EConnectivite theConnMode,
- TErr* theErr)
- {
- TFileWrapper aFileWrapper(myFile,eLECTURE,theErr);
- if(theErr && *theErr < 0)
- return -1;
- MED::TMeshInfo& aMeshInfo = const_cast<MED::TMeshInfo&>(theMeshInfo);
- TValueHolder<TString, char> aMeshName(aMeshInfo.myName);
- med_bool chgt,trsf;
- if(theGeom!=MED::ePOLYGONE && theGeom!=MED::ePOLYEDRE && theGeom != MED::eBALL)
- {
- return MEDmeshnEntity(myFile->Id(),
- &aMeshName,
- med_entity_type(theEntity),
- med_geometry_type(theGeom),
- med_connectivity_mode(theConnMode),
- &chgt,
- &trsf);
- }
- else if(theGeom==MED::ePOLYGONE)
- {
- return MEDmeshnEntity(myFile->Id(),&aMeshName,MED_NO_DT,MED_NO_IT,med_entity_type(theEntity),
- MED_POLYGON,MED_INDEX_NODE,med_connectivity_mode(theConnMode),&chgt,&trsf)-1;
- }
- else if ( theGeom==MED::ePOLYEDRE )
- {
- return MEDmeshnEntity(myFile->Id(),&aMeshName,MED_NO_DT,MED_NO_IT,med_entity_type(theEntity),
- MED_POLYHEDRON,MED_INDEX_FACE,med_connectivity_mode(theConnMode),&chgt,&trsf)-1;
- }
- else if ( theGeom==MED::eBALL )
- {
- return GetNbBalls( theMeshInfo );
- }
- return 0;
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void
- TVWrapper
- ::GetCellInfo(MED::TCellInfo& theInfo,
- TErr* theErr)
- {
- TFileWrapper aFileWrapper(myFile,eLECTURE,theErr);
- if(theErr && *theErr < 0)
- return;
- MED::TMeshInfo& aMeshInfo = *theInfo.myMeshInfo;
- TValueHolder<TString, char> aMeshName (aMeshInfo.myName);
- TValueHolder<TElemNum, med_int> aConn (theInfo.myConn);
- TValueHolder<EModeSwitch, med_switch_mode> aModeSwitch (theInfo.myModeSwitch);
- TValueHolder<TString, char> anElemNames (theInfo.myElemNames);
- TValueHolder<EBooleen, med_bool> anIsElemNames(theInfo.myIsElemNames);
- TValueHolder<TElemNum, med_int> anElemNum (theInfo.myElemNum);
- TValueHolder<EBooleen, med_bool> anIsElemNum (theInfo.myIsElemNum);
- TValueHolder<TElemNum, med_int> aFamNum (theInfo.myFamNum);
- TValueHolder<EBooleen, med_bool> anIsFamNum (theInfo.myIsFamNum);
- TValueHolder<EEntiteMaillage, med_entity_type> anEntity (theInfo.myEntity);
- TValueHolder<EGeometrieElement, med_geometry_type> aGeom (theInfo.myGeom);
- TValueHolder<EConnectivite, med_connectivity_mode> aConnMode (theInfo.myConnMode);
- TErr aRet;
- aRet = MEDmeshElementRd(myFile->Id(),
- &aMeshName,
- anEntity,
- aGeom,
- aConnMode,
- aModeSwitch,
- &aConn,
- &anIsElemNames,
- &anElemNames,
- &anIsElemNum,
- &anElemNum,
- &anIsFamNum,
- &aFamNum);
- if(theErr)
- *theErr = aRet;
- else if(aRet < 0)
- EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error,"GetCellInfo - MEDmeshElementRd(...)");
- if (anIsFamNum == MED_FALSE)
- {
- int mySize = (int) theInfo.myFamNum->size();
- theInfo.myFamNum->clear();
- theInfo.myFamNum->resize(mySize, 0);
- }
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void
- TVWrapper
- ::SetCellInfo(const MED::TCellInfo& theInfo,
- EModeAcces theMode,
- TErr* theErr)
- {
- TFileWrapper aFileWrapper(myFile,theMode,theErr);
- if(theErr && *theErr < 0)
- return;
- MED::TCellInfo& anInfo = const_cast<MED::TCellInfo&>(theInfo);
- MED::TMeshInfo& aMeshInfo = *anInfo.myMeshInfo;
- TValueHolder<TString, char> aMeshName (aMeshInfo.myName);
- TValueHolder<TElemNum, med_int> aConn (anInfo.myConn);
- TValueHolder<EModeSwitch, med_switch_mode> aModeSwitch (anInfo.myModeSwitch);
- TValueHolder<TString, char> anElemNames (anInfo.myElemNames);
- TValueHolder<EBooleen, med_bool> anIsElemNames(anInfo.myIsElemNames);
- TValueHolder<TElemNum, med_int> anElemNum (anInfo.myElemNum);
- TValueHolder<EBooleen, med_bool> anIsElemNum (anInfo.myIsElemNum);
- TValueHolder<TElemNum, med_int> aFamNum (anInfo.myFamNum);
- TValueHolder<EBooleen, med_bool> anIsFamNum (anInfo.myIsFamNum);
- TValueHolder<EEntiteMaillage, med_entity_type> anEntity (anInfo.myEntity);
- TValueHolder<EGeometrieElement, med_geometry_type> aGeom (anInfo.myGeom);
- TValueHolder<EConnectivite, med_connectivity_mode> aConnMode (anInfo.myConnMode);
- TValueHolder<TInt, med_int> aNbElem (anInfo.myNbElem);
- TErr aRet;
- aRet = MEDmeshElementConnectivityWr(myFile->Id(),
- &aMeshName,
- anEntity,
- aGeom,
- aConnMode,
- aModeSwitch,
- aNbElem,
- &aConn);
- MEDmeshEntityFamilyNumberWr(myFile->Id(),
- &aMeshName,
- anEntity,
- aGeom,
- aNbElem,
- &aFamNum);
- if(anIsElemNames)
- MEDmeshEntityNameWr(myFile->Id(),
- &aMeshName,
- anEntity,
- aGeom,
- aNbElem,
- &anElemNames);
- if(anIsElemNum)
- MEDmeshEntityNumberWr(myFile->Id(),
- &aMeshName,
- anEntity,
- aGeom,
- aNbElem,
- &anElemNum);
- if(theErr)
- *theErr = aRet;
- else if(aRet < 0)
- EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error,"SetCellInfo - MEDmeshElementWr(...)");
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void
- TVWrapper
- ::SetCellInfo(const MED::TCellInfo& theInfo,
- TErr* theErr)
- {
- SetCellInfo(theInfo,eLECTURE_ECRITURE,theErr);
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //! Read geom type of MED_BALL structural element
- EGeometrieElement TVWrapper::GetBallGeom(const TMeshInfo& theMeshInfo)
- {
- TFileWrapper aFileWrapper(myFile,eLECTURE);
- // read med_geometry_type of "MED_BALL" element
- char geotypename[ MED_NAME_SIZE + 1] = MED_BALL_NAME;
- return EGeometrieElement( MEDstructElementGeotype( myFile->Id(), geotypename ) );
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //! Read number of balls in the Mesh
- TInt TVWrapper::GetNbBalls(const TMeshInfo& theMeshInfo)
- {
- TFileWrapper aFileWrapper(myFile,eLECTURE);
- EGeometrieElement ballType = GetBallGeom( theMeshInfo );
- if ( ballType < 0 )
- return 0;
- return GetNbCells( theMeshInfo, eSTRUCT_ELEMENT, ballType, eNOD );
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //! Read a MEDWrapped representation of MED_BALL from the MED file
- void TVWrapper::GetBallInfo(TBallInfo& theInfo, TErr* theErr)
- {
- TFileWrapper aFileWrapper(myFile,eLECTURE,theErr);
- // check geometry of MED_BALL
- if ( theInfo.myGeom == eBALL )
- {
- theInfo.myGeom = GetBallGeom( *theInfo.myMeshInfo );
- if ( theInfo.myGeom < 0 ) {
- if ( !theErr )
- EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error,"GetBallInfo - no balls in the mesh");
- *theErr = theInfo.myGeom;
- return;
- }
- }
- // read nodes ids
- GetCellInfo( theInfo );
- // read diameters
- TValueHolder<TString, char> aMeshName (theInfo.myMeshInfo->myName);
- TValueHolder<EGeometrieElement, med_geometry_type> aGeom (theInfo.myGeom);
- TValueHolder<TFloatVector, void> aDiam (theInfo.myDiameters);
- char varattname[ MED_NAME_SIZE + 1] = MED_BALL_DIAMETER;
- TErr aRet = MEDmeshStructElementVarAttRd( myFile->Id(), &aMeshName,
- aGeom,
- varattname,
- &aDiam);
- if ( theErr )
- *theErr = aRet;
- else if ( aRet < 0 )
- EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error,"GetBallInfo - pb at reading diameters");
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //! Write a MEDWrapped representation of MED_BALL to the MED file
- void TVWrapper::SetBallInfo(const TBallInfo& theInfo, EModeAcces theMode, TErr* theErr)
- {
- TFileWrapper aFileWrapper(myFile,theMode,theErr);
- TErr ret;
- char ballsupportname[MED_NAME_SIZE+1]="BALL_SUPPORT_MESH";
- EGeometrieElement ballGeom = GetBallGeom( *theInfo.myMeshInfo );
- if ( ballGeom < 0 )
- {
- // no ball model in the file, create support mesh for it
- char dummyname [MED_NAME_SIZE*3+1]="";
- if (( ret = MEDsupportMeshCr( myFile->Id(),
- ballsupportname,
- theInfo.myMeshInfo->GetSpaceDim(),
- theInfo.myMeshInfo->GetDim(),
- "Support mesh for a ball model",
- /*axisname=*/dummyname, /*unitname=*/dummyname)) < 0) {
- if ( !theErr )
- EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error,"SetBallInfo - MEDsupportMeshCr");
- *theErr = ret;
- return;
- }
- // write coordinates of 1 node
- med_float coord[3] = {0,0,0};
- if ((ret = MEDmeshNodeCoordinateWr(myFile->Id(),
- ballsupportname, MED_NO_DT, MED_NO_IT, 0.0,
- MED_FULL_INTERLACE, /*nnode=*/1, coord)) < 0) {
- if ( !theErr )
- EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error,"SetBallInfo - MEDmeshNodeCoordinateWr");
- *theErr = ret;
- return;
- }
- // ball model creation
- char geotypename[ MED_NAME_SIZE + 1] = MED_BALL_NAME;
- if (( ballGeom = (EGeometrieElement) MEDstructElementCr(myFile->Id(),
- geotypename,
- theInfo.myMeshInfo->GetSpaceDim(),
- ballsupportname,
- MED_NODE,MED_NONE)) < 0 ) {
- if ( !theErr )
- EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error,"SetBallInfo - MEDstructElementCr");
- *theErr = ret;
- return;
- }
- // create diameter attribute
- if (( ret = MEDstructElementVarAttCr(myFile->Id(),
- geotypename, MED_BALL_DIAMETER,
- MED_ATT_FLOAT64, /*ncomp=*/1)) < 0) {
- if ( !theErr )
- EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error,"SetBallInfo - MEDstructElementVarAttCr");
- *theErr = ret;
- return;
- }
- } // ballGeom < 0
- TBallInfo& aBallInfo = ((TBallInfo&) theInfo );
- aBallInfo.myGeom = ballGeom;
- // write node ids
- SetCellInfo(theInfo,theMode,theErr);
- if ( theErr && theErr < 0 )
- return;
- // write diameter
- TValueHolder<TString, char> aMeshName (aBallInfo.myMeshInfo->myName);
- TValueHolder<EGeometrieElement, med_geometry_type> aGeom (aBallInfo.myGeom);
- TValueHolder<TFloatVector, void> aDiam (aBallInfo.myDiameters);
- ret = MEDmeshStructElementVarAttWr(myFile->Id(), &aMeshName,
- theInfo.myNbElem, &aDiam);
- if ( theErr )
- *theErr = ret;
- else if ( ret < 0 )
- EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error,"SetBallInfo - MEDmeshStructElementVarAttWr");
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //! Write a MEDWrapped representation of MED_BALL to the MED file
- void TVWrapper::SetBallInfo(const TBallInfo& theInfo, TErr* theErr)
- {
- SetBallInfo( theInfo, eLECTURE_ECRITURE, theErr );
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------
- TInt
- TVWrapper
- ::GetNbFields(TErr* theErr)
- {
- TFileWrapper aFileWrapper(myFile,eLECTURE,theErr);
- if(theErr && *theErr < 0)
- return -1;
- return MEDnField(myFile->Id());
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- TInt
- TVWrapper
- ::GetNbComp(TInt theFieldId,
- TErr* theErr)
- {
- TFileWrapper aFileWrapper(myFile,eLECTURE,theErr);
- if(theErr && *theErr < 0)
- return -1;
- return MEDfieldnComponent(myFile->Id(),theFieldId);
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void
- TVWrapper
- ::GetFieldInfo(TInt theFieldId,
- MED::TFieldInfo& theInfo,
- TErr* theErr)
- {
- TFileWrapper aFileWrapper(myFile,eLECTURE,theErr);
- if(theErr && *theErr < 0)
- return;
- TString aFieldName(256); // Protect from memory problems with too long names
- TValueHolder<ETypeChamp, med_field_type> aType(theInfo.myType);
- TValueHolder<TString, char> aCompNames(theInfo.myCompNames);
- TValueHolder<TString, char> anUnitNames(theInfo.myUnitNames);
- MED::TMeshInfo& aMeshInfo = theInfo.myMeshInfo;
- TErr aRet;
- med_bool local;
- char dtunit[MED_SNAME_SIZE+1];
- char local_mesh_name[MED_NAME_SIZE+1]="";
- med_int nbofstp;
- theInfo.myNbComp = MEDfieldnComponent(myFile->Id(),theFieldId);
- aRet = MEDfieldInfo(myFile->Id(),
- theFieldId,
- &aFieldName[0],
- local_mesh_name,
- &local,
- &aType,
- &aCompNames,
- &anUnitNames,
- dtunit,
- &nbofstp);
- if(strcmp(&aMeshInfo.myName[0],local_mesh_name) != 0 ) {
- if(theErr)
- *theErr = -1;
- return;
- }
- theInfo.SetName(aFieldName);
- if(theErr)
- *theErr = aRet;
- else if(aRet < 0)
- EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error,"GetFieldInfo - MEDfieldInfo(...)");
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void
- TVWrapper
- ::SetFieldInfo(const MED::TFieldInfo& theInfo,
- EModeAcces theMode,
- TErr* theErr)
- {
- TFileWrapper aFileWrapper(myFile,theMode,theErr);
- if(theErr && *theErr < 0)
- return;
- MED::TFieldInfo& anInfo = const_cast<MED::TFieldInfo&>(theInfo);
- TValueHolder<TString, char> aFieldName(anInfo.myName);
- TValueHolder<ETypeChamp, med_field_type> aType(anInfo.myType);
- TValueHolder<TString, char> aCompNames(anInfo.myCompNames);
- TValueHolder<TString, char> anUnitNames(anInfo.myUnitNames);
- MED::TMeshInfo& aMeshInfo = anInfo.myMeshInfo;
- TErr aRet;
- char dtunit[MED_SNAME_SIZE+1];
- std::fill(dtunit,dtunit+MED_SNAME_SIZE+1,'\0');
- aRet = MEDfieldCr(myFile->Id(),
- &aFieldName,
- aType,
- anInfo.myNbComp,
- &aCompNames,
- &anUnitNames,
- dtunit,
- &aMeshInfo.myName[0]);
- if(theErr)
- *theErr = aRet;
- else if(aRet < 0)
- EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error,"SetFieldInfo - MEDfieldCr(...)");
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void
- TVWrapper
- ::SetFieldInfo(const MED::TFieldInfo& theInfo,
- TErr* theErr)
- {
- TErr aRet;
- SetFieldInfo(theInfo,eLECTURE_ECRITURE,&aRet);
- if(aRet < 0)
- SetFieldInfo(theInfo,eLECTURE_AJOUT,&aRet);
- if(theErr)
- *theErr = aRet;
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- TInt
- TVWrapper
- ::GetNbGauss(TErr* theErr)
- {
- TFileWrapper aFileWrapper(myFile,eLECTURE,theErr);
- if(theErr && *theErr < 0)
- return -1;
- return MEDnLocalization(myFile->Id());
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- TGaussInfo::TInfo
- TVWrapper
- ::GetGaussPreInfo(TInt theId,
- TErr* theErr)
- {
- TFileWrapper aFileWrapper(myFile,eLECTURE,theErr);
- if(theErr && *theErr < 0)
- return TGaussInfo::TInfo( TGaussInfo::TKey(ePOINT1,""),0 );
- med_int aNbGaussPoints = med_int();
- TVector<char> aName(GetNOMLength<eV2_2>()+1);
- med_geometry_type aGeom = MED_NONE;
- TErr aRet;
- med_int dim;
- char geointerpname[MED_NAME_SIZE+1]="";
- char ipointstructmeshname[MED_NAME_SIZE+1]="";
- med_int nsectionmeshcell;
- med_geometry_type sectiongeotype;
- aRet = MEDlocalizationInfo (myFile->Id(),
- theId,
- &aName[0],
- &aGeom,
- &dim,
- &aNbGaussPoints,
- geointerpname,
- ipointstructmeshname,
- &nsectionmeshcell,
- §iongeotype);
- if(theErr)
- *theErr = aRet;
- else if(aRet < 0)
- EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error,"GetGaussPreInfo - MEDlocalizationInfo(...)");
- return TGaussInfo::TInfo(TGaussInfo::TKey(EGeometrieElement(aGeom),&aName[0]),
- TInt(aNbGaussPoints));
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void
- TVWrapper
- ::GetGaussInfo(TInt theId,
- TGaussInfo& theInfo,
- TErr* theErr)
- {
- TFileWrapper aFileWrapper(myFile,eLECTURE,theErr);
- if(theErr && *theErr < 0)
- return;
- TValueHolder<TNodeCoord, med_float> aRefCoord(theInfo.myRefCoord);
- TValueHolder<TNodeCoord, med_float> aGaussCoord(theInfo.myGaussCoord);
- TValueHolder<TWeight, med_float> aWeight(theInfo.myWeight);
- TValueHolder<EModeSwitch, med_switch_mode> aModeSwitch(theInfo.myModeSwitch);
- TValueHolder<TString, char> aGaussName(theInfo.myName);
- TErr aRet;
- aRet = MEDlocalizationRd(myFile->Id(),
- &aGaussName,
- aModeSwitch,
- &aRefCoord,
- &aGaussCoord,
- &aWeight);
- if(theErr)
- *theErr = aRet;
- else if(aRet < 0)
- EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error,"GetGaussInfo - MEDlocalizationRd(...)");
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- TInt
- TVWrapper
- ::GetNbProfiles(TErr* theErr)
- {
- TFileWrapper aFileWrapper(myFile,eLECTURE,theErr);
- if(theErr && *theErr < 0)
- return -1;
- return MEDnProfile(myFile->Id());
- }
- TProfileInfo::TInfo
- TVWrapper
- ::GetProfilePreInfo(TInt theId,
- TErr* theErr)
- {
- TFileWrapper aFileWrapper(myFile,eLECTURE,theErr);
- if(theErr && *theErr < 0)
- return TProfileInfo::TInfo();
- med_int aSize = -1;
- TVector<char> aName(GetNOMLength<eV2_2>()+1);
- TErr aRet;
- aRet = MEDprofileInfo(myFile->Id(),
- theId,
- &aName[0],
- &aSize);
- if(theErr)
- *theErr = aRet;
- else if(aRet < 0)
- EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error,"GetProfilePreInfo - MEDprofileInfo(...)");
- return TProfileInfo::TInfo(&aName[0],aSize);
- }
- void
- TVWrapper
- ::GetProfileInfo(TInt theId,
- TProfileInfo& theInfo,
- TErr* theErr)
- {
- TFileWrapper aFileWrapper(myFile,eLECTURE,theErr);
- if(theErr && *theErr < 0)
- return;
- TProfileInfo& anInfo = const_cast<TProfileInfo&>(theInfo);
- TValueHolder<TElemNum, med_int> anElemNum(anInfo.myElemNum);
- TValueHolder<TString, char> aProfileName(anInfo.myName);
- TErr aRet;
- aRet = MEDprofileRd(myFile->Id(),
- &aProfileName,
- &anElemNum);
- if(theErr)
- *theErr = aRet;
- else if(aRet < 0)
- EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error,"GetProfileInfo - MEDprofileRd(...)");
- }
- void
- TVWrapper
- ::SetProfileInfo(const TProfileInfo& theInfo,
- EModeAcces theMode,
- TErr* theErr)
- {
- TFileWrapper aFileWrapper(myFile,theMode,theErr);
- if(theErr && *theErr < 0)
- return;
- TProfileInfo& anInfo = const_cast<TProfileInfo&>(theInfo);
- TValueHolder<TElemNum, med_int> anElemNum(anInfo.myElemNum);
- TValueHolder<TString, char> aProfileName(anInfo.myName);
- TErr aRet;
- aRet = MEDprofileWr(myFile->Id(), // descripteur du fichier.
- &aProfileName, // tableau de valeurs du profil.
- theInfo.GetSize(), // taille du profil.
- &anElemNum); // nom profil.
- if(theErr)
- *theErr = aRet;
- else if(aRet < 0)
- EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error,"SetProfileInfo - MEDprofileWr(...)");
- }
- void
- TVWrapper
- ::SetProfileInfo(const TProfileInfo& theInfo,
- TErr* theErr)
- {
- TErr aRet;
- SetProfileInfo(theInfo,eLECTURE_ECRITURE,&aRet);
- if(aRet < 0)
- SetProfileInfo(theInfo,eLECTURE_AJOUT,&aRet);
- if(aRet < 0)
- SetProfileInfo(theInfo,eCREATION,&aRet);
- if(theErr)
- *theErr = aRet;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------
- TInt
- TVWrapper
- ::GetNbTimeStamps(const MED::TFieldInfo& theInfo,
- const MED::TEntityInfo& theEntityInfo,
- EEntiteMaillage& theEntity,
- TGeom2Size& theGeom2Size,
- TErr* theErr)
- {
- theEntity = EEntiteMaillage(-1);
- TFileWrapper aFileWrapper(myFile,eLECTURE,theErr);
- if(theErr){
- if(theEntityInfo.empty())
- *theErr = -1;
- if(*theErr < 0)
- return -1;
- }else if(theEntityInfo.empty())
- EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error,"GetNbTimeStamps - There is no any Entity on the Mesh");
- bool anIsPerformAdditionalCheck = GetNbMeshes() > 1;
- theGeom2Size.clear();
- TInt aNbTimeStamps = 0;
- TIdt anId = myFile->Id();
- MED::TFieldInfo& anInfo = const_cast<MED::TFieldInfo&>(theInfo);
- TValueHolder<TString, char> aFieldName(anInfo.myName);
- MED::TMeshInfo& aMeshInfo = anInfo.myMeshInfo;
- // workaround for IPAL13676
- MED::TEntityInfo localEntityInfo = theEntityInfo;
- TEntityInfo::iterator anLocalIter = localEntityInfo.find(eMAILLE);
- if(anLocalIter != localEntityInfo.end()){
- localEntityInfo[eNOEUD_ELEMENT] = anLocalIter->second;
- }
- TEntityInfo::const_iterator anIter = localEntityInfo.begin();
- for(; anIter != localEntityInfo.end(); anIter++){
- med_entity_type anEntity = med_entity_type(anIter->first);
- const TGeom2Size& aGeom2Size = anIter->second;
- TGeom2Size::const_iterator anGeomIter = aGeom2Size.begin();
- for(; anGeomIter != aGeom2Size.end(); anGeomIter++){
- med_geometry_type aGeom = med_geometry_type(anGeomIter->first);
- char aMeshName[MED_NAME_SIZE+1];
- med_bool islocal;
- med_field_type ft;
- char dtunit[MED_SNAME_SIZE+1];
- med_int myNbComp = MEDfieldnComponentByName(anId,&aFieldName);
- char *cname=new char[myNbComp*MED_SNAME_SIZE+1];
- char *unitname=new char[myNbComp*MED_SNAME_SIZE+1];
- TInt aNbStamps;
- MEDfieldInfoByName(anId,
- &aFieldName,
- aMeshName,
- &islocal,
- &ft,
- cname,
- unitname,
- dtunit,
- &aNbStamps);
- delete [] cname;
- delete [] unitname;
- med_int nval = 0;
- med_int aNumDt;
- med_int aNumOrd;
- med_float aDt;
- if (aNbStamps > 0)
- {
- MEDfieldComputingStepInfo(anId,
- &aFieldName,
- 1,
- &aNumDt,
- &aNumOrd,
- &aDt);
- char profilename[MED_NAME_SIZE+1];
- char locname[MED_NAME_SIZE+1];
- med_int profilsize;
- med_int aNbGauss;
- // protection from crash (division by zero)
- // inside MEDfieldnValueWithProfile function
- // caused by the workaround for IPAL13676 (see above)
- if( anEntity == MED_NODE_ELEMENT && aGeom % 100 == 0 )
- continue;
- nval = MEDfieldnValueWithProfile(anId,
- &aFieldName,
- aNumDt,
- aNumOrd,
- anEntity,
- med_geometry_type(aGeom),
- 1,
- profilename,
- &profilsize,
- locname,
- &aNbGauss);
- }
- bool anIsSatisfied =(nval > 0);
- if(anIsSatisfied){
- "GetNbTimeStamps aNbTimeStamps = "<<aNbStamps<<
- "; aGeom = "<<aGeom<<"; anEntity = "<<anEntity<<"\n");
- if(anIsPerformAdditionalCheck){
- anIsSatisfied = !strcmp(&aMeshName[0],&aMeshInfo.myName[0]);
- if(!anIsSatisfied){
- "GetNbTimeStamps aMeshName = '"<<&aMeshName[0]<<"' != "<<
- "; aMeshInfo.myName = '"<<&aMeshInfo.myName[0]<<"'\n");
- }
- }
- }
- if(anIsSatisfied){
- theGeom2Size[EGeometrieElement(aGeom)] = anGeomIter->second;
- theEntity = EEntiteMaillage(anEntity);
- aNbTimeStamps = aNbStamps;
- }
- }
- if(!theGeom2Size.empty())
- break;
- }
- return aNbTimeStamps;
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void
- TVWrapper
- ::GetTimeStampInfo(TInt theTimeStampId,
- MED::TTimeStampInfo& theInfo,
- TErr* theErr)
- {
- TFileWrapper aFileWrapper(myFile,eLECTURE,theErr);
- const TGeom2Size& aGeom2Size = theInfo.myGeom2Size;
- if(theErr){
- if(aGeom2Size.empty())
- *theErr = -1;
- if(*theErr < 0)
- return;
- }else if(aGeom2Size.empty())
- EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error,"GetTimeStampInfo - There is no any cell");
- MED::TFieldInfo& aFieldInfo = *theInfo.myFieldInfo;
- MED::TMeshInfo& aMeshInfo = *aFieldInfo.myMeshInfo;
- TValueHolder<TString, char> aFieldName(aFieldInfo.myName);
- TValueHolder<EEntiteMaillage, med_entity_type> anEntity(theInfo.myEntity);
- TValueHolder<TInt, med_int> aNumDt(theInfo.myNumDt);
- TValueHolder<TInt, med_int> aNumOrd(theInfo.myNumOrd);
- TValueHolder<TString, char> anUnitDt(theInfo.myUnitDt);
- TValueHolder<TFloat, med_float> aDt(theInfo.myDt);
- TValueHolder<TString, char> aMeshName(aMeshInfo.myName);
- TValueHolder<EBooleen, med_bool> anIsLocal(aFieldInfo.myIsLocal);
- TValueHolder<TInt, med_int> aNbRef(aFieldInfo.myNbRef);
- TGeom2NbGauss& aGeom2NbGauss = theInfo.myGeom2NbGauss;
- // just to get a time stamp unit (anUnitDt)
- med_field_type aFieldType;
- med_int aNbComp = MEDfieldnComponentByName(myFile->Id(), &aFieldName);
- char *aCompName = new char[aNbComp*MED_SNAME_SIZE+1];
- char *aCompUnit = new char[aNbComp*MED_SNAME_SIZE+1];
- TInt aNbStamps;
- MEDfieldInfoByName(myFile->Id(),
- &aFieldName,
- &aMeshName,
- &anIsLocal,
- &aFieldType,
- aCompName,
- aCompUnit,
- &anUnitDt,
- &aNbStamps);
- delete [] aCompName;
- delete [] aCompUnit;
- TGeom2Size::const_iterator anIter = aGeom2Size.begin();
- for(; anIter != aGeom2Size.end(); anIter++){
- const EGeometrieElement& aGeom = anIter->first;
- med_int aNbGauss = -1;
- TErr aRet;
- aRet = MEDfieldComputingStepInfo(myFile->Id(),
- &aFieldName,
- theTimeStampId,
- &aNumDt,
- &aNumOrd,
- &aDt);
- char profilename[MED_NAME_SIZE+1];
- med_int profilsize;
- char locname[MED_NAME_SIZE+1];
- MEDfieldnValueWithProfile(myFile->Id(),
- &aFieldName,
- aNumDt,
- aNumOrd,
- anEntity,
- med_geometry_type(aGeom),
- 1,
- profilename,
- &profilsize,
- locname,
- &aNbGauss);
- static TInt MAX_NB_GAUSS_POINTS = 32;
- if(aNbGauss <= 0 || aNbGauss > MAX_NB_GAUSS_POINTS)
- aNbGauss = 1;
- aGeom2NbGauss[aGeom] = aNbGauss;
- if(theErr)
- *theErr = aRet;
- else if(aRet < 0)
- EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error,"GetTimeStampInfo - MEDfieldnValueWithProfile(...)");
- }
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void
- TVWrapper
- ::GetTimeStampValue(const PTimeStampValueBase& theTimeStampValue,
- const TMKey2Profile& theMKey2Profile,
- const TKey2Gauss& theKey2Gauss,
- TErr* theErr)
- {
- TFileWrapper aFileWrapper(myFile,eLECTURE,theErr);
- if(theErr && *theErr < 0)
- return;
- TIdt anId = myFile->Id();
- TValueHolder<EModeSwitch, med_switch_mode> aModeSwitch(theTimeStampValue->myModeSwitch);
- MED::TGeom2Profile& aGeom2Profile = theTimeStampValue->myGeom2Profile;
- MED::PTimeStampInfo aTimeStampInfo = theTimeStampValue->myTimeStampInfo;
- TValueHolder<EEntiteMaillage, med_entity_type> anEntity(aTimeStampInfo->myEntity);
- TValueHolder<TInt, med_int> aNumDt(aTimeStampInfo->myNumDt);
- TValueHolder<TInt, med_int> aNumOrd(aTimeStampInfo->myNumOrd);
- MED::PFieldInfo aFieldInfo = aTimeStampInfo->myFieldInfo;
- TValueHolder<TString, char> aFieldName(aFieldInfo->myName);
- TValueHolder<EBooleen, med_bool> anIsLocal(aFieldInfo->myIsLocal);
- MED::PMeshInfo aMeshInfo = aFieldInfo->myMeshInfo;
- TValueHolder<TString, char> aMeshName(aMeshInfo->myName);
- TGeom2Gauss& aGeom2Gauss = aTimeStampInfo->myGeom2Gauss;
- TVector<char> aGaussName(GetNOMLength<eV2_2>()+1);
- med_storage_mode aProfileMode = med_storage_mode(boost::get<0>(theMKey2Profile));
- MED::TKey2Profile aKey2Profile = boost::get<1>(theMKey2Profile);
- TVector<char> aProfileName(GetNOMLength<eV2_2>()+1);
- TGeom2Size& aGeom2Size = aTimeStampInfo->myGeom2Size;
- TGeom2Size::iterator anIter = aGeom2Size.begin();
- for(; anIter != aGeom2Size.end(); anIter++){
- EGeometrieElement aGeom = anIter->first;
- TInt aNbElem = anIter->second;
- med_int profilesize,aNbGauss;
- TInt aNbVal = MEDfieldnValueWithProfile(anId,
- &aFieldName,
- aNumDt,
- aNumOrd,
- anEntity,
- med_geometry_type(aGeom),
- 1,
- aProfileMode,
- &aProfileName[0],
- &profilesize,
- &aGaussName[0],
- &aNbGauss);
- if(aNbVal <= 0){
- if(theErr){
- *theErr = -1;
- return;
- }
- EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error,"GetTimeStampValue - MEDfieldnValueWithProfile(...) - aNbVal == "<<aNbVal<<" <= 0");
- }
- TInt aNbComp = aFieldInfo->myNbComp;
- TInt aNbValue = aNbVal;// / aNbGauss; rules in MED changed
- theTimeStampValue->AllocateValue(aGeom,
- aNbValue,
- aNbGauss,
- aNbComp);
- TInt aValueSize = theTimeStampValue->GetValueSize(aGeom);
- "TVWrapper::GetTimeStampValue - aGeom = "<<aGeom<<
- "; aNbVal = "<<aNbVal<<
- "; aNbValue = "<<aNbValue<<
- "; aNbGauss = "<<aNbGauss<<
- "; aNbComp = "<<aNbComp<<
- std::endl);
- TErr aRet = MEDfieldValueWithProfileRd(anId,
- &aFieldName,
- aNumDt,
- aNumOrd,
- anEntity,
- med_geometry_type(aGeom),
- aProfileMode,
- &aProfileName[0],
- aModeSwitch,
- theTimeStampValue->GetValuePtr(aGeom));
- if(aRet < 0){
- if(theErr){
- *theErr = MED_FALSE;
- return;
- }
- EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error,"GetTimeStampValue - MEDfieldValueWithProfileRd(...)");
- }
- MED::PGaussInfo aGaussInfo;
- TGaussInfo::TKey aKey(aGeom,&aGaussName[0]);
- if(strcmp(&aGaussName[0],"") != 0){
- MED::TKey2Gauss::const_iterator anIter = theKey2Gauss.find(aKey);
- if(anIter != theKey2Gauss.end()){
- aGaussInfo = anIter->second;
- aGeom2Gauss[aGeom] = aGaussInfo;
- }
- }
- MED::PProfileInfo aProfileInfo;
- if(strcmp(&aProfileName[0],MED_NO_PROFILE) != 0){
- MED::TKey2Profile::const_iterator anIter = aKey2Profile.find(&aProfileName[0]);
- if(anIter != aKey2Profile.end()){
- aProfileInfo = anIter->second;
- aGeom2Profile[aGeom] = aProfileInfo;
- }
- }
- if(aGaussInfo && aNbGauss != aGaussInfo->GetNbGauss()){
- if(theErr){
- *theErr = MED_FALSE;
- return;
- }
- EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error,"GetTimeStampValue - aNbGauss != aGaussInfo->GetNbGauss()");
- }
- if(aProfileInfo && aProfileInfo->IsPresent()){
- TInt aNbSubElem = aProfileInfo->GetSize();
- TInt aProfileSize = aNbSubElem*aNbComp*aNbGauss;
- if(aProfileSize != aValueSize){
- if(theErr){
- *theErr = -1;
- return;
- }
- EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error,
- "GetTimeStampValue - aProfileSize("<<aProfileSize<<
- ") != aValueSize("<<aValueSize<<
- "); aNbVal = "<<aNbVal<<
- "; anEntity = "<<anEntity<<
- "; aGeom = "<<aGeom<<
- "; aNbElem = "<<aNbElem<<
- "; aNbSubElem = "<<aNbSubElem<<
- "; aNbComp = "<<aNbComp<<
- "; aNbGauss = "<<aNbGauss<<
- "");
- }
- }else{
- if((aProfileMode == MED_GLOBAL_STMODE) && (aNbElem != aNbValue)){
- if(theErr){
- *theErr = -1;
- return;
- }
- EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error,
- "GetTimeStampValue - aNbElem("<<aNbElem<<
- ") != aNbValue("<<aNbValue<<
- "); aNbVal = "<<aNbVal<<
- "; anEntity = "<<anEntity<<
- "; aGeom = "<<aGeom<<
- "; aNbElem = "<<aNbElem<<
- "; aNbComp = "<<aNbComp<<
- "; aNbGauss = "<<aNbGauss<<
- "");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void
- TVWrapper
- ::SetTimeStampValue(const MED::PTimeStampValueBase& theTimeStampValue,
- EModeAcces theMode,
- TErr* theErr)
- {
- TFileWrapper aFileWrapper(myFile,theMode,theErr);
- if(theErr && *theErr < 0)
- return;
- TErr aRet;
- TIdt anId = myFile->Id();
- TValueHolder<EModeSwitch, med_switch_mode> aModeSwitch(theTimeStampValue->myModeSwitch);
- MED::TGeom2Profile& aGeom2Profile = theTimeStampValue->myGeom2Profile;
- MED::PTimeStampInfo aTimeStampInfo = theTimeStampValue->myTimeStampInfo;
- TValueHolder<EEntiteMaillage, med_entity_type> anEntity(aTimeStampInfo->myEntity);
- TValueHolder<TInt, med_int> aNumDt(aTimeStampInfo->myNumDt);
- TValueHolder<TInt, med_int> aNumOrd(aTimeStampInfo->myNumOrd);
- TValueHolder<TString, char> anUnitDt(aTimeStampInfo->myUnitDt);
- TValueHolder<TFloat, med_float> aDt(aTimeStampInfo->myDt);
- MED::TGeom2Gauss& aGeom2Gauss = aTimeStampInfo->myGeom2Gauss;
- MED::PFieldInfo aFieldInfo = aTimeStampInfo->myFieldInfo;
- TValueHolder<TString, char> aFieldName(aFieldInfo->myName);
- MED::PMeshInfo aMeshInfo = aFieldInfo->myMeshInfo;
- TValueHolder<TString, char> aMeshName(aMeshInfo->myName);
- const TGeomSet& aGeomSet = theTimeStampValue->myGeomSet;
- TGeomSet::const_iterator anIter = aGeomSet.begin();
- for(; anIter != aGeomSet.end(); anIter++){
- EGeometrieElement aGeom = *anIter;
- TVector<char> aGaussName(GetNOMLength<eV2_2>()+1);
- MED::TGeom2Gauss::const_iterator aGaussIter = aGeom2Gauss.find(aGeom);
- if(aGaussIter != aGeom2Gauss.end()){
- MED::PGaussInfo aGaussInfo = aGaussIter->second;
- strcpy(&aGaussName[0],&aGaussInfo->myName[0]);
- }
- TVector<char> aProfileName(GetNOMLength<eV2_2>()+1);
- med_storage_mode aProfileMode = med_storage_mode(eNO_PFLMOD);
- MED::TGeom2Profile::const_iterator aProfileIter = aGeom2Profile.find(aGeom);
- if(aProfileIter != aGeom2Profile.end()){
- MED::PProfileInfo aProfileInfo = aProfileIter->second;
- aProfileMode = med_storage_mode(aProfileInfo->myMode);
- strcpy(&aProfileName[0],&aProfileInfo->myName[0]);
- }
- med_int aNbVal = theTimeStampValue->GetNbVal(aGeom);
- aRet = MEDfieldValueWithProfileWr(anId,
- &aFieldName,
- aNumDt,
- aNumOrd,
- aDt,
- anEntity,
- med_geometry_type(aGeom),
- aProfileMode,
- &aProfileName[0],
- &aGaussName[0],
- aModeSwitch,
- aNbVal,
- theTimeStampValue->GetValuePtr(aGeom));
- if(aRet < 0){
- if(theErr){
- *theErr = MED_FALSE;
- break;
- }
- EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error,"SetTimeStampValue - MEDfieldValueWithProfileWr(...)");
- }
- }
- INITMSG(MYDEBUG,"TVWrapper::SetTimeStampValue - MED_MODE_ACCES = "<<theMode<<"; aRet = "<<aRet<<std::endl);
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void
- TVWrapper
- ::SetTimeStampValue(const PTimeStampValueBase& theTimeStampValue,
- TErr* theErr)
- {
- TErr aRet;
- SetTimeStampValue(theTimeStampValue,eLECTURE_ECRITURE,&aRet);
- if(aRet < 0)
- SetTimeStampValue(theTimeStampValue,eLECTURE_AJOUT,&aRet);
- if(theErr)
- *theErr = aRet;
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void
- TVWrapper
- ::SetGrilleInfo(const MED::TGrilleInfo& theInfo,
- TErr* theErr)
- {
- SetGrilleInfo(theInfo,eLECTURE_ECRITURE,theErr);
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void
- TVWrapper
- ::SetGrilleInfo(const MED::TGrilleInfo& theInfo,
- EModeAcces theMode,
- TErr* theErr)
- {
- if(theInfo.myMeshInfo->myType != eSTRUCTURE)
- return;
- TFileWrapper aFileWrapper(myFile,theMode,theErr);
- if(theErr && *theErr < 0)
- return;
- MED::TGrilleInfo& anInfo = const_cast<MED::TGrilleInfo&>(theInfo);
- MED::TMeshInfo& aMeshInfo = *anInfo.myMeshInfo;
- TValueHolder<TString, char> aMeshName(aMeshInfo.myName);
- TValueHolder<EGrilleType, med_grid_type > aGrilleType(anInfo.myGrilleType);
- TErr aRet = 0;
- aRet = MEDmeshGridTypeRd(myFile->Id(),
- &aMeshName,
- &aGrilleType);
- if(theErr)
- *theErr = aRet;
- else if(aRet < 0)
- EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error,"SetGrilleInfo - MEDmeshGridTypeRd(...)");
- if(anInfo.myGrilleType == eGRILLE_STANDARD){
- TValueHolder<TNodeCoord, med_float> aCoord(anInfo.myCoord);
- TValueHolder<EModeSwitch, med_switch_mode> aModeSwitch(anInfo.myModeSwitch);
- TValueHolder<TString, char> aCoordNames(anInfo.myCoordNames);
- TValueHolder<TString, char> aCoordUnits(anInfo.myCoordUnits);
- med_int aNbNoeuds = med_int(anInfo.myCoord.size() / aMeshInfo.myDim);
- //med_axis_type aRepere = MED_CARTESIAN;
- aRet = MEDmeshNodeCoordinateWr(myFile->Id(),
- &aMeshName,
- aModeSwitch,
- aNbNoeuds,
- &aCoord);
- if(aRet < 0)
- EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error,"SetGrilleInfo - MEDmeshNodeCoordinateWr(...)");
- TValueHolder<TIntVector, med_int> aGrilleStructure(anInfo.myGrilleStructure);
- aRet = MEDmeshGridStructWr(myFile->Id(),
- &aMeshName,
- &aGrilleStructure);
- if(aRet < 0)
- EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error,"SetGrilleInfo - MEDmeshGridStructWr(...)");
- } else {
- for(med_int aAxis = 0; aAxis < aMeshInfo.myDim; aAxis++){
- aRet = MEDmeshGridIndexCoordinateWr(myFile->Id(),
- &aMeshName,
- aAxis+1,
- anInfo.GetIndexes(aAxis).size(),
- &anInfo.GetIndexes(aAxis)[0]);
- if(aRet < 0)
- EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error,"SetGrilleInfo - MEDmeshGridIndexCoordinateWr(...)");
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void
- TVWrapper
- ::GetGrilleInfo(TGrilleInfo& theInfo,
- TErr* theErr)
- {
- TFileWrapper aFileWrapper(myFile,eLECTURE,theErr);
- if(theErr && *theErr < 0)
- return;
- MED::TMeshInfo& aMeshInfo = *theInfo.myMeshInfo;
- TValueHolder<TString, char> aMeshName(aMeshInfo.myName);
- EMaillage aMaillageType = aMeshInfo.myType;
- GetGrilleType(aMeshInfo, theInfo.myGrilleType, theErr);
- EGrilleType aGrilleType = theInfo.myGrilleType;
- TErr aRet = 0;
- if(aMaillageType == eSTRUCTURE && aGrilleType == eGRILLE_STANDARD) {
- GetGrilleStruct(aMeshInfo, theInfo.myGrilleStructure, theErr);
- TValueHolder<TNodeCoord, med_float> aCoord(theInfo.myCoord);
- TValueHolder<EModeSwitch, med_switch_mode> aModeSwitch(theInfo.myModeSwitch);
- TValueHolder<TString, char> aCoordNames(theInfo.myCoordNames);
- TValueHolder<TString, char> aCoordUnits(theInfo.myCoordUnits);
- //med_axis_type aRepere;
- aRet = MEDmeshNodeCoordinateRd(myFile->Id(),
- &aMeshName,
- aModeSwitch,
- &aCoord);
- if(theErr)
- *theErr = aRet;
- else if(aRet < 0)
- EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error,"GetGrilleInfo - MEDmeshNodeCoordinateRd(...)");
- //TInt aNbNodes = theInfo.GetNbNodes();//GetNbFamilies(aMeshInfo);
- TValueHolder<TElemNum, med_int> aFamNumNode(theInfo.myFamNumNode);
- aRet = MEDmeshEntityFamilyNumberRd(myFile->Id(),
- &aMeshName,
- &aFamNumNode);
- if(aRet < 0)
- {
-// if (aRet == MED_ERR_DOESNTEXIST) // --- only valid with MED3.x files
- {
- int mySize = (int)theInfo.myFamNumNode.size();
- theInfo.myFamNumNode.clear();
- theInfo.myFamNumNode.resize(mySize,0);
- aRet = 0;
- }
-// else
-// EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error,"GetGrilleInfo - MEDmeshEntityFamilyNumberRd(...)");
- }
- if(theErr)
- *theErr = aRet;
- //============================
- }
- if(aMaillageType == eSTRUCTURE && aGrilleType != eGRILLE_STANDARD){
- ETable aTable;
- for(med_int anAxis = 1; anAxis <= aMeshInfo.myDim; anAxis++){
- switch(anAxis){
- case 1 :
- aTable = eCOOR_IND1;
- break;
- case 2 :
- aTable = eCOOR_IND2;
- break;
- case 3 :
- aTable = eCOOR_IND3;
- break;
- default :
- aRet = -1;
- }
- if(theErr)
- *theErr = aRet;
- else if(aRet < 0)
- EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error,"GetGrilleInfo - anAxis number out of range(...)");
- TInt aNbIndexes = GetNbNodes(aMeshInfo,aTable);
- if(aNbIndexes < 0)
- EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error,"GetGrilleInfo - Erreur a la lecture de la taille de l'indice");
- TValueHolder<TFloatVector, med_float> anIndexes(theInfo.GetIndexes(anAxis-1));
- //TValueHolder<ETable, med_data_type > table(aTable);
- //char aCompNames[MED_SNAME_SIZE+1];
- //char anUnitNames[MED_SNAME_SIZE+1];
- aRet=MEDmeshGridIndexCoordinateRd(myFile->Id(),&aMeshName,
- anAxis,
- &anIndexes);
- //theInfo.SetCoordName(anAxis-1, aCompNames);
- //theInfo.SetCoordUnit(anAxis-1, anUnitNames);
- theInfo.SetGrilleStructure(anAxis-1, aNbIndexes);
- if(theErr)
- *theErr = aRet;
- else if(aRet < 0)
- EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error,"GetGrilleInfo - MEDindicesCoordLire(...)");
- }
- }
- EGeometrieElement aGeom = theInfo.GetGeom();
- EEntiteMaillage aEntity = theInfo.GetEntity();
- TInt aNbCells = theInfo.GetNbCells();
- theInfo.myFamNum.resize(aNbCells);
- TValueHolder<TElemNum, med_int> aFamNum(theInfo.myFamNum);
- aRet = MEDmeshEntityFamilyNumberRd(myFile->Id(),
- &aMeshName,MED_NO_DT,MED_NO_IT,med_entity_type(aEntity),
- med_geometry_type(aGeom),&aFamNum);
- if ( aMeshInfo.myDim == 3 )
- {
- aGeom = theInfo.GetSubGeom();
- aEntity = theInfo.GetSubEntity();
- aNbCells = theInfo.GetNbSubCells();
- theInfo.myFamSubNum.resize(aNbCells,0);
- TValueHolder<TElemNum, med_int> aFamNum(theInfo.myFamSubNum);
- aRet = MEDmeshEntityFamilyNumberRd(myFile->Id(),
- &aMeshName,MED_NO_DT,MED_NO_IT,
- med_entity_type(aEntity),
- med_geometry_type(aGeom),&aFamNum);
- }
- if(aRet < 0)
- {
-// if (aRet == MED_ERR_DOESNTEXIST) // --- only valid with MED3.x files
- {
- int mySize = (int)theInfo.myFamNumNode.size();
- theInfo.myFamNumNode.clear();
- theInfo.myFamNumNode.resize(mySize,0);
- aRet = 0;
- }
-// else
-// EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error,"GetGrilleInfo - MEDmeshEntityFamilyNumberRd(...)");
- }
- if(theErr)
- *theErr = aRet;
- }
- void
- TVWrapper
- ::GetGrilleType(const MED::TMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- EGrilleType& theGridType,
- TErr* theErr)
- {
- TFileWrapper aFileWrapper(myFile,eLECTURE,theErr);
- if(theErr && *theErr < 0)
- EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error," GetGrilleType - aFileWrapper (...)");
- MED::TMeshInfo& aMeshInfo = const_cast<MED::TMeshInfo&>(theMeshInfo);
- if(aMeshInfo.myType == eSTRUCTURE){
- TValueHolder<TString, char> aMeshName(aMeshInfo.myName);
- TValueHolder<EGrilleType, med_grid_type> aGridType(theGridType);
- TErr aRet = MEDmeshGridTypeRd(myFile->Id(),
- &aMeshName,
- &aGridType);
- if(aRet < 0)
- EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error,"GetGrilleInfo - MEDmeshGridTypeRd(...)");
- }
- }
- void
- TVWrapper
- ::GetGrilleStruct(const MED::TMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- TIntVector& theStruct,
- TErr* theErr)
- {
- TFileWrapper aFileWrapper(myFile,eLECTURE,theErr);
- if(theErr && *theErr < 0)
- return;
- TErr aRet;
- MED::TMeshInfo& aMeshInfo = const_cast<MED::TMeshInfo&>(theMeshInfo);
- TValueHolder<TString, char> aMeshName(aMeshInfo.myName);
- TValueHolder<TIntVector, med_int> aGridStructure(theStruct);
- aRet = MEDmeshGridStructRd(myFile->Id(),
- &aMeshName,
- &aGridStructure);
- if(theErr)
- *theErr = aRet;
- else if(aRet < 0)
- EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error,"GetGrilleInfo - MEDmeshGridStructRd(...)");
- }
- }
+++ /dev/null
-// Copyright (C) 2007-2013 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE
-// Copyright (C) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
-// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-// version 2.1 of the License.
-// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// Lesser General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
-// File :
-// Author :
-// Module :
-// $Header$
-#ifndef MED_V2_2_Wrapper_HeaderFile
-#define MED_V2_2_Wrapper_HeaderFile
-#ifdef WIN32
- #if defined MEDWRAPPER_V2_2_EXPORTS || defined MEDWrapper_V2_2_EXPORTS
- #if defined WIN32
- #define MED_V22_WRAPPER_EXPORT __declspec( dllexport )
- #else
- #endif
- #else
- #if defined WIN32
- #define MED_V22_WRAPPER_EXPORT __declspec( dllimport )
- #else
- #endif
- #endif
-#include "MED_Structures.hxx"
-#include "MED_TWrapper.hxx"
-namespace MED
- template<>
- GetDESCLength<eV2_2>();
- template<>
- GetIDENTLength<eV2_2>();
- template<>
- GetNOMLength<eV2_2>();
- template<>
- GetLNOMLength<eV2_2>();
- template<>
- GetPNOMLength<eV2_2>();
- template<>
- GetVersionRelease<eV2_2>(TInt& majeur, TInt& mineur, TInt& release);
- template<>
- GetNbConn<eV2_2>(EGeometrieElement typmai,
- EEntiteMaillage typent,
- TInt mdim);
- namespace V2_2
- {
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class TFile;
- typedef boost::shared_ptr<TFile> PFile;
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class MED_V22_WRAPPER_EXPORT TVWrapper: public MED::TTWrapper<eV2_2>
- {
- TVWrapper();
- TVWrapper(const TVWrapper&);
- TVWrapper& operator=(const TVWrapper&);
- public:
- TVWrapper(const std::string& theFileName);
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual
- TInt
- GetNbMeshes(TErr* theErr = NULL);
- virtual
- void
- GetMeshInfo(TInt theMeshId, MED::TMeshInfo&,
- TErr* theErr = NULL);
- virtual
- void
- SetMeshInfo(const MED::TMeshInfo& theInfo,
- TErr* theErr = NULL);
- void SetMeshInfo(const MED::TMeshInfo& theInfo,
- EModeAcces theMode,
- TErr* theErr = NULL);
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual
- TInt
- GetNbFamilies(const MED::TMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- TErr* theErr = NULL);
- virtual
- TInt
- GetNbFamAttr(TInt theFamId,
- const MED::TMeshInfo& theInfo,
- TErr* theErr = NULL);
- virtual
- TInt
- GetNbFamGroup(TInt theFamId,
- const MED::TMeshInfo& theInfo,
- TErr* theErr = NULL);
- virtual
- void
- GetFamilyInfo(TInt theFamId,
- MED::TFamilyInfo& theInfo,
- TErr* theErr = NULL);
- virtual
- void
- SetFamilyInfo(const MED::TFamilyInfo& theInfo,
- TErr* theErr = NULL);
- void
- SetFamilyInfo(const MED::TFamilyInfo& theInfo,
- EModeAcces theMode,
- TErr* theErr = NULL);
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual
- void
- GetNames(TElemInfo& theInfo,
- TInt nb,
- EEntiteMaillage theEntity,
- EGeometrieElement theGeom,
- TErr* theErr = NULL);
- virtual
- void
- GetNumeration(TElemInfo& theInfo,
- TInt nb,
- EEntiteMaillage theEntity,
- EGeometrieElement theGeom,
- TErr* theErr = NULL);
- virtual
- void
- GetFamilies(TElemInfo& theInfo,
- TInt nb,
- EEntiteMaillage theEntity,
- EGeometrieElement theGeom,
- TErr* theErr = NULL);
- virtual
- void
- SetNames(const TElemInfo& theInfo,
- EEntiteMaillage theEntity,
- EGeometrieElement theGeom,
- TErr* theErr = NULL);
- void
- SetNames(const TElemInfo& theInfo,
- EModeAcces theMode,
- EEntiteMaillage theEntity,
- EGeometrieElement theGeom,
- TErr* theErr = NULL);
- virtual
- void
- SetNumeration(const TElemInfo& theInfo,
- EEntiteMaillage theEntity,
- EGeometrieElement theGeom,
- TErr* theErr = NULL);
- void
- SetNumeration(const TElemInfo& theInfo,
- EModeAcces theMode,
- EEntiteMaillage theEntity,
- EGeometrieElement theGeom,
- TErr* theErr = NULL);
- virtual
- void
- SetFamilies(const TElemInfo& theInfo,
- EEntiteMaillage theEntity,
- EGeometrieElement theGeom,
- TErr* theErr = NULL);
- void
- SetFamilies(const TElemInfo& theInfo,
- EModeAcces theMode,
- EEntiteMaillage theEntity,
- EGeometrieElement theGeom,
- TErr* theErr = NULL);
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual
- TInt
- GetNbNodes(const MED::TMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- TErr* theErr = NULL)
- {
- return GetNbNodes(theMeshInfo,eCOOR,theErr);
- }
- TInt
- GetNbNodes(const MED::TMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- ETable theTable,
- TErr* theErr = NULL);
- virtual
- void
- GetNodeInfo(MED::TNodeInfo& theInfo,
- TErr* theErr = NULL);
- virtual
- void
- SetNodeInfo(const MED::TNodeInfo& theInfo,
- TErr* theErr = NULL);
- void
- SetNodeInfo(const MED::TNodeInfo& theInfo,
- EModeAcces theMode,
- TErr* theErr = NULL);
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual
- void
- GetPolygoneInfo(TPolygoneInfo& theInfo,
- TErr* theErr = NULL);
- virtual
- void
- SetPolygoneInfo(const TPolygoneInfo& theInfo,
- TErr* theErr = NULL);
- void
- SetPolygoneInfo(const MED::TPolygoneInfo& theInfo,
- EModeAcces theMode,
- TErr* theErr = NULL);
- virtual
- TInt
- GetNbPolygones(const TMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- EEntiteMaillage theEntity,
- EGeometrieElement theGeom,
- EConnectivite theConnMode = eNOD,
- TErr* theErr = NULL);
- virtual
- TInt
- GetPolygoneConnSize(const TMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- EEntiteMaillage theEntity,
- EGeometrieElement theGeom,
- EConnectivite theConnMode = eNOD,
- TErr* theErr = NULL);
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual
- void
- GetPolyedreInfo(TPolyedreInfo& theInfo,
- TErr* theErr = NULL);
- virtual
- void
- SetPolyedreInfo(const TPolyedreInfo& theInfo,
- TErr* theErr = NULL);
- void
- SetPolyedreInfo(const MED::TPolyedreInfo& theInfo,
- EModeAcces theMode,
- TErr* theErr = NULL);
- virtual
- TInt
- GetNbPolyedres(const TMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- EEntiteMaillage,
- EGeometrieElement,
- EConnectivite,
- TErr* theErr = NULL);
- virtual
- void
- GetPolyedreConnSize(const TMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- TInt& theNbFaces,
- TInt& theConnSize,
- EConnectivite theConnMode = eNOD,
- TErr* theErr = NULL);
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual
- TEntityInfo
- GetEntityInfo(const MED::TMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- EConnectivite theConnMode = eNOD,
- TErr* theErr = NULL);
- virtual
- TInt
- GetNbCells(const MED::TMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- EEntiteMaillage,
- EGeometrieElement,
- EConnectivite theConnMode = eNOD,
- TErr* theErr = NULL);
- virtual
- void
- GetCellInfo(MED::TCellInfo& theInfo,
- TErr* theErr = NULL);
- virtual
- void
- SetCellInfo(const MED::TCellInfo& theInfo,
- TErr* theErr = NULL);
- void
- SetCellInfo(const MED::TCellInfo& theInfo,
- EModeAcces theMode,
- TErr* theErr = NULL);
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //! Read geom type of MED_BALL structural element
- EGeometrieElement GetBallGeom(const TMeshInfo& theMeshInfo);
- //! Read number of balls in the Mesh
- virtual TInt GetNbBalls(const TMeshInfo& theMeshInfo);
- //! Read a MEDWrapped representation of MED_BALL from the MED file
- virtual void GetBallInfo(TBallInfo& theInfo, TErr* theErr = NULL);
- //! Write a MEDWrapped representation of MED_BALL to the MED file
- virtual void SetBallInfo(const TBallInfo& theInfo, TErr* theErr);
- //! Write a MEDWrapped representation of MED_BALL to the MED file
- void SetBallInfo(const TBallInfo& theInfo, EModeAcces theMode, TErr* theErr);
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual
- TInt
- GetNbFields(TErr* theErr = NULL);
- virtual
- TInt
- GetNbComp(TInt theFieldId,
- TErr* theErr = NULL);
- virtual
- void
- GetFieldInfo(TInt theFieldId,
- MED::TFieldInfo& theInfo,
- TErr* theErr = NULL);
- virtual
- void
- SetFieldInfo(const MED::TFieldInfo& theInfo,
- TErr* theErr = NULL);
- void
- SetFieldInfo(const MED::TFieldInfo& theInfo,
- EModeAcces theMode,
- TErr* theErr = NULL);
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual
- TInt
- GetNbGauss(TErr* theErr = NULL);
- virtual
- TGaussInfo::TInfo
- GetGaussPreInfo(TInt theId,
- TErr* theErr = NULL);
- virtual
- void
- GetGaussInfo(TInt theId,
- TGaussInfo& theInfo,
- TErr* theErr = NULL);
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual
- TInt
- GetNbProfiles(TErr* theErr = NULL);
- virtual
- TProfileInfo::TInfo
- GetProfilePreInfo(TInt theId,
- TErr* theErr = NULL);
- virtual
- void
- GetProfileInfo(TInt theId,
- TProfileInfo& theInfo,
- TErr* theErr = NULL);
- virtual
- void
- SetProfileInfo(const TProfileInfo& theInfo,
- TErr* theErr = NULL);
- void
- SetProfileInfo(const TProfileInfo& theInfo,
- EModeAcces theMode,
- TErr* theErr = NULL);
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual
- TInt
- GetNbTimeStamps(const MED::TFieldInfo& theInfo,
- const MED::TEntityInfo& theEntityInfo,
- EEntiteMaillage& theEntity,
- TGeom2Size& theGeom2Size,
- TErr* theErr = NULL);
- virtual
- void
- GetTimeStampInfo(TInt theTimeStampId,
- MED::TTimeStampInfo& theInfo,
- TErr* theErr = NULL);
- virtual
- void
- GetTimeStampValue(const PTimeStampValueBase& theTimeStampValue,
- const TMKey2Profile& theMKey2Profile,
- const TKey2Gauss& theKey2Gauss,
- TErr* theErr = NULL);
- virtual
- void
- SetTimeStampValue(const PTimeStampValueBase& theTimeStampValue,
- TErr* theErr = NULL);
- void
- SetTimeStampValue(const PTimeStampValueBase& theTimeStampValue,
- EModeAcces theMode,
- TErr* theErr = NULL);
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual
- void
- GetGrilleInfo(TGrilleInfo& theGrilleInfo,
- TErr* theErr = NULL);
- virtual
- void
- SetGrilleInfo(const MED::TGrilleInfo& theGrilleInfo,
- TErr* theErr = NULL);
- void
- SetGrilleInfo(const MED::TGrilleInfo& theGrilleInfo,
- EModeAcces theMode,
- TErr* theErr = NULL);
- virtual
- void
- GetGrilleType(const MED::TMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- EGrilleType& type,
- TErr* theErr = NULL);
- void
- GetGrilleStruct(const MED::TMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
- TIntVector& theStruct,
- TErr* theErr = NULL);
- protected:
- PFile myFile;
- };
- }
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright (C) 2007-2013 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE
-# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-# version 2.1 of the License.
-# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# Lesser General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-# See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
-# File :
-# Author :
-# Module :
-# $Header$
-include $(top_srcdir)/adm_local/unix/make_common_starter.am
-lib_LTLIBRARIES= libMEDWrapper_V2_2.la
-salomeinclude_HEADERS = \
- MED_V2_2_Wrapper.hxx
-dist_libMEDWrapper_V2_2_la_SOURCES = \
- MED_V2_2_Wrapper.cxx
-libMEDWrapper_V2_2_la_CPPFLAGS= $(BOOST_CPPFLAGS) $(MED3_INCLUDES) $(HDF5_INCLUDES) -I$(srcdir)/../Base
- libMEDWrapper_V2_2_la_CPPFLAGS+= -I$(KERNEL_ROOT_DIR)/include/salome
- libMEDWrapper_V2_2_la_CPPFLAGS+= -I$(top_builddir)/adm_local_without_kernel/unix
-libMEDWrapper_V2_2_la_LDFLAGS= $(MED3_LIBS_C_ONLY) $(HDF5_LIBS)
-libMEDWrapper_V2_2_la_LIBADD= ../Base/libMEDWrapperBase.la